The overwhelming majority of users (perhaps you are one of them too) disdain the function that allows you to back up Windows 10. By the way, it’s in vain.

It also provides the function Reserve copy systems. Moreover, by default, the image is created for all media files, documents and SMS, calls and bookmarks in the system browser or application.

To do this, you need to go to the "Settings" application in the "Update and Security" section.

There you need to find the archiving service. You need to put the toggle switch to the "on" position under the line where it is proposed to create a backup copy of the content.

Interestingly, the user can independently choose which parameters will be backed up and which will not. This can be done using the "Other parameters" section.

True, if on a PC it was possible to independently determine where the system image would be written, on mobile devices everything is automatically saved to your OneDrive account.

Regular system recovery

If the backup was performed in the first way, then in case of a critical error and incorrect system operation, go to the "Shutdown" section in the "Start" menu, select the restart item and click on it while holding the Shift button.

When you reboot, the advanced options screen will open, where you must click on "System Image Restore". After selecting this item, the system will look for a backup copy and try to install it, so you need to take into account - the media must be inserted into the PC (if we are talking about a flash drive, CD or external hard drive).

via DISM

In the event that the Windows image was recorded using DISM, you need to open the administrator command prompt (as was done above), where you will need to enter:

  1. diskpart.
  2. list volume.
  3. We remember on which disk the backup is stored (according to the "Name" column) + the disk that will contain the system.
  4. select volume 5.
  5. select volume 6.
  6. format fs-FS quick.
  7. assign latter = V.
  8. exit.
  9. dism / apply-mage / imagefile: * drive where the backup is stored *: \ * backup name * .wim / index: 1 / ApplyDir: 6: \.
  10. bcdboot: 6: \ Windows / s V :.
  11. diskpart.
  12. select volume 5.
  13. remove letter = V.

5 - number of the disk with the system.

6 - number of the disk where the system will be installed.

V is a latin letter that will be assigned to the system partition.

Then you will need to restart your PC and the system will be restored.

System recovery via LiveCD Aomei Backupper Standard

To restore the operating system using this utility, you need to open this program and go to the Restore section, which is in the side menu. The program itself will find where the system image is stored and will offer to install it. This is possible only if the media with the image is connected to the PC or some disk inside the system is such.

In any case, you can specify the path to the backup yourself.

After all the settings (if they were made), click on Start Restore, which will be highlighted in orange.

As it turned out, create an image Windows systems not difficult at all. The main thing to learn is that you should not neglect the backup function and, if necessary, it is better to use it.

Who knows what data you will need in the future. It is better to make their image so as not to lose completely in the future.

All these actions are applicable to mobile version operating system from Microsoft, because now users store a huge amount of important information precisely on smartphones and tablets - mobile devices that are always at hand. Yes, cloud services in Russia and the CIS are not so popular yet.

If a computer with the Windows 10 operating system suddenly stops working, something breaks in it or programs "fly", then you may need to restore the system. It also happens that the operating system is so out of order, "messed up" that the computer (laptop) even stopped loading.

A Windows 10 system recovery disc is used to boot a computer with an operating system. But this disc is not enough for a complete "repair" of the operating system. With its help, you can only boot the computer () in order to start the system recovery procedure.

But the Windows 10 system itself can be successfully restored if you use a pre-made image of the Windows 10 system for this. That's about it, about how to create an image of the Windows 10 system, so that later this image can be used to restore the operating system after a severe failure - this is what will be discussed in this article.

So, we create an image of the Windows 10 operating system, a backup image of the system for use if it is necessary to restore the system after failures that lead to dire consequences when the computer no longer "wants" to boot.

What you need to restore your Windows 10 system

Remember that the set of software tools that allows you to restore the operating system Windows 10, consists of three elements, three parts. it

  1. systems,
  2. system image and
  3. users.

That is, in order to successfully restore the Windows 10 operating system in the event of a serious failure, we need all the three components listed above.

Let's consider how to create the second component for system recovery, how to create an image of the Windows 10 system.

Preparing to create a Windows 10 system image

Before starting the procedure for creating an image of the Windows 10 system, we need to prepare the media or media where this image will be stored. Suitable media for creating and storing a system image are

  • external HDD,
  • USB flash drive (appropriately sized) or
  • several DVDs (for which, of course, you also need a DVD writer / reader, the so-called DVD-ROM).

External hard drives and flash drives are connected to a PC (laptop) via a USB interface (connector). They should have free place to place a Windows 10 system image that can be 25 GB or more. These are the most convenient devices for storing a system image, and the easiest to work with.

But flash drives and external hard drives have a drawback when using them as storage for a system image. The fact is that usually flash drives and external hard drives are not used only for storing a system image. Many other things are recorded on them useful information... And sooner or later, flash drives and external hard drives run out of space, they have to be cleared of unnecessary information.

Since the Windows 10 system image is created once, and then stored for a long time, there is a temptation to delete it from a disk or from a flash drive when the question arises about cleaning these devices, freeing up space on them to store other useful data, photos, videos, etc. other content.

Therefore, the first system image, which is usually created, is made immediately after purchasing a computer (laptop), it is best to do it on DVDs, albeit slow and not very convenient. But later, there will hardly be a desire to erase these disks with the image of the Window 10 system recorded on them. This means that the system image will be stored for a long time and reliably, which is what we need.

True, since the DVDs themselves are not very reliable data carriers, and they themselves can "fail" when trying to read this system image, it is worth saving the system image twice, do not be too lazy to do this work twice, and then store the two system images in different places - for reliability. This will allow, in the worst case, when the system, God forbid, fails, restore it using one of the two saved images of the Windows 10 system.

So, if we decide to make a system image on DVDs, we need another DVD reader / writer. Some PCs still have similar devices for reading / writing laser or compact discs (DVD-ROM), in which case we can use them.

In case the computer or laptop does not have a DVD reader / writer, we will need external device DVD reader / writer, which connects to a PC or laptop via a USB interface (connector).

We also need several (approximately 5-10) DVD "discs" - these are blank discs intended for recording new data on them. Previously used DVDs, on which information has already been recorded, we can only use if they are rewritable DVDs. Then, first, you need to delete all data from these disks, clean them completely before using them as future disks for storing the Windows 10 system image.

How many DVDs do you need for a Windows 10 system image

To boot the Windows 10 operating system when it crashes, we only need one system recovery CD / DVD. But to restore a system image - after all, a system recovery disc does not include a system image - we need from 5 to 10 DVDs, depending on their size.

To create and store a system image on DVD-discs, it is recommended to use the largest discs that can store more than 4GB of information. You can completely forget about CDs. They are not suitable for capturing a Windows 10 system image, as they will require too many, as their volume is very small compared to DVDs. After all, the system image can take up to 25 GB, or even more, which in terms of the number of DVDs gives us the number 5 or 6.

But it would also be necessary to duplicate the image of the system, to make two identical images of the system. So for such purposes: to create and store the main and duplicate image of the Windows 10 system, we may need 10-12 blank DVD-disks with more than 4GB of information stored on each of them.

Now that we are ready to create an image of the Windows 10 system, we will launch the corresponding program. This program is located in the standard Control Panel, which can be opened, for example, using the search button on the taskbar.

Click on the magnifying glass icon on the right next to the "Windows" button, and enter the text "Control Panel" in the search bar (Fig. 1). Below the inscription "Best match" we see a link to the program "Control Panel", and click on this inscription to launch the Control Panel.

Fig. 1. Launching Control Panel in Windows 10

In the Control Panel window that opens, find the "Backup and Restore (Windows 7)" program in the "System and Security" section and click on it (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Run the Backup and Restore program (Windows 7) in Windows 10

Create a Windows 10 system image

Now we just need to run the program for creating an image of the Windows 10 system. To do this, in the opened window of the "Backup and Restore (Windows 7)" program in the left column we find the inscription "Create a system recovery disc" and click on it (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Launching the program to create an image of the Windows 10 system

That's it, now the system imaging program is launched and starts its work. First of all, the program asks us to indicate where the Windows 10 system image will be stored and then allows you to start the procedure for creating a system recovery disk (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Selecting a DVD burner and launching the program to create a Windows 10 system image

Now the system image creation program informs us about the size of the system image to be created and offers to confirm the parameters for archiving the system image. In fig. 5, it can be seen that in the given example the system image will have a size of about 25 GB, and for this volume, accordingly, you need to prepare the required number of blank (ready for recording) DVDs.

Fig. 5. Confirming backup options before creating a Windows 10 system image

After receiving confirmation from us that we agree with the proposed backup options (the parameters for creating an image of the Windows 10 system - what, in fact, could we do but confirm the proposed parameters ?!), the system imaging program starts its work. In fig. 6 we see the message of the program about preparation for creating an archive.

Fig. 6. Message from the system image creation program about preparation for creating an archive

You need to be patient and wait while the program finishes preparing and starts burning the system image to DVD discs. In general, all work related to data archiving, be it:

  • creating a system recovery disc,
  • creating a system image,
  • creating an archive of files and user folders, -

these are processes that take a long time to complete. In some cases, it takes more than one hour to complete them! And here patience is required and again the patience of a PC (laptop) user, you have to wait and wait ...

Finally, the time comes when the system imaging program prompts you to prepare and insert the first blank DVD to write data to it (Figure 7).

Fig. 7. Message about the need to insert the first DVD to burn Windows 10 system image data to it

Please note that the DVD must be prepared in advance, it must be a blank DVD or a rewritable DVD previously cleared of old data. The system imaging program also prompts you to label the DVD appropriately so that you can later understand what is stored on the DVD. You can mark a DVD disc only from the non-working side, where no data is recorded, and only with a soft felt-tip pen, but not with a pen or pencil, which can ruin the DVD and the information stored on it.

Personally, I prefer not to write anything on the DVD itself, but simply put the information written on a separate small piece of paper in the DVD box. Of course, in this case, you need to have a separate box for each DVD.

Next comes the question of whether it is possible to erase all data from the DVD that we inserted into the DVD reader / writer. Of course, since we have prepared this DVD-disc for recording a system image on it, we answer positively, that is, we press the "Format" button in response to the question asked (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. The question of the possibility of erasing all the information previously recorded on the DVD, which is intended to write data on it when creating an image of the Windows 10 system

The program prepares a DVD-disc for subsequent recording of data on it - formats this disc (Fig. 9). While the DVD is being formatted, it must not be removed from the DVD reader / writer, otherwise it may be damaged and can no longer be used to write data to it.

Fig. 9. A message about formatting a DVD before writing data to it when creating an image of a Windows 10 system

Now all the preparatory actions are completed, and the data recording to the DVD-disk has begun (Fig. 10). We just have to wait ...

Fig. 10. Message about recording a Windows 10 system image to the first DVD

You will have to wait after the end of writing to the first DVD, because the burning program must check if the DVD is readable after the information has been written to it (Fig. 11). Again, we just have to wait until the process of checking the quality of data recording to DVD is completed ...

Fig. 11. Message about checking the DVD-disk on which the data was recorded when creating an image of the Windows 10 system

Then we need to insert 4-5 next DVDs one by one, each time responding to the messages shown in Figure 7 above. Following the message about the need to insert the next DVD, messages about formatting this DVD will be displayed again (Fig. 8-9), about writing data to a DVD disc (Fig. 10) and about checking the quality of recording on this DVD disc (Fig. 11). In general, in this way, step by step, an image of the Windows 10 system will be recorded onto several DVDs.

Finally, the system image capture is complete, and the system imaging program will ask us if we want to make a system recovery disk along with it. Since we made this system recovery disk earlier (described), we will refuse this service (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Refusal to create a system recovery disc at the end of the process of creating a system image of Windows 10

That's it, the creation of the Window 10 system image is now complete. We just have to close the program window (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. Message about the completion of creating an image of the Windows 10 system and the need to close the backup program window

Now we need to put the DVDs with the data of the Windows 10 system image recorded on them, and put them in a separate place where they can be stored for a long time in appropriate conditions. Until the time when we may need these DVDs, God forbid. It would be better not to be needed!

How to create a second set of Windows 10 System Image DVDs

To create a second set of DVDs with a system image to duplicate the first set of DVDs with a Windows 10 system image, you need to repeat all the previous steps.

That is, you will need to prepare one more batch of 5 or 6 DVD “blanks”, restart the Control Panel and the Backup and Restore Program, and repeat all the steps of this program. And you need to be patient again to wait until all 5-6 DVDs are burned and tested.

This, of course, is additional trouble and extra time. But an additional set of DVDs with a system image may not be superfluous if the first set of DVDs cannot be read in a critical situation, or at least one DVD from the first set cannot be read.

Therefore, it is better not to be lazy, and create at least 2 sets of DVDs with a Windows 10 system image, perform the procedure for creating a system image twice.

When to Create Windows 10 System Image DVD Bundles

It is best to create a set of DVDs with a Windows 10 system image immediately after Windows installations 10 on your PC or laptop, immediately after purchasing a PC or laptop with the Windows 10 operating system installed on it. While the system is still working, it is still a "brand new" Windows 10 system without additional programs, drivers and other things.

But you can make a set of DVDs with a system image at any other time, there is nothing wrong with the fact that this was not done right away. It is important that these DVDs with the image of the Windows 10 system were made at least once, while the system works without failures (preferably in 2 copies), and would lie quietly in a "secluded corner", as they say, "for every fireman happening".

There is only one problem with the late creation of the system image DVD set. The Windows 10 system grows in volume over time, especially after installing new programs, drivers on it, after receiving and installing updates. Therefore, the later you make a set of DVDs with a system image, the more it will take DVDs and time to create a Windows 10 system image.

For example, if you create an image of the system immediately after purchasing a PC (laptop), then it will be about 5-6 DVDs. And if you install the first updates, which come almost immediately after connecting a new computer (laptop) to the Internet, then you will need more than 10 DVDs to save the system image. And then (in terms of the operating time of Windows 10) - and even more!

Well, of course, it's good if the set of DVDs with the Windows 10 system image never comes in handy. But this does not diminish its significance in any way, but on the contrary, even increases. It's great to have an extra margin of safety, and let that safety margin never be put to practice!

How to use Windows 10 System Image DVDs in an Emergency Situation

If, God forbid, the Windows 10 system on your PC or laptop stops working, stops loading, this is where the Windows 10 system image along with the system recovery disc can come in handy.

You will need a CD / DVD-ROM reader / writer (CD / DVD-ROM), which will need to be connected to the faulty PC (laptop), and the BIOS will need to set the ability to boot from this device.

You will need the Windows 10 system recovery disc we created, which you will need to insert into your CD / DVD reader / writer.

Well, and then you will need to start the PC (laptop) and make the system boot from the CD / DVD reader / writer. The system should boot, but not with hard disk PC (laptop), and from the system recovery disc we created.

Then, using the menu items that will display on the display screen, the system recovery program, you can restore the Windows 10 operating system step by step.

This is where we need a previously created image of the Windows 10 operating system. It is from it, from this image, that the system will be restored. Well, for a completely complete recovery of a computer (laptop), you will also need a third component to restore the system - an archive copy of folders, files and programs of PC users (laptop). Or you will need "File History" - the data archiving system that came with Windows 10.

But this is already, as they say, another "story" that will be written in other articles. In general, it is better that the set of DVDs with the image of the Windows 10 system along with the Windows 10 system recovery CD / DVD remain unclaimed. But here, how lucky ...

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The standard functionality of returning Windows to life in critical situations, if the system crashes, or even does not load at all, is not very popular. Microsoft itself involuntarily contributed to the fact that ordinary users did not find this tool in the jungle of system settings. Even in the version of Windows 10, where important system settings are placed in the "Settings" application, in the "Update and Security" section you will only see the option and mode with special boot options, which allows you to restore Windows from a system image, in fact, from backup... But the function of creating this very image of the system must be looked for inside the control panel, and preferably under the guidance step by step instructions... This will be shown below. In this article, we will look at how to create a backup of Windows 10 with its regular functionality and how the system recovery process works.

1. Standard Windows 10 backup functionality

Windows 10 inherited the standard backup function from Windows Vista... Like third-party backup programs, the backup created using the built-in functionality is a snapshot of the system with all its settings, boot sector, installed programs and user files stored on the system disk.

All this can be restored from a backup if in running Windows will fail. Even if the system stops booting, you can restore it to working capacity from the recovery environment, called by the F8 key when the computer boots. In this environment, you can start the process of returning the system to the state from the backup. You can get to the recovery environment of non-boot Windows 10, if not by calling the F8 key, then in two other ways. Windows 10 Recovery Environment is included with the system installation disc. For critical cases, you can specially prepare a Windows recovery disk, this is provided by the standard functionality of the system.

In terms of options for invoking a non-bootable recovery environment Windows standard functionality as a backup tool outperforms third-party programs-backers. But this is his only winning moment. In all other respects, the native functionality, alas, is far from perfect.

Nevertheless, backing up Windows and restoring it using the standard functionality is the basics for those who want to master the potential of Microsoft's operating system.

2. Creating a system image

In Windows itself, the term "backup", as in third-party backup programs, is not used, but the concept of "system image" is used. For the function of creating this very image, let's go to the control panel. To do this, use the context menu on the Start button.

In the "System and Security" section of the control panel, we need a subsection "Windows 7 Backup and Restore".

You can also get directly to this subsection - using the system search.

Click "Create a system image".

Next, the window for choosing the location for storing the image will follow. This can be a non-system disk partition, another hard drive (internal or external), or network resources. It is even possible to store the system image on multiple DVDs. In our case, the partition on the second connected hard disk is selected. This is a good choice for storing important data, such as an operating system backup. In the future, Windows can be recovered even if the main hard drive, which houses the system partition, fails. Click "Next".

The standard functionality provides not only for copying the system partition with Windows, copies of existing non-system disk partitions can be included in the image. Backing up non-system data through native Windows functionality is not The best way ensure the safety of this data due to inefficient use of disk space. Nevertheless, it is better to resort to third-party software to back up user data. Therefore, in our case, the system image will include a preinstalled configuration - a partition with Windows and the space reserved by the system. Click "Next".

In the window for confirming the parameters of archiving, click "Archive".

When the image creation process is complete, Windows 10 itself will offer to prepare a recovery disk for the future.

This offer should not be discarded if we are dealing with a computer device with a CD / DVD drive. And, of course, if you have a blank CD or DVD disc. If you have serious problems with the system, it will be easier to boot from the recovery disc than using the F8 key when starting the computer. The response time of this key is difficult to catch due to the shortened start-up time of Windows 10. This feature is inherited by version 10 from version 8.

After inserting a blank CD / DVD into the drive, click "Create Disc".

You can return to the Windows recovery disc creation process at any other time. In the control panel window, from which we began the process of creating a system image, there is a button "Create a system recovery disc".

Close the system image creation window.

That's it - now the system image will be safely stored for itself until there is a need to reanimate Windows 10.

If you run into problems with your system, the first step is to get to its recovery environment. It is in this environment that the opportunity to apply the newly created image will appear.

3. Paths to Windows Recovery Environment

Working system

If you have problems with Windows 10, but they did not affect its ability to boot, you can get into the recovery environment using the "Settings" application. In the "Options" select "Update and Security".

F8 key

If Windows does not start, you can try to get into the recovery environment using the above method using the F8 key. The key must be pressed before the Windows logo appears.

Windows 10 installation disc

The recovery environment for the current system is included in its installation disc. Naturally, we are talking about the official Windows 10 installation disc. Installation discs with "self-made" assemblies of Windows can only be used for a clean installation. new system and does not contain the functionality of restoring the current system. After booting from a USB flash drive or DVD with the Windows 10 distribution, we go through the welcome window.

Recovery disc

failure to Windows boot 10 is a case of using the above recovery disc. Boot from it and press any key to continue booting from the CD / DVD.

Choosing a keyboard layout

4. Windows Recovery

By any of the methods discussed above, we will get the action selection menu. In this menu, select the "Diagnostics" section, and in it - "Additional parameters".

The next step is "System Image Restore". This is the standard Windows 10 recovery tool from a backup.

The system is preparing for the recovery process.

This will launch a step-by-step Windows Recovery Wizard from a system image. The last created image will be selected by default. But if the system needs to be restored from an earlier image, you must manually specify the path to it. Click "Next".

Now we press "Finish".

We confirm the start of the Windows recovery process and wait for its completion.

After successful completion, restart the computer.

All - Windows 10 will revert to the state it was in when the image was created. The system will have the same settings, the same installed programs, the same user files on the C drive.

Have a great day!

One day Windows 10 may not start. Fortunately, a system restore will take a maximum of a day if you use backups and the right arsenal of programs.

Why you need to back up Windows 10 with disk contents

A backup is creating an image of the C drive with all installed programs, drivers, components, and settings.

Operating system backup with already installed drivers created in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to effectively restore a Windows system that has undergone a sudden crash, with minimal or no loss of personal data, without spending extra time on it;
  • it is necessary to restore the Windows system without re-searching for drivers for the PC hardware and OS components found, installed and configured after long searches and experiments.

How to create a copy of Windows 10 and restore the system using it

You can use the Windows 10 Backup Wizard, built-in Command Prompt tools, or third-party applications.

Backing up Windows 10 using DISM

The Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) utility works through the Windows Command Prompt.

  1. Press and hold the Shift key before restarting Windows 10. Restart your PC.
  2. Give the command "Troubleshoot" - "Advanced Options" - "Command Prompt" in Windows 10 Recovery Environment.

    Windows Recovery Environment has a full arsenal of startup fixes

  3. In the opened command Windows prompt enter the command diskpart.

    The slightest error in Windows 10 commands will lead to re-entering them

  4. Enter the list volume command, select the label and parameters of the partition on which Windows 10 is installed from the list of disks, enter the exit command.
  5. Run the command dism / Capture-Image /ImageFile:D:\Win10Image.wim / CaptureDir: E: \ / Name: "Windows 10", where E is the drive with already installed Windows 10, and D is the disk to which the OS backup will be written. Wait for the copy of Windows to finish recording.

    Wait for the Windows disc copying to finish

Windows 10 and the contents of the disc are now written to a different disc.

Create a copy of Windows 10 using the backup wizard

Work with the " Command line"- the most professional way, from the point of view of users. But if it doesn't work for you, try Windows 10's built-in backup wizard.

  1. Click "Start" and type in the search bar of the main windows menu 10 the word "reserve". Select Windows 10 Backup and Restore.

    Run Windows Backup from the Start Menu

  2. In the Windows 10 Log File window, click the System Image Backup button.
  3. Confirm your choice by opening the "Create a system image" link.
  4. Select the option to save the created Windows image.

    Choose for example to save the Windows image to an external drive

  5. Confirm saving the Windows 10 disk image by selecting the partition to save (for example, C). Click the start backup button.

    Confirm the backup image by selecting a disk from the list of partitions

  6. Wait until the copy of the disk is written to the image. If you need a Windows 10 rescue disk, confirm the request and follow the prompts from the OS Rescue Disk Burn Wizard.

    Windows 10 rescue disk can make OS recovery easier and faster

You can start restoring Windows 10 from the captured image.

By the way, saving on DVD discs is the most irrational way: you will inevitably consume 10 "discs" "weighing" 4.7 GB when the size of the C drive is 47 GB. A modern user, creating a section C of tens of gigabytes, installs 100 large and small programs. Especially "gluttonous" to disk space games. It is not known what pushed the Windows 10 developers to such recklessness: CDs began to be actively displaced already in the days of Windows 7, because then sales of terabyte external hard drives, and the 8-32 GB flash drive became the best solution... Burning to DVD from Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 would not hurt to exclude.

Video: how to create a Windows 10 image using the backup wizard and restore the system using it

Creating a Windows 10 backup via Aomei Backup Standart and restoring the OS from it

To create a copy of your Windows 10 disc, do the following:

The application also helps to create not just an archive image, but a clone of the disk. It makes it easy to transfer all content from one PC drive to another, including Windows bootloaders. This function is useful when there is significant wear on the old media, and you need to transfer all its contents to the new one as soon as possible, without having to reinstall Windows 10 and separate, selectively copying folders and files.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive Aomei Backupper Standart

But to restore Windows in Aomei Backup, you need a different tool. Let's take the Russian-language version of Aomei Backupper Standard as an example:

  1. Give the command "Utilities" - "Create bootable media".

    Select the entry in the Aomei Backupper boot disk

  2. Select the Windows bootable media entry.

    Windows PE bootloader will boot into Aomei Backupper

  3. Select to write media with UEFI firmware support motherboard PC.

    Assign PC support with UEFI firmware to recordable media

  4. The Aomei Backupper application will check the writeability of the UEFI disc and allow it to be written.

    If it is possible to write a UEFI disk, click the continue button

  5. Specify your media type and click the continue button.

    Specify your device and storage media for Windows disc

Recover Windows from a Windows 10 Aomei Backupper flash drive

Do the following:

  1. Boot your PC from the USB stick you just burned.

    Wait while the PC loads the Aomei Backupper recovery program into memory

  2. Select Rollback Windows 10.

    Enter the Windows 10 Aomei Rollback Tool

  3. Specify the path to the archived image file. External drive, on which the Windows 10 image was saved, must be connected, since it must be extracted before restarting Windows 10 so that it does not interfere with the Aomei bootloader.

    Tell Aomei where to get the data for Windows rollback 10

  4. Confirm that this is the exact image you need to restore Windows.

    Confirm Aomei's request for the correctness of the Windows 10 archive

  5. Select the operation to be prepared with the mouse and click the "OK" button.

    Highlight this line and press the "OK" button in the Aomei Backupper

  6. Click the Windows Rollback Start button.

    Confirm Windows 10 rollback in Aomei Backupper

Windows 10 will be restored in the form in which you copied it to the archived image, with the same applications, settings and documents on the C drive.

Wait until the end of the rollback of Windows 10, it will take up to several hours

After clicking Finish, restart the recovered OS.

Video: how to create a Windows 10 image with Aomei Backupper and restore the system using it

Working on Windows 10 recovery in Macrium Reflect

Macrium Reflect is a good tool for quickly recovering Windows 10 from a previously recorded backup image. All commands have been translated into Russian due to difficulties with the availability of a Russian-language version.

To copy data from a disk where Windows 10 is installed, do the following:

  1. Download, install and run Macrium Reflect application.
  2. Give the command "Save" - ​​"Create a system image".

    Open Windows 10 Archive Tool in Macrium

  3. Select the Create Image of Partitions Required for Windows Recovery tool.

    Go to the selection of logical drives important for Windows 10 backup

  4. Macrium Reflect Free will select the required logical drives, including the system one. Give the command "Folder" - "Browse".

    Click the browse button for files and folders on your PC in Macrium Reflect

  5. Confirm to save the Windows 10 image. Macrium Reflect saves the image by default without giving it a filename.

    Macrium also suggests creating a new folder

  6. Click the Finish button.

    Press the end key in Macrium

  7. Leave both "Start Copy Now" and "Save Archive Information to Separate XML File" checked.

    Click "OK" to start saving a backup copy of Windows

  8. Wait until the end of recording the archive from Windows 10.

    Macrium will help you copy Windows 10 and all programs with settings into an image

The Macrium app stores images in MRIMG format, not ISO or IMG, unlike most other programs, including Windows 10 built-in backups.

Creating bootable media in Macrium Reflect

In case the system cannot start without external media, you should take care of a bootable USB flash drive or DVD in advance. Macrium application adapted for recording bootable media... To speed up the process, the teams have been translated into Russian and popularized.

  1. Start Macrium Reflect and give the command "Media" - "Disk Image" - "Create Boot Image".

    Go to Macrium Reflect Rescue Media Creator

  2. Start Macrium Rescue Media Wizard.

    Select the media type in the Rescue Disk Wizard window

  3. Select Windows PE 5.0 (versions based on the Windows 8.1 kernel that include Windows 10).

    Version 5.0 is compatible with Windows 10

  4. Click the Next button to continue.

    Click the go to further Macrium settings

  5. After creating the list of drivers, click Next again.

    Confirm the action by clicking the same button in Macrium

  6. After determining the bitness of Windows 10, click Next again.

    Press the continue button again to proceed to further actions in Macrium

  7. Macrium will offer to download the necessary boot files from the Microsoft website (preferably).

    USB disk support must be enabled for Macrium to start recording

  8. Click the Finish button. The Windows 10 bootloader will be written to the USB stick.

Recover Windows 10 using a flash drive with Macrium Reflect

As in the previous instructions for Aomei, boot the PC from the USB stick and wait for the Windows bootloader to load into the RAM of the PC or tablet.

Windows 10 startup will be fixed. After that, you can continue to work with Windows.

Video: how to create a Windows image using Macrium Reflect and restore the system using it

Why and how to delete Windows 10 backups

The decision to remove redundant copies of Windows is made in the following cases:

  • lack of space on the media for storing these copies (storage disks, flash drives, memory cards are full);
  • irrelevance of these copies after the release of new programs for work and entertainment, games, etc., deletion of "spent" documents from the C drive;
  • the need for confidentiality. You do not leave behind secret data, not wanting them to fall into the hands of competitors, and promptly get rid of unnecessary "tails".

The last point requires clarification. If you work in law enforcement, in a military plant, in a hospital, etc., storing Windows disk images and personal data of employees may be prohibited by regulations.

If Windows 10 archived images were saved separately, image deletion is performed in the same way as deleting any files on a properly working system. It doesn't matter what disk they are stored on.

Don't make yourself difficult. If the image files have been deleted, recovery from bootable flash drive will not work anyway: there will be nothing to roll back Windows 10 in this way. Use other methods, such as troubleshooting Windows startup or new installation"Dozens" by means of a copy-image downloaded from the Microsoft website or from torrent trackers. Here you need not a bootable (LiveDVD bootloader), but an installation USB flash drive for Windows 10.

Windows 10 Mobile Backup & Restore

Windows 10 Mobile is a version of Windows adapted for smartphones. In some cases, it can be installed on a tablet, if the latter does not differ in impeccable performance and speed. Windows 10 Mobile replaced Windows Phone 7/8.

Features of copying and restoring personal data in Windows 10 Mobile

In addition to working documents, multimedia data and games, Windows 10 Mobile archives contacts, call lists, SMS / MMS messages, diary entries and an organizer - all this is a mandatory attribute of modern smartphones.

To restore and transfer data to an image from the Windows 10 Mobile Management Shell, it is more convenient to use any external keyboard and mouse than typing long commands with numerous parameters from the sensor for 15 minutes: as you know, one wrong character or extra space, and the CMD (or PowerShell ) will throw an error.

However, not all smartphones with Windows Mobile (as in the case of Android) will allow you to connect an external keyboard: you will need to install additional system libraries and, possibly, compile the OS code in the hope of seeing the cherished cursor and mouse pointer on the smartphone screen. These methods also do not guarantee 100% results. If there are no problems with tablets, then with smartphones, due to a too small display, you will have to tinker.

How to back up Windows 10 Mobile data

Windows 10 Mobile, fortunately, bears a huge resemblance to the "desktop" Windows 10: it is about as similar as the versions Apple iOS for iPhone and iPad.

Almost all Windows actions 10 have something in common with Windows Phone 8. Most of them in Windows 10 Mobile are borrowed from the usual “ten”.

  1. Give the command "Start" - "Settings" - "Update and Security".

    Select an updater and Windows security Mobile 10

  2. Start Windows 10 Mobile Backup Service.

    Select Windows 10 Mobile Backup Service

  3. Turn it on (there is a software toggle switch). Settings may include both copying personal data and settings already installed applications and the OS itself.

    Turn on copying data and settings to OneDrive

  4. Set up an automatic backup schedule. If you want to sync your smartphone with OneDrive immediately, click the Archive Data Now button.

    Turn on a schedule and define app-specific personal information to transfer to OneDrive

Since the size of the C and D drives on a smartphone is often not as huge as on a PC, you will need a cloud storage account such as OneDrive. The data will be copied to the network "cloud" One Drive with its help. All this resembles the work of Apple's iCloud service on iOS or Google Drive on Android.

To transfer data to another smartphone, you also need to log in under your account OneDrive. Perform the same settings on it, Windows 10 Mobile backup service will download all personal files from the cloud to the second device.

Video: How to Back Up All Data from Your Windows 10 Mobile Smartphone

Create a Windows 10 Mobile image

With Windows smartphones 10 Mobile is not as simple as it was with the regular version of Windows 10. Unfortunately, Microsoft never provided a working tool for creating backups for pure Windows 10 Mobile. Alas, everything is limited only to the transfer of personal data, settings and applications installed on a smartphone to another smartphone. The stumbling block here is the difficulty of connecting Windows smartphones to external hard drives and flash drives, despite the MicroUSB interface in many smartphones and OTG connections to it.

Reinstallation of Windows 10 on a smartphone is possible mainly by cable using a PC or laptop and a third-party program installed on the latter, for example, Microsoft Visual Studio. If you are using a smartphone that was running Windows Phone 8, you need official Windows 10 Mobile support for your model.

Archiving and restoring Windows 10 from backups is no more difficult than working with previous ones Windows versions in the same vein. There are many times more tools for disaster recovery built into the OS itself, as well as third-party programs for the same task.

Good afternoon friends. In one of the previous articles, we examined how to roll back the system using the program. Now we will figure out how to create a Windows 10 system recovery image on a USB flash drive and an external hard drive using the utilities of this operating system. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to spend money on buying new software, since the system method is free.

This program is configured so that only folders and files of the system drive C will be copied. But, you can configure the program so that other PC disks that you want to save will be added to the copy area. When you roll back, programs and files will be restored in the form in which they were at the time of copying. Also, you can copy only the entire disk, and not its individual files.

Create a Windows 10 system image

Let's enter the phrase "Control Panel" in the search bar. Click on the found file.

File History command.

In the window that opens, select "System image backup".

Then we select "Create a system image".

Windows starts looking for space on GR for our backup. I advise you to choose a storage location on a flash card with a size of 32 GB or more. Also, you can choose an external hard drive for recording the system, or another physical hard drive.

Why exactly on a USB flash drive or other disk? Because if all the data from your drive, on which Windows 10 is installed, disappears, or the drive fails, the system can be restored from another drive.

If you install data on the disk where your system is located, but in a different partition, you will receive a warning about this next to the yellow triangle. If you do not have a flash drive with a volume of 32 GB or more, the system can be installed on the system hard disk (but not on the system partition of this hard drive).

In this case, you can roll back the entire system if everything is in order with the hard drive and the computer can be started. Also, you can roll back the system if Windows is heavily cluttered with all sorts of system junk.

Let's say you have selected a USB flash drive, then the system will issue a warning.

In this case, we need to format the flash card in NTFS format. To do this, select your USB flash drive in the "Explorer", then, in the context menu "Format".

On the menu " File system"Select NTFS and click" Start ". Our flash drive will be formatted in the format you need to create a Windows image.

Let's go back to archiving. We see that the system has identified the disk from which the information will be copied, and the approximate amount of data. In my case, this is 11 GB. Click "Archive".

We start archiving. On my computer, it lasted 30 minutes. You may have more. It depends on how much information you have.

Now on the disk that you assigned to store the system image, a folder will appear WindowsImageBackup. Do not rename it under any circumstances.

If you copied not to a USB flash drive, but to the system disk, the program will prompt you to create.

How to start a system rollback

When the system is running

If your system is working, go to the settings through Start, then click on the "Update and Security" shortcut,

In addition, to enter the "Advanced options" you can just press Shift and "Restart computer".

After rebooting, click on the item "Troubleshooting",

After recovery, the program will ask you to restart your computer.

When the system is not working

We start the computer by connecting a USB flash drive (do not forget to check the "Start from a USB flash drive" item in the BIOS). Then we go through the path as if the system is running.

As you can see, creating an OS image is pretty simple. Let me remind you that you need to carry it out after reinstall Windows and preferably once every two / three months (more often). Good luck!