Technologies do not stand still; every day new additions and functions appear on the phone that make its operation more comfortable and efficient.

NFC (Near field communication) - technology wireless communication high frequency, created for exchanging information between devices. Functions in the same way as the now obsolete IR port.

This technology is not at all new, as it might seem at first glance. Its announcement took place in 2004. It was created by the joint efforts of Nokia, Sony and Philips.

It didn't have much effect on society back then. Some see the reason because Apple company– the main driver of new technologies mobile communications, did not recognize this technology.

What is NFC in a smartphone and why is it needed?

NFC is considered a branch of RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology. This is a technology that is based on the same idea - the use of radio waves to receive and transmit information. At the same time, NFC technology has two pleasant differences:

A phone with NFC carries out two-way data transfer (RFID only in one direction);

Supports much more data.

First mobile device with NFC support appeared back in 2006. It turned out to be NOKIA smartphone 6131. ​​But due to the lack of infrastructure - special terminals, NFC tags, the technology has not gained much popularity.

NFC on the phone

NFC functions on the phone

There are 3 main purposes of NFC on a phone:

  1. Making contactless payments. A phone with an NFC module is designed to read and emulate (that is, imitate the operation without losing functionality for making a payment) your bank card or identity card. This payment method is convenient because it is always at hand. You can easily leave your card or wallet at home, but most people never part with their phone. In order for this to work, you need to have three conditions: a smartphone with an NFC chip, special program for payment and storage of your data: Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay or any other payment system, you need to fill in the payment details from the card, and the system does the rest automatically, a terminal in the store that accepts contactless payment.
  2. Data transfer (peer-to-peer). In this way, you can connect two devices to transmit this or that information. For example: transfer Wi-Fi settings to mobile phone or tablet. You can also print photos by holding the camera close to the printer (the only condition is that both devices support the NFC function).
  3. 3. Scan mode. In this case, the device acts as a reader of NFC tags, which carry various information. For example, you can get all the necessary data about food products (for example, about a carton of milk - date and place of manufacture, composition, expiration date) just by holding your smartphone to a special tag. It is located on the box (like a barcode, but easier to read). It must be remembered that for proper operation nfc in your phone, this function must be enabled.

You can also find such tags on smart posters and posters. By holding your smartphone close to them, you can get all the necessary information about the event or watch interactive advertising.

NFC technology is developing rapidly and is entering different areas of life. Also NFC module for the phone is actively used:

  • transfer files (photos and music);
  • electronic key (NFC technology for accessing private data);
  • ID card (NFC chip with information about the owner);
  • transfer of funds (by touching smartphones to each other);
  • NFC tags (for saving information: address, phone number, bank opening hours).
  • electronic ticket purchase;
  • traveler cards;
  • mobile commerce;
  • electronic money;
  • initializing wireless connections.

Pay using NFC on your phone

Most best way– contactless payment using a bank card that has a built-in NFC antenna. When making a purchase, the amount will be automatically withdrawn upon contact with the terminal.

You can also use your phone as a bank card. The payment scheme is as follows: bring your smartphone to the terminal, and the payment will be made.

Making a payment

So, now it’s clear what NFC is needed for.

You also need to list the positive qualities of the technology.

Pros and cons

NFC has its pros and cons. It is worth evaluating them to understand whether this feature is needed for this phone.


  • eliminates data loss and interception;
  • a convenient way to transfer financial data;
  • unlike bluetooth, the connection time between devices is almost instantaneous;
  • low energy consumption;
  • the chip is very small, it can be used in a wide variety of items;

Embedded chip

  • the average frequency, which allows you to send and receive data using radio signals not only from active but also passive devices, is a frequency of 13.56 MHz;
  • allows instant communication;
  • works without power supply to any of the devices (phone turned off, credit smart card).


  • Short range: data transmission is possible at a distance of no more than 10 cm.
  • Oddly enough, this same minus is also a plus, since the short range guarantees that the signal will not be intercepted. In general, this is why NFC was created, because bluetooth in a phone also transmits a signal, but it travels too far.
  • Not available on every smartphone. We are also solving this issue; the number of models that support this technology is constantly increasing.
  • To pay using NFC, you need a terminal, but it is not available everywhere, especially if the owner of the phone lives in a small town.


Contactless payment

After learning about the possibility of paying using your phone, some may ask how safe it is.

You don't have to worry about someone stealing it. All information about the cards is stored not on the phone or SD card, but on a special chip embedded in the smartphone itself.

To create it, the same technology is used that is used in bank cards EMV standard. This standard was developed jointly by Europay, Visa and MasterCard in order to maximize the security of financial transactions.

While working, they encrypt the data themselves, conducting the authentication process and making payment transactions.

How the technology works

The NFC operating system is very complex, it is better to discuss it briefly and concisely.

There are two operating modes of the device:

  1. Active. There are two induction coils that must be attached to each device used. They generate a magnetic field and electric current, it turns into a signal. The devices take turns sending electromagnetic fields, exchanging them.
  2. Passive. In this mode, one phone creates the field, and the second one receives it. Bank and other cards work this way.

Please note that if your phone is locked or in sleep mode, data transfer will be interrupted.

To get started, connect the devices with their backs, bringing them as close to each other as possible. When you hear a sound notification, allow data transfer.

Connecting devices for data transfer

Features of use:

This open platform technology has been standardized in ECMA-340 and ISO/IEC 18092.

The standards define:

  • transmission speed;
  • modulation schemes;
  • radio frequency structure of the device interface;
  • initialization schemes and conditions that are required to control conflict situations during the initialization process;
  • protocol for transmission, activation and exchange of data.

NFC combines many standards that existed before. These also include ISO 14443, ISO 15693.

In addition, the NFC Forum created NDEF, a common data format that can be used to store and transfer data elements (from a MIME object to ultra-short RTD documents such as URLs).

NDEF is a compressed binary format in which each entry contains different class object. The first report type defines the context of the entire message.

Data transfer

For this, two types of encoding are used:

  • modified Miller code with 100% modulation (relevant for transmitting information at a speed of 106 kbaud);
  • Manchester (used in all other cases).

Data is quite easy to destroy using electronic warfare (jammers). It is difficult to prevent such an action, but it will result in the connection being terminated. Otherwise, no harm can be done in this way.

Support devices

In addition to the above functions, NFC can connect many devices to your phone with one touch. In general, the list is very large, you can consider some of them:

  • column;
  • bluetooth headphones;
  • door lock;
  • TV.

NFC instead of a door key

It is clear that the items support this function.

There is also a more mundane way to use this technology. Let’s say the owner of the phone needs the smartphone to automatically launch the navigator in the car, get directions to work, turn on Bluetooth, turn on music and turn off Wi-Fi.

NFC (Near Field Communication) is a short-range wireless high-frequency communication technology (up to 10 cm), allowing contactless data exchange between devices located on the short distances: for example, between the reading terminal and cell phone or a plastic smart card.

NFC technology is based on RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification, radio frequency identification is a method of automatically identifying objects in which data stored in so-called transponders or RFID tags are read or written using radio signals), that is, a technology for transmitting information over a radio channel that supports both active and passive devices.

For example, Sony NFC key fobs do not require additional power to operate (read data), that is, they can operate completely passively.

There are three most popular uses of NFC technology in mobile phones:
- card emulation - the phone pretends to be a card, for example a pass or a payment card;
- reading mode - the phone reads a passive tag, for example for interactive advertising;
- P2P mode - two phones communicate and exchange information.

The “carrier” of the NFC chip is often a mobile phone - a device that is as widespread as it is individual, and most importantly inseparable from its owner, acting as:
- means of payment (virtual wallet),
- a means of identifying the owner,
- key,
- bonus card,
- travel ticket.

Currently, NFC solutions are already used in many areas.
For example, with the help of this technology, the booking and sale of electronic tickets, payment for travel on public transport and car parking are carried out; NFC technology is also actively used in the field of services and entertainment, in the field of security and access control.

The maximum operating radius is about 10 cm.
The module operates at a frequency of: 13.56 MHz.
Data transfer rate: 106 Kbps - 848 Kbps.

What is the fundamental difference between NFC and Bluetooth technology?

The most important advantage of NFC is the shorter connection time, one tenth of a second.
In addition, NFC has a shorter range, which makes this method of transmitting information more secure.
NFC allows you to transfer data at a speed of 424 Kbps, which is much less than Bluetooth.

The development of contactless payment technology has led to the emergence of cards such as Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass, which have a built-in antenna and operate using the NFC standard.

The development of this market has led to Google, MasterCard, Citibank, Sprint and First Data have created Google Wallet, which is installed on some Android phones.
The application allows you to turn your phone into credit card, which can be used to pay at any terminal that supports PayPass.

The NFC module was originally intended for one-touch payments. A SIM card with a built-in chip can be used both in shops, municipal transport, and as a contactless “master key” or business card. This technology also began to be used in tablets and smartphones.

Leading manufacturers equip mid-range and higher gadgets with special adapters that allow you to instantly transfer data and perform other operations. Despite this, many users do not know what the NFC function is on the phone and how to use this device.

Devices operating on Android began to be equipped with special chips since the release of OS 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. The NFS module is designed for communication between tablets and phones located at short distances from each other.

NFC technology in smartphones provides the user with the following capabilities:

  • Quickly share various files;
  • Use the gadget as a pass to various organizations and institutions;
  • Make contactless payments with one touch;
  • Store or read data in a specific format.

Many advanced users are interested in what NFS is in a smartphone and whether this function is really necessary for the user, because all gadgets are equipped with Bluetooth.

NFS technology is most often used for payments, which means the signal range is minimal. The connection between the phone and the device is completed in a matter of seconds, ensuring complete security, which is not the case with Bluetooth.

Does the device support the NFS interface?

Not all modern gadgets have such a chip. Android may have simple Bluetooth installed, which does not allow the device to be used for secure operations.

How to find out if your smartphone has NFC in order to enjoy all its benefits. You can check the availability of this function through the settings located in the tablet or phone menu:

  • Go to Android settings;
  • In the line " Wireless networks» click “Advanced”;
  • Enter the NFS settings menu.

Once a user has found a feature they need, they can enable it or set restrictions. To do this, in the same tab you need to:

  • Check the box next to “Allow data exchange”;
  • Wait for activation Android programs Beam;
  • If the function does not start automatically, click on Android Beam, then confirm the action.

Note! NFS on Android phone is not a separate means of transferring files or other information, but a command device. Data exchange is carried out via wireless communication. The chip issues a command to activate the Internet and transmit information.

Which smartphones have NFS?

If the user knows what NFC is for, then he can easily use this module when performing various operations. Almost all modern gadgets are equipped with this technology. Here are some examples:

  • iPhone, starting with the 6S model;
  • Samsung Galaxy with S3, LG latest models and Xperia X from Sony.

Other manufacturers may also please you with the presence of an advanced device. The NFC function on Android allows you to carry out various operations quickly and safely, which is its main advantage.

Possible options for using the NFS module

The module can operate in several main modes. Namely:

  • Active. Both smartphones are equipped with a special chip.
  • Passive. Only one gadget model is used.

Note! The chip operates in several modes. The first is used to exchange information between smartphones or planets. The purpose of the second is a “pass” or card when going on the subway or buying a bus ticket.

Contactless payments

In plastic card emulation mode, the NFS chip makes it possible to pay for services and goods at terminals. The most common services Android Pay, for iPhones - Apple Pay. The module installed on a smartphone allows you to hide the cardholder’s data, thereby securing the operation.

How to pay via NFC from an Android phone:

  • To make a payment you will need a card with paypass support;
  • Download a special application;
  • Log in to your personal page in the main menu;
  • Select the NFS item;
  • Place the plastic on the back panel of the smartphone so that the module reads the data it needs.

Using the NFS option, the owner of the gadget will be able to transfer funds for a completed purchase in one touch.

Payments for travel on public transport

If certain settings are available, the NFS system can be used as an electronic ticket. Support latest technology will allow passengers of underground and surface transport to use the chip much faster when passing turnstiles or recording a completed trip.

Exchange of information using modern technologies

After activating NFS, it can be used to exchange files. To send information, the user must adhere to a certain algorithm.

How to use NFC on a smartphone:

  • Activate NFS and Android Beam on gadgets;
  • Both mobile phones must work and be unlocked;
  • When the smartphones are close to each other, the user will hear a corresponding signal, which informs that the gadgets are in the field of view.

Attention! You can separate devices only after the transfer of information is completed. The user will be notified of this by a corresponding signal.

Instant scanning of information

Reading using an electronic chip operates by scanning a barcode - a mark located on the media. They are gradually replacing paper codes and contain not only information about the manufacturer, but also composition, shelf life, and other data.

Reading individual marks

The principle of its operation is similar to barcode scanning. But in this situation, it is not the camera on the mobile phone that is used, but the sensor located under the cover. This feature is especially useful in home use.

To create tags, the user needs to install an application, which can be downloaded via Play Market. The owner of the smartphone will be able to assign a specific task independently: “create a message”, “send a letter”, “make a call”.

Most popular applications:

  • ABA NSF. Used to create simple notations.
  • A device for turning on the wireless Internet network without a password (the smartphone is attached to the gadget connected to Wi-Fi);
  • SmartTag Maker. The application is suitable only for owners of Sony gadgets.

Note! Such marks are passive. They do not need to receive power to store data. They have a small volume, necessary only to secure the command. Such marks are calledTecTiles. To scan them, just bring your smartphone, after which the task set by the user will be immediately completed.

What to do if there is no NFS on your phone

Most smartphone owners are interested in how to use Android Pay without NFC. Mobile operators have developed SIM cards with a built-in module for signal transmission.

What to do if your phone does not support NFC - first option:

  • Buy a special SIM card;
  • Place it in the slot on your smartphone;
  • The chip is automatically activated.

Note! It should be taken into account that the signal dimensionsGSMvary and depend on the format on a particular device.

What to do if there is no NFC on your phone - option two:

  • Buy external device for contactless payments;
  • Next, you need to read the instructions on how to install NFC in your smartphone - most often you just need to fix it on the SIM card;
  • Place in tray.

Attention! One drawback is that this method is suitable for gadgets that have a removable cover. Non-separable models and mobile phones with side slots cannot be equipped with an external device.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

The main advantage of the NFS module is low energy consumption, affordable cost, safety and ease of use. But before activating this function, you need to study certain nuances.

Like all devices, the NFC module also has some disadvantages:

  1. Small range. This causes some inconvenience when using this technology. On the other hand, it provides maximum security. The owner of the smartphone will not be able to accidentally pay for the goods or set a command.

  1. The development of modifications for NFS is uncontrolled. Manufacturers of gadgets "Haomi" and "Sony" are trying to improve the process of transmitting information. They independently produce parts that only work with their smartphones or tablets. To enjoy all the benefits of the module, the consumer will have to buy mobile phones of certain brands, as well as install applications only from these developers.

Note! Developers are gradually trying to eliminate some of the shortcomings and make various improvements to their technology.

If the user does not know how to connect NFC to a smartphone or finds it difficult to do so, it is better to contact a specialized center for help from experienced professionals.

The NFS module allows you to make one-touch purchases and carry out other types of transactions. If your smartphone does not have this function, you can purchase the appropriate chip or SIM card. To ensure proper security, the phone owner will have to enable screen unlocking using a fingerprint or PIN code - there is no other choice.

Those users who are not yet familiar with NFC technology are asking the question: “What is NFC and why is this module needed?” The abbreviation stands for “near field communication”. By using NFC devices can exchange data, but they must be at a distance not exceeding 10 cm.

The technology appeared back in 2004, but it became widespread only recently. Mainly used for contactless payment smartphone, which saves time and is a very convenient feature. Withdrawing funds at the checkout in stores also occurs through such accessories as an NFC ring and a smart watch.

It can also serve as a means of admission to institutions and for personal identification. In addition, the module allows you to perform the Bluetooth function, but with the difference that it has a much shorter range and the ability to instantly connect. That is, you can use it to exchange content and different files.

So, how is the presence of NFC in a smartphone determined? It's very simple: you just need to go to standard settings phone. There are now several ways to find out whether your device supports this technology.

It is worth noting that the module is present in most smartphones from market leaders. For some manufacturers, the presence of this function can be checked by examining the sticker or emblem on the battery.

NFC in Android settings

You can check the presence of this chip on your smartphone by looking at the settings of your Android device. In the “Settings” menu, go to the “Wireless Networks” section and pay attention to the “More” button. If the NFC function is provided for this device by the manufacturer, then there should be an item for setting it up.

For operating room Android systems 8.0 Oreo, for example, the instructions will look slightly different. You must also go to “Settings” in the “Connected devices” section. If there is a module in the list, activate it.

Quick settings and applications

There are also other ways to check for the presence of a module, since in rare cases it may not be reflected in the settings. Swipe from the top of the display to call quick settings. They must contain a corresponding label.

If, even when using the second method, you did not find information about the module, then with a high degree of probability it can be said that contactless payments are not available on this device. There are also special applications that check for NFC.

NFC in official specifications

First of all, you need to clarify in advance whether there is a module in the device you are purchasing. Study the official characteristics of the smartphone if the presence of this function is important to you. Information about this is also available in the instructions that come with the box.

What to do if the device does not have a module?

Even if it is not present in the device, it is possible to install an external communication device in the form of a SIM card, chip, sticker, etc. Stickers are attached to the outside of the phone or inserted into the device. They are supported by most smartphones.

NFC technology in Russia has already matured to the point where you can even pay for purchases at the nearest Pyaterochka with a smartphone. Therefore, many owners of older devices became interested: how to add NFC to a phone without NFC? If you're here for it, we have two news: bad and good.

The bad news: you can't use NFC to its full potential

Alas, this is the sad truth. If NFC support is not built into your smartphone by the manufacturer, then no amount of household tricks will help you equip it with all the capabilities of this module.

Why? To answer this question, you need to understand what is hidden behind the words “NFC support”.
Firstly, a special chip must be soldered into the smartphone’s motherboard. Secondly, the smartphone body must contain an NFC antenna, which will transmit signals from the chip to the outside world. And thirdly, operating system your phone must be able to receive and transmit data using the NFC protocol.

Agree, if you are not a radio electronics specialist and part-time system programmer, adding NFC to a phone without NFC with your own hands is quite problematic. Therefore, the only real solution is to buy a smartphone with NFC support. For example, .

Good news: you can partially do it!

However, not everything is so bad. To the aid of those who are unable to buy a phone, removable phone accessories come to the rescue - NFC-enabled SIM cards and removable NFC antennas.

SIM cards with NFC support in Russia are produced only by the Big Three operators - MTS, Megafon and Beeline. But we will focus on the first, since the solution he proposes meets our task.

Megafon and Beeline cards are intended for a slightly different purpose: they are installed in phones that already have NFC support, and are used for contactless payment for transport fares from a mobile phone account.

But with the help of the service from MTS you can partially use NFC payment capabilities, namely, to pay in transport and in stores using an MTS Bank card as a wallet.

What is needed for this?

Apply in the office mobile operator MTS Bank card, or install the application on your smartphone for free MTS Money and release a virtual one. The app is reminiscent of Google Pay.

In addition, you need to purchase a kit for contactless payment at the MTS salon: a SIM card with an NFC chip and an NFC antenna. She looks like this:

The SIM card is installed into the phone in the usual way, and a thin flexible antenna is brought out of the case. There is a big limitation here: your phone must have a removable battery. Modern phones with a non-removable battery and SIM card tray you can’t upgrade like that (however, they usually already support NFC). This is what it looks like assembled:

The antenna can be carefully glued to the back cover so that it does not dangle. That's it - you can top up your account virtual card MTS, launch the application and pay with it in stores and the capital’s metro.

Does it work?

Yes. On at the moment This solution is the only working way for Russia to add NFC to a phone without NFC.

But, of course, its disadvantages are obvious. It is not suitable for all smartphones; it requires an agreement with MTS, external antenna easy to damage, and the seal of the phone case is also compromised, since the antenna is brought out through the seam. In addition, this is still not a full-fledged NFC chip. They are not allowed, for example.

Here's a little more about NFC: