For power users, uCoz could be the only platform, replacing everything. In it, you can create atypical sites with an individual design and structure. Looking at the site, no one will understand what it was made of. That is, Yukoz does not have a characteristic “handwriting” of its sites (unless you use a standard template without customization or look at the page's html-code). In the hands of an experienced developer, the result can be anything, without any special signs. And this is a big plus, especially for web studios and freelancers.

To solve incomprehensible situations, there is where to turn for help:

uCoz should be chosen, rather, not according to the level of your skill, but according to what kind of site you need to create and how closely you plan to master the craft of a developer or webmaster. The system will be able to offer the desired solution to almost everyone. The ideal portrait of a uCoz user is a beginner with a good idea and a desire to work.


uCoz is not an ordinary constructor. It is more correct to consider its capabilities not as a whole and in aggregate, but using a block approach. The system consists of diversified modules connected by a single interface and a large number of general, additional settings and capabilities. You can use them, or you can leave them inactive. Thus, Yukoz will be the way it is needed to solve the user's task. At the same time, any of the modules fulfills the functional task as fully as possible, for the solution of which it is sharpened.

Speaking about universality in the case of Yukoz, we mean not the formal possibility of creating a large number of types of sites at the level of “it seems as possible, but better not needed”, but a full-fledged one. Modules that carry characteristic functionality like a blog, an online store or a forum are powerful applications with a lot of useful settings. They can be considered individually, each as a complete system for solving one specific large-scale task. All modules are implemented equally well.

The interface of this constructor is unlike any other. The structure of the options, the design of the control panel and the presentation of the functionality are their own, individual. It cannot be confused with anything, because the project developed in its own way, bypassing generally accepted trends and copying other people's concepts. The modular structure is very convenient, it allows you to significantly simplify the interface and speed up the development of the system.

Here is a complete list of modules with a brief description of each:

  1. Members- a module in which you can manage the list of registered users, set up their access rights, delete or transfer them to groups in bulk, define default avatars for them, set up authorization via social networks or uID, a registration form, etc.
  2. Page editor- allows you to create and edit static pages. You can assign a separate template for each of them, groups of users who can view them and, of course, fill them with content through a convenient editor.
  3. Site news- a module through which you can create news categories and publish fresh materials. The blog site is a practical example of using the capabilities of this module.
  4. Forum- an important Module for creating forums. It has a huge number of all kinds of settings, allowing you to create both excellent separate forum sites and forums within a different type of site. You can select template themes, customize them, customize the output of theme branches, notifications, control buttons for visitors, and much more. The official uCoz forum is a good example of the implementation of the module's capabilities.
  5. catalogue of articles- a powerful module for storing and publishing articles. You can customize the output structure of materials, comments, RSS feed, participation in the rating of content from uCoz, and more.
  6. File Catalog- the same, in fact, as the article directory, but here you have to work not with materials, but with uploaded files. You can create categories and customize them. Everything you need is at hand.
  7. Site directory- using this module, you can create site directories. The settings are the same as in the previous two modules, but the type of content to be organized and published is different.
  8. Bulletin board- a convenient module for creating bulletin boards. The range includes the ability to group materials by categories and sections, customize filters for displaying ads, output structures, and more. The functionality of this module is closest in terms of settings to the forum.
  9. Blog- here you will find everything you need to create and publish a quality blog. Manage posts, create categories for them, customize the output structure for new posts. In general, there are a lot of settings, the module is very flexible in this regard. Combines everything you need to create a complete blog. The official blog uCoz is built on the capabilities of this module.
  10. Photo albums- module for working with images. They can be organized into categories, filters and other parameters for displaying graphics can be configured. All this will make it easier to find and navigate through images, which is especially important for large sites. Allows you to create convenient catalogs with categories of images, filters and other tools that simplify navigation and work with photo albums.
  11. Online games - through this module you can add as many online browser games as you like to your site. There are standard set those that you can expand at your discretion.
  12. Guestbook - all the necessary functionality for creating a guestbook on the site is collected here. You can set the rules for posting messages, configure the parameters of the form for entering messages, and more. Unfortunately, the functionality of the module is often used by spambots.
  13. FAQ - allows you to create instructions of any plan in a "question-answer" format.
  14. Site search - setting the search parameters that will be used by site visitors: the number of materials in the search results, filters, the choice of modules involved in the search, and so on.
  15. Tests
  16. Mini-chat - a module required to create a mini-chat for exchanging messages between site visitors. All settings useful for displaying this type of functionality are available.
  17. Mail forms - a module for organizing postal feedback with site visitors. You can design your own mailing forms, customizing the number, nature and appearance of their fields.
  18. Polls - a module for creating and publishing various types of polls and polls on the site. You can place them anywhere on the page.
  19. Site statistics is a module for collecting and displaying statistics of visits that site visitors can see. You will also be able to see the texts of search queries that lead users to the site.
  20. Online store - the so-called uShop module, which becomes available to users who have paid for the "Store" or "Maximum" tariff plan. It is one of the most powerful and beneficial ingredients in uCoz. It allows you to create and flexibly configure a trading platform of any complexity. There is an import of goods, discounts, delivery, promotions and much more.
  21. Video is a module for posting video files of various formats on the website. You can upload your own videos or use ready-made ones taken from popular channels and video hosting.
  22. Posting on social networks - the module allows you to automatically publish content to the specified social network accounts. The export of materials from the modules "Site News", "Notice Board", "Articles Catalog" and "Blog" is supported.
  23. SEO module is a component of basic importance. It is presented in 2 versions: Free (limited functionality) and Pro (advanced version, activation of which will require payment of a premium plan). The module is a wide range of tools needed to optimize the site and its promotion in the PS. Allows you to view statistics of visits, puzomeki (the number of pages in the index and links to the site from external resources), set up 301 redirects and monitor site positions, as well as the Title, Description and Keywords tags.
  24. Yandex.Fids is a module that allows you to provide the search engine with up-to-date data on materials by vacancy (YVL) and real estate (YRL) - sites for employment and sale / rental of real estate.

This set of modules will form the backbone of the site's functionality. UCoz's control panel looks pretty. Thanks to such a design and a good structure, the huge mass of options contained in its depths looks more friendly and understandable than they could. At the top there is a menu with sections of options, in the left sidebar items from the active section are displayed, and in the work area - settings for a specific module, page or some other functional unit. Despite the wealth of items and settings, it is difficult to get confused, because you always see which section and sub-item you are in. It takes a couple of days to get used to the logic of the control panel structure.

Most sections of the service admin panel contain more than a dozen sub-items leading to fine-tuning of some individual functions and modules. Everywhere used are very clear names for most of those who at least read about creating sites, not to mention the practice.

UCoz Control Panel structure:

In Yukoz, much attention is paid to the use of shortcodes (format $ CODE $, $ FLAG $), which allow you to quickly add standard elements to the site. You can also customize the templates for displaying materials for various modules, add additional fields to the modules of the bulletin board, catalog of sites, news, blog and some others.

And you will also get a convenient admin bar - a panel that will allow you to add, search for materials, view notifications and add products to the store on the fly without going into the control panel. In addition, the control panel implements a system of widgets on the main screen - you can collect your own set of necessary ones from 11 options: recent orders, users, comments, sales statistics, users, materials, comments, forum, recent messages in the mini-chat and on the forum ... Drag the ones you need into the work area and, along with the bookmarks, form a quick access panel to frequently used functions and service sections. Convenient things and, moreover, flexibly customizable.

UCoz implements a flexible system for managing all comments on the site. Forum owners will especially appreciate it. You can comfortably monitor unwanted publications and delete all at once belonging to a specific user - not one at a time, but all at once. This simplifies the control over spammers and saves a lot of time for moderation.

During the installation of a new design, an automatic backup data. You can roll back to the previous state if necessary.

Note that there are studios that can custom-create any template for your site on uCoz. Of course, the cost of an individual service will be an order of magnitude higher than purchasing a ready-made design. However, you may need a 100% unique template to create an A-grade project.

At Yukose, a huge emphasis is placed on the ability to edit design code. For example, you can separately edit the code of the page for the list of materials, blog comments, site login forms. For each installed module in the design editor, you can see a list of blocks and elements available for editing.

That is, the customization options are practically unlimited for those who know how to work with code. Using additional scripts will allow you to achieve incredible scalability of the uCoz site in terms of functionality.

SEO optimization and promotion

UCoz has an advanced SEO module. In the free version, some of its capabilities are not available. IN full version(all functionality is unlocked after paying for the "Optimal" tariff) module capabilities will be enough for the most demanding users.

The SEO module has the following structure:

Website promotion on Yukoz works according to the same laws as in any other systems. There are no fundamental differences: in order to get into the TOP of the search results, your site must be systematically filled and developed, you need unique texts, well-filled meta-tags fields, CNC (human-readable URL), moderate use of keywords, image optimization, internal linking , external links from thematic resources to your site, work in social networks, on YouTube, the ability to analyze and use statistical data from analytics from Google and Yandex.

By itself, uCoz stands out for its rich settings, which will allow you to effectively administer the promotion process. Sites created in uCoz are quickly indexed by both Yandex and Google. That is, there will not be any obstacles to the success of the project from the engine. Success depends only on the literacy of your promotion actions and the budget that you are ready to invest. Built-in promotion tools are best-in-class website builders.

uShop - a module for creating an online store

Premium rates allow you to use all the features of uCoz to the maximum and without restrictions! For a complete list of the advantages of paid tariffs, see the table with prices.

Let's note the possibility of completely free use of uCoz. In this case, you can get 400 MB of disk space, modules (without a store and an advanced version of the SEO module), as well as an advertising banner of the system. Free is suitable for those who want to get acquainted with the capabilities of a serious system without money.

How to get -50% discount on any tariff

There is a continuous PROMOTION in uCoz: in the first two days of the site's life, you can connect any tariff plan with a 50% discount. In fact, anyone can pay only half, and the term of using the services at a reduced cost is not limited. Even if you have a test account older than two days, get a new one, pay for the desired rate and enjoy all the benefits of the best website builder at half price.

In general, Yukoz for new users is always half the price. Do not forget about this when registering!

Disabling ads for non-commercial sites

uCoz has long been practicing free removal of banners with advertisements for websites of social and educational organizations. To receive a preference, a project must meet the terms of the service user agreement (there is nothing wrong with them, almost all thematic resources are approved).

The list of beneficiaries is as follows:

  • Official sites of kindergartens, schools, schools, colleges
  • Student and student projects
  • Websites for clubs, classes and creative associations
  • Methodological sites for teachers and others.

To take advantage of the free opportunity to remove advertising, it is necessary to compose a letter on the letterhead (download) of the organization addressed to the general director of Yukoz Media LLC - Kurt Yevgeny Alexandrovich. In the letter, you need to ask to remove the advertisement from your site. The form must be certified with a signature and seal, scanned, and then sent by mail [email protected] You do not need to forward the paper version.

If the request meets the requirements, the banner ad will be removed for 1 year. If after this period you do not abandon the site and change its focus, you can resubmit your application. The second time, the banner will be removed for a longer period or even forever. If you do not send a follow-up letter, the banner will appear again.

Advertising is displayed only on sites hosted on free tariff. To disable advertising, you need to become a premium user of uCoz, that is, switch to one of the paid tariff plans (for example, "Basic"). We recommend paying immediately for 12 months in advance - this way you will be given a -20% discount, and when you switch to "Optimal" or "Shop", you can get a free domain (like of your choice as a gift. After connecting a paid package, all advertisements will automatically disappear.

uCoz is the only website builder used by non-profit and budget organizations to create websites for free. All servers are physically located on the territory of the Russian Federation (in Moscow), there is a built-in free version site for the visually impaired. As a rule, the school or teacher does not have free funds to order a website from a web studio. uCoz does a noble thing in this case, making life easier for these kinds of institutions and professionals.

Pros and cons

uCoz is a unique and one-of-a-kind product. There are many services that partially or completely cover, functionally or with the quality of presentation, certain areas of Yukoz's capabilities, but there is no site builder's configuration similar in thoughtfulness and richness.

Even if we are talking about CMS, it is even easier for Yukozu to compete with them than with high-quality cloud website builders. This is because CMS without plugins are usually designed for the creation of 1-2 adjacent types of sites. The rest needs to be made up with code and installation of modules / plugins / components, many of which are paid. In its pure form, there is simply no competition, although in some areas of functionality (store, blog or forum, for example), specialized CMS can surpass uCoz. But not devastating even after tangible improvements. And bringing the CMS to mind, the required functional condition is far from being possible for every user, even in theory.

Pros of uCoz:

Cons of uCoz:

  • Free plan limitations: banner, incomplete SEO module, system copyright, small amount of disk space.
  • The number of control panel options. When you first meet it, it can scare newbies.
  • Much of the standard templates are relics of the past. They are irrelevant.

At uCoz, almost everything related to functionality can be called a plus. We have chosen only what not everyone has. You can also note the blog module, which easily matches in usability and efficiency with WordPress and is significantly superior to any blog from site builders on a visual editor.

The ability to edit the code, a large number of general settings, a powerful visual content editor, access to the API, shortcodes, scripts, etc. make Yukoz an extremely successful, integral product. The system is perceived and works as a single large-scale tool.

So the cons - apparent complexity and Free restrictions. The first is subjective, the second is treated 100% by purchasing a tariff. It is desirable "Optimal" for a blog, business card, forum, message board or portal. Or "Store" - it is clear why. Get an increase in bonuses, places, removal of all copyrights, full module capabilities.

Alternatives and competitors

UCoz has no realistic alternatives. Let's say control panels in WYSIWYG systems like uKit are easier to learn and make a business card. From this point of view, they beat Yukoz. In Webasyst, the store functionality is slightly wider, since the system is specialized. However, it is even more difficult to master and more expensive than uCoz. At the same time, in other scenarios of use (except for creating a store) Webasyst is inferior.

That is, there are many services that have some or all of the collection of standard templates that look better than those of Yukoz, for example, Wix. There are some that will be much easier for a beginner to start using, which will reduce the distance to the target. But they are narrower in functionality, often cost more and generally give less to the user. That is, the platforms known to us can compete with uCoz only pointwise - with a similar cost, quality of templates, simplicity, convenience of the control panel. But not all at once. That is, you can choose a competitor in taste and color for solving a specific task (for example, any good WYSIWYG service for creating your first business card), but there is no alternative in the full sense of the word. Objectively, in terms of the combination of qualities (price, capabilities, prospects of use) uCoz is the best.

uWeb - an improved version of uCoz

The uWeb website builder is functionally similar to uCoz. The differences lie in the technical base and stricter control over the sites being created. The service control panels look exactly the same. The transition between them is painless. If you've used one, you can do the second.

Yuveb is a paid constructor. There is a 15-day trial period, then you need to pay.

The uWeb tariff schedule is as follows:

  1. Basic (490 rub / month)- 5 GB of disk space, the ability to hide the statistics counter, overlay watermarks on images and attach files in mail forms, domain 2 level for free (if paid for a year at once)
  2. Standard (700 rubles / month)- 10 GB space, online store, advanced SEO module, PHP scripts support, chat with tech support
  3. Premium (1295 rub / month)- 20 GB of space, the ability to disable uWeb copyright, personal manager.

Question: Why uWeb if uCoz is available? First, the site will have a dedicated IP address. That is, there will be no dubious neighbors with you on the same IP. Secondly, the servers of Juveb have increased bandwidth, provide an increased level of security. Thirdly, the administration filters out from the system sites that violate copyright law (torrents, cinemas, varezniki, music portals), sites for adults and those that carry a dangerous or simply immoral message.

Sites that have grown into serious projects with thousands of visitors and requiring additional server resources are usually moved to uWeb.

uWeb can be called the premium VIP version of uCoz. Faster site operation with a large influx of traffic, separate IP, prosperous neighbors, higher priority of technical support, automatic site backups, increased security of the servers themselves. If the above matters to you, you can give it a try.

Examples of sites

There is just a huge number of sites on uCoz in Runet (more than 3.5 million). They do not have any characteristic features - the range of design, type and quality is very large. Many gaming sites (clan, fan), movie sites, blogs, online stores, portals and forums are made in uCoz. The same applies to public sites (schools, administrations, hospitals, kindergartens) - a good half of them were born in uCoz. We're leading to the fact that you've probably seen a lot more sites on Yukose than you might imagine.

We have prepared a selection of diverse sites created by uCoz. We believe, looking at them, you will appreciate the scope of the possibilities and the prospects of this constructor.

uCoz has many strengths that the competition lacks. This can be the decisive criterion for choosing in favor of this designer. A simple comparison of functionality, cost and the resulting benefits will show why uCoz is on this moment is considered the best constructor of Runet according to the results of numerous ratings and comparisons.

A modern, ergonomic control panel, a wide range of modules stuffed with useful settings, a large assortment of templates taking into account premium designs, a high level of security, a powerful ecosystem, API with open access - a generalized list of clear advantages of the system. The discounted price turns out to be lower than that of any of the competitors. $ 48 / year for the "Optimal" package will allow you to deploy a blog, forum, corporate site or message board, effectively administer and promote them in search engines.

For those who want to create a good store, uCoz is the most rational option. For $ 60 / year, no other cloud platform can offer half of its capabilities. Using a CMS will cost more thanks to paid plugins, templates, and programmer services. And shops on free CMS (costs only hosting + domain) are very far from Yukozov's. Without investment, their functionality will not even reach the average level.

1. Registering a new user (creating a uID profile).

Go to the registration page and select the registration method (enter e-mail or login via social network). We recommend starting registration using the first method, further we will consider this particular method.

Please enter valid data as you are creating not just a new site, but a uID profile, in which you can create an unlimited number of sites in the future. Come up with complex password that does not match your email password.

2. After entering an e-mail address or clicking on a social network, the "Create a new site" form will open. Fill in all the fields, check the box next to "I agree to the terms of use of the community uID". Click "Register".

3. After successful completion, we should display information that a letter has been sent to your e-mail address with a request to confirm the address. Now you should go to your mailbox.

4. In the mailbox, open the letter under the heading "uID - welcome to our community!" In this email, click the "Continue" button to confirm the address.

5. By clicking this button, you will be presented with the “E-mail confirmed!” Page. Enter your phone number and select a secret question and an answer to it (in the future, to remove modules or the site itself, you will need to answer your secret question each time).

Here you need to come up with a separate password for the site. The previous password was for your uID profile, with which you can log in to other uCoz sites.

6. After filling in all the fields, click "Start creating". Before us is a page with a choice of the site address, enter the name of the site in the English layout and select the domain zone (,, etc.) and then click "Create Site".

7. The site is almost complete, you need to enter the name of the site, select one of the proposed standard designs, select the language of the site (in the future, all this can be changed).

By clicking "Select a design", a window with templates will open. Choose the one that you like or most closely matches your theme.

Click Continue.

8. Next, we see a list of modules (not complete) that we want to see on the site. Check the box that you need (in the future, modules can be added and removed). Click Continue.

9. Now you are taken to the "Control Panel" of the site. Here you can customize the design, all modules, etc.

10. Here you can see the address of your site, click on it and it will open in a new browser tab.

11. At the bottom right, you will see hints. Read them so you can master uCoz faster. Here you can also see the admin panel.

12. Use it to enable design mode, click "Enable design".

13. Now you can, in this mode, change the name of the site, drag and drop blocks, change their content, add new blocks or delete them. To edit, click on the gear, to remove the red cross.

14. After the changes made, you need to save the changes in the same admin panel, for this, in the "Design" tab, click "Save changes", then "Disable designer".

The changes are saved and you are back to normal mode.

15. Write your first article! To do this, click on your site "Add news" or in the admin panel "Add material to site news". You will be taken to the page for adding news.

This is where creativity begins! Write the title of the news (title of the article), write your article directly in the full text.

Then, at the very bottom of the page, click the Add button.

These are the very first steps. Tune in to work or, in other words, to write good and useful articles, because this is what is very important now, devote yourself to this for the first month.

If you want to change the design of your site, then check out the material on how

Comprises individual modules... Given its functionality, this is the only right decision: the webmaster chooses only those tools that he needs to create a website. If you want a forum, activate the corresponding module. No blog needed - deactivate the module to avoid bumping into it. The constructor will be the way you make it yourself.

Each module is a separate system with a large number of settings. This allows you to achieve uniqueness when creating a site. There can be a huge number of combinations of modules, blocks and configurations. If you add to this knowledge of HTML and CSS for deep customization of the appearance, you can get a unique project - and all this within the framework of one constructor.

The site is managed through the admin panel. At first glance, it seems a little confusing, but upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the sections and options are arranged as logically as possible. The main panel menu is fixed at the top, the tabs available in the selected section are displayed on the left, and the central part of the screen is occupied by the work area, which contains the settings of the next module, page or application.

The uCoz control panel consists of the following sections:

  • "Modules" - shows a complete list of modules and allows you to manage each of them. All static pages created on the site are also displayed here.
  • "Users" is a multifunctional application responsible for managing accounts within the site. Allows you to view the full list of users, configure authorization parameters and ranks, create groups, perform auto-transfer and bulk delete, view the privacy policy and user agreement, which are required by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • "Settings" - a section with the main parameters of the site. Here you specify the name, URL, date and time, select the language, configure advertising and copyright, open access to the system API, manage domains and add comments.
  • "Tools" - applications for site management: file manager, RSS import, informers, site editor, panel with social media buttons from the proprietary uSocial constructor, spam filter, backup, webmaster tools for connecting analytics services from Yandex and Google.
  • "Security" - a section for configuring the security settings of sites, which allows you to connect SSL, configure the number of simultaneous logins to the control panel, link an account to the phone, change the password, change the owner of the site, protect pages from cloning, block IP and URL, view the log of actions and delete the site if necessary.
  • "Design" is a comprehensive tool for managing the appearance of a project, which offers a template editor, access to wireframe files, import of remote code, menu constructor, activation mobile version, create a backup, and overlay a watermark.
  • "Services" - switching between paid plans for managing the functionality of the designer, purchasing a domain.
  • "Market" is a built-in template store.
  • "Help" - access to technical support, knowledge base, script store, freelance exchange.

The uCoz admin panel is unlike any other. This is due to the fact that the development of the constructor took place along a unique path, without copying Western services and trends. uCoz himself set the trends in the development of services for creating websites on the Russian Internet and therefore still remains one of the market leaders.

You can expand the functionality of the site using scripts that are available in the official store They were developed by specialists taking into account the peculiarities of the uCoz constructor, which guarantees reliable and safe operation. The scripts solve different tasks: from adding an avatar on the forum to automatically changing the currency depending on the location of the buyer's IP address and paying for goods with bonuses.

For ease of management, the constructor uses a shortcode system. With its help, you can quickly add standard elements to pages. To work with the main functions, the site has an admin bar that allows you to view notifications, add products and materials without opening the admin panel.

With the addition of a visual editor, uCoz is a little easier to learn. You just need to remember that not all premium templates support the work in the constructor. As for free layouts, you can easily edit them in a visual editor by adding or removing blocks. For the convenience of managing the site, the pages also display the admin bar - a panel that only the administrator can see. It allows you to quickly add materials and products, view notifications without going into the control panel. The appearance and functionality of the admin bar is flexibly configurable, so you can easily alter it to fit your needs.

Website management on uCoz is similar to working with a CMS with a large number of plugins connected. The difference is that on the constructor all the functionality is available "out of the box", you just need to enable and disable the modules. Another difference is that programming skills are not required. Yes, to learn how to make good sites on uCoz, you will have to spend a little more time than on other website builders. But it pays off with the functionality and versatility of the service, so it's worth trying.


The uCoz constructor offers various options for changing the appearance of the site. You can use one of the free templates by customizing it in the visual editor. Or buy a premium template through the control panel in the built-in Market.

uCoz offers four hundred free templates, divided into 20 categories. They look good, but if you need a really attractive layout, then it's better to look at the options in the Market. The layout can be changed at any time, but before replacing it is recommended to do backup, since when reinstalling, the contents of the blocks are edited.

If premium templates don't suit you either, you can order an individual design in a studio that develops layouts for uCoz, or create it yourself. The constructor control panel has detailed instructions to draw up a wireframe template. You can find it in the "Template Builder" section.

The easiest option is to draw the template in Photoshop, then typeset it and adapt it to the requirements of uCoz. If you have programming skills, you can prepare any template for uCoz for popular CMS: Wordpress, Joomla, DLE. If the ready-made layouts do not suit you, you can place an order for the creation of a turnkey website in the web studio

Tools for customizing the appearance of the site are compactly collected in the "Design" section of the uCoz administrative panel. Here you can edit the current template or select a new one. When you select a part of the theme, the code editor opens, in which you can freely make edits. This gives unlimited possibilities for changing the appearance of the site, but to use them, programming and layout skills are required. This is a real front-end development that no other website builder offers.

For each standard template in the knowledge base, there are detailed instructions on how to make changes. If your ideas about HTML and CSS are still very vague, then this guide will help you make at least minimal edits. Then all that remains is to improve your code editing skills or limit yourself to using a visual editor.

In the "Design" section, besides the editor, there are other useful tools. For example, replacing deleted code, which allows you to find a piece of HTML in all template files and replace it with another piece. To add data from third-party resources and display them on the site page, import of remote code is used. There is also a handy menu builder.

An abundance of customization tools allows webmasters to create custom designs for their projects. Unfortunately, not everyone makes full use of them. This is associated with a large number of sites of the same type, created on constructors. The functionality of uCoz allows you to radically change appearance site, even if it is built on the basis of a standard template.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Promotion of a site created on uCoz is carried out according to the same rules as optimization of any other web project. To get to high positions in the search results, you must:

  • write high-quality and unique texts;
  • fill in meta tags of pages and publications;
  • generate understandable addresses (URLs);
  • use keywords;
  • optimize images to reduce their size;
  • do internal linking;
  • work with social networks;
  • analyze statistics obtained using Google and Yandex tools.

The uCoz admin panel offers users all the tools they need to successfully promote a website in search engines. A powerful SEO module is responsible for project optimization, which is presented in two configurations - Free and Pro.

In the minimum configuration, you can add page meta tags. Nobody bothers to use another proven method of promotion - the publication of unique texts. However, all the features of the SEO module are available only after switching to the "Optimal" tariff and higher.

In Pro mode, all sections with optimization and promotion tools are available. Let's see what they offer:

  • "Setting" - enabling Title, Description and Keywords for modules, categories and materials, rules for generating CNC, managing the indexing of the site and individual pages.
  • "Redirects" - setting up redirects required when moving content from one address to another. Helps not to lose position in the search results.
  • "Promotion" is a built-in service for link building. Allows you to create different advertising campaigns depending on the region, control costs, conduct a technical and text audit of the site.
  • "Monitoring" - selection of search engines and regions for which statistics will be collected.

You don't need any special skills to deal with these parameters. To clarify the points related to optimization and promotion, there are technical support specialists, a knowledge base and an official constructor forum, where the solution of most of the questions arising from novice users is described.

In addition to optimizing for the requirements of search engines, you need to make friends with social networks to promote your site. To solve this problem, the uCoz constructor proposes to use social media buttons added through the proprietary uSocial service, as well as a publication commenting system, in which authorization is performed using user accounts. This allows you to increase your audience reach and get new visitors to your site.


uCoz is one of the few constructors on which you can actually work for free, without suffering from various restrictions. Of course, they are: only 400 MB is provided on the disk, the SEO module is not available, the advertisements for the constructor are placed on the pages of the site. But here these restrictions can be circumvented. Rather, to minimize losses from them.

For example, you can attach a second-level domain for free if it was purchased from another registrar. Owners of non-commercial social projects can contact the uCoz administration with a request to remove ads. If the site meets the requirements, then the application will be approved. The list of thematic resources includes:

  • Websites educational institutions: kindergartens, schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.
  • Projects for schoolchildren and students for teaching.
  • Websites of classes, groups, circles and associations.
  • Methodological sites of teachers and educators, etc.

With paid tariffs, you don't have to ask anyone for anything. UCoz offers five of them at once:

  1. The minimum is $ 2.99 / month or $ 28.7 / year;
  2. Basic - $ 5.99 / month or $ 57.5 / year;
  3. Optimal - $ 7.99 / month or $ 76.7 / year;
  4. Shop - $ 9.99 / month or $ 95.9 / year;
  5. The maximum is $ 15.99 / month or $ 153.5 / year.

What kind additional features are included in tariff plans can be viewed on the pricing page.

There is a permanent promotion on the constructor: within two days after the creation of the site, you can purchase any tariff plan with a 50% discount.

Before purchasing a premium plan, you need to understand what features will come in handy. If you need an online store, the choice is narrowed down to two options - "Store" or "Maximum". To create a business card, company website or blog, the "Optimal" tariff is suitable - an SEO module appears on it, which is not in the "Minimal" and "Basic" packages. If there is no need to promote the site in search engines, then you can get by with the opportunities offered by the cheapest rates.


The main advantage of uCoz is its versatility. Create an online store - please; adding a forum is easy; you need a blog and a directory of articles - all the tools are there. There are really a lot of modules, and they are added by simple activation. This allows you to create any kind of site: uCoz makes portals for watching films, covering the organization's activities, launching online games, communicating, selling and much more. This is where the advantages only begin. On uCoz you will find:

  • Access to uCoz API for editing modules, creating applications and a site control panel for clients.
  • Adding your own template.
  • Editing the code.
  • A premium template store for those who don't like free options.
  • Professional technical support and a developed user community.

uCoz offers powerful promotion tools that you can use to reach the top of search results. On this constructor, the webmaster's capabilities are limited only by skills. A beginner works in a visual editor, an experienced user edits the code and inserts PHP scripts.


When you get to the uCoz administration panel after working with some simpler and less functional constructor, you feel like a city dweller trapped in a dense forest - how to get through it? If you do not allow fear and laziness to win, then very soon it will turn out that this forest is logically divided into useful tabs, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Someone may think that the cost of paid tariffs is too high. But if you look at the functionality of the service, then you don't mind the money: you still won't find more opportunities on one site.

Upset unless they are very pretty free templates, and the design of the uCoz banner cannot be called attractive, although in the administrative panel there is an opportunity to choose its appearance. But when you switch to a paid plan, these disadvantages disappear, as premium templates become available, and ads are removed from the site.

UCoz there are no problems with the quality of website design , you just need to immediately determine for yourself the path in which it will be most convenient for you to get it. It will be easier - take a free one, you need a good one - pay for the tariff and install a premium layout from the Market. Either make up the pens from scratch in general, or bring the standard sample to the desired condition. All cards are in your hand - there are zero limits. On this point, the platform is in no way inferior to advanced CMS. On the basis of the combination of factors, uCoz gets a solid five for the ability to work with the design of its sites.


Let's note the main thing right away: at uCoz you can create any type of website : from a blog or forum to a huge Internet hypermarket. Before choosing this engine, you do not need to think whether its functionality will pull the implementation of your task. Just know - it will pull. You can do everything → business card sites, shops, blogs, forums, landing pages, portals. From here comes a very nice property of the platform - versatility ... Not every CMS will be able to offer this quality at the disposal of the user, not to mention the designers. Many engines are highly specialized. Or imaginary universality: you can do this and that, but only business cards or shops work out normally. Not so with uCoz. Its functionality is uniformly powerful, without frankly weak points.

The key to success is system modularity ... To perform each individual task, there is a module, using which you can implement an element in in the best possible way... The modules are comprehensive in terms of the possibility of implementing specific ideas. Each of them has a large number of settings, being a constructor in a constructor. This allowed the system to reach a high level of quality for each component included in the delivery.

For clarity we will give several types of modules: blog, news, catalog of articles and files, video and photo albums, forum, message board, online store, polls and tests, mail forms, SEO module and others.

You will be asked to compose your own set at the initial stage of creating a site - take what you need and ignore the excess. If you need additional functionality, you can in the process of working on the site activate any inactive modules... Or turn off active ones if some of them are no longer needed.

The administrative panel with tons of settings can be called simple at a stretch. But she perfectly structured and ergonomic as much as it can be with such a functional load. There are not so many main tabs, if you do not take into account the modules, which also contain a considerable number of changeable options:

  • General- go to the main page of the admin panel, preview the site, the name of the server on which the project is located, and its IP address;
  • Settings - General settings(name / description of the site, choice of language, template, set of smiles, comment forms, disabling Ajax and choosing the version of Jquery, activating a mobile template and much more), replacing standard labels, setting the type of advertising banner of the system, managing domains and connecting / setting up a social bar;
  • Design- editing HTML / CSS templates, buying a premium design, a menu builder, quick replacement of sections of the template code, importing the code, constructing templates and backing them up;
  • Instruments- file manager, setting up informers and RSS feeds, SMS tools, banner rotator, emoticon editor, spam filter, site backup and setting up comments via social networks;
  • Safety- security settings, confirmation by phone number, changing the password for the account and FTP, changing the owner of the site, deleting the project and the log of actions;
  • Marketplace- access to the store of premium templates;
  • Help- access to the uCoz community, FAQ, site promotion, technical support, site welcome page.

Something like this, in general terms, you can illustrate the capabilities of the system. The described menu items convey about 40% of the functionality. The remaining 60% are hidden in the settings of the modules, which we do not see the point to describe - you will fall asleep reading.

We only note that uCoz has a powerful SEO module , which will come in handy for those who want to see their site in the first lines of search results. There is also a store of ready-made scripts and a link to a freelance exchange where you can order individual solutions.

Not so long ago, a new module appeared in the system - Yandex.Fids... Its capabilities will be appreciated by portals that trade real estate, sites with vacancies and so on. In general, all those for whom it is vitally important to show their advertisements to advertisers in the context of Yandex issue. You can select the modules from which the ads will be formed and configure a number of parameters on which they will be built. Of course, in order to notice the effect of connecting this module, your site must already be sufficiently promoted in its niche. Otherwise, Yandex will not let them through. You will be able to generate more income from a variety of affiliates and advertisers. In general, long-awaited and powerful functionality. Not for everyone, though.

An interesting point is the integration of the proprietary calculator of uCalc services and the popular third party service amoCRM. Both of these things are needed to boost sales. Data from calculator forms can be redirected directly to CRM for further analysis. This is a convenient form of record keeping, increases productivity. uCoz supports other services as well. In general, any third-party integrations can be connected through code insertion.

The system also contains a large number of shortcodes(like $ code $), which will allow you to easily and quickly change the appearance / functionality of certain page elements. This approach greatly simplifies page layout, while making it more diverse in appearance and attractive. Although first, of course, you will have to learn the shortcodes (or make a file with a complete list of them) and figure out their purpose. In summer 2016 alone, 59 new shortcodes were added. Their number is constantly growing, expanding the capabilities of the designer.

The module deserves special attention. "Internet shop" ... In addition to the standard uCoz functionality, some nice and useful features have recently been added. For example, the system can automatically calculate the cost of delivery after taking into account the discount received through the introduction of promotional codes.

Yukozov online stores can accept orders from the trading platform Yandex Market and receive online payment directly from there (connection instructions). There is also the possibility of canceling an order that has already been accepted for work. To use these features, an SSL certificate must be attached to the store's domain. By the way, a couple of other Yandex technologies are implemented in Yukoz - functional turbo pages(used to optimize traffic consumption and the speed of loading site pages on mobile devices) and support Yandex Zen(beloved by many smart RSS feeds that bring additional traffic). Both possibilities are available for the following modules: / publ, / load, / blog, / news. Turbo pages support for the specified modules is activated by default and works out of the box without requiring any configuration.

The interesting thing is "Activity stream" in the store module. You will be able to watch in real time how users add products to their baskets, place orders, make payments, and more. That is, without waiting for notification of the result of the actions of visitors, to see a picture of what is happening. If you want to display information from this feed on the site, you will need to add the $ SHFEED $ operator to the template code. Also, access to this information is configured in the rights of user groups, as well as activation of order moderation: a representative of an authorized group will be able to view the full list of orders and cancel them manually if necessary. The money from canceled orders will automatically be returned to the client's personal account.

Also as part of expanding partnership with the most popular Chinese trading platform AliExpress, the ability to import products from YML files was introduced. This will make it easy to run partner store with AliExpress ... In general, the uCoz store module contains more settings than any other platform. Even when compared with specialized CMS. You will be able to conveniently and quickly deploy a trading platform of any complexity for an unlimited number of products. But, of course, you have to delve into the intricacies of the process.

Another major update was new admin panel... Some users have long complained about the outdated design of the old panel. The developers listened and created a new one from scratch.

Has been completely rethought toolbar (admin bar). Contains 6 color schemes. The admin bar with the settings received 8 layout options and a smaller version, and its position and appearance can be remembered so that it looks the same for selected categories of users. The system of notifications has also been redesigned, which are now displayed in a centralized manner both in the minimized and expanded position of the bar. You can also quickly view new comments since your last visit. The number of active / inactive materials can now be found in one click. There is also a quick search throughout the site, which works on the same principle as Spotlight in OS X.

Improved usability is created by widgets that can be randomly placed on the main page of the control panel for quick access to important functions. There are 11 of them at the moment: statistics, forum, materials, sales, users, recent orders, posts on the forum, messages in the mini-chat, users, comments, store orders, as well as control of IP addresses. In addition to widgets, you can add bookmarks to almost all modules, which will further speed up navigation in the admin area and increase productivity. Choose the ones you use most and work in comfort.

A useful feature is the extended management of user comments. Especially important for blog and forum owners, as it is not so easy to track spammers and other intruders. In the "Tools" there is an item "Manage comments", where all visitors' publications are collected. They can be filtered for search and, importantly, with one click, automatically delete all publications of any account. All this makes it much easier to control and put things in order on sites with a large traffic of comments.

In general, the new administrative panel has become much more beautiful, more modern, more informative. If you are an adherent of the classic old admin panel, you can continue to use it - there is a choice of interface options. You'll like it.

In addition to general points, we will note several specific, but very interesting possibilities. One of them is protecting the site over HTTPS. That is, in Yukose you can get an SSL certificate for those who need it. User data passing through your site will be encrypted, which will increase the level of security and slightly improve the attitude of search engines towards your project. Well, the image: SSL is solid.

You can also activate the visually impaired version of the site in a couple of clicks. This thing is very relevant for non-profit organizations, which, according to the letter of the law, must provide comfortable browsing for people with poor eyesight. In uCoz, this functionality is extremely simple: move the slider, and it's done. In other systems, you can create duplicate pages on a subdomain for this purpose, or somehow dance with a tambourine. Everything is simple here. A very important function - the law must still be observed.

Also in accordance with federal law "On personal data" (152-F3) , site owners who do not provide a user agreement for the processing of personal data will be fined. Moreover, violations will be qualified for 7 different compositions, and the amount of the fine will be summed up for them. Fortunately, uCoz tries to patronize its users, so 2 pages have been added to the settings of the "Users" module - "Terms of use" and "Privacy Policy" ... They already contain the legal text of the agreements that is optimal from a legal point of view, but it can be edited. Thus, any uCoz website that has the ability to register and process personal data will automatically follow the letter of the law. When entering the site via mail or uID, users will have to tick the boxes to agree to the terms of the privacy policy and user agreement. The headache was close, but once again it did not happen: everything will be legal with you, even if you are not aware of the state of affairs.

There is one more point concerning those who accept payments via the Internet. According to Law 54-F3, online stores must use equipment equipped with fiscal drives and capable of transmitting transaction data to the FTS server through any fiscal data operator. A fine is imposed for violation. Yukoz has an answer to this: in the 1C "Trade Management" configuration, there is the possibility of connecting online cash registers. Also in the service "MySklad" using the application "Retail" you can connect cash registers and issue checks. You will, of course, have to buy a cash register and conclude an agreement with the OFD.

There is another way: renting an online cash register. One possible options- services of the manufacturer of cash registers "Atol", which launched a service for renting cash registers. Synchronization with this service is possible through Yandex.Checkout, which has already been optimized for this purpose. The cost of renting a box office in Atole is 3000 rubles / month. Yes, troublesome, but what to do. The main thing is that uCoz itself thoroughly contributes to the ability of its users to comply with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation. You will not find yourself overboard, all the necessary functionality is there.

There is also something useful, but not obvious when you first get to know the system: the ability to add additional fields to the materials of bulletin board modules, news, blog, site catalog, video and games. This will allow you to design forms for adding materials of almost unlimited complexity, maximally adapting them to the specifics of your site.

Constructor pretty updated frequently ... It would seem that there is already everything that can be imagined, but no - the developers find loopholes to improve their product. For example, updated tour by the designer, which will be very pleasant for those who want to make money on affiliate program from Yukoz. Added new templates for the page technical work, multifunction button uLike for social services, additional fields for modules, new windows authorization for uID, large number shortcodes for all occasions. Small bugs are also promptly corrected, and in addition to the already familiar discounts, new promotions are introduced that allow you to save additional money. The service has one of best speaker development in the market of constructors.

Domains Yukoz's situation is better than most platforms. During website creation, you will be able to choose Domain name in one of the many level 3 domain zones offered by the system. You can use it for free for as long as you like.

uCoz also allows connect 2nd level domains (like already on a free tariff plan - this is what distinguishes it from 99% of other systems. You can register those directly from the administrative panel. Or from a third-party registrar - as you like.

Also, you will immediately get the ability to manage 301 redirects. This will make it easier to transfer sites and merge their mirrors. Quite generous starting conditions. Competitors have no analogues.

uCoz - continuously developing designer ... Already the most powerful SaaS platform for building websites, it continues to grow steadily. We are not talking about competition, in this respect it has no equal. At first, it may be difficult for beginners to master the local stream of opportunities, but after reaching a certain level, they will not want to use anything else. Only uCoz.

Optimization (SEO) and promotion

UCoz admin panel - klondike for those who want to competently and effectively promote the sites created on it. No other constructor has so many built-in capabilities for project promotion. Let's try to list at least the main ones.

We immediately note that SEO module with all add-ons is available only in paid version engine, starting with the "Optimal" tariff. Of course, you will be able to prescribe meta tags, use keywords, but you will get advanced tools only for money. Albeit small, but still money.

The local SEO module contains the following settings:

  1. Premium options - setting up unique meta tags title, description, keywords for most modules; formation of URL pages in manual mode (CNC setting); the ability to prohibit indexing, activate editing robots.txt and disable 301 redirects for pages; using ping monitoring (after a new publication appears, your site will automatically send a notification about this to the Yandex server), as well as informing Yandex about the originality of newly published articles - this way you will protect your copyright, bypassing the damage of copy-paste sanctions by unscrupulous webmasters.
  2. Complex promotion - here you can create projects for website promotion. You will be able to conduct technical, textual analysis of the site, analyze the financial statistics of budget expenditures for the purchase of external links and contextual advertising. Well, and much more.
  3. Site monitoring - here you can specify the statistics from which search engines you want to see right in the admin panel, set the frequency of position updates, select the groups of promoted keywords, etc.
  4. Redirects - management of 301 redirects, allowing you to move materials from one URL to another without losing positions in search engines.
  5. Yandex services - connecting Yandex.Webmaster and Yandex.Metrica to your site. All collected statistics can be viewed directly from the admin panel. It is also possible to connect webmaster tools from Google and WebEffector.

It is worth noting that the official forum contains a large number of FAQs and topics related to site promotion on uCoz. A significant part of the materials and tips are aimed at users who want to get a good start, but do not yet know how to do it. Also an important point, it will help many.

A very important element of a successful advertising campaign is the use of social media. UCoz can be customized in detail commenting system publications through selected social networks. there is social bar for leaving likes and reposting. We strongly recommend using.

In addition to the competent technical organization of the promotion process, in uCoz, as elsewhere, unique content is of great importance. SEO-optimized preferably. Also, do not forget to prescribe titles and Alt tag values ​​to images.

So, let's summarize. Without leaving the uCoz admin panel, you can plan SEO campaigns, distribute the budget, view statistics on keywords, purchased links, edit CNC, robots.txt, analyze the quality of content, confirm authorship on it, and much more.

uCoz is a whole empire of promotional tools ... Experienced users will be able to take their souls away by correctly adjusting every nuance of the advertising campaign process. Beginners will be able to learn what and how to do it right, along the way applying the knowledge gained from the tips and FAQ in practice. The engine is the undisputed leader on this point. No other SaaS platform has so many built-in basic and additional tools.

Price policy

Let's start with delicious again: in within 48 hours from the moment of the birth of the site, anyone can pay for the selected tariff with a 50% discount .

If you are not yet familiar with the designer and want to make sure of its professional suitability for yourself, test as much as you like - the expiration date free account is not limited. To get a discount, just create a new website and pay 2 times less. We will assume that the promotion is permanent.

Have a smooth gradation additional bonuses depending on the cost:

  1. Minimum ($ 2.99 / mo) - reduces the banner with advertising, gives 1GB of space, basic antivirus, a 50% discount does not apply to it.
  2. Basic ($ 5.99 / mo) - removes ads, 2 GB of space, 1 call to premium support.
  3. Optimal ($ 7.99 / mo) - 10 GB of space, SEO module, 2 calls to premium support, premium version of the antivirus, mobile template, free domain if paid for a year or more.
  4. Shop ($ 9.99 / mo) - 10 GB of space, an online store, a free domain of your choice when paying for 1 year;
  5. Maximum ($ 15.99 / month) - 20 GB of space, online store, live chat with technical support, free domain ( if paid for 6 months;

Also, you can save up to 30% when paying for a tariff plan for a long period of 6 months or more.

Naturally, uCoz is free to use ... With this approach, you will get the lion's share of the functionality, the ability to connect your domain, 400 MB of space. You also have to endure the presence of an advertising banner systems, unless you have an educational site. In the latter case, you can write a letter to technical support with a request to remove the banner. This way you are guaranteed to get rid of it for free.

Pros and cons, alternatives

It is clear that a monster like uCoz has a large number of merits :

  • Two options admin panel to choose from - old and new;
  • Built in control panel store premium templates;
  • Generous bonuses and low prices on tariffs;
  • Extensive opportunities for promotion sites created within the system;
  • Versatility both in terms of the types of sites being developed and in terms of the audience - this is a builder for everyone;
  • Modular system- you can manually select which functionality will be active;
  • Opportunity code editing modules and pages, support for PHP scripts and the presence of a store for their purchase;
  • Synchronization with a large number of useful services - social networks, content / freelance exchanges, statistics collection systems, etc.
  • Powerful customization options website design;
  • Implementation of functionality by developers for compliance with niche legislation(version for the visually impaired, online checkout, user agreement, etc.);
  • Deep integration with Yandex services.

Of course, uCoz has a lot of objective advantages, but we won't make an icon out of it. Scold also have something for:

  • Standard templates heavily hackneyed, rarely updated, and many of them are already morally outdated. The situation is saved by customization and a premium template store;
  • Complexity of the device admin panel as a side effect of the power of the system. Yes, everything is cool here, but beginners will have to figure it out for more than one day in order to use all the capabilities of the platform to the maximum;
  • The impossibility of full using the SEO module at free rates. We'll have to be smart by hand;
  • Advertising banner on the free tariff... More precisely, its appearance - although we are already accustomed to it, but this does not cease to depress it with its design and size.

In principle, you can write off all the shortcomings, except for complexity, by paying the "Optimal" tariff. If not, then you have to put up with them. The complexity of the admin panel can also be partially compensated for: for example, working on a blog, you do not need a good half of the modules and functions of the system. And so with other types of sites. Yukoz looks wide and powerful because of its versatility - there is a toolbox for everything. But, understandably, each type of site will require its own piece of this pie of possibilities. You don't need to know every nook and cranny of the admin area. Gradually learning the functionality as needed is the right approach to working with uCoz.

To summarize: uCoz has no critical flaws, but moderate financial investments and a competent approach can make using the system much more pleasant and efficient.

uCoz is attractive in most aspects. Possesses richest functionality , It has affordable tariff plans with significant bonuses and versatile ... In addition, it allows you to use yourself absolutely without undue restrictions. is free... The developers are not greedy, continuing to systematically develop the best designer on the Russian Internet.

The only well-reasoned "but" may seem the complexity of its development. Yes, it will be difficult for a beginner to steer such a set of functions. But professionals will feel at home. Here there is everything that CMS fans usually blame the designers for, complaining about their weakness. uCoz of a different breed. It can and should be studied systematically: in a day or two, few people will be able to understand at least half of the intricacies of working with the engine.

On the other hand, by unlocking the potential of the system for yourself sufficiently, you can do anything on it ... Due to its versatility, you don't need any more tools to create quality websites. It is not for nothing that a considerable number of web studios have chosen uCoz as a platform for developing client sites. You can also earn decent money if you want and have a decent level of skill. Moreover, it is convenient to promote sites on the engine due to the informative and powerful built-in SEO module.

Also uCoz is an ideal service for creating websites for various government organizations. You will get all the functionality for free. In addition, we focus on the possibility of a simple implementation of a version of the site for visually impaired people. With uCoz, this rule of law will be easy for you to comply with.

uCoz is worth a try! The service has no real competitors. By using it, you will grow by systematically gaining experience. It will be interesting for you to work, you will not run into a blank wall of system limitations after reaching a certain level of skill. uCoz is a long-term choice. This is undeniably the best website builder we've ever seen.

uCoz was created for those who want to work and achieve their goals. Undoubtedly, it is worth the time spent on its development and a small investment to pay for one of the tariffs. The price / quality ratio is close to ideal. Nowhere else do they give so many weighty bonuses for such modest money. Moreover, the developers are constantly updating the engine, which is already more powerful than the good part of the CMS.

For a beginner in site building, at the initial stage, there are some difficulties in navigating the "wilds" of WebTop (resource management). Although there is nothing complicated, as it turns out later, there is nothing here, but in the first steps this small article will help beginners. It should be noted that all actions for setting up your project begin in WebTop with "Control panels"(PU). Therefore, now, let's consider how to find this one. You can enter it in three ways.But first we will tell you how to enter the site as administrator.

Open the admin panel on the uCoz website

We open our service. In all uCoz templates, on the right or left side (depending on its design), there is a block “ Login form», Screen 1. Since August 2014, this block has been changed and now looks like shown in the picture. Find and activate the letter "U" in the circle. On the image

Screen 1.
highlighted with a green frame, click on it with the arrow of the mouse. A registration window will appear, where you need to enter the password "Number 1" (we return ) to visit your site. Click "Entrance"... The page will reload. The upper left corner of the page will be occupied by a horizontal blue strip of the AdminBar, or as they call the Admin Panel, Screen 2. This will mean that you opened the admin panel and logged into your project as an Administrator.
Screen 2.

Three ways to open the control panel

First way:Simplest. We use the address bar of the browser, where we paste the URL (address) of our site in the following form http: // may (may is the address of your site)and add the following phrase / admin to it. The overall line should look like thishttp: // may admin. If this form is applied to our resource, it will look like this - http: // site / admin. We activate. A window will appear"Login to WebTop"(Control Panel
Screen 3. website), Screen 3.We enter password "Number 2"(remember).The "PU" we need will open to our eyes.
In the second way to uncover " PU"can be done through your own project. We go to it as an Administrator (read the first section of the article).We find, already familiar to us,bluestrip Adminbar, where with the extreme the left side is the key "General", highlighted with a red rectangle, click it, a pop-up menu appears (Screen 4).We select "Login to the control panel", the green frame.
Screen 4. Third way - go to the Control Panel- it is possible through the official uCoz website. Opening the main page of the portal, push "Entrance", marked with a red square. Screen 5. Screen 5.