There are situations in our life when an accident or an attack of a disease in a person can occur on the street, in transport or in another place where there is no landline phone, but almost everyone has cell phones. It used to be easier. Learned from childhood: 01 - fire department, 02 - police, 03 - ambulance, 04 - gorgaz. With mobile phones, this number does not work, the owners of mobile phones are not always aware, how to call an ambulance from a mobile.

If your mobile device does not support dialing numbers consisting of two digits, when calls to emergency services after the service number, you must dial the sign *

02 * - Calling the police
03* - Calling an ambulance
04 * - Call emergency gas service

The following emergency numbers are valid for all regions of Russia.

From MTS phones

010 - Calling fire department and rescuers
020 - Calling the police
030 - Calling an ambulance
040 - Call emergency gas service

From phones "Megafon"

010 - Calling fire department and rescuers
020 - Calling the police
030 - Calling an ambulance

From phones "Beeline"

001 - Calling fire department and rescuers
002 - Calling the police
003 - Calling an ambulance
004 - Calling emergency gas service

From phones "Sky-Link"

901 - Rescuers and Firefighters
902 - Police
903 - Ambulance
904 - Gas service

From TELE2 mobile phones

010 - Calling fire department and rescuers
020 - Calling the police
030 - Calling an ambulance
040 - Calling emergency gas service

Calling emergency services from U-tel phones

010 - Fire brigade and rescuers
020 - Calling the police
030 - Calling an ambulance
040 - Calling the gas service

From mobile phones Motive

901 - Firefighters and rescuers
902 - Police
903 - Calling an ambulance
904 - Calling the gas emergency service

Also remember that calls from mobile phones of any cellular operator to the numbers of emergency services (ambulance, police, fire brigade and rescuers, emergency gas service) are free. You can complete them even with zero balance.

There is also a number for emergency calls to special services. 112. The operator will take your call (in Russian or English) and forward it to any of the emergency services.
How to call in this case?
After dialing 112, the voice answering machine will prompt you to dial 1 (to call unified service rescue), 2 (to call the police), 3 (ambulance), 4 (gas service).
Follow the instructions and you will definitely get through!
Calling from the emergency number 112 is possible:
- in the absence of funds in your account,
- with a blocked SIM card,
- if there is no phone SIM card,

But, it should be noted that by direct telephone help will come a little faster.

Write down the ambulance number in the notebook of your mobile phone... Even if it seems to you that it is easy to remember it, in an emergency you can get confused and forget it.

But, it is not enough to know how to call an ambulance from a mobile, you need to know what information will be needed to call the team, because the time of arrival of doctors depends on this.
The fact is that the Ambulance Center is equipped with computers with special program... Until all the fields of this program are filled in, the information will not be sent to the substation !!

So, we call ambulance .
When answering:

  • The ambulance dispatcher will introduce himself, that is, he will name his personal number... It makes sense to remember it. If you haven't heard, ask again. It can be useful.
  • Sex of the sick or injured male, female, or the number of victims. If there are more than three victims, say so! For example, an accident. There are many victims, more than three….
    In general, in this case, it is better to call "01". they will call all the necessary services themselves.
  • Age... If you do not know the exact one, speak approximately.
  • What happened... Briefly, an accident, unconsciousness, etc.
  • Address... Street, house, building, entrance, floor, apartment number, entrance code or intercom (this will speed up the arrival of the brigade to you) The exact address, with landmarks, how you can drive, if the car cannot approach the very place of the emergency, then where and who will meet.
  • If it's hard to find then where you meet them. It is imperative to send a person to meet specialists.
  • Who called- a passer-by, a relative, a neighbor, etc.
  • Leave your phone number... The brigade may have clarifications as they move towards you. This is especially important if you are somewhere on the freeway or in a place you are not familiar with.
  • Attire number- Take from the dispatcher "03", the so-called "order number". this will allow you to find the victim later, and thank the ambulance doctor if there is such a desire.
  • After receiving all the necessary information, you must be informed that your call has been accepted.
  • We hang up the tube only after the dispatcher hangs it.

Remember! One team - one victim! Therefore, when calling an ambulance, indicate the number of victims!

Ambulance is completely free medical service. You will be provided with the necessary medical care, even if you do not have a health insurance policy or it is not valid.

In large cities, the waiting time for an ambulance should not exceed 20 minutes. In small settlements, there is no such exact figure, but assistance should be provided urgently. If you are suddenly unjustly refused to leave the ambulance team, immediately report it to the police.

And finally, I would like to wish that no one ever had a reason to call emergency services either from a mobile or from a landline phone !!!

Cellular communications are developing, more and more people are getting rid of landline telephones that work by wire. Communication on a cell phone is usually cheaper, has more features, mobile gadgets look more modern. But when the customer of the cellular company has to call the emergency service, it is found that earlier set numbers fire, gas, medical services, as well as the police no longer operate in mobile phones.

Therefore, the subscriber begins to address this issue. Usually this problem is how to call an ambulance from a mobile. The problem lies in the GSM communication conditions. The number that is dialed on a mobile phone must not be shorter than three digits. Therefore, those numbers that operated on landline telephones are not dialed.

They have one more digit added, and the entire three-digit number of different emergency services differs from cell company to cell phone company. Therefore, you should consider the dialing numbers of the aforementioned services of the leading cellular companies. In Russia, the methods of dialing an ambulance are simple and make it possible to save lives in a timely manner.

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Today in Russia it will not be possible to call an ambulance by number 03 by cell phone due to the peculiarities of the GSM standard. A convenient innovation has been created in our country - a unified rescue service has been organized. You can call it by phone 112. This number works in cellular communication and on landline phones. Number 112 allows you to quickly call the operator. He will redirect your call to a nearby rescue area.

If you forgot how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone that does not have a SIM card, or it is blocked, then quickly dial 112, the operator will answer you. This is a great virtue of a one-stop service. This method works not only in our country, no matter where the subscriber lives or is registered. This number works in any state of the European Union.

How to call an ambulance from different cellular networks

An extreme situation most often occurs unexpectedly for a person. When there was a traffic accident, a bout of pain, a fall, and find landline phone is not possible, then the person tries to call emergency services using his mobile phone. It’s surprising that cellular companies don’t set the same numbers. Then you would not have to waste time finding out the phone number.

Considering technical features, for cellular companies, the smallest number of digits must be at least three. Therefore, all cellular operators have created their own combinations of emergency numbers. If your SIM card belongs to a little-known operator, then to call an ambulance he will have some simple combination - 103, 030, etc. At the necessary time, you can try to call each of them, or try universal dialing.

Calling an ambulance from the MTS network

You do not wish anyone to get into difficult situations when an ambulance is required. But if this happened, and urgently needed medical assistance or a doctor, then MTS clients have the opportunity to call emergency help. You need to dial one before the usual digits 03, and you get the number 103.

If the call is successful, the ambulance will arrive in 15-20 minutes. If during this time the doctors have not arrived, then it is better to call this number again, or to clarify where it is located in this moment ambulance car.

How to call medical help from Megaphone

According to Russian law, money for calls to emergency services is not taken, and it does not matter what your tariff is connected to. The operator Megafon also does not charge a fee for this, and allows subscribers to call an ambulance without payment. The call may not work if the SIM card is blocked. The difference from the city number of calling a doctor on Megafon - an additional zero at the end of the number - is 030. This dialing is similar for calls to other emergency services.

Ambulance number on Beeline

Clients of VimpelCom should also know about calling an ambulance. Many tragic incidents occurring in different regions of the world indicate that the great popularity of cellular communication helped save the lives of many people. All clients of the Beeline network must have information on how to call an ambulance:

  • fire service - 101;
  • calling the police - 102;
  • Ambulance - 103;
  • gas service - 104.

Calling doctors by Tele2 subscribers

In the market of our country, a foreign cellular company- Tele2, presenting a free ambulance call to its customers. If a person is in an unpleasant health situation, then you need to call:

  • number 030 - when receiving a call, the dispatcher must introduce himself so that there are no misunderstandings, since negligence should not be allowed in matters of health;
  • number 03 - this phone should work exactly, even if the first combination did not work;
  • number 103 - for any emergency this number is suitable both in Moscow and throughout the country.

How to call a doctor if there is no money on the phone?

There are times when the phone suddenly ran out of money, but at the same time the doctor's help is urgently needed. Life often depends on the speed at which medical care arrives. If you urgently need to call a doctor, dial 112 and follow the instructions of the system's autoinformer. This call is not paid for all cellular networks in our country. If this condition is violated, the operator may be punished by law.

The emergency service can be called 112 if there is no money on the number, or the SIM card is blocked. With a weak network signal, you can dial 911, then press "3" on the autoinformer, a connection with the operator will be made. A centralized rescue telephone operates throughout the country. Having phoned the doctors correctly, you should explain the situation, indicate your location for a faster arrival of doctors.

After communication, the dispatcher will inform you that the order has been accepted at certain time... If the health worker refuses to accept the call for any reason, you can contact the police, as this is a criminal offense. Failure to provide assistance may result in the punishment of doctors.

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An emergency can happen to any person anywhere, and timely medical assistance plays a huge role in preserving the life and health of the victim. Today, almost everyone has a mobile phone with them, wherever they are, and a call to an ambulance from it, perhaps, will save another person

You probably remember the numbers that you learned from memory back in elementary school: 01, 02, 03 and 04. In the age of digital mobile technologies these numbers have long been considered invalid, and it is no longer possible to call emergency services from them. In order to call from mobile Beeline to the ambulance help, for example, to an ambulance, you need to dial a number consisting of 3 digits - this is the minimum set for making an outgoing call. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this article so that, in the event of an unexpected situation, do not hesitate and do not look everywhere desired number, and immediately pick up and call the emergency service. These simple, early interventions can save you or another person.

Single emergency number

A universal number, designed to call any of the emergency services, can help you out in a situation when, in a state of fright, you did not immediately remember about the ambulance call number. Room 112 operates throughout Russia, the call to it is absolutely free, and you can get through both with a negative account, and when the card is blocked, and even if it is completely absent from the smartphone.

A call to this number will transfer you to the voice menu, which, in turn, will connect you with the operator, and he will already help you connect with the specialist of the required department. Calling 112, you can call not only a team of doctors, but also firefighters (Ministry of Emergency Situations), the police or the gas service. You should only press one button, and the answering machine will immediately connect you with the duty officer of the required organization.

Remember that while 112 is practical, accessible and versatile, it will still take time to connect to the attendant or switch to the service of your choice. It will be faster to call directly to ambulance number.

Calling an ambulance

In order not to get lost in an emergency and immediately dial the desired number, it is better to save the emergency numbers on your device. Each operator provides its own number for calling medical assistance (they are all free). Find out where to call you according to your mobile operator:

  1. Tele2, MTS, Megafon - 030
  2. Motive - 903
  3. "" - 003

If you need to make a call to another emergency room, then instead of the number "3" dial the number of the number of the service you want to call: "1" (Ministry of Emergency Situations), "2" (police), "4" (gas service). All calls are available around the clock from any mobile device.

Uniform numbers

Not so long ago, uniform numbers appeared on the territory of Russia for urgent calls to any emergency service, and now, regardless of the network mobile operator which you are using, you can call where you want: 103 (for an immediate call "Ambulance), 101 (call for firemen, Ministry of Emergency Situations), 102 (call to the police), 104 (departure of the gas service to the scene).

Agree that the use of "direct" numbers is still preferable when calling specialists from emergency departments, since they save valuable time. It is also much more convenient than asking each and every one at the emergency site, which number to call, if you have such and such a mobile operator.

Calling an ambulance from a landline phone

If an emergency occurs in a house, apartment, or any institution that has a landline telephone, you can use it to call the emergency team. In the same way, as when calling from a mobile, you have access to the universal number 112 (it is valid not only in Russia, but throughout the entire territory the former USSR and in Georgia), where you can contact the department you need.

Calling from a landline phone is also free of charge for any account balance. You can also call 103 directly (it will be even better and faster), and the ambulance team will come to you as soon as possible after registering the call.

The mobile phone is the most common means of communication and has long replaced the landline phone, player, computer and game console. And in an emergency, a cell phone can save lives. However, if you need to call an ambulance from your mobile phone, you should not count on the number 03 learned from childhood. mobile connection with emergency services is carried out only by three-digit numbers.

Unified emergency telephone numbers

About 2 years ago, a system of unified emergency numbers, which can be called from the phones of any telecom operators. Now there is no need in a difficult situation to try to guess and remember which operator belongs to which digital combination - to call an ambulance immediately, you just need to call toll free number 103. All uniform emergency numbers:

  • 101 - call the fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • 102 - call the police
  • 104 - call emergency gas service

These combinations are easy to memorize and save precious minutes when an emergency is needed.

Calling an ambulance from a cell phone through the 112 service

If an unforeseen situation has occurred, and you need to call an ambulance from a mobile phone as soon as possible, a person may get confused and forget about number 103. In this case, a single emergency phone number 112 (Russian analogue of 911) will be useful. By typing it, the subscriber can present the essence of the problem to the operator, and he will connect him with a suitable department.

You can call a single number for free from a mobile phone of any telecom operator, while the balance can be zero or in the red - the call will still take place. Even a locked phone or a device without a SIM card is not a hindrance when you need to call an ambulance from your mobile. You can also call this number if you need emergency help from firefighters, police or the Ministry of Emergencies.

Despite the indisputable advantages of the 112 service, you must always remember that the connection is not made directly, but through an intermediary, which means that you can get through to the ambulance quickly with cell phone it will work, but not as we would like. When switching to the desired unit, precious seconds are lost, which could cost someone's life.

Telephone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile

One of the most quick ways an ambulance call from a mobile - a call directly, using numbers that are different for each operator. They are gradually being replaced by single telephones, but they still function. In order not to get confused and to have these numbers always at hand, it is worth keeping them on your phone.

Call an ambulance by numbers, depending on the mobile operator:

Megafon, MTS, U-tel and Tele2 - dial 030;
Beeline - call 003;
Motive and Skylink - dial 903.

Calls to other emergency numbers are made according to the same principle, only the number 3 changes to one of the following: 2 - police, 1 - fire brigade, 4 - gas service.