Perhaps almost everyone cellular operators now there is a service called "You've received a call". MTS, for example, connects it to its subscribers by default. By the way, this has not been such a useful suggestion lately. Someone wants to enable it, and some are wondering how to refuse the option. Now we have to figure out all this. The most helpful information about the service "They called you" (MTS) will be presented below. Everything that subscribers need to know before starting to work with an offer. Otherwise, some problems may appear, which will cause a lot of dissatisfaction from the side of customers.

general description

What is the option called "You've received a call" (MTS)? In reality, this is a kind of message that comes to subscribers at the moment they connect to the network. If during your absence someone tried to call you, you will immediately receive an SMS notification. There will be a separate letter for each specific number.

The text of the message will display the subscriber who called you, as well as the last time of attempts to contact you. Plus, the number of calls made during your absence is also indicated here. This is sometimes very convenient. As soon as the subscriber appears on the network, the caller will receive a notification about this in response. Therefore, in some cases the service "You've received a call" from the MTS company is very useful.

The cost

True, she has one significant drawback. Previously, this option was completely free. And there was no need to think about the details of its provision before activating the "They called you" (MTS) service. But for several years now, this opportunity has become paid.

Of course, in this situation, you don't really want to deal with the connection. Especially if you rarely go offline and you can easily get through. The service fee is charged every day. Even if it has not been activated even once in a day. You have to pay only 1 ruble per day. Not much, but no one needs extra spending on mobile. In some regions for "You got a call" (MTS) is about 60 rubles per month.

However, there are some minor exceptions. For some tariff plans the "You've received a call" option is absolutely free. The list is pretty long. And you can find it on the official website of the operator. You don't have to pay anything for direct connection.

We call the operator

Now you can learn a little about connecting and disconnecting our today's offer. There are a lot of options here. Remember, almost any connection method is okay to deny options. And the first trick you can use is to call the operator.

Dial 0890 on your mobile phone and wait for the operator's response. It is not worth communicating with a robot voice, which often turns on under the guise of an answering machine - the process will drag on for for a long time... Tell the operator that you would like to activate the "You were called" (MTS) service. Agree with the details of the option and payment, and then wait a while. A corresponding request will be made for you. At the end of the process, you will receive a notification about successful activation.

By the way, refusal from "You've received a call" is issued in the same way. Only in this case the operator can ask you for passport data. This is necessary for identification and the SIM card belongs to you.

Connect by command

The "You've received a call" (MTS) option can be enabled on the phone using a special request. It is called the USSD command. By itself, it represents the usual simple combination, which the subscriber independently enters on a mobile phone, and then sends it for processing. USSD commands are free in all cases. With their help, at any time (even in the middle of the night), you can refuse or subscribe to certain services from the operator.

Are you interested in the "You've received a call" service from MTS? Have you decided to try it out in action? Then on your phone, feel free to type * 111 * 38 #. Then click on the "Call" button on your gadget. If you have a positive balance on your mobile, you will receive a message with the result in response. Usually it says "The service" You got a call "is successfully connected. Thank you for being with us. MTS Company". It's all. Now you don't have to worry about missing important calls. As you can see, MTS can call you in several ways.

We give up everything

It doesn't matter what your tariff is. If you are not included in the list published on the official MTS website, then sooner or later you will think about unsubscribing from our today's package. This is especially true when you can almost always be reached by phone. For example, the "Super MTS" tariff is most often and earlier than anyone else. "You got a call" is a waste of extra money here. Anyway, any offer with a monthly fee makes you think about unsubscribing from some paid services.

Here the corresponding command for the phone can come to the rescue. As with the connection, you must print the combination and send it for processing. To unsubscribe from "You've received a call", you will have to contact * 111 * 38 #. It turns out that the same command is needed to enable and disable today's function. This is a very rare occurrence.

Important: a message with the result of request processing may come with a delay of approximately 15-20 minutes. Do not rush to repeat the operation, otherwise you will enable and disable "You have been called" several times.

the Internet

The last option for refusing services and connecting them is the Internet. More precisely, the "Personal Account" from the MTS company. The "You've received a call" service is quite easy to activate and deactivate with its help.

You just need to log in to the company's website and open the "Services" section. There you can see a list of all the operator's offers. Opposite those that you already have, there will be an inscription "Disable". Otherwise, you will see "Connect". Click on the appropriate signature next to "You've received a call", enter a special verification code in the field (it will come to your mobile after clicking) and complete the operation.

Mobile operator MTS provides its subscribers with various services. They are divided into those that are useful to you personally and those that can be neglected. These two types of services are also divided into those that are free and those that require a one-time or monthly fee. Sometimes for subscribers the issue of disconnecting a service is even more important and relevant than connecting it. In this review, we will consider the problem of how to disable the "You were called" service on MTS.

What is the service "You have been called". This is a very convenient function, after connecting which, if the phone suddenly turns out to be out of the network, it still receives an SMS with the text "You were called from such and such a number." Being constantly in touch is extremely important for almost all people. The reasons for this can be different: from work to minor children or elderly relatives, but in any case, it is necessary. But sometimes, such a function becomes burdensome and then the question is raised: how to disable it?

How to disable it. There are several ways:

  • Internet assistant. On the main page of the official website of the MTS company, you need to go to the upper right corner, click on the link and go to your Personal Account. There you can manage all the services provided by this mobile operator.
  • Short USSD code. When with mobile phone you type a short combination * 111 * 38 # "Call" button.
  • Through the service of short sms messages. Send SMS from mobile to short number 111 with text 21140.
  • Through the application MTS Service 111 # , in which you can manage services without using the Internet Assistant, directly from your phone. In order to use it, dial the combination from your phone * 111 # "Call" button, after which the service will become available in USSD mode; from a smartphone or tablet, you need to dial * 111 * 1 # "Call" button and in response you will receive a link to download a free application.

As you can see, deactivating the “You've received a call” service is as easy as activating it. It should be noted that the demand for disabling this function is very small, but if for some reason you do not want to know who called you, when your phone was discharged or offline, MTS provides you with simple and not laborious ways to do this. There is also a wonderful caller ID service, it allows you to call any subscriber with an unknown number.

The "You've Called" service is easy to connect and disconnect!

Being in the metro or outside the coverage area of ​​the MTS network, we may miss important calls. Because of this, business ties are often destroyed and even major transactions are disrupted. How to find out if someone called us at a time when our phone was unavailable for other subscribers? For these purposes, the option "You have been called" from MTS works. It will allow you to get all the information about missed calls. How does this option work and what is needed to enable it?

When calling some people, we often hear an autoinformer message in the receiver that the called subscriber is out of the network coverage area. In this case, you can leave him a message within the MTS Autoresponder service or, in order to contact this subscriber, you should call him a little later, when his phone registers in the MTS network again. But how does the called subscriber know that someone called him? This information can be obtained using the "You have been called" option from MTS.

How does this option work? As soon as the called subscriber's phone connects to the network, he will receive an SMS message with information about all missed calls. The following data will be indicated in the SMS:

  • The number of missed calls;
  • Time of making calls;
  • Phone numbers from which calls were recorded.

After that, we can decide whether to call back these numbers or not.

The option is very convenient and is recommended for connection to all MTS subscribers. If you often travel outside the city, travel a lot by subway and visit places with poor reception of the cellular network signal, then this option is just created for you. As a rule, information about missed calls comes literally a few seconds after the phone is registered in the network.

But in some cases, informational SMS does not come. This can happen for a variety of reasons:

  • Call forwarding to some other number is set on your phone;
  • You have set all calls to be barred (network service, activated via the call settings menu);
  • Your phone is full of SMS memory (this often happens on old handsets, where the amount of memory for text messages limited);
  • The SMS service is not connected (this happens very rarely, since the service is connected to all subscribers by default and does not require additional connection).

The most common problem of the absence of informational SMS is the set forwarding, and under any conditions. In order to reactivate SMS-informing within the framework of the service "You have been called" from MTS, you need to get rid of call forwarding.

The cost of the "You've received a call" option from MTS will not cause any special financial damage to any subscriber. The subscription fee for the option is only 1.2 rubles / day, and on some tariffs it is completely absent. For example, there is no subscription fee on tariffs MTS Connect 4, Online, Business Federation and some other tariff plans. In any case, the "You've received a call" option is very beneficial, even if it is provided with a monthly fee, since in some cases the value of information about missed calls is very, very high.

How to activate the "You've received a call" option on MTS

In order to connect "You have been called" from MTS, you should use the USSD-command * 111 * 38 #. In addition, we can activate the option through the Personal Account. Similar functionality is provided mobile application MTS Service. The option is connected free of charge.

How to disable the service "You have been called" on MTS

Are you tired of incoming SMS with information about missed calls? In order to deactivate the service "You were called" on MTS, you should use the mobile application MTS Service or MTS Personal Account... If there is no Internet access, then the option can be disabled by the USSD command * 111 * 38 # or by sending an SMS with the text 211410 to the short service number 111. If your tariff plan has the option "You were called" without a monthly fee, then you can not disable it recommended - what if she will help you not to miss an important call from an important person?

If you find a connected “Daily Weather Forecast” service on your phone and daily write-offs of funds interfere with you, read about how to turn off the weather forecast on MTS in a separate article.

Almost everyone has the "You've got a call" service mobile operators... For MTS subscribers on almost all tariff plans, it is included in the basic "configuration", that is, it does not require activation and works by default from the first activation of the SIM card. However, it is optional, so you can opt out of this option if you wish.

Description of the service

The "You've received a call" function is a paid option, thanks to which notifications are sent to the subscriber's phone about attempts to call him while the device was turned off or the person was in a place where the connection could not be caught. As soon as the connection becomes available again, SMS and information about calls will be sent to the phone.

The number of notifications will come as many as tried to get through. If 34 times the same user called, only one SMS will come in this form: Number XXX called you 34 times. The last one is 10/11/2017 at 10:35.

The notification will indicate the number of calls that have been made since the phone was last turned on or per day, whichever is less. The function works on all tariff plans for both individuals and corporate clients.

Option capabilities

Thanks to the "You've received a call" function, MTS clients can not worry that they will miss a call because the phone is switched off. Also the operator cellular sends information about calls at a time when the user was out of the network coverage area. Even if you do not notice how you entered and exited the area with poor communication, SMS about missed calls will come in any case.

If at the time while mobile device could not receive calls, no one tried to get through, there will be no information messages.

The "You've received a call" option works in conjunction with the "I'm in touch" service, but in different directions. “You got a call” works on phone A, which received calls, “I’m in touch” - on phone B, which made calls. While phone A receives informational messages about dialing attempts, phone B receives an SMS that the desired subscriber has appeared on the network and can be reached.

"I'm in touch" is a basic service for all subscribers since 2014, however, it is possible to disable notifications by requesting * 111 * 334 #.

The cost

"They called you" - payable service however, some tariffs do not pay for its use. The list of tariff plans for which there is no subscription fee changes from time to time. To date, the list of "beneficiaries" includes clients with:

  • MTS-Connectom;
  • "Online";
  • "Smart home";
  • "Smart device";
  • Rulers "United";
  • Rulers "Telematics";
  • Lines "Business class";
  • Lines "Business Federation".

The cost for using the service changes periodically, so until the middle of 2016 the daily subscription fee was 90 kopecks, today 1 ruble 20 kopecks is debited from the phone every day.

If there are not enough funds on the balance to pay for the service, they will be withdrawn after the account is replenished. The service operates in national and international roaming. Connection and disconnection of the service are not paid.

How to connect?

For the majority of new subscribers, the option is already included in the tariff from the very beginning, therefore it does not require self-activation. However, if for some reason she was not among standard set services or it was independently disabled, it can be returned in several ways:

  • Via USSD-request * 111 * 38 #;
  • Through Personal Area on the website or in the application "My MTS". You need to log in to the LC, then select the "Service Management" section, and then find the "You've received a call" option and click the "Connect" button or put a tick opposite.

An SMS should be sent about the successful activation of the service. The standard connection time is from a few minutes to a day.

How to disable?

To cancel the service, the same methods apply as for connection. Even the request number remains the same:

Additionally, you can use the MTS service. The entrance is carried out by the command * 111 #, after which a menu with items and a short description is displayed on the phone screen. You can select one or another item using the keyboard by pressing the key corresponding to the number of the item. Sequentially it is necessary to select the sections "Services" and "Connect new". If there are further subsections, you need to select the item "Subscriber in the network" and "You have been called".

Service management

There is only the possibility of disconnecting and connecting the "You have been called" option. It is not required to respond to informational messages, since the sender is the number of the subscriber who tried to call.

Reconnecting the service is also free, so if you do not want to spend extra money, you can temporarily deactivate it.

Terms of Use

There are many restrictions in the option, which you should familiarize yourself with before connecting, since the subscription fee will be charged even if messages are not received due to incompatibility with other options. The service is incompatible with:

  • Option "Voice mail";
  • Barring incoming calls;
  • Ban on incoming SMS;
  • By option "Forwarding".

Incompatibility with the Forwarding function has many nuances. For example, if number A has a forwarding in case of unavailability to number B, SMS about call attempts will be sent to number A. Number B will not receive any information about missed calls that were made to number A.

The "You've received a call" service does not work if the phone was switched on and was in the network, but the subscriber was talking. For such purposes, there is another option "Call waiting". In addition, SMS about missed calls will not come, if more than a day has passed since their moment, since the information is stored for only 24 hours. Failures in receiving incoming informational messages from the "You have been called" service may occur due to the fact that the phone memory is not enough to receive them. If calls were made from a hidden number, in SMS all its digits will be changed to the symbol X. The sender will contain "Unidentified number".

In the last few months, MTS has been testing the possibility of sending advertising messages through the "You've received a call" option. This means that along with information on missed calls in the text of the SMS there will be a short advertisement of other services of the company. IN this moment such a solution is used only for some subscribers. The adware can be disabled using the command * 111 * 374 #. After disabling SMS about missed calls will come only with the number and time of calls.