Beautiful phone numbers have been in stable demand for many years. Someone is looking for a special combination of numbers that brings good luck in business, someone needs an easy-to-remember number, there are those for whom the possession of a beautiful number is a symbol of prestige.

Choose and buy a beautiful number online

Choose and buy beautiful telephone number - simply! In the section of beautiful numbers on the website of the official dealer Sim Master, you can conveniently select, as well as profitably buy, a SIM card with a beautiful federal or direct number for mobile phones. We offer clients to buy bronze, silver, gold and platinum numbers of Big Four operators. In addition, using the advanced search for masks, you will satisfy your request as accurately as possible.

We recommend that you constantly follow the updates of the section of beautiful numbers of Sim Master, so as not to miss out on really interesting offers. For our customers, we carry out various promotions and sales of beautiful rooms at the most attractive prices.

You can use a convenient room rate calculator. Just enter the required data to search for: operator, tariff plan, mask (bronze, silver, gold, platinum), room type and approximate price. The system will automatically select the best offer that suits you individually.

Use the convenient search system for certain numbers of the numbers, located opposite the calculator of room rates. Just enter the numbers you want in the field and you will immediately see if the number you want is there.

How much is a beautiful number?

Cellular telephone today is an integral part of the life of a modern person. Now even children have mobile phones. In this situation, beautiful phone numbers are of increasing interest.

What number is called beautiful?

Naturally, this is an easy-to-remember number, due to the fact that the numbers that make up it are either often repeated or go in a given combination. The beautiful numbers are divided into categories: diamond, platinum, gold, silver and bronze numbers. This is the most popular division, and other gradations can also be found.

What determines the price of a beautiful number?

The room rate is influenced by:

  • The number of identical digits and the number of repetitions of the combinations "aa-bb", "ab-ab". Numbers with a lot of the same digits at the end of the number have a higher price.
  • Symmetry in the number (aaa-b-ccc, aa-bbb-cc, aaa-ab-ba), or the construction of numbers in a mathematical sequence.
  • Operator. The price of rooms of the same category from different operators mobile communications may differ by 20-30%.
  • Place of purchase of the room: operator's salon or distributor's salon /dealercellular operator. Have for distributors / dealers, buying a number will cost less, and there is much more choice. Read more about where to make a purchase in the material “

The phone number belongs to the category of goods that only adds to the price over time. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to become the owner of a beautiful number, but for various reasons do not use it, then you can sell it profitably. Regardless of the reasons, you can do this not only profitably, but also quickly enough, since the demand for beautiful Megafon numbers is only increasing every day.

Today we'll talk about how to sell a beautiful MegaFon phone number: how to properly assess it, what method of sale exists, as well as what risks may arise and how to avoid them.

Room rating

Those who are interested in selling beautiful phone numbers for the first time may be surprised at the variety of criteria by which they are judged. If we compare this market with license plates, we will see a lot of similarities. But there are only three numbers and three letters in the license plate, and there are eleven of them in the phone number. Accordingly, the numbers themselves are much larger and possible beautiful combinations. Of course, three identical digits in the license plate already make it unique, but in a phone number such a combination may be completely invisible.

At the same time, more digits provide additional benefits. So, it can contain a person's year of birth or other important date. For a number seller, a wider range of number ratings provides additional benefits. A number that may not be attractive at all in its combination may have been looking for another person for a long time to buy. And this is where the need arises to correctly estimate the number, so as not to be too cheap.

You can do this either yourself or contact a specialist to evaluate it. The second option is preferable, since it is difficult and sometimes simply useless to look through thousands of offers on the market in order to determine the cost of your room. Of course, if the number belongs to one of the main categories (gold, platinum, silver), then it is much easier to estimate its value. But if additional advantages are hidden in it, then the task may not be easy, and there is a great risk of selling the room at not the best price.

When choosing a specialist who will help you correctly assess the number, a number of factors must also be taken into account. There are hundreds of companies that sell beautiful MegaFon numbers in Moscow, and there are not so many of those who will help to sell profitably. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of an intermediary.

The first thing to look at is what the company is. The positive aspects include the geography of the provision of services, how many years the company has been working in this area, and how it sells the numbers. There are dozens of companies in Moscow that are engaged in the usual purchase and sale of rooms, which forms their main income. Larger companies operate according to a slightly different scheme, and the main source of income is formed on the basis of close cooperation with mobile operators.

In addition to selling beautiful numbers, connection to operators is offered, and the more tariff offers in their line, the more chances that this is the company that will offer you the most favorable conditions for buying out your MegaFon number. Please note that, in addition to the usual tariffs that can be found on the operator's website (including corporate ones), the line of offers must include exclusive tariff plans.

Once you have selected the right reseller, inquire about what reviews exist about this company. It will not be superfluous to ask your friends who have already had experience in selling a phone number. After collecting all the necessary information, leave a request on the site.

Please note that there are certain number requirements for selling through a reseller. At the time of sale, it must be inactive, that is, its service is temporarily suspended. You can do this yourself by contacting the MegaFon call center. This requirement has a simple explanation. The number redeemed from you will be used for further sale, and its new owner is accordingly not interested in receiving calls from the previous one.

Sale procedure

When a phone number is sold, it is reissued to the new owner. This can be done only in the operator's salon and, accordingly, not free of charge. For MegaFon, this procedure costs 150 rubles. At the time of re-registration, this amount must be on the balance of the phone, as well as additional funds - the subscription fee for the tariff plan that is connected, and fees for Additional services.

When reissuing, the presence in the salon of the present and future owner is mandatory. Therefore, get ready for the fact that when selling a number on your own, in addition to telephone conversations with potential buyers, you will also need to personally meet with the new owner of your number.

The situation is somewhat different when selling through an intermediary company. You do not need to be present in the operator's salon when reissuing a number. After you have assessed your number, and you are satisfied with the terms of its purchase, you will need to contact the company's office and conclude a formal sales agreement. The registration procedure itself can take place by agreement and without your personal participation, but if you wish, you can be present.

What risks are possible

There are few risks when selling a room, but they are quite significant. However, following simple rules, they can be completely avoided. The main risk, as with any other financial transaction, is to run into scammers. To a greater extent, this threatens with self-sale, because on the Internet you cannot see who your potential buyers are, and what are his true motives.

When selling it yourself, it is difficult to maintain confidentiality, and if you are the owner of an expensive number that can cost hundreds of thousands, then this is an important aspect. In any case, do not provide strangers with your personal data and copies of documents.

If the sale of the number has already entered the home stretch, and there is only a visit to the operator's salon, then discuss and resolve all financial issues. Who pays for the renewal procedure and how the purchase of the number is paid. The operator will only accept the application and carry out the re-registration, all financial issues are resolved by you with the buyer. After the number is officially transferred to the new owner, it will be difficult for you to prove anything, including the situation if you are not paid for the number.

The procedure will be much easier and safer with the participation of an intermediary company. The main thing is that you maintain confidentiality - you will have a meeting at the company's office with its representative, and not the final buyer of the room. Also, all actions with your number, and the obligations of the parties (including financial ones) are spelled out in the contract, which must be concluded.


Selling a beautiful MegaFon number will not be difficult, and most importantly, correctly assess it and avoid possible risks. Selling a number on your own via the Internet is quite difficult not to cheapen, and also to maintain confidentiality during the transaction. This option will take you quite a long time, since it is necessary not only to find a buyer, but also to agree on the possibility of a joint visit to the operator's salon for re-registration to the new owner.

By engaging an intermediary in the sale, you save time and maintain confidentiality - you have to meet with a company representative in the office, and not with the new owner of your phone number. Also, in this situation, the risk of underestimating the number is practically excluded, and all financial issues of the transaction are supported by the obligations prescribed in the contract. This eliminates the situation when you can be left without a number, and without money for it.

Progress does not stand still, humanity is steadily moving along the path of improvement and maximum automation of life. What seemed incredible yesterday is in every family today. Even young children are dashing with the latest technical innovations.

Cell phones, like many other useful household items and devices, have undergone many changes. The devices themselves have become much more functional and more voluminous in terms of the amount of information they can hold. They have acquired elegance and become compact and lightweight. Services and rates have become more "popular" and affordable. Even phone numbers today are not the same as a decade ago. Now, it is prestigious to buy the most nice rooms mts, consisting of a set of similar or similar numbers. Such compositional combinations give the owner the opportunity to quickly remember his new number. It will be easily perceived by acquaintances, colleagues, relatives and friends.

If you want to be the owner of the "coolest" number, you can choose a combination on the site in one of the proposed categories. The gold telephone number can be either federal or direct. Prices for a certain group of numbers for each operator are indicated on the website in the list of available options.

We understand how high customer interest in unusual numbers is. Everyone strives for convenience, so the desire to buy a "cool" phone number is quite understandable. We are always ready to choose the desired combination for you, which will suit both the price and the convenience of perception.

Remember, quite recently, at the dawn of the development of mobile services, people dreamed of just having this miracle technique. FROM mobile phone the most enviable qualities of life were associated: success, enterprise, financial stability.

Now everyone's dream has come true. A cell phone is no longer a luxury, but a daily used device that helps each of us to conduct business and build a personal life. It would seem, which is much better?

But there is no limit to perfection. And not only the devices themselves have undergone changes, but also the services. Besides the beautiful numbers, each mobile operator offers various tariffs, bonuses and gifts. Unlimited options have become especially popular, allowing customers to pronounce more minutes at a lower cost.

Beautiful direct numbers

For a successful business, the usual combination of numbers in your company number is often not enough. To stand out from the competition, it is a great solution to buy a beautiful direct number. Direct numbers in the 495 code will increase customer confidence in your company and help keep them. Choose a tariff plan, as well as get useful information you can visit our website. We will help you make your dream of the most convenient and cheapest cellular communication, thanks to which you will solve a lot of problems and questions.

Today, a progressive person is considered to be one who makes the most of all the benefits provided by civilization. Become modern and successful you too!