Two years ago, we denied the need for a smaller iPad. And now we consider it to be the best tablet in the world with might and main. As soon as Tim Cook confirmed the exit, I knew that I would definitely buy it. And now he lies next to him. Is this a good tablet? Definitely. Should you change to this one? No options. True, this is not a perfect device.

Apple employs engineers, not magicians. Pros in new devices are always easy to find: the euphoria and joy of owning a new toy help a lot in this. But getting to the bottom of the real cons in the first few days is almost impossible. I have been using the new iPad mini with Retina display for three weeks and found, in addition to obvious improvements, a few unexpected negative aspects, many of which were not written about in any popular review. Let's fix the situation by starting with ourselves!

For what?

Is the iPad mini with Retina display so bad that a separate article is devoted to its cons? Of course, this is not at all the case. Quite the opposite. I am sincerely, objectively delighted with this tablet: it is very fast, very lightweight, very portable and functional. This is exactly the iPad mini that we secretly wanted when buying the previous model.

But after reading dozens of foreign and a couple of domestic reviews, I was left with mixed feelings: as always, journalists are in a hurry, want to be among the first to shoot a review, and slide into banal praise of the device and free quotation of marketing clichés from pages. And their readers are already talking about the minuses - on the forums, with angry responses towards the manufacturer. I think this is wrong. So that you are fully armed, I will freely walk roller iPad mini with Retina display. I will make a reservation right away that we will not discuss the advantages in detail.

Battery, charging and time autonomous work

From year to year, Apple puts a charge and cable on its iPads, denying an extra pair of headphones. An interesting point: iPad mini is not equipped with a new one, but with an old 10-watt one. The manufacturer saves, but in practice this changes almost nothing: the tablet is charged for about 5-6 hours from zero to 100%. If you use it regularly and thoroughly, get into the habit of charging the device every two days - and everything will be fine.

The new mini is practically not powered from the USB port, except for the deep sleep mode. Considering that notifications are constantly received there, you will have at most 20-25% for the whole night. Plug it in, there is no other option. I warn you right away: with a capacity of less than 10,000 mA, they barely breathe, being connected to a new tablet. These are the realities of using a new display and much more gluttonous hardware.

When playing resource-intensive things like, the tablet discharges faster than the previous generation mini - mine refuses to live after 5 hours of continuous play. But here it is worth making an important remark: we are talking about the "heaviest" toy for iOS at the moment, which, in terms of processor load, even Infinity Blade III... Toys "lighter" will work in the region of 7-8 hours, and in the "naked" surfing on Wi-Fi without playing video and with low brightness, you can squeeze out of the tablet not even 10, but as much as 11, or even 12 hours of work ... That's more than 99.99% of us need. During the day, you will definitely have the opportunity to find a charger, which means that the iPad simply cannot physically let you down at the right time (hello, iPhone!).

By the way, I'm so used to the long and stable battery life of the iPad that I constantly forget about the helplessness of iPhones in this regard. Do not count the calls and important emails that were missed due to the fact that I forgot to turn off 3G and prohibit geolocation. With an iPad, you never need to do this kind of bullshit. Well, if only you want to set records: there are people on Twitter who squeezed 13 hours of continuous work from a tablet. And when to live, eat, sleep? :)

Housing, design and heating

iPad mini with Retina display comes with iPad mini without Retina display. This could be the end. But no, Apple made a reservation that the body became a couple of tenths of a millimeter thicker and several tens of grams heavier. And now everyone wants to know: has he really become fat and terribly heavy, or can he be patient and somehow survive? Well, you understand, a whole tenth of a millimeter is not for you khukhry-mukhry!

No, it is not fat or heavy at all. The difference with the previous iPad mini is felt only when alternately weighing in the hands. And then all this looks more like a statistical error. In general, we immediately discard the weight.

The old cover could not stand the upgrade.

It would seem that in this situation, you can not think about the thickness at all. But no. You may not notice it, but covers and linings will not get off so easily. The new iPad mini does not fit well into the tightly fitted cases for the previous generation, for example, those with hard plastic clips on the sides. If the clamps are weak, then the novelty will not fit there properly at all. And if you are strong, then every time you “undress” you will pray so as not to wrinkle or scratch the sensitive sharpened edges of the tablet.

Not only have the grooves burst, but also the lid is now not fully closed.

Do not take risks with covers: take your tablet with you, go to the store and try on each option before buying. If it fits enchantingly tightly or not to the end - refuse and look for another. Unfortunately, not every manufacturer got it, and many of them willingly say that their old cases are fully compatible with the new iPad mini. In addition to the clamps, pay attention to the cover, if any. The protruding piece of the new tablet, timidly peeking out of the cover for the previous generation mini, is very frustrating: I personally have to look for a new cover for every day to replace the one I already love.


The new iPad mini is nearly three to five times more powerful than its predecessor. This could not remain without consequences. Metal is an excellent thermal conductor, making it Apple's favorite material for legendary MacBook cases. Only Apple mobile gadgets do not have heatsinks, let alone coolers. Therefore, only the body plays the role of a cooler. You can probably already guess what I'm getting at.

iPad mini with Retina display may become warm. Strong. About the same as two years ago - and even a little stronger. For example, the game GTA: San Andreas able to warm up the tablet to an unusual state, when the device is not hot enough to get burned, but already enough to really start to worry. Moreover, the warmth is felt not only on the back panel, but also on the screen: the gadget is relatively small, and there is especially nowhere for the heat to go. Apple knew this very, very well. Why I think so - below.

Performance, throttling and iOS 7

The previous generation iPad mini was a smaller version of the iPad 2 with an outdated processor. Surprisingly, Apple got away with it easily: we explained it by the limitations of the case and heat dissipation, and then we went to the stores in slender rows. In 2013, the trick did not repeat itself: iPad mini with Retina display uses an A7 processor. It also has an A7 processor. And in too. And so a reasonable question arises: why do these devices show different levels of performance not only in synthetic tests, but also in games?


Chart from Anandtech's iPad mini review

Each A7 processor is different from the same in another device - be it the iPhone 5s, iPad Air or the new iPad mini. Numerous tests of the A7 have shown that each of the three gadgets operates at a different frequency, which changes depending on the load on the processor. It is called Throttling: a programmed limit on the processor's performance to protect it from overheating. Throttling is implemented in all processors, from full-fledged computer CPUs to mobile ARM. Thanks to throttling, your iPhone and iPad will not be able to overheat and damage from excessive stress. I explain this so that no one "rolls a barrel" onto the technology itself.

Well, Apple's new gadgets - and throttling boundaries - are programmed differently. The iPad Air performs best of all. Under high load, it very smoothly, almost one megahertz at a time, reduces the processor frequency to 1.3 GHz. This is a very small drop that the average user will not be able to notice. Air is partly lucky: it is only provided for in its design.

Chart from the iPad Air review on Anandtech

But the iPhone 5s for real "Freaks out" as soon as it is faced with a resource-intensive task. The processor frequency in "esk" drops sharply from 1.3 GHz to 1 GHz, and then actively jumps up and down, and sometimes drops to 850 MHz - more than a third of the base value. But this is a third of the speed, which disappears into nowhere while your smartphone is cooling down.

If you are sitting in Safari at this moment, all these fluctuations will not be noticeable. But if you play GTA: San Andreas, you will see the moment when throttling is activated. naked eye... The toy will just start to slow down noticeably. The developers did not take into account the fact of throttling, so the engine loads the poor iPhone as if it had all 1.3 GHz. And there is 850 MHz, on the screen - 15 frames per second, and rear panel slowly turns into a frying pan. In general, throttling greatly changes the balance of power in resource-intensive applications.

The success of these devices is important in comparison. IPad mini with Retina display has the same processor frequency as iPhone 5s. The throttling parameters in it are slightly better than in the iPhone: for example, the drop in performance stops at about 1 GHz, which is already much better. But the main problem remains: as soon as you load a new mini-tablet, it quickly drops a good quarter of its performance in favor of the temperature of the chip. The A7 proved to be significantly hotter than previous chips, and therefore Apple had to make such sacrifices.

iPhone 5s is still more powerful

If the previous moment is of interest primarily to developers, then the next "minus" can be easily understood by any ordinary user. The difference in real, effective video performance between the iPhone 5s and iPad mini is not in favor of the tablet. All thanks to the resource intensity of the new Retina display. After all, the processor in the iPhone 5s runs on a screen with half the resolution of the iPad mini 2013 display. This is partly confirmed by tests of the processing power of the processor:

But only GPU tests show the real difference:

The difference in effective 3D performance is over 30 percent in favor of the iPhone 5s. Lower resolution means less hardware load. And here even an increased throttling threshold cannot change anything.

What does all this mean for each of us? A simple fact: the most beautiful and high-quality games of 2014 will not only work slightly better on the iPhone 5s than on the iPad mini with Retina display, but will also show a better picture at the same time. The next time Apple should consider installing more powerful processors in its tablets than those that come with the company's miniature smartphones. This has already happened with the iPad 4 and A6x, so why not repeat the trick next year?

Going through the features of the processor, I want to note: everything is not at all as bad as it might seem after reading this section. For all the odd drawbacks, performance is the first reason that should force you to swap out your old iPad mini for a new one. Fact: no mobile game will slow down on this tablet for another year or two. The difference is noticeable to the naked eye: where the old model thinks for six seconds, the new one thinks only for a second or a half. iOS 7 has dramatically increased technical requirements to the device, and the first iPad mini finally ceased to cope with the modern load. Lags and freezes don't exist on the mini with Retina display, except for one and only - those that appear thanks to poorly optimized iOS 7.

iOS 7. Version matters

Very good. Especially her idea. Thanks to the seven, Apple devices have finally found not only a second life, but also a completely new vector of software development, which seemed impossible in the language of skeuomorphism. But let's be honest, just one minute. First, the iOS 7 icons are still ugly. We could get used to it, we could stop paying attention, but this cannot cancel the very fact of the soulless wretchedness of most of the icons of the main, home screen. Secondly, none of these icons and none of the official apps reveal the benefits of the gorgeous iPhone and iPad screens. Where there used to be super-detailed textures, there is now a two-tone gradient and spacious shapes. Finally, the performance of the system itself is often poor.

Thanks to the design nude iOS 7, the difference between the old iPad mini and the new iPad mini isn't nearly as strong as, say, between the iPad 2 and iPad 3 back in the days of iOS 5/6. It, at a glance, is dictated only by the desktop wallpaper - now much more detailed. We'll talk about the screen later. The main thing is that the "old man", that the new product has strange brakes: for example, applications switch with twitching, or close with a lag when using the gesture with five fingers. The A7 processor has nothing to do with it: it's just that iOS 7 is poorly optimized for new hardware, and Apple's system will have to work long and hard.

To really enjoy iPad mini with Retina display, you need to install the latest beta version on it. You cannot do this without registering a UDID, so take care of everything in advance so as not to be left with a brick at a crucial moment. The main plus of iOS 7.1 is ultra-fast, truly smooth animations for the first time, as well as the clearly increased performance of the system itself. After iOS 7.1, the officially available version seems to be hello from Android OS. Unfortunately, there are rumors that it is official, so for now we will have to beg for beta versions.


A conversation about hardware would not be complete without mentioning RAM. Today, all Apple mobile gadgets cost strictly 1 gigabyte. random access memory... According to bucket owners, this is very little. According to the owners of iDevices, everyone somehow do not care... The gigabyte limit, which applies to all top devices, has a good effect on the optimization of third-party games and applications: developers know what "ceiling" they need to target at least in the next six months. But it is already clear that the system is "suffocating" within the framework of such a large amount of RAM. For example, on iOS 6, the iPad could hold almost 7-10 Safari tabs in memory without requiring them to be reloaded. Today, their number does not exceed 4-5, and sometimes even less (depending on the weight of the opened pages).

When the second iPad mini with Retina display comes out, Apple is excited to announce that the device has more RAM, and we're right! - happily go to the store. Remember this when buying the current mini, and mentally prepare for this, so that later you will not be offended by the guys from Cupertino. They need to earn money.

Retina display. Afterglow, contrast issues - huegate

We were genuinely surprised that the technical specifications of the latest full-size iPad will match those of the mini version. It wasn't exactly Apple style. Somewhere the company had to really save money. Unfortunately, the savings were almost entirely on the Retina display. Chances are you already know: the screen of the new iPad mini is more recognized than that of the recently released iPad Air. The difference is in the depth, variety and contrast of the displayed colors: the new mini is much more passive and colder in color reproduction than the bright, sharp and mesmerizing iPad Air display.

The Russian transcription of the phenomenon sounds peculiar, but in the West this "scandal" was dubbed "Huegate"- by analogy with Antennagate() and Scuffgate(). As an iPad Air owner with a little experience, I can confirm that the colors in the new mini are really not as vibrant as on the large iPads. The range of displayed colors corresponds to that of the very first mini model. Therefore, we can conclude: the Retina screen of the iPad mini differs from the old display by only double the resolution. And nothing else.

There are two options for how to react to this minus. If you have used only a "minicom" last year and did not have a 9.7-inch Retina-iPad at hand, then all these scandals and "gates" do not concern you at all. Any difference is recognized in comparison, and if you compare the new mini with the old, and not with some "fourth" iPad, the previous generation does not have no one real advantage. Just grab a new model and don't worry.

If you are still undecided about which model of the new iPad you should take, take a walk to the store and be sure to compare the iPad Air and the new iPad mini. The Air screen will definitely be of better quality in all possible parameters. Except, perhaps, the clarity of the picture: the density of pixels per inch, and hence the detail of the image in the new iPad mini deserves the highest praise.

Differences in color reproduction make you think twice about buying an iPad Air instead of a mini. But remember: whatever the difference in screens, the size of a large iPad still matters. Fact: mini is always more convenient and easier to take with you, carry in one hand, hide in a bag and so on. And the Air, no matter how lightweight and thin it is, still remains 9.7-inch. "Tray", which is not always comfortable to get in a public place. And even more so for them to photograph something. Accordingly, if you are going to take a mini, take a mini. If you were attracted to Air and you were previously happy with full-size iPads - don't waste your time.

Color reproduction aside, the new mini's screen is great. Huge viewing angles and high brightness make the picture incredibly solid, as if reproduced on paper. The old model ceases to be quoted here altogether. Now the small text on the pages of sites does not look like a cluster of blurry pixels, and with a certain skill and good vision, you can read the news on the pages without using the zoom. The sharpness of the picture is unusual for those who have been using the old mini for a long time: I swear, the first few days I continued to see pixels and their clearly delineated boundaries.

Like that.

Here, however, you have to make an unexpected remark. In the second week after buying a new mini, I discovered a strange feature of the new screen, which I have never seen on either iPad or iPhone. If the screen displays a dark picture for a long time, and then suddenly switches to bright, gray and white colors, then the color rendition changes significantly. Gray colors, and especially small text, seem to disappear against a white background, and all other shades become brighter - as if they were "burned out". The essence of the problem is suspiciously reminiscent. Only in the case of MacBooks on all "Internet", but something about mini is silent. Probably everyone is happy: it's better So than no Retina screen at all.

Most often I "caught" this problem in the official client Youtube: after watching a long video with a lot of black, I minimized it from full-screen mode with a gesture - and for 2-3 seconds I hardly saw the description text, comment block, and so on. There is no need to panic: the screen very quickly restores the normal color balance, and it is not so easy to achieve such a strange effect. However, this has not yet happened in previous mobile models. Apple devices... Problems with mini displays, which caused Apple to significantly delay the launch of devices on sale, were known back in. It is now clear that these were not just rumors. Have you seen such problems on your devices? Share in the comments.


The Retina display makes the iPad mini a modern device, but does not create a rival for the full-size tablet. iPad Air is much better suited for home use: it is more interesting to watch movies and surf the web, because the advantages of a physically larger screen are obvious. But the new iPad mini is a versatile companion in the city and on the road, capable of everything you expect from a tablet. And if you move a lot in life, you are on the way with the "minicom".

I didn't want this article to be filled with negativity. But there are never perfect devices - and therefore, in order to make a truly correct purchase, each of us must know not only the pros, but also the cons. Euphoria is always good, but it tends to fade away, leaving behind purely practical conclusions. Now, when you make a decision and go to the store for the iPad mini, you will know for sure that it will not disappoint you in any way. And this is the most important thing.

Roman Yuriev's impressions of the Retina iPad mini

The announcement of the new iPad models is a bit unsettling, to be honest. turned out to be MUCH lighter and significantly more compact than its predecessor, and in terms of power it does not lag behind its larger counterpart. What to choose against the background of experience working with two tablets at once - and? Everyone has it its pluses, but I still decided not to procreate entities and use only one new generation tablet, having sold both predecessors.

iPad Air is a larger display, weighing just 120g, more than the second generation iPad mini, plus better color reproduction. In general, from the color rendition of the display of the new iPad mini, and this also added its own confusion to the choice. Nevertheless, 80% of the time I work with iPad mini and it is always with me, there is even a chic shoulder bag for the gadget that the iPad Air does not fit in any way. A severe shortage for a compact new product almost became the reason for purchasing an iPad Air, but I still resisted and got hold of a Retina iPad mini, which I absolutely do not regret. And now, after such a long and dramatic introduction, my first impressions of the new product.

There was no WOW effect, except that I was quite a little excited by 128 GB of flash memory and the ability to throw not only 1.5-gigabyte "rips" of movies, but also HD versions of 4-5 GB, plus all the software and toys that were previously distributed between the two tablets. Still, a big family and everyone has something of their own on the device. Now all this easily fits into 128 GB and there is still a lot of space (about 30 GB, to be exact).

That is, the first feeling is that the new iPad mini is exactly the same as the old one, as if it did not change the tablet. This was the first few days of using the device, when I mostly sat on it in, and watched videos on the train. Although the increased weight of the device was slightly felt, plus the light gray color of the case was unusual.

When I returned home from a business trip (in which I got a new tablet), I started working more closely with the iPad mini. And here I already felt the whole thrill of the gadget. Firstly, was glad that he took it, and not the iPad Air. The high resolution of the display rules, and in fact, I got the experience when surfing the web (when the clarity of the picture is actually needed) as on the iPad 4 before, but in a more compact package. That is, there is no negative experience in connection with the reduced diagonal of the display.

Secondly without having an iPad Air at hand for direct comparison, I do not see any problems with the color reproduction of the new mini. Gorgeous display and excellent color rendering. I do not understand the hysteria of the people about this. If you are still in the throes of choice over the display, then do not bother with bullshit. Normal LCD in iPad mini.

Thirdly, you begin to understand all the cool from the clarity of the screen only after a few days of heavy use of the device. Watching YouTube videos, reading books in iBooks, toys - the brain is happy, the eyes are dancing in ecstasy. At the same time "stuffed" my old iPad mini for a friend, and somehow there were no negative emotions about the display - everything is fine. That is what it means, high-quality adaptation of OS and software for different resolutions. Once again I took the Retina iPad mini in my hands and again began to rave about it.

Fourth, especially the increased productivity. Faster switching between applications, Safari crashes were no longer repeated (although it can clearly still be, given that the browser crashes from time to time on the iPhone 5s), editing texts in the WordPress admin area goes like clockwork, finally, the keyboard has stopped slowing down when typing comments in the browser, etc.

I did not find any special heating of the tablet, although I played little games so far.

Thus, do not expect some kind of techno-maniac ecstasy from the transition from the old iPad mini to the new one. Everything will happen everyday, and only after some time will you begin to realize how cool the novelty is. This is how the overall picture of the ideal tablet develops in detail. Yes, the Retina iPad mini is the perfect tablet, in my opinion. This is the gadget I've been waiting for since I met when I realized that 10 inches is a lot for a travel device that you carry with you all the time.

The Retina iPad mini is the ultimate tablet without compromise, with an ultra-sharp display, very powerful hardware and a gorgeous software portfolio. There are no alternatives for travel and everyday lugging with you, IMHO.

Arthur Malosiev's impressions of iPad mini with Retina display

I consider my purchase of the second generation iPad mini one of the most useful in the past year. Its great display and resources are enough to meet all my needs. From past experience, I took exclusively the Wi-Fi version, so as not to produce SIM cards at home, because the iPhone 5s turns into a modem by pressing a button. In my opinion, the real "minicom" turned out to be a good and reliable friend, the power reserve of which will be quite enough for the next couple of years.

If you have already bought a new mini - do not hesitate, tell us about it. Like? How do you use it? Are you going to take the Air in pursuit? Thanks for reading - and Happy Holidays!

website Two years ago, we denied the need for a smaller iPad. And now we consider it to be the best tablet in the world with might and main. As soon as Tim Cook confirmed the release of the new iPad mini, I knew that I would definitely buy it. And now he lies next to him. Is this a good tablet? Definitely. Should you change the previous mini to this one? No options. True, this is ...

iPad mini- an amazing device. When in 2012 rumors began to creep across the network that in the bowels of Apple's headquarters they were preparing a smaller version of the familiar and beloved ten-inch iPad, fans of the Cupertino technology rudely expressed their opinion, arguing the negative with fragmentation, imitation of the Android camp, impracticality, meaninglessness, and so on. more ... Few of them then could have thought that literally in a year, people would begin to abandon the classic iPad in favor of the iPad mini.

With a good aspect ratio, iPad is better suited for web surfing than widescreen tablets. The reduced iPad version turned out to be even more convenient for everyday use, and all thanks to the excellent weight and size characteristics and only two significant drawbacks were in the first iPad mini - these are low resolution and the relatively weak A5 processor at the time of release. iPad mini 2 was deprived of these minuses and now it is, in my subjective opinion, best tablet On the market.

Before us is still the same practical device, the design of which has not changed. The only visual difference between iPad Mini Retina and iPad Mini first generations are color. The silver-white model remained unchanged, and the black became gray, the color was officially named Space Gray, which in Russian localization sounds like "milky gray".

What's inside the second generation iPad Mini? Let's talk about everything in order ...

What's new in iPad mini 2 (Retina)

First, let's take a look at the differences between the iPad mini 2 and the previous model.

1. First and foremost, a Retina display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536.
This is exactly the same screen resolution as the ten-inch iPad, so the iPad mini has exactly the same DPI as the iPhone - 326! For a tablet, this is an impressive figure, the image is amazing. The display has become brighter, more contrasting, and the colors are even more saturated, the viewing angles are beyond praise, however, as always. It is infinitely pleasant to look at, both at the elements of the iOS interface and programs, and at games, there is no need to talk about fonts at all. It is a pleasure to read the text.

326 PPI. Pixels cannot be seen with the eye

2. Powerful filling.
The new iPad mini is significantly more powerful than the first model. The outdated dual-core A5 processor (the same was in the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S) was replaced by the 64-bit A7, with a frequency of 1.3 GHz. Judging by synthetic tests, the performance gain is over 400%, and the graphics processing speed has increased to 800%! The iPad mini Retina is almost the same in power as the iPad Air, the only difference in the filling is the understated frequency of the A7 processor by 100 MHz. The tablet also has an M7 coprocessor, its task is to process data on the position of the device in space - gyroscope, accelerometer, GPS.

3. Other changes:

  • the new iPad mini 2 has a quad-core g6430 graphics processor;
  • the amount of RAM has been increased from 512 Mb DDR2 to 1024 Mb DDR3;
  • the tablet has become thicker by 0.3 millimeters;
  • the weight of the Wi-Fi version has been increased from 308 g to 331 g, the weight of the Cellular version has been increased from 312 g to 341 g;
  • the battery capacity has been increased.

IPad Mini 2 (Retina) Specifications

Display IPS 7.9 inches (4: 3), oleophobic coating
Resolution 2048 × 1536 px (326 ppi)
CPU Apple A7 64-bit (2 cores, 28nm) + M7
Frequency 1.3 GHz
GPU PowerVR G6430 (4-core)
Memory 1 GB DRAM DDR3
Storage capacity 16/32/64/128 Gb
Camera iSight 5 Mpx
Full HD video recording 1080p / 30fps, stabilization
Front-camera 1.2 Mpx
720p / 30fps HD video recording
Sensors, modules GPS, Glonass, light sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer

Micro-SIM, digital compass, 1 microphone, hotspot, wireless printing, AirPlay Mirroring

Battery (working hours)
3G Internet *
Internet LTE *
Internet Wi-Fi
up to 140
to 10
up to 9
up to 9
to 10
up to 744
6471 mAh
IOS version


iOS 7.0

12.11.2013 - Present

Dimensions (mm)
331 (341 *) grams
Communication standards GSM / GPRS / EDGE, UMTS / HSUPA / HSDPA (3G) *, CDMA, LTE (4G) *, Wi-Fi (802.11 a / b / g / n), Bluetooth 4.0
* - Cellular model

What about iPad Mini 2 in use?

iPad Mini Retina, like the previous generation tablet, is ergonomic indefinitely. I will add that, being Apple's technology lovers for many years now, I have always not been very good at the classic 9.7-inch iPad. I never liked it in many respects, from weight and size characteristics to the visual component. The huge weight, inconvenient dimensions, the widest frame around the display - everything prevented me from using the large iPad as a portable and practical tablet and it turned more and more into a device for the home, and the tasks that I assigned to it were more and more compensated for by a computer and phones. As a result, the "toy" practically ceased to be used by me.

In the case of the iPad Mini, the situation is diametrically opposite. The tablet is lightweight and as practical as possible for portable use, it fits into the inner pocket of most jackets, jackets and down jackets even in a case, taking it with you on the road is a pleasure, you can hold it with one hand for a long time, and playing is a special pleasure. Considering the powerful stuffing, I can advise you to choose the iPad Mini Retina for games, rather than the iPad Air, it is really very convenient to play, primarily due to its small size.

As for the battery life, everything is great here, however, as always with Apple. iPad Mini Retina is capable of surviving heavy use of modern games (for example) for up to 7 hours. Of course, this indicator depends on the individual brightness settings and the included modules, but I managed to squeeze out 10 hours in the daily operation mode, where it was mainly web surfing, light games, and mail. There are screenshots on the network that someone managed to torment their iPad Mini 2 at low brightness for 13 hours without recharging. Agree, these are impressive numbers.

Does the iPad Mini Retina have any downsides?

There is, where without them, perfect gadgets do not exist. But the downsides of the second generation iPad Mini are really few.

1. Apple has equipped the latest line of iOS devices with one gigabyte of RAM. The memory has become not only more, it has become even faster, but by today's standards, this is still not so much. In the Android camp, 2Gb RAM is already the norm, if the iPad Mini 2 and iPad Air were equipped with the same amount, not many would want to change the gadget in a year, and Apple will happily announce at the end of the year that now regular iPads have twice the RAM more and many of us will run to the store with a smile on our face. Although, on the other hand, the existing filling will be enough for modern games for another couple of years and this is more than enough to not think about the hardware inside the device.

2. Retina display. "How so, because this is his main advantage!" - you say. Quite right, but this display is slightly worse than the iPad Air. The iPad Mini 2 display is inferior in contrast, brightness and color quality, but it wins in image clarity and this is visible to the naked eye. However, this small flaw should not be a reason for hesitating about the purchase, in practice you will notice the difference only when directly comparing the iPad Mini 2 and iPad Air, but you can notice a higher clarity and pixel density in the Mini 2 without comparison.

3. iPad Mini Retina comes with a 10-watt power supply, while a 12-watt power supply has been on sale for almost a year and a half. Thanks to this, the tablet charging takes a really long time.

4. When playing "heavy" toys for a long time, the Mini 2 body heats up significantly, the large iPad Air is less prone to this problem, thanks to the large aluminum body. In fact, this is a heatsink for a tablet, so it turns out that a smaller heatsink takes less heat from the processor. Moreover, at some point the games may start to slow down, this is because the processor frequency, upon reaching a certain temperature, begins to decrease in order to prevent overheating.

5. Perhaps the last drawback, which can be called temporary. Regarding modern games, on the iPad Mini Retina you can see some jams in them, I will not say that they are very noticeable, but they are. This is due to the fact that not all developers have yet updated their applications for the 64-bit processor architecture, hence the corresponding problems.

It is also worth noting that some users have encountered the problem of a poor-quality display, allegedly distorting the color reproduction the next second after a long display of a black image. I have not encountered this problem, but even if you are "unlucky", you should not get stuck, this is a trifle.

The first generation iPad Mini is still on sale, is it worth saving or is it better to buy an iPad Mini Retina?

You can save a lot and buy the first generation iPad Mini, but you must realize that you are buying obsolete hardware that will not last for several years and soon you will find brakes, both in games and in iOS. If possible, compare the iPad Mini screen of the first and second generation, you will understand that the choice is obvious in favor of the second.

Should you choose iPad Mini 2 (Retina) or iPad Air?

In fact, the question is quite simple. Both tablets are almost identical in power, you won't notice the difference. The 9.7-inch iPad is significantly lighter than the 469 and 478 grams of Wi-Fi and Cellular, respectively. Its bezel has become thinner around the edges. In general, iPad Mini 2 and iPad Air are almost identical tablets, which differ in only three things:
  • price - each iPad Air model is exactly 4000 more expensive than a similar iPad Mini 2;
  • size - iPad Air is significantly larger than Mini 2;
  • Weight - iPad Air is about 140 grams heavier than iPad Mini 2.

IPad performance (single core performance)

IPad performance (multi-core performance)

It's simple, if you want a mobile, convenient, productive tablet, then don't hesitate to take the iPad Mini 2 (Retina), if you want a bigger screen, then the iPad Air. For everyday use, iPad Mini 2 will be more convenient, more enjoyable to play, and the image clarity is higher. iPad Air loses a little in mobility and image clarity, but the screen is brighter and has better color reproduction, but still, it is more suitable for home use. The Mini is easier to carry, even if the Air's weight was the same as the iPad Mini, it will still be large and bulky, while the Mini is compact and as practical as possible.

If we go to Wikipedia and see the meaning of the word "Convenience", we will see a detailed definition:

"Convenience - fitness for use, the availability of conditions, opportunities for easy, pleasant, non-burdensome use of something or the satisfaction of any needs, needs."

And for the iPad Mini 2, these words are more applicable than for the iPad Air. Air is the same, only more, from here it and its disadvantages, if this is a plus for you - take the iPad Air.

Join us in

Retina screen, 64-bit A7 processor, Silver and Space Gray ... I've heard that somewhere before. And not even once. Thinking frantically what to write about the second generation iPad Mini, I realized clearly and clearly that apart from an endless string of comparisons with last year's eight-inch iPad, with the recently reviewed iPad Air, with the iPhone 5s, with all other iPads, I have nothing special to say. that personal impressions. And those are smeared with a too short period of use. With the realization of this fact, sadness covered me. How so? A wonderful device on the review, but there is nothing to write about it. Maybe this is not the fault of the new iPad, but late autumn? Since Apple doesn't care about bored reviewers, bored reviewers will take care of themselves and write a summary of the substance.

IPad Mini 2 Retina Specifications

Apple iPad mini 2 Retina
Operating system Apple iOS 7
Display 7.9 inches, IPS, Retina (2048x1536 pixels), 16 million colors, 10 simultaneous touches
CPU Apple A7, two Apple Cyclon cores (ARMv8 A32 / A64), clocked at 1.3 GHz; coprocessor M7 one core ARM Cortex-M3, video accelerator PowerVR G6430
Flash memory 16, 32, 64 or 128 GB
Camera 5 MP, autofocus, 1080p video recording; front camera for video calls (1.2 MP)
Wireless technology Wi-Fi a / b / g / n (2.4 / 5 GHz), Bluetooth 4.0, 3G (optional)
Battery non-removable, lithium polymer, 23.8 Wh
Navigation GPS, A-GPS, GLONASS
Interfaces Apple Lightning, 3.5 mm headphone output
Dimensions and weight 200x135x7.5 mm, 331 grams


No surprises. She is white. With a photo of the device, indicating which version we have: Black, without 4G / LTE, 32 gigabytes of memory. Sometimes less: 16. But sometimes more: 64 and 128 GB.

There is an envelope with papers and stickers, but no iStap, since our version does not have a 3G card slot. There is a Lightning-USB cable and an unimaginable foldable plug, perhaps the least elegant piece of equipment I've ever seen. We probably got the assembly for Hong Kong. The adapter for the European outlet, of course, will have to be purchased separately.


Here he is, beautiful-faced, in front of me. Black (black) turned out to be the same Space Gray ("space gray" or "wet asphalt") from the back. The black color is concentrated in the frame around the screen. It is here exactly the same thickness as the first generation iPad Mini and the same proportions as the iPad Air. Let me remind you that before the Air in ten-inch iPads, the frame was thicker, especially on the "long" sides. In our Mini, there was no plastic strip in the upper part, it is peculiar only to 3G-models.

iPad Mini Retina is good-looking, thin, lightweight, graceful ... Only here the Wow-effect from communicating with it did not happen. Let's say Air is more impressed. Like last year's Mini, being the first of its kind, it got tons of sweet reviews like 'look what a nice little ape # uk! ..'. In the second generation, the eight-inch iPad has become 23 grams heavier than the "nice little ip # ik" and as much as 0.3 millimeters thicker. That is, its weight is 331 grams. Not bad for an eight-inch tablet - not much, but that's not 478 grams of a ten-inch Air.

Nevertheless, this did not make the iPad Mini 2 worse, and the new - dark gray - color, perhaps, I like more than others: it is not striking and noble. Although, perhaps, the factor of novelty is at work.

This is the bottom edge. There are stereo speakers and a Lightning connector.

The left side is empty, on the right there are volume buttons and a toggle switch for turning on / off the sound. Upstairs are the audio jack and power button, and also the microphone holes.

Actually, here are photos of two generations of small iPads lying side by side. The design and location of the connectors and buttons are exactly the same (as with the Air).

Most readers already know the main differences: hardware and screen. We go to the last one.


At first, a person rejoices in the good. Then he perceives it as the norm. After - he begins to look for flaws. So it was with my perception of the iPad Mini 2 screen. In principle, no one doubted that the second generation Mini will be equipped with a Retina display. There was no surprise. Nevertheless, the pixel density of 326 ppi is amazing (will it really become hopelessly archaic in a couple of years, and our trained eyes will scrutinize individual pixels on the screen with a diagonal of 7.9 inches and a resolution of 2048x1536 pixels?). Although, to be honest, I did not notice the increased smoothness of the picture in comparison with the iPad Air, which shocked me a little earlier (Air has the same resolution, but the pixel density due to the larger screen size is less: 264 ppi). But what I noticed even by eye was a slightly lower chromaticity, confirmed by a colorimeter: it does not reach sRGB. Dark and light shades practically do not differ in temperature and only slightly above the 65K norm. But the image feels warm for some reason. The maximum brightness of the white color was 343 cd / m2 (versus 364 for the Air). The difference is felt at the maximum: in the case of the Air, the screen seemed too bright (although this is not a record), and I mostly worked at about 60%, in the case of the Mini 2 - about 80%.

Along with some other eight-inch tablet, with the first-generation iPad Mini rejection screen

3: 4 aspect ratio is a topic that caused controversy in the comments to iPad review Air. I will repeat myself in this review: I really like these proportions, they are well perceived when performing the overwhelming majority of tasks performed on a tablet. In my opinion, it is not at all scary if, when watching a 16: 9 movie, the screen frame at the top and bottom visually increases slightly due to the black bars. On the other hand, websites, most toys and books look great (the difference is especially clear if you compare the fonts).

System and performance

Read about the iOS 7 operating system in the iPhone 5c review, and the architecture in the iPhone 5s review. Here is about the differences and features. "Just" (according to many Android fans) a dual-core 64-bit A7 processor and 1GB of RAM, an M7 coprocessor and PowerVR G6430 quad-core graphics. The filling is the same as that of Air or iPhone 5s, with the only difference that the first core operates at 1.4 GHz, the second - 1 GHz, but the hero of this review has a frequency of 1.3 GHz for each core. Thus, it is just a little slower than the iPad Air. It is seen by benchmarks, but not by people. I did not notice the difference in the speed of work.

You can briefly describe the operation of the iPad Mini 2 without numbers: it is smooth, fast, and for all the games that are in the AppStore it is more than sufficient, whatever the Apple-haters say, those of them who do not believe in benchmarks and software optimization, but venerates four cores and 2 GB of RAM. I would also like to draw your attention to one pleasant feature: when you first launched the AppStore, the store kindly offered to download a number of free applications to the device, among which there were products for creating, viewing and editing office documents Numbers, Pages and Keynote, designed, respectively, for working with spreadsheets, texts and presentations. To be honest, I don't know if this has happened on other iPads.


No one doubts that the camera for shooting in a tablet is not the main thing. However, if it is completely inconvenient to shoot with the ten-inch version, then with the eight-inch version, everything is not so scary. Nevertheless, Apple has decided not to develop the direction of tablet shooting yet, and put in the Mini 2 the same five-megapixel sensor with autofocus and without flash, which we can see in the Air and the first small iPad. In which case, you can capture something in good lighting. But not more. The front 1.2 megapixel camera, designed primarily for Skype-communication, copes with its function perfectly.

Autonomy, sound, heating

The claimed autonomy is 10 hours, as in the iPad Air. Two days of our communication with the iPad Mini 2 after a full charge passed without communion to the outlet. These days I played games on it for about an hour, watched a movie (the same amount), climbed the Internet, listened to music, ran tests. In a word, it loaded decently. It seemed to me that the Mini heats up a little more than the Air: during games or running tests, the entire right half of the tablet was warm. The speaker sounds clearer than the first generation Mini and about the same volume. But with the landscape grip, the dynamics are much easier to cover with your hand than with the larger Air. I’ll say more: it’s hard not to block them.

In the dry residue

Last year, some Apple technology lovers regretted that the new small iPad was equipped with somewhat outdated hardware from the iPad 2 and the same, only small, display. Nevertheless, the experiment with the transition to a compact form factor was a success. This is confirmed not only by the successful sales of the first, but the emergence of a new device. The device, which now does not play the role of catching up, but is on a par with the older brother iPad Air, having almost the same hardware and screen resolution. Actually, it is Air that is a competitor to Mini 2. On the side of the older one - a slightly better screen, while the younger takes on compactness. As with the iPad Air, there will always be people who think the iPad Mini Retina changes are irrelevant and unworthy of the premium segment. However, the sixfold acceleration of the graphics system between generations and the fourfold increase in processor power can hardly be considered as such. And, of course, the screen resolution: there are also four times more pixels than the 2012 iPad Mini. And all this without a drop in battery life and practically without an increase in weight and dimensions. In short, everything has gotten much better, in line with the generation, and in our opinion, this tablet is the best in its form factor. This is the verdict gg .

8 reasons to buy an iPad Mini 2 Retina

  • Great screen;
  • compact size, light weight;
  • good design;
  • high speed of work;
  • battery life;
  • you love Apple and don't have an iPad;
  • you love Apple and you have an old iPad;
  • you love Apple and want an iPad, but the Air is too big for you;

3 reasons not to buy an iPad Mini 2 Retina

  • You don't like Apple and / or prefer Android;
  • you love Apple but want Air;
  • you don't need a tablet.
  1. The amount of available space is less than stated and depends on various factors. Standard configuration (including iPadOS and pre-installed apps) is approximately 10 to 13 GB depending on device model and settings. The pre-installed apps take up about 4 GB; they can be deleted and downloaded again. The amount of space available may vary depending on the device and software version.
  2. Size and weight vary depending on device configuration and manufacturing process.
  3. To communicate over FaceTime, both users must have FaceTime-enabled devices and a Wi-Fi connection. FaceTime availability over a cellular network is carrier-dependent; data transfer charges may apply.
  4. Data plan required. Gigabit Class LTE and Wi-Fi calling are not available in all regions or with all carriers. Speed ​​calculated based on theoretical bandwidth and depends on local conditions. Detailed information for LTE support, contact your service provider or page.
  5. Cellular data plan is purchased separately. The model you are purchasing is configured to work with a specific cellular technology. For availability information tariff plan cellular service and its compatibility, check with your service provider.
  6. Not all carriers support Apple cards SIM and eSIM. Check with your service provider for more information. Not available in mainland China.
  7. Voice assistant Siri may not be available in all languages ​​or in all regions. Siri's capabilities may also vary. Internet access required. Cellular data charges may apply.
  8. Testing conducted by Apple in February 2019 using preproduction iPad mini (5th generation) units and software. Testing consisted of fully discharging the battery while performing the following tasks: playing video, playing audio, and browsing the web with a Wi-Fi or cellular data connection. The video consisted of a 2 hour 23 minute recurring movie purchased from the iTunes Store. The audio content playlist consisted of 358 unique audio tracks purchased from the iTunes Store. Internet testing over Wi-Fi and a cellular data network was carried out using a dedicated web server and mail server with simulated viewing of 20 popular web pages and an hourly mail check. The default settings were used, except for the following: Wi-Fi connection (enabled, except for surfing the Internet via a cellular data network); request to connect to Wi-Fi networks (disabled); automatic setting brightness (disabled); brightness (set to 50%); WPA2 encryption (enabled). Battery life will vary depending on device settings, usage conditions, and many other factors. Battery testing was conducted using specific preproduction iPad units; actual results may vary.
  9. Broadband wireless connection recommended; fees may apply.
  • Some features may not be available in all countries and regions. Click on

On October 22 of this year, Apple introduced the second model of an 8-inch tablet - iPad mini 2, which received a high-resolution Retina display and a 64-bit A7 processor in tandem with an M7 coprocessor.

New gadgets from Apple become the subject of numerous discussions, both in print and among fans of the famous brand. This information is especially useful for those who want to update outdated devices, but are not sure if such a step is advisable. To dispel all doubts and show the advantages of the new iPad tablets, we will take a closer look at all the innovations from a practical point of view.

The design of devices can tell a lot about their functionality, so let's start our review with it. The new iPad mini 2 is somewhat "plumper" compared to the older model - its thickness is 7.5 mm against the previous 7.2 mm. The rest of the dimensions remained unchanged - 200 x 134.7 x 7.5 mm (for comparison, the iPad mini has 200 x 134.7 x 7.2).

The same can be said about device weight- in comparison with the previous model, it "recovered" by 29 g, that is, 341 g (version with a SIM card and Wi-Fi) against 306 g, respectively. Despite the almost 10% weight gain, this can be considered unnoticeable.

The front panel of all models is covered oleophobic coated glass that prevents fingerprints from spoiling appearance... Under the screen, as always, is the Home key, and above it the front camera lens.

Despite the expected "golden" iPad mini 2, the manufacturer does not provide such a body color. The new tablet will be available in two versions - white with a silver back and black (back color Space gray), whereas the predecessor was completely white and black. The bezel of the matrix has remained rather wide, so it is convenient to hold the tablet in your hands without touching the touch screen.

Both versions have a volume rocker and a Mute slider on the right side. Left (for versions with module mobile communications) there are slots for Nano-SIM cards (iPad mini and iPad mini 2). At the top there is a standard 3.5 mm audio jack, a power button and a plastic plug for cellular antennas, to the left of which the lens of the main camera is mounted.

At the bottom end of the tablets, there is a miniature 8-pin reversible Lightning connector that can be inserted either side. On iPad mini and iPad mini speakers built-in on both sides of the interface and provide extraordinary sound quality.


Unlike the outdated tablet of the previous model, the iPad mini 2 received Retina display worthy of all praise. With the same diagonal - 7.9 inches, the new display has a resolution of 2048 × 1536 versus 1024 × 768. The pixel density has increased from 163 PPI (iPad mini) to 326 PPI (iPad mini 2).

Visually, the pixels became indistinguishable from the eye, and even the text began to look as if drawn in ink, not to mention the photographic images, more like a picture from a glossy magazine.
The manufacturing technology of IPS-matrices has remained the same, so the display of the new tablet has the maximum viewing angle and natural colors. However, upon close comparison, a warmer color gamut and improved image detail are noticeable. In addition, the new display is distinguished by the positioning accuracy of the capacitive sensor and the best quality of the oleophobic coating of the protective glass.

Functionality and speed of work

IN iPad tablet mini of the first version, a dual-core A5 processor with ARM Cortex-A9 crystals (1.0 GHz) and a PowerVR SGX543MP2 graphics chip were used, which ensured acceptable operating speed. But 32-bit technology did not allow developing sufficient power when running "heavy" applications.

The new iPad mini 2 with Retina display is equipped with a novelty - 64-bit processor A7 working in pairs with M7 coprocessor providing all the calculations and monitoring of information coming from a variety of tablet sensors. This "division of labor" made it possible to allocate the free capacity of the A7 for other tasks. It is worth noting that the power consumption during the operation of the M7 is much lower than that of the main processor, and this has a positive effect on the battery life of the gadget.

The use of new crystals provided significant productivity gains... So according to Apple, new CPU is 4 times more powerful previous processor, and g raphic accelerator - 8 times... This was enough to provide the Retina display with enough processor power and noticeably increase the performance of the entire system.

Nowadays, when HD video and "heavy" content such as 3D games are becoming more common, devices require large amounts of memory. In this regard, the developers of the iPad mini 2 have replenished the line of tablets with a model equipped with 128 GB of memory. For comparison, the iPad mini lineup was more modest: 16, 32 and 64 GB.

Data transmission in the new tablets is implemented via Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) using a dual MIMO antenna that allows you to automatically switch between both modes. Thanks to this, users will be able to work at speeds up to 300 Mbit / s, which seems incredible and so far has been confirmed purely theoretically.

The new gadget, like the previous model, uses the new Bluetooth 4.0. The 4G LTE module installed in tablets is not yet relevant in our country. The parameters of the LTE networks used in Russia are not compatible with its protocols, so the gadgets will only be able to work in 3G mode.

Operating system

Unlike the iPad mini, a new design has been developed for models using the A7 processor IOS 7 to ensure compatibility of new chips to maximize performance. In this case, the interface operating system has become more simple and incredibly intuitive, so it does not require much getting used to.

The developers were more thoughtful about the requests of consumers, which led to the removal of unnecessary decorative elements and the reworking of existing options.

So for a more convenient perception, the Control Center panel has become horizontally oriented. Now, to see frequently used programs, you just need to lightly touch the panel on the screen.

Compared to the old Camera app, the shutter button has been moved from the bottom of the screen to side panel... It is there that the thumb is located when shooting, so it became more convenient to use the program.

The new interface uses a translucent background and realistic animation, which makes even such simple applications like "weather forecast". Pleasing to the eye new design buttons, an ordered color palette and improved fonts that create a special harmony in the interface elements.


Both models have good optics, allowing you to take high-quality photos and shoot decent video. They have two cameras: front and main. 1.2MP FaceTime HD front camera the matrix has face recognition and allows you to make FaceTime video calls over Wi-Fi or 4G networks. In addition, it supports 720p HD video recording.

The main camera is a device called iSight. It is built on 5 megapixel CMOS sensor from the Omnivision company, which was used in the iPhone 4, but additionally it has a new 5-element optics. The camera supports the following functions: autofocus, focus by tap on the screen and face recognition. It has a built-in hybrid IR cut filter and backlighting. In addition, it allows you to shoot videos in HD quality: 1080p / 30 fps with image stabilization.

The quality of pictures and videos is quite high, which meets the new trends in using the tablet as a photo and video camera. This year it was quite common to see young people filming videos on Apple tablets.

An additional option when shooting video clips is 3x zoom, which has been used for the first time on tablets of this class and will be a real gift for iPad mini 2 owners.


The use of a Retina screen, double the resolution and the use of a 4G module required an increase in the power of the iPad mini 2 hardware, which significantly increased power consumption. But, as you know, Apple tablets have always been distinguished by long-term work in offline, therefore, the goal was set for the developers - to increase the battery capacity with minimal changes in weight and size characteristics.

The iPad mini comes with a 16.3 Wh (4430 mAh) rechargeable battery, which is enough power to keep the device running smoothly. In the new model, despite the introduction of special energy-saving functions, a more powerful battery was needed, which led to a slight increase in the thickness of the case and the weight of the device - by only 3 mm and 29 g, respectively.

Through the use innovative technologies Apple engineers have managed to maintain the same battery life. It is:
Listening to audio recordings and watching videos - up to 10 hours;
Active work on the Internet via Wi-Fi - up to 10 hours;
Surfing the Internet on a 4G cellular network - up to 9 hours.

Comparison of the characteristics of iPad mini 1 and 2 models:

iPad mini iPad mini 2 with Retina
Dimensions: height / width / thickness (mm)
  • 200х134,7х7,2
  • 200x134.7x 7,5
  • Wi-Fi - 308 g
  • Wi-Fi + 4G - 312 g
  • Wi-Fi - 331 r
  • Wi-Fi + + Cellular - 341 r
  • Diagonal: 7.9 inches
  • Resolution: 1024x768
  • Pixel Density: 163 PPI
  • Neon lights
  • Oleophobic coating
  • Retina display
  • Diagonal: 7.9 inches
  • Resolution: 2048x1536
  • Pixel Density: 326 PPI
  • Neon lights
  • Multi Touch display with IPS technology
  • Oleophobic coating
Dual-core A5 64 bit A7 with M7 coprocessor


  • Bluetooth 4.0 technology

Wi-Fi + Cellular

  • Wi-Fi (802.11a / b / g / n); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz)
  • Bluetooth 4.0 technology
  • GSM / EDGE
  • Data only

Wi-Fi + Cellular

(Verizon or Sprint)

  • Wi-Fi (802.11a / b / g / n); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz)
  • Bluetooth 4.0 technology
  • CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B
  • GSM / EDGE
  • Data only


  • Bluetooth 4.0 technology

Wi-Fi + Cellular

  • Wi-Fi (802.11a / b / g / n); dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz) and MIMO
  • Bluetooth 4.0 technology
  • GSM / EDGE
  • CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B
  • Data only

SIM card
Nano-SIM Nano-SIM
Main camera
  • 5-megapixel matrix
  • Autofocus
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • Five-element optics
  • Hybrid IR cut filter
  • Aperture:? /2.4
  • 5-megapixel matrix
  • Autofocus
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • Five-element optics
  • Hybrid IR cut filter
  • Aperture:? /2.4
  • FaceTime HD camera
  • 1.2-megapixel matrix
  • 720p HD video
  • FaceTime video calling via
    Wi-Fi or 4G
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • FaceTime HD camera
  • 1.2-megapixel matrix
  • 720p HD video
  • FaceTime video calling via
    Wi-Fi or 4G
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
Video recording
  • Quality: 1080p HD
  • Focusing
  • Image stabilization
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • Quality: 1080p HD
  • Focusing
  • Image stabilization
  • Face recognition
  • Back light
  • 3x zoom
System interface
Lightning Lightning
  • 10 hours of surfing the Internet on Wi-Fi, watching videos and listening to music
  • 9 hours of surfing the Internet using 4G networks
  • Charge via power adapter or computer USB port