Today we'll talk about how to get passive income of 100,000 rubles per month... Any amount can be substituted here, I took this just as an example, since it is it that I most often hear from other people.

Once I conducted a small survey among readers, the results of which are published in an article.

Then the most common answer to the question "How much money do you need to be completely happy?" became the option “one hundred thousand rubles a month”, moreover, many stressed that it should be exactly. That is, it is a fairly large number of people.

So, how to reach a passive income of 100,000 rubles a month? Let's consider the algorithm itself.

The first thing to do is to analyze the current situation. Let's say that at the moment your passive income is, neither less nor less, as much as 0 rubles. In this case, the goal may seem unrealistic and unattainable to you, therefore, in order to simplify the task, there is a reason to break this goal into several smaller ones. For example, like this:

  1. By January 1, 2019 - passive income of 1000 rubles per month.
  2. By July 1, 2019 - passive income of 5,000 rubles per month.
  3. By January 1, 2020 - passive income of 10,000 rubles per month.
  4. * * * * *
  5. By January 1, 2025 - passive income of 100,000 rubles per month.

Does it look better? Much! Moreover, when reinvesting the earned profit, passive income tends to grow exponentially (that is, faster and faster, this is clearly shown on the graph in the article).

The wrong option is to collect all possible money, and if not enough - also borrow and invest in some “super-profitable project” that promises huge returns. In this case, you will most likely not only fail to achieve the goal, but also lose all investments.

The correct option is to build one that contains most of the conservative and moderate low-risk instruments and (possibly, but not necessarily) a small part of the aggressive high-risk instruments.

  1. Estimated return on investment portfolio.
  2. The amount that you can allocate monthly for investments.

The return on your investment portfolio will depend on what kind of assets you will invest in and in what proportion. For example, you can read about different options in the article

In general, the estimated return on an investment portfolio can be calculated using the following formula:

D = D1 * P1 + D2 * P2 + ... + Dn * Pn
  • D1, D2, ..., Dn - the estimated profitability of each of the assets that make up the portfolio (in percent per annum);
  • P1, P2,…, Pn - the share of each asset in the portfolio (in shares);
  • n is the total number of portfolio assets.

For example, we form an investment portfolio in this way:

  • 60% - bank deposits with a yield of 7% per annum;
  • 30% - securities with an approximate yield of 20% per annum;
  • 10% - cryptocurrency with an estimated yield of 100% per annum.

Then the approximate return on the investment portfolio will be:

D = 7 * 0.6 + 20 * 0.3 + 100 * 0.1 = 20.2% per annum

K = (S * 12) / D
  • С - the desired amount of monthly passive income;
  • D - the approximate return on the investment portfolio (in shares).

In our example, if we want to reach passive income of 100,000 rubles per month, and our investment portfolio will bring us 20.2% of annual profitability, then we need to have capital:

K = (100,000 * 12) / 0.202 = 5940594 rubles(that is, about 6 million rubles - we will take this figure for rounding).

N = K / M
  • K - the amount of required capital;
  • M - the amount that you can invest monthly;
  • N is the number of months it will take to reach the desired level of passive income with a constant portfolio return.

Let's say, in our example, a person can invest 10 thousand rubles a month. In this case:

N = 6,000,000 / 10,000 = 600 months or 50 years.

The term, of course, is frightening, but if before reaching the goal, the profit received is not spent on your own needs, but reinvested every time, then the situation will change significantly. In this case, applies.

In order not to delve into complex calculations, for these purposes, you can use or any Internet services. There you can enter the amount that you will invest monthly and calculate the capital gain over the desired period, taking into account the capitalization of the profit received.

For example, I entered the initial data into the calculator on the website and got the following result: 6 million rubles will be accumulated in less than 13 years, moreover, the calculation was made taking into account the taxation of income exceeding the Central Bank rate + 5% (according to current legislation).

Thus, subject to the conditions specified in the example, in order to reach a passive income of 100,000 rubles from scratch, it will take about 13 years and strict adherence. This is already a very real term, and the goal, in my opinion, is worth striving for.

Of course, any investment is always associated with risk, and this must be understood. There are no absolute guarantees that the accumulation of capital and income will proceed exactly as planned. And the higher the profitability of any asset in the portfolio, the higher the risk of investing in it (I wrote a separate article about this). Therefore, it may be that the portfolio will not bring the planned profitability, or some part of the investment will be completely lost, which will slow down the achievement of the goal. But the opposite situation can also arise: the profitability will be higher than planned, and the goal will be achieved faster.

In any case, the general meaning is this: the faster you want to reach the goal, and the more highly profitable portfolio you will form, the higher your risks will be. And vice versa. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to prioritize risk or stability.

I showed you with an example how to reach a passive income of 100,000 rubles per month. Set goals for yourself, break them down into intermediate ones, develop a strategy for achieving and implement them.

I wish you success! Until we meet again on a website that will help you better understand financial issues and improve your level of well-being.

It will not be a secret for anyone if we say that each person has a different income. Some get more, others less, and this is the basis of the capitalist system. Moreover, the difference in the material condition of different people can sometimes reach not only thousands, but tens of thousands or millions of percent. Some live on a salary of 10,000 rubles, while others do not know where to spend a million dollars. And if you think that now I will begin to condemn the rich, then you are mistaken.

In fact, if anyone can be judged, it is the poor, because they do not use all the opportunities that capitalism provides. How to make 100,000 a month? Do you think the answer is "no way" or "kill someone"? No and no again! That kind of money can be earned legally, you just need a desire and certain abilities.

I will not deceive you. Not everyone will be able to earn big money, otherwise there would be no workers, teachers and office clerks left in our country. In order to start your journey to big money, you must have certain inclinations and aspirations. The rest I will take upon myself and now I will try to explain to you how to earn 100,000 a month, and even more.

Rich and poor!

What distinguishes a wealthy person from a poor person? Of course, his capital, but there is something else - psychology. As a rule, the psychology of the rich is fundamentally different from the psychology of the poor. They do not think that they may not have enough money for something, do not make themselves a sacrifice for a reason and without a reason. They understand that they are significant people in this world and make them reckon with their interests. And until you understand that there is no point in complaining about the world, about the system, but you need to act and fight for your interests, you will never be able to call yourself a successful person. And no matter how much money you have, without the right psychology, you will sooner or later lose it.

Once again returning from work, ask yourself the question: “Who am I in this world?”, Remember what you really stand and how important you are to society. And only when you respect yourself can you succeed and earn big money.

Why do the rich have money?

The overwhelming majority of people believe that big money can only be earned by criminal means, and they, of course, are wrong. I personally know many businessmen who legally receive a good income and bring a lot of benefits to the whole society. And if you still think that you cannot earn more than 15,000 rubles without breaking the law, then you will remain living from paycheck to paycheck.

To be successful, you must understand that the rich have money because they are smart, financially literate, and motivated people. You do not need to scold the oligarchs for their failures, but strive to be like them in order to earn as much as they do.

How do you make money?

There are two tools for generating income - these are capital and ideas. You can use capital for investing in order to increase it and provide passive income, as well as for investments in your business. As for ideas, it is possible to make money exclusively on them alone, although the participation of capital significantly speeds up the course of affairs. It is advisable that you yourself believe in your idea and be ready to invest in its implementation.

As a rule, most of the income comes from combining an idea with capital, because money in its pure form cannot bring more than 25% growth per year, and there is no point in talking about ideas, because many of them remain unrealized without finding funding.

How to make money on an idea?

2. If you do not have money to implement an idea, and you don’t want to sell it for a pittance, you can try to attract investors. To do this, you need to prepare a presentation of a business plan, rent an office and invite large investors in your city there (you can find and make an offer to them via the Internet). If they appreciate the idea, they will finance the future business, in return demanding a portion of the company's profits. Be careful when signing the contract, because investors can take most of your business, leaving you as a nominee director.

3. If you have capital or your idea does not require large investments, then you can try to implement it yourself. It will be difficult in the first couples, but as a result you will build a successful innovative business that will bring you income almost automatically. The main thing at this stage is not to get depressed, because at first you can fail after failure, but then you will gain experience and become a full-fledged businessman.

How to make 100,000 a month? Real examples!

1. There was a case when a person raised good money through mediation. He supplied customers to private carriers who were parked in a local parking lot, and in return received a percentage of the profits. And it all started when a person came up with the idea to go to the habitat of truck owners and offer them the services of an intermediary between them and the consumer. After that, all that remained was to conduct a marketing campaign by placing ads in newspapers and on free Internet sites.

2. Today, on the basis of VKontakte, many online stores have been created that earn good money and have a decent turnover. All you need is to register a VK group, find a supplier and create a description for each product. At the same time, you do not need to pay for a domain and hosting, only for advertising a group or page.

Afterword ...

So how do you make 100,000 a month? In fact, there are many options, but they have one thing in common: you need out-of-the-box thinking and an entrepreneurial streak. If you can think outside the box and find promising options for earning wherever possible, then you will become a successful person anyway. The only thing you need is the incentive and desire to change your life for the better.

Startup fundamentals: a good financial plan, not drive and cats

If someone convinces you that he knows perfectly well how to make 100,000 in a month, moreover, he says that he already has such an income, and that he does not invest a penny and does practically nothing, do not believe this person. Chances are, you are dealing with a scammer. Soon he will ask you to deposit a certain amount, so "for the start", and after you fulfill his requirements, he will disappear. And not only will you not be able to earn a hundred thousand, but you will also lose your last penny. Today, such schemes do not work as clearly as before. Many people know about deception and are in no hurry to send their hard-earned money away. Nevertheless, there are still enough naive people, and there are still a lot of those who are racking their brains over the question of where to earn 100,000 a month without making any special efforts.


Looking for an answer to burning question: “How to earn 100,000 rubles per month?”, For some reason, many think that it is possible to find a dust-free occupation that will bring the coveted profit without any gestures from the recipient. Remember: it doesn't work that way. Unfortunately, today the opportunity to make money on the Internet confuses many people: stories that old women and blondes are smartly taking millions off Forex, and schoolchildren easily beat venerable casinos and drive around in Cadillacs, only spur on the search and cause a greedy sparkle in the eyes However, believe me: these are all just stories. You have to work to get something. And sometimes even to study additionally. Everyday. And very diligently. And look less at the Internet. Because not everyone can earn the coveted amount with five zeros there. Yes, there are. But they walked long and hard towards the goal, sometimes without resting for days and constantly updating their knowledge and skills.

Basic options

An interesting phenomenon: for many who are looking for where and how to make money, for some reason, 100,000 per month is exactly the most acceptable amount. Probably, this is exactly how much, according to our people, is needed in order not to deny ourselves anything. Be that as it may, such a desire causes only respect, but there are three main ways for its implementation. If you work for the benefit of the state or some private company, you are considered a good specialist, but you do not get the coveted hundred thousand, it is advisable to think about changing your place of work and find another, with a more suitable payment. True, in practice, this is quite difficult to implement, if only because there are not so many such vacancies, in any case, much less than those who want to take them. Well, you need to work on yourself, perhaps even study further, in order to become a truly high-class specialist.

The second option is to work for days. In addition to the main job, find a few more jobs with good wages and work, work, work ... Perhaps one day it will be possible, having collected all the money earned in a month, to hold one hundred thousand in hands. True, most likely, most of them will have to be spent on medicines, since you cannot last long at this pace.

And the third option, which is on this moment It is most expedient to consider it as a way to get really real earnings - to open your own business. And this is not necessarily a big undertaking. Since it is quite possible to honestly earn money, including the desired amount, even on the same Internet. But, naturally, without clicking on the links.

Back to the internet

How to earn 100,000 rubles per month on the World Wide Web? Create your website and fill it with really worthwhile content. True, you should not think that it is enough to use any free constructor, launch your brainchild and wait for the money to flow like a river. You will have to work long and hard, first of all paying attention to the quality of all components of the site - starting with the domain and appearance and ending with content. But if everything works out, then you can be sure: you not only found efficient way how to honestly make money, but also got a great tool for generating income that will feed you for the rest of your life.

Of course, this is not the only option. If you have a commercial streak, you can try to found your own online casino, follow in the footsteps of the founders of Facebook, VKontakte and other similar projects and come up with your own, open a bookmaker's office or even create a game. But this still requires certain talents. But practically everyone can do business in real life. How and how much you can earn by becoming an entrepreneur, we will describe below.


Since it is quite difficult to make money in the city today by opening your own business, due to the fact that many niches have been firmly occupied for a long time, in some cases a novice businessman should use the services of a well-promoted brand. Or, in the language of the market, purchase a franchise. You buy a ready-made business model with a full package of documents and start working under a well-known brand for a percentage of the proceeds. For example, open the same McDonald's. The company that sold the franchise will not only help at first, but will also provide training and advertising. That is, you do not have to invent anything yourself, everything has already been done for you. It is enough just to comply with all conditions and work diligently. And then the question of how to earn 100,000 rubles per month can be removed from the agenda. Moreover, the bar can be simply raised.

Network marketing

Some, hearing this phrase, immediately begin to frown. And completely in vain. History knows many examples when people engaged in this type of activity became millionaires. Start small. At least from the sale of the same cosmetics. Register as an individual entrepreneur, open your small office, gather a team and take action! For example, the same "Oriflame" often rewards its directors with all kinds of bonuses (read - entrepreneurs who sell the company's products on an ongoing basis), the amount of which is very impressive. Plus earnings from the sale. Here is the coveted one hundred thousand. Perhaps more. The company respects its employees and does everything it can to help them grow and develop.

Become an intermediary

If you consider yourself a disruptive and determined person, try mediation. Today there are a lot of people who have a lot of their own ideas, projects and inventions, but, for one reason or another, do not know what to do with them. And no less than those who need fresh infusions into their business. Become a link between them. Find and sell other people's ideas to companies for a certain percentage. Not a very simple type of activity, of course, nevertheless, it allows you to get real earnings.

Own business

And yet it is safer and safer to open your own, albeit a small business. And there is no need to be afraid of competition. You just need to competently approach the issue and try to find a free niche. And there are many options. It is not at all necessary to open a fancy restaurant or an expensive boutique. You can do anything, even selling handmade items such as hand-painted plates and cups, beaded crafts, and jewelry. If you are a real master, then over time you will not end up with clients, and the size of your earnings will reach the coveted figure with five zeros.

You can earn excellent money by offering services on the market. Open a workshop to repair, say, the same bicycles, or your own hairdresser. But you never know ... For greater clarity, here are some examples of excellent business ideas.

Selling pizza

Try home delivery at first. An excellent option that does not require a large room or huge financial investments. You just need to know how to cook well, have a car and make an appropriate advertisement for yourself.

Become a dispatcher of Aibolit

Unfortunately, such a concept as a "family doctor" is still not very widespread in our country. However, people would like to have access to quality health care, day and night. Create your own appointments with doctors and secure yourself an appropriate database of theirs and advertisements. Of course, first you have to walk around the clinics, handing out business cards and posters, but then, when patients understand that they can call a really good specialist through you at any time, orders will simply flow like a river.

If you know how to sew ...

Then open a clothing repair shop. And certainly with a visit to the house for the order. Believe me, there will be no hang-up from clients. Clothing repair is an extremely popular service today. In parallel, you can also add sewing of curtains, reception and delivery of clothes to dry cleaning. Naturally, you will not earn a million in a month, but over time, you can definitely count on an earnings of 100 thousand.

And these are far from all types of small businesses that a city entrepreneur can open.

Yes, elementary! Especially if you have a base like your own house or summer cottage. You can put a large stationary greenhouse on the site and grow greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers in it all year round for sale. Conclude a contract with a cafe, restaurant, supermarket or an entrepreneur in the market and supply them with your products. An excellent option for those who do not know how to earn 100,000 rubles per month in the village. Or you can even become a farmer. And to grow potatoes, cabbage, carrots already on an industrial scale. Or start breeding pigs, horses, ostriches, finally. The dairy farm also brings in a good income. In general, there are a lot of options.

If you don't want to work on the ground, open your own shop. Buy a commercial trailer and drive around the villages, inviting villagers not only to buy essential goods from you, but also to make a pre-order for one or another product. A very good kind of business, which will definitely bring the required profit.

How to make money in the village yet? Rent land and plant an orchard. If you correctly approach the issue and choose the right seedlings, then in a few years it is quite possible to get the first harvest. The implementation of which will start to make a profit.


So, let's summarize our conversation about how to earn 100,000 rubles per month. Is it possible? As it turned out, yes! However, there is nothing surprising, since the amount is quite lifting, not even reaching today up to two thousand dollars. Anything can work out. But on one condition: you need to remember that no one will ring the doorbell every month and just give out an envelope with one hundred thousand rubles. To earn something, you need to work. And only then can you expect that there will always be prosperity in your home.


To achieve a goal, you must first set it. Not mentally, not in conversations, but by writing it down on paper or in a file and developing at least an approximate plan for achieving it. After all, in order to do something in the direction of achieving your goal, you need an action plan.

The most, perhaps, the simplest and not requiring big changes in life, leaving your own "comfort zone" in this case - is a change of job for more. It is not a secret that employees of approximately the same qualifications differ at times in companies. For example, a lawyer may receive 60,000 rubles for the same job in one company, and 100,000 or more in another. For a lot of money, you will, of course, have to work more intensively, complete English courses, acquire additional knowledge, but in general, if you are ready to work harder, then you can try to move to a company with higher requirements and salaries. To do this, it is worth starting to track both on job search sites and on the sites of well-known companies that offer fairly large compensation to employees.

If your workplace suits you, you can earn extra money from home. Many employers have long been accustomed to freelancers, especially since every year their number is increasing, and they easily delegate certain types of work to them. Therefore, you can try to post your resume on freelance exchanges and track the orders that appear. Freelancing is also good because you don't have to work in your specialty. If, for example, you do not have a pedagogical education, but you have successfully and enjoyed tutoring, then the recommendations of your exes attached to your resume will be enough, and you will definitely have clients. The difficulty of this way of earning is that you will have to work a lot, on weekends and, in addition to the main job.

It is known that not all business projects are successful. However, if you have a good business idea and the resources to bring it to life, starting your own business can quickly take you to a whole new level of income. A business can also be successful with a team of good specialists who have recruited, working for hire, and now decide to open a business in the field of their previous work.

Whichever way you choose to increase your income to 100,000 rubles, the very first step that will need to be taken is an action plan, steps towards the goal. It should be detailed, with clear deadlines for the implementation of certain actions. Such a plan will not only help to consistently go towards your goal, but will also motivate you to achieve success.

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Is there a special one? SEO (searching engine optimization), which presupposes a resource on the top lines of results that search engines issue for a specific request. This sounds like search engine optimization. So, in order to get income from the site, you need to master this very optimization.

To profit from a site, you need to increase its relevance to a specific search query. Search engines rank sites in search results according to a citation index, for example, TCI (Topical Citation Index) or PageRank (Page Rank). The first is used by Yandex, the second? Google. They show how important a particular search engine considers your resource. So, if you want to profit from the site, you need to increase the TCI and the page rank.

SEO optimization involves registering a site in independent directories - special information resources that contain information about sites (description and links). Also, the site can be registered in catalogs search engines The most popular of which are Yandex and Google. There is a way called link exchange. You can negotiate with the owner of another resource, which is somehow related to yours, but not a direct competitor, and ask to place your link on his site. In return, you agree to do the same. There are many other ways to promote a site, indicate its name anywhere at any opportunity - in social networks, press, blogs, etc. Your job is to maximize your site's ranking.


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Earning one hundred thousand a month means being a wealthy person. This is a kind of psychological line that many want to cross. Let's see how this can be done.

Many of us probably at least once asked ourselves the question of where to earn 100,000 rubles urgently, but, at first glance, this is impossible. Indeed, get large sum not everyone can do it, while not everyone has such an income per month. So, further we will talk about how to quickly get 100,000 rubles.

Finding a high-paying job

The most legitimate way to make a lot of money is by looking for a job. It is rather difficult to get a job in high-paid positions, for this it is not enough to have a higher education and work experience, employers are primarily interested in the personal qualities of a potential employee, such as dedication, decency, high efficiency. So, the first thing to do is look for a job with a salary of 100,000 rubles and send out a resume, perhaps you are in luck.

The chances that a newcomer will be hired in a highly paid and responsible position are equated to zero. But in any company, large and stable, there is always a career prospect. Most employers are interested in qualified employees, so they are ready to pay for courses and additional training, and then offer their employees more attractive working conditions, and, accordingly, increase their monthly income. It should be noted right away that this is not the most quick way get 100,000 rubles. The process can drag on for a year, and not even for one.

note that this way does not guarantee high earnings from scratch, but subsequently can provide stable high monthly income.

If it is not possible to find a high-paying job due to the lack of education, then you can go to extreme measures - find two jobs. This is quite real, many, by the way, really work in several companies at once and receive two or even three salaries.

Own business

Not every business project requires large material investments; there are some profitable and low-cost ideas. For example, the production of cotton candy, equipment for this, by the way, beloved by many, delicacies cost no more than 20,000 thousand rubles, if you buy a used one, you can save half of the budget. The cost of one portion is 100 rubles, respectively, you can recoup the costs already in a few days if you choose the place well.

Another option is franchising... Many large companies are developing their network and offering start-up entrepreneurs to open a business in their region. At the same time, the entrepreneur does not need to draw up a business plan, he needs to work according to an already worked out scheme, that is, this is a guaranteed break-even enterprise. The main difficulty is that only start-up capital is needed from an entrepreneur, but even here you can find a way out, it is enough to find a franchisor who is either ready to finance the project on his own, or will assist in lending.

Please note that Sberbank of Russia lends franchises to some large companies, up-to-date information is posted on the bank's website.

Internet browsing

Another actual way of making money, which has recently been quite popular, is making money on your own website. Of course, before you organize your site and receive income from it, you need to acquire a certain set of skills and abilities, but, since all information is publicly available on the Internet, there should be no problems with this.

Here, too, you will not be able to get a high income right away; you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to increase the site's traffic. In addition, you will have to invest money in the business, it is better to entrust this event to specialists, and they charge a certain fee for their services. But this way of earning has unlimited possibilities, on which you can earn:

  • contextual advertising;
  • banner advertising;
  • selling links;
  • teaser networks (hidden advertising);
  • affiliate programs (when visitors click on an advertising link and buy a product, the site owner receives a percentage of the advertiser's profit);
  • sale of information;
  • downloading paid links.

Actually, the path to high earnings is quite long and difficult, but many Internet users have already appreciated the profitability of this business. In this case, you can work at home for personal computer, you don't need to go anywhere, all actions will take place exclusively on the Internet.


If we talk about where to get 100,000 rubles urgently, then an exchange, for example, Forex, would be a good option. You should not expect that money can be earned from scratch, of course, first you have to invest a certain amount. After all, the essence of earnings lies in the fact that the user buys foreign currency or securities at his own expense, then, when the demand for them increases, he sells at a higher price.

Please note that the user bears a high risk of losing his own funds, that is, in the worst case, he will be left without income at all.

An alternative option would be investing your own funds in someone else's business, or buying shares. The bottom line is that the owner of his own funds buys shares of someone else's company and consistently receives a part of its profit, while he does not take part in the business. A risky way to make money, but with the right choice business can bring a large and stable income to the investor.


Lotteries will quickly help you to get a large amount, because here you do not need to invest a million and wait for years for the investment to pay off. It is enough to buy several tickets and hope that at least one of them will be happy. You can make money in this way without leaving your home, you can buy a ticket on the website, for example, "Gosloto", and wait for the drawing. The results can also be found online.

Lottery store website

The second option to try your luck is slot machines. Although gambling is prohibited in our country with the exception of some regions, in every city you can find an illegal establishment with slot machines. First you need to have your own funds, and always remember that the chances of losing them in any case are greater than making a profit.

There is no reason to hope for luck, because according to statistics, about one ticket wins in the lottery out of 2 million.

Credit or microloan

The surest way to borrow 100,000 rubles urgently is to contact a bank or MFI. Today, there are about a thousand commercial banks that are engaged in lending to individuals and legal entities, at least one of them will certainly lend the required amount. At the same time, many lenders do not require collateral for the loan and high income from the borrower, you can get a loan even with the minimum wage, the main thing is that the client must confirm the presence of a permanent job.

Some banks have been considering loan applications for a long time, but not all, for example, in Alfa-Bank or Sovcombank, money can be received on the day of application. But this is available only to those customers who wrote an application at the bank branch and brought all the documents, the solution can be get it in 30 minutes... If you leave the questionnaire on the site, then the process may take several days.

The second option is credit card, you can also withdraw cash from it. Big advantage credit cards in that a grace period is available to the user, for example, in Alfa-Bank up to 100 days, that is, during this period, the money can be returned to the bank and not overpay the interest. Only when choosing a banking product, pay attention to the credit conditions, because the grace period does not always apply to cash withdrawals.

Which banks give loans with a high percentage of approval of applications: Renaissance Credit Bank, Tinkoff Bank (credit card), Sovcombank.

The last, but not the best, option is microfinance organizations. Them distinctive feature is that money can be received in a matter of minutes. The borrower will not need any documents, except for a passport. You can submit an application via the Internet, there are a great variety of offers on various resources, the choice remains only with the user. The negative side is the unaffordable percentage. The minimum interest on microloans is from 0.5% per day, which will amount to 182.5% per year. For example, if you borrow 100,000 rubles at 182.5% per year, then the monthly payment will be about 20,000 rubles. These are extremely unfavorable lending conditions.

As you can see, there is every chance of becoming the owner of 100,000 rubles. But, pay attention, for this it is worth making every effort. First of all, you should not take a loan if there is no urgent need for money, because the debt needs to be repaid, and with interest. Count on luck and buy lottery tickets, because most of the winnings players have been waiting for decades. It is wiser to rely on your strengths and take up your own development, look for work and climb the career ladder.