Cheap the most favorable rates of cellular mobile operators for a minimum monthly fee. Unlimited calls throughout Russia. We connect to Megafon, MTS, Beeline. All companies have identical tariffs. The site contains information about the most favorable and cheapest rates. cellular communication... These tariffs are valid for the entire territory of Russia, both incoming and outgoing, regardless of the region. Russian Federation where you are, some tariffs include free incoming calls within Europe. Closed club tariffs: for a minimum monthly fee, you get a huge number of included minutes and the most profitable set of mobile operator services.

Cheapest Best Rates:

1. The cheapest and most profitable MTS tariff

Subscription fee 125 rubles per month
The subscription fee includes:
- 500 minutes within the Russian Federation;
- 50 SMS and MMS within the Russian Federation;
- 5 GB. the Internet in the Russian Federation;
- unlimited on MTS

2. The most favorable MTS tariff

No roaming. Valid throughout Russia
Subscription fee 550 rubles per month

- 5000 minutes within Russia;
- 1000 SMS / MMS;
- 20 GB. internet
- at home in Crimea

3. The most popular MTS tariff

No roaming. Valid throughout Russia
Subscription fee 350 rubles per month
The subscription fee includes:
- 2000 minutes within Russia;
- 500 SMS / MMS;
- 10 GB. internet
- at home in Crimea

4. The most optimal tariff for MTS

No roaming. Valid throughout Russia

The subscription fee includes:
- 1000 minutes within Russia;
- 100 SMS / MMS;
- 5 GB. internet
- at home in Crimea

5. Favorable MTS tariffs for Moscow and all regions of Russia

No roaming in Russia
Subscription fee 240 rubles per month
The subscription fee includes
- 1000 minutes within the Russian Federation;
Unlimited to all MTS numbers
- 1000 SMS / MMS within the Russian Federation;
- 12 GB. internet

No roaming in Russia
Subscription fee 650 rubles per month
The subscription fee includes
- 3000 minutes within the Russian Federation;
Unlimited to all MTS numbers
- 2000 SMS / MMS within the Russian Federation;
- 18 GB. internet
We connect all regions of Russia

No roaming in Russia
Subscription fee 975 rubles per month
The subscription fee includes
- 4000 minutes within the Russian Federation;
Unlimited to all MTS numbers
- 3000 SMS / MMS within the Russian Federation;
- 23 GB. internet
We connect all regions of Russia

The most favorable Beeline tariffs (with free calls abroad)

6. The most favorable tariff Beeline

No roaming in Russia
The subscription fee is 650 rubles per month.
The subscription fee includes:
- 5000 minutes within Russia;
- 5000 sms / mms;
- 20 GB. the Internet in Russia.

7. The most popular Beeline tariff

The subscription fee is 330 rubles per month.
The subscription fee includes:
- 2500 minutes within Russia;
- 1500 sms / mms;
- 8 GB. the Internet in Russia.
8. The most favorable tariff for Beeline regions

No roaming in Russia
Subscription fee 700 rubles per month
The subscription fee includes:
- 3000 minutes within the Russian Federation;
Unlimited calls to Beeline
- 20 GB. internet
Free dial-ups in the CIS, Europe, Popular destinations for vacation: Egypt, China, USA, Thailand, Turkey

For Beeline Premium and Prestige tariffs, free incoming calls in the following countries:

Europe: Austria, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Gibraltar, Greenland, Greece, Denmark, Jersey Island, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg , Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia

CIS: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, South Ossetia

Popular destinations: Egypt, China, USA, Thailand, Turkey

Profitable unlimited Internet

9. Unlimited Internet from Beeline (for Moscow, Moscow region, Central region via Beeline)

Subscription fee 300 rubles per month
This tariff is intended for users of Moscow, the Moscow region and the Central region by Beeline (Tverskoy, Yaroslavl, Tula, Vladimirsky, Kaluga, Smolensk regions)

- no speed limit;
- no traffic limitation

10. Unlimited Internet from MTS

Subscription fee 400 rubles per month
- completely unlimited internet;
- no speed limit;
- no traffic limitation;
- without roaming in Russia;
Drawn up for a legal entity
Funds are written off on a daily basis

11. Super cheap Unlimited Internet from Rostelecom

Subscription fee 290 rubles per month
- completely unlimited internet;
- no speed limit;
- no traffic limitation;
- without roaming in Russia

In total, there are four real mobile operators in Russia - MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2, all of which offer their own colors for communication services, mobile internet and SMS messages. Each of these operators has its own infrastructure, consisting of data centers, base stations, highways and other important elements that make it possible to provide millions of citizens of the country with access to all modern services. Often, when choosing an operator, Russians look specifically at the cost - the lower it is, the more attractive the tariff plan, and as a result, the operator.

The most profitable tariff plans from all four Russian mobile operators were announced today. It should be noted right away that Yota does not participate in this comparison due to the fact that it is a virtual operator, and it also does not have full-fledged tariff plans- the subscriber creates it for himself through a special calculator. That is why only the four largest operators were taken into account - MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2, whose services are used by almost all Russians.

To keep everything honest, the article discusses the most favorable conditions on the part of all four mobile operators. Tariff plans are relevant for the capital of Russia - Moscow. In order to get into the list of the most attractive tariffs for connection, you need to offer the subscriber maximum services for the minimum money.


The most profitable tariff plan from this operator for making calls is Super MTS, which allows you to call landline numbers and operator numbers for free (20 minutes a day), while from the 21st minute calls to operator numbers cost 1.5 rubles per minute, and to the numbers of other operators - 2.5 rubles. The cost of one message is 2 rubles. The tariff has no subscription fee.

The most attractive for Internet needs is the "Hype" tariff, for which you have to pay 500 rubles a month. For this amount of money, the subscriber receives 7 GB of Internet traffic, 100 minutes of calls to any numbers within the home region, unlimited calls to operator numbers, as well as 200 SMS messages. Most importantly, within this tariff plan, users can count on free internet traffic for YouTube, Twitch, social networks, instant messengers, games and many other names. Learn more about this tariff.

The universal tariff plan of the operator "MTS" is "Smart". For 500 rubles a month, subscribers will receive 5 GB of Internet traffic, 550 minutes of calls to Russian numbers, and 550 messages. If you need more traffic, you can connect the “Smart Unlimited” tariff, which includes 10 GB of traffic, 350 messages and 350 minutes to Russian numbers. It costs a little more - 550 rubles per month. In addition, as the name suggests, it provides full unlimited social networks and instant messengers.


The most profitable tariff plan of the operator "MegaFon" for making voice calls is "It's simple", which has no monthly fee. It allows you to call any numbers in your home region for only 1.8 rubles (one minute), while a message costs 2 rubles. If you choose the "Switch to Zero" tariff plan, then the first minute of calls to the operator's numbers is 1.3 rubles, and all subsequent minutes are completely free.

If you need the Internet, then any of the tariff plans "Internet **" will do. All of them include a certain set of Internet traffic without speed limits, so here the choice is limited only by budget and needs.

The most versatile tariff plan from the MegaFon operator is unambiguously appeared in 2017 “Turn on! Communicate. " It includes unlimited traffic for social networks and the most popular instant messengers, 12 GB of Internet traffic for any needs and 500 minutes of calls to numbers of all operators. It costs 600 rubles a month.


This operator provides some of the poorest tariff plans, so it is rather difficult to choose something worthwhile. The most advantageous tariff for making ordinary calls is definitely "Zero doubts", which does not have a monthly fee. For each call to numbers in the home region, you need to pay 2 rubles per minute, while each message will cost 1.5 rubles.

The Beeline operator does not have a single worthy offer that allows you to purchase a tariff plan exclusively with an emphasis on mobile Internet, but there is a universal option, which is called "All 3". It costs 900 rubles a month, but at the same time provides 10 GB of Internet traffic, 500 messages and 1200 minutes of calls to any numbers throughout Russia.


The operator "Tele2" attracts new customers with low prices, so its tariff plans can be considered the most profitable, that is, the subscriber gets the most of everything for the minimum amount of money. If you just need to call and not pay money every day, then the "Classic" tariff will do. Within its framework, each minute of calls will cost 1.95 rubles in Russia, while the payment for one message is 1.95 rubles.

The best choice for mobile Internet is a tariff plan called "For Devices" with the "50 GB" option connected to it, which costs 999 rubles per month. In addition, all subscribers of this tariff plan with such a service can count on unlimited nightly Internet, thanks to which you can download movies, music, games or any other files without speed and traffic restrictions.

The most versatile tariff plan from the Tele2 operator is definitely “My Online”. Within its framework, for only 399 rubles a month, the subscriber receives 12 GB of Internet traffic for any needs, 500 minutes of calls to numbers throughout Russia, 50 messages and full unlimited traffic in instant messengers and social networks.


As you can easily see, the lowest prices for communication services with and without a subscription fee are from the cellular operator Tele2. Otherwise, the operator "Beeline", "MTS" and "MegaFon" have approximately the same prices for all services. When choosing a tariff plan and a mobile operator, first of all, you need to look at the coverage area. It is desirable that at home and at work catch the LTE network, or necessarily 3G, because otherwise most of the time you will have to "enjoy" the mobile Internet at 2G speeds, with which even communication in instant messengers turns into a complete horror.

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Today, payments for mobile communications have become as natural, unconditional and regular expense item as utility bills. There are four leading telecommunications operators in the Russian cellular market: MegaFon, MTS, Beeline and Tele2. Their billboards scream for the most profitable and almost free communication... By the way, iKS-Consalting recognized the cost of mobile communications in Russia as one of the lowest in comparison with other 20 European countries covered in the study. The average cost of a tariff package is named around 300 rubles, and the main pricing factor is the volume of Internet traffic.

Telecom operators' tariffs are very dynamic. They reflect company strategy, consumer preferences and industry trends. In parallel with the current ones, archive rates are in effect until the subscriber switches to a new price offer. It's not hard to get lost in such a variety. Comparison of the flagship service packages of the Big Four is presented below (1).

Which mobile tariff should you choose?

In connection with the constant expansion of the capabilities of our gadgets, it is rational to offer subscribers tariff packages that combine several services (for example, voice communication, SMS messages and mobile Internet). It is more convenient and cheaper for subscribers to purchase a range of services, and operators can make money on services that are not included in the subscription fee. Tariff packages are differentiated by the number of included services, by their limit (GB, free minutes, number of SMS) and the needs of the subscriber (mobile Internet, calls in the home network, roaming, etc.). All this determines the cost of the packages.

It should be noted that there is no universal or ideal tariff. Everything is determined by the goals of the subscriber: the subscriber more often uses mobile Internet or voice calls, more often calls the numbers of his operator or other telecom players, uses long distance or international roaming, etc. Therefore, choosing the optimal mobile tariff, you need to understand what benefits you expect from it.

Comparison of tariffs of mobile operators in Russia

Mobile tariffs of VimpelCom PJSC (Beeline brand)

Beeline in the "Everything" line offers subscribers five sets of tariffs from 300 rubles. up to RUB 1,800 The packages are convenient in that they operate not only in the home network, but also in the regions of Russia on the same conditions without additional payment within the limit. Calls within your own network are included in the subscription fee and are not limited. The limit of calls to other operators is determined by the terms of the tariff. Tariffs for international calls are set separately within the roaming policy.

Table 1 - Package tariffs of the operator "Beeline"

All for 300

All for 500

All for 800

All for 1 200

All for 1 800

Mobile Internet, GB

Calls in the Beeline network of Russia


Outgoing minutes package, min.

(to local numbers of other operators)

1 000

(to local numbers of other operators)

2 000

3 000

(to the numbers of all operators throughout Russia from anywhere in the country)

SMS package, pcs.

1 000

2 000

Subscription fee, rubles / day.







The cost of the transition is 100 rubles.

The cost of the transition is 0 rubles.

Over the subscription fee

Additionally 150 Mbit, rub.




SMS in the home region, rub.


Long-distance SMS, rub.


Mobile tariffs of PJSC "MegaFon"

The operator "MegaFon" also offers its subscribers five combinations of tariff packages costing from 250 rubles. up to 2,000 rubles. per month. Tariff fees are relevant both in the home region and throughout Russia. The volume of calls within one's own network in the home region is unlimited, which cannot be said about long-distance calls to MegaFon. In two budget packages (tariff "All inclusive XS" and "All inclusive S") the limit of minutes included in the monthly fee applies, among other things, to calls to MegaFon outside the home region. Despite the name of the tariff plans, all services are included only in the L and VIP packages. In the rest, according to the terms of the tariff, long distance calls and SMS to other operators are paid in excess of the monthly subscription fee. Tariffs for international calls are set separately within the roaming policy.

Table 2 - Package tariffs of the operator "MegaFon"

All inclusive XS

All inclusive S

All inclusive M

All inclusive L

All inclusive VIP

Mobile Internet, GB

Calls to MegaFon home region, rub.


Calls to other operators in the home region at home and while traveling within Russia, min.

1 600

3 000

SMS to home region numbers at home and on trips across Russia, pcs.

1 600

2 000

Subscription fee, rubles / month




1 000,00

2 000,00


Valid at home and on trips across Russia

Services not included in the subscription fee

Calls to numbers of other Russian operators, RUB / min.




Included in the subscription fee

SMS to MegaFon Russia numbers, rub.



Included in the subscription fee

SMS to numbers of other Russian operators, rub.




Over the subscription fee

Additionally 200 Mbit, rub.


Calls to MegaFon Russia numbers, RUB / min.



Included in the subscription fee

Calls to numbers of other operators in the home region, RUB / min.


Long-distance calls, RUB / min


SMS to MegaFon numbers in the home region, rub.


SMS to numbers of other operators in the home region, rub.


Long-distance SMS, rub.


Mobile tariffs of MTS PJSC

The MTS tariff family is called SMART and is differentiated into five packages, costing from 250 rubles. up to 1,000 rubles. per month. Calls to MTS numbers in Russia are included in the subscription fee and are unlimited at all tariffs, except for SMART mini. Within the framework of SMART mini, unlimited applies only to the operator's home network, and for long-distance roaming when calling MTS, the cost of a minute is 2 rubles. The terms of tariff plans remain valid throughout Russia. It is noteworthy that the unused minutes, SMS and Internet traffic during the month within the limit are saved and transferred to the next month. Tariffs for international calls are set separately within the roaming policy.

Table 3 - Package tariffs of the operator "MTS"






Mobile Internet, GB

7 GB / week

Calls to MTS home. region


Outgoing minutes package, min.

1 600

SMS package, pcs.

1 600

Subscription fee, rubles / month




175 RUB / week

1 000,00


** The tariff is valid throughout Russia (outside the home region, the subscription fee is 15 rubles / day)

* Packages of minutes, SMS and Internet are saved and transferred

** The tariff is valid throughout Russia

Over the subscription fee

For each package of Additional Smart Internet, rub.




150.00 (additional 1 GB / week)


Calls in the home region, RUB / min.






Calls to MTS of Russia, RUB / min


Included in the subscription fee

Included in the subscription fee

Included in the subscription fee

Included in the subscription fee

Long-distance calls, RUB / min






SMS in the home region, rub.






Long-distance SMS, rub.






Mobile tariffsTele2

The price range of tariff packages of the Tele2 operator varies from 240 rubles. up to 600 rubles. per month. One of the tariffs, namely "My Tele2" provides a daily subscription fee, which does not include packages of minutes and SMS messages. The uniqueness of the operator's offers lies in the incombustibility of minutes, SMS and GB unused within the package limit, as in the policy of MTS, and also in the fact that visiting social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki), WhatsApp and Viber does not consume the limit Internet traffic. Tariffs for international calls are set separately within the roaming policy.

Table 4 - Package tariffs of the operator "Tele2"

My online +

My online

My conversation

My Tele2

Mobile Internet, GB

Outgoing minutes package to Tele2 house. region and Russia, min.


Outgoing minutes package, min.


SMS package, pcs.


Subscription fee, rubles / month




8 rub / day


** unused Internet traffic, minutes, SMS are carried over to the next month

** unused internet traffic is carried over to the next month

Over the subscription fee

Additionally 500 Mbit, rub.


Calls in the home region, RUB / min.


Long-distance calls, RUB / min


SMS in the home region, rub.


Long-distance SMS, rub.


Comparative characteristics of tariffs for mobile communications of cellular operators

As already mentioned, the profitability of a tariff for a specific subscriber is determined by the goals of his connection. Therefore, in order to determine the best one, it is necessary to take a certain service as the main criterion for comparison.

If we compare the most budgetary tariff plans of operators, then their monthly subscription fee is approximately equal. The lowest price of Tele2 differs from the highest cost of the budget package by only 60 rubles. From the point of view of the limit of minutes and Internet traffic, Beeline's offer looks the most attractive. But it should be borne in mind that the minutes included in the monthly fee apply only to calls to all operators within the home region. In addition, MTS and Tele2 are moving the unused limit to the next month, which may increase the indicators presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - Comparison of budget tariff plans of the "Big Four"


« SMARTmini»


"All inclusive XS"


"Everything for 300"


« My conversation "

Tariff plan cost, rub.

Package of minutes, min.

Mobile Internet, GB

Let's consider the terms of tariff packages. Which operators are positioning as a "hit of sales". Tele2 does not report the most popular tariff. The “My Tele2” tariff is now positioned as a flagship offer.

Table 6 - Comparison of popular tariff plans of the "big four"




"All inclusive M"


"Everything for 500"


"My Tele2"

Mobile Internet, GB

7 GB / week

Outgoing minutes package, min.


SMS package, pcs.


Subscription fee, rubles / month

175 RUB / week

8 rubles / day (240 rubles / month)

Calls in the home region, RUB / min.





Long-distance calls, RUB / min


Mobile Internet

150 rubles / 1 GB

20 rubles / 200 Mbps

25 rubles / 150 Mbps

50 rubles / 500 Mbps

In addition to package offers, mobile operators provide tariffs without a monthly fee. They are beneficial for those who rarely use or do not use any service at all (for example, mobile Internet). MTS and Beeline offer per-second billing. MegaFon and Tele2 - by the minute. Comparison of tariffs without a monthly fee is shown in Table 7.

Table 7 - Comparative characteristics of per-minute tariffs of the "Big Four"


"Per second"


"It's simple"





Mobile Internet

Traffic, Mbps

Cost, rub.





Inside the home network

















Roaming in Russia

Calls to operator numbers, RUB / min.





Calls to numbers of other operators, RUB / min.





SMS to operator numbers, rub.





SMS to numbers of other operators, rub.





Subscription fee, rubles / month


Per second

Per minute

Per second

Per minute

Mobile internet: which tariff to choose? Comparative characteristics of tariff plans for mobile Internet from mobile operators

It is possible to increase your Internet traffic within a package offer or connect mobile Internet within a tariff without a monthly fee using mobile Internet as a separate service. The Big Four proposals are reflected in the tables below.

Table 8 - Tariffs of mobile Internet from MTS

Internet Mini

Internet Maxi

Internet VIP

Internet option "BIT"

Internet option "SuperBIT"

GB / month

75 MB / day

Cost, rub / month


Unlimited traffic from 00:00 to 07:00 h.

Traffic in excess of 500 MB quota, rub.

50 MB / 8 rub.

The option is only available in the home region

Table 9 - Tariffs for mobile Internet from MegaFon

Internet XS

Internet S


75 Mb / day

6 GB / month

The cost

5 rubles / day

250 rubles / month

Traffic in excess of quota

75 MB / 8 rub.

Internet access is suspended and resumed from the beginning of a new billing period

Tariffed in accordance with the terms of the current tariff plan of the subscriber

Table 10 - Tariffs of mobile Internet from "Tele2"

Internet package

Internet portfolio

Internet suitcase

GB / month

Cost, rub / month

Over quota

3 GB / month - 240 rubles.

1 GB / month - 125 rubles.

100 MB / day - 12 rubles.

Surcharge outside the region

The tariff is available on the territory of Russia

Table 11 - Tariffs of mobile Internet from "Beeline"

Highway 1.5 GB

Highway 7 GB

Highway 20 GB

Highway 30 GB

Highway 30 GB + night

GB / month

30 +

unlimited traffic from 01:00 to 07:59

Cost, rub / month

Over quota

1 GB / month - 95 rubles.

4 GB / month - 175 rubles.

5 GB / month - 195 rubles.

Additional fee outside the region, RUB / day

The tariff is active when the service is connected "Internet for Traveling in Russia"

The option is valid on the territory of Russia

All telecom operators, with the exception of MegaFon, have a maximum traffic offer of 30 GB / month. They, like any other limit, can be further increased for a fee. MTS and Beeline have premium tariff plans with unlimited at night. The operator "MTS" also offers the service " Single Internet", Which unites up to 5 devices for an additional fee of 100 rubles / month. For users of several gadgets, this is more profitable than purchasing traffic for each device separately. Most of the tariffs for all operators can be used for long-distance roaming. MTS charges an additional subscription fee for this. The policy of "Tele2" and "Beeline" allows you to use the mobile Internet throughout Russia on the same terms as in the home region. MegaFon charges intercity roaming in accordance with the terms of the current tariff plan of the subscriber.

Mobile communications on the road to 6G".

1 - Information on tariffs is taken from the official websites of mobile operators and is relevant for April 2017 for subscribers of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. Depending on the region, the terms of tariffs may differ from those presented

Now in each region there are 5-6 mobile operators, however, when the question of purchasing a SIM card arises, the choice is made between four "giants" - MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2. The future subscriber is interested in which mobile operator is better, since he wants to avoid the hassle of mobile communication... It is impossible to answer unequivocally which operator is the most profitable - it all depends on the requirements that the subscriber makes to communication.

How do you know which operator is the best?

Communication quality is a universal criterion. For a long time Megafon was considered the undoubted leader in this area. Now the dispute about which operator has the largest coverage area is doomed to failure, since the quality of communication within the city is approximately the same for all operators. As for the network outside the city, there are zones that can be covered by one operator and ignored by another - this is a normal situation, because it is physically impossible to provide 100% coverage. If the subscriber is often on the road and feels the need to always stay in touch, Megafon is more suitable for him, but Beeline outside the city catches very poorly, although inside cities it can also boast of excellent quality. Tele2 is also experiencing serious problems with the coverage area - the SIM card can lose the network even within the city, however, this syndrome can be attributed to the status of a "newbie" this operator... An important addition: before buying a SIM card, do not be lazy and go to the operator's website - there you can easily find a GSM and 3G coverage map, which is used to check how the settlement where you live supports the network.

There are other criteria for the quality of an operator:

  • The number of tariffs and services. Scroll mobile services expands, so modern subscribers may need options such as "Favorite number", "You've been called!" or "Beep". If the operator is unable to provide the subscriber with the service he needs, the subscriber will go to the competitor, even if the operator is satisfied with other parameters. Active competition between operators has led to the fact that the subscriber does not tolerate compromises. MTS is considered the leader in the number of services offered, however, this operator also has weakness- a small number of tariffs: "SuperMTS" - virtually no alternative option for those who do not want to pay a subscription fee.
  • Cost. The most expensive operator, both in terms of the cost of calls and the price of the Internet, is Megafon. However, subscribers are forced to pay, since Megafon modems operate where others refuse to work. Which mobile operator is cheaper? Here Tele2 and MTS will argue for leadership, which, however, use different approaches - for example, MTS subscribers do not have to pay at all for calls within the network, Tele2 SIM cards are profitable if the subscriber calls to all operators, since the cost of a minute is fixed.

Which mobile operator is the best for the Internet?

Internet access is provided absolutely at all tariffs offered by operators, however, for unlimited access, a connection is required tariff options... It is very important to have a choice of options, because there are active users and simple Internet surfers who are not interested in overpaying for unnecessary gigabytes. Which operator is the best for mobile internet? MTS and Megafon can boast of a wide range of Internet options - each of them has its own advantages. When comparing, the subscriber will be able to find that the Internet from Megafon costs much more with the same parameters (traffic level, speed) - the reason lies in the quality: Megafon uses only American and European equipment, so the Megafon modem, unlike MTS, “catches” everywhere.

MTS Tablet SIM cards are very popular among tablet owners. This tariff has several advantages at once:

  • Low cost of connection and subscription fee. For those who are interested in which operator is better for the Internet on a tablet in Moscow, it will be useful to know that a SIM card costs only 400 rubles - for this money, the user is given 4 GB.
  • Lack of roaming. With MTS Tablet, the user of the gadget will be able to use the Internet throughout Russia - there is no need to pay extra and activate additional services.
  • Mobile TV service included in the price. The advantage may seem insignificant, because you can watch TV via the Internet, however, in this case, traffic is consumed, and the image quality leaves much to be desired. Mobile TV allows you to avoid unnecessary traffic waste.

When choosing an operator, it is necessary to proceed from the needs of the subscriber. For example, if you often call another city, you need to consider the availability of roaming services in order to understand which operator is the best for calls within Russia. Important: when choosing an operator, be guided not by the subjective opinion of friends, but by the information that is present on the official website.

In order to choose the best and most favorable tariff mobile operator, most often, you do not need to change your usual phone number... It is enough to familiarize yourself with the tariff parameters of your telecom operator and it is banal to switch to a new one ... or stay with what you have. However, the prices of your current TP also do not interfere with "refreshing", because while you were busy with more important things for yourself, your operator could have "corrected" them long ago, and you hardly received SMS about deplorable changes. First you have to remember or find out "what is my tariff":

How to find out your tariff:

  • MTS: * 111 * 59 # [call]
  • Beeline: * 110 * 05 # [call]
  • Megaphone:
    * 105 * 2 * 0 # [call] (Central branch)
    * 225 # [call] (Ural branch, section "Your tariff")
    * 160 # [call] (Volga branch)
    * 105 * 1 * 3 # [call] (Siberian branch)
    * 105 * 1 * 1 # [call] (Caucasian branch)

Or call your carrier's customer service.

Analysis of running costs

So, we will assume that you have already skimmed through the prices of the tariff plans of your own operator and the offers of competitors, and also did not forget to carefully read the small hard-to-read footnotes below them. What to do next? Next, you should familiarize yourself with your current expenses at least for the last three months... To do this, I recommend ordering monthly bills and details of expenses for the specified period of time to your e-mail. This is done using "personal accounts" available for each mobile operator:

  • MTS: Internet Assistant (also available through the "Personal Account")
  • Beeline: Service Management System
  • MegaFon: Service Guide
  • Sky Link: Skypoint
  • Matrix: MATRIX open

Having received the password for " personal account»Our operator and having ordered the necessary documents, we study them carefully and scrupulously. Perhaps this will be enough for you to understand the reason for the extra spending. For example, in detail, you can find some paid SMS-subscriptions imposed on you or mysterious outgoing calls to short numbers (example). If so, knock in every possible way on contact center your operator, demand to disable subscriptions (for MTS subscribers, subscriptions are disabled independently through the "My Subscriptions" service) and return all your money back. Sometimes it helps. If you have no problems with this, and your current tariff is really outdated and requires replacement, proceed to the next step.

Calculation of the average cost of a minute of conversation

This is the key point of our article. Many (if not most) subscribers simply do not know how to choose a tariff for themselves, guided by data from unscrupulous advertisements or information on the package of the tariff itself.

Remember! It is important to know and analyze not the cost of a single call, but the average cost per minute based on all calls of at least one, and preferably three months.

We take a monthly invoice and summarize the number of all outgoing minutes in it. Then we look at the figure of your expenses and deduct from it the costs of all non-voice services, with the exception of services that reduce the cost of calls. If your monthly fee also includes packages of non-voice services (SMS, Internet), approximately (by eye) deduct their cost from it, focusing on the average market price of such packages. Next, we divide the remaining costs for calls of a specific period by the number of outgoing minutes pronounced and get cost price of one minute.


Your bill for the month was 200 rubles. Of these, 100 rubles. spent on calls, 30 rubles. - monthly fee for a "favorite number" and 70 rubles. you spent on internet and messages. At the same time, they talked for 100 outgoing minutes. Total, 200 - 70 rubles. = 130 rubles. / 100 minutes = 1.3 rubles / minute.

Thus, we get a rough picture of the cost of one minute based on one or more months. And it doesn't matter that a single call of such and such a number cost you 30-40 rubles, but you could save on a dozen others, and in general your tariff is very profitable. The main thing is what this cost per minute is and how much it suits you. According to current realities, I advise you to unequivocally look for a replacement for the tariff plan, if the cost of one minute with a relatively active communication it turns out over RUB 1.5 It is expensive.

If, after such calculations, you realized that your tariff is too wasteful, and the waste has been exceeding reasonable limits for several months, you should figure out which of the tariffs available for the transition is closest to your communication profile and then arm yourself with Excel. I will tell you how this is done using the example of MTS's own tariff “Long Talks” and I will try to calculate whether I should change it to the “Red Energy” TP.


So, I have doubts about the profitability of my TP "Long Talks", and I want to understand whether the Red Energy tariff will be cheaper for me. Based on the analysis of the details, I know that on average (for the most part) I make local outgoing calls for 7 minutes, mainly to Cell phones... At the same time, I have an option that lowers the cost of calls "Better Together" is enabled, which makes it possible to communicate within an MTS group at 7 kopecks / minute for a monthly fee of 45 rubles. per month. When switching to Red Energy, this option will be preserved, so I will not take it into account. I only compare the cost of all other local calls to mobile numbers on two tariffs with the average call duration, which happens to me most often. In the table below, I have calculated total cost conversation for calls of 5, 10 and 15 minutes to cellular networks and compared it for our two tariffs. Note, I deliberately did not compare the price of a 1-minute conversation, since According to my statistics, such calls happen quite rarely and it is logical that occasionally overpay the difference of 1.8 rubles. will be much less costly than often overpaying much more significant amounts during long conversations. Screenshot of calculations in Excel:

So, from the table, we clearly see that the price of any of the three calls on Long Conversations will be more profitable for me than on Red Energy, and even after MTS “Long Conversations” has spoiled it. In this case, Red Energy will not be saved by the per-second tariffication from the 2nd minute of the conversation against the wake-up call on Long Conversations. The received call cost is highlighted in red in the table above. It is not hard to understand that cost price of one minute on "Long Conversations" there will be for me lower than Red Energy. For example, with 5 minutes of conversation, it will be 1.66 rubles, and with a 10-minute conversation - only 88 kopecks. And together with "Better Together" I will get the cost price of a minute even lower. Plus, sometimes you can connect for 10 rubles. per day "Unlimited calls" within the network. Therefore, the price of the first minute of conversation is rather high at RUB 3.7 in this case, I should not be repelled.

Output: we do not change the tariff and remain on "Long conversations" for now.

The moral of the fable

This is my model for calculating the profitability of tariff proposals. Its key is the cost of the average minute of your communication. It is worth relying on it. Of course, there are a lot of different tariffs now, there are also a lot of communication profiles, and also do not forget about additional services. But, understanding the essence, I think you can calculate (of course, approximately) the profitability of almost any offer by comparing it with others.

If you actively use additional services, such as SMS, mobile Internet or long distance, and in your monthly bill / detailing the costs for them exceed reasonable limits, I advise you to take a closer look at the various tariffs with the packages of the options you need already included in the monthly fee or mandatory monthly payment and calculate the future costs for them according to a similar scheme, comparing with the current ones.

Also, operators have many packages, unlimited options and bonus programs that will significantly reduce your total monthly bill, albeit for an additional subscription fee. Do not be afraid of the subscriber, sometimes it will only do you good!

With unlimited tariffs (or pseudo-unlimited with restrictions of 2-3 thousand minutes per month) it is even easier. If you communicate a lot, just compare, whether the monthly fee for a similar tariff will be lower than your current expenses or not... Plus, don't forget about additional options. And everything will fall into place.

Remember, no one is better than you yourself with a good, profitable, cheap cellular tariff. And this is your money!

If you have any additional questions, need advice or just want to speak, leave your comments below or write on ours. We will definitely discuss!