The group of control devices is united by a common term: gaming devices. The name of the group is due to the fact that these devices are used mainly to manage active gaming programs.

A typical example of a gaming device is a joystick. Joysticks are mainly used to control aerospace vehicles.

Gamepads are usually used to control sports simulators (football, hockey, basketball), and steering systems are used to control car simulators.

Installing gaming devices

A joystick, the most typical gaming device, consists of a movable handle and several buttons. The gamepad uses a rocking plate (“remote control”) instead of a handle. A joystick is usually an analog device (the degree of impact depends on the angle of deflection of the handle), and a gamepad is digital.

Initially, gaming devices were connected to the computer through a 15-pin connector (game port), usually included in the audio adapter (it is also used to connect MIDI music devices). Most modern computers do not have a separate game port. Modern gaming devices use a USB connector.

For devices with a connector, hot plugging is possible. That is, you can connect the device when the computer is already turned on. The device will be detected immediately.

In most cases, USB devices work fine without installing any drivers. This is due to the fact that the USB bus is considered by the operating system as one solid device. The operating system ensures that everything connected to it operates with one standard driver. However, in cases where the device does not work quite as expected, or when the standard driver does not allow all the functions of the device to be implemented, you can install the specific driver that came with the device.

The gaming device must be registered with the operating system. Open Control Panel (Start - Control Panel) and double-click the Gaming Devices icon.

The Gaming Devices dialog box provides a list of available gaming devices. If the connected device is not in the list, click the Add button. A dialog box will open in which you can specify the device type.

If you couldn't find your device model, you can connect a standard gaming device. In the Add a Gaming Device dialog box (Start - Control Panel - Gaming Devices - Add), scroll through the entire list of Gaming Devices. In it, after specific models there are descriptions of sets of control elements. Choose the one that best matches your model.

What to do next?

If there is nothing suitable here, click on the Other button - the Special gaming device dialog box will open. In it you can describe your device element by element. After the parameters are selected, enter the name of the gaming device in the Controller field. This name is included in the Gaming Devices list in the Add Gaming Device dialog box. The specified device can then be selected as usual. Select the device type in the Features panel: joystick, aircraft control wheel, steering wheel.

The number of degrees of freedom is the number of mutually independent control actions. For example, a joystick handle usually has two degrees of freedom: forward-backward and left-right. If the handle can rotate around a vertical axis, the joystick is said to have three degrees of freedom.

More than three degrees of freedom are not given to one control element, so as not to greatly complicate the design. But the device can have several control elements and, accordingly, additional degrees of freedom. For example, a handle (pedal) for gas control can provide a fourth degree of freedom. More than four degrees of freedom are usually not used so as not to complicate control.

The purpose of the buttons on a gaming device is approximately the same as the buttons on a mouse: they serve to issue individual control actions (for example, “jump”, “fire” and others). The simplest models of joysticks have only two buttons. Modern gaming devices often have six, eight or more buttons. In the special gaming device dialog box, you can specify a maximum of four buttons. This is a serious limitation. If four buttons are not enough, you will have to install the specific device driver that came with it. It is also useful to visit the website of the joystick manufacturer and make sure that the driver you receive remains up to date.

This is a view switch (point-of-view, POV). Sometimes referred to as HAT. Used in games as a means of simulating the rotation of the pilot/driver's head. Allows you to control the situation not only in front, but also around the character. This small digital switch is usually mounted directly on the joystick grip. There are four-position and eight-position switches. For 360-degree viewing, some joysticks may have multiple view switches. Devices with this control also require a specific driver.

Calibration and verification

The free position of the handle (remote control, steering wheel) of the gaming device is considered neutral. It corresponds to the absence of control actions. Control devices return to this position automatically, usually under the action of a spring.

Since models and even instances of joysticks can differ significantly from each other in their electrical characteristics, it is important to notify the operating system about which physical position of the joystick is neutral - it is from this that the deviation values ​​will be counted. This alert is performed during an operation called calibration. In addition to “registration of zero” during calibration, the maximum deviations of the joystick along the main axes are also registered in the operating system. Calibration should be performed immediately after installing the gaming device on the computer. If the calibration was unsuccessful, then you need to check your computer for viruses, because due to malware, the joystick may not work. In this case, you must first remove the viruses and only then proceed with recalibration.

Gaming device calibration
  1. Open the Game Devices dialog box (Start - Control Panel - Game Devices).
  2. Make sure that installed device appears in the list of Installed gaming devices. This indicates that it is connected and operational.
  3. Select the device in the list and click the Properties button, the device properties dialog box will open.
  4. Open the Settings tab and click the Calibrate button.
  5. The calibration program operates in Wizard mode. To move between steps, you need to press one of the buttons on the gaming device. At the first stage, the neutral position of the gaming device is set, at the next stage the maximum deviations along the main axes are determined. After this, additional joystick axes are calibrated, if any.

After calibration, you should check the joystick and make sure that the commands (handle deflection and button presses) are perceived correctly. Special checking tools are needed because gaming devices are not used in the operating system itself. To check a gaming device, open its properties dialog box (Start - Control Panel - Gaming Devices - General - Properties) and select the Scan tab. The composition of the dialog box that opens depends on specific model devices. The controls change their appearance when you interact with the device. Here you can check both individual commands and combinations of effects.

The current computer allows you to connect quite a lot of different devices, some of which can turn it into a gaming center. Unconditionally, a lot of joysticks, gamepads and other gaming devices will make your computer a favorite vacation spot for children, and sometimes adults.


1. In some cases, and in order to increase the gaming “power” of your computer, it is worth considering getting such modern gaming devices as a steering wheel and pedals. What could be better than racing in new races using controls that are available to a real racer? Meanwhile, it is worth remembering that any computer device requires certain skills in order to connect it correctly, and sometimes configure it.

2. It is also true that in order to connect the steering wheel and pedals to the computer, you will need to carry out some steps. Firstly, when purchasing a similar device, you should find out how and to which port it is connected. Typically, modern gaming wheels with a set of pedals are connected with one wire to a free USB port on the computer, however, it is worth checking with the seller if this is the case.

3. You should also think about whether the computer you want to equip with a similar gaming device has an appropriate free USB port. However, if the computer has been in use for some time, usually all the ports are already occupied. A scanner, web camera, printer and a number of other devices can be connected to them. In this case, in order to connect the steering wheel and pedals to the computer, you should buy a USB hub, one that will add several free ports. If not all ports are occupied, there is nothing easier than connecting a new gaming device by simply inserting the cable into the appropriate connector on the computer.

4. It is worth noting that there are usually no connection difficulties. An exceptional disappointment that can befall a racing fan is the lack of support for such control devices in your favorite game.

Computer games captivate you seriously and for a long time - only in those cases when they simulate some actions as realistically as possible. An example of such games is a variety of sports and transport simulators, and, of course, virtual racing, in which today the functions of real racing cars are actually completely copied, and when playing such games, you are immersed in the atmosphere of the race track, enjoying driving a car. You can buy in stores different models steering wheel and pedals for games, but they are all quite expensive, and if you have certain skills in working with mechanics and electronics, you can make such a device yourself.


1. In order to make a working module with pedals, draw out, cut out and assemble the base casing from 12 mm thick plywood in advance, with a gentle bevel for comfortable positioning of the feet.

2. The crossbar of the plywood casing, installed on the inside, closest to the front sharp corner of the bevel, should be made of hardwood that will hold the tension of the return spring.

3. To attach the pedal, use a 12 mm thick steel tube. and the bolts with which you will fasten the pedal to the tube.

4. At the bottom of the tube there should be a rod with a diameter of 5 mm, holding the pedal in the brackets. Make the brackets from strong metal corners and screw them tightly to the base of the casing.

5. When making the crossbar, which was mentioned just above, measure and cut it so that it correctly matches the width of the pedal module casing and is screwed or glued to its walls and base as tightly as possible.

6. Drill a hole in the crossbar and screw a screw with a metal eye into its center, secured on the reverse side with a nut. Attach the return spring to the eye with one end, and secure it with the other end to the metal tube to which the pedal is attached.

7. After this, install the pedal potentiometer in the rear of the housing, on the L-shaped bracket, attaching it to the pedal drive with bushings so that it can rotate 90 degrees in both directions.

8. The design of the pedal module is complete - all that remains is to connect it to the computer together with the steering wheel and gearbox.

Xbox 360 - the famous game console from Microsoft. This console is now quite famous among gamers because it is comfortable and has good technical features. The console is equipped with a wireless game controller or, as it is also called, gamepad. If you bought yourself an Xbox console, but don’t know how to connect the gamepad to the game console, then these instructions will help you.


1. Press the Guide button on your controller. Hold it down until the gamepad and game console start working.

2. Simply press and release the power button on the console itself. Hurry up to press and release the connection button on the gamepad body within twenty seconds.

3. Wait until the lights next to the power button on the console stop flashing. When they stop blinking, this will indicate that the gamepad is connected.

4. If the gamepad does not turn on, check if the batteries are working. The gamepad requires AA batteries. If they don't work, then insert new ones.

5. You can also use special devices to power the gamepad - Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit or Xbox 360 Quick Charge Kit.

6. Up to four gamepads can be connected to one console. Therefore, if you need to connect more gamepads to the console, repeat all the steps for each gamepad. In this case, all of them will be assigned a specific quadrant. Around the console power button and the Guide button on gamepads there are four indicators that correspond to the quadrants.

7. To disable the gamepad, press the Guide button and hold it down for three seconds. After this, turn off the gamepad. If you turn off the console, the gamepad will reconnect itself the next time you turn it on.

8. Also keep in mind that the gamepad can only be connected to one console at a time, and if you want to connect it to another console, the connection to the first one will have to be terminated.

9. If the gamepad does not connect, then try the following: 1. Turn off the console, and after a minute turn it on again2. Replace the batteries in the gamepad3. All objects that are between gamepad and console, remove only if these objects are sources of radiation - microwave ovens, TVs, mobile and wireless home phones, metal and chrome stands, etc. Happy connection and happy playing!

To connect steering wheel To game, you do not need to have any specific knowledge - the connection is made virtually instantly, you just have to configure the control in game in a way that is comfortable for you.

You will need

  • - computer
  • – steering wheel with pedals
  • – a game that supports the connection of a similar device.


1. Connecting the steering wheel to the computer. To connect steering wheel to a PC, just connect the USB cable to one of the free ports on your computer. After you do this, connect the pedals to the steering wheel and plug the power supply into the outlet. Now steering wheel connected to the computer.

2. Setting up the game for steering. Enter a game that supports steering wheel mode and go to the settings menu. Here you should prefer the “Control Settings” option. In addition to the “Keyboard Settings” and “Mouse Settings” menus, you will see the “Alternative Controls” section - this is exactly what you need. Entering this menu, set the necessary parameters for certain buttons in a way that is comfortable for you. After saving all settings, start a new game.

3. Acceptable snags. If, after you have entered the game, the steering control remains inactive, this may be due to two reasons: the computer did not detect the device or you did not install the appropriate driver (some steering wheel models require the driver to be installed on the PC in advance). However, all this can be revealed at the control settings stage - if at the time of control settings, when you try to change keys, the steering wheel buttons do not respond, this means that it is inactive. In this case, you need to install the driver on your PC, the one that comes with the device. After installation, repeat all steps in step two.

Your work productivity scanner depends partly on the type of interface used to connect to computer. Various scanner models connect to computer using different methods. Some scanners use a special adapter, one that is inserted into the computer's motherboard. Others are connected using a parallel port, or a SCSI interface, or a USB port.


1. Connecting via LPT (parallel port) is a particularly easy method that does not require additional equipment. But at the same time, this connection is not designed for high speed data transfer, and therefore this method is normal for inexpensive scanners.

2. SCSI scanners use more ideal SCSI adapters that you can connect to both PC and Macintosh. This connection provides higher data transfer speeds compared to LPT models. If the computer does not have a SCSI controller, then manufacturers include special boards prepared for connection to the ISA connector. Remember that some computers may not have an ISA connector, so before purchasing, you need to make sure that your computer supports this connection.

3. The most modern scanner models use a high-speed USB interface, one that allows you to connect any device without turning off your computer. This interface may be missing on older computers.

Video on the topic

In connection with the crazy development of the computer and gaming industry, new devices began to appear on the market for the expanded use of familiar computer games. These innovations include kits that include steering wheels and pedals. Today, some games require the presence of a steering wheel, which was also invented in parallel with its land counterpart. When connecting these innovations, problems may arise due to the lack of certain software in the operating system.

You will need

  • Interactive car driver kit.


1. When installing this device, you should pay attention to the positive step-by-step connection. As usual, the instructions that come with this device help to fully answer all questions related to the connection. You need to connect the new device according to these instructions. If you have a disk with drivers, install them. The connection of this device can be continued by fine tuning.

2. Included operating system Windows XP has a utility that can help you configure the steering wheel and pedals. Click the "Start" menu - select "Control Panel" - "Game Devices". A new “Game Devices” window will appear on the screen. This window displays a list of installed gaming equipment. If this is your first time installing gaming tools, the list will be empty. To add a new device, click the “Add” button.

3. In the “Add a gaming device” window that opens, find the “Gaming devices” list and select the type of equipment to be connected. Check the box next to “Connect” steering wheel And pedals" at the bottom of the menu.

4. In the window that opens, select the type of your device; if your device is not there, click the “Other” button. In the new window, select one of the following options: - joystick; - game pad; - steering wheel or control handle; - control of a racing car.

5. Select the required type and indicate the number of directions that will be used by your device (2 or 4). It is also worth indicating the number of buttons on the panel of your device. Among other settings, you can switch the view type (top view, cockpit view, rear view). To activate this mode, enable the “There is a POV switch” option. The last step in setting up a new device is to enter its name in the “Controller” field. After this, click the “OK” button to return to the main “Game Devices” window.

Today, every PC user has the opportunity to connect large number devices to your “chip” friend. Connecting a special steering wheel with pedals will allow you to feel like you are in a world of virtual pleasure, because... In recent years, this direction does not stand still, but is constantly moving.

You will need

  • – IBM PC-compatible computer;
  • – computer steering wheel.


1. The latest innovations in this industry make it possible to notify the driver if the wheels of a car get into mud or wear out. How can the steering wheel do this? Whatever is direct creates vibration in every steering column. But for the positive operation of this device, it must first be installed and configured, because every game transfers its requirements to such devices.

2. Before everyone else, you need to find out how to connect a car steering wheel to a computer. The latest models support USB connections, especially since a new special technology has recently been released - USB 3.0, which can significantly increase the speed of access to additional devices. If you don't have the best new version steering wheel and it does not support USB connection, and you did not find the necessary connector, purchase a special adapter.

3. After determining the connection type, you need to make sure there are free USB ports. As you know, a large number of devices are now available with a USB interface. If you find that there are no free connectors or there is only one of each, try connecting a special divider (hub) to the computer.

4. Don’t forget that in order to detect and work correctly, you need to install drivers, which, as usual, come included (on a CD). But if they were not there, therefore, they are not necessary or you can easily download them from the Internet - open the manufacturer’s web page in your browser and go to the downloads section, indicating your model (found in the instructions for use).

5. Also, do not forget that first you connect the steering wheel, and then turn on the game; on the contrary, you may not have a gamepad in the control settings. Please note that many models, with a positive connection, include an indication; for example, on the steering wheels of some manufacturers there is a scale for pressing the gas pedal.

6. After starting the game, go to the controller (control) settings and specify the gamepad as an alternative to the keyboard. You can also customize the purpose of many buttons. Remember that there is no “clutch” pedal for such a device; therefore, it needs to be configured by specifying one of the unused buttons as this pedal.

LPT is a connector used in some printer models, in modern computers, as usual, is missing, which complicates the process of using the equipment. To use an LPT printer, you will need to buy a special adapter and configure software.

You will need

  • LPT-USB adapter.


1. Buy an LPT-USB adapter. You can buy it at a computer store or at the radio market, which sells all kinds of adapters for this type of device. Place one end of the adapter on the printer cable and secure it. Plug the other end of the wire into the USB port of the computer.

2. After connecting, wait until the device is detected in the system. Most likely, the system does not recognize everyone installed printer, so you will need to download the appropriate device drivers.

3. Insert the disk that came with the printer into the disk drive of your computer. Wait for the disk to load, then click on the “Start” menu. Right-click “Computer” and click “Properties”. On the left side of the window that appears, select “Device Manager” and go to the “Printers” section. Right-click on the unrecognized hardware and select “Update driver”, then select “Mechanical search for hardware drivers” and click “Next”.

4. If you do not have a printer disk, go to the official website of your device manufacturer. Find the “Service and Help” or “Download Drivers” section, then find your printer model and download the corresponding files using the site menu. After downloading, install the downloaded installer by running it on your computer.

5. After installing the driver, reconnect the printer and restart the computer's operating system. Go to “Start” – “Devices and Printers”. If your printer appears in the selected section, the installation was successful and you can start printing.

Pay attention!
Some motherboard models support an LPT slot, but the required connector may not be located on the panel of the computer case. To make sure you have the required port, use the instructions that came with your motherboard.

Useful advice
You can also buy an LPT cable from a computer store and install it yourself by opening the computer case and installing the connector in the appropriate slot motherboard. After this, you will be able to directly connect your printer without an adapter.

It's now easy to turn your own keyboard into the cockpit of a racing car - just buy a steering wheel and pedals. They are equipped with standard USB cables that can be connected to all ports. However, often this does not happen and the PC does not “see” the gaming installation.

Everything is simple here, because the joystick, steering wheel, pedals are connected to the computer according to the same principle as office equipment— first they are connected via a port, then the system begins to recognize them. This takes up to a minute. After this, you can launch the game and organize races, reconfiguring some functions to suit your convenience.

This rule applies to all variations of Windows.

Any device that is going to come into contact with a computer has the appropriate software or drivers. Or rather, they are present on the computer. Only thanks to them does the machine recognize what is connected to it. If they are not there, the user will have to take care of this problem himself.

Thus, if the user connected a steering wheel or joystick and was about to “ride”, but the PC did not accept the connected equipment, this often means that the corresponding software is not on the computer.

The system makes this clear with an error message or the phrase “Device not recognized.”

You can deal with the problem manually, even without much experience. Drivers are always included on a disc that comes with the gaming device.

In any case, respected manufacturers who care about their reputation and are responsible for quality do just that. Game drivers or software are downloaded from the official portal of the company that released the game, or from another trustworthy source.

Setting up a controller or steering wheel manually

Even installation does not always solve the problem: the system did not see the gamepad, and still does not see it. Here the user is asked to perform a number of simple operations:

  1. Click the Windows logo button at the bottom left to open the Start menu.

  2. Open "Control Panel".

  3. In the category, find and open the “Equipment and Sound” section.

  4. Click on the “Devices and Printers” subsection.

  5. A window titled “Devices and Printers” will appear. The gamepad will appear in it. If this does not happen, the required device is added manually. At the top left you can see the “Add device” button. Press it.

  6. The system will begin searching and recognizing what has connected to it. This takes up to several minutes. Now she should see the device offered to her. When the steering wheel or gamepad is displayed, marking them, press the button to move to the next stage - “Next”.

All that remains is to calibrate and configure the controller, after which you can launch the simulator and play.


In order to calibrate a connected device, there are two simple ways.

Method No. 1

  1. Click the “Start” button in the lower left corner, which is usually used when shutting down or rebooting.

  2. Expand the “All Programs” section.

  3. Go to the “Standard” section, “Run” subsection.

  4. In the field that opens, enter the command “joy.cpl” and press “Enter”.

  5. A window will open with all identified gaming devices. Select the one you need, click on it with the left button of the manipulator, then open the “Properties” section.

  6. In the “Parameters” tab, click on the “Calibrate” option.

  7. You can start setting up by reading the “Device Calibration Wizard” instructions and following the steps indicated.

Method No. 2

The second method allows you to do without commands that are incomprehensible to an inexperienced user; all you need to do is:

  1. After pressing the start button, go to the “Control Panel” section.

  2. From there, go to the “Equipment and Sound” section.

  3. Then go to the “Devices and Printers” subsection.

  4. Next, the gaming devices section will open, right-click on the device name, then on the “Gaming device settings...” option.

    Right-click on the device name, then left-click on the line “Game device settings...”

  5. Click on the “Properties” option.

  6. A setup window with a calibration button will pop up. You need to press it.

A map of settings for buttons and other devices on the joystick or steering wheel appears in front of the user, it is written down what reacts to which command and how much the steering wheel can deviate along the axis.

Having adjusted these options to suit your preferences, the steering wheel is tested again. If the user is satisfied with what he sees, he can move on to the game.

Video - How to calibrate the steering wheel

Features for GTA game

The gaming station for GTA is connected in the same way as described for Windows 7 - that is, you need to connect the steering wheel and pedals, then connect it to the computer, and after installing the drivers and calibration, you can play.

More often than not, everything happens more simply - the computer immediately recognizes the device, giving the player the opportunity to immediately join the game.

Features when setting up the CREW simulator

In the CREW simulator, in order to fully use it, you need to go through two stages:

  1. Installing the driver from the disk (load the media, launch the program and then follow the instructions on the display).
  2. Connecting the device.

Driver installation process:

After installing the drivers, connect the gaming equipment via standard USB cables.

Simulator parameters and their adjustment

You can play right away - with factory settings installed. Players usually do things differently: they launch a racing simulator and set required device- for example, the steering wheel - as the main control element. Here the following parameters are “tweaked”:

  • steering response;
  • degree of turns;
  • return.

What best option, it is impossible to say for sure - each player determines this independently during the game, checking his own feelings.

You can also use utilities to make this task easier. For example, Logitech Profiler - just set up your own profile in it and it will adjust to your needs specified parameters any user game.

Create a profile in Logitech Profiler

To create new profile need to:

  1. Go to the official website, click on the “Files for downloads” tab.

  2. From the list, select “Logitech Gaming Software”, the appropriate system bit size, and click “Download”.

  3. Left click on the downloaded file.

  4. In the welcome window of the installation program, click “Next”.

  5. Click “Next” again.

  6. Wait for the installation to complete.
  7. Check the appropriate box to restart your computer and click “Finish.”

  8. Click on the “Profile” tab.

  9. Select "New".

  10. Enter a profile name.

  11. Click on the “Browse” button and open the path to the game’s .exe file.

  12. Select an icon, click OK.

What problems may arise in Crew

The Logitech Profiler app also addresses a number of issues that have left many users frustrated with the Crew simulator, including:

  • the steering wheel is too sensitive - more precisely, the improvised car twitches from one touch to the steering wheel;
  • it is possible to turn only by turning the steering wheel to the maximum;
  • The configured Logitech Profiler profile settings do not launch.

This happens due to a conflict between user settings and those specified by the manufacturer.

These difficulties can be overcome.

The previous settings have been removed.

Thus, connecting the steering wheel and pedals is very simple - even children can do it. It is enough to first read the instructions for the device and use only trustworthy portals to download programs.

Video - How to connect the steering wheel

Connecting the steering wheel and pedals to a gaming PC is done according to the usual scheme for all control devices - keyboard, mouse, joystick or gamepad. They are equipped with a USB port, thanks to which a “hot plug” occurs - the computer instantly recognizes the device and allows you to use it. Let's take a closer look at this process.

If after plugging it into the USB port nothing happens, or the steering wheel does not work as we would like, we will need a set of drivers or special software. As a rule, you can find it on the manufacturer’s website or on a disc out of the box. It also doesn’t hurt to read the instructions for the device, which often provide comprehensive answers to all questions. We find the disk, insert it into the drive and run the installer.

If after the previous step the steering wheel does not work, it may not be detected by the system. To check this guess, go to the “Start” menu, open the “Control Panel”, in it the “Hardware and Sound” item. In Windows 7, just below there is a sub-item “View devices and printers”, in which all connected gaming devices, including the steering wheel, will be marked.

If the steering wheel is not there, look for the “Add” button in the upper left corner, click it and give the system time to search for available devices. When the device is found, select it and click the “Next” button.

To calibrate the gaming wheel, go to “Start” -> “Accessories” -> “Run” again and enter the command “joy.cpl” in the appropriate line. A list of working devices will appear in the window that opens. To configure them, click on the desired name right click mouse and select “Properties”. Similarly, the steering wheel is calibrated through “Control Panel” -> “Hardware and Sound”. In the section with gaming devices, select the appropriate one, click “Properties”, we get a dialog box with the “Settings” tab. There will be a “Calibrate” button, which we will use.

In calibration mode, the user specifies the normal position of the steering wheel (joystick, gamepad) and its maximum deviations along all axes, as well as special positions, the response of buttons and other control structures. Since the screen will display all the information about the testing process, make sure that the steering wheel responds as you need. Here is a small list of games using steering wheels and pedals:

  • Euro Truck Simulator 2;
  • Auto Club Revolution;
  • Race.Driver.GRID.;
  • Driver Parallel Lines;
  • Test Drive Unlimited;
  • rFactor (+ mods from different years);
  • Colin M'cray Rally Series;
  • Richard Burns Rally
  • Live For Speed;
  • Toca race driver 3;
  • F1 challenge 99-02;
  • BMW M3 Challenge;
  • Truckers 2;
  • NFS Underground and Most Wanted;
  • GTR series.

If problems still occur, check the compatibility of the steering wheel with the game, its minimum and recommended requirements. It is also not recommended to store such control devices in direct sunlight, drop them on the floor, or twist their cable. The ingress of any liquid will negatively affect the performance of the steering wheel.

How to set up the steering wheel on a computer

Setting up a gaming steering wheel on a computer includes installation, calibration, testing and editing. It is not advisable to skip any point if you want to get maximum pleasure from the game. Let's consider all the stages in order.

Installation. In other words, equipment installation. Typically, gaming devices are connected to a USB port and support automatic installation. After each installed driver a notification appears in the tray. When the device is fully recognized, the computer will notify you that the process has been successfully completed and prompt you to begin calibration. The installation of the steering wheel, pedals and joystick is similar to the usual connection of a USB mouse and keyboard.

If for some reason the equipment was not recognized, then install the drivers. You can download them from the official website of the manufacturer of the gaming product or from the disk that is included in the steering wheel box. The success rate of the operation is 95%. If this method does not help, then perform the installation manually. Open "Device Manager" through the "Start" menu and the "Control Panel" button. Next, select the “Hardware and Sound” category or immediately click “View devices and printers.”

A new window lists all the devices that are connected to this computer, and the steering wheel should be among them. If this is not the case, then click the “Add device” button and wait for the search for unidentified equipment. Click on the gaming device icon and follow the installation instructions.

Calibration Or optimizing the steering wheel to suit your requirements. This is similar to setting up a mouse, where you need to set the cursor speed. At the steering wheel, the force of pressing the pedals and the axis of rotation are calibrated, and all buttons and levers are checked. To start the setup, enter the command “joy.cpl” in the “Run...” window, which is called up by pressing the “Win ​​+ R” keys or through “Start”, “Accessories”, “Run”. Select the steering wheel and click the “Properties” button. The new window will have four tabs, in three of which you need to customize the steering wheel settings.

Checking and editing. At this point everything is simple. Open a game, for example, “Need for Speed” and scroll through the control settings. In addition to the usual keyboard, the steering wheel settings will appear, so let’s go there. Please note that when you first connect the steering wheel and pedals, the controls in the game are set automatically and often do not correspond to the user’s wishes, so reassign all buttons, especially “Gas” and “Brake”, turns “Left” and “Right”. Save your settings and start racing. Is everything working fine? You are a great fellow and configured the steering wheel on the computer correctly. If not, don’t despair, go through the calibration procedure again and carefully study the control menu in the game. Use Google or YouTube to search for information on installing your specific steering wheel model for a specific game.

Before buying a steering wheel and pedals, make sure the game is compatible with your device to avoid troubles in the future. And to extend the service life of your gaming device, we advise you to avoid kinking wires, pulling them out of the USB port, dropping the steering wheel, or spilling liquid on the equipment.

Connecting the steering wheel to the computer and setting up the controller

Car simulators allow you to participate in races without risking your life, developing crazy speed and leaving unlucky rivals behind. However, using the keyboard is not as fun to control the car; The steering wheel is another matter - here the realism of control is already off the charts.

But before you start racing through city streets and rough terrain, forcing your opponents to bite the dust, you need to figure out how to connect the steering wheel to your computer.


It is important at the stage of choosing a game controller to decide in which games it will be used. If you are going to install Truckers 2 on Windows 7, then that's enough functionality the simplest steering wheel.

If you play simulators latest generation, it is better to immediately choose more powerful and functional controller models. For example, Logitech Driving Force GT - it is compatible with PC, PS2 and PS3. So you can connect your PS3 to your computer and enjoy your favorite game on big screen.

But first you will have to assemble the game controller. Its completeness depends on the model: it could just be a steering wheel; steering wheel and pedals; steering wheel, pedals and gearbox. The process of installing the steering wheel itself should not cause difficulties for the average user. If you connected a gamepad to a computer, you can handle it with a different type of game controller.

Almost all steering wheels are connected to a computer via a USB interface.

The latest models use USB 3.0 technology, but you can install them in USB ports 2.0 (backward compatibility supported).

Once connected, you will see a notification that Windows has detected a new device. You will be prompted to insert the driver disc and install the necessary software for the hardware to work correctly. Follow these recommendations.

If you do not have the software disc, download the drivers from the official website of the game controller manufacturer. The main thing here is to correctly indicate the device model in order to download the appropriate drivers.


After connecting the game controller, you need to configure it. This is done directly in the car simulator: in the “Settings” menu there should be a special section dedicated to adjusting the parameters of the connected controller.

Important! The game should be launched only after connecting the steering wheel. Otherwise, the controller in the simulator simply will not be detected, and you will not be able to use it.

In the game settings, you will most likely have to specify the purpose of the buttons and pedals. While using the controller, you will quickly figure out how best to customize it for yourself, so there is no point in advising anything here.

How to connect a gaming wheel to a computer

This article is primarily dedicated to those who love racing computer games. We'll talk about how to connect gaming wheel to the computer.

For those who cannot imagine their life without virtual racing, the steering wheel is a tool that helps them immerse themselves more deeply in the gaming universe. And control with it becomes much more realistic. This is especially noticeable in simulators. Now on sale huge amount such devices. From simple steering wheels with pedals to high-tech devices with feedback, shock sensors, realistic gearbox. Steering wheels combined with a built-in gamepad also appeared on sale. So how do you connect it all?

Typically, connection occurs via regular USB port. Just connect the device. A message will appear on the screen indicating that a game controller has been detected. After that, insert the driver disk, it should be included in the package, and wait for the installation to complete. Then you connect the rest of the peripherals, these are pedals and other equipment. The connection sockets are located on the back of the steering wheel. When everything is installed, open the control panel in the operating system and select the gaming devices tab. A window will open, and at the top there will be a “Device Calibration” tab. Calibration is done to ensure that the steering wheel accurately follows the movement of the car in the game. If you do not do this, then, for example, when you turn the steering wheel, the car will not turn in the game. But that's not all. Now we have made the basic settings. Now go to your favorite races and open the “Management” menu item. There the keyboard will be selected by default. You need to reassign it to the steering wheel buttons. Is everything done? Then you can play. Now let's look at some interesting models.

Logitech G27 steering wheel. Quite an expensive toy, but very high quality. This model has very high realism. For example, if in a game your car skids to the left, the steering wheel will turn to the right with force, almost like in life. There is recoil when you hit it in the game. There is also a full-fledged 6-speed gearbox and metal pedals, which also have a certain force when pressed. By the way, there is a clutch here too. Full paddle shifters will create the feeling of a sports car. Many buttons and switches will allow you to customize the controls as convenient for you. You will be satisfied with this model. After it, you most likely won’t want anything else.

We liked the second model for its reference to the most famous car model. This is the ThrustMaster Ferrari Red Legend. This is a budget model and looks very stylish. There is nothing superfluous in the kit, only the steering wheel and pedals. There are many additional buttons. This steering wheel is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot, but at the same time buy quality equipment.

Now you know how to connect a gaming wheel to your computer. As you can see, this is not difficult. You will get a lot of emotions from racing games.

Customizing the steering wheel and pedals for popular games

The global computer applications industry is developing by leaps and bounds. The main task of developers is to bring the gameplay as close as possible to reality, and many do this very well: modern video games really capture and immerse the user headlong into the world of virtuality. It will always help to complement the range of sensations from a well-made game quality device management. For example, a gamepad for sports simulators, a joystick for flight simulators, or a steering wheel for all kinds of racing. The most technologically advanced racing controls consist of a steering wheel with pedals and a gearbox. In this article we will try to figure out how to set up a steering wheel with pedals on a computer in order to comfortably play your favorite simulators.

Equipment installation

The first step in working with a new device, be it a joystick, a printer or any other example, is installing the software. We launch the disk that comes with the device, and follow the steps suggested by the installation wizard to install the driver. You can also install new equipment from the control panel. To do this, in the “Control Panel” we find “Hardware Installation”, then select our device from the list and click “Next”. Then we indicate the path to installation file and click “OK”. The installation will be completed automatically.

If you do not have the software, you should download it from the developer’s website and install the drivers through the control panel or in any other way.

After installing the drivers, we connect our device to the computer. Typically, the steering wheel is connected using a USB cable.

To make sure that the steering wheel is working properly, open the “Control Panel”, select “Game Devices” and make sure that the “Status” item is labeled “O/C”. Next, right-click on “O/C”, go to “Properties” and test the functionality of the pedals, steering wheel, buttons and switches: when they are activated, everything should be displayed correctly on the screen.

Game Controller Settings

Open the racing simulator, find the control settings and set our manipulator as the main control type. There, in the control settings, we adjust the steering sensitivity, degree of rotation, recoil force and other parameters according to our own feelings. You won’t be able to set up the steering wheel perfectly the first time - the settings need to be tested many times during the game, but the result will definitely be worth the effort.

ADVICE. When connecting, for correct operation of the device, it is better to use the proprietary wire included in the kit.

If you are not satisfied with the operation of the device, but game settings cannot fix this problem, you can calibrate the manipulator using the built-in operating utility windows systems. To do this, select “Hardware and Sound” in the control panel, then open “Devices and Printers”, find our manipulator in the list that appears and call context menu by clicking the right mouse button. In the menu that opens, select “Parameters” and “Calibrate”. The equipment customizer window opens, in which you can adjust the necessary properties of the steering wheel, pedals and buttons.

Educational driving simulator for computer

For some devices, additional utilities are released to make setup easier for different games. For example, for the Logitech family of steering wheels, the Logitech Profile program has been developed, which allows you to create and configure a profile for each game. If you use this utility, you won't have to delve into the game's options - your profile settings will be enabled automatically when you launch it.

Customizing steering wheels for popular games

We will highlight setting up steering wheels for some popular computer games in a separate chapter. In principle, steering wheel settings are done the same way for all types, according to the instructions above, however, problems arise in some games, so we will focus on some of the features of steering wheel settings.

Features of steering wheel settings for the Crew simulator

Many users have a question about how to set up a manipulator for playing The Crew, due to the following problems:

  • A slight turn of the steering wheel provokes a sharp maneuver in the game.
  • The game only reacts to the maximum turn of the steering wheel (if you do not turn the steering wheel all the way, vehicle does not perform a turn in the game).
  • Saved profile settings do not launch when using Logitech Profile.

Based on user experience and reviews on the Internet, the Logitech Profile program will help solve these problems. You need to create a profile for Crew, and in its properties, uncheck the box next to the line “Allow game to adjust settings”. This will allow Logitech Profile to disable Crew's in-game settings and only use your configured profile.

Additional settings effects in Logitech Profile

In order for car simulator games to give players even more pleasure and make the process more realistic, manufacturers offer them game controllers in the form of a steering wheel. Such devices are very convenient and functional, but before appreciating their benefits, the user must install and configure them. This is not so difficult to do, the main thing is that before installing the steering wheel on your computer, be sure to read the recommendations below.

Installing the steering wheel on a computer

First, you will need to secure the steering wheel on the table in a convenient place for you. This can be done using a clamp screw, which is already included with the game controller. Next, place the pedals under your desk so that you can reach them while sitting at your PC.

Since modern gaming wheels are connected via a USB interface, you will need to find the appropriate cable before connecting the wheel to your computer. As a rule, it comes with a game controller, but if you don’t have one, any other one will do. USB cable. It will need to be connected first to the steering wheel port, and then to the corresponding connector located on the processor of your PC. After this, you will need to wait a few minutes for the OS to recognize the new hardware and start automatic search device drivers. Once this is done, the system will notify you that the device has been successfully connected.

It is worth noting that in some cases Windows may not find suitable drivers and here you will need to do the following. First you need to go to Device Manager. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop. After this, a list of installed equipment will open in front of you, in it you will need to select the game wheel and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, you will need to select “Update drivers”. As soon as this command is executed, the OS will independently find all the necessary drivers. And all you have to do is configure your gaming equipment.

Setting up the steering wheel on the computer

Before you set up the steering wheel on your computer, you will need to install the game that you will control using the controller. After this, it will need to be launched. Then you will need to open the “Options” section and go to “Control Settings”. Having done this, a new window will appear in front of you; it will have three sections; you will need to open “Alternative Control”.

In it, you will first need to select the “Gas” tab and adjust the pressure of this pedal by changing the parameters to suit your needs. By choosing one speed mode, you can press the gas pedal to understand whether it suits you or not. If it is weak, then you will need to try to select the optimal one and save the changes. In the same way, the parameters for the steering wheel are set in the tab of the same name, only checking its maneuverability will need to be done not with the pedal, but with the steering wheel.