Now, I'll talk about how to make a VKontakte group interesting for people.

This is a particularly important moment in the development of the group. An interesting, holistic group will be attractive to new visitors, and visitors will be much more willing to be added to the subscribers of this group, they will read the content that you offer, put likes, share your content with friends.

People will be grateful that you have created an interesting group and will express their recognition in the form of: likes, re-posts, comments.

If the group is really Cool, then 8 out of 10 visitors will naturally transform into subscribers, and if the group is boring and lifeless, then the probability of natural growth will decrease to "0".

By making the VKontakte group interesting for people, you will discover an additional source of growth in subscribers to your group.

But how to make a VKontakte group interesting?

1. Choose an interesting topic for the group

Choose a topic that will be interesting to people and that is popular on this moment or if the popularity of this topic is growing rapidly.

Also, an important role in choosing a topic for a group is played by Competition.

If there is a lot of competition on the topic that you have chosen for your group, among other groups, if these groups have millions of followers, great content and high popularity. It will be extremely difficult for a young group to compete with such giants.

So choose a topic that has a high level of popularity among people and a low level of competition among groups.

As for the rapid popularity ...

For example, if you organize a VKontakte group in advance for a series that has not yet been released, but which will become outrageously popular in the future. At the very beginning, there will be no competition and you will have the opportunity to be the first in a new topic. Next, you find a source of cool stuff for this series, always post fresh series... At the very beginning, when people search for a group in VK about this series, they will find your group and be added to it, because you were able to predict what people will love in the future. In this case, you will open up a huge source of new visitors for your group.

2. Create useful and quality content

Let your content inspire, develop, give positive emotions.

Post every day about your group.

The best option is 1 – 10 posts per day.

The more interesting the posts are, the better.

When creating posts, it is very important to define their style. Whether they are Entertaining, Educational, or Informative.

Also determine in what kind of content you will submit these posts:

  • Infographics
  • Video
  • Books
  • Articles
  • Funny pictures
  • Something other.

Thus, if you decide to post mainly educational content in your group, then your posts will be: articles, educational videos, infographics, books and everything in this spirit.

3. Create a warehouse with the most useful information

For example, you have 10 great books on the topic of your group. Then in the "Photo Albums" section you can make "Book Warehouse". By building a powerful collection of books, your group will become an especially valuable place for people looking for this kind of material.

Then, the group will be of particular value to users.

Imagine if you have in your warehouse Best collection of books on any topic, it will significantly distinguish your group, it will become more fulfilling and valuable.

Also, you can create any warehouses you can think of:

Best books

Best infographics

Related films


Instructional video

The next thing is what will make the VKontakte group even more interesting.

4. Create a Design and Full Description for the group

Come up with an interesting group avatar and provide a full description of what your group has to offer to people.

As a result, if you publish Cool posts, fill the group with useful "Warehouses" and make an excellent Avatar design along with a full description for the group. Then the group, in this case, will look alive and full. She will have her own special style that will naturally attract new subscribers.

Now you know How to make a VKontakte group interesting.

I wish you a great mood.

Instructions for creating a VKontakte group

In this article we will talk with you about how to correctly create a VKontakte group. I decided to tell you most of the information personally! Namely, I recorded two videos!
There are many reasons why you may need a group washes. Perhaps you want to promote your own business with the help of social networks or you consider social networks as a platform for building a business

Creating a group or public VKontakte (technical part)

Video # 1

Designed for beginners. In it, I decided to highlight the technical process of creating a group or public:

As we can see, everything is quite simple, we need to follow these steps:
- Go to your groups.
- Start button "Create group"
- Choose a name for the group
- Choose what we will have, a group, a public or a meeting.
- It's done!

If you still have questions about the technical part of creating a group after watching the video, ask questions in the comments at the end of the article.

Some tips for creating VKontakte Groups!

Video # 2
In this video, we will go over the three main steps to create your project.
- Choice of group name.
- Group design.
- Group content (content).

And so what needs to be done after you have acquired knowledge? Right! Secure!
Your assignment for today:
- To create a group.
- Come up with a title containing keywords.
- Fill the first 30 posts of content.
- Write in the comments for this post: target audience your project, the name of your project, why this particular project?

Setting up a VKontakte group

After the group is created, we need to configure it. The first thing we need to do is upload a beautiful avatar. This is done by simply clicking on the "Add photo" button in the place of the avatar:

Next, go to the "Page Management" section, the link is located under the uploaded avatar:

After we go to the "Page Management" section, the following fields will open before us:

We do the following:
- First of all, you need to pay attention to the field "Page address", initially we are given a standard address like "" but we have the opportunity to replace the ending with this address. Change it to yours! For example

- We write our name for the group. It is desirable that the title contains keywords.

- We fill in the description of the community. It is desirable that the keys were also registered there.

- Website, if you have a website, insert a link to it. This will add loyalty from search engines Yandex and Google to your project.
Also on the site you can place the VKontakte widget of this group on the site. I described how this is done in the article.

- Comments can be left on or off. If you leave them on, then the activity within your community will be much higher, but then you will have to constantly monitor comments for spam.

- Additional sections are also installed at your discretion. It is desirable that the group be filled with various materials as much as possible. video, photo, audio, discussion, etc.

And now a little about the sad ... Every day hundreds of groups are created on VKontakte and only a few become successful! What's the secret? Why does most of it merge? You need to understand that creating a group is exactly the same business! Do you think it is possible to create a profitable business by giving it 10 minutes of time a day? Of course not! 90% of people who start promoting and promoting groups think that they can raise their project by investing a maximum of 30 minutes a day in it. I am sure that you will take this process as seriously as possible and the results will not be long in coming!

Reinventing the bicycle ...

People come here for different reasons. Some are to drive traffic to your site. Others - to build. And some just talk, find interesting interlocutors.

Such an attractive platform for promoting their own projects cannot fail to interest small business owners and those who are just going to start their own business.

Where do you start?

How to create a popular Vkontakte group without special knowledge?

Much easier than. Think - what do you pay attention to when you find yourself in an unfamiliar group? What visual signs of popularity do you see for yourself?

Let's try to understand this issue together.

Benefit from the experience of predecessors

If you decide to create a group, then you have already decided on the topic. Or not?

Do a little analysis anyway. To do this, you need to select the most frequently requested keywords on your topic, for example, using the service and then use search engine In contact with. By gathering information, you will understand the relevance of your topic. Determine the number of similar groups. Or maybe you can come up with a more attractive option for yourself.

The main thing is that you will recognize your future competitors by sight.

Be sure to visit them in the groups. Try to identify their strengths, understand their chips. And decide for yourself - how you will stand out from their background, win your piece of the pie.

Do not neglect their experience, try to extract as much information as possible. After all, these people know how to create a popular Vkontakte group, they have already done it.

Create a portrait of the group members: their gender, age, profession, marital status, area of ​​interest. Take your time for this - this is your future target audience. You create a group for them. To make it convenient and interesting for them there.

Give the rudder the right direction

Now let's move on to the design and filling of the group:

  • Come up with a catchy name for the group. If the title contains keywords - great. Your task is to choose a name that will be popular in search, and at the same time not very competitive. If the group is regional, then it is desirable that the name of the group contains an indication of geography. This allows you to attract more participants.
  • An avatar is the first thing people see when they visit you. It is known that the user keeps his attention on something for only a few seconds. And the first of these seconds belong to the avatar. Try not only to appear in all your glory and design brilliance, but also to show who you are and what your group is dedicated to.
  • The description of the group should be concise and meaningful. The first paragraph in the description should reveal the main idea of ​​the community as much as possible. Users should see a solution to their problem in the description. It is imperative to indicate the contact information of your office, store.
  • The next answer to the question "how to create a popular Vkontakte group?" will be relevance of posted content . Content is the content of your group (informative, entertaining and advertising posts, polls). Many people are wondering. Most of the information is simply copied from thematic sites or friendly Vkontakte groups. It is desirable that some of the information in your group is unique. When writing unique text content, use your knowledge, experience in the business area you are promoting, as well as information from books, printed articles. If you are interested in a more professional promotion of your group, then you can always contact the specialists.

Step on the pedals more boldly

The group has been created. Now is the time to breathe life into it. The group should be found out, it needs members.

We will not dwell on how to attract people to the group. This is a voluminous topic for another article.

In any case, try to be interested active participants, and not people who dropped in for a tick. You can invite the first members to the group from among your friends or send invitations to members of similar communities. Word of mouth, friends' services and all available advertising tools to help you.

Perhaps, after all these steps, the answer to the question - how to create a popular VKontakte group - will be obvious to you.

But that's not all.

A tailwind in your back

  • Engage people in the discussion, conduct polls more often, ask their opinion.
  • Fill your group with popular videos and audio. Try an experiment - combine their name with the name of your group. Perhaps this will attract additional visitors to your group.
  • Conduct contests, sweepstakes, interactive games. Give out bonuses and prizes. No matter how serious your topic is, 5 minutes of rest will not hurt.
  • Change the picture on your avatar from time to time. People respond positively to changes for the better. Unless it's your company logo.
  • Study your target audience. Post updates at a time when they are most often on the site.
  • Don't give out everything at once. Stretch the updates for the whole day, use the appropriate computer programs as an assistant. Updates will take place without your participation.
  • Be sure to check the position of the group in search engines. If you yourself are not strong in SEO, ask the pros for advice on how to create popular VKontakte groups and how to bring them to significant positions in search engines.
  • Do not neglect the services of a moderator. Someone needs to monitor and respond to spam in time. This will keep your group from being banned.

Forward to the heights of popularity!

The success of any group at the initial stage depends on the initiative and active actions of its organizer. But even then, having caught the right wave, do not expect the ship to float on its own.

Hello everyone;)! We decided to digress a little and tell you how to create a group on VKontakte. On the one hand, the creation of a group in this social network does not present any particular difficulty, but for beginners, our instruction will certainly be useful.

Why? Simply because we will explain step by step how to make a group on VKontakte. That is, it is clear and accessible :). Since you are on this page of our site, you probably know that usually a group in VKontakte is a separate community of interests.

Creating a group in VKontakte

Let's immediately answer one popular question about which group you can create on VKontakte. You can create any group. The main thing is that she does not violate the rules of Contact. More precisely, so that you, as a creator, do not violate them. This is especially true for spam and inviting new group members. For such violations, network administrators can not only close the group itself, but also delete your page. But let's not think about the sad things, let's start creating our group in VKontakte!

In order for you to have the opportunity to create a group on VKontakte, your page must be linked to a number cellular operator, that is, to the SIM card number mobile phone... To start creating a group, you need to follow the link "My Groups" which is located on your profile page.

Next, you need to name the group. We advise you to choose a concise and memorable name that will attract attention and reflect the essence of the group itself. This simple trick will increase the audience of the group and retain its members. After entering the name, press the button "To create a group“.

After that, we get to the page for creating a group. Everything is simple here. We advise you to clearly describe the group, choose a suitable topic and type of group. It is not necessary to indicate the website, as well as the country and city. The last two fields are needed rather to indicate the local location of the group, for example, if you want to promote a product in a specific city or country. True, often visitors to VKontakte groups do not look at this.

After you have selected all the necessary items, go to "Settings"... There is a whole list of different blocks that are responsible for appearance, that is, for how the group on VKontakte will look like. We advise you to enable various settings to see how the group's appearance will change.

Separately, we note that the setting is responsible for the main part of the group page. "News included"... Some users do not know how to make a VKontakte group menu. It is in this block that you can create a vKontakte group menu. News is the main block where all helpful information... Let's go through the points, which settings are responsible for what in the group:

Here you can set the privacy settings of your group in contact with... If you want the users of the group to add photos, videos, create albums, discussion topics, then we open access to certain features of the group, if not, then we limit the circle of those who can do this. Press the button " Save”.

Below, there are settings that are responsible for displaying a particular block. And also for privacy and access to the group. Open access to such group settings as “Audio recordings”, “Photo albums”, “Video” and “Discussions” will allow the group's visitors to independently create the material corresponding to the desired setting.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. We hope you managed to create a group on VKontakte. Having set the desired access level, we save the settings and move on to the next chapter of our article.

Setting up a VKontakte group after creation

We need to get into the newly created Contact group. To do this, click with the mouse on the name of the group, as shown in the picture.

Immediately after that, we will be taken to the page for editing group data. If earlier, you did everything right, then you do not need to touch anything. The administrator of the VKontakte group has access to various management resources. With the help of these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a member of the group in its leadership. This is where the link for inviting new members is located. You need to invite new members with an eye to the rules of the social network VKontakte. That is, do not overdo it :). The best way is to start by inviting your friends and friends of friends using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will surely find admirers. Let's go through the items in this menu to make it clearer:

Be sure to post pictures or even videos, this should help in promoting the group on VKontakte.

We are interested in the column "Latest news", start leading your group with them, filling in with several interesting news for users.

The following management resources are available to the VKontakte group administrator. With the help of these links, you can always change the composition of the group, add or remove a member of the group in its leadership. This is where the link for inviting new members is located. You need to invite new members with an eye to the rules of the social network VKontakte. That is, do not overdo it :). In general, the understanding of how to make a VKontakte group popular comes with time, you just need to work on the group.

The best way is to start by inviting your friends and friends of friends using word of mouth. If the group is really interesting, then it will surely find admirers. Let's go through the items in this menu to make it clearer:

  • “Edit information” - repeated editing of the group data.
  • “Edit Guide” - using this option, you can assign administrators and moderators to the group.
  • “Edit composition” - if you need to delete someone. A list of invited group members is available at this link.
  • “Invite to the group” - distribution of invitations, as already mentioned above, it is better to start friends.
  • “Group Statistics” is an informative link that will be most useful as the group grows.
  • “Leave the group” - say goodbye to the group.
  • “Add to bookmarks” - if the “My bookmarks” option is enabled in your profile settings.

Be sure to post pictures or even videos when publishing news, this should help in promoting the group on VKontakte. Also, we advise you to immediately add the main photo for your group. It should be attractive.

To make a VKontakte group popular, you need to interest a potential participant. To do this, we advise you to post not only interesting, informative and colorful news in the group, but also customize the appearance.

In order to make a beautiful VKontakte group, set up your group using wiki markup. This is a special system from the developers of Contact, which will help make your group recognizable and attractive. With this system, Group members can create additional pages with backlinks. Wiki markup allows you to make the group menu, place photos and videos as needed.

We hope our instructions on how to create a group on VKontakte turned out to be useful. You just have to decide which group to create on VKontakte and make the group design attractive. Read website!

How to make a VK group popular: step-by-step instruction to create a group + 3 ways to make content unique + 4 main methods of promotion.

The Vkontakte group allows you to unite a large number of users by interests.

This is a tool with which you can popularize ideas and lifestyle, as well as share your own creativity if you are an aspiring writer, musician, hairdresser, etc.

You can even make money from advertising posts if you have a lot of "live" members in the community.

Find out, how to make a VK group popular and attract the maximum number of users.

1) How to create a VK group and make it popular: 4 steps

Obviously, before you can promote a group, you need to create it. If you already own a public, feel free to skip this section. And for those who are still at the very beginning of the journey, we suggest that you carefully study this step-by-step instruction.

Step 1.

Go to the "Groups" and click on the "Create community" button.

Step 2.

Coming up with a name and defining a theme. It is important that the community “name” contains keyword, by which it can be found in the search.

The main difference between the group and the public page is that the records of the latter are visible to absolutely all Vkontakte users. But the group can be made closed or private. Then its content will be available only to participants.

PS. You can also choose the “event” format if you want to spread information about an upcoming concert, festival, etc.

About additional features groups, public pages and events can be read here:

Step 3.

Choose a stylish photo that reflects the group's theme.

* Cheat sheet for choosing the size for the cover

It is also important to write a short but succinct description to attract readers.

Step 4.

Done! By clicking on the profile picture, add a photo. Also in the left corner you can click the "three dots" button and the group management menu will open.

The picture above is the cover that we chose in the previous paragraph.

2) How to create popular and unique content for your VK group?

The next important step, without which we will not figure out how to make a VK group popular: it must be filled with thematic information.

The simplest and quick way- copy posts from similar communities, but this approach will make you only "one of". But to create unique content you will have to work hard.

In a group, you can:

Publish in your VK group interesting materials that a person would like to repost and save on his page:

  • collections of books on popular topics (self-development, startups, health);
  • useful lists mobile applications;
  • lists of sites with free online courses;
  • selections of videos from TED conferences;
  • tops ("top 5 products for healthy skin", "top 7 romantic comedies");
  • posts with links to your previous articles in the public.

Where to get pictures for a VKontakte group to make it popular?

Collections with beautiful pictures always attract readers, collect many likes and reposts, which makes the group on VK popular.

In order not to violate copyright, you need to use free photo stocks. There are not so few of them, and there you can find a large number of high-quality photos. All you need to do is go to the stock photo site and enter a keyword that describes the picture.

In order to make beautiful collections, use popular stocks:


How to increase the audience for the VKontakte group and thereby make it popular?

When to publish posts for the VK group?

To make your VK group popular, publish posts daily in certain time.

In the field of media, there is the concept of "prime time" - this is the most convenient time for a person to listen to a radio station or watch a TV channel.

Well, you and I have to determine when the largest number of people view the VKontakte news feed. For this, it is important to study your target audience.

For example, schoolchildren and students often open their pages on social networks after school at 16:00 and before going to bed at 22:00. Those who are a little older check their accounts during lunchtime from 12:00 to 13:00.

On the infographic, the best time to publish posts is highlighted in green, and the worst time is highlighted in red.

Also, do not update your VK group wall at the exact time, for example, at 12:00 or 18:00. Since large popular publics will do it together with you, and users may simply not notice your post.

3) 4 best methods to make a VK group popular

So we come to the answer to the main question, how to make a group on VK popular.

To, it is necessary to spread information about the community as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is through advertising and messaging.

a) Advertising on Vkontakte.

b) Contextual advertising in search engines will help make your VK group popular.

In this case, you need to come up with the right name for the group, which would specifically describe. For example, "Nail Salon in Moscow", "Quality Furniture in Kazan", "Children's Toys", etc.

It's important to note that here you pay for each click-through. So the minimum order amount ranges from 300 to 500 rubles, while the rate per "click" starts from 30 kopecks.

c) Advertising of the VK group in another community.

Choose a popular community with a lot of post views, likes and reposts. Also keep in mind that its theme should have been similar to yours.

Often, administrators publish on their page advertising prices (in the "information" section or in the form of a discussion).

The video below shows an example of the popular Vkinformer messaging program (

The license is paid, but you can create your first free newsletter in a two-hour test mode.

d) Sending advertising messages to join the VKontakte group.

Send users private messages inviting them to join your community. You can do this manually or use special programs mailings.

Summarize: in order to make the group on VK popular- you need to create interesting and high-quality content, and then take care of its promotion.

Such a community with a large number of members allows its owner to earn money from the comfort of his home, selling goods or placing advertising posts.