Hello everybody! In this article, we will consider what is earnings on domains, how much you can earn on it and what is the threshold for entering this business.

Of all ways of easy earnings on the Internet earnings on domains is the simplest and fastest in terms of profitability. It includes buying and selling domain names. Nowadays, there are already quite a large number of people who make good money on these transactions on the Internet.

The importance and cost of domain names

You don't need too much technical knowledge and skills to register a good domain, just a little originality and good imagination are enough to create a unique name for a domain that is not yet on the Internet. In addition, such a domain should not only have an original name, but also be popular among users.

Before the process of creating a domain, you need to conduct marketing research on the Internet and find out what is popular and how much it is now. After the direct creation of the domain, you need to put it up for sale on the market on the Internet.

Selling and buying domain names is one of the most successful solutions for making money on the Internet, which is equivalent to real estate transactions - investing in future profits. It will surprise you that a real good domain will cost the same as an apartment.

Why are domains beneficial?

Domain spaces and territories on the Internet are comparable to plots of land that are put up for sale piece by piece. Domains on each territory have the same property as land plots - every day they decrease in number. Naturally, new zones and areas are created, but domain names in the old territories have a much higher cost.

For example, in the .com zone a few years ago there were absolutely no free domains that had four-letter combinations in their name. Having such a domain on .com was a so-called advantage, and their secondary market prices went up a lot.

In general, in any case, if today you register a domain with a more or less beautiful and euphonious name, then tomorrow it will become more expensive. Let's consider the main reasons for such events:

  • if the given domain territory has run out free place to register new domains;
  • it is no longer possible to create the same domain in this zone;
  • older domains receive more loyalty;
  • if at least one site was listed under your domain, then, in any case, its traffic will not be zero, and thus you can roughly calculate its profitability with the participation of parking (domain parking) or placement of contextual advertising;
  • if under the roof of the domain there is a site or a project with an already established certain target audience, then the cost of such a domain increases significantly.

Many people are mistaken that only the most beautiful and most euphonious domain names are sold. But this is not the case. There have been repeated cases when domains with names like ************. Com were sold - not the shortest option, and generally difficult to pronounce.

The most active Internet users almost always register several domains, often this number reaches several dozen. They act from the principle "maybe it will come in handy", and in the end they are right. Domains can be contributed to a partner business as an investment, a contribution, they can be presented to friends and acquaintances as a gift, new projects can be opened on their platform, and they sell well too.

Even if the cost of one domain per year is about 10-15 dollars, and you have 20 such domains, then in 10 years you spend 3,000 dollars on their maintenance. If you place a parking lot on all of them, then in this case the income will exceed the costs by an order of magnitude.

And if you are going to sell one of them for at least a few thousand dollars, then your super income will cover all the expenses, and you will not have to do much.

Why domains are overbought?

As you all already understood, websites and domains are one of the most popular products that can be bought and sold without much effort. Some owners are freed from unnecessary things - unsuccessful projects, other webmasters - buy them out and get profit from them.

But there are cases when a user bought a domain, created a small semblance of a site on it and happily forgot due to his everyday affairs, or decided to return to unfinished business a little later. In this case, the expiration of the domain registration period may take place. But it will not disappear immediately and it will not be possible to register it again.

The process of extinction and disappearance of a domain name is laborious and includes several stages, each of which is more complicated than the previous one.
First, the domain name parking phase starts. Files are deleted from the domain. As a result, it turns out that all resources located on this domain stop their activity, and parking pages appear in their place. Thus, this whole picture appears before us as an ordinary directory of links.

In a situation with forgotten or abandoned domains, there is a concept of "registration deferral", which lasts 40 days. This happens if the domain is not renewed before the end of its validity period. All the time during these 40 days, the domain is on the commercial parking page. Such a page is temporary and shows the status of the domain name, namely, that it has already expired. And all sorts of resources or messages that should belong to this domain cease to function.

The owner is notified of such a situation through an informative letter to his personal mail, under which the bottom domain name is registered. It indicates that he still has a last chance to renew the domain, and he must use it within 40 days. Otherwise, after the expiration of this period, the domain will be removed from the database.

In such cases, experienced users arrange a hunt for this kind of forgotten thing.

They are convinced that the domain of this level is the most profitable and will bring much more profit than they will spend on its purchase and promotion. One of the main indicators of the site is TIC - a thematic citation index. Yandex assigns this indicator and it consists of the following components:

  • the number of external links to this site;
  • the proximity of sites on the subject that link to it;
  • the credibility, quality and reputation of these sites.

Everything is proportional here: the more links on the topic, the higher the TIC will be.
TIC is used to define "your place in the sun" - the place where the site is located in Yandex or in its catalog. It is also the main characteristic and indicative elements in determining the economic profitability and potential in the future and the authority in the present among the Russian-speaking population of the Internet. On Russian link exchanges, the price of a trade object is directly proportional to the number of TICs: the more there are, the higher the link cost. You can increase the TIC on your own or buy an already free domain with your own TIC.

The advantages of buying a domain with TIC are as follows:

  • you have the opportunity to quickly start monetizing the site from the very beginning of the domain's existence;
  • even if the TIC is only 10, this number can be called a threshold, after which it will not be so difficult and much faster to increase this indicator on your own;
  • the presence of this indicator allows you to take part in affiliate programs, exchange links and participate in the link trading system;
  • if there is a good TIC, then advertisers will come to you with orders for placing their information on the page of your newly created project;
  • Also, the presence of a TIC frees you from the need to promote the site from scratch and increase this indicator, since in some areas the building process is quite expensive, since there is a lot of competition and high prices for links.

Many people think that buying a domain is tantamount to speculative tricks. Repurchase or resale of a domain name as blackmail - bought at a wholesale price, sold at a price higher than the retail price. But even such machinations are beneficial to both parties to the sale and purchase.
But, despite the significant advantages of buying a vacant domain, it is necessary to take into account the presence of pitfalls:

  • there is a need to keep the TIC at the level at which this indicator was when buying a domain name;
  • the main thing is not to fall into the hands of fraudsters and not get a "glued" TIC;
  • The previous owner, after the transfer of the domain, will stop paying for the links that he used to increase the TIC and the new owner may be left with nothing.

How much can you earn on domains?

There are several ways to use domains to make money, and one of them is parking. If you have several domains and not all of them are used and fully functional, then it is better to give preference to parking rather than leaving the domain idle. So at least you can easily pay for its fixed costs without much effort: registration, renewal, hosting, and if you're lucky, you can also get a little additional income.

But not all domains will the best option for parking. There are several ideal types of domain names for successful parking:

  • domain names must be composed of keywords;
  • should be the names of common and frequently used phrases;
  • should look like an erroneous (typo) name for known network resources.

Domain parking income directly depends on the number of visitors. But in this case, you should not pay attention only to regular traffic, you can also take the number of domains.

Now let's calculate the income from parking: statistics show that for 1000 unique user clicks, a domain owner can earn about $ 10. As we can see, the income is completely insignificant, but it is better than nothing at all.
Domain owners can also replenish their wallet a little (and in many cases make it rich) due to the mistakes of Internet users.

They may not spell the title correctly search engine such as Google or Yandex, may forget to put a full stop after www, may be mistaken with the name of even the most famous Microsoft company. Domain owners take advantage of this incredible traffic and earn pretty decent money, as the cost of such domains can range from $ 15,000 to several million dollars.

If until the last moment you only earned on advertising, then most likely your income was equal to several dollars with a successfully created domain. But if you are seriously thinking about selling a domain name, then everything in proportion depends on its consonance and customer needs.

Also, you should not focus only on the domestic market, you also need to target foreign buyers, because in Runet, for example, the cost of one click on advertising from your domain varies from 2.5 to 5 cents, while the cost of this indicator in European countries can reach $ 0.1-0.2. And it turns out that the average price of a domain is 3-5 thousand dollars. So don't be too cheap!

You can also rent out your domain. If you are sure that your domain name is popular, catchy and original, then you can get an average of 200 euros per month for renting it. But there are cases when the domain name sounds like "the best car" from French and brings its owner 150 euros per day, the Dutch domain brings a lucky webmaster 15,000 euros per month.

Earning money on domains is not only profitable, but also belongs to the most democratic kind, because even schoolchildren and retirees can do it, realizing that the Internet is a great place to get real money.

Newbies simply cannot create a domain business. For him, he needs a little technical skills, plus a budget for the purchase of the first hundred domains, as well as a sales channel - forums where advertisements for searching for domain names for various projects are posted.

Cybersquatting is the purchase or registration of domain names for the purpose of further resale. Translated from English, it means "domain capture". With a competent approach to business, a cybersquatter has a chance to build his own business, which will bring good profits.

To begin with, a domain name is bought from a seller - registrar or on a special exchange, and then resold for a high price. The point is to have time to take a successful domain and realize it for good money.

It is unlikely that domains like 372wer3.ru will be in demand, but vkantakte.ru or odnoklasniki.ru will be of interest to many webmasters. Since users often type in the URLs of sites with errors, the owners of similar domain names get good traffic to their resources.

How do I search for domains to resell?

  • Own wit and imagination... You can go through known resources and try to check free domains by changing one or two characters ( typesquatting), for example, mail.ru - majl.ru, vk.com - wwwvk.com, or register the same name in another domain zone: ru, com, rf, etc. Zones of other stages can also be used, but their resale value will be several times lower.
  • Hijacking domains, i.e. re-registration of known addresses that they forgot to renew. This method is often used by experienced cybersquatters. The fact is that during registration a domain name is transferred to its owner only for temporary use, no longer than for one year, then within a month there is an opportunity to renew it. Often there are cases when the owner simply forgets to renew the domain name, and this is where it works. savvy cybersquatter, registering it for himself and reselling the address to the former owner is already more expensive, or is looking for another buyer.

Benefits of earning money by reselling domains

Tips for those who want to make money by reselling domains

  • You need to register new domains only through verified registrars, for example, nic.ru, 2domains, ukrnames.com (for Ukraine). Otherwise, you can give the money away, and after a while discover that the domain belongs to a completely different person;
  • When choosing a domain, it is best to use services for checking search queries by keywords ... Short phrases for high-frequency user requests are an ideal domain that will collect decent traffic;
  • The procedure for transferring a domain to a new owner requires re-registration with certified documents from a notary. When registering, you should inquire about the availability of a faster renewal procedure. Some registrars make this easier. To do this, the owner will need to write a consent for the remote transfer of rights to manage the domain;
  • With the development of the Internet, new zones to register domain names. Experienced cybersquatters take advantage of this, and occupy similar advantageous addresses in all zones at once;
  • You can use special services to purchase attractive vacating addresses. Such auctions are held at reg.ru and ru-center.

Financial prospects for cybersquatting

The domain reselling business is commercially attractive. It is worth remembering only the grandiose deals of once successfully registered addresses.

For example, the domain sex.com, which was acquired by its first owner absolutely free of charge, back in the 90s, was sold for USD 14 million! It is the undisputed leader among the top most expensive resold domains.

Also impressive amounts were received for the sale:

  • Beer.com - 7 million
  • Shop.com - 3.5 million
  • AltaVista.com - 3.25 million
  • Wines.com - 3 million

And this is only a small part of successfully completed transactions. In Runet, of course, the sums are not so large in comparison with foreign ones, but there are also leaders here.

For example, Casino.ru was overbought for 250 thousand dollars, Fortuna.ru cost 92 thousand US currency, and for Hi.ru the new owner had to pay 80.6 thousand dollars.

The prospects are good, and with the expansion of domain zones for registrations, earning opportunities only increase. The main thing is to have time to get an attractive domain, or better, dozens of such addresses, and sooner or later there will certainly be buyers for them.

Anna Sudak


# Online business

The most expensive domain name is Insurance.com. In 2010, it was acquired by QuinStreet for $ 35.6 million.

Navigating the article

  • Earning money on domain names
  • The essence of the work of exchanges
  • Buying abandoned domains
  • Earnings on domain reselling
  • Earnings without investment
  • Earnings on domain parking

One of the most profitable and easy ways to make money on the Internet is by selling domain names. In this article, we will consider all its aspects and prospects for making a profit, both with and without investments.

Earning money on domain names

With the desire, ingenuity, imagination and speed, you can make good money on the sale of domain names. We have prepared a simple step by step instructions how to start a trading business without risks for your wallet.

The first step is registration and verification on domain exchanges. Next, you need to study their functionality and be sure to read the rules.

So, we register on the exchanges:

  • - a platform for secure transactions for the purchase and sale of sites and domains. There is an auction where you can buy a domain for cheap and sell it for much more.
  • Reg is a platform for buying domains. Registration requires proof of identity for the security of you and your future domains.

Registration on Telderi:

  • We go to the site. In the upper right corner, click "Register".
  • We come up with a username and password, enter the current email, captcha.
  • Go to mailbox and find the letter.
  • Open the letter and follow the link.
  • We fall into Personal Area.
  • Find the "Financial Information" block and click on the "Inactive" status, as in the picture.
  • Choose a payment system, click on the banner (picture with the name payment system) and go to pay for activation. We confirm the payment. Only one kopeck will be charged from your account.

Registration for Reg:

  • By analogy with the previous site, click on the "Register" button.
  • Enter the address Email and click "Register".
  • We read the notification and go to open the email box.
  • We find the letter and open it.
  • We see the data for entering your personal account. They need to be preserved. Scroll the mouse wheel and continue reading the letter.
  • We find the button "Confirm registration" and press it.
  • After confirming the address, go to your personal account.
  • Come up with a code word. Write it down so you don't forget. Click "Save".
  • Enter your phone number, click on "Link".
  • Enter the code received in the SMS.
  • Fill out the basic questionnaire, send the requested package of documents. Do not put it off until later, do it right away so you can start practicing as soon as possible.

The essence of the work of exchanges

Now let's take a closer look at the Reg website. So, the service has a service called "Registration of Released Domains". It is paid. Its cost is only 225 rubles. By depositing this money into your account, you will be able to register an expiring domain of any value, even the maximum one (199 thousand rubles).

The essence of the Reg service: you come to the exchange, participate in the auction, choose and register a domain for yourself. Pay 225 rubles and within 14 days pay the rest of the cost of the selected domain name. If you do not, registration will be canceled, money will not be returned. To make money from a purchase, you need to sell a domain at a cost above your costs. You determine the margin yourself. Not sold, remained in the red.

But not everything is as bad as it seems, because you additionally registered on Telderi. It is on this service that the sale of the domain taken from Reg takes place. You exhibit your "product", wait for the buyer to deposit money. After the client pays for the purchase on Telderi, consider the transaction completed, since the buyer will no longer be able to return his money. As soon as the amount is credited to your account, you pay for the domain from Reg and close the deal on Telderi. You leave the difference to yourself. This is your earnings.

Backordered domains can be expensive, with a minimum deposit of RUB 225. 98% of transactions on Telderi are successful, and the cost of domains is always higher than on Reg.ru. The biggest danger in this type of earnings is the loss of your investment in the amount of 225 rubles.

Releasing domains should be examined on the first. You choose the right ones, identify their pros and cons. But you can reserve your favorites only on the second day of each month from eight in the morning Moscow time.

The main feature of the Reg service is the constant presence of old domains with high cost. Moreover, they are released every month and are in high demand. In order not to guard them, we recommend that you set up search filters immediately after registration and go to the site on the first day of each month to “skim the cream off”. After all, you will only need to study the offers that the service has selected for you according to your preferences.

Buying abandoned domains

When the second day arrives, go to Reg in the auctions section. Enter the domains you like in the appropriate field. If the system displays a message that there is no domain according to the declared parameters, update the statistics until it appears. After the domain is reserved, you will receive the following message:

Do not forget to check the "Pay in part" box.

Earnings on domain reselling

Once the domain is assigned to you, you need to wait two to four weeks, as the owner can renew the rights to it. If this does not happen, the domain is assigned to you for 14 days. Sell ​​a domain, wait for payment, pay and close the deal.

Earnings without investment

You can't make money on domains without investments. You need start-up capital. But you can start with a small amount. On average, domain registration costs $ 2. Agree, you can try.

What are the types of earnings?

  • Domaining - domain registration with subsequent resale. Cybersquatting - domain registration for a specific brand with subsequent resale. More details about these two ways -.
  • Reseller is an intermediary between a seller and a client. In this case, you can start without investment and earn on the difference by becoming a partner for a domain registrar. A great option for those who have their own client base.
  • Interception of domain names with puzomerki - search, interception, purchase of domains with high rates: TIC, PR, etc.
  • Renting out - providing a domain to a client on a lease basis.
  • Domain parking is the redirection of visitors who come from a domain to another site or page. Let's consider it in more detail.

Earnings on domain parking

Domain parking - using a domain without a website hosted on it.

How to make money on domain parking? The essence of such earnings is advertising. For example, you bought a domain and it is idle for you. In order not to lose money, use it for advertising. Find a parking space, place it, and the service will automatically start loading ads that match the domain's topic and pay you a percentage for each click on it. The income from this way of earning is distributed between you, the "valet" and the advertising partner.

We recently published an article. Many readers have a question - whose domains to sell, because BILLmanager has dozens of integrations with domain registrars and the largest SSL resellers. The second important question concerned the very idea of ​​selling domains - does it make sense to start this business today, or the train (and with it the profit) has long gone. The first article on these issues is devoted to domains.


It may seem that the market for the sale of domains has existed for a long time and is divided between large players. However, it is still possible to make money on the sale of domains. The number of websites on the Internet is growing every year. In 2017, the growth according to Netcraft.com was more than 50%. And all these new sites need domains that, with proper promotion and positioning, will buy from you.

Positioning and promotion

In my opinion, it makes no sense to start a domain selling business without thinking about positioning properly. Indeed, today there are thousands of sites where you can buy a domain.

Try to look at sites in the TOP of Google for “buy a domain” and you will hardly notice the difference.

  1. All resellers sell domains for all types of businesses and at the best prices.
  2. If you do not take into account the largest players like Enom and REG.RU, hosting providers are mainly engaged in the sale of domains. For them, this is a secondary service, so sections with domains on websites are usually inconvenient.

It is difficult for newcomers to compete with existing companies. But you may have ideas on how to find clients, while playing by the general rules. If there are no ideas, I suggest you do it more cunningly. I have three recommendations.

1. Make the brand themed

Sell ​​domains to more than just everyone at once. Additionally, select one or more popular business areas and focus on them. For example, you can focus on the topic of travel and, together with the standard domains.ru, .com, .net, promote domains in the zone .travel... Build an image of your company as an expert in domains, while understanding travel and tourism topics.

Make sure that customers immediately recognize themselves when they get to your site. This applies to advice, design, any other content. When any travel agency thinks about creating a website, it will certainly turn to you for its name on the Internet.

2. Promotion

Build your promotion based on the chosen topic.

  1. Pay special attention to SEO optimization. In addition to the home page selling domains for everyone, make landing pages for your chosen target audience. Possible options headings: Domains for a travel agency, Domains for a travel blog, Domains for a travel agency. The same applies to illustrations, articles - they must take into account the specifics of the tourist business. Blog and publish content for your audience.
  2. Write content on Spark, VC, firm secrets, and other business related resources. Editors post useful and interesting content for free.
  3. Partner with travel and tourism companies. Share audiences on social networks, arrange cross-promotions, make guest posts.

3. Prices

Of course, you need to conduct a price analysis of your competitors. But there is no need to try to make prices the lowest on the market, otherwise the funds spent on the project will not pay off. Keep prices average or even high. Place your bet on the service. Let the choice and ordering of domains be as convenient as possible. Communicate with customers via live chat or tickets. All of this is available in BILLmanager as free tools.

Choosing a domain registrar for resale

In fact, regardless of which domain registrar you choose, you can change your partner in BILLmanager in the future. However, getting at least a general idea of ​​who you will be working with is worth it.


REG.RU is number one in the sale of domains in Russia and the CIS, as well as a well-known player among domain registrars in Europe. It has existed since 2006 and during this time has served 1.5 million customers. Today, more than half of the domains purchased in Russia are registered by REG.RU.

REG.RU provides partners with support at all stages of work. The mechanism for obtaining a partner status is simple - you just need to fill out a basic questionnaire and apply for an individual tariff.

There are several ways to get attractive tariffs at once: fulfill the conditions for turnover, top up the tariff for the specified amount, transfer a certain number of domains to REG.RU service.


RU-Center has existed since 2000. The company was the first to receive the status of the national domain administrator in the .RU zone. Currently, RU-Center maintains more than 3 million domain names. The company has over 750,000 clients and 8,000 partners. RU-Center representatives are easy to find in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in 68 countries of the world.

Individuals, legal entities \ and individual entrepreneurs can join the affiliate program. By default, there are no partner discounts. To get them, you need to join the RU-Center club program - from 990 rubles per year.


Registrar R01 is part of the RU-Center Group. Specializes in second-level domains. It is one of the leaders in the number of registered domains .RU, .SU, .РФ, .МОСКВА, .MOSCOW.

Legal entities, individuals and individual entrepreneurs can take part in the affiliate program. To get a better price, you need to either replenish your account for a certain amount, or transfer domains from another Registrar to your account.


Webnames.ru has existed since 2000, the company has 30 offices in cities of Russia and the CIS. Provides services for domain registration in more than 350 domain zones, including popular national zones - .RU, .SU, .РФ, as well as international ones - .COM, .NET, .BIZ, .INFO and hundreds of others. For 10 years, Webnames.ru has been actively promoting the idea of ​​Cyrillic Internet addresses, including .RUS domains, as well as domains with the names of Russian cities.

Domain rates and discounts depend on the turnover. The initial partnership level starts at $ 0, which will interest many novice resellers.


The company has existed since 2005. Mastername makes a big bet on the sale of domains through a network of resellers, offers qualified technical assistance 24/7.

For partners, only the resale of .RU, .SU and .РФ domains is provided. To become a partner of .mastername, simply conclude a written contract with the company, fill out the registration form. Only individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are allowed to participate. The affiliate program page has detailed instructions with requirements for partners.


Offers partners to sell domains in all popular domain zones. Suitable for individuals... The cost of registering and renewing domains depends on many factors: the total amount of payment, the number of domains transferred for service, indicators of the growth of domain registrations per month, etc.


An American domain registrar that has existed since 1997. It is part of the parent company TuCows. Enom says it has more than 200,000 resellers worldwide, a quarter of which are active.

Connection to the affiliate program will cost at least $ 195. From time to time, the company has promotions and the cost of connection is only a quarter of this amount. Discounts depend primarily on the partner status - the more deposit you make, the more favorable the conditions.

Tucows and OpenSRS

Tucows is one of the oldest domain registrars in the world. The company has existed since 1993. The Tucows brand focuses on investment activities, managing dozens of large and small IT companies. The company no longer acts as the end seller of domains, all sales take place through the symbolic cash cows - the OpenSRS and ENOM brands, which we have already mentioned.

The profession of a domainer is perceived ambiguously in the general consciousness. This is facilitated both by the actions of some domainers themselves, which can be called fraudulent, and by the generally low level of knowledge about the structure of the business.

However, in recent years, the market has entered the legal plane, and we decided to make a selection of the main trends and figures for those who want to figure out how much money can now be earned from selling domains and whether it is possible at all.

The number of registrations in the national zone.ru, which accounts for the bulk of sites on the Runet, is about 5 million. The period of active growth ended in 2014 - in fact, we can say that the zone has now entered a stage of maturity, like the advanced European zones.

There is an objective limitation for growth - filling the zone. Simply put, the availability for the initial registration of domains with common words. In recent years, it has become more difficult to find a suitable domain (although it is still possible), so there are prerequisites for demand for domaining services.

Now about 35% of all domains in the .ru zone (about 1.5–2 million) belong to domain investors and 65% to end users, i.e. individuals and businesses.

Domain for 1 million rubles - really?

The cost of buying and selling domains in the secondary market is rarely advertised. The distribution was mainly received by high-profile stories abroad, such as the sale of the PrivateJet.com or Hotels.com domains for amounts over $ 10 million.

Another difficulty in the assessment was associated with the fragmentation of the market - previously, virtually everyone sold either himself or with the help of one of many sites. There was no clear leader among automated platforms providing complete security and transparency of the transaction for both the buyer and the seller in the Russian secondary market. In the spring of this year, a domain store appeared, which supports the sale of domains of any registrars on its site.

According to our domain store, the average cost of a lot for sale is 603 thousand rubles, although there are lots for both 500 rubles and tens of millions.

Different domainers use different sales strategies. Someone works “on the back” setting a markup “only in 3 ends”, someone invests in domains for a long time, and they have no task to sell them quickly, dumping at a price. Plus, there are extremely expensive lots - for example, the b2b.ru domain is currently up for sale for 43.5 million rubles.

In practice, the most expensive in Runet were domain sales for 10 million rubles and more, but these are isolated cases. The deal for 1 million rubles is considered successful. For example, the domain sauna.rf at one time was sold for 70 thousand dollars, and les.rf for 40 thousand dollars.

From thousands of domains in portfolio

It should be noted that the percentage of completed transactions from existing domains with a professional investor is usually small. The average domaininer has a portfolio of 1-5 thousand domains, of which 1-5% are sold annually, depending on the sales strategy used.

November and December are good months to buy in the secondary market, because during this time the pros are freeing some of their portfolio. The wholesale cost of domain renewal is not significant, but since here we are talking about thousands, any domainer is forced to periodically optimize his portfolio, refusing to renew domains, which, in his opinion, “will not work”. Also in November there is traditionally a "big drop" of domains .рф.

In general, the popular domains in the secondary market can be divided into several categories:

  • Popular words, names of markets and services are the most important direction, which accounts for the lion's share of sales
  • Any short domains. An example with many internet projects - from social networks before media projects - shows that a short domain name is still important for business.
  • Last names. Unlike domains using registered and well-known trademarks, they cannot be obtained through the courts.
  • Erroneous spellings of popular sites. On many of these domains, affiliate programs are placed to sell services similar in content.

Separately, we can single out domains that are purposefully registered with the mention of trademarks for subsequent resale to brand owners. Now this direction is not significant, at least in the ..ru zone, since such domain disputes are separately noted in the position of the Coordination Center for the national domain of the Internet. Considerable judicial practice has already accumulated on them, according to which the court takes the side of the copyright holder. It is worth emphasizing that we are talking not only about the exact match with the name of the registered brand, but also about those cases that are described as "similarity to the point of confusion."

Not.ru single

Next year will be 10 years since the first applications for registration in the Cyrillic zone were accepted. Now there are 800 thousand registrations in the zone. Of course, less than in five million.ru, but it is quite significant. The secondary market in the zone. Rf is actively developing.

The latest trend is the growing popularity of new domain zones. In total, there are now more than 700 zones available for registration. Geo-referenced zones are popular, including: moscow; zones for food and entertainment, like .beer, .menu, .club; e-commerce zones.store and.shop. At the same time, the secondary market in new domain zones has not yet been formed - there are still many beautiful names available in them. And if the commonly used words in English are already almost always occupied, then among the transliterated Russian words there are still many free names. At the same time, registrars, together with domain registries, regularly carry out promotions to reduce prices for the first year of registration.

In general, if we take the trends for the coming years, then it is worth noting a further increase in the number of zones and the expansion of the use of such zones. This is due to both the global policy of ICANN (the international corporation for the management of domain names and IP addresses) and the behavior of users who are gradually getting used to such domains. All this creates good prospects for the development of a legal secondary market for domain names.