A few simple steps to rescue your device from being exposed to liquid.

Accidentally spilled liquid often causes damage to your favorite device. What if you suddenly spill water, beer, cola, tea or coffee on your laptop? Spilled liquid is dangerous due to several complications at once: from a short circuit, if you do not de-energize and turn off the computer, to a sluggish, prolonged corrosion of the interior of the laptop. step by step instructions to rescue a flooded laptop.

Spilling water on your laptop: 3 urgent steps

1. Unplug the laptop and remove the battery

From the moment you spilled the liquid, seconds went by. Forget about conventions and correct completion Windows work, the data can be recovered, but the laptop runs the risk of going to landfill forever. Feel free to pull out the cord and remove the battery from it. This will stop the destruction associated with the process of electrochemical reactions.

Simply disconnecting from the mains will not be enough, so be sure to remove battery... This is necessary in order to secure the motherboard, on which, even after turning off the laptop, the power circuits are working.

2. Disconnect peripherals

Everything is simple here, if a printer, hard disk, USB flash drive is connected to the laptop, or a disk is lying around in the drive, then they must be pulled out.

3. Wipe liquid from the laptop case

In this case, it all depends on the volume of the spilled liquid. If the volume of the "spill" is small, no more than 20-30 milliliters (about 1/7 cup):

  • flip the laptop over to prevent liquid from penetrating deeper into the case
  • quickly wipe the case with the materials at hand (any handkerchief or paper towel will do).

If the volume of "tragedy" is more significant: turn the laptop on an edge so that the ventilation holes are at the bottom, and gently shake it to drain as much water as possible.

What to do next?

Now you have some time to think. No need to try to turn on the device and check if it works! Most likely, it will work, but it is also likely that your computer will die at the most unexpected moment, taking valuable information with it.

First, you should immediately come to terms with the fact that you will not use a flooded laptop for at least 1-3 days. Secondly, you need to assess the scale of the tragedy - the severity of the damage depends on what kind of liquid you spilled on the keyboard or laptop. Consider the destructive effect of popular fluids.


If you fill the laptop with water, then it can get to any elements inside the device, including the motherboard, which is fraught with the loss of the device. Water, although weak, but the electrolyte, can lead not only to a short circuit, but also to cause slow but steady electrochemical corrosion. However, it is a relatively harmless liquid, so the chances of saving the device are quite high.

Tea, coffee, beer, drinks with sugar or milk

If you spill tea, coffee, beer, a drink with sugar or milk on your laptop, then the situation is worse, since they all contain various acids. For example, tea is a combination of a huge amount of substances, some of which, for example, tannin, have an acidic reaction. If you spill a sweet drink on the keyboard, after it dries, a sticky sugar trail will remain, and the keys will stick.

By the way, the beer loved by many also contains a number, albeit weak, but acids. As a rule, devices that are dipped in beer will function normally for several months, which is why device owners mistakenly think that the problem is over. Over time, the motherboard or HDD are destroyed by the action of chemical elements present in beer.

You should also be wary of juices: they are quite aggressive, as they also contain acids, for example, citric or fruit acids.

Cola and other carbonated drinks

The biggest danger is carbonated drinks. These are corrosive liquids rich in chemicals that can oxidize and destroy, for example, the same motherboard. In particular, soda often contains acid of medium strength - orthophosphoric acid, which is used for brazing.

If you spill half a glass of cola, then consider that the bill has gone on hours. It is not always possible to immediately carry the laptop to service center... Keep in mind that not every service center will tackle the problem, and if they do, they may not get to your device right away.

Thus, if cola, tea, coffee, beer or wine gets inside your laptop, you need to rinse the device under water, regardless of whether you plan to carry it to a service center or not. Do not forget to first de-energize the device and remove power supplies from it. This will flush out most of the hazardous chemical elements trapped inside the device.

Pour water liberally into the area where you spilled the drink to rinse it off. The motherboard is almost not afraid of water, to a greater extent you run the risk of flooding only the films under the keyboard. Remember, the main thing is not to turn on your laptop until you have done the following.

Carry to a service center or save yourself?

Then you have to make a choice: run with a laptop to a service center or start saving the device yourself. We recommend the first option to you to increase your chances and get at least some guarantees. However, not everyone is looking for easy ways. If you are good at technology or do not trust service centers, or, finally, do not want to spend extra money, you can try to bring the laptop "to life" by your own efforts.

How to save a laptop by yourself?

- Disassemble laptop and keyboard

Please note that this may not be easy. It is not always easy to unscrew all the screws on the bottom, often some of them can be hidden under peel-off legs and panels, which are held by some latches, fastened under the keyboard, display hinges, and so on. However, as a rule, all common laptop models have disassembly guides and videos. Go to the manufacturer's website for information, google or Youtube... In order to reduce the search time, enter "parse * laptop model name *", or better "* laptop model * disassembly".

Disassemble the laptop into the smallest possible components and check where the liquid has reached. Most importantly, remove the CMOS battery by motherboard, since it constantly powers the board, which in the long term is enough for a short circuit. It is easy to find it, it is quite large, round and it is difficult to confuse it with something.

As for the keyboard itself, you will have to disassemble and sort it out separately, having previously photographed or recorded the location of the keys on the keyboard. Next, just remove the keys with a thin screwdriver or any thin improvised tool, as a rule, you can pry them from the bottom side. Then "pull out" the pushers and spring elements. In this case, three films will remain on the keyboard substrate: two conductive, with tracks, and a separating film-dielectric between them. On older keyboards, the films are either not glued together, or are glued together at only a few points and are fairly easy to separate. However, on new ones, they are often glued together more reliably and it will be more difficult to paste them - here you cannot do without a hair dryer. We warn you that the gluing process involves certain skills, so it would be better to stop at this stage and hope that no water gets between the films, after all, they are pretty tightly glued.

- Clean and rinse

Pay special attention to the keyboard and the motherboard, you can even check it with a magnifying glass.

If there is any plaque or darkening on the motherboard, then use a lint-free cloth or soft toothbrush to wipe dry residues from the spilled liquid.

Then carefully, without sparing any effort and attention, clean off all foreign matter with an alcohol solution, after which - with distilled water. If distilled water is not available, plain water can be used. However, the problem is that ordinary water contains impurities of metal salts and can leave them on the board after washing, which can subsequently cause a short circuit. Therefore, we recommend buying distilled water from a pharmacy or auto shop.

If the area of ​​the affected area is large, then remove the board, disconnect everything you can from it, rinse it with warm water and leave it to dry for at least 1-2 days. In the same way, you need to check and rinse all the rest of the interior of the laptop and parts of the disassembled keyboard, getting rid of stains and sticky areas wherever you find.

- Dry your laptop

Now there is little left to do - dry everything that you washed. It is believed that you need to use a hairdryer, but we do not recommend that you do this. First, a hair dryer can blow hot dust into various areas and contaminate them. Secondly, there is a risk of overheating and melting various elements. Thirdly, if moisture remains somewhere, then the air stream will send it even deeper into the case.

Dry within 24-48 hours in a warm, dry place, without exposure to direct sunlight. Place the case, board, films, keyboard on supports or a grill over some surface so that air can circulate around the parts. You can even put the ingredients in a bowl of rice, as dry rice draws out moisture well.

- Assemble and test the device

After a day or two, assemble the keyboard and laptop, turn it on and check the overall performance. You can check the keyboard in any text file, but it will be easier to go to Keyboardtester.com and check all the keys there.

If everything is functioning properly, then consider yourself lucky. If only the keyboard does not work, then you will have to replace it with a new one or just buy an external one.

- If the laptop does not turn on, then you will have to contact a service center or buy a new one.

Summing up, let's say that it is possible to protect yourself from such incidents. If you are using a laptop as a replacement for a stationary computer, then you can put it on a stand, move it away from you and use an external keyboard and mouse. However, as a rule, a laptop implies mobility, and this option is not suitable for everyone, in which case you should not take risks and drink drinks dangerously close to the laptop.

Let us remind you that on our website you can see the results of laptop tests. Our experts checked the quality of popular models in the laboratory and, based on the results of the tests, made a rating of notebooks.

Do you want to understand other important issues? Read

Filled a laptop with liquid - what to do first

So an unpleasant story happened and the laptop or netbook was flooded with liquid. This article will tell you how to recover your laptop after spilling liquids (water, tea, coffee, beer, juice, etc.) at home.

Immediately you need to perform the following actions and only then decide what to do with it next.

1. Unplug your laptop (disconnect Charger from laptop)

2. Remove the battery from laptop

3. Wipe off any remaining liquid dry paper towel or rag

All these actions must be performed immediately after water gets on the laptop, without waiting for the computer to shutdown normally.

The laptop keyboard is flooded with water, juice, beer, etc.

Now you need to determine how far the liquid has flowed. To do this, you need to disassemble the laptop.

First of all, you need to remove the keyboard and see if the liquid has flowed deeper onto the motherboard or only the keyboard has been poured.

If the motherboard is not affected, you're already lucky. There is a chance that you will be lucky in a big way and you won't even have to change the keyboard.

So, if the keyboard was flooded with water, then you can try to simply dry it, but it is still advisable to first rinse it in distilled water. If tea, coffee, beer, juice is spilled on the keyboard, then rinse in distilled water necessarily... It is highly likely that after drying it will be fully functional. For drying, you can use, for example, an electric oven. Set the temperature to 70 degrees and dry the keyboard in it for 4 hours or more. You should not set the temperature higher, because the buttons may melt. Anything you can just put in the sun for at least 1 day, or better for two. Better to spend more time drying than buying a new keyboard later. After all, if you do not dry the keyboard, moisture will remain between the films and gradually corrosion will eat up the tracks.

Corrosion marks on the keyboard tracks and pads

After that, try to connect the keyboard and check its functionality in text editor... If the keys print other letters or the letters are printed by themselves, then the keyboard is not dry enough and moisture remains between the films with the sprayed tracks. Repeat the drying process.

If the keys, on the contrary, do not work, then there is a dielectric or corrosion on the contact pads. Try rinsing again more thoroughly and drying for a longer time.

Flooded laptop motherboard

In the event that you are unlucky and the liquid gets on the motherboard, the laptop will have to be disassembled completely. If, when liquid gets on the laptop, it did not go out and continued to work and you managed to disconnect it in time, then there is a high probability of restoring it at home. If, after the ingress of liquid, he himself passed out, then almost certainly it will not be possible to restore it at home. In this case, it is better to immediately contact a laptop repair service so as not to aggravate the situation. After all, it is hardly possible to find and re-solder a burnt-out element or chip at home without the appropriate equipment and experience. It is not worth delaying the repair, since it costs hours and over time, corrosion can destroy the motherboard so much that its recovery will be impossible.

Corrosion on a liquid-filled motherboard

Remove the motherboard by disconnecting all cables from it and removing all devices. It is also necessary to remove the processor. Pull out or unsolder (depending on the implementation on the motherboard) the CMOS battery.

Now you need to thoroughly rinse the board in distilled water and dry it. You can dry it simply by placing it in the sun.

When the motherboard dries out from the outside, you need to arm yourself with pure alcohol and a syringe with a thin needle. Fill a syringe with alcohol and pour it under each microcircuit on the motherboard, except for chips filled with a compound. Alcohol dissolves water and helps it evaporate from hard-to-reach places and micro crevices. After all the elements on the motherboard have been treated with alcohol, continue drying.

Now reassemble your laptop and try turning it on. If no electronic elements on the motherboard are burnt out due to the ingress of liquid, the laptop will turn on and work for another for a long time... For example, my laptop has been working for 4 years after a glass of tea was poured on it :-)

If the laptop does not turn on - your way to the computer service.

In life, various circumstances can happen that are clearly not encouraging, but entail excessive grief, and with them financial losses. The laptop is a faithful companion of the modern person. In most cases, even watching a movie on TV, there is still a computer equipment nearby, on which the user tries to perform some other additional actions.

A mug of tea may be knocked over onto a laptop due to carelessness.

Due to carelessness or carelessness, it may happen that a mug of tea will be overturned on the laptop keyboard. In a panic, many users do not understand at all what to do if they spill water on a laptop. Of course, there is a reason for frustration, but you should not panic, it is very important to perform a series of actions that may help you save your laptop from imminent death.

Algorithm of actions

Spilled liquid is the worst enemy for computer equipment or the keyboard of a stationary PC. Contact of liquid and electricity should never be allowed, as the result will always only be terrible. In this case, any liquid, regardless of its composition, will emerge victorious, hopelessly killing all electrical circuits.

As a result, the laptop refuses to turn on, sadly showing off its black display.

If someone flooded the laptop, it does not turn on now, do not panic, but check out the algorithm for specific "resuscitation" actions. You may be able to bring your laptop back to life, restore its performance.

Don't panic if your laptop won't turn on

Disconnecting the laptop

Considering that water or other liquid is capable of provoking a short circuit, it is important to take actions to prevent it.

You can avoid this if you can very quickly be able to completely de-energize your laptop. In this situation, it is important not to forget about your own safety precautions. It is strictly forbidden to touch the surface, accompanied by power supply, with wet hands, so as not to suffer yourself.

For this reason, initially dry your hands very quickly, and therefore, with dry hands, quickly turn off your laptop. Since it is important for you at this moment to make a rapid shutdown, press the power button, after blotting it with a towel, and hold it for five seconds.

After the laptop turns off, unplug the power cord, turn the laptop over and remove the battery. Only now can you be sure that the laptop is completely de-energized.

Take out the battery

This, of course, does not end the actions, it is important to figure out the rest, what to do if you flooded your laptop, spilled water, tea or a sweet drink on the keyboard.

Disconnect everything from the laptop. external devices, to which the mouse, flash drives and extension cords belong. Turn the laptop over, remove the back cover and unscrew everything that you can take out without fear. In particular, by eliminating the fixation, the hard disk and RAM can be easily removed.

Unfortunately, if someone spills sweet tea or coffee, lemonade, milk, it will not be possible to effectively help him at home, so you will have to seek help from specialists at the service center, who will repair the flooded laptop as efficiently as possible.

The craftsmen will dry the components, carefully remove the sticky base using special means, which will help restore the laptop's operation.

Drying process

If someone flooded the keyboard on the laptop, as a result, the keys do not work, but you know for sure that water or alcohol was spilled, you can not rush to the service center, but take a few more actions that can restore the laptop to work.

Take a dry towel and gently blot any water spilled on the keys. Cover the work surface of the table with towels, turn the laptop over and, as far as possible, unfold it so that the display and keyboard are almost one horizontal line. Lay your laptop in this position on towels and leave it in this position for at least a day.

If water is concentrated on the surface of internal parts, then under the influence of a hair dryer, it can be driven a little deeper. It will be difficult to find it there, therefore, you can simply not dry out some places.

After drying is complete, all the components that were previously disconnected are reattached, securely fixed, the back cover is installed, and the battery is returned to its place.

Some users may make another gross mistake when they start the laptop after a short period of time, ignoring all other recommendations.

Happiness will be indescribable when you discover that the laptop turns on as usual, although the drying process was carried out in a couple of hours.

Indeed, this often happens, but at the same time, after a few days, another "surprise" occurs, which, unfortunately, is no longer accompanied by violent positive emotions.

The laptop stops turning on, no resuscitation actions help, and after a forced trip to the service center, the laptop owner learns that the internal components have corroded and cannot be restored. It is for this reason that you must consider what you can do and what you should avoid.

Unfortunately, no matter how carefully you perform all the actions, after a while some keys or USB ports may refuse to work. Here you already have to come to terms with the situation, accept this fact and purchase a part that has failed.

So, it is important in the process of working with a laptop not to eat food, and even more so not to drink liquid components over it. If there is a spill of liquid on the keyboard, follow all the steps correctly, then you can avoid serious problems and financial losses.

Despite the recommendation of experts not to consume different drinks while working at a computer, many modern users prefer to do as they like. Often everything ends with a liquid spilled on the surface of the keys and a panic search for a way out of this situation. If the keyboard from a computer or candy bar can be simply replaced, then this will not work with the keys on the surface of the laptop.

Some people think that it is enough to pour out the liquid by turning the device over and wait until it dries on its own. In some cases it really helps, but you shouldn't be surprised if the device stops working a few days or weeks after the accident.

Actions to be taken first

Emergency assistance consists of three steps, the correctness and speed of which will directly affect the condition of the laptop. You need to start at the same moment when the liquid, regardless of its quality and texture, was spilled:

  1. We de-energize the device and take out the battery. Proper shutdown of the system in order to save data is not as important as preventing short circuits and burning of all contacts. Contrary to popular belief, disconnecting the battery is equally important, because even after disconnecting from the mains, the power circuits work in it.
  2. After that, we disconnect flash drives, disks, memory cards from the device.
  3. Next, we act depending on the amount of spilled water or other liquid. If its volume is no more than 1-2 tablespoons, then turn the keyboard or laptop over to prevent moisture penetration into the central parts of the case, after which we blot the surface with a paper towel. In the case of a larger volume, we install the device on the edge, while the ventilation holes must be placed at the bottom, and gently shake it, removing the maximum amount of liquid.

Tip: In progress emergency It is strictly forbidden to turn on the device to check whether it works. We'll have to come to terms with the fact that you won't have to use it for at least 2-3 days.

Only after carrying out all these manipulations, you need to decide what to do next - try to clean and restore the device yourself or seek help from a repair shop.

Features of the impact of various liquids on the state of the keyboard

The degree of damage to a laptop depends not only on the volume, but also on the quality of the liquid spilled on its surface. The destructive effect of all drinks is different, which must be taken into account during the repair process.

  • Water. If water is spilled on the keyboard, the chances of system recovery are high enough, the product is harmless enough. The main thing is to act quickly and strictly according to the plan developed by specialists, otherwise there is a risk of corrosion of individual elements. We must not forget that the pure product will spread rapidly along the internal paths of the device, increasing the possibility of a short circuit. In no case should you just try to dry the keys, the processing should be complete and consistent.
  • Traditional drinks like tea or coffee, including those with added sugar or milk. With such a lesion, the situation is much worse due to the acids that make up most of the components. For example, tea contains tannin, which is acidic. If milk is added to the drink, then the level of negative impact is further increased. Coffee is also quite aggressive, and in combination with sugar and cream guarantees the appearance of a sticky layer that interferes with the operation of the keys.
  • Natural or packaged juice. Often it consists of rather large particles that are able to tightly clog between the elements. In addition, the sweet drink contains fruit acids, which have a pronounced destructive effect.
  • Beer. Not many people know that beer not only leaves a sticky mark on the plastic, but also corrodes the elements of the device due to the low acid content. Many owners of laptops on which beer has been spilled, albeit in a minimal amount, are faced with the fact that the product quickly fails, even if at first it did not fail.
  • Soda. Represents the greatest possible danger. Cola, Sprite and their analogs contain an impressive amount of chemical components that oxidize and corrode the insides of a laptop or keyboard. In this case, you will have to act very quickly, in just a few hours the drink can cause irreparable harm to the device.

Regardless of what was spilled on the surface of the keys, coffee, wine, tea, juice, beer or milk, it is necessary not only to get rid of excess liquid, but to rinse the item with clean water. After that, you can go to the service center or start self-repair.

How can you repair a damaged laptop yourself?

It is not necessary to turn to specialists in order to be of high quality and correct. In general, they will do the same with the device, but they may lose precious time, which in the case of a spilled soda is calculated in hours.

  • First, the product must be disassembled. To do this, we arm ourselves with suitable screwdrivers and, placing an oilcloth under the panel, methodically unscrew each screw. In order not to get confused with latches and hidden panels, it is recommended to use the instructions for parsing a specific model, which can be found on the Internet. Then we conduct an inspection and assess the damage. Before doing anything further, you need to disconnect the battery powering the motherboard, preventing a theoretically possible short circuit.

  • Cleaning and rinsing of the components. Armed with a magnifying glass, we examine all elements of the keyboard or laptop, looking for signs of darkening of the material or the appearance of stains. We remove all suspicious formations with a soft lint-free cloth or a dry toothbrush. First you need to use an alcohol solution, then distilled water (in extreme cases, replace the component with drinking or filtered water). In the same way, you need to clean all the parts of the device.
  • If the board is damaged too much, then we take it out, process it in the traditional way and leave it to dry for at least a day.
  • After processing, it remains to dry the laptop. Some masters advise using a hairdryer to speed up the process of getting rid of unnecessary liquid, but this is too dangerous an approach. If you overexpose the device even a little, you can melt various elements or drive dust where you don't need it. It is better to leave the product for 1-2 days in a dry place without dust and with good ventilation. Care must be taken so that direct sunlight does not fall on the parts.

If water gets on the laptop, all the same manipulations are carried out, you do not only need to rinse the product. After all the deadlines have passed, it is necessary to assemble the device, it is better to do it according to the scheme, and not from memory. If the device does not turn on or does not work, you still have to contact the service center. Sometimes, after such cleaning, only the keyboard does not work, then you can try to replace it or involve an external device.

A Few Simple Steps to Rescue Your Liquid Spilled Device

Accidentally spilled liquid often causes damage to your favorite device. What if you suddenly spill water, soda, tea or coffee on your laptop or computer? Spilled liquid is dangerous due to several complications at once: from a quick short circuit, if you do not de-energize and turn off the computer, to sluggish, prolonged corrosion of the interior of the laptop. We have tried all known methods to solve the problem and offer step-by-step instructions to save your device.

First Aid: 3 Steps to Take Immediately

1) Immediately disconnect the laptop and remove the battery

From the moment you spilled liquid on the device, seconds were counting. Forget about conventions and the correct shutdown of Windows, data can be restored, but the laptop runs the risk of going to the landfill forever. Feel free to pull out the cord and remove the battery from it. This will stop the destruction associated with the process of electrochemical reactions.

Simply disconnecting from the mains will not be enough, so remove the battery. This is necessary in order to secure the motherboard, on which, even after turning off the laptop, the power circuits are working.

2) Disconnect peripherals, remove disks and flash drives

Everything is simple here, if any devices, a hard disk, a flash drive, or a disk is lying around in the drive are connected to the laptop, then they must be disconnected or removed.

3) Wipe the liquid from the laptop case

In this case, it all depends on the volume of the spilled liquid. If the volume of the "spill" is small, no more than 20-30 milliliters (about 1/7 cup):

flip the laptop over to prevent liquid from penetrating deeper into the case
quickly wipe the case with the materials at hand (any handkerchief, paper towel or cloth will do)

If the volume of "tragedy" is more significant: turn the laptop on an edge so that the ventilation holes are at the bottom, and gently shake it to drain as much water as possible.

4) When the first measures to rescue the device are taken, you need to decide: take the laptop to a service center or disassemble it yourself.

Now you have some time to think. No need to try to turn on the device and check if it works! Most likely, it will work, but it is also likely that your computer will die at the most unexpected moment, taking with it your valuable information "to the next world."

First, you should immediately come to terms with the fact that you will not use your laptop for at least 1-3 days. Secondly, you need to assess the scale of the tragedy - the severity of the damage depends on what kind of liquid you spilled on your device. Consider the destructive effect of popular fluids.


If you spill water on the laptop, then it can get to any elements inside the device, including the motherboard, which is fraught with the loss of the laptop. Water, although weak, but the electrolyte, can lead not only to a short circuit, but also to cause slow but steady electrochemical corrosion. However, it is a relatively harmless liquid, so the chances of saving the device are quite high.

Tea, coffee, drinks with sugar or milk

If you spill tea or coffee, drinks with sugar or milk, then the situation is worse, since they all contain various acids. For example, tea is a combination of a huge amount of substances, some of which, for example, tannin, have an acidic reaction. If you spill a sweet drink on the keyboard, after it dries, a sticky sugar trail will remain, and the keys will stick.

By the way, the beer loved by many also contains a number, albeit weak, but acids. As a rule, devices immersed in beer "live" for several months and function normally, which is why the owners of the devices mistakenly think that the problem is over. Over time, the motherboard or hard drive is destroyed by the chemical elements present in the beer.

You should also be wary of juices: they are quite aggressive, as they also contain acids, for example, citric or fruit acids.

Carbonated drinks

The biggest danger is carbonated drinks. These are corrosive liquids rich in chemicals that can oxidize and destroy, for example, the same motherboard. In particular, soda often contains acid of medium strength - orthophosphoric acid, which is used in brazing.

If you spill half a glass of soda or more, then consider that the bill has gone to hours. It is not always possible to immediately take a laptop to a service center. Keep in mind that not every service center will tackle the problem, and if they do, they may not get to your device right away.

Thus, if soda, tea, coffee, beer or wine gets inside your device, you need to rinse the device under water, regardless of whether you plan to carry it to a service center or not. Do not forget to first de-energize the device and remove power supplies from it. This will wash off most of the hazardous chemical elements that have entered the device.

Pour water liberally into the area where you spilled the drink to rinse it off. The motherboard is almost not afraid of water, to a greater extent you run the risk of flooding only the films from under the keyboard. Remember, the main thing is not to turn on your laptop until you have done the following.

You have to make a choice: run with your laptop to an authorized service center or start saving the device yourself. We recommend you the first option to get at least some guarantees. However, not everyone is looking for easy ways. If you are good at technology, or do not trust service centers, or, finally, do not want to spend extra money, then you can try to bring the laptop "to life" by your own efforts.


- Disassemble laptop and keyboard

This can be tricky. It is not always easy to unscrew all the screws on the bottom, often some of the screws can be hidden under peel-off legs and panels, which are held on some latches, attached under the keyboard, display hinges, etc. However, as a rule, there are guides for all common laptop models and disassembly video. Visit the manufacturer's website for information, google or YouTube. In order to reduce the search time, enter "parse * laptop model name *", or better "* laptop model * disassembly".

Disassemble the laptop into the smallest possible components and check where the liquid has reached. The main thing is to remove the CMOS battery on the motherboard, as it constantly powers the board, which is enough for a short circuit in the future. It is easy to find it, it is quite large, round and it is difficult to confuse it with something.

As for the keyboard itself, you will have to disassemble and sort it out separately, having previously photographed or recorded the location of the keys on the keyboard. Next, just remove the keys with a thin screwdriver or any thin improvised tool, as a rule, you can pry them from the bottom side. Then "pull out" the pushers and spring elements. In this case, 3 films will remain on the keyboard substrate: two conductive, with tracks, and a separating film-dielectric between them. On older keyboards, the films are either not glued together, or are glued together at only a few points and are fairly easy to separate. However, on new ones, they are often glued together more reliably and it will be more difficult to paste them - here you cannot do without a hair dryer. We warn you that the gluing process involves certain skills, so it would be better to stop at this stage and hope that no water gets between the films, after all, they are pretty tightly glued.

- Clean and rinse

Pay special attention to the keyboard and the motherboard, you can even check it with a magnifying glass.

If there is any plaque or darkening on the motherboard, use a toothbrush or a lint-free cloth to wipe dry residues from the spilled liquid.

Then carefully, without sparing any effort and attention, clean off all foreign matter with an alcohol solution, after which - with distilled water. If distilled water is not available, plain water can be used. However, the problem is that ordinary water contains impurities of metal salts and can leave them on the board after washing, which can subsequently cause a short circuit. Therefore, we recommend buying distilled water from a pharmacy or auto shop.

If the area of ​​the affected area is large, then remove the board, disconnect everything you can from it, rinse it with warm water and leave it to dry for at least 1-2 days. In the same way, you need to check and rinse all the rest of the interior of the laptop and parts of the disassembled keyboard, getting rid of stains and sticky areas wherever you find.

- Dry your laptop

Now there is little left to do - dry everything that you washed. It is believed that you need to use a hairdryer, but we do not recommend that you do this. First, a hair dryer can blow hot dust into various areas and contaminate them. Secondly, there is a risk of overheating and melting various elements. Thirdly, if moisture remains somewhere, then the air stream will send it even deeper into the case.

Dry within 24 or 48 hours in a warm, dry place, out of direct sunlight. Place the case, board, films, keyboard on supports or a grill over some surface so that air can circulate around the parts. You can even put the ingredients in a bowl of rice, as dry rice draws out moisture well.

- Assemble and test the device

After a day or two, assemble the keyboard and laptop, turn it on and check the overall performance. You can check the keyboard in any text file, but it will be easier to go to Keyboardtester.com and check all the keys there.

If everything works fine, then consider yourself lucky, if only the keyboard does not work, then you will have to replace it with a new one or just buy an external one.

- If the laptop does not turn on, you will have to contact the service center, or buy a new one

To summarize, let's say that you can protect yourself from such incidents. If you are using a laptop as a replacement for a stationary computer, then you can put it on a stand, move it away from you and use an external keyboard and mouse. However, as a rule, a laptop implies mobility, and this option is not suitable for everyone, in which case you should not take risks and drink drinks dangerously close to the laptop.