When a message appears that backup I can't create it, because there is not enough space in Icloud, the question immediately arises of how to clear the iCloud storage. We will analyze several ways to do this.

Method number 1. Removing data from applications from the cloud

This problem arises for the simple reason that only 5 GB is allocated to you on iCloud. At first, this is quite enough to store all contacts, backups and other data there. But over time, all this accumulates and 5 GB becomes too small. This, by the way, is another an unpleasant surprise from Apple.

You can free up some space by deleting the backups. If you have photos, you can use any other cloud storage if you are afraid of losing them. Therefore, from time to time, it is necessary to clear Aylaud from backups.

  • Go to the settings on your device, open the "General" section.
  • There, find the item "Storage and iCloud", click on it. Scroll down the open window to the "Storage" section. There will be a "Manage" button, which you also need to click on. The "Photos" section will appear and a list of devices from which data is stored with Icloud. If you want to delete copies of photos, select the first section, and if other backups, click on the device. We will consider in detail the second option, since with the first everything is extremely simple - click on the photo and on the delete button.

Prompt: If for some reason you cannot enter the iCloud management menu as described above, you can also open “iCloud” in the settings and go to “Storage”. You will be taken to the same menu.

  • On the next page, you can see which applications take up how much space in the cloud storage. Place the switch in the "On" position. next to those programs whose backups you want to delete.
  • Scroll down the window and click on the inscription "Delete copy". Another window will appear asking if you really want to delete the copies. Click Turn Off and Remove.

This instruction works the same on both iPhone and iPad. Unless the interface is slightly different, then the actions are completely identical.

After the above steps, the cloud storage will be freed up a bit. To delete everything from the cloud, you must first select "Photos", delete all copies of photos, and then remove the data from all programs.

Method number 2. Creating a new backup

If you create a new backup, the old one along with all its data will be deleted.

This is done as follows:

  • In the settings, find the item "iCloud" and "Backup" (it is at the very bottom).
  • There click on the "Create a backup" button. Wait for the creation process to complete.

Important! In some cases, you also need to enable the "Backup" switch. This is the same page as shown in Figure 3. Then the button for creating a copy will become available. This is a small glitch operating system iOS.

Now, as you understand, the old copy will be deleted, and the new one will be created. At the same time, data from programs, contacts and other important information will remain in full.

Only photos will be lost. But in most cases, it is because of them that the cloud storage is very heavily cluttered.

In some cases, it's better to connect 50 GB instead of 5 GB on the cloud. Yes, it costs money, but then you can forget about the pile up for several years. By that time, you will probably want to buy something newer and more interesting.

This pleasure costs only $ 1 a month (to be exact, 0.99 USD), which is about 59 rubles or 26 hryvnia. For most people who can afford a gadget from Apple, this is quite a bit.

To purchase additional space, in the settings you need to go to "iCloud", then to "Storage" and click on "Buy more space". 200 GB there costs 3 bucks, and 1 TB - 10 units of the American currency.

So if you're running out of space, clear out whatever you don't need and think about increasing the cloud.

IPhone and iPad users could face a problem at least once in their lives - iCloud out of space and accordingly, the photos do not go into the photo stream, a backup copy is not created and a strange inscription constantly appears ... There is a way out - to buy revenge in iCloud! Although you can try first to figure out who eats up the most space and stay at the base rate of 5 GB. So, let's deal with the blockages of backups on your iPhone!

First, we need to go to Settings (on the device), then go to the General tab -> Statistics ( Storage and iCloud in iOS 9), in which there are 2 important points - Storage location ( STORAGE iOS 9) and ICLOUD. To view what is on your iPhone / iPad, you need to go to the Storage in the "Storage location" - here we will see what data on the device takes up the most space. But by clicking on the Storage under the ICLOUD inscription, we will see the contents of iCloud and all backups:

In this window, we immediately see how many devices are backing up to your account. It can be all your iPhone / iPad or, suddenly, the devices of your loved ones. If you have several devices on the list, then think about whether you need to back up the same from them, and what needs to be backed up in it. If in the list, suddenly, not your devices were found, but, for example, a friend / girlfriend / husband / wife, then it is better to create your own account in iCloud, and use your own only for yourself - we turn on the egoist, so to speak 🙂 By the way, about mine reflections on accounts, you can read in the corresponding!

So, by clicking on your device in the list, in my case it is iPhone Rifat (this iPhone), we get into a detailed list of everything that is in the backup. It may take some time for the iGadget to show us the data. It took me a few seconds to display the complete structured list. But the largest objects appear almost immediately:

As you can see, in this window, you can also exclude something from the backup of your device. For example, you can also remove them from the copy. When you turn off the toggle switch, this data on the iPhone / iPad do not disappear, but only deleted from the current copy and will not be created until you activate this function again.

Carefully review all the items, turn off the items that are unimportant to you and add yourself free space in iCloud. I am sure that many will be able to at least slightly, but still increase the space without buying it!

If, after all your manipulations, you are still not satisfied with the remaining free space, you can buy it again:

50 GB for 59 rubles per month;

200 GB for 149 rubles per month;

2 TB for 599 rubles per month;

After all the procedures, you should have more free space in iCloud and you can continue to back up your devices and not worry about losing data. Do you often face the problem of lack of space in iCloud or just on the device? Write in the comments if you want to get advice on how to solve this problem! 🙂

Each user gets 5 gigabytes of space when they sign up for an Apple ID. In principle, this should be sufficient for storing application data, content and backups. But not always. When the photo stream is active and you take a lot of photos or videos, if you watch movies in applications like AVPlayer, and you just fill the device with motley software, the memory fills up and iOS persistently reports notifications. You need to either clean or purchase additional space. Until autumn comes and delicious monthly rates for, I recommend the first option.

The articles in the series are written for beginners and tell in simple language about useful tricks and capabilities of iOS / OS X.
come out on Tuesdays and Thursdays (with rare exceptions like today).

ICloud storage is cleared directly from iOS. Open, then section iCloud... At the very bottom of the ribbon we see the menu Repositories and copies, let's go.

First of all, we are interested in statistics - how much space is available from the free 5 GB, what exactly takes up space. I have been keeping backups on my computer for a long time, and nevertheless, I found several old snapshots of the system in my iCloud. The rest of the place is crammed with apps and photos / videos in.

We delete everything that is not needed. Alternatively, you can disable backup and erase all copies in one go.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.

Out of free iCloud storage and don't want to buy more? Here are some tips.

Apple's cloud service allows users to store photos, videos, device backups, and more. However, by default, only 5 GB are available for each Apple ID. free space... This may not be enough with the active use of several devices of the company at once. Of course, you can always purchase additional cloud storage space. However, there are several ways that you can free up some space for free.

The first step is to find out how much space you are already using. In the device settings from Apple, select iCloud, then Storage and backups.

Delete unnecessary device backups.

for example, in the past you owned an iPhone 4. But then you switched to a more modern product. In this case, feel free to delete the useless backup copy of the old device using the appropriate item in this menu.

It is possible that your device automatically saves unnecessary information to iCloud.

for example, contact details from Apple, or Safari bookmarks. Carefully study each item in the iCloud settings and turn off the synchronization mode for iPhone functions that you do not need specifically. Then delete the already saved files of these applications from the cloud storage.

Alternative services can be used to store photos. Pre-copy the pictures you want and delete all photos from iCloud. Then choose a hosting suitable for saving your photos.

for example, Google Photo. Unlike iCloud, it provides endless cloud space. In addition to Google Photos, there are many alternative options in the App Store - Dropbox, Microsoft, Amazon Cloud Drive.

Read also:

  1. The iCloud removal procedure itself is pretty simple. You just need to go to the corresponding settings menu, click on the link “delete ...
  2. Agree, there is little pleasant in the fact that you cannot listen to music on your favorite iPhone, or in a situation when problems with ...
  3. The notorious "error 53" caused a wide public outcry throughout the world. The appearance of this error was provoked by Apple itself, while “the sixth ...
  4. More recently, Apple presented new smartphone- iPhone 6s. This novelty was the most anticipated in 2015, so everyone ...
  5. On a Windows computer, after installing iCloud Control Panel, iTunes 10.5, or Safari 5.1 and later ...

In this article, you will learn what to do if iCloud runs out of space, and how to buy additional space.

As every iPhone owner knows, iCloud makes a backup from the phone and saves photos, video files and other information inside the service. At the same time, all content is reliably protected, and if necessary, you can update it on any iOS device.

But if suddenly the iCloud space is full and there is no free space left in the system, backup will become impossible. Newly created pictures and other files will not go to the library. ICloud-enabled software will cease to function. And the user will also not be able to send a message to the e-mail of this service.

It is noteworthy that Apple approached this issue honestly. They write off and return not for a whole month, but for the number of days that are not enough for a full month. Example. You were charged 59 rubles per month. After 15 days, you changed tariff plan 200 gigabytes for 149 rubles. You will be charged (149-59) / number of days in a month * (number of days in a month-15). And only after the expiration of the calendar month, 149 rubles will be written off from you.

If you don't have enough money in your account, then Apple does not automatically reduce your storage to 5 gigabytes within 30 days, but asks you to pay off the subscription debt. And temporarily disables some iCloud features.

ICloud Security

Well, there is also a special section for the paranoid, to which I partially attribute myself. Here it would be appropriate to quote Apple itself:

Apple takes data security and the privacy of your personal information very seriously. Therefore, iCloud features are designed with these requirements in mind. All your iCloud content - photos, documents, contacts - is encrypted when transmitted over the Internet, and in most cases also when stored on a server. If we need to use third-party resources to store your information, we encrypt it, never transferring encryption keys. And a number of additional security measures such as two factor authentication allow you to be sure that important data accessible through your account will be available only to you and only from your devices.

With the advent of iCloud, Apple's already reliable devices just got cooler. The service has become especially useful for those who own several gadgets at once: Mac + iPhone, iPhone + iPad and other combinations.

iCloud is so deeply embedded into the system that it is impossible to use the iPhone and never run into this service. But if you let everything go by itself, then sooner or later the user will see a similar message:

The fact is that Apple gives free 5 GB in its cloud storage, which are clogged in a couple of months of use. The way out is simple: buy more space for yourself, since the prices are quite affordable, for example, 200 GB of available memory will cost 149 rubles / month.

You can't just take us. When buying an expensive smartphone, you first need to save on covers, and then on iCloud.

Okay, every joke has its share of a joke. In fact, there is no need for hundreds of gigabytes of space if you do not make cloud copies and store photos there. That is, almost never use iCloud.

But there are also less painful ways. It is enough to configure the upload parameters once and clean the data from time to time. Here are some tricks:

1. Configuring backup parameters

The main consumer of cloud storage is backup. But it is not at all necessary to copy the full list of programs, you can turn off unnecessary ones here:

iOS 11 and higher: Settings> [your name]> iCloud> Manage storage> Backups
iOS 10.3: Settings> [your name]> iCloud> iCloud Storage> Manage Storage
iOS 10.2 and below: Settings> iCloud> Storage> Manage Storage

Select your device and disable copying unnecessary programs.

2. Reducing the size of backups

Most efficient way- upload all photos and videos to your computer, delete them from iPhone and create a new copy manually. Here's how to find the button you want:

iOS 10.3 and higher: Settings> [your name]> iCloud> iCloud Backup
iOS 10.2 and below: Settings> iCloud> Backup

Push the button "Create a backup" and we are waiting. In this case, the device must be connected to Wi-Fi. In it iPhone time can be used as usual.

3. Removing redundant backups

And you can simply delete them and not make new ones. By the way, it is worth checking the list of backups, even if you are not going to delete them, for a year and a half, the backup of the iPhone 4s sold was dangling.

iOS 11 and higher: Settings> [your name]> iCloud> Manage storage> Backups
iOS 10.3: Settings> [your name]> iCloud> iCloud Storage> Manage Storage
iOS 10.2 and below: Settings> General> Storage & iCloud> Manage

Select the unnecessary copy and click Delete Copy> Shut Down & Delete... iPhone will stop making new backups to the cloud.

4. Disable uploading photos and videos

iOS 7 and above: Settings> Photos

Disable iCloud Media Library and upload to Photo Stream, and on devices running iOS 11 and above, select "Keeping the original", instead of "Optimizing iPhone Storage".

5. Removing data from applications

Remember that iCloud is used not only by internal system services, but also third party applications? Fortunately, all documents and data created by these applications can be deleted. Here's the way:

iOS 11 and higher: Settings> [your name]> iCloud> Manage storage
iOS 10.3: Settings> [your name]> iCloud> iCloud Storage
iOS 10.2 and below: Settings> General> Storage & iCloud

Select the application and click "Delete documents and data".

6. Cleaning or Disabling iCloud Drive

The OS X cloud application was registered on the iPhone with the release of iOS 9. You can clear the list of files that are stored in the cloud:

iOS 11 and higher: Files app> Browse button at the bottom> iCloud Drive
iOS 10.3 and below: iCloud Drive> Select button

We choose unnecessary files and press "Delete"... In iOS 11 and above, you should empty the folder "Recently Deleted"... ("Overview" tab, "Places" section)

You can simply not use iCloud Drive by turning off the toggle switch at:

iOS 10.3 and higher: Settings> [your name]> iCloud> iCloud Drive
iOS 10.2 and below: Settings> iCloud> iCloud Drive

So to clean or buy a place?

I followed iCloud for a couple of years until I paid myself 200 GB for the whole family. And I never regretted it. Seriously, 149 rubles is not to drink coffee once. But all the photos are in the cloud, copies are in the same place, and on all devices at once.

I unload everything at once, deleted iTunes from my work computer, no notifications do not bother me. Some pluses.

ICloud is a cloud storage solution installed in all iPad versions and iPhone. Each user of these devices has come across this resource at least once, but not everyone knows that initially only 5 GB of free use is available for the reserve. Therefore, sooner or later, anyone can see an error message with the text "iPone - backup failed" on the screen of their smartphone.

This means that the iPhone has run out of space to save backups in the cloud. To increase the volume and forget about iCloud storage for a while, it is enough to buy additional memory. To do this, you need to press the appropriate command in the window that appears.

If the user does not want to spend money on purchasing a larger volume, he can free up free seat by removing unnecessary information. This article will talk about how to clean up Icloud storage in different ways.

How to check the amount of cloud storage

The most important rule to prevent the cloud from filling up too quickly is to periodically upload photos and videos from your phone to your computer. For this you need:

  • connect the device to a PC using a special USB cable;
  • open file viewer on iPhone;
  • copy the required content.

But even if the owner of the phone constantly moves data, the memory will be filled with the saved backups. Those who do not know how to view the available volume can use the following instruction:

1. Go to the phone settings section.

2. Select iCloud to enter the vault.

3. In the "Storage" line, look at the free memory.

This method allows the user to both enter Icloud and view statistics. For example, make sure that everything Apple devices connected to the same account.

How to clear iCloud on iPhone

Often in search engines you can see the prompt "iCloud storage is full, what to do", in which case advanced users recommend following these steps.

1. Change backup settings

Since most of the installed iPhone 6 applications automatically create backups and save them to Icloud, it will be useful to change the settings and select only the most necessary for storage. For this you need:

  • go to Aycloud;
  • click on the "storage" section;

  • check the list of programs and disable unnecessary ones by moving the slider.

This method works on all versions, only the menu may differ slightly.

2. Reduce the number of backups and their size

A backup can save many problems on iPhone 5s. But there is no reason to keep all the variations the phone creates. It is enough to choose the most relevant ones. To free up space and clear old information, you need to:

  • go to Aycloud;
  • select the "manage" section;
  • decide on unnecessary sections and clean them up.

To reduce the size of the copy, you can delete all options and create a new one, after cleaning the phone.

3. Compress photos and videos

If the user does not want to delete media files on the iPhone 7 and does not know how to clear Icloud, he can use this method:

  • go to phone settings;
  • select the "storage optimization" section.

Also, so that the memory does not fill up very quickly, you can disable the upload of images to the cloud. To do this, you should:

  • go to settings;
  • in the "photo" section, disable the "upload to my photo stream" function by moving the corresponding slider.

The methods described above allow you to clear the storage on all versions of devices on the IOS platform.

The phone is broken, but the phone book is needed. iCloud is the solution.

Many have come across when the phone breaks down and cannot be restored, the lion's share of a person's life disappears - his photos, contacts, messages.

But if you take care of this a little in advance, then picking up a "new" iPhone, you could return everything. Sometimes, personal information for the user is much more important than the phone itself.

At the same time, all the possibilities are already in the iPhone itself. You just need to enable the necessary checkboxes.

Let's learn to use technology like iCloud. This will be discussed in our today's article.

What is a cloud serviceAppleiCloud and how to use it?

Let's figure out for a start, what is a cloud service in general? Where are these clouds in general?

The essence of the technology is that all content (photos, videos, documents, etc.) is located not on the device, but on servers Apple... At the same time, having access to the Internet, from any iOs iPhone devices or iPad you can access your information. This means that your contacts and photos are additionally copied and stored in a safe place.

The most common example of cloud services is email. All your information is stored on the server mail, yandex, google or other service, and from any computer you have access to this data, of course, if you know the user and password. And we have been using it for a long time, so we will start using iCloud.

iCloud- this is free service which is available to iPhone and iPad users starting from iOs 5, as well as Mac and PC users with iTunes 10.5 and higher. The main idea of ​​this service is to create a common repository for all sorts of things and the ability to see on different devices all your information.

To enter the cloud service, you only need your Apple ID and password. You don't need to create additional accounts. Hopefully Apple account You have already created an ID.

! An important point: Account AppleID must be unique for your personal iPhone and iPad. It will not work if several phones have one Apple ID, you just erase each other's data.

Each user gets 5 GB of memory for storing mail, application data and other little things. This is a free limit, if it turns out to be not enough for you, then you can purchase additional volume for an additional fee. When you buy, money is debited from your account.

There are no size restrictions for photographs, but there is a quantity - no more than 1000 pieces. in the last 30 days.

How to setupiCloud oniPhone,iPad to backup?

It's that simple! Go to Settings -> iCloud -> Account and here we enter email and the password that you use in the App Store, that is, your Apple ID. Here you can also configure those applications that should synchronize their data. Feel free to include Contacts and photos, and who cares about the Calendar.

To sync your notes, you will be prompted to create a free @ iCloud.com e-mail. Just enter your nickname and use the password from your account.

And now for the most delicious, Go to Settings -> iCloud -> Storage and copies and turn on the checkbox in the Backup section - Copy toiCloud... Here it is, a miracle, the iPhone will start copying your contacts and photos to the server. Now your data is not threatened with any problem with the phone, up to complete destruction or loss.

Automatic backup occurs when your device is plugged in, locked, and connected to the Internet. Wi-Fi is a must. That is, we connect the phone to Wi-Fi and charge it overnight. And in the morning, the backup has already been made.

For swallowers who have tons of information, and for whom 5GB is not enough You can buy a place. To do this, go to Settings -> iCloud -> Storage and copies -> Buy more space. In practice, there is more than enough space to store contacts.

How do I recover from a backup?

We hope that we will not need this, but we should know about it. There is a backup copy, everything is stored somewhere far away. But then the phone "pah-pah" was lost or broke completely. There is no way to find it or to repair it, but there is all life, and contacts, and phones. Dont be upset. Thanks to the created backup, we will return everything to its place.

We buy a new iPhone, we begin to activate it, and when a menu appears in front of us:

1) Set up iPhone like new,

2) Recover from iCloud backup,

3) Recover from iTunes backup,

We boldly choose point 2. Next, enter your Apple ID, select the last backup and click Restore. All our contacts and photos will be downloaded from the server and loaded into the new gadget. Everything is safe and sound. And we will survive the loss of the previous phone.

What else can you doiCloud?

iCloud allows you to do a few more interesting things, for example, if you connect your devices to the cloud service, then after taking a photo on the iPhone, it can automatically appear on the iPad. In addition to photos, you can sync bookmarks in Safari, settings in games and applications, etc. To do this, you need to connect to the Internet and enable the necessary checkboxes in the devices.

Let's get to know them.

What is Photo Stream?

If you go to Settings -> iCloud -> Photos, you will see the My Photo Stream item. This feature allows you to automatically sync between iOs devices photos and screenshots taken at iPhone help and iPad. If this function is useful to you, then just turn it on, and when connected to Wi-Fi networks all photos will be automatically sent to all your iCloud devices.

How to sync purchased apps, games, music? Automatic synchronization.

Settings -> iTunes Store, App Store and mark in the section " Automatic downloads»Those items that interest us.

iCloud via a browser on a computer

The web version of iCloud is located at iCloud.com. Enter your AppeID username and password and get access to your mail, calendar, contacts, iWork documents, as well as the Find My iPhone service.

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