To make an international call (to call another country), in addition to the subscriber's number, you also need to know the country code of the called subscriber. Each state has its own unique telephone code. It is extremely difficult to say on what principle they were distributed, but one thing can be said with absolute certainty - not in alphabetical order. For example, the phone code of Belarus is 375, and Lithuania is 370. In addition, each city also has its own phone code, but we will talk about that later.

How to call from Belarus to Lithuania

If it so happens that you need to call Lithuania from Belarus, then in addition to the subscriber's number, you need to know the Lithuanian code and the city in which the subscriber is located. General recruitment rule phone number a Lithuanian subscriber is:

370 (Lithuania code) - city code - subscriber's number.

However, in fact, not everything is so simple and the rules for dialing a Lithuanian subscriber's phone number from Belarus directly depend on from which telephone set You want to make a call: landline or mobile.

How to call Lithuania from Belarus using a landline phone

So, as we found out, the rules for dialing a subscriber in Lithuania from Belarus depend on the type of telephone set. If you are going to call Lithuania from a landline phone, then the dialing rules are as follows:

First you need to go to the intercity line by dialing an eight.
Then you need to switch to the international line by dialing 10.
Next, we dial the country code - 370.
Then we dial the number of the city, for example Vilnius - 5.
And then the number of the subscriber himself.

IN general view dialing a number like this:

8 (beep) - 10 (beep) - 370 (beep) - area code - subscriber number

How to call Lithuania on a mobile phone from a landline

If you need to call a subscriber in Lithuania on a mobile phone, but you only have a stationary (city) phone at hand, then the dialing rules are as follows:

Exit to the intercity line - 8.
Access to the international line - 10.
Lithuanian mobile operator code.
Phone number.

IN general scheme dialing looks like this:

8 (beep) - 10 (beep) - (mobile operator code) - subscriber number

How to call Lithuania from Belarus from mobile to mobile

If you need to call a Lithuanian subscriber from mobile to mobile, then you need to do the following sequence of actions:

When calling from mobile phone access to a long-distance line is not required. To access an international line, just dial +.
Next, enter the Lithuanian code - 370.
Next, enter the mobile operator code and then the subscriber's mobile phone number.

In general terms, the number on the mobile will look like this:

+ 370XX (operator code) XXXXXXX (phone number)

Lithuania city phone codes

When all the nuances of dialing a number in Lithuania are determined, it remains only to find out the code of the Lithuanian city to which you want to call.


In this regard, the country is not much different from neighboring Latvia - two of the three main operators are the same: BITE and Tele2. The third is Telia, which appeared as an independent company not so long ago and was previously called Omnitel.

In terms of quality, it makes no sense to single out any one operator, they are approximately the same in terms of coverage. Lithuania is a small country and there are practically no “blank spots” on the reception map.

Where is the best place to buy a SIM card

SIM cards can be purchased in specialized stores of companies mobile communications, at the checkout counters of all supermarkets, at petrol stations or at the newsstands of Lietuvos Spauda.

Considering that you do not need any documents to connect to the network at a prepaid rate, you can buy a SIM card yourself. If you have any questions during the registration process, it is better to contact the officials. Moreover, all SMS and system messages are received in Lithuanian.

Mobile tariffs for tourists

Operators do not have such special travel packages in the country, but you can activate a special option and start calling Russia at a quite reasonable price.

For example, the tariff from Tele2 is definitely the best for the price. The My Countries service costs 1.45 euros and allows you to call Russia at 0.27 euros per minute.

Noteworthy is the Extra tariff from Telia - 5.5 euros for connection (4 of them are returned to the account), 1 GB included mobile internet... Calls to Russia will cost 0.6 euros (42 rubles).

Meanwhile, the level of prices of Russian operators, albeit slowly, is still beginning to be influenced by competition from foreign colleagues in the shop - one does not want to lose the tourist segment. That is why roaming rates in the country today are not as high as they were several years ago - for example, one of the Russian operators offers a tariff of 19 rubles per minute of calls from Lithuania. What to choose - a local SIM card or roaming - it's up to you.

How to call Lithuania from Russia

Nothing complicated: dial "8", connect to the international line (dial 10 after the dial tone), specify the country code (370), settlement and city phone number. If you call from a mobile, the call will go directly through the national code +7.

To mobile phone


To a landline phone

Example of a call to Vilnius:

Here are the city codes that are most interesting to tourists:

  • Vilnius - 5;
  • Kaunas - 37;
  • Klaipeda - 46;
  • Palanga - 460;
  • Siauliai - 41.

How to call Russia from Lithuania

Dial "seven" and do not forget the city code of the person you are calling. For mobile phones, no additional action is required - the call to Russia will go directly.

To mobile phone

An example of dialing when calling a cell phone:

  • +7-910-123-45-67.

To call Lithuania from a landline phone need to dial 8 (this indicates that the call is not local), wait for the dial tone, then dial 10 (this indicates that the call will be international) and then - the phone code of Lithuania 370 (in order to get into the internal telephone network of Lithuania). After that, it remains only to dial the city code to which you need to call and the local phone number of the Lithuanian subscriber. When you call from a mobile phone just dial +370 - Lithuania city code - subscriber's phone number.

The table below shows the city codes of Lithuania.

Locality Telephone code Dialing a number
Name in Russian Name in Lithuanian
Abling Ablinga 46 8-10-370-46-xx-xx-xx
Akmena Akmenė 425 8-10-370-425-x-xx-xx
Alytus Alytus 315 8-10-370-315-x-xx-xx
Anyksciai Anykščiai 381 8-10-370-381-x-xx-xx
Birzhai Biržai 450 8-10-370-450-x-xx-xx
Birstonas Birštonas 319 8-10-370-319-x-xx-xx
Varena Varėna 310 8-10-370-310-x-xx-xx
Vilnius Vilnius 5 8-10-370-5-xxx-xx-xx
Vilkaviskis Vilkaviškis 342 8-10-370-342-x-xx-xx
Visaginas Visaginas 386 8-10-370-386-x-xx-xx
Gargzhdai Gargždai 6 8-10-370-6-xx-xx-xx
Druskininkai Druskininkai 313 8-10-370-313-x-xx-xx
Infect Zarasai 385 8-10-370-385-x-xx-xx
Ignalina Ignalina 386 8-10-370-386-x-xx-xx
Jonava Jonava 349 8-10-370-349-x-xx-xx
Ioniskis Joniškis 426 8-10-370-426-x-xx-xx
Kaisyadoris Kaišiadorys 346 8-10-370-346-x-xx-xx
Kaunas Kaunas 37 8-10-370-37-xx-xx-xx
Kedainiai Kėdainiai 347 8-10-370-347-x-xx-xx
Kelme Kelmė 427 8-10-370-427-x-xx-xx
Klaipeda Klaipėda 46 8-10-370-46-xx-xx-xx
Kretinga Kretinga 445 8-10-370-445-x-xx-xx
Kupiskis Kupiškis 459 8-10-370-459-x-xx-xx
Lazdiyai Lazdijai 318 8-10-370-318-x-xx-xx
Mazeikiai Mažeikiai 443 8-10-370-443-x-xx-xx
Marijampole Marijampolė 343 8-10-370-343-x-xx-xx
Fly Molėtai 383 8-10-370-383-x-xx-xx
Naujoji-Akmenė Naujoji Akmenė 95 8-10-370-95-xx-xx-xx
Nida Nida 469 8-10-370-469-x-xx-xx
Neringa Neringa 469 8-10-370-469-x-xx-xx
Pakruois Pakruojis 421 8-10-370-421-x-xx-xx
Palanga Palanga 460 8-10-370-460-x-xx-xx
Panevezys Panevėžys 45 8-10-370-45-xx-xx-xx
Pasvalis Pasvalys 451 8-10-370-451-x-xx-xx
Plunge Plungė 448 8-10-370-448-x-xx-xx
Prienay Prienai 319 8-10-370-319-x-xx-xx
Radviliskis Radviliškis 422 8-10-370-422-x-xx-xx
Raseinayi Raseiniai 428 8-10-370-428-x-xx-xx
Rokiskis Rokiškis 458 8-10-370-458-x-xx-xx
Skuodas Skuodas 440 8-10-370-440-x-xx-xx
Taurage Tauragė 446 8-10-370-446-x-xx-xx
Telšiai Telšiai 444 8-10-370-444-x-xx-xx
Trakai Trakai 528 8-10-370-528-x-xx-xx
Ukmerge Ukmergė 340 8-10-370-340-x-xx-xx
Utena Utena 389 8-10-370-389-x-xx-xx
Sakiai Šakiai 345 8-10-370-345-x-xx-xx
Shalchininkai Šalčininkai 380 8-10-370-380-x-xx-xx
Šiauliai Šiauliai 41 8-10-370-41-xx-xx-xx
Svenchenis Švenčionys 387 8-10-370-387-x-xx-xx
Silale Šilalė 449 8-10-370-449-x-xx-xx
Silute Šilutė 441 8-10-370-441-x-xx-xx
Shirvintos Širvintos 382 8-10-370-382-x-xx-xx
Elektrenai Elektrėnai 528 8-10-370-528-x-xx-xx
Jurbarkas Jurbarkas 447 8-10-370-447-x-xx-xx

To call from one city of Lithuania to another(for example, to a resort) dial 8 - dial tone - city code or mobile operator - subscriber number. To call from Lithuania to Belarus it is necessary to dial 00 - 375 - Belarusian city code - subscriber's phone number. To call abroad from Lithuania dial 00 - country code - city code or mobile operator - subscriber number. To call from a mobile phone abroad you need to dial "+", country code, city code or mobile operator code, subscriber number (for example, to call Minsk: + 375 17 - xxxxxxxx).

Emergency phones:

Fire assistance ― 101;
Police ― 102;
Ambulance ― 103;
Gas service ― 104;
reference Information- 09, 118 - paid call; 117 - the call is free;
One phone emergency services - 112 (available from both a landline and a mobile phone, the call is free);
Roadside assistance ― (8-800) 00000, (8-22) 262-252.
Calls to emergency services are free.

You can make phone calls in Lithuania from pay phones using cards that are sold at post offices, shops, newsagents and gas stations. On weekends and holidays, as well as on weekdays from 22.00 to 06.00 there is a 30% discount on all international telephone calls. You can also use cards for calls within Lithuania and abroad mobile operators prepaid, which are sold in mobile phone shops, newsstands and hypermarkets in Lithuania.

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