Tourists who like long phone calls should give up their habit. It should be borne in mind that mobile connection in the Czech Republic is not cheap. It is advisable to leave a Russian SIM card in your phone, if you spend 1-3 days in this country, you will not have to make more than 2-3 calls. In other cases, it is worth using the services of local cellular operators... There are many of them, but 3 options are acceptable for tourists:

  • Vodafone,
  • Telefonica O2,
  • T-Mobile.

These are international concerns that operate in many countries. There is another national option in the state - Ufon, but this operator has many requirements and conditions, which makes using it inconvenient.

The most profitable option for tourists who make frequent calls to Vodafone is. The operator has reasonable rates, buying a SIM card will not create problems.

Where is the best place to buy a SIM card?

SIM cards for mobile phones are sold in the Czech Republic at every step. They are in:

  • airports;
  • kiosks;
  • supermarkets;
  • small shops;
  • communication salons, etc.

Convenience and cost does not depend on the place of purchase. Only those who wish to purchase a card with a subscription fee will have to go to the salon. These types of packages are issued according to documents personally for the user. They can provide better terms. But contracts are concluded for a period of 1-2 years, which is inconvenient for tourists who come for several days.

You can replenish your account by purchasing a card with a special code, after the introduction of which the funds will be credited to the account. Balance replenishment can be done when purchasing goods in supermarkets, hypermarkets. To do this, you need to tell your phone number to the cashier or personally enter it at the checkout, select the required amount to replenish the account.

Tariffs for tourists in 2020

Tariffs differ among operators, you can focus on Vodafone as the most convenient cellular connection:

  • calls within the Czech Republic - 3.5 CZK per minute (Vodafone has the option to connect 4 numbers, to which a call will cost 1.9 CZK per minute);
  • sms within the country - 1.9 kroons, to Russia - 2.52 kroons;
  • calls to Russia - 7.3 kroons;
  • 60 MB of internet per week - 49 CZK.

You can buy additional packages for using the Internet, their prices are reasonable.

How to call the Czech Republic from Russia?

The desire to know how to call the Czech Republic may arise among relatives, friends of tourists, job seekers, and travelers who need to book a hotel room.

To mobile phone

Calling to a mobile device in this country is worth it only as a last resort. Cellular communication in this country is expensive, the call will require significant costs. The set uses the following combination: +420 - subscriber's number.

To a landline phone

Calling landlines is no different from connecting to the addressee cell number... This country does not have special codes for the city of the country. Enough standard set code "420" and the recipient's nine-digit telephone number.

How to call Russia from the Czech Republic?

You can call Russia from the Czech Republic different ways... To do this, you can use:

  • mobile gadget;
  • city ​​payphone;
  • stationary device in a company, hotel, cafe, etc.

Call cost from mobile phone depends on the operator. The card for 50 units, which can be bought at kiosks, shops, salons, will provide an opportunity to talk for about eight minutes.

The price per minute of conversation will be cheaper from a payphone. You can purchase a card for this or use cash. The cost of a minute of conversation is about 7 rubles.

There are few stationary devices in this state now. But they are in large companies, catering establishments, hotels. If you want to save money, you need to schedule calls for a period of 1900-700 hours. The call will cost much less.

To mobile phone

A call to Russia on a mobile phone is carried out using the international code +7. It is followed by the digits of the subscriber's number.

To a landline phone

If you need to call a landline phone to Russia, you need to know the city code number in which the subscriber is located. First, the international code is dialed, then the code of Russia, city and phone number. The combination looks like this: 00-7- (YYY) -XXX-XX-XX.

The most convenient option for communication from the Czech Republic is Skype. In the cities of this country, it is easy to find a free WI-FI zone. These services are provided in cafes and restaurants, on the streets, in hotels. You need to worry about connecting this or a similar program before traveling to the Czech Republic.

Before the division, Czechoslovakia had a code of +42. The division took place on January 1, 1993, but until 1997 the Czechs and Slovaks could not agree on the division of telephone numbers. Until March 1, 1997, both countries used +42, and only from March 1, 1997, the Czech Republic became +420, and Slovakia +421.

Important! Reform of 2002

On September 22, 2002, new rules for dialing telephone numbers came into force in the Czech Republic, the codes of most cities and regions have changed, all leading "0" have been removed.

Since 2002 all phone numbers in the country are unified - contain 9 digits. If the area code is 1 digit, then the subscriber code is 8 digits. If the area code is 2 digits, then the subscriber code is 7 digits.

For example, numbers in Prague are (+421) 2xx xxx xxx, in Karlovy Vary - (+421) 35x xxx xxx, in Pardubice - (+421) 46x xxx xxx.

City and region codes

Code now City or region Before 2002
2 Prague 02
35 Karlovy Vary and Northwest Bohemia 017
37 Pilsen and Western Bohemia 019
31, 32 Central Bohemia region (Kladno, Mlada Boleslav and other cities around Prague)
38, 39 Ceske Budejovice and South Bohemia 038
41, 47 Usti nad Labem and northern Bohemia 047
46 Pardubice and East Bohemia 040
48 Liberec and northeastern Bohemia 048
49 Hradec Kralove and surroundings 049
51, 53, 54 Brno and South Moravia 05
55, 59 Ostrava and Moravo-Silesian Region 069
56 Vysočina region 066
57 Zlín and southeastern Moravia 067
58 Olomouc and Northwest Moravia 068

Mobile operator codes

Important note! As in Russia, any subscriber cellular in the Czech Republic has the right to change the operator while maintaining the number.

This is important when charging calls within the network. For example, you bought a Czech SIM from T-Mobile. You need to call your mobile and you see the T-Mobile operator code. Rejoice that the call will now be either free or at a reduced rate, because the call is within the T-Mobile network.

It's too early to rejoice, the number may be with the T-Mobile code, but the operator in fact turns out to be different, just the subscriber once changed the operator. In this case, a voice warning is given to the caller before connecting. Unfortunately, in Czech “volate ze site T mobile”, which translates as “call outside the T-Mobile network”.

Operator Codes
T-mobile 73, 603, 604, 605
O2 72, 601, 602, 606, 607
Vodafone 77, 608

How to call Czech Republic from Russia

From mobile: +420 (subscriber's number). For example: +420 224 373 584 (referral service).

From city: 8 10 420 (subscriber's number). For example: 8 10 420 311 681 617 (castle information service).

How to call from the Czech Republic to Russia

Both from city and mobile: 00 7 (city or operator code) (subscriber number).

For example: 00 7 495 629 10 10 or 00 7 495 640 40 48

In Russia, we are used to dialing international numbers through the "+". In many countries, such a set is considered the de facto standard. In the Czech Republic, "+" support is not required for operators. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Better call in 00, it always works.

How to make calls within the country

Always dial 9 digits, even if calling within the same region. There are no “intercity exit commands” in the Czech Republic now.

Special codes

800 - called "green link", translated "green line". Special numbers, calls to which are free from any Czech telephone.

81, 83, 843, 844, 845, 855 - called "modra link", translated "blue line". These are special numbers, calls to which are always charged as local, regardless of the location of the subscriber. Widely used for ordering services, services technical support and similar services.

840-842, 847-849 - called "link beats", translated "white line". The call is always charged as national. Used for common telephones of organizations.

900, 906, 908, 909 - special lines for paid services.

How to call emergency services

The call is free from any phone in the Czech Republic, including phones in roaming.

112 - general emergency telephone number;

155 - ambulance;

158, 156 - police general / local department;

150 - fire fighting service;

How to type in WhatsApp, Skype and other messengers

If you call the Czech Republic, then +420 xxx xxx xxx.

If you call to Russia, then +7 xxx xxx xx xx.

Calls from messengers are not tied to the host country in any way.

Have a good rest in the Czech Republic, and read our interesting articles about this country ( list of articles below).

Articles and Life Hacks

The Czech Republic is beautiful in any season and at any time of the day. ? At first glance, an unprepared user may think that he can easily cope with this himself. It's actually worth figuring out the correct dialing sequence first. It will also not be superfluous to find out how to save money on such expensive calls.

How can I get through to the Czech Republic from Russia

To do this, you need to know the code of the country where the call is made - 420. When calling from a mobile, it is dialed immediately after the plus sign:
+ 420-number.

If the subscriber can contact another person only by landline phone, he will need to enter the following:
810420-area code-number.

Having typed 8, you need to listen to the dial tone, and only then continue entering the remaining numbers. Home number the phone is dialed in seven-digit format. For example, for calls to Prague, the 2-code capital code is used: 8104202-number.

If you can make a call to a stationary phone only from a mobile phone (which is not very profitable), they dial:
+ 420-area code-number.

Each time, contacting a subscriber located in another country, you should be ready to spend a lot of money on communication. How to call from Russia to the Czech Republic on more favorable terms? Fortunately, there are alternatives.

How to save on calls from Russia to Czech Republic

A fairly good option is IP telephony. It will allow you to significantly save on calls abroad, and the cost of a minute of conversation can be from $ 0.02. Today there are dozens of resources that offer to make inexpensive calls to the Czech Republic immediately after registration (which is much faster than, for example, buying a SIM card). This is called software IP telephony. In addition to it, there is IP-telephony by cards (you will need to know the card number and PIN-code) and hardware telephony, which involves the purchase of a special phone and its configuration by the provider. Each of the types has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the most convenient, perhaps, can be called soft telephony. It is a great alternative to regular calls and allows you to save tens of thousands of rubles.

An even more profitable way is to make video calls via Skype. In this case, the subscriber pays only the cost of the Internet. By the way, you can call the most regular phone using the dialer. To do this, select the "Call phones" menu. A window with a dialer will open, where you can dial. For calls to a cell phone number entry starts with +420, or they choose a country from the proposed list. It remains to click "Call". If the subscriber is going to contact someone more than once, it is best to add this person to the list of contacts ("Add to Contacts"). If desired, it will be possible to call a city number.