We will guide you through all the steps of VKontakte (VK) registration. Open up main page where registration is located- when you click on this link, the VKontakte website will open in a new window, and you can switch between it and this page, which will help you.

What is required?

Registration is free and all you need is a mobile phone at your fingertips. This should be exactly your phone, because if in the future you need to restore access, the code will be sent in SMS to it. When registering a new page, it is necessary to indicate the number. It is impossible to register two pages to the same number (more precisely, it is possible, but the first page will lose its link to this number, and you will not be able to access it).

If on this computer someone has already entered the VKontakte website, then first you need to exit from there - the button "Go out" there in the upper right corner.

First step: first and last name

So, let's get started: enter your first and last name under the heading "Instant registration" or, if there is none, press the button.

Look at the picture below: the place where you need to enter the first and last name looks like this. To start typing, click on the white rectangle where it says "Enter your name", and when you enter, click on the second rectangle where it says "Enter your last name":

Enter carefully, with a capital letter and without mistakes! Then click "Register".

Second step: your classmates

Now VKontakte will offer you to choose the school where you study or studied - this will help you immediately find classmates. The country will already be selected automatically, for example, Russia, and the city must be found in the list (it is easier to do this by starting to type the name - the first two or three letters). The site will then allow you to select a specific school. But if you want, you can skip it right away - there is a button "Skip the search for classmates."

Step three: your classmates

After that, there will be a similar step - finding fellow students. Everything is the same here - the choice of a country, a city and then the choice of a university. As with finding a school, you can skip this step. You don't have to say where you studied if you don't want to.

Fourth step: mobile phone number

Now the important step: you need to enter the number mobile phone to receive a verification code. This step is required.

Why does VKontakte website need my phone number?

The point is that the name and password do not provide sufficient security. Pages that are not tied to a phone are often hacked, and it is not so easy to restore access if there is no link to a number. If your number was specified during registration, then access can be quickly restored by ordering an SMS with a code and entering it on the recovery page. It's free, of course. No paid services does not connect to your number. VKontakte does not collect numbers for a secret database or some dark purpose. It just so happens that every day someone forgets the password or for other reasons cannot enter their page, and linking to a mobile phone number - effective method prevent all these people from hysterics.

VKontakte says the number was recently used. What to do?

If during registration you specify a mobile phone number, and VKontakte says that this number has recently been used or has already been linked to another page, then the fastest solution is to use a different (but not someone else's!) Number. You can, for example, buy a new cheapest SIM card. This will already allow you to register. Later you can try to link your old number to the page, this is done in the section "Settings", next - button Change phone number. If it does not work out, contact VKontakte support and to speed up the process, immediately indicate your number to which you should link the page.

What is the reason? As you know, phone numbers that are not used by the owners (for example, more than 3 months) may go on sale again. If the previous owner of the number tied it to his VKontakte page, and then after the period of inactivity expired, the SIM card became invalid, then this number could get to you. This is how it could have happened.

Important: each phone number can be linked to the VKontakte page only a few times. The site remembers all numbers. In addition, always remember that if you have lost access to the number to which your page is registered, you will need to link it to a new number (in "Settings").

Fifth step: verification code

By entering the number and pressing the button "To get the code", you need to wait for an SMS with a five-digit code. It must be entered on the site to confirm that it is you - a living person who has a mobile phone in order to restore access if necessary.

Where to enter the code? Here in such a field:

Just enter the confirmation code and press the button Send Code.

If several minutes have passed and the code has not arrived, click on the link "I have not received the code." Another SMS will be sent to you.

If she does not come, you can ask the robot to call you at the specified number - he will dictate the code by voice. To do this, click "Yes, let the robot call" otherwise - "No need, SMS has come."

Sixth step: password

Now all that remains is to set a password with which you will enter the site in the future. It needs to be invented. The password should be secret, and no one should know it except you.

A special place for entering a password will appear. It's good if you come up with complex password, with large and small letters and numbers. The complexity of the password will be shown by the indicator as you enter it. If the password is good and complex, it will be underlined with a green line and next to it will be written that it is a strong password. So you're done. And pay attention to which language you enter the password - in Russian or English. On which one you enter it, on this you will need to enter it the next time, otherwise the site will tell you that the password is incorrect.

Advice: write down the password on a piece of paper and hide it in a safe place without showing it to anyone. Sometimes the password is simply forgotten.

Everything! Registration is over and you can click "Enter the site".

The last step: login to the site

It is convenient to enter the VK site through the "Login" start page, especially if your favorite sites include not only VKontakte, but also others - Mail.ru mail, Moi Mir, Odnoklassniki and others. On the "Login" (site address), you can add any sites and go to them with one click, and at the same time you are directly on start page you will see if you have new messages, letters or anything else new.

After logging into VK, your personal page will open, which you can start filling out. For example, for a start, you can put your photo - click on an empty place where it should be (there is a camera icon) or on the link "Put a photo". Everything is very simple. A download window will open, in which you need to select the desired photo from your computer. After that, the photo can be cropped (if necessary), then click "Save".

Social networks have become an integral part of our daily life. But questions about how registration is carried out in contact are of interest to many. That is why we decided to write a small instruction. After completing all of its points correctly, your social network In contact with registration will take place no problem and you can enjoy unlimited communication.

Contact registration history

Not everyone remembers how this procedure took place at the dawn of the formation of this social network. Then, in order to become a participant in the project, you had to receive an invitation that only a registered user could send. This protected from a large number of fake pages, but registration was simply not available for some potential contact users.

This restriction has been removed today, and the site itself operates on the vk.com domain. There is nothing complicated about registration. All you need is Internet access and a working phone number.

New member registration procedure

You need to visit the site, and in the appropriate fields located on the main page, enter your last name and first name. After that, you can safely press the "Register" button. Then it remains to go through three stages and get the activation code for your account:

  • Stage one. It consists in finding classmates. After entering your school information, you will be presented with a list from which you can select the people you want. Here it should be noted the peculiarity that you can add them as friends even before the final registration;
  • Stage two. Similar to the first, only classmates are being searched. You can skip this step if you do not want to enter information;
  • Stage three. At this stage, in the social network VKontakte, so that further registration is available for you, you need to enter your phone number. A free message will be sent to it, in the body of which the activation code is indicated. After entering it in the appropriate field on the site, registration will be completely completed. To open access to the site, enter only a real phone number!

Remember, registration is in contact is free! SMS comes exactly to your phone. If you received a message asking you to send a response message to complete registration, then there is a virus on your computer. Clear it or try to register from another computer.

Linking the phone of an already registered page to a new one

If during the registration process it is found that a page in the contact is already linked to your phone number, then a corresponding notification will inform you about this. You will have a choice: create a new page or go to the old one. On the previously registered page, upon entering, a corresponding message about the change of the phone number will appear. You can bind to a new phone number or re-enter the old one after 24 hours.

When you log in as a new user, you will receive a short instruction on the main functions and sections. In total, it will take you only 5-10 minutes to become a user of the largest Russian social network. And to protect your account from hacking, use antivirus and firewall.

I am writing this post from under the table ... hiding. What did you think? Today we will be engaged in illegal affairs, only shhh!

Well, okay, in fact, in what I write, there is nothing illegal in fact, but these actions violate the rules for using the social network VKontakte.

This means that the creation of fake pages, in theory, can lead to the blocking of your accounts, and not only fake ones, so think twice if you need it =)

Well, what did you think? Is it good? Well, if I warned you. I just recently needed to create another account in this social. networks, however, I did not like the limitation of 1 account for 1 person. First, a little theory.

What is VKontakte fake

Fake it user pages with fictitious data, i.e. in reality such a person does not exist. Of course, according to the social rules. the network is prohibited, but not all users are ready to share their personal data.

I think you have often met such people - their profiles are not filled out, the names and surnames are unnatural ( e.g. Bagel Tumbochkin🙂), there is either no photo on the avatars or some kind of left picture, albums are empty, etc. However, a high-quality fake with a filled profile is difficult to distinguish from real ones. Some even pretend to be other real people, but this can already smell like a real violation of the law.

Why make fakes VKontakte

In fact, there are quite a few reasons, and the ways to use fake in VK are limited only by your imagination. Starting from the promotion of likes, votes, distribution the information you need etc. and ending with the pumping of gaming applications that have become very popular.

Who smarter makes good money on this. If you wish, you can catch up with thousands of friend requests for each account in a couple of days. And then you can already register on sites that allow you to monetize social. networks, for example, and earn by placing advertisements on fakes. Although, as for me, it is faster and easier for a beginner to make money on the Internet on the freelance exchange - everyone can do at least something from the list of services (draw, typeset sites, edit videos, write texts, promote publics, etc.), and you get at least 500 rubles for 1 order.

And imagine that you have 100 different accounts under your control, everyone has different names, surnames, ages, etc. Thus, you have a weight of 100 people in this social colossus, and this is not enough. You can practically form public opinion alone =)

In short, I think you get the idea, there are a lot of ways to use it. Now let's go to the heart of the matter.

How to make a fake in contact

If you have a VKontakte page, then log out of your account, and click the Register button.

Enter the Name and Surname that you came up with.

The fact is that earlier accounts were tied only to email, and there were no problems to produce fakes) Then you could unlink your phone number from your account, and thus several pages could be registered on one phone. But now, comrade Durov realized that this was not the case, and made a registration on the site via SMS activation without unlinking.

Moreover, only 1 account can be linked to one phone number, that's the problem. Durov did not take into account that we may need 5-10 or even more pages in social media. networks 🙂

Of course, buying 10 different sim cards or asking all relatives to activate accounts is not the best option, there are simpler and cheaper ways.

First, of course, I tried to bind several pages to one number) The system offered me to untie the number from the old one and bind to new page, I kindly agreed, thinking that there is nothing wrong with that) The page has been created, everything is ok. However, when I went to my main page, a message crawled out so unobtrusively to the floor of the screen, saying that your page is not tied to a phone number, bind otherwise ah-ah-ay, and so on)

I thought and decided to return the old number back. As a result, he jumped through the pages 3 times and I received the last Chinese warning from VKontakte 🙂 It said something like the following - your phone number is not a toy, take it seriously, damn it, you have the last attempt to bind a number, we no longer intend to endure this disgrace )

Severe guys in one word) I had to look for other ways to create fakes.

SMS activation of VKontakte account

After tormenting a little search engine, I found several ways. I'll tell you right away - you shouldn't use all sorts of dubious free services, super programs, bots etc. because you risk losing access to your account altogether or infecting your computer with a virus. Among the safe ones:

1st is to buy ready-made fakes from your hands. I didn't really like this option, since I had to first catch the seller online, then contact and agree with him, then make a deal, while there are no guarantees that you will not be deceived and you will just spend the money ( although not large, accounts cost around 10 rubles. a piece)

2nd it is through intermediaries to activate the acc to their SIM numbers. It is also not very expensive, from 2 to 50 rubles depending on the account, however, as in the previous version, all the same disadvantages. Nobody will give guarantees, besides, they usually work with mass orders, if you need 1-2 fakes, then hardly anyone will waste their time on you.

3rd on which I stopped, this is a service that provides the ability to activate through virtual sim cards. My choice fell on the service, there I was satisfied with the prices and reviews.

After standard registration, you can start. In the left sidebar, select the country and the desired site, in our case it is VK, and click the Get number button. There you can immediately see the number of available SIM cards for this social network and the price:

Do not forget to just replenish your balance beforehand, they accept Qiwi, Yandex.money and visa / mastercard. On the this moment a virtual number for Vkontakte costs 17.9 rubles.

We copy the number from the service and during registration in VK click Send code via SMS.

From this article you will learn how instant registration in contact occurs and what is needed for this. And the most important thing about promotion is in the last point!

What is the registration procedure and where to start?

It's completely free and secure as long as you use your personal phone number. This is done so that later, if something happens, you can restore access to the page. Previously, registration took place through e-mail, where it was necessary to confirm the letter, or send an invitation to a friend. Not very convenient, agree? And now this procedure takes a maximum of 5 minutes.

The number cannot be registered to different accounts, it is possible only if the old one is deleted.

So, let's begin.

In the window, enter the Name and Surname, date of birth by clicking on the appropriate fields. Click on the green button "Register"

Secondly, fill in the field with your phone number. In a few seconds you will receive a message with a code. Enter it in the field, come up with a password.

Thirdly, you can, if you wish, add friends that you have in other social networks. If you don't want to, click on the cross at the top right of this plate.

That's all it took to register!

Now you have a private space in a huge virtual world where you can add friends, join communities, listen to music, watch movies, etc. Thanks to the intuitive interface, even a schoolboy can figure it out!

How to fill the profile with information

By clicking on the "Edit" button, you will see the fields that you need to fill out.

How to fix a post on the wall

And here you can post a record:

VK privacy settings

Don't forget about your privacy settings! It is important not to expose your personal data!

In the upper right corner go to "Settings"

Then go to the "Privacy" section.

How to delete a group

Left Groups -> Management -> Change the parameters to "private"

Then leave the group.

Here is a detailed instruction.

How to create a second VK account

Can I create a second account and how do I do it?

Sure you may. Only when registering, specify a different phone number, also go through all the stages. As already noted, if you re-enter your number, you will have to abandon the old page. This information will be indicated:

But I met accounts with the same face in the photo, but different names.

If you are promoting your personal brand and do not want to hide your face, and the second account is needed only in case the first one is banned or for other reasons, then you can:

  • When registering, write your first and last name in the Latin alphabet.

How can you see in contact who visited the page

The official answer says that this is not and has not been during the entire existence of the site. There are applications that register users, but only those who, for example, liked or wrote a comment - that is, what is available without special programs... And there are applications that simply show you other people, while impersonating them as “guests” of your page.

In no case do not enter passwords from Vkontakte on other resources- for security. There are various sites - clones or so-called “phishing sites” that look like VK, but in fact they are just scammers who want to trick you and steal your data. Be extremely careful!

If you have any questions, go to the "Help" section. It is located at the very bottom of the page.

How to promote a page on VKontakte

Quick Sender Service

You can use the Quick Sender resource for this. Click on the picture to go to it. There is a working Demo version.

And here are excerpts from user and support correspondence:

Irina 6 days ago 17:12

Hello! Can you please tell me the DEMO version for how many accounts and how long can it be used?


Understand this proverb correctly.

TopLiders deserves separate consideration.

I wrote an article about him. Be sure to look at his services.

It is convenient for gaining more subscribers and friends. Otherwise, who will you send your calls to? You can use it completely free of charge and very effectively. On a day for free, in the morning or evening, after drinking a cup of tea, you will dial the daily limit of VK friends - 50 people. Per month - 50 Ă— 30 = 1500 people.

Intermediate result in TopLiders

Several days have passed since my registration in the service. And I decided to buy a VIP status for $ 10. I haven’t quite figured out how this mode works. the number of friends began to arrive at such a speed and without my participation that I was even scared if this would lead to sanctions from VK! But he quickly calmed down - after all this they are ask me to be friends, and not vice versa:

It was less than 100.

So, that's all for now! I think it was useful and I hope for your subscription to my blog and repost of the article! Raise your karma!

Thanks in advance, dear readers! See you soon!

The popular social network Vkontakte several years ago tightened the rules for registering accounts. Now, in order to create a page, the user must indicate a valid mobile phone number, which will subsequently receive a message with a code.

Only after entering the received digital value will it be possible to create an account and use it. However, there are a number of effective ways, how to register in a contact without a phone number... I will tell you more about them in this article.

1. How to register in VK without a phone

Vkontakte registration is carried out according to a certain template, and the main stage is binding to the user's mobile phone number. It is not possible to skip it, because otherwise it will not be possible to start the page.

But the system can be deceived, and for this there are at least two ways:

  • using a virtual number;
  • indication of the current Facebook page.

Each of the listed registration options provides for a specific algorithm of actions, after completing which you can count on the quick creation of an account and access to all the options of the Vkontakte social network.

1.1. Registration in VK using a virtual number

You can go through the registration procedure in social networks using a virtual number for receiving SMS. To do this, it is best to use the recognized international service Pinger (the official website address is https://wp.pinger.com).

Step-by-step registration in the service looks like this:

1. Go to the site, select in the upper right corner of the screen options "TEXTFREE".

3. We go through a simple registration procedure in the service, after pressing the virtual button "Sign Up". In the window that appears, specify the login, password, age, gender, e-mail address, highlighted letter abbreviation ("captcha").

4. If all the previous steps were performed correctly, click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the screen, after which a window with several phone numbers... We choose the number we like.

5. After pressing the arrow, a window will appear in which the received messages will be displayed.

It is always possible to view the selected virtual phone number in the “Options” tab. When registering in VK using the considered method, the USA should be entered in the country selection field (the international code of this country starts with "+1"). Next, we enter the virtual mobile number and get a code for it with confirmation of registration. Subsequently, an account in Pinger may be needed if the password is lost, so you should not lose access to the service.

At the moment, creating an account using the virtual number service is considered one of the most efficient and effective methods registration in social networks. Its main advantage over other options is anonymity, because a virtual phone number cannot be tracked or proven to be used by a specific person. At the same time, the main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of restoring access to the page in case of loss of access to Pinger.

IMPORTANT! Many Internet users have difficulties with the registration procedure in foreign virtual telephony services. This is due to the fact that many providers block such resources in order to prevent illegal actions on the Internet. In order to avoid blocking, there are several options, the main of which is considered to change the IP address of the computer to a foreign one. In addition, you can use anonymizers, for example, the Tor browser or the ZenMate plugin.

If you have difficulty using Pinger, there are a huge number of services on the Internet that provide virtual numbers phones (e.g. Twilio, TextNow, CountryCod.org, etc.). A number of similar paid services are also actively developing, with a simplified registration procedure. All this allows us to assert that virtual telephony has solved the problem for many users of how to register in VK without a (real) number.

1.2. Registration in VK via Facebook

The social network "Vkontakte" is one of the most advertised Russian sites, which is in demand far beyond the borders of the Russian Federation. The desire of the owners of this resource to cooperate with other world famous social networks, in particular with Facebook, is quite justified. As a result, the owners of the page in the mentioned service have the possibility of simplified registration on Vkontakte. For those who do not want to "shine" their data, this is a unique chance how to register in VK without a phone and deceive the system.

The algorithm of actions here is quite simple and the first thing to do is to use an anonymizer. It is best to go to the Chameleon service, since the start page already contains links to all social networks or dating sites popular in Russia. This resource allows you to go to pages in Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Mamba, even if they are blocked by the site administration.

Many people will naturally wonder why they need to use anonymizers. The social network "Vkontakte" automatically recognizes from which country you entered the registration page. This is how the registration procedure looks like for residents of Russia and most countries of the post-Soviet space:

And this is how the same page looks, but if you go to it outside the Russian Federation:

In the lower right corner of the screen there is a discreet button Login with Facebook... Click on it, after which the window for entering an email address and password is instantly displayed:

After filling in the fields, you will be redirected to your own Vkontakte page, which you can subsequently edit at your discretion. To implement the presented method, a Facebook page is required, but the procedure for creating an account in it does not provide for the mandatory input of a mobile phone number (only an e-mail box). Facebook registration is one of the most understandable, as a result of which it will not cause any particular difficulties even for an unprepared computer user.

According to the latest rumors, the foreign analogue of Vkontakte is going to tighten the rules for using the resource, so the described method may soon become outdated. But for now, "Facebook" remains an affordable way to register in VK via mail without a phone number. Its advantages are quite obvious - anonymity and simplicity. It also takes a minimum of time to create a page, especially if you already have a Facebook account. The method has only one drawback: it lies in the impossibility of recovering data lost by the user (password for logging into the account).

1.3. Registration in VK via mail

Many users are concerned about the question, how to register in VK via mail... Previously, one e-mail was enough to create an account, but since 2012, the management of the social network has introduced a mandatory rule for binding to a mobile phone. Now, before specifying an e-mail box, a window pops up asking you to enter a mobile number, which will receive a message with a personal code within 1-2 minutes.

Previously, many users, instead of a mobile phone, indicated a landline 11-digit number, launched the "Let the robot call" function, and then created a page using the code suggested by the computer. The main advantage this method there was an opportunity to register "Vkontakte" for free and an unlimited number of times. In practice, it turned out that an infinite number of pages were registered on the same landline number, from which spam, offensive messages or threats were sent. Due to user complaints, the administration of the social network was forced to abandon the option to create an account through landline phones, leaving the ability to receive the code only on mobile networks.

Whoever claims anything today registration in VK via mail without a mobile phone number is unrealistic... However, to e-mail full access must be provided, since it provides an additional opportunity to recover a lost password or to receive up-to-date news about innovations in the social network. Email may also be needed when hacking the page. By sending an appropriate request to the service technical support, a letter with instructions for restoring access will be promptly sent to the mailbox.

Summing up, it should be noted that the topic of how to register on Vkontakte is free, without a real mobile phone number and entering personal information is rapidly gaining momentum. Increasingly, hundreds of programs appear on the Internet to hack or bypass the established registration rules. Most of them are spam or harmful viruses that are not helpful in solving the problem. The VK administration is making great efforts to reduce the number of fake accounts and protect its users. As a result, only the two listed methods of creating pages without specifying a personal phone number are considered effective.

If you know other options on how to register in VK without a number, write in the comments!