Mobile operator OJSC Cellular Communications of Bashkortostan (SSB, operates under the Sotel brand, a subsidiary of OJSC Bashinformsvyaz) by the end of the year may enter into a joint venture between Rostelecom and Tele2 Russia - LLC T2 RTK Holding ( former "T2 rus holding"). The JV's petition to join the operator was approved by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation last Friday. Rostelecom says that before the deal is completed, a number of internal corporate approvals must go through, in particular, because the republic controls the blocking stake in Sotel's parent company. Kommersant's interlocutors believe that during the preparation of the merger, Rostelecom will try to accumulate the entire stake in Bashinformsvyaz.

FAS Russia last Friday approved the petition of T2 rus holding LLC (JV Rostelecom and Tele2 Russia) to acquire 100% of the shares of Bashkortostan Cellular Communication OJSC. 100% of the shares of the mobile operator operating in the CDMA format are owned by OJSC Bashinformsvyaz. Rostelecom owns a controlling stake in the parent company SSB (68.18% of the authorized capital, or 70.78% of shares). Another 17.84% of the authorized capital of Bashinformsvyaz, according to SPARK-Interfax, is owned by the republic.

The press service of Rostelecom explained to Kommersant that the FAS approval was a preparatory stage for the transaction. Final decision the transfer of the PRS to the joint venture must be approved by the board of directors of Bashinformsvyaz. The date of the council was not announced. The management of Bashinformsvyaz refused to officially comment on this topic yesterday. The interlocutor in the company said that the next meeting of the board of directors is scheduled for April, ahead of the general annual meeting of shareholders. However, his agenda has not yet been approved, he said. The press service of Tele2 Russia refrained from commenting.

Rostelecom and Tele2 announced the creation of a joint venture and plans to create a new federal cellular operator in February this year. Rostelecom plans to contribute its mobile assets to the charter capital. Some of them have already been transferred: Sky Link, Nizhegorodskaya Sotovaya Svyaz, Baikalvestkom, BIT, Volgograd GSM, Yeniseitelecom and AKOS. According to the press service of Tele2, the new operator will provide communication services under the Tele2 brand for 38 million subscribers in 60 regions of Russia. The final consolidation of assets was planned to be completed by the end of the year. According to the results, Rostelecom planned to receive 26% of the authorized capital and 45% of votes in the joint venture, Tele2 - the rest of the stake. It was planned to conclude MVNO agreements between the JV participants (virtual operator cellular communication, using the existing infrastructure of another operator, but selling services under its own brand), licensing agreements for companies' brands, and others.

OJSC "Cellular Communications of Bashkortostan" was founded in October 1992, provides services mobile communications in CDMA format on the territory of Bashkiria. The subscriber base, as of the end of 2012, totaled 38.2 thousand subscribers, the share of the region's mobile communications market was 1.73%. The authorized capital of the PRS is 985.1 million rubles. Revenue in 2012, according to, amounted to 118.2 million rubles, net loss - 96.4 million rubles. The activity of PRS has been unprofitable since 2004.

The Ministry of Land and Property Relations of Bashkiria did not comment on the upcoming deal yesterday. The reception department said that the deputy minister in charge of this topic, Ildar Shafikov, was busy.

Director General of the "Regional Fund" Yuri Smirnov on a call on mobile phone did not answer.

A former high-ranking government official told Kommersant that since the acquisition by Rostelecom of a stake in Bashinformsvyaz (in 2011), "the possibility of selling and a stake in the republic has been discussed many times, but the question of price has arisen." “The regional government wanted to retain participation in the enterprise, on the one hand, because of its strategic nature, and on the other, in order to be able to influence its policy, but these calculations did not come true. It can be assumed that now nothing prevents us from conceding the package, ”the source said.

Experts also believe that the deal will be preceded by an attempt by Rostelecom to consolidate 100% of the parent company, SSB. “It is certainly more profitable for the republic to sell its share than to own a nominal stake,” believes Anton Pogrebinsky of the analytical company ACM-Consulting. The analyst found it difficult to estimate the share of the republic, suggesting that we can talk about "symbolic, very small money." For SSB subscribers, the transfer to service in a large federal holding, according to analysts, promises positive results. “This will give the company a new round of development as a federal, very ambitious player,” noted Anton Pogrebinsky. The representative of iKS-Consulting Maxim Savvatin suggested that "the new operator will eventually be transferred to the LTE format, which will attract interest and new subscribers." “It is not yet clear what will happen to the frequencies at which Sotel operates, but subscribers are likely to really switch to other communication formats,” agrees Denis Kuskov, general director of the Telecom daily agency. in the case of the current financial indicators of "Cellular communication of Bashkortostan" it could work in the uncompetitive CDMA format for two years, no more. "

Bulat Bashirov, Natalia Pavlova

This article will talk about the mobile operator Sotel. Readers will learn about the payment methods and coverage area of ​​this tariff.

About Sotel - official site, contacts

Sotel is a Russian mobile operator that operates in accordance with CDMA standards. Also, this operator offers services for broadband Internet access to subscribers from Bashkortostan. The founder of this company is SBB, which calls itself an “environmentally friendly operator”. This tariff works both in the countryside and in the city.

The official website of the Sotel company is Help desk phone - 294-20-64, and mobile - 8-901-952-80-80. It is open Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm and on Fridays from 9 am to 4 pm. Closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Telephone coverage area

The coverage map was developed using computer simulations. The designated coverage areas do not guarantee uninterrupted communication in certain geographic areas.

It should also be remembered that the transmission speed and quality of cellular communication often deteriorate if there are high-rise buildings or tunnels. In addition, the speed changes depending on the density of buildings or terrain.

Another reason for the deterioration of communication is meteorological conditions, including increased solar activity. Often the reason for this is the peculiarities of the local relief, displaying

Tariff overview

The Sotel company offers customers different tariffs. Thus, those who have connected to the Piggy bank start package are offered favorable conditions: for a monthly fee of 92 rubles, the client will receive a free call package (outgoing calls will also be free).

Also, clients are offered bonuses - additional minutes for making incoming calls.

The cost of calls to cellular and local numbers at this rate is 1.5 rubles. Thanks to this tariff, subscribers can get all the benefits of unlimited communication. Shipping costSMS- messages - 95 kopecks. Another advantage is the low cost of connecting to the network: ruble for 1 megabyte(if you compare with other operators, it's cheap).

Subscribers of the "Unlimited" tariff have the opportunity to communicate within an hour a day with users of other tariffs and those who have landline numbers. After the subscriber has exhausted the daily package of minutes, the system will charge him tariffs for calls in the amount of 1.2 rubles per 1 minute of communication (the tariff does not apply to the first 4 seconds).

If a user works a lot on the Internet, it is better to opt for packages that are specifically designed for this purpose. For instance, tariff plan"Unlimited 19" allows customers to use mobile internet for only 18 rubles a day.

And also users are offered Internet tariffs for corporate clients:

  1. "Your choice" - there is no monthly fee, for 1 Megabyte of the Internet you will have to pay 70 kopecks. Outgoing calls cost 0.75 rubles per minute.
  2. « Unlimited Internet 295 "- no traffic restrictions. The monthly fee is 295 rubles.
  3. "Unlimited Internet - 19 rubles per day" - there are no restrictions on traffic and Internet speed. No monthly prepayment.

How good is the internet from Sotel

Also, subscribers of the "Sotel" tariff are offered high-speed network services (in this case, EVDO technology is used, that is, a cellular technology that provides fast information transfer at a network speed of up to 4 Megabits per second).

This technology can be implemented in two ways:

  1. Revision 0 (the network speed will be 4 Megabits per second).
  2. If the user has chosen the Revision A method, then the information will be transmitted at a speed of 3.5 Megabits / second.

The task of such a company is to ensure the implementation of such technology. As a result, the speed of the Internet provided to subscribers will depend on the equipment used (a certain way of implementing such a technology is supported).

This service is also valid for the EVDO zone. No binding to wires is required. Internet speed offered to customers is 4 Megabits per second. This tariff has the following advantages:

  1. The stability of the connected connection.
  2. Clients are offered an unlimited tariff.
  3. Users can access wireless network and leverage powerful tools to create a mobile workplace.
  4. It also offers the ability to quickly download files and sites from the Internet.
  5. Customers can also watch TV channels.
  6. Clients can monitor the remote object as needed.

Is the personal account available for subscribers

Subscribers of this tariff plan can use their personal account for payment. To do this, you need to enter a password with a login and click "enter".

You can also make a payment using the U-bank service. To enter the resource, you just need to press the phone number. In this case, a commission of 1% will be charged from the client. The minimum payment amount is 50 rubles, and the maximum amount is 5,000 rubles. When paying for the service, no commission is charged.

Ways of payment

Sotel subscribers can top up their balance via the Internet. To do this, you must enter your data and choose where the money will be debited from. Further, the user will go to the email account to confirm the withdrawal of money.

To pay for services with a bank card, you must fill out a ready-made form for the subsequent input of information from a user card. To pay the bill using the phone, you must indicate your number (later, the user will receive a message with the attached payment instructions).

The “successful payment” status indicates the transfer of money to the partner's bank for processing. As a rule, the Sotel account is replenished in two minutes.

Mobile operators

For many residents of Bashkortostan, the Sotel operator has become an indispensable company in the provision of mobile communications and 3G Internet. Have this operator the largest in size cellular network, which includes about 500 cities in this region of Russia.

Taking into account the latest data, since the beginning of the company's work, its client base has replenished by more than 300 thousand people.

For subscribers who prefer to travel abroad, the federal Sotel network provides roaming in 11 countries of the world, including Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Sweden and several others.

Mobile operator tariff plans

Best options:
  1. By purchasing the starter package " Piggy bank»Subscribers will be able to enjoy profitable communication: with a subscription fee of only 90 rubles, callers receive free incoming calls, outgoing within the network at 0 rubles per minute, plus an excellent bonus - minutes that will be credited in a certain set amount for each incoming call.

    Within this tariff, calls to all other telephones, including local and mobile numbers the city of Ufa and the region - 1.50 rubles.

    Thanks to this tariff, which is offered by the Sotel operator, subscribers will be happy to enjoy unlimited communication, but they will have to pay 90 kopecks for SMS messages.

    But the Internet in this package is only a ruble per megabyte (compared to other mobile operators).

  2. Tariff " Unlimited 1500»Will allow you to communicate for 50 minutes a day with subscribers of all operators in Bashkortostan, as well as owners of Ufa city numbers.

    After the daily number of minutes has been exhausted, billing for all calls will be charged in the amount of 1 ruble for 60 seconds of communication (when connected, the first three seconds are not billed).

    Incoming calls and messages within the package are 0 rubles each, and the Internet will be more expensive compared to the “Piggy bank” tariff plan: one ruble from 12 am to 7 am, and 4 rubles from 8 am to 8 pm.

  3. If subscribers prefer to use the Internet a lot, then it is better to choose packages that are specifically designed for this.

    For example, the "Unlimited 19" tariff will allow you to use mobile Internet for only 19 rubles per day without prepayment, limited traffic and speed.

  4. What they say about the operator

    Operator Sotel, in principle, meets all the needs of its customers. For mobile communication, the company has developed a tariff plan with 1500 minutes per month, which is very satisfactory for subscribers.

    There are also positive reviews about tariffs, within which it is very convenient and profitable to use the Internet. As for the main office: for someone to travel far, the location does not suit.

    There are times when some subscribers complain about unstable communication, for example, on the road. But in many ways, the operator is satisfied with both the speed of the Internet and the quality of the services provided.

    You can call the company by dialing 8 901 952-80-80 and 347 252-80-80. Head office address in Ufa: st. Rabkorov, 2 (coordinates for correspondence: index 450106, PO Box 32).

    The help desk can be called by the numbers listed above, as well as by the short number 000 (free of charge and only from intranet numbers).