Progress does not stand still, so every person at least once a year changes old models of phones and smartphones to more advanced ones. Old equipment settles as a dead weight on shelves, in drawers of tables and other nooks and crannies. The owners of such devices probably have repeatedly thought about where they can return the phone for money in order to partially recoup its cost.

Why the phone needs to be sent for recycling

In some families, rare mobile phones are still preserved, which are unlikely to bring benefits. Many people just throw them away. But is it worth doing? Why is such a rash act dangerous?

Frame telephone set consists of plastic and metal. Once in a landfill, the metal will decompose within a decade. Plastic is not subject to decomposition at all. And everything that does not decompose is burned in the landfill.

When plastic is burned, dioxins, the strongest carcinogens that cause the development of oncological diseases, enter the atmosphere and soil. But when recycled, it is possible to obtain secondary raw materials suitable for the production of other plastic and metal products.

But the biggest harm to the environment is caused by discarded batteries. They include almost the entire periodic table. The following substances have the strongest toxicity:

  • alkali;
  • lead;
  • lithium;
  • mercury, etc.

Throwing away electronic equipment over and over again, people pollute the environment with their own hands and shorten their lifespan.

An old mobile phone, gathering dust "in the bins", does not harm, provided that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. But you should remove the battery from it in advance and take care of its disposal.

For these purposes, many large shopping centers provide special trash bins. As the telephone batteries are filled, they are sent to recycling plants, where they receive secondary raw materials in the process of disposal. Therefore, if the equipment is unsuitable for use, it is necessary to hand over the phone for recycling.

Telephone as a source of precious metals

The body of mobile technology consists of plastic, metal and glass, which do not have any value. In the process of utilization, it is possible to obtain secondary raw materials from them.

But modern smartphones are a collection of all kinds of electronic boards and microcircuits. And they consist not just of metal, but of precious metals, which include gold, silver and platinum.

Of course, the amount of precious metals in smartphones is negligible. Therefore, you will not be able to hand over the phone in one copy and get a lot of money for it. But if there are many such devices, you can get significant benefits.

Is it possible to sell used equipment

Despite the affordable cost of such equipment, not everyone can afford to buy a mobile phone. There are many large and low-income families who cannot afford this luxury.

In order not to be tormented by the question of where you can return your phone for money, you need to place an ad in any free newspaper or on specialized Internet resources. Surely there will be people who will buy used equipment if it is in working order.

The cost of the device will depend on several factors:

  • appearance;
  • Year of release;
  • general condition.

If the equipment looks completely deplorable, it will not be possible to sell it according to the announcement. But the phone can be donated to those in need. Such a noble deed will invariably attract good luck.

Selling a phone through a pawnshop

Telephone sets must not be thrown away. Despite their miniature size, these gadgets belong to the category of small household appliances. Therefore, by sending them to a landfill, you can run into the imposition of penalties. Such things must be sent for recycling.

Fortunately, in every city there are establishments where they will always be happy to accept used equipment for sale. We are talking about pawnshops. It will not be possible to receive money immediately at the pawnshop, since they are given away only after the sale. But if you take a used device there, you will be able to get rid of unnecessary headaches and thoughts about where to return the phone.

Every pawnshop has standard rules. The first rule is that the goods are accepted only after the seller provides the passport and concludes the contract. The second is to check the functionality of the telephone. Therefore, before going to the pawnshop, the equipment must be charged.

The cost of a used device will increase significantly if an original one is provided with it. Charger, documents and original packaging.

Is it possible to sell a phone for spare parts

It will be possible to sell a broken phone only for spare parts

In every city there are organizations that buy up the old household appliances and electronics. Some companies prefer phones. You can get money for the old device only if it is in good condition.

The estimated cost will be much higher if the original charger, documents and original packaging are included with the phone.

Buying phones is a profitable business based on the resale of technology. But what if the phone is faulty? Then it remains to deliver it to the service center, where the old mobile phone is used as a source of spare parts for other gadgets.

Phones not older than 5 years are in the greatest demand. Very old models are not suitable for spare parts, therefore they are not bought so actively. Companies can accept them free of charge and hand them over for recycling.

Thinking about where you can return the phone for money, you should pay attention to the promotions held by large retailers, in particular, Eldorado. In such stores, you can return your old mobile phone and get a discount on a new one. As a last resort, the mobile phone must be taken to the collection point for recycling, where it will be disposed of.

Recycling of old phones nowadays is a very urgent problem for the global ecology. Often the phone is changed simply because a newer, modern model has come out. According to statistics, on average one person buys a new phone model every 18 months.

In the event that the phone remains functional, no special problems arise in order to get rid of it. It can be sold, taken to a pawnshop, donated, given to someone who needs it as part of volunteer programs.

But if the phone stops working properly, things get a little more complicated. Just throwing it away as regular household waste is not the best way out of the situation, since many of the materials from which the phone is made can be reused. In addition, a gadget thrown into a landfill will gradually pollute and poison the space around it.

Disposal cell phones benefits both the economy and the environment. Despite the fact that the legislation Russian Federation administrative liability is provided for citizens and organizations that simply throw household appliances (including mobile phones) into landfills, it is not so easy to track this moment, therefore many people are irresponsible in this matter.

The phone case is usually made of plastic and / or metal. Metal can take a long time to decompose; plastic never decomposes at all for centuries. If the garbage in the landfill is burned, the burning plastic will release carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere that threaten human health.

The rubber keyboard also does not decompose for decades, and when burned, it releases toxic substances that poison air and water.

The glass covering the display of a mobile phone turns into sand over time, but this process can take centuries.

The storage battery generally contains dozens of substances hazardous to human health, such as lithium, alkali, mercury, lead, and arsenic.

Substances such as lead, lithium, chromium used in the manufacture of smartphones cause irreparable harm to the environment. Even in the smallest quantities, they have a detrimental effect on the condition of the soil, groundwater and the atmosphere, and this, in turn, leads to a total deterioration of the ecological situation.

How old mobile phones are disposed of

Disposal mobile phones occurs in several stages. First, the phones are sorted and disassembled. Some parts can be used by service centers for repairs. Those that cannot be used in this way are crushed and sent to be smelted. Non-ferrous and ferrous metals are reused in the work of metallurgical enterprises. In addition, you can get some gold, silver, beryllium from each phone.

Disposal of the battery requires special attention. This is a time consuming and dangerous process that must be carried out under appropriate conditions and exclusively by qualified specialists. Manufacturers strongly advise against violating the integrity of the battery and trying to disassemble it yourself. This can lead to completely unpredictable consequences.

Experts open the battery, remove metal parts from it, which are sent for remelting, substances that are to be reused are sent to specialized enterprises, the plastic case is crushed, the resulting crumb is most often used in the manufacture of road surfaces.

Along with the development of the cell phone market, the technologies for processing old mobile phones are also being improved. In a few decades, the discarded phone will decompose on its own without disturbing the eco-balance - but for now, one can only dream about it.

Phone recycling program

Responsible manufacturers usually have a functioning cell phone recycling program because they are well aware of how widespread their products are and how quickly their product lines are updated.

The most common phone recycling program involves eco-boxes that allow you to get rid of your phone and be sure that it will be recycled in the most environmentally friendly way.

For those for whom moral satisfaction is not a sufficient bonus, many electronics manufacturers and supermarkets offer the opportunity to hand over the phone for recycling for money. For the most part, this is not a cash payment, but a discount on new models of phones or other equipment. In large stores, promotions are often held when exchanging an old phone for a new one. This allows you to save some amount on buying a new device and at the same time get rid of the old one.

It is clear that the best way such programs operate in large cities. Residents of small settlements, in order to show consciousness in this matter, will have to look for options, for example, go to the regional or district center. Perhaps not everyone will like such efforts, however, efforts will be rewarded with a clean environment, so that the benefits of such a decision are obvious to anyone who thinks for the future.

Disposal of phones that have not been picked up from repair

Very often the owners service centers wondering what to do if the phone is not taken from the repair. It is inconvenient and costly to store it for a long time, and sometimes there is no reason to get rid of it that after a while the customer will still appear to claim his property back.

Often in the contract, which is signed by the customer and the contractor, a free storage period of 30 days is indicated. After this period, a storage fee will be charged. If time passes, and no one takes the phone, then it can also be sent for recycling or sold, depending on the technical condition of the device.

True, not every citizen can agree with such a decision. On thematic forums, topics such as: "in the workshop after 30 days, they disposed of the phone, what should I do?" Are regularly raised. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that if the customer does not come to pick up the results of the work within 60 days, then they can be sold by the contractor. (Article 738).


To date, disappointing statistics have been collected: only 3% of phones that have served their time are recycled in an environmentally friendly manner. Meanwhile, conscientious citizens could significantly improve the state of the environment by simply abandoning the idea of ​​throwing old phones in a landfill.

The day is not far off when in any large store it will be possible to find special containers for old gadgets or even get a tangible amount of money for a cell phone put into recycling.

Without proper disposal of old phones, the volume of e-waste in the world will soon surpass reasonable limits. Many companies and private owners change their devices every year. On average, in 1 year in Russia, 10-15 million become unclaimed mobile devices... If they all end up in a landfill, a large-scale ecological disaster will unfold in a few years. To prevent it, it is enough to dispose of outdated and broken equipment.

Disposal of cell phones is necessary due to the presence of hazardous materials:

  • a lithium-ion battery that contains harsh chemicals and metals;
  • spraying on the inside of the screen, consisting of toxic and poisonous elements;
  • electronic boards with a large number of microcircuits, metal, acids;
  • other metal and plastic parts that will be recycled for decades;
  • several types of glass, which will take 40-50 years to destroy.

And if one discarded smartphone does not bring tangible harm to the environment, then a massive waste disposal in a landfill will bring negative effects. For the disposal of phones in Moscow, modern equipment is used. The devices are disassembled, all hazardous substances are neutralized and recycled separately. Metal parts are removed and sent for secondary use. The rest of the elements are destroyed at landfills, where they do not carry any tangible harm to nature.

Modern man constantly uses a mobile phone. Due to the fact that more and more powerful devices are released every year, the service life of the phone is on average 1.5 years. In the conditions of frequent replacement of communication devices with new ones, everyone at least once thought about what to do with the old phone.

Some keep old devices at home in case a new one breaks down, others just throw their mobile or home phone in the trash. Both of these decisions are wrong, because even one discarded phone can cause irreparable damage to the environment and your health.

Dangerous elements of the phone

The communication device contains many spare parts that will have a negative impact on the environment in the landfill:

  • Frame. Consists of metal or plastic which have a long decomposition time. When plastic parts are burned, carcinogens are released into the air, which cause diseases in humans.
  • Rubber buttons on older models. Burning, rubber, just like plastic, releases toxic substances into the atmosphere.
  • Glass. May decompose for several centuries and inhibit the growth of plants in the soil.
  • Accumulator battery. Contains many toxic constituents such as alkali, lithium, lead, mercury, etc.

That is why an ordinary mobile phone has no place in a trash can. You can get rid of an unnecessary device in several ways, depending on whether it works or is completely out of order.

The process of recycling mobile phones in Tatarstan

What to do with a working phone

If you bought a new model and want to get rid of your old but working phone, you can use the following options.

Sell ​​phone on classifieds site

The most common way to not only free up space in a dresser or closet from an unnecessary device is to sell it. However, please note that the phone must be in working order. You can sell your phone on one of the ad sites or through social networks. For example:

  • Avito;
  • Vkontakte, etc.

Hand over to buyout or pawnshop

In most cities, there are special buyouts for used equipment and electronics, as well as pawnshops where you can hand over your used phone. Provided that the device works properly, you can get a good sum of money. The terms of the purchase may be different, but it is an indispensable condition.

Before taking your phone to a buy-out or pawnshop, charge it and delete all information.


A less profitable option to get rid of your old phone is to donate it. In our country, the practice is widespread when parents, buying themselves a new device, give old phone for use by children or elderly relatives. In addition, there are sites on the Internet where you can donate a thing for free, including a phone.

Where to return a broken phone

If the mobile phone is permanently broken and can no longer work, it must be disposed of. As mentioned above, the communication device consists mainly of plastic, glass, as well as various microcircuits, boards and batteries that cannot be simply thrown away. You can dispose of a broken phone in the following ways.

Promotions in hypermarkets

Several times large chain hypermarkets specializing in technology and electronics hold recycling campaigns. Having returned your old phone, you can get a good discount on a new one or on other household appliances. Promotions are held in stores:

  • El Dorado;
  • Technosila;
  • Union.

It is better to check the details and exact conditions in advance in the store or on the official website.

Hand over to the buyout for spare parts

Some buyouts accept faulty phones and use their working parts for repairs. it's the same good way decide the fate of the old device.

Collection points for disposal

Each city has a large number of waste collection points, which include mobile phones. However, please note that it is not possible to recycle your device everywhere. Before delivery, it is recommended to call the acceptance department and clarify whether this type of recyclable material is accepted there.

After the collection point, the phone will be recycled and the materials it consists of will be used for the production of new goods. Thus, when disposing of an old device, you can:

  • get rid of unnecessary junk;
  • preserve natural resources;
  • reuse materials;
  • protect the environment from pollution.

Prices for used phones

The cost of old mobile phones in different buyouts and pawnshops may differ. It is known that the price is often influenced by:

  • appearance of the device;
  • model;
  • year of issue;
  • availability of documentation and factory packaging.

Recycling phones

It is quite difficult to dispose of a phone or smartphone. This process includes several stages:

  1. Sorting. Phones are divided by manufacturer and model.
  2. Disassembly. Devices are disassembled into parts and divided into categories: plastic, metal, circuits, boards, batteries, glass, etc.
  3. Recycling. For each material is applied different type processing. Plastic is crushed, non-ferrous and ferrous metals are sent to metallurgical enterprises; circuits and boards are crushed, sent to a special chamber, where the separation of valuable components takes place.

Recycling cell phones is the safest way to get rid of unnecessary mobile devices that can no longer be used in everyday life. The construction of a standard mobile phone contains plastic and glass that have not decomposed for centuries. The battery contains lithium, lead, mercury and other substances hazardous to human health. When burned in a landfill, all of this is released into the atmosphere, so cell phones should not be thrown into trash containers. For throwing such equipment into a landfill, a fine is imposed.
Recycling mobile phones can benefit the environment and some businesses that assemble radio equipment, so it is better to recycle your cell phones.

How mobile devices are recycled

The modern mobile phone is a complex device consisting of many parts. According to the current classification of waste, cellular waste belongs to the 3rd and 4th class, that is, moderate and low-hazard waste that can harm the environment and humans.

Several companies are involved in the disposal of mobile phones in Moscow, but not all of them provide the full range of services. Therefore, the task is also to find a company that will conduct an examination of the devices, document the write-off and carry out a full recycling cycle, after which it will provide acts of work done.

For disposal you will need:

  1. Inspect the device, compare its current characteristics with those stated in the data sheet, assess the condition. Upon completion, a disposal certificate is drawn up, if repair recommendations are not appropriate.
  2. Disassemble the device into raw materials.
  3. All raw materials that can be used should be sent to the appropriate enterprises for processing.
  4. Dispose of items not intended for recycling.

Utilization of cell phones in Moscow

The Prompererabotka company provides services for the disposal of mobile phones in the capital. Optimal prices for the disposal of cell phones, all documentation required by law and self-pickup.
Benefits of working with us:

  • Prompt examination, removal and disposal. Work licenses available.
  • Help in equipment decommissioning. If necessary, we take photographs of the problems of each individual device.
  • The lowest prices for mobile phone recycling in the region.

Cell phone recycling prices

The cost of recycling cell phones is calculated individually. The price is influenced by the brand of the phone, the number of units, the availability of documents attached to the devices. Service order and price calculation are made by phone.