Telecommunications operator MTS today offers many convenient options and services that greatly simplify the process of maintaining communication with other subscribers. Among them is the service "You have been called" by MTS, which allows you to receive messages about customers who did not get through for any reason. You can connect it yourself or with the help of a company representative.

In most cases, the option is connected by default when buying a SIM card and the client is not always notified about it. Then the question may arise: “They called you” - what kind of service is this and why is it required? The principle of its operation is as follows: if a subscriber misses a call from any other number (due to temporary blocking of the phone, being in roaming, disconnecting the card and other reasons), he receives an SMS notification on his phone about the missed connection. As a rule, the message contains the time and number of the subscriber who did not get through. This option makes it possible to call him back. As a rule, it connects for free.


When connecting and using the option, it is important to be aware of the following network conditions:

  • information about missed calls is not received if they were forwarded;
  • the service is deactivated if the subscriber puts the option of barring incoming calls on the phone;
  • if the caller has activated the anti-identification service, it is not possible to set his number using the option;
  • the presence of “Voicemail” deactivates the option;
  • maximum duration of information storage about missed calls - 24 hours;
  • disabling the short message service (SMS) deactivates the option.

As the sender of SMS notifications, the operator indicates the phone number from which the subscriber could not get through.

How to activate the service "You were called" on MTS for free

If the option was not provided by representatives of the sales office when buying a SIM card, you can connect it yourself. To do this, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  1. Using the USSD command. You will need to dial the combination * 111 * 38 # on the phone and press the call button.
  2. In the Personal Account. You must be registered on the internet platform. If it is available, you need to log in and select the Service management item in the main menu, then - the service of interest.
  3. Through the application "My MTS" for smartphones. The connection mechanism in this case looks the same as on the operator's website.
  4. By calling contact center MTS. It is enough to dial 0890 and wait for the consultant's answer. Next, you need to inquire about how to activate the "You've received a call" service on MTS. As a rule, in such cases, consultants make the connection on their own. Upon activation of the service, an SMS notification will be sent to the phone.

It is also possible to apply with a passport and a SIM card to the sales office with a request to connect. However, this method is the most time consuming and inconvenient. It is much easier to enable the service yourself.

Cost of the service "You have been called" MTS

It is important for the subscriber to pay attention to the fact that the connection of the option itself is made free of charge.

However, the daily use of "You've received a call" is charged. The subscription fee charged for each day of operation will be 1.2 rubles. The cost of each separate notice- 0 rubles. It is also possible to disable the service without penalties from the telecom operator.

Disconnection of the service

It is also possible to disable the option in four similar ways: using the USSD command, in the Personal Account, in the application, or through a call to hotline... Also disconnection is made at the sales office.


There is no urgent need for the “You've received a call” service from MTS, but it can significantly simplify contacts with other subscribers by providing information about those who did not get through. In addition, the option is connected and disconnected at no cost, its use is relatively inexpensive.

Being in the metro or outside the coverage area of ​​the MTS network, we may miss important calls. Because of this, business ties are often destroyed and even major deals are disrupted. How to find out if someone called us at a time when our phone was unavailable for other subscribers? For these purposes, the option "You have been called" from MTS works. It will allow you to get all the information about missed calls. How does this option work and what is needed to enable it?

When calling some people, we often hear an autoinformer message in the receiver that the called subscriber is out of the network coverage area. In this case, you can leave him a message within the MTS Autoresponder service or, in order to contact this subscriber, you should call him a little later, when his phone registers in the MTS network again. But how does the called subscriber know that someone called him? This information can be obtained using the "You have been called" option from MTS.

How does this option work? As soon as the called subscriber's phone connects to the network, he will receive an SMS message with information about all missed calls. The following data will be indicated in the SMS:

  • The number of missed calls;
  • Time of making calls;
  • Phone numbers from which calls were recorded.

After that, we can decide whether to call back these numbers or not.

The option is very convenient and is recommended for connection to all MTS subscribers. If you often travel outside the city, travel a lot by subway and visit places with poor reception of the cellular network signal, then this option is just created for you. As a rule, information about missed calls comes literally a few seconds after the phone is registered in the network.

But in some cases, informational SMS does not come. This can happen for a variety of reasons:

  • Call forwarding to some other number is set on your phone;
  • You have set all calls to be barred (network service, activated via the call settings menu);
  • Your phone is full of SMS memory (this often happens on old handsets, where the amount of memory for text messages limited);
  • The SMS service is not connected (this happens extremely rarely, since the service is connected to all subscribers by default and does not require additional connection).

The most common problem of the absence of informational SMS is the set forwarding, and under any conditions. In order to reactivate SMS-informing within the framework of the “You've received a call” service from MTS, you need to get rid of call forwarding.

The cost of the "You've received a call" option from MTS will not cause any special financial damage to any subscriber. The subscription fee for the option is only 1.2 rubles per day, and on some tariffs it is completely absent. For example, there is no subscription fee on tariffs MTS Connect 4, Online, Business Federation and some other tariff plans. In any case, the "You've received a call" option is very beneficial, even if it is provided with a monthly fee, since in some cases the value of information about missed calls is very, very high.

How to activate the "You've received a call" option on MTS

In order to connect "You've received a call" from MTS, you should use the USSD-command * 111 * 38 #. In addition, we can activate the option through the Personal Account. Similar functionality is provided mobile application MTS Service. The option is connected free of charge.

How to disable the service "You've received a call" on MTS

Are you tired of incoming SMS with information about missed calls? In order to deactivate the "You have been called" service on MTS, you should use the mobile application MTS Service or MTS Personal Account... If there is no Internet access, then the option can be disabled using the USSD command * 111 * 38 # or by sending an SMS with the text 211410 to the short service number 111. If your tariff plan has the option "You were called" without a monthly fee, then you can not disable it recommended - what if she will help you not to miss an important call from an important person?

If you find a connected “Daily Weather Forecast” service on your phone and daily charges bother you Money- read about how to turn off the weather forecast on MTS in a separate article.

The MTS operator offers its customers the "You've received a call" service. This offer is not new for subscribers of different operators. Thanks to this option, you can always stay in touch: not a hindrance, lack of communication, a dead phone battery, an important meeting. The call will never be missed. The subscriber will always know who called and when.

MTS provided its customers with this option free of charge. But, a few years ago, the service became a paid service. And although the payment is small, each user decides for himself how much he needs this option.

If, for any reason, the subscriber was unable to answer the call, and the answering machine is not connected. He will definitely find out about missed calls. The operator will send an SMS message, where it will be full information, about who called.

The SMS states:

  • the number of missed calls,
  • time of the call,
  • the number of the subscriber who was fed to get through.

Having received an SMS, the subscriber, if he wishes, can call back. This service is very beneficial for users who are often not in the access zone. mobile communications... And you need to know - who called? Don't miss an important call.

There are reasons for which SMS with this information does not come.

  • With outdated redirects.
  • Barring incoming calls.
  • Not enough memory for SMS messages.
  • Lack of SMS receiving service.

If you fix the problem, the messages will arrive correctly.

Payment for the service "You have been called"

This offer became, several years ago, paid. Payment is charged every day depending on the tariff plan, from 60 kopecks. up to 1 rub. The subscriber must pay about 30 rubles every month.

The payment is small, and the service is quite useful. Although each subscriber independently determines its importance and his willingness to pay Additional services.

Service connection

There are several options for connecting.

Call to the operator

  • On mobile, dial 0890. After a while, after a short communication with the "robot voice" (he does not need to answer), the operator will answer.
  • The operator needs to explain which service connection is required.
  • The operator will tell you in detail about the option and payment, issue a request.
  • Connection confirmation will be an activation notification.

USSD command

To connect the option to always know who called, a simple combination * 111 * 38 # will help. It needs to be dialed on the phone and sent for processing. USSD commands are always free. With their help, at any time of the day, you can subscribe to certain offers from the operator.

Personal Area

Personal account is a very useful Internet assistant for a subscriber. After completing a simple registration, users can easily connect and disconnect all additional services, including "You've received a call".

Also connect this service you can use the mobile application MTS service.

Disable option

Any payable service makes you think about its need. If the subscriber is almost always in touch and does not care about the question: "Who called?" This offer is not current and needs to be disabled.

Disabling the "You've received a call" option is as simple as connecting and absolutely free. For this you need:

  • Send USSD-command * 111 * 38 # from the user's phone. It is absolutely the same for both connecting and disconnecting the service.
  • Go to the MTS service application by following a simple algorithm of actions.
  • Use the "Personal Account".
  • Send a message to number 111 with a combination of numbers "211410".
  • Contact the operator.

MTS company is concerned about the comfort of its customers by providing various additional services. How much they are needed and whether to connect them, each subscriber decides independently.

How to find out who called if you have been offline for a while? Very simple! Use the service "They called you" from MTS. With its help, it is easy to determine the number of the subscriber who has not called, as well as at what time and how many times he called.

What does the service "You've received a call" and its nuances give

When your smartphone is out of power or offline, it's easy to miss an important call. To keep abreast of all calls that have been received by the phone during the absence of the network, enable the "You've received a call" option. Her advantages:

  • not a single call will be missed;
  • the subscriber will be informed at what time, how many times and from which number they called;
  • one message will indicate detailed information about a missed call.

Important! The message about missed calls is stored for no longer than 1 day.

Sample message.

An alternative to the "You've received a call" service is the "Voice Mail" service. It also informs the subscriber about missed calls. But unlike the first one, the option allows the uncalled subscriber to tell about the reason for his call in the form of a voice message.


Every day, 1.20 rubles will be charged for the option. But if you are the owner of a new tariff plan, for example, "X", "Tariff", "My Smart" or another, then "You got a call" will cost nothing. To check whether the service is free for you or not, go to the "Services" section. If its cost is zero, then it will be in the "Free" section.

Why does not it work

Sometimes, when the service is connected, SMS does not come. There may be several reasons:

  • no one in your absence from the network called;
  • the call came in as call forwarding;
  • if connected different kinds redirects;
  • all incoming calls are barred;
  • the phone memory is full. Erase all read SMS to use the service.

Messages with information about missed calls may arrive, but instead of the subscriber's number there will be a set of symbols. This is possible if the caller has activated the "Number restriction identifier".

The "You've received a call" service will not work if voice mail is connected.

How to connect

If the subscriber is the owner of an archived tariff plan or this option is not included in the tariff by default, he can use one of three ways to activate it:

  • dial the command * 111 * 38 # "Call";
  • activate the service in your personal account. To do this, go to your personal account on the MTS website, go to the "Services" section on the "Paid" tab and click on the "Connect" button;
  • in the mobile application.

On new tariffs, the service does not need to be activated - it is included in the package by default.

Attention! For users of the “You've received a call” service: if the “I’m in touch” option is enabled for the subscriber who has not called, he will be able to find out when you will appear on the network. The callers will receive a message similar to the following: "Subscriber + 7XXXXXXXX has appeared in the network coverage area." If you do not want to notify about turning on the phone, activate the service “Prohibition of the“ I’m in touch ”service.

How to disable

The option is disabled using the same command that was connected: * 111 * 38 # "Call". You can also do this in your personal account on the operator's website:

  1. Log in to your account by entering your phone number and password.
  2. Go to the "Services" section, then click on the "Free" tab, if the option is included in the default plan and is free, or on the "Paid" tab, if you need to pay for it on a daily basis.
  3. Click on the "Disable" button.

Smartphone owners can easily deactivate it in the mobile application.

When the phone is switched off or you are out of the MTS network coverage area, the "You have been called" service will inform you about who tried to contact you during this time. But for this service you need to pay a certain fee and not everyone needs it, so you need to know how to disable this option. The operator MTS Russia offers several options for disabling the service:

Description of the service

Often there are situations when there is a need to turn off the phone or it is out of range, or the battery is simply discharged. After the device is turned on, its user will receive an SMS message with the following information: who could not get through, at what time and how many attempts he made.
This service allows you to always be aware of what is happening and not to miss an important call, even in unforeseen circumstances. The service is paid, and its cost varies depending on the region.


The service is free for users connected to the following packages: "Single", "MTS Connect", " Smart House"," Online "," Business Federation "," Telematics "," Business class "," Smart device "(including all variations).

For others tariff plans the cost of the service is 1.2 rubles. Payment is debited from the subscriber's account daily.

The option is included in the set of standard services of most of the MTS mobile communication packages and is free for the first 7 days. At the end of this period, a daily payment is charged, the amount of which is indicated above.