Everybody knows that social networks it is an effective channel for distributing information and receiving traffic. It is not for nothing that many online stores (other sites are also no exception) maintain their communities in one or even several social networks at once. This gives them certain advantages.

Crossposting- automatic, semi-automatic or manual posting of the same article, link or topic to social networks, forums, blogs. Link.

Autoposting- automatic broadcast of messages to websites, blogs, microblogs, social networks, etc. Link.

As you can see, the terms are very similar in meaning. But cross-posting is a broader concept that includes auto-posting. In essence, cross-posting is the automatic posting of materials, for example, from your online store, blog or website, to several social networks.

To clarify, we need to say about one more understanding of the term "autoposting". Sometimes this is called a delayed posting on a schedule to social networks. Link. That is, this is not a broadcast of materials from one source to several (as in the previous case), but preliminary preparation of a list of materials for publication and setting the frequency of their posting in selected groups and social networks.

This article is about first version of the concept of this term, when materials from one source, in our case an online store, are automatically published in several social networks.

What does cross-posting give to an online store

Everyone knows that social networks are an effective channel for disseminating information and getting traffic. It is not for nothing that many online stores (other sites are also no exception) maintain their communities in one or even several social networks at once. This gives them certain advantages:

  1. Allows for a good presentation of the site on all major social networks;
  2. People are more likely to like and repost within the social network. There it is a natural scenario of behavior;
  3. Helps the search engine to correctly identify the source of the content.

The original source of content is determined by the search engine by the date of indexing and the authority of the site.
Links from social networks speed up the indexing of content by search engines and add additional authority to the site.
- devaka.ru

Is it possible to get a ban from a search engine for this?

It depends on how you are going to do it. If you spam everything you can reach with your content, then nothing good will come of it.

Another thing is that there will be no search engine to impose sanctions on your website for the presence of representation in social networks and active work with them. It is your right. Therefore, a completely safe way is to open groups on the main social networks and broadcast selected materials from your site there. Moreover, if we are talking about unloading articles from a blog in your online store, then you do not need to unload the entire text, but only the title, image, short description and a link to the full material. Thus, firstly, interested visitors will go to your store to read the article, and secondly, this will avoid unnecessary duplicate content.

The unloading of goods is about the same. It is enough to upload product images, name, price and row important characteristics(for example, the sizes and colors that are in stock). If there are a lot of goods, you can group them into several pieces in one post (this possibility can be foreseen when developing export to RSS).

You can also provide for unloading different materials in different social networks. This is convenient if there are predominantly different target audiences of the store on different social networks. Then, for example, it is logical to upload new arrivals of dresses to Odnoklassniki, which may be of interest only to mature women, and Vkontakte to unload the youth assortment.

As you can see, with the right approach, automatic cross-posting is not only not dangerous and to sanctions from the outside search engines will not lead, but on the contrary is useful and will work well, simplifying the life of the content manager, increasing target audience and online store traffic.

Replacement of manual labor by women

Should you automate the process? Often, there are a lot of materials on the site, while the content is diverse (text, photos, videos) and you need to quickly post it on several social networks.

You can hire a special girl for the position of content manager, who from morning till night will only be engaged in cross-posting to social networks of materials from the site.

But even such a solution is not effective. Manual cross-posting of a description of one product (or one news) with a photo, video, title and text in 5 major social networks for Russia (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Google +) can take up to 20-30 minutes of working time. Thus, in 7 hours of working time, you can manually place only about 20-25 elements (goods, news, articles, etc.). This is very slow, and the speed of posting materials on social networks is critically important, especially when the volume of materials for publication is large. Therefore, replacing manual cross-posting with an auto-posting service will be great to save the content manager's time, allowing him to do much more in a working day (in fact, he only needs to post materials on the site) and will make publishing on social networks more efficient.

Services for cross-posting to social networks

There are quite a few online services that automatically cross-post (publish) content from a website to social networks. There are also scripts and modules for CMS that perform the same function (scripts will also be discussed below).

If you do not know what an RSS feed is, ask the programmer, or in the studio that made your site for you. If you do not have such a tape, then you will need to order its revision. In the basic version, this is a simple revision, it should not require large expenses from you. For example, the implementation of such an unloading for 1C-Bitrix will take no more than half an hour or an hour. That, in terms of money, no more than 1-2 tons.


I'll start and dwell on the NovaPress.pro service, which I use on all projects (including this blog) and which I recommend to my clients. The service allows you to post simultaneously on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LiveJournal, Pinterest and even Instagram.

Cost: There are 10 days free. Then 350 rubles a month.

The paid service may seem like a minus (there are free ones below). But if your project is commercial, I recommend choosing paid solutions.

Why is a paid solution better? The logic here is simple:

  1. Paid solutions are more reliable;
  2. There is technical support that helps customers if they have questions;
  3. The main thing is that they solve their internal technical problems of integration with social networks faster.
    For example, something changes in social networks and auto-posting stops working. Paid services are better motivated to resolve such issues promptly, since they have obligations to customers and lose money if their service does not work correctly. Have free services everything works as long as the creators have the mood and the time.
    I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my projects to depend on the time and mood of people I do not know.

Setting: The service is easy to configure. It takes 10 minutes of mouse work.

All that is needed for the site content to be automatically posted in the social networks you need is to add your RSS feed with the site materials to Novapress, and then select the necessary social networks: add groups and personal pages, and set up the frequency of auto-posting in them.

It just sounds complicated. In fact, it is not much more difficult than setting an alarm clock on a smartphone :-).

For another 10 minutes, if you wish, you can set up auto-posting on Vkontakte and Facebook through applications. Novapress has taken care of step by step instructions, for setting up publishing through the application, so you shouldn't have any problems with setting up.

You can do without this, but publishing through the application allows you to change the signature on the social network under your post to "beautiful", whatever you want. For example, the address of your site. This is what the signature looks like on my VKontakte page:

If posting is done through an application, then the signature may look like this.

Publishing via an application does not require the work of a programmer. "Application" in this case is not a programmer's development, it does not need to be ordered. To put it simply, this is a certain " secret code», Which you can create on Vkontakte or Facebook with a mouse, and then add to Novapress. Just follow the instructions in Novapress.

The service is also suitable if the online store does not use a group (community), but the manager's or owner's personal page on a social network (for example, VKontakte). It's the same with other social networks. You can simultaneously auto-post to a personal page on Google+ and to a Business page on Google Plus. By the way, not all services are able to do this.

Deferred posting

For the sake of completeness, we need to say about another function of the same online service - auto-posting to a group on a schedule, or, in other words, deferred posting.

This function is useful for maintaining communities when you need to automate scheduled publishing to social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Google +), but there is no website.

In this case, material for cross-posting on social networks is added directly to personal account service (and not to the site). We loaded 20 posts, with an interval of 24 hours, and the service will automatically publish one post from your list once a day for 20 days.

In my opinion, the function is not very necessary for online stores, unlike cross-posting from an RSS feed (which was mentioned above). It is much more convenient to auto-post from RSS to all your social networks, adding material only once to your site.


Quite a worthy solution. Makes cross-posting to a large number of services, social networks and blogs, a good part of which you have never heard of: Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, Blogger, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Wordpress, My World, Plurk, VK note, OK Share, RuTvit, Viadeo.

Has its own chips. For example, it allows you to uniqueize published information by pre-specified synonyms.

there is free tariff, but it does not provide the ability to post images from RSS, only text. In addition, the RSS feed is checked for updates every 6 hours. Those. for the prompt publication of materials that contain pictures, this tariff will not work. Paid plans start at $ 5 per month.


And here is another interesting delayed posting service in social networks that you should pay attention to. The resource is designed for a wide audience: businessmen, bloggers, SMMs.

Developed by the Information Technologies Workshop (1C-Bitrix gold certified partner).
Price: 1000 p.
Despite the lower price, the list of social networks to which the module auto-posts is larger: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, LiveJournal.
The functionality of the module is described in more detail on the promo page.
Marketplace page.

Title: "Auto-poster on Twitter"

Developer Blackbutterfly (Gold certified partner of 1C-Bitrix).
Price: 1000 p.
From the name of the module, it is clear that its purpose is to post only to Twitter.


“Crossposting on the Internet is the deliberate automatic, semi-automatic or manual posting of the same article, link or topic in forums, blogs, or any other form of websites or public correspondence ...
Cross-posting goals: building up the link mass and indicators of TCI and Google PR; attracting traffic from free blogging sites; . "

I already wrote about in the blog once. Then the button "", a tape, a short and was enough.
And it also seems like by default they share a link to a note with friends ... But all this is good on a small scale and for one site. For full automation, it looks like you will have to tackle this topic more thoroughly!

Free cross-posting to social networks

1) The simplest is plugins for popular engines. For example, Wordpress. I think they can handle automatic cross-posting quite well. And they themselves write this based on the API of social networks.

2) Install on the site the block "" with the necessary blogs and manually add a link to your site Vcontact, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, MoiMir, Google+.
One has only to take into account that in the block with counters (as well as in the interactive form) there are much fewer social networks than in the full one.

3) For auto-comprehension to the Contact group- you need to connect an RSS feed to it (done on request). After that, the RSS feed can be safely added in the group or page settings.
Also, LiveJournal (LJ) can also broadcast recordings there by default.

4) When publishing on your profile wall on Vkontakte, it is possible to automatically send everything to Twitter and Facebook. And from Twitter - set up the normal publication of tweets to LiveJournal.

5) in the section "Settings => Rss / Atom" allows publish your feeds to Twitter and Google+... But only to the Google page, and not to your profile. It also supports Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, WordPress, and mixi.

6) - also great for RSS and social media. Among other things, it burns cross posting to Odnoklassniki, MoiMir Mail.Ru, I.UA and Live Journal. But I try to use it for Mail and Odnoklassniki, since they are supported by a small number of services due to the need to emulate the browser.

7) - quite good if you need to scatter once a day one RSS feed with your site by social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, Blogger, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Wordpress, My World, Plurk, VK note, OK Share, RuTvit, Viadeo). But if you need to do it more often, add more RSS feeds or Pictures- it will already be paid. $ 5 - $ 30 per month.

8) - there is an AutoPost function in several groups at once. Also, you can place ads in groups (from 1000 subscribers). Supports Contact, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Instagram.

All of these methods work great, but they have some limitations on the number of accounts and feeds. In principle, it will be very easy to repost your blog and 2 - 3 sites to third-party services. But now they will be updated completely different speed... And in most cases - no more than once a day, which is not very suitable for a commercial project.

Paid cross-posting

What are serious sites to do? If you have, for example, or, then I advise you to connect one of the paid broadcast services. This will allow content to be updated almost instantly and immediately for a large number of blogs. So where is it most convenient to do it?

My favorite option. Payment by months and without restrictions on tapes and their number. He knows how to manage multiple profiles, make automatic publications and work directly from the site. Supports cross-posting to Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagramm, LiveJournal, Google+, Telegram, Pinterest.

Payment is made for each launch. Ideal if there is little news or you need to publish it 1 or 2 times a day. Supports reposts in MoiMir, I.UA and other popular social networks.

Every business that works with social. networks, he knows that managing several sites at once is not a snap.

Especially if the time is already limited and you need to do a dozen more different things. Therefore, we run to the rescue and talk about such a tool as cross-posting within the framework of this article.

There - here

Surely you have come across this routine task when you need to go to each social. nets and pens to spread posts, spending golden minutes on it.

And if you finally got enough of it, then there is a way to do it also in all social networks. networks immediately, but with one click. And this is the very tool that I have already mentioned.

Crossposting- This is the publication of one material in various social networks with the help of “one” click.

And even with such a primitive thing, like everything, whatever you do, you need to approach cross-posting wisely.

And with such a calculating approach, there will always be pros and cons, which we, as marketers, already know up and down.

Pros :

  • Saving time. The whole process of sending a post to any number of social media. networks takes a matter of seconds.
  • Great coverage. With minimal employment, you attract customers at several sites at once.
  • Improving site indexing. By clicking on links from various resources, Yandex and Google like you more.

Minuses :

  • Deterioration of site indexing. A regular repost of an article from a blog site will only worsen indexing in search engines.
  • One information on different networks. The audience of any site is different, which means it requires a different presentation and essence.
  • Incorrect display. Each platform has its own characteristics, which means that the same post can be crookedly published.

It turns out that we have 3 by 3. And provided that the two points generally contradict each other, then the head is spinning.

And we know this, so we continue the material and move on to more applied examples of when and who needs cross-posting on social networks:

  1. If you are going to go to the tundra for a couple of days, where there is no Internet, but you need everything to work.
  2. If you are an SMM specialist and run several companies that have several social networks.
  3. If you post 5-15 posts a day and understand that it is physically impossible to do it.
  4. If you are blogging and you want the published article to be immediately scattered across all social networks.

It turns out that cross-posting is relevant either if you have your own blog for seo-promotion and you need to distribute your new materials.

Or if you run several social media. networks immediately and you need to free your time. In our case, this is both the one and the other option.

Although we personally do everything with our hands, and we do it for objective reasons. The fact is that we have social. networks are used only as a repost of articles from a blog and the meaning of cross-posting is lost for us.

Since a simple repost (1st minus) worsens the indexing of the original, we write new text with pens and post everything ourselves.

And also, albeit even small, but there is a difference in the layout of posts. For example, this is the number of characters in a post on VKontakte, after which the link goes under “Show in full”.

Let it be a trifle, but in the case of two social services. networks and one post per day, this can be done manually, without using cross-posting to the Vkontakte group, but it's good.

Methods and sources

And now, when, when you immediately understand how this can greatly save your time, then we will further consider in detail for which tasks what kind of cross-posting you can use (there are as many as 3 of them).

Native social functionality networks

The social services themselves. networks have a native functionality for reposting to other sites. But be aware that the cross-posting possibilities that are built into the networks themselves are rather limited.

Posts are not always published and in general there may be bugs. But this cross-posting option is completely free, which can also be a weighty argument in its favor.

Cross-posting from Instagram

Cross-posting from Instagram allows you to post a publication in 8 networks at once, but in Russia, in practice, we only use VKontakte, OK.ru, Facebook, and, perhaps, someone else uses Twitter. Moreover, the algorithm is simple and intuitive:

1. Go to your Instagram page and click on the gear in the upper right corner.

Gear on Instagram

2. Find the option “Linked accounts”, where a list of all social networks for cross-posting will appear.

Linked accounts
Choice of social networks

I sent 2 posts to Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook. One of the posts on Facebook missed the target and did not reach it.

In VK - both (it turned out the second time), in Odnoklassniki the pictures looked different (apparently, publishing a post on Instagram, I had different photo sizes).

From which we can conclude that cross-posting via Instagram is unreliable and does not always help save time, sometimes it will take even more effort to set up and double-check everything.

Important. Do not forget to log into Vkontakte and set up integration with other sites (there must be two-way integration) so that your posts reach their destination.

Crossposting from Vkontakte

Cross-posting from Vkontakte to other networks has fewer options. The application allows you to import posts from Instagram (as already mentioned) and export to Facebook and Twitter.

Setting up the placement of publications via VK is also not very difficult. Let's look at the example of cross-posting from Vkontakte to Facebook:

1. Go to your VKontakte page and in the upper right corner click on your avatar and then “Edit”.

In contact with

2. Click on "Contacts" and under the "Save" button click on the link "Integration with other services".

Social network

4. Setting up the functionality: choose who can see your posts: everyone, friends, or just you.

6. A pop-up window opens. We choose "Export". Click on the Facebook icon. The next window appears.

Recording window

What is noteworthy, cross-posting cannot be done in a group or public, only a repost can fix the situation, but this, firstly, is not very convenient, and secondly, it can lead to a decrease in coverage.

From all of the above, we conclude that this method can be used only if you have already warmed up your audience.

Cross-posting from Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Youtube

While it is quite easy to repost to Facebook from Instagram and VKontakte, it is simply impossible from Facebook to other networks.

The same situation with Odnoklassniki. Needless to say about YouTube. And is it necessary, maybe it is better to go straight to the next section about services !?

Since it takes much more time to eliminate errors, even than manual posting.

Special services

To work on personal pages, cross-posting directly from social networks is possible, but for professional promotion it is better to use special services and programs.

It is not so expensive as to give up their functionality, in addition, most of them are quite convenient and solve a lot of tasks.

Planning your publication for each social network or sharing one news for all is your own business.

I will tell you about the most popular and favorite services, what is their difference and how to choose your own.



One of the most popular cross-posting services. It has a lot more pluses than minuses.

Suitable for both beginners and advanced SMM specialists. It is a shareware service.

Every month 50 posts are credited, another 50 are credited when subscribing and putting likes on VK and Facebook planners.


In addition, when setting up, I had difficulties with integrating into Instagram - several notifications about unauthorized entry came to the mail, confirming passwords did not solve the problem.

A few days later I decided to go through the integration again, but the password never came. Conclusion: SMMplanner is not best service to promote on Instagram.

Account linking



The feature of this service is that it allows you to see how the posts will look in various social networks.

Works with the most popular networks: Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Telegram. In general, it has more functionality and a nicer interface.


By the way, Instagram also did not connect - the authorization code did not come, and the post did not reach Facebook.

A monthly subscription is from 300 to 5000 rubles, a discount is given when paying for more than 3 months, a discount is given.

So I strongly advise you to take advantage of the trial period of using SMMAero.




The service that I choose. Allows you to publish materials in the following social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, G +, LinkedIn, YouTube, Telegram, Odnoklassniki.

But its main feature is the ability to cross-post rss. You can connect the feed of your site or a popular resource (just don't abuse it!).


The service also has the ability to publish videos to YouTube, which is a rarity among similar services.

The cost of connecting PublBox is from $ 9 to $ 33.25 per month, 7 days are given free of charge.

The cost depends on the number of publications and the options selected (round-the-clock support and Skype presentation, availability of a personal manager, assigning access only to your company, providing documents for reporting).

The ability to choose templates and covers for posts, as well as access to a functional calendar and tips for writing posts are provided when choosing any tariff.


Service comparison

When choosing a service, you need to take into account which social networks you would like to manage, and the functionality of the services itself.

The cost of using them is quite affordable, especially if you are developing your business.

And just for the first two features, we made a pivot table. But just do not forget to check it, since the services do not stand still either.

Service comparison

Functionality of the site WORDPRESS

If your site is built on the WordPress platform, then you can set up cross-posting to social networks and blogs using special plugins.

Moreover, you can set up posting for each social network separately (if you work, for example, with one VKontakte), it all depends on your tasks.

Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP)

Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP)

A unique cross-posting plugin for WordPress, because it allows you to simultaneously publish article announcements to a large number of social networks at once.

For example in: Telegram, Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Google +, Pinterest, as well as more than 10 other social networks less known in Russia.

If you run several pages in one social network, you will have to fork out for the paid version, since you can publish for free only in one account of each of the networks.

In general, experts say that setting up the cross-posting plugin and modifying the publishing options is not at all difficult, provided that you understand the site codes. Detailed instructions are also freely available.

Piston Poster

Piston Poster

Piston Poster is a unique, smart plugin that has many useful functions: posting rss feeds, cross-posting on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, VK note and in several lesser-known social networks.

The plugin allows you to send unique posts to each of your chosen social networks by replacing words with synonyms. There is also a delayed posting function.

Depending on the number of published posts per day, as well as the availability of additional functions, you can choose for yourself which version to use: free or paid.

If you have up to 7 accounts and you publish no more than 10 posts per day, and also use one RSS feed, then you can use a free plan.

If you publish many times more posts on various sites, then your tariff can range from $ 5 to $ 30 per month.

Important. There are many more plugins. We showed you two of the most popular in Russia.


There is a need for cross-posting and it is quite great. Even judging only by the number of specialized sites and plugins.

You can automate the posting process as much as possible while maintaining quality content.

What could be cooler? After all, you have more time for new projects or recreation.

But on the other hand, if you want to get the maximum effect from each social network separately, then you have to work with pens without any services and personal belongings.

Trust me, each site is special and each site has its own preferences, as well as its own stop topics, which are better not to raise.

Hi friends. In this article, I want to tell you about how to implement automatic cross-posting of your blog entries to the Vkontakte group. In one of my articles published earlier, I informed you about what I created Vkontakte group and Facebook community which I am working on now (I invite you to join these groups). If your blog or website does not yet have such groups, I advise you to seriously think about creating them. Trust me that the integration of various projects with will develop even more and on this moment, and in the subsequent time even more, this relationship will be beneficial from any point of view.

But in order to automate the process of filling these very communities, we need a tool with which we can, when publishing a new blog post, automatically send a link with the post image to the group we need. After a short search, I settled on the VKontakte Wall Post plugin, which 100% copes with the task at hand.

So, download the plugin, copy it to the hosting and activate it. Then we go to link and fill in the required fields.

Name - arbitrary

Type - Website

Site url - full url of your site

Base domain - site address without the prefix http: // www

We press the button Connect the site, after which a window will appear in which you need to click the button Get the code and our your mobile phone a code will be sent to be entered in this form.

Enter the code and get to the next page, in which you need to fill in the fields:

Name - arbitrary

Description - optional

Application group- if there is a pre-created group, then select it from the list

Icon 16 * 16 - at your own discretion

Application ID is the most important parameter, which must then be inserted into the plugin configuration form. Copy it to yourself in a separate file.

Protected key - do not use

In the Open API block, select the site theme, everything else should be filled in automatically.

Finally, you can upload your band logo. Then we press the button Save changes.

That's it, we figured out the Vkontakte settings, now let's look at the settings of the plugin itself. To do this, in the console of your blog, go to - Parameters - VKontakte Wall Post and copy the application ID that was described in the previous one to the VKontakte API ID line.

After that, we mark with a checker that the publication will take place on the wall of the group and just below in the Id of the group we insert its numerical value. If you do not know how to determine this Id, then go to the group address, and if the address is of this type http://vk.com/public12345678, then the numbers at the end, namely 12345678, will be the same Id.

There are cases when the group address is changed under the name of the site, etc. Then just click on the Advertise community link and the group ID will be in the address bar of your browser.

All other settings can be used as shown in the screenshot.

After you have specified all the settings, click the Save settings button.

Now, when publishing new posts, you will have an additional option - Publish on the Vkontakte wall with a checker (if it is installed, the post is published to the group, if not installed, it is not published accordingly).

On this I have all friends, if something is not clear ask questions in

Probably many of you have friends or followers on different social networks. Moreover, some of them use only Facebook or only VKontakte. Well, Twitter is sometimes still present in various combinations with them. In this situation, such a simple action as publishing a link to a resource you like turns into a routine exercise. This monkey labor also got me, and I nevertheless decided to set up duplicating entries in all social networks at once, publishing them only in one.

If you do not know what cross-posting is, then Wikipedia declares that it is "... automatic, semi-automatic or manual posting of the same article, link or topic in forums, blogs ...". On my own behalf, I will add that usually an entry subject to cross-posting is created once, and then copied on the machine.

My crossposting requirements

So, to begin with, I'll explain what mandatory requirements I have for cross-posting, so that when I leave one routine I don't get caught up in another.

  • First, simplicity. I do not want to install any applications created specifically for cross-posting - everything should be carried out using regular means of the social networks themselves.
  • Secondly, the maximum functionality of all the resulting posts should be preserved, i.e. saving links and, if possible, pictures.
  • Third, there are no duplicates. If you tinker with the settings on different social networks, you can get a good mix of the same posts in all of them. And spam complaints from you as a bonus.

Basically, these are all requirements. Let's get down to business

Method one: Crossposting Twitter → Facebook, VKontakte

Good and reliable way, works like a clock. Cross-posting from Twitter to VK is achieved by assigning a hash tag #vk in the body of the tweet:

Using the #vk hash tag on Twitter

To export to Facebook, you need to link Twitter to your Facebook account. To do this, click on the gear icon on the top bar in Twitter and in the drop-down menu, click Change profile... Once on the page Profile, scroll down and look for the button Connect to Facebook- we press. Next, in the window that opens, click on the button Login via Facebook account , and in the next window we allow Twitter to publish on our behalf - the button Allow... Do not forget Save changes on the profile edit page.

Connect Facebook to Twitter

In general, the method is quite excellent. But there are several disadvantages that are significant for me.

If you like this method, click on one of the buttons (or rather several) on the left and start implementing it in your online life. I'll experiment some more.

Method two: Crossposting VKontakte → Twitter, Facebook

Setting up this option is also quite simple. On your VKontakte page, click on the link ed. in the left column, then go to the tab Contacts and at the bottom of this section we see links Configure export next to the headers Twitter and Facebook... When we click on the first link, we need to click the button Login to Twitter in the pop-up window. And in the next dialogue put a daw opposite point Export posts to Twitter and press the button Save.

It's even easier for Facebook. If you are already logged in to Facebook, then after clicking on the link Configure export opposite the name of this social network, you will see your first and last name in a couple of seconds. If not, then in the pop-up window you will have to enter your E-mail and password and press the button To come in.

Do not forget to press the button after all these operations. Save In chapter Contacts.

Setting up export to Twitter and Facebook from VK

So, now when publishing a VKontakte post make sure there is a jackdaw opposite point Export to Twitter and Facebook and boldly press the button Send message... The post will be automatically posted to these social networks.

Example of post export results

Advantages of the method:

  • As you can see from the screenshot above, this method partially solves the issue of missing a thumbnail in a post. On VKontakte, it fits perfectly, since this is, in fact, the parent post in this case.
  • Also, the problem with intimidation of users when following a short link has been resolved. VKontakte without any problems redirects to the desired page when clicked, and the link gets to Twitter in an abbreviated form and he lets it on it without any stupid questions.

But in this case, it was not without disadvantages:

  • Firstly, on Facebook and the picture did not appear... If it is critical for you that the thumbnail is on this particular social network, you will have to use a different cross-posting path, in which Facebook will be the starting point.
  • Secondly (and this disadvantage is simply critical!), the link on the way from one social network to another got lost somewhere. Actually, in this case, this method is only suitable for publishing your own thoughts.
    Now this problem fixed - links are published normally.

And one more small note: likes and reposts of news from the VKontakte feed are not sent to Twitter and Facebook - only entries typed manually or sent using social media buttons that caring webmasters do not forget to post on their sites.

Method three: Crossposting Facebook → Twitter → VKontakte

If you read the headline above carefully, you probably noticed two arrows: the second one appeared after Twitter. It's simple: in this case, cross-posting is achieved linking Twitter to Facebook only, and already from Twitter, the post will go to VK because we already know about the hash tag #vk- just add it to the post. Facebook does not directly support linking VKontakte.

Just to start, let's talk about the cons right away:

If you decide to share only your thoughts in this way, then it is quite suitable for such a purpose. Remains only link Twitter to Facebook... Go to the address and press the button Link my profile to Twitter... In the next dialog, press the button Authorize... After that, don't forget Save changes by clicking on the corresponding button.

Configuring Facebook to Twitter Export

Done! You can also specify which Facebook updates you would like to post to Twitter as well. For this leave daws only opposite the desired items on the list.

Method four: Crossposting VKontakte → Twitter → Facebook

And finally, the method on which I stopped my search. This is also a consistent cross-posting method, like the previous one, only devoid of most of the disadvantages of all of the above. So its advantages and disadvantages:

To implement this method, you need first link VK to Twitter only, as we did in the second case, and then link Twitter to Facebook- as in the first.

How to avoid duplicate records?

If you chose the fourth method, then you should check some details. If you have already configured export from VKontakte to Facebook follows it disable:

Disable export from VKontakte to Facebook

Otherwise, it will turn out that first the post will be sent from VKontakte to Twitter and Facebook, and then to Facebook the same post from Twitter will be duplicated... If you are very active in sharing your posts with friends, spam complaints are for you.

What about other social networks?

In this article, I have not touched on the cross-posting setup, for example, in LiveJournal and Google+. Firstly, I am not an active user of LiveJournal and at the moment I am not registered there at all. However, if you need instructions on how to set up cross-posting with the participation of this social network, write about it in the comments.

Google+ at the moment does not have staff resources organization of cross-posting... However, it can be done with third party services, such as Socialba or Piston Poster. I would not like to use another service for such a trifling task, however, if you need help setting up cross-posting using a special service, I welcome your comments on this matter.

That is, in fact, all that I wanted to talk about in this article. I hope you this information come in handy and will be useful. If you want to thank me, then The best way to do this is to set up cross-posting, and then tell your friends about the article on all social networks using the buttons below Well, or at least one