Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to say a few words about how pay-per-action affiliate programs ( CPA affiliate program stands for Cost Per Action - i.e. you get a profit from the goods or services paid for by your refs, for registration, etc.).

One of the brightest representatives of the catalyst for such affiliate programs is the service Admitad, which has German roots, which is probably reflected primarily in its very laconic design and functionality. Although I haven’t used other aggregators of CPA affiliate programs so far, this opinion can be considered one-sided.

It all started with the fact that one of my new projects was not accepted in, and is not shown on a good half of the pages (there are topics that Rsya does not want to deal with for ethical reasons).

By and large, there remain only (be careful with shocking teasers, for the installation of which Yandex began to punish with pessimization), well, and affiliate programs. I worked with them, but did not work very often with their aggregators, so I want to stop at this today and see how it all is organized by the example of Admitad... I would be glad to receive your comments and additions.

Ways to make money on CPA affiliate programs (offers) in Admitad

The essence of this action boils down to the use of so-called ones that lead to the partner's website and have a special ending that is saved in the cookies of the user's browser who clicked on this link to the target page ().

Thanks to this, it will be quite easy to track later whether this user will buy something on the partner's website or will perform any other action specified in the rules and paid at the established rate. The expiration date of cookies is negotiated for each offer separately.

Word offer, in relation to affiliate programs, means the entire program or its individual campaign, where the terms of cooperation are negotiated and a reflink and other advertising materials are obtained. If you look from the point of view of the owner, then the offer will be a campaign aimed at increasing sales by sharing income with partners (webmasters, doorway managers and traffic arbitrage aces).

Your task is to skillfully manage the referral link. The whitest and fluffiest option would be using an affiliate link on your own website, either in the form or in the form of a banner () with a reflink hung on it.

The whole point was in fine selection (long keys with a price of a few cents) and filtering out ineffective ads in order to cut off garbage traffic as much as possible, thereby ensuring a high percentage of purchases among all users who came from Yandex.Direct.

In fact, anyone can engage in arbitration, but success here will undoubtedly depend on experience and the choice of the right segment (finance, loans, goods, games, etc.), and the income received is also from the available funds at your disposal, because the return on CPA affiliate programs will go with some lag and at first you will just have to invest, not being able to assess the profitability and feasibility. For a beginner, going into negative territory will be a trifle.

If you plan deeper plunge into the topic of traffic arbitrage(not necessarily in relation to Admitad), then I advise you to watch the next master class, where everything is laid out on the shelves and a lot of the most important nuances are noted:

In Admitad for each offer are negotiated possible options driving traffic... Someone objects to doorways, someone against Direct, or against mentioning the brand when composing advertisements (so that they do not start competing with the owner of the affiliate program and thereby increase bids in Direct and Adwords):

The designation Cashback in Admitad should be understood as the use of payment for the actions of certain users, which can be found in the cheat systems. If an offer pays for registration or filling out a form, then Cashback may well be effective, but the owners of affiliate programs often prohibit this (sometimes they allow it in game offers with a penny payment for registration in the hope that some of the corrupt users will nevertheless be interested game).

Popunder traffic is also often prohibited. Traffic from your own or other people's sites is not separately negotiated. Not all traffic arbitrage methods will allow you to send it directly to the CPA affiliate's landing page using a reflink.

In some cases, it will be impossible to put down the reflinks you have taken, it is more profitable to attract users through an intermediate site. In this case, "spacers" are used - site pages that are optimized for the user to go where they need to and do what the affiliate program requires (analogous to MFA - resources sharpened for Adsense).

Doorways is also allowed to be used in many offers available in Admitad, although they belong to the category of "black SEO", with which search engines struggling with varying success.

However, doorway managers are very sensitive to changes in search algorithms and always find a way to push their pseudo-sites to the Top of search results. When users go to them from search, they are automatically redirected (one hundred percent CTR) to one of the most suitable affiliate links.

For the owner of an affiliate program, doorways are not something "nasty and disgusting", because they redirect real target visitors from search results (by) to the pages of their online stores or any other selling pages.

Therefore, this type of traffic is allowed in many offers. Although the doorway business itself is quite difficult for beginners to enter, because it requires very serious knowledge of the intricacies of the search and finding vulnerabilities in it.

Another interesting, in my opinion, way to make money on CPA affiliate programs of Admitad is the opportunity unloading the cards of goods available there to create your own based on them, like Wikimart.

For these purposes, even a special one called adCMS appeared. There you can also find a link to a demo store created on the basis of this CMS and products from the CPA affiliate program, as well as examples of stores actually working according to this scheme and set of videos explaining the installation and configuration of this engine.

In general, I don’t know if Admitad is the best CPA network of affiliate programs in Runet, but I can definitely say that it is the most promoted... The year before last, they organized a competition among bloggers, and in the past they muddied another marathon, the winner of which was the one who earns the most on a completely new site with an adCMS partner store installed on it. The first participants were given this CMS free of charge, and the rest were given a big discount.

It is allowed to promote a store created on a new domain only (the adCMS engine allows you to change it for any pages), contextual advertising in Yandex and Google, as well as using doorway pages, which were then placed in a separate category due to their clear advantage at the start.

Registration in Admitad and adding sites

Registration in Admitad is quite serious and you will need to specify not only your mailbox but also the number cell phone, which will receive a confirmation code to complete this process (they are concerned about the safety of users). It all starts with this page, where you will be asked to fill out a rather voluminous form, and your full name will need to be entered in the Latin alphabet (), because, as I already mentioned, the aggregator has bourgeois roots:

Scroll through the list of conditions to the end, agree with them and click on the "Register" button. Next, traditionally follow the link from the received letter, and then also enter the one sent to SMS message confirmation code.

That's it, registration is over.

You can now go directly to adding the first site... As I described just above, there are a lot of ways to work and make money on CPA affiliate programs from Admitad's arsenal, and in each case there will be its own algorithm for adding a site. I will not consider all of them, but will focus on the traditional option for making money on your website by placing reflinks or affiliate banners there.

So, go to the page for adding a new site to Admitad and choose the first of the options "If you want to add a website":

After clicking on the "Add site" button, your site will go to moderation and you can track the change in its status on the page with your sites:

How to add sites based on traffic attraction from contextual advertising systems, doorways, social networks or something else, you can learn from this short video:

For some time, the site you added will be under moderation. After its status changes to "Active", you can proceed to choosing the most suitable offers for you.

Selection of CPA affiliate networks for platforms and Admitad tools

It is not so difficult to select them, because on the Program Catalog page, in the left column, you will find a whole group of filters that allow you to segment the subject of offers, select the type of traffic accepted in the CPA affiliate program, as well as specify the tools you need:

We talked about the possible options for traffic to the CPA affiliate program in Admitad a little higher in the text. Concerning categories, to which one or another offers can be attributed, then sliding on the surface we can say that there are three large groups:

  1. Online games - it was with them that this affiliate network began. Usually, a website (portal) is created for these affiliate programs, where they describe all the games from these offers, put down referrals or banners, and then start promoting this site or pouring traffic to it.
  2. Online stores (goods) - on this moment the largest category of offers. There is an option to create your own CPA store based on the CMS mentioned just above with its subsequent promotion or traffic drain. But you can also use context and social networks without creating a pseudo store.
  3. Finance - you need to sell loans, which is not so easy.

All these categories in Admitad are constantly updated with new offers, as well as new popular sections appear on such as tourism or Internet services. Further in the filter column go "Instruments"... With a check mark in the box "Products" you will be able to see all affiliate programs where it is possible to upload product cards for your CPA store.

All suitable for you offers will need to be connected to your site... To do this, in the program catalog, click on the desired affiliate program, read its conditions, see the options for the received traffic and the offered tools, then at the very bottom put a tick in the "I have read ..." field and click on the "Connect" button:

In some cases, at the bottom of the page describing the CPA affiliate program, you will see another button:

In this case, you still have to wait for the moderation of your site by a representative of this affiliate program. They may easily not accept it.

If you are nevertheless accepted into affiliate programs that allow you to unload product cards, then after that you can go to the "Products" tab, where using the filters in the left column, select the ones you need and perform their unloading (export) in Csv or Xml format:

Pretty cool. Filters for other Admitad tools will also be available on the Program Categories page. For example, Deeplink, which allows you to create reflinks to any page of the site of the owner of the CPA affiliate program, and not only to the main page or registration page.

This can reduce costs for context (ads for specific products will cost less, and the conversion for them will be higher), and offer owners do not always allow their brand to be used in contextual ads.

If you go to the section of advertising materials of those CPA affiliates where the Deeplink tool takes place and which you connected to their site, then on the corresponding tab you can get a referral link to any page of the offer website:

Well, it is clear that "Coupons / Discounts" can also be actively used to improve the efficiency of customer acquisition. In the catalog of Admitada programs, you can find out in which affiliate programs these same discounts / coupons are provided, on the "Tools" - "Discounts and coupons" tab, familiarize yourself with specific offers.

It will still not work to tell about everything within the framework of the article, so I advise before starting work with Admitad go to their thematic forum to delve a little deeper into the topic and understand the main vectors. Well, their blog, I think, will not be superfluous either.

Yes, the money earned on offers will be available once a week withdraw from Admitad(minimum salary of 300 rubles or 10 evergreens). Withdrawal is possible to a bank account, or even, which, probably, will be convenient for those living over the hill.

Generally, register and see for yourself whether you need it or not.

Choosing an affiliate program can be a real problem, since the assortment is huge, and the conditions are favorable everywhere.

Despite this, it is better to take advantage of the offers of affiliate aggregators. In such networks, it is much easier to find a good offer and you do not have to register on several sites.

How to add a VK group to Admitad?

A community on any topic can be added to the system in order to receive profit from it through one of the affiliate programs. The better the site is promoted, the more income it will bring.

Owners of publics and groups make money different ways, and so that you do not doubt that it is profitable, here are the real numbers:

Almost 2 million rubles in just one day, you see, a decent amount. Even if you receive 10,000 times less, you can live on this money. What is required for this? It is advisable to use sites, but you can get by with social groups. networks.

It's easy to create communities, and with the instructions, you can easily create a platform for making money.

During the registration process on Admitad, you need specify traffic source:

At the final stage of adding a site, confirmation is required (authorization through a profile that is the owner or moderator of the community):

Nothing complicated, just log in and the system automatically determines whether you administer the group or not. Everything is ready, now you can proceed to making money through one of the offers. The choice is huge, but there is no need to rush, there will be little sense if the site is not popular.

Choosing an offer for monetization

There are many different offers on Admitad for monetizing any kind of traffic. Hundreds of affiliate programs have been added to this aggregator, conditions are different everywhere.

You can choose for yourself what to receive money for - download mobile application, percentage of the sale, registration on the site, fixed payment for the invited client:

Naturally, you need to build on the theme of your site. For example, if you have a group for young people or with a gaming theme, it makes sense to advertise online games. They most often offer registration fees.

The payment is not very high, but how many people can go from your group to the game and create an account there:

Please note that for each offer there is a description and news, this helps to create a competent advertising post. There are also promotional materials, but most often these are banners and teasers that are useful only to site owners.

The selected example offer for this article is one of thousands of other options. There are affiliate programs for women's online stores, banks, information products, adult products, and so on. Who to cooperate with is up to you.

Effective Sponsored Posts

Income from earning Vkontakte through Admitad will definitely not be large if, in addition to promoting the site, you neglect the creation of high-quality advertising posts. Remember, you need to attract as many users as possible, and it is quite difficult to catch the attention of a modern person who has already adapted to advertising on the Internet.

If you yourself are not well versed in this, take the posts posted in large publics as an example:

As a rule, they are developed by competent marketers, since you have to pay a lot for placement. Never stop at one format, you need to constantly change promo and check statistics. This helps you find the most effective ad posts.

In order for Vkontakte to earn big money through Admitad, you will have to start developing your site closely. You can do it, but this will require investment. If you decide to spend money, then use it to develop your own group.

How to make money in Admitad, the best affiliate program on the Runet, and for whom is it suitable? The Admitad affiliate is designed to monetize the site without investing or making money on traffic arbitrage - this is attracting visitors with teaser or contextual advertising and redirecting them to partner sites. Also earn in Admitad it is possible without your own website - using traffic from social networks, mailings, etc.

After confirmation of registration (using the link from the e-mail and mobile phone- via SMS), it remains to add your site:

As you can see, there are several ways to work with the system. It is possible to attract visitors from social networks or use contextual advertising. It is even possible to work through doorways - one-page sites for redirecting traffic, which search engines are mercilessly fighting, considering them a "black" method of seo optimization. However, in the Admitad affiliate network, they are allowed, but not for all advertisers.

Doorways are used to make effective money on traffic arbitrage: in fact, this is the reselling of purchased traffic, which is the most profitable way to make money on CPA affiliate networks, if you have experience. Anyway, to better understand the intricacies work with CPA affiliate networks, you must start with a regular site (point 1).

Using her example, we will continue our acquaintance with the system, everything is simple - fill in and mark what you need. It is mainly only site traffic that matters:

In addition to the sites, the audience of which is located in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries of our states, there are also countries where bourgeois live happily ever after. After a while or immediately, as in my case, the status of the site should change to "Active":

And instructions: how to work with the Admitad affiliate program

For further work, go to the "Program Catalog". The left column contains tools for filtering affiliate programs. By categories, for example: "Online games", "Internet shops" or "Insurance and finance", where offers of advertisers (offers) for bank loans and borrowings are located.

The next filter is by type of traffic: "Contextual advertising", "PopUp advertising", "Email distribution", etc. By ticking the necessary boxes, we will significantly reduce the list of offers - only those that meet the specified requirements will remain. Filtered online stores for work:

Now an important question arises: how to distinguish offers, but, in other words, select the best affiliate programs? To operate profitably, program parameters are essential. First of all, we draw attention to the rating, calculated on a scale of up to 10. To make it clearer, I will place the rest of the selection criteria in the list (only important ones), for one thing I will decipher the terminology:

  1. eCPC - average earnings from 1 transition.
  2. CR - conversion: the ratio of completed actions (leads) to conversions in%.
  3. Confirmation percentage - the higher, the fewer bounces.
  4. Cookie duration - the longer the better.
  5. Tariffs - firstly: the period after which earnings become available for withdrawal; secondly: the cost of a lead or commission in% of the purchase amount.

It is worth paying attention to affiliate gaming: games are a universal way of earning money for sites with various topics, and payment in gaming affiliates is high. The Admitad network began its activity, namely, working with online games affiliate networks.

Noteworthy are tourism affiliate networks (in season) and services of coupons and discounts - all users love them. The cost of registering for the coupon service can be about 15 rubles, and there are enough people who want to get discounts for purchases on the Internet.

To apply for participation in a specific affiliate program, click the "Details" button on the desired offer. The application is accepted immediately or after several days, there are rejections - it's not scary. There are few of them, perhaps the insufficient attendance rate affects. Here we will see detailed information according to the terms of the program, for example, what types of traffic are allowed for this offer:

Some partners provide detailed analytics on the geography and demographics of their customers - diagrams, graphs. This is convenient for effective selection of advertisers - compare this data with the audience of your site, for example: women 25-35 years old, Moscow and Moscow region, and so on.

In the "Advertising materials" you can see the banners of what sizes there are for this offer, get affiliate links. If there is a “Deeplink” item there, it means that it is possible to create a reflink to a specific product page, promotions, etc., which makes some offers more attractive.

Banner rotator

The "Tools" section of the menu contains the Autobanner item. This is the ability to quickly create a banner rotator with "intelligence". The auto banner will change advertisers by itself, giving priority to those that bring you more income. The only limitation is that the advertisers of your choice do not have a banner of the required size.

For webmasters who make money online, the most common way to generate income is through affiliate networks. And most often for these purposes, the highest-rated sites are chosen, one of which is the Admitad partner network. It is easy to work in this CPA network, all earning mechanisms are available.

How does the Admitad network work?

The principle of work in the Admitad affiliate network is the same as for all other CPA networks:

  • the advertiser publishes his offer (for example, an online store that offers payment for attracted and purchased users);
  • the webmaster selects the most suitable offers for placing them on thematic resources (placing links);
  • the payment for the webmaster's work depends on the number of clicks on the links to the advertisers 'sites and the users' actions that the advertiser needs.

This principle of operation is observed in all CPA networks, but the mechanisms for its implementation may differ on each individual resource.

What are the advantages of the Admitad network?

What good can the Admitad network give webmasters:

  • It has many benefits to work with. This system has the largest number of advertisers - about 90.
  • The minimum withdrawal amount is 300 rubles.
  • A wide variety of thematic offers for any site.
  • A wide range of user acquisition options, from social media to personal websites.

How to start working in the CPA network of Admitad?

The first step in working on the Admitad resource is registration. You must enter the required data in the registration form. There shouldn't be any difficulties with this. Next, you need to start activating your account, the activation link will be sent to the mail in the registration letter. To protect the system from automatic registrations, the system prompts you to confirm your mobile phone number.

We recommend the course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money on the Internet, including ways to make money on affiliate programs

If these requirements are met, the account will be activated, authorization will take place and you will need to inform the system of the resources from which the publisher will attract users for advertisers. The Admitad network calls these resources sites.

How to attract visitors?

There are several methods used in CPA affiliate programs to attract users, which are also used in the CPA network of Admitad:

Capturing the market with teaser networks

  1. Using the website or blog of the webmaster. On these sites, you can post advertising materials provided by the CPA network Admitad. On the aggregator's website, you need to select the appropriate item, enter the sites and all the required data on them there. After that, they are moderated, the webmaster has to wait while the network admins check them.
  2. Writing contextual advertising - effective ads by webmasters in Google AdWords or Yandex Direct.
  3. By attracting users using social networks, you do not need to moderate them. You can immediately start referring friends from social networks through groups, applications or using teaser advertising.
  4. For experienced webmasters who have promoted sites with high traffic, this type of platform is very suitable for work, advertising in this case goes through the doorway network.
  5. Advertising by buying ad space on other sites through arbitration networks.

First column indicates the company, the second gives the name indicating the purpose of the work that will be paid.

In the column " Ordering goods»Shows the payment of each visitor who made an order.

« Price»This is the webmaster's fee. If the fee is paid as a percentage of the purchase amount, then this column will indicate the percentages.

« Hold time”Means after what time the money earned by the publisher for a certain job will be available to him and can be withdrawn to an electronic wallet.

Information on the average earnings for each click on the link is in the column “ eCDC».

The conversion is visible in the column “ CR". This is the ratio of actions that visitors take to the number of clicks made by advertising link.

The most complex indicator is in the column “ Rating". It includes data on the profitability of a given ad offer.

What regions the user audience is divided into can be understood by paying attention to the column “ Regions».

If the information that is in the table is not enough for selection or there are some incomprehensible moments, you can find more detailed information on a specific advertising offer by clicking the button " More details».

7 secrets of teaser ads

The advertiser also examines the applications received by him to attract visitors to his site and responds with consent or refusal to work to each publisher who submitted an application. If the advertiser's decision is positive, the publisher must place advertising materials provided by the Admitad system on their sites, choosing them from the proposed options at their discretion.

Internet business today attracts more and more people and companies. Billions of dollars are spinning on the Internet. You can also bite off your share of the total pie. It doesn't matter if you are just starting to work in this direction, I will try to help you with a series of articles.

It was not by chance that I chose LJ as the site - in my opinion? LiveJournal is home to the most thoughtful audience capable of making really serious money. By serious money, I mean amounts from a thousand dollars and more. Another point in LiveJournal is that you can gain such traffic, such an audience that autonomous blogs never dreamed of.

I devoted several years to making money on the Internet, I tried different ways, even led at one time a fairly popular blog on this topic, which had about 5 thousand subscribers. Until now, I have several areas of earning money on the Internet.

Thanks to this, among other things, in recent years it has been possible to acquire a large land plot (75 meters long) next to the reserve, build a house 25 meters long (so far without finishing), put a bathhouse, barbecue and other things. The house is located on a border forest and at the same time 10 kilometers from the city center, which is the capital of the southern region.

The screenshot shows the results of a week's work in one of the affiliate programs. Leaders in that direction earn between $ 50,000 and $ 300,000 per month. Here are the TOP earnings in Russia for August 2012. our check number 3

What is Admitad
First of all, I will answer the question - what is Admitad. Admitad is an aggregator of affiliate programs. Roughly speaking, an intermediary between business owners and people who make money on the Internet (webmasters). Webmasters direct visitors to the websites of entrepreneurs (banks, online stores, dating sites, game portals, etc.) and for the effective action performed by these visitors (purchase, registration in the game, ordering credit card and others), the entrepreneur pays a certain fee, which can be calculated as a percentage (for example, 15% of a purchase in an online store) or a specific action (1,300 rubles for ordering a bank credit card).

Since Admitad is an intermediary, all payments between the publisher and the advertiser go through this service. And the webmaster deals only with Admitad. Likewise, mediation is beneficial for business owners and webmasters. Business owners are relieved of the need to develop software, maintain a staff of specialists interacting with webmasters, and reduce the burden on the accounting department. business is conducted only with an intermediary, and not with thousands of webmasters.

For webmasters, the benefit is that Admitad selects efficient advertisers, provides software, statistics accounting system, organizes payments. There is no headache about whether the money will be paid or not. Thanks to this, a webmaster can work with dozens of advertisers using only one anchor point. Believe me, in my experience, it is very convenient to have an account in which dozens of affiliate programs of various commercial sites are integrated.

How to earn?
I will repeat the general meaning of making money with the help of Admitad - receiving a reward for the visitors brought to the partner's website who have taken some effective action. To bring customers, you can use your own sites, blogs or forums, purchase contextual advertising in Google Adwords, Begun, Yandex Direct, buy traffic in various Internet advertising systems (arbitrage). And finally, you can also earn by referring new partners (your referrals) who earn in Admitad. You will be credited with 5% of their earnings.

Earnings on the site (blog)
If you have your own website or blog, which is visited by 50 people and more already has to work with Admitad. You will surely find an affiliate program in Admitad that is suitable for the target audience of your resource.
To start making money on your website, after we go to Personal Area, add a site. To do this, click on the "Sites" tab. Then in a new window "Add site".

In the menu that appears, select the first item. We fill in all the menu items and at the bottom we press the "Add site" button. Next, go to the page where you need to confirm the rights to the site in one of those ways.

I chose the second method by copying this code and pasting it into the site template. In my case, I took a blog on blogger.com - it's a free platform like LJ. Pasted in the code. The system automatically checked for the presence of the code and now we just have to wait for the approval of the moderator.

After the moderator has approved, we proceed to search for programs that are suitable for us by topic. The blog was geared towards women. Go to the program tab and see the whole directory. We select what suits us. For example, you have a website for culinary recipes - we see 3 affiliate programs: the Utkonos online store, the Delivery Club delivery service, and Sferm.ru - a farm products delivery service.

We get acquainted with the conditions and see the peculiarity - these affiliate programs are focused on Moscow and the Moscow region. This means that it makes sense to work with them only if you have enough visitors from these regions.
In addition, on the page describing the affiliate program, we get acquainted with other conditions - with the types of traffic received, with the percentage of paid orders, processing time, etc.). If everything suits you, then we send an application for work with your resource.

After a while, the owner of the affiliate program approves the partnership, and you get access to promotional materials. There you can see that you are offered to choose a banner code by size and theme. Select the horizontal 728x90 in the blog header.

Opposite the banner you like, press the button "get the code", take the code and insert it into the code of your blog. Voila. The banner is set. If a visitor clicks on it and buys farm products, then you get as much as 20% of the order amount.

We act in the same way with respect to other programs. The main thing in this business is to get with target audience... There are several technical nuances in this way of earning (setting up statistics, landing page, etc.). But more on that in the next post dedicated to technical issues of working with Admitad.

As an example, I will cite a forum about loneliness, which, with a relatively small attendance, brings from 150 to 300 rubles a daily profit to its owner due to the accurate selection of an advertiser from Admitad. In this case, it is a dating service that pays up to 80 rubles for each profile.

Earning on promotions, discounts and coupons
Today sites of various discounts and coupons are very popular. In addition, on the Internet, a significant part of users are purposefully looking for discounts, promotions and sales to make money on this. There are even entire online shopping communities in social networks on this issue.

Since Admitad has hundreds of offers (offers), there are hundreds of promotions, respectively. You can customize your system in such a way that you will have access to ongoing discounts and make money on this, and you can do it both automatically and manually.

To do this, click on the "discounts and coupons" tab. A whole list of offers from advertisers that offer discounts and coupons, promotions opens. In order to use it manually, go through each promotion, get a code like a banner or description, insert, etc.

In automatic mode, it's a little more difficult. Having marked the necessary offers, you click "get link" and take the RSS.

Thanks to the RSS feed, we can now integrate new promotions and links into our blog forums, whose CMS have the ability to import RSS. We take the link code, set it up and "voila" - all new promotions will be reflected in our blog or website or forum. truth auto mode suitable for forums running on IPB and Vbulletin only. On the forum, make a section "discounts" and feed the tape there.

But RSS import is quick and easy on such simple platforms as usoz and Wordpress. As a result, you have constant news on discounts with built-in affiliate links. Your readers go over and buy, bring you money.

Naturally, when the code is introduced, the site (site) must be accepted by the advertiser. By the way, I give an idea - on WordPress, you can even create such a blog with discounts, if you dilute it with content from other sources.

Earnings on the context
To make money with Admitad, you do not need to have your own Internet resource. You can buy ads and redirect to Admitad partner sites. Let's start first of all with contextual advertising, which we buy from three whales: Yandex Direct, Google Adwords, Begun. The meaning of contextual advertising is that the system itself, depending on the CONTEXT, selects the most relevant ad. Those. if the site is about dogs, then the ad will be matched accordingly. Thus, contextual advertising allows you to get the target audience.

In order to start working with contextual advertising systems in Admitad, go back a few steps back to the stage "adding a site" and click the second item "contextual advertising". And add.

After that, go to the program catalog and select which one you like and send a job application using contextual advertising. After the advertiser approves, you start working. To do this, you need to have an account with money in the contextual advertising system of your choice, where you compose an ad, determine the cost of a click, and so on. Here it is important to create an attractive ad and set the correct price so that the clicks you buy are transformed into customers, and you will be in the black.

We compose ads based on the statistics of search queries. For this, Yandex statistics, database keywords Pastukhov or Google Keyword Tool. Those. you see which phrase and how many times in which region and in which months it was searched by users. How much is a click on average. But this is approximate.
In the given example - statistics obtained using the Google tool

Key words You use these keywords in your ads.

Example of a declaration:
"Earning money on the Internet without a website
Up to 200,000 per day
Admitad is legal and reliable. "

It can be used to attract partners to Admitad, who will bring you 5% of their earned money.

What I like about contextual advertising is that here you can start without a website and with a small amount, since coupons are constantly distributed to new advertisers in the same Google. So, by clicking on the link https://services.google.com/fb/forms/rupromoha/ you can get a coupon for 1000 for advertising in Google AdWords.
There are also more expensive coupons, for example 100 euros. So get started.

At the beginning of summer, the following affiliate programs of online stores were the most profitable for working with contextual advertising in Admitada:
... Sapato
... z95
... Lamoda
... Promenad
... Heverest
... MeggyMall
... Tsum
... Shoes & Bags
... Garderob.su
... Babadu

Another important area of ​​earning money is arbitration, i.e. on the fact that you buy traffic (visitors) in ad networks and direct it to the sites of Admitad partners.
Here all actions are similar to contextual advertising. However, there are differences. Buying traffic is carried out mainly in teaser networks (ads with an image) and although you can choose the category of sites on which ads are broadcast, a lot depends on the quality of your teaser. On the one hand, it should be attractive, and on the other hand, it should not attract unnecessary people, otherwise you will waste your money on acquiring traffic.

First of all, I recommend Teasernet (# 1 in teaser ads in Russia), Redclick (fairly high-quality traffic), Nolix (a large selection of top-line format), Rotaban (a blog advertising exchange).

Working with arbitrage you should try traffic for quality. The concept of traffic conversion is important. Let's say for 600 transitions you have 1 action. Is it a lot or a little? Will you earn or not?
It all depends on the specific situation. If you redirect visitors to the site of an advertiser who pays little for the action (for example, up to 200 rubles), then with a teaser cost of 40 kopecks, you will be at a loss. But if you redirect (drive traffic) to more expensive offers, for example, the Sapato online store pays 1,000 rubles for each purchase, and Home Bank pays 2,169 rubles for each loan issued with home delivery.

A lot of money is spinning in arbitration. It is affiliate marketers who earn good money at Admitad - 200 thousand rubles or more per knock. But all of them started small.

To help me, I offer a list of ad networks that Admitad works with.
Adlabs media network
Banner Ua
Gidepark Ru
Target Mail Ru

Another way to make money in Admitad without your own website is referral, that is, attracting partners to the Admitad network. Let me remind you that you will earn 5% of the income, attracted webmasters.
At the expense of refs, you can earn decent amounts. In other periods, referral business brought me more than a thousand dollars a month. I have quite a lot of experience in referral business. For example, there are about 1000 (one thousand referrals) in Blogun, more than two hundred in the BettPamm system (betting PAMM accounts), and in the text exchange Textsale - 324. I confess that Admitad is more modest - only 36 partners. And I'm going to fix this gap.

Referrals can be obtained in different ways.

It is best to have your own blog or website dedicated to making money online with a large number of subscribers. My blog brought me a lot of referrals.

In third place is a signature with a referral link on thematic forums. If you have an attractive link and authority on the forum, then referrals are provided for you.

On the fourth, it is the maintenance of thematic mailings to mail.ru, list.ru, as well as participation in subscribe.ru groups.

If you focus your efforts in this direction, then you will undoubtedly achieve results. So if you want to seriously make money on the Internet, then register with Admita d and start acting. And of course, follow my publications.

Why Admitad?
To be fair, it should be noted that Admitad is not the only aggregator of affiliate programs. But it is Admitad that is the best. Let me explain why:

  • The largest selection of affiliate programs

  • The largest selection of tools (for example, nowhere is there an opportunity to work with coupons)

  • The most efficient statistics system.

  • Timely and guaranteed payments.

  • Stable work. Some aggregators stupidly threw partners.

  • Better usability (ease of use).

The proof that Admitad is the best is that a number of large offers work under an affiliate program with webmasters only with this aggregator and with no one else. Money owners know who to work with.
* * *
In the following posts:
Work with statistics in Admitad
Exclusive tools in
Drafting effective ads for contextual advertising and teasers
Analytics in arbitration
So we subscribe to update my LJ and make money.