In less than a year - from December last year to November this year - the speed of mobile Internet in Moscow increased by 35-40%, follows from the report of Telecom Daily. The leader in terms of speed in metropolitan and Moscow region 3G networks - Tele2, mobile communications fourth generation (LTE) - " Megaphone"(See graph).

A year ago, Telecom Daily also recorded the highest average download speed - just over 7 Mbps - in the Moscow network of Tele2. The best result on the LTE network (just over 19 Mbit / s) was then at MTS... From the materials of Telecom Daily it follows that the most noticeable increase (by more than 70%) over the year was the speed of access in the 3G network of Tele2, the least (by about 38%) - in the third generation network of Megafon. Most of all, the average speed on the LTE network increased at Megafon (by 52%), the least increase was at MTS (12.5%).

A year earlier, the average speed of access in Moscow networks dropped by 15%, says Denis Kuskov, CEO of Telecom Daily. This was due to a sharp increase in smartphones and tablets in subscribers, he notes. However, a similar trend was typical for all of Russia. According to Telecom Daily, the average data transfer rate in LTE networks in Russian cities with a population of one million decreased from December 2014 to May-June 2016 by 10-12%.

But in Moscow, by the end of 2016, the situation was reversed due to the construction of new base stations, says Kuskov. The gradual introduction of higher-speed data transmission technology LTE-advanced (LTE-A) by operators also had some influence on the growth of speed, he notes.

A Tele2 spokesman says that over the year the number of base stations in the Moscow network has increased from about 7,000 to 10,000. His colleague from MTS Dmitry Solodovnikov does not name the increase, but points out that the operator's network has about 30,000 stations. Megafon has 28,000 stations, of which about 7,000 support LTE, says the operator's representative Yulia Dorokhina. " VimpelCom”Does not disclose this indicator. The company representative only says that the operator is carrying out a large-scale modernization of the network - its capacity and data transmission speed are growing.

Yevgeny Novoselov, Infrastructure Director of Megafon's Metropolitan Branch, generally agrees with the conclusions of Telecom Daily.

"Megafon" is the best in terms of the quality of voice communications, as well as data rates in LTE and LTE-A in Moscow and the region, he claims, referring to research data. In 2016, MegaFon's capital expenditures in Moscow remain generally at the 2015 level, he notes. According to him, "Megafon" increases the speed of access due to the development of the frequency range of 1800 MHz. Despite the fact that it historically has the widest frequency band in Moscow in the LTE range of 2.6 GHz, he recalls.

The results of Telecom Daily's research are perplexing: MTS's capital costs are higher than those of any of its competitors, but at the same time, MTS's results in Telecom Daily's research are consistently one third lower than real ones, Solodovnikov is indignant. In addition, the agency is not investigating the coverage, he says. Leadership in mobile Internet speeds is meaningless if the operator covers only part of the territory. These data have no practical significance, Solodovnikov is sure.

It is not test data that is important to subscribers, but their own user experience, says Alexander Galchenkov, head of the quality and technical audit department at VimpelCom.

Based on the research methodology presented by Telecom Daily, the conclusions are trustworthy, says Maxim Savvatin, a consultant at iKS-Consulting. According to him, now the speed mobile access in Moscow at the level of the largest cities in the world, at least in Europe. According to Savvatin, the speed of mobile access in Moscow will continue to grow due to the spread of LTE-A, based on the aggregation of frequencies in various ranges (mainly 1800 MHz and 2.6 GHz). The development of this technology is still constrained by the fact that it is supported by relatively few smartphones, but as their fleet is updated, the problem will be solved, Savvatin is convinced.

In the coming years, the speed of mobile Internet is unlikely to grow significantly: the number of LTE users will increase, along with the load on the networks, and strong technological changes on the operators' networks are not expected, says Konstantin Ankilov, CEO of TMT Consulting. According to him, the situation will change in 2020, when fifth generation (5G) cellular networks will appear in Russia, as well as throughout the world. Equipment makers are promising access two orders of magnitude faster than current LTE networks, he says.

. . Date: October 14, 2016. Reading time 4 minutes

Advertising of mobile Internet services is not always worth believing: unlimited tariffs usually cost more than those with traffic restrictions, while Tele-2 does not have unlimited tariffs at all. Beeline and Megafon have the most favorable conditions, but MTS is more expensive than others.

Internet in cell phone You will not surprise anyone: modern models support the high-speed 4G standard. Pages load quickly, even if they contain unoptimized content for viewing on small displays. However, as before, you have to pay for the services. If you often use your device as a window to the world, you will certainly be interested in information about the most profitable mobile Internet. Which company - MTS, Megafon, Beeline or Tele-2 offers the best rates?


MTS is able to connect up to 5 devices to the mobile Internet. The cost of such a service is 100 rubles. The bottom line is simple: the network is configured on a smartphone and from it you can distribute traffic to other phones or tablets. Moreover, it is not necessary that these devices be next to each other: it is enough that they are connected to a telecom operator in the same home region. MTS has only 3 tariffs: Mini, Maxi and VIP. The difference between the two is in the amount of traffic and cost. But if the limit is used up, you can always buy for another day or more.

Traveling in Russia Mobile Internet will cost +50 rubles. per day.

The most profitable mobile Internet for a smartphone, if you plan to use it to the maximum, at the "VIP" tariff. Actually, only on it unlimited is possible as such, and then only at night.

Output: MTS services will cost 1,200 a month - not cheap.


In the family of tariffs "Everything" from Beeline there is the possibility of connecting an unlimited mobile Internet, on a postpaid basis - payment for calls and SMS after the fact. The cost of the service is 500-1800 rubles / month. However, when connecting, you need to pay 500 rubles. - this is a guaranteed amount that is returned to the client if he pays for services in good faith during the quarter cellular communication... There are no restrictions on the use of the network, regardless of the tariff.

Output: Beeline allows you to use unlimited for 500 rubles. Already more affordable!


Megafon also offers a line of All Inclusive tariffs without traffic restrictions. To use all the possibilities, you need to activate the MegaBesimit service for the first time free of charge, repeated connections - 100 rubles. How much you have to pay depends on the tariff.

The Internet without traffic and speed restrictions is connected only to the existing tariff, and as a result, it will cost the cheapest on the tariff plan "All inclusive S" - 570 rubles.

Output: Megafon is slightly more expensive, but according to the usual payment scheme without unnecessary freezing of the reserve amount.

Tele 2

Asking the question of which operator has the most profitable mobile Internet, you should not bypass Tele-2 either, because the company offers low prices for services. However, it cannot provide unlimited traffic - all tariffs have a limit on the amount of downloaded information. True, you can always buy more traffic, but that's not the same.

What is the most profitable?

Based on the amount, the proposal from Beeline turned out to be the most budgetary. The company offers unlimited Internet for 500 rubles. per month on the tariff "Everything for 500" with a postpaid payment system. But if you want to use the usual prepaid method, then you can pay extra 70 rubles. for "All inclusive S" from Megafon.

The traffic included in the tariff has long become more important than the number of minutes: we are increasingly communicating in social networks and instant messengers, and not by phone. And if you need to talk, you can always do it using the same instant messengers. It remains to find suitable tariff so that the Internet is as cheap as possible. Who offers what in the Moscow region?

MTS: "unlimited" with a limit

The main tariff for Internet addicts is “My Unlimited”. You can customize it yourself: choose the amount of traffic (from 5 to 30 GB), the number of minutes and SMS (from 300 to 900). If you minimize both, you will need to pay 480 rubles. per month. Those who did not have enough traffic can connect additional package: Immediately 1 GB for 150 rubles. All traffic within the tariff (including additional) can be used throughout Russia.

Beeline: how much is everything yours?

Beeline recently introduced new tariffs "VseMoye". The most modest tariff with index 1 is 3 GB, 300 minutes and 300 SMS for 400 rubles. per month. Moreover, it is possible to change minutes and SMS for traffic: for example, the same 300 SMS can be easily converted into an extra gigabyte. The next "step" is already 15 GB (plus 500 minutes and 300 SMS) for 600 rubles. per month. True, the site tactfully indicates the cost per day.

Megafon: antivirus and TV as a gift

Like Beeline, Megafon has several tariffs "Turn on!" with certain packages of traffic and minutes. If you are not a very active Internet user, you can take the simplest “Get involved! Write ": 3 GB of traffic, 300 minutes and the same amount of SMS for 400 rubles. per month. At the same time, you will also receive a package of bonuses: unlimited for popular instant messengers and Megafon.TV, ESET antivirus NOD32 ... Those who decide on a more expensive tariff will find even more pleasant things. For example, in the tariff “Turn on! Listen ”(15 GB, 300 minutes) unlimited music services are already in effect.

Tele2: unlimited social networks and messengers

There is one important nuance with Tele2: SIM cards of this operator work only in 3G / 4G networks. Accordingly, if you do not have the most recent dual-SIM phone (2016 and earlier), you can use the Tele2 card only in the first, main slot. The second, as a rule, is designed only for 2G communication.

As for tariffs, there are a number of fixed ones, including a certain number of minutes and gigabytes, but you can create your own. The minimum package is 200 minutes and 2 GB, it will cost 200 rubles. At the same time, unlimited on social networks and instant messengers is already included in the tariff - you can also add a TV / video service from Tele2, as well as some Yandex services (each - 99 rubles). Minutes are allowed to be changed to gigabytes, the maximum package of mobile traffic in tariffs is 40 GB ( 680 rub.)

Yota: take at least 30 GB

In Yota, you can buy a tariff without any included minutes at all. For example, 2 GB of traffic will cost you 250 rubles. Separately, they offer to connect unlimited to messengers and social networks: 25 rubles. for each application, and YouTube - for 60 rubles. The maximum amount of possible traffic in tariffs for a smartphone is 30 GB (380 rubles). If you intend to use this traffic outside the capital (for example, on the territory of New Moscow), it is better to check the coverage map: there are quite large sections with only 2G coverage.

Tinkoff Mobile: 2 "giga" for 99 rubles.

The tariffs of a virtual operator using Tele2 resources are quite attractive. For example, 2 GB of traffic can be purchased for only 99 rubles / month (without a package of minutes). There are options 4, 8, 16 GB and unlimited - the latter will cost 999 rubles. By the way, voice communication without restrictions will cost the same 999 rubles. For 59 rubles. you can connect one unlimited service - for example, instant messengers, social networks, "music". Video services without restrictions will cost 159 rubles, and this is not only YouTube, but also Twitch, iTunes Video, Google play Films, Rutube, Vimeo ...

We wrote above about the nuances of using Tinkoff Mobile SIM cards (count Tele2).

Who has the best internet?

We did not find an unequivocal answer to this question, although we interviewed all the editorial staff. Someone likes Megafon, others are delighted with MTS ... more stable internet among operators of the “big three” - this is especially noticeable outside the city. But those of us who are not very active in Russia are quite happy with Yota and Tele2 (Tinkoff Mobile). Moreover, given the very affordable tariffs.

By the way, if you have problems with mobile Internet outside the city, you can try to fix them - instructions. You can always check the speed with.

In the meantime, we would be interested to know which operators are preferred by our readers, so do not consider it too difficult to participate in the survey below. At the same time, you will see the statistics for yourself;)

Search for the most best rate to the mobile internet it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. First, you need to decide on the requirements for the "best rate" and only then start your search. In this review, we will discuss the most profitable tariff plans from Russian mobile operators and try to find the best solution. At the same time, we will clarify some questions about the coverage area.

Even the best tariff plan for mobile Internet will not be able to guarantee high speed of access. It often happens that a subscriber buys a SIM-card or a modem, comes home and finds that the quality of the connection is below the limit. This is due to uneven network coverage. Remember that it is impossible to create perfect coverage - there are bound to be places where coverage will be very weak.

Before looking for the most favorable tariff, you should decide on which operators are caught in your home. It is expensive to purchase SIM cards from all operators at once. But you probably know whose signal is best received in your home. In general, the most important task is to test the quality of communication and the speed of access to the mobile Internet. After that, you can start choosing a tariff plan.

Best Rate Criteria

Let's see what it is - the most favorable tariff for the mobile Internet. The criteria are as follows:

  • Minimum subscription fee.
  • The maximum volume of included traffic.
  • No serious restrictions.

Let's say right away - there will be restrictions in any case, as well as floating speed. If you want stability, look for wired providers.

Operator tariff plans

Let's go through the tariff plans of all major telecom operators in Russia - these are Tinkoff Mobile, MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2 and Iota. Here we will try to find the best internet rates.

Mobile Internet Tinkoff Mobile

Tinkoff Mobile has one advantageous constructor tariff. Consider the advantages of mobile Internet from Tinkoff Mobile:

  • Large 4G coverage area throughout Russia, which provides high-speed access to network resources. The operator Tele2, with which Tinkoff cooperates, is actively building fourth-generation networks, increasing the number of base stations for greater coverage;
  • Independent selection of traffic packages - from 2 GB to unlimited. Choose your preferred volume in your personal account or mobile application... Have used up all the traffic - connect an additional gigabyte for 99 rubles or choose a larger package;
  • The ability to distribute an unlimited package for 399 rubles (in modem mode). Connect the service through the app or Personal Area... Limited internet packages are distributed free of charge;
  • Unlimited packages for popular social networks, messengers, music services and video hosting - no traffic limits when using official applications;
  • The ability to connect unlimited without the main Internet package. Connect only social networks and instant messengers if you do not need other services, surfing and mail. An excellent opportunity to save money on communication services;
  • Mobile Internet Tinkoff Mobile works throughout Russia without additional payments (with the exception of Crimea and Sevastopol);
  • Low rates in international roaming - traffic from 149 rubles per 100 MB, messengers from 49 rubles per day.

Connect to Tinkoff Mobile and get high-speed Internet access. As a gift, the first month of service in the form of the maximum traffic package and all unlimited services as a gift.

MTS tariffs

The most favorable tariff for mobile Internet from MTS is the “For laptop” tariff plan. It provides subscribers with real unlimited speed up to 4 Mbps. The subscription fee is 800 rubles / month. Tariff advantages:

  • The lack of paid subscriptions is happiness, gentlemen;
  • No extra services - no minutes and SMS packages;
  • Optimal speed for any need - including watching videos with a resolution of up to 720p.

If at some point you want to "add gas", we recommend using the turbo buttons "Unlimited for 3 hours" for 95 rubles or "Unlimited for 6 hours" for 150 rubles. Torrents on the tariff work, but with a speed limit of up to 512 kbps (you can try to bypass it through VPN or traffic encryption).

We have found the best tariff for unlimited mobile Internet via modem, now we will consider the best offer for mobile phone... This is the Hype tariff, which appeared in 2017. It includes 7 GB of Internet for any resources, as well as unlimited for YouTube, Apple Music, Google Music, Yandex.Music, Skype, popular social networks and instant messengers, for game resources and the Twitch video streaming service. In other words, this is the best tariff for those who actively use social and gaming services. The subscription fee is only 500 rubles / month.

If you need regular traffic, connect the "MTS Connect-4" tariff and add the "Internet-VIP" option to it with 30 GB of traffic for 1200 rubles / month. For a tablet PC, the "For a Tablet" tariff with 10 GB of Internet for 550 rubles / month is suitable. Unlimited YouTube, traffic for TV, social networks and video calls are also available here.

Beeline tariffs

The best tariff for mobile Internet from Beeline is “Internet for a computer”. It provides 25 GB of traffic for 1200 rubles / month. From the fourth month, the amount of traffic grows to 30 GB. When the package is exhausted, the speed is limited to 64 kbps, it is also possible to connect the option "Auto-renewal of speed". The available modifier option is "# can be", which opens unlimited for social networks and music services. There is a similar tariff for tablet PCs "Internet for Tablet" - 10 GB for 550 rubles / month (15 GB from the fourth month).

For the phone, you can offer tariff plans "All 3" - 10 GB for 900 rubles / month, "All 4" - 15 GB for 1500 rubles / month and "All 5" - 15 GB for 2500 rubles / month. This also includes impressive volumes of minutes and SMS.

MegaFon tariffs

Literally every tariff is beneficial for this operator. We recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with the tariff plans of the "Turn on!" for smartphones - traffic packages from 2 to 20 GB are presented here, as well as included unlimited options for social networks and instant messengers. Subscription fee - from 400 to 3000 rubles / month. The most powerful offer is the "Turn on!" Premium ". It includes 20 GB of total traffic, unlimited traffic for social networks, instant messengers, video hosting and music services, as well as over a hundred TV channels and 4 films. The same line is suitable for tablet PCs.

  • "Internet M" - 16 GB for 590 rubles / month.
  • "Internet L" - 36 GB for 590 rubles / month.
  • "Internet XL" - 30 GB and unlimited at night for 1290 rubles / month.

On the first two options, traffic is divided into equal parts for daytime and nighttime. Daytime is available from 7:00 to 00:59, night - from 01:00 to 06:59. This was probably done so that subscribers could not consume all the traffic.

Tele2 tariff plans

Let's highlight the three most advanced tariffs:

  • For a smartphone, the “My Online +” tariff for 30 GB for 799 rubles / month is suitable. The 1500 minutes included in it can be exchanged for traffic and get another 15 GB (total 45 GB - the leader of pseudo-unlimited was drawn in our review).
  • For a tablet - "Internet to a tablet", which includes 15 GB of traffic, night unlimited, free traffic for social networks, movies, navigation and TV for 499 rubles / month.
  • For a modem - "50 GB" with night unlimited for 999 rubles / month.

Please note that the last two points are not tariffs, but options available on the "Internet for Devices" tariff plan.

Yota tariffs

  • For a smartphone - any of the line for smartphones, with traffic from 2 GB for 370 rubles to 30 GB for 650 rubles. Social networks (25 rubles / piece) and messengers (15 rubles / piece) are connected separately.
  • For a tablet - the only tariff plan with full unlimited. A day - 50 rubles, a month - 590 rubles, a year - 4500 rubles.
  • For a modem - regulated unlimited, from 0 rubles for 64 kbps to 1400 rubles for the maximum possible speed.

Please note that at all tariff plans Iota "cut" the distribution of torrents.

On my trip, I took only USB modems from the Big Three operators with me, since only they provide truly high-speed mobile Internet, that is, 3G.

To the point. In megacities Russian Federation all three operators work well. But when you move away from million-plus cities, the most interesting begins, namely the real test of the mobile 3G Internet. The best option For use in traveling across the vastness of our vast country, the mobile Internet is from, because it has shown itself to be the best in terms of speed. It was the strip operator that had the highest data rates in all towns where Beeline provided 3G! It's just a pity that BeeLine's 3G coverage turned out to be the worst! At the same time, if you travel to cities and large villages, then, as a rule, Beeline works there in 3G and you are guaranteed the fastest mobile Internet! It is better to inquire about the coverage area on the operator's website in advance.

The second best option I will put... The speed of connection to the network at MTS, far from megacities, although slower than that of Beeline, is quite decent for all basic tasks! But the 3G coverage of the red operator is much better than that of the striped one. Here are just the most expensive tariffs. Again, tolerant, if the Internet is really needed.

And I will give the third place which disappointed me very much! The green operator has the best network coverage, but the speeds are very slow. MegaFon 3G catches even in small towns and villages (although not in all), but on the Internet you will not be able to talk or see photos on Skype, and even check your mail is unrealistic! I did not expect that the Internet from MegaFon would hardly "crawl" away from large cities. Before the trip, I pinned all my hopes on MegaFon, I was sure that 3G Internet would be the best for him, but in practice it turned out to be exactly the opposite. I gave the information about too low speeds in 3G to MegaFon specialists, I hope that they will take note of it and correct the situation in the future. Well, today, that is, at the beginning of 2013, Beeline is in the lead !!

Moreover, 3G Internet from Beeline turned out to be not only the fastest, but also the cheapest in all of Russia !! I really want to believe that BeeLine network development and optimization specialists will expand the network coverage in the near future, since BeeLine had no other drawbacks, except for weak coverage!

What can you say about 3G mobile internet? Share your experience in the comments, very interesting!