In the early 2000s, few people knew what a mobile phone was. Friends who, due to circumstances, were far away, communicated with each other through letters. Those who wrote on paper were packed in an envelope with stamps, taken to the post office, and then waited months for an answer.

Some 15 years have passed since then, and modern ways communications have stepped far forward. Now children know about letters only from the stories of their parents. You can contact a friend anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes. And not just talk to him, but see. You can talk as long as time permits. At the same time, the cost of such a call will be minimized.

We owe this progress to the emergence mobile communications and the World Wide Web. At the same time, the boundaries of the concept of “calling” have expanded. It has ceased to imply that both interlocutors have a telephone. The process can involve a phone, computer, laptop, tablet.

How to call a friend's mobile phone via the Internet for free?

One of the most popular is the service Calls Online... Its advantages are that:

  • no need to register,
  • you can talk for free,
  • no need to install software,
  • you can call within Russia, the CIS and subscribers of many foreign countries,
  • high quality communication.

The service is constantly being improved. The list of countries to which you can call is constantly growing. This is the fastest and easiest way to call your family and friends via the Internet. So far, the service offers to talk for free 1 minute per day, but Online Calls is constantly expanding the boundaries of what is possible.

Important! Your device must have a microphone and a webcam. You will also need headphones and fast internet.

The same services are provided by the site On the this moment the service does not support calls within Russia and the CIS, but if you need to call to foreign countries, then this is a great option. For example, by calling a friend who is in the United States, you can talk for free for 240 seconds (6 minutes). The talk time varies depending on the country.

Successful calling programs include Evaphone, Flash2Voip and FreeCall... They can be downloaded from the official sites. Each program has its own limits on free calls and available directions. If you don't have enough time, then you will have to pay for the extra time, but the tariffs for the programs are modest (lower than those of mobile operators).

The only thing you need is to install the software correctly, but there is nothing difficult about that. The programs have a clear and logical interface that is easy to understand even for a beginner. The advantage over online services is the ability to communicate for free for much longer. For example, FreeCall allows its users to communicate with loved ones for 300 minutes a week, and only 7 minutes through the Online Calls website.

How to call a mobile phone via the Internet: paid methods

In addition to free methods, you can call mobile friend paid. For example, if you do not have enough time to communicate through programs or you do not want to mess with them. It is logical that you can make a paid call using the above methods, if the limit of free calls has been exhausted.

An excellent program for making calls using the "World Wide Web" to mobile phones is well known to everyone and loved by many Skype... In this case, there is no free call limit. You need to top up your Skype balance. The money will be converted by the system into euros at the exchange rate. And then you can safely call. By the way, there is an opportunity to pay for a month of calls.

You can make calls via the Internet using Skype to mobile operators almost all over the world. For example, calls within Russia cost from 7.4 cents / minute (about 5.5 rubles). Calling to Europe is even cheaper. For example, a call to France will cost only 5.9 cents / minute (4.4 rubles). Call cost to the States depends on the region, but the minimum tariff is more than modest - 1.7 cents / minute (1.3 rubles).

Viber- highly convenient program for calls over the Internet. This is Skype's main competitor. Initially, it was positioned by developers as software for mobile phones. However, over the past few years it has been actively developing as a full-fledged application for tablets, laptops and PCs. But the main task remained unchanged - to provide comfortable communication. Now Viber allows you to make calls over the Internet to cell phones. This feature is called Viber OUT... Detailed rates can be found on the Internet. It is worth noting that the most expensive calls using Viber OUT are to Russia and the CIS. For example, calls to Russian operators will cost 7.9 cents (in the case of Viber, we are talking about US $), to Ukraine - 19.5 cents / minute (13 rubles), and to Belarus - as much as 39 cents / minute (26 rubles ). At the same time, a call to Canada will cost a modest 2.3 cents / minute (1.5 rubles).

How to choose which program to call? Everyone, just be guided by the following criteria:

  • tariffs,
  • which program is more common to use.

The connection quality of Skype and Viber is equally high.

How to make free calls over the Internet?

If you do not get attached to a cell phone, then the possibilities for free calls are greatly expanded.

All the same Skype, Viber, as well as WatsApp, provide the possibility of unlimited and absolutely free communication between your users. That is, to communicate using video calls and messages, you just need to install the application on your mobile phone, tablet or PC and create an account. True, it should be noted that WatsApp allows communication only through mobile phones with Internet access, and Viber must first be installed on the phone, and only then can be installed on a PC.

The interface is very simple and straightforward. Even a child will not be difficult to use the applications. By the way, which is convenient in Viber and WatsApp, it is not necessary to enable video communication. It is enough just to make a call using the Internet and talk, as when making calls through mobile operators.

This article provides a non-exhaustive list of resources that you can use to make calls. Collected and described only the most convenient, and therefore popular, methods of free and paid calls using the Internet.

Hello everyone, my dear friends! In my first article of 2018, I would like to tell you how to call from a computer to a phone for free or for a fee. different ways... All the same, no matter how communication technologies develop, text will never replace voice or video communication.

As a rule, in order to make a call from a computer, you can use two methods:

  • Using dedicated calling apps
  • Using online services

Naturally, we will consider both options, and each of them will also contain several different methods, so you can easily find the most suitable one for yourself.

Internet calling software

Well, the first thing we will touch on will be instant messengers, that is, special applications for calls and messages. Initially, they were created only for communication between smartphones, but over time, each of them received its own official version for the computer. The desktop versions are almost complete analogs of mobile applications and synchronize all contacts, messages and other content with it.

As such, there is no registration there, but in order to reduce the number of bots and fake accounts, each of them is attached to a specific phone number, which will eventually await you. Let's take a closer look at each application.


The main calling and messaging app I use is Viber. If you still don't have it on your computer, be sure to install it. I described this procedure in detail.

Now you will have 2 options for making a call from your computer to your phone:

  • Make a call to your friend who also has a vibe. It's free, but two conditions must be met: both of you must have a vibe installed and both of you must be in the active Internet area, since the call is made through it.
  • Make a call to a phone number. This method is paid, but the call is made not via the Internet, but via a mobile line, so the other subscriber does not need to have the application installed.

In order to make a call via Viber, go to the chat with any contact and click on the handset icon at the top. You will get 2 options, which I described just above: Make a free call or via Viber Out to a mobile operator's number directly (for example, beeline, megaphone or tele2) for money.

Whats up

It would seem that since it is possible with the computer version of the vaber, it means that it can be done with the help of vatsap. But actually it is not. For some reason, the developers did not make available the WhatsApp calling function for the desktop version, so it remains only mobile. The only thing that can be done with this messenger so far is:

  • Send voice messages. But this is a rather inconvenient form of communication.
  • Install an Android emulator on a computer, such as Blue Stacks, and install a regular mobile version on it so that you can use all available methods.

Personally, I hope that soon whatsappers will add computer version and will introduce the function of a voice call, since these two methods cannot be called convenient and preference will always be given to other messengers.


And of course, I can't help but tell you about the instant messenger that is gaining momentum. Many were interested, from the computer, and I'll tell you what you can. Therefore, to get started, be sure to download the computer version of the application, for example, from here, and install it. You do not need any registration, but you will have to enter the teleon number. All the same, safety comes first. Well, now, in order.

Unfortunately, in this messenger, you can still call only those who also have a telegram installed, since it will not stink on direct numbers. This means that both subscribers must have an active Internet connection. The only plus, again, can be called the fact that calls are made free of charge, not counting the consumption of your Internet traffic.

But I think that soon this opportunity will be realized and then it will be possible to use it fully, just like the vibe.


A program that needs no introduction. Skype is not just a messenger. This is a mastodon among all communication programs, which completely ousted other messengers, such as ICQ, from the market. And until now, Skype does not lose its relevance, but rather the opposite.

In this program, you can make calls in two ways:

  • Is free. You can call subscribers from your contact list directly to Skype. This method assumes that both subscribers have installed Skype and active Internet.
  • Paid. You call anywhere and anyone on any mobile numbers. At the same time, the other subscriber does not have to have Skype or Internet on his phone (even if he has a Nokia 3310), since the call is made to the phone itself.

In order to make a call to another Skype subscriber, just select him from the contact list and press the call of the handset or video camera, depending on how you want to talk with the interlocutor, with or without video.

But in order to make a call to a landline or mobile number, you need to act differently:

Mail agent

Surely many are already familiar with this program, although not everyone used it. Everyone knows that Mail likes to shove its products into various installers of programs, so many are still surprised when they see a shortcut with an agent on their desktop along with the Amigo browser. But be that as it may, this message also behaves very well when you need to call any telephone number from a computer or laptop.

First, you will need to download the Mail agent from this site, then install it and start using it. If you have an account on Mail ru, then you can do without registration. However, the application is not adapted for a free call to a subscriber, so you will have to top up your account anyway.

But be that as it may, after looking at the tariffs, I was very surprised, since calls to Russia, Europe and the United States cost less than a ruble per minute of conversation, which cannot be said about Ukraine and Asian countries. But if you have someone living in the USA or Germany, why not take advantage of this opportunity? You will definitely not lose weight.

Online services

Naturally, not everyone wants to install software applications on their computer, so for this category of people there are special sites that provide the opportunity for paid and free calls to phones. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

In contact with

A few years ago, VK had the ability to make video calls, but later this function was removed. Many, of course, were worried that there were no more calls to VK. But thank God, the admins changed their minds and in 2018 they launched this service again. Now and.

But here another complication arises. The fact is that it is not yet possible to call VK from a computer to a phone. The thing is that this service is tailored only for the mobile version and you will not find a call button on your computer. Moreover, even the opening will not help mobile version, since you only need an official Android or IPhone app. So for now, the only way out that I see is to install the BlueStacks android emulator and install on it mobile app.

Online calls

The first service that I would like to tell you about is called calls online... The service is pretty good, and probably the most famous in this niche, but despite being assured that it can make free calls, it's actually quite difficult. The thing is that a limited number of free minutes are given per day, which are spent by users just lightning fast. But if you are ready to say goodbye with a few rubles, then why not call for a fee?

Check out the rates and see how much this or that call will cost you, both local and long distance and international. For example, a call to any of the regions in Spain will cost you less than one and a half rubles per minute. In my opinion it's practically free. But to call from a computer to Uzbekistan, you have to fork out.

But if you take Russia, then calling from a computer not the phones of mobile operators Beeline, MTS or a megaphone will be 2 times more expensive than ordinary landline numbers. So in this case, I would not recommend that you use this service. You will definitely stay in the red.

All you need to do is go through a simple registration procedure and top up your personal account balance. Then you can already dial any phone number and no one will restrict you.


Another fairly popular service, thanks to which you can make paid and free calls online - Zadarma... In addition, there is an IP telephony function. But, in order to scare away freeloaders, who are now a great many on the Internet, the service does not allow the use of the free calls function until the user refills his balance. Nowadays many people do this, and I think it is correct.

In order to call directly from the site, register and top up your balance for any amount. But before you do this, I would advise you to see how much it will cost you to call a particular number. To do this, click on the "Tariffs" menu. And already inside you will be able to enter the number and find out how much you will get a minute of the conversation. Let's say I want to see how much I will call on Tele2 or Beeline. To do this, I enter "Russia" as the country and see all available tariffs. It is cheaper here than in the previous case, but in general it is still expensive if it is a local call.

If the cost does not bother you, then we deposit funds and go to the "Services" - "Call from the site"... There we dial the number we need and get ready for the conversation. Do not forget to connect the microphone at the same time if you are using a regular desktop computer, not a laptop.


Quite good foreign online service call2friends also allows you to call from your computer to your phone for free without registration, but is limited in time. Try to go to the site and click on the "Free Call" button, then dial the number you are interested in. Just before that, you will have to disable all Internet ad blockers, otherwise the service will not allow you to call. The service will check the availability within 30 seconds. But unfortunately. there are very few available minutes per day, so it will be simply unrealistic to use this service during the day, again because of the crowd of freeloaders.

Although, to be honest, it seems to me that there are no free calls here at all, or that a negligible amount of minutes is really given, since the site is cluttered with ads from Google and is designed for you to click on one of the ad units in 30 seconds of checking.

But nevertheless, there is still an opportunity to call from a computer, for this you will have to register on the site and top up the balance of your personal account. In principle, calls there are not very expensive, especially for those who are going to call through a long distance or to another country. You can find all the tariffs on the website in the "Rates" section.


Another foreign service Flash2Voip which works in much the same way. You can call from your computer to your phone through it, but unfortunately it is again not free. Of course, the service provides several free calls for calls, but again, in order to use them, you need to be unrealistically nimble, as others quickly spend them.


And of course, I could not help but talk about a cool domestic service for making online calls via a computer - Sipnet... The service is mainly aimed at paid calls, but with it you can also make free calls. The truth with this will be more difficult. To do this, you have to follow the stocks. Basically, every day you can only call a certain country for free. so watch out for this. Or you will need to keep at least 500 rubles on your balance so that at a certain moment you will have several free minutes.

As for paid calls, here the tariffs for calls will not hit the pocket either. You just need to enter the "Tariffs" menu and look at these prices. In addition to per-minute tariffs, there are unlimited ones, therefore, if you plan to frequently carry out voice communications, then I recommend taking it.

To use this service, you need to register in it and top up your balance, otherwise you will not be able to use even free promotions. And if you also register your mobile or landline phone, then you will receive 50 rubles to your account for calls. Pretty nice bonus.

Also, a pleasant plus for many will be the presence of an affiliate program, thanks to which you can have a small percentage of the replenishment of the balance of people who followed your link. Therefore, do not forget to recommend the service.

The only negative is the price. All the same, the previous services charge less money for international calls, but nevertheless there are very cheap options. In general, I recommend taking a closer look at this service.


YouMagic is another representative of Internet telephony that will help you stay in touch, even if you do not have a phone or the ability to call from it. In fact, this is not just a site for online calls, but a full-fledged virtual PBX. But in order to call from a computer to a phone via the Internet, it is quite suitable for us.

Having entered the site, you can familiarize yourself with the current tariffs, but before you start working with the PBX, you will definitely need to register there and, by tradition, top up your balance. But the prices there are quite generous, especially if, again, we take the countries of Europe or the United States.


As you can see, the huge selection of communication solutions is no longer something new. but rather mundane. It remains only to choose what will be more convenient for you personally. Personally, I prefer to make calls using instant messengers, but other people do not accept the use of programs, so they prefer online services.

In what way do you prefer to call from your computer to your phone: via the Internet or directly? Write your opinion in the comments.

Well, that's all for me. Hope my article today helped you. If you liked it, then do not forget to subscribe to my blog and all my social networks. I look forward to seeing you again. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

We have long been accustomed to making calls via the Internet for free from computer to computer, for example, via Skype and similar applications. But not always the person we want to call has the opportunity to be online, because in Russia, many regions still do not have normal, or less cheap, Internet access. But a mobile phone now does not have unless someone who does not know how to use it.

Hence the question arises: "is it possible to call a mobile phone via the Internet for free and how to do it"?

Free online calls to phones are possible!

For example, the opportunity to call any mobile number for free is provided by the CALLS.ONLINE service. Of course, they limit users to a call duration of just one minute and the number of possible calls per unit of time. But for a quick conversation "for free" this is quite enough.


Thus, this service advertises its low-cost tariffs for long-distance and international calls, which, in our opinion, are still really the most profitable among similar services. For example, calls to mobile phones in Russia (for most regions) cost only around 1.5 rubles per minute, and for some regions, only 1.15 rubles per minute. Calling to Yekaterinburg and Moscow is the most profitable and costs 0.65 and 0.78 rubles per minute, respectively.

Another SIPNET service offers free calls over the Internet to phones using their IP telephony. Their trick is that they do not limit the call time, i.e. you can talk all day. But every day only a few promotional regions are available for free dialing.


Cheap calls within Russia through Mail.Ru Agent

Also, quite cheap calls to mobiles are offered by the Mail.Ru service using their program for online communication Agent. At the time of writing, calls to any mobile Russia will cost 1.6 rubles per minute. This is very beneficial for some regions.

Mail.Ru agent

Cheapest online calls to phones

In our opinion, at the moment the cheapest calls are offered by the CALLS.ONLINE service and we recommend using it. Of course, if you want to save money, you can monitor the current promotional offers of other services. But it is this service that consistently offers the lowest prices for calls.

After registering on the Zadarma website, you will receive 30 free minutes for calls to 40 countries of the world. Among them are Russia (only Moscow and St. Petersburg), Poland, USA, France, Canada, Israel and others. If you top up your account with $ 9.5, then the service will provide another 400 bonus minutes, and you can spend the money on calls to other countries.

Zadarma allows you to make calls from a common browser and applications for desktop and mobile platforms to landlines and cell phones.

To make a call from a browser, connect a microphone to your computer (if it is not built-in), log in to the Zadarma website and open the page for calls. You will see a keyboard with which you can dial the required phone number.

The owners of Sipnet position it as a service for cheap international calls, with the help of which you can contact any city in Russia, Ukraine and the world. But within the framework of regular promotions, the project provides an opportunity to call landline numbers in some countries for free. Only to participate, you will have to deposit at least $ 10 into your account in the service. e.

If you and your interlocutor are online, then it will be more convenient for you to call using one of the.

Step-by-step instruction for newbies. How to download skype?

By installing Skype, you can make free calls from your personal computer to mobile or landline phones for one month. To do this, you only need to connect tariff plan"Peace". To activate it, you need to enter your payment details. Do not be alarmed! This is necessary for your sole, solely your use of the tariff and to convince the Skype moderators that you will use this free service once.

After a month, if you want to renew the service, you will need to activate a paid tariff. Its cost depends on the number of calls you will be making. So, for an unlimited number of calls within Russia, you will need to pay $ 6.99 (about 340 rubles), 100 minutes of conversation cost $ 5.99 (about 280 rubles), and 300 minutes - $ 15.99 (about 850 rubles). Decision is on you!


Viber Is one of the most popular communication applications in Russia. With Viber, you can not only make calls, but also send text, video, audio messages, send files and much more.

Viber developed relatively recently, the year of its appearance is 2010. The idea for the development was submitted by the citizens of Israel Talmon Marko and Igor Mazinnik, the program was developed by a whole headquarters of IT specialists from Belarus. At first, the program was developed exclusively for phones with an operating room. IOS system, over time, the application installation options expanded and became available to users of phones with platforms Android and Windows Phone ... The name Viber was given in honor of the Danish bird Chibis, known for its beautiful and sonorous singing. This represents a good communication quality in the program.

In order to call from a computer or laptop to a phone, you need to go to the official Viber website - and download its installer, that is, click on the green button "Download Viber Desktop".

The registration process in Viber is much easier than in Skype... To do this, you just need to select a country (Russia) and enter your valid phone number. After you enter the number, this phone will receive SMS notification with a code that must be promptly entered into the required field. This is necessary to activate your number and to verify the authenticity and correctness of the number you dialed.

After registration, you can only make a call for free to users Viber... If you need to call someone who is not using Viber, then I will withdraw the fee from you. If you call within Russia, the cost of the call will be about 6 rubles per minute, if abroad, it will be more expensive. But in any case, such calls are more profitable, since the application does not charge for the connection.

Is a well-known application for exchanging text and voice messages and making calls. This program guarantees strict confidentiality due to modern system data encryption.

The creator is a Ukrainian Yang Kum... After forced immigration to the United States, Ian became acquainted with Brian Acton with whom they worked at the enterprise Yahoo... In 2009, Ian came up with the idea of ​​creating an application for sending messages - a messenger - but, having created such an application, it did not take advantage of the demand. Then, after appearing at Iphone function of toast notifications, the application began to make a profit. The owner of Facebook became interested in WhatsApp and bought it for $ 16 billion. This deal is still considered the largest deal in the Internet industry.

You can download WhatsApp if you have an operating system installed on your computer. Windows system 8 (32 or 64 bit) or Mac OS. To do this, you need to go to the following link - - and click on operating system matching your.

VIDEO: If you don't know what version of Windows you have

Bit depth Windows

How to find out the bit depth of Windows. Answers to questions for beginners.

After installing the program, you will need to register. Registration will not take much time, you only need to enter a valid phone number and confirm the correctness of the number by entering the code that will be sent to you. SMS notification.

You will not be able to call a subscriber if he does not have it installed on his phone. The program is not intended for free calls to landline or mobile numbers.

It is a service for making audio and video calls using the Internet, as well as calls to mobile phones. was not aimed at hitting the market by its appearance, it was an experiment of a group of St. Petersburg programmers. The history of the project began in 1998, then the well-known mail was called When this project took advantage of the popularity, programmers began to create similar domain projects, such as,, and by 2003, having become a competitor to the well-known ICQ, Agent was created.

If you have Windows or Mac OS installed on your computer, then you can use this service. To install Agent, you need to follow the link: and click on the green "Download Agent" button.

Mail.Ru Agent also has a browser version, which means that you do not need to install the program on your computer, you just need to launch the Web Agent. To do this, go to the following link: After that, click on the green "Run Web Agent" button.

After downloading the Agent (program) or launching the Web Agent (online version), you need to log into your mail, for this you need to enter your mail name and password in the appropriate fields.

Calls to mobile or landline phones using the Agent are free of charge.

- Russian analogue of such programs as Viber, WhatsApp and Skype, with which you can also make calls and send messages.

This is a relatively young messenger, it was developed in 2006, and from the very start it began to gain momentum due to the low cost of calls. The quality of the connection is getting higher and higher every year.

To make a call using the Sippoint platform, you need to download the program to your Personal Computer:

Then, you need to install the program on your computer. This is not difficult to do. After you download sippoint (Important! Sippoint can only be installed on Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7), follow the installation instructions, check or uncheck the boxes where needed and click the "Next" button. We advise you to carefully read what the installation wizard offers. Very often, with the installation of the program you need, "left" programs are installed, mainly games, antivirus programs, and so on.

The connection with Sippoint is still one of the cheapest. The subscription fee in any tariff is 0 rubles, the cost of the first minute of a conversation with a landline number does not exceed 70 kopecks, with mobile number- no more than 2 rubles, depending on the region of residence of the subscriber.

Websites for making free calls from computer to phone

If you do not have the time or desire to understand the installations and registrations in the programs mentioned above, for you below is a list of sites through which you can also call the phone. Unfortunately, all sites work on a paid basis, that is, to make a call, you will need to pay the moderator the amount set by him. But, in order to attract an audience, promotions are often held on such sites. So, you can not only save on the payment for the call, but also call for free.

Calls.Online is the most common site through which you can call landline and cellular telephone, and you do not need to register on the site.

You have one free minute per day, minutes are not cumulative. That is, if you do not use the service for a week, then your account will have not 7 minutes, but one. After a free minute, the site offers to pay for the conversation at a rate of 2 to 44 rubles per minute if you call within Russia. The cost per minute depends on the operator of the subscriber you want to call.