Is one of the leaders in the Russian hoster market, which has gathered a large user community over ten years of work. The company's servers are located in St. Petersburg, but this does not limit the territory of the company's activities: thanks to modern hardware solutions and optimization, sites hosted by Beget show high speed downloads from anywhere in the world.

Pros and cons

Beget is in second place in the rating of Runet hosters, and this is not surprising - this is a very high-quality platform that allows you to host projects of different levels of complexity and not worry about their availability for users ..

Beget advantages:

  • Long test period - all hosting features can be used free of charge for 30 days.
  • The location of the servers in Russia, which has a positive effect on the performance in the CIS and European countries.
  • Hosting optimization for popular content management systems.
  • Installation of CMS, forum and blog engines and other applications in one click.
  • Excellent performance indicators.

One of the main disadvantages of Beget is the limited number of sites on shared hosting. At the minimum rate, you can create only two projects, while the subdomain here is equal to the site. In addition, several reviews contain information about another drawback of Beget - a low permitted load, up to 65 CP per day. The problem is that this is an abstract value that the hoster evaluates on its own after the site starts working.

The load level depends not only on attendance, but also on the CMS used, connected modules and other parameters. Some users argue that the hosting is manipulating the load value to force them to upgrade to a more expensive plan. But you need to understand that the site can really create such a load that will interfere with other projects hosted with it on the same server.


Beget is a universal hosting that can be used for the first experience of creating a small site or launching a large high-load project that requires an individual server infrastructure. The main services of the service:

  • Shared hosting.
  • Rent of physical servers, including building systems for individual projects.
  • Domain name registration.
  • Sale of licensed CMS.

Beget uses a proprietary control panel that doesn't take a lot of time to learn. It is divided into two parts: on the left is all information about the hosting and server, on the right are the sections required to manage the site.

An important part functionality Beget - automatic creation backups... The only drawback of the system is the storage of backups only for the last 5 days. There is also an option to save a copy yourself, which will be very useful when making changes to files.

A huge list of content management systems, blog and forum platforms, galleries, online stores and social networking that can be installed on Beget in one click. Besides standard set WordPress, Joomla, Drupal hosting have paid CMS that are sold officially. When buying them through Beget, the webmaster also gets a free installation of the engine, which saves time and money.


Beget is not an absolute leader in terms of speed, but it takes on stability. This suggests that resources are evenly distributed between different accounts, and they are not trying to shove clients on one server, clogging up the space to the limit. The hosting copes well with all standard applications of popular CMS: WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.

For experienced webmasters, Beget offers additional features to improve performance, or at least avoid a decrease in performance at peak loads:

  • Memcached is in-memory caching.
  • Redis is a distributed storage.
  • Tarantool is an open source NoSQL storage.

These are paid tools, so their use is justified only on large projects with high load. For a small site to work, additional features are not required - the basic resources of virtual hosting will be enough.

Speed ​​test results over 2490 days show that Beget is fast and very fast 99.4% of the time. Medium, slow and very slow performance was recorded only 0.6% of the time. At the same time, over the past two years, hosting has consistently demonstrated the indicator "very fast".

Beget uptime in 2018 - from 99, 96% to 100%. The worst indicator was achieved in April - the servers were unavailable for 18 minutes in a month. No failures were recorded from May to October. Hosting showed similar results in previous years: since 2010, the uptime has not dropped below 99.3%.


Like all popular hosting services, Beget offers users a free SSL connection. Thanks to this, sites are moving to work using an encrypted protocol. The certificate is recognized as confirmed in all browsers, so there will definitely be no problems with access, as well as with indexing in search engines that require sites to be more secure.

Beget provides built-in virus scanning tools. Infected files can be disinfected right in the control panel using the AI-Bolit scanner. It contains a database of malicious scripts, which is constantly updated and helps to detect compromised data and eliminate their negative impact on the system.

To improve security, quality and functionality, Beget launched a vulnerability search program in 2017 with payments of up to RUB 200,000. After a successful first experience, the program was relaunched in early December 2018, allowing the hosting company to improve their products by leveraging the skills of the user community.

Technical support

There are eight channels for contacting the support service at once. They all work around the clock:

  1. Telephone call. There are separate numbers for Russia, Ukraine, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev.
  2. Messages through the VKontakte group.
  3. Facebook page posts.
  4. Communication via Skype.
  5. Telegram bot.
  6. Email [email protected]
  7. The form feedback Online.
  8. Ticket system.

Looks pretty cool, but in practice it's a little more complicated. By phone or via social networks, users can really contact polite support specialists, but in most cases they will offer to ask a question through tickets - this is more convenient to confirm ownership of the site. Some users consider this a disadvantage, but strictly speaking, answers through the ticket system come so quickly that it is not clear why other methods are needed at all. Perhaps, there is not enough online chat for an even faster solution of emerging issues, but even without it, the waiting time is rarely calculated in hours - usually problems are eliminated in a couple of tens of minutes.

For users who prefer to independently deal with the peculiarities of hosting, Beget offers a FAQ section, a control panel guide and useful articles to help you connect to the server, set up mail and perform other actions. Everything is in Russian, with code examples and screenshots - in general, it's really possible to never contact technical support at all, no matter how friendly and efficient they may be.

Price policy

For 30 days, Beget provides free access to all hosting options. To get started, you don't even need to enter your bank card details - just create an account on the service. You can switch to a paid plan at any time, while unused days of the test period will be added to the paid period.

The minimum tariff for Blog virtual hosting costs 169 rubles when paid per month. For this money, the webmaster gets 3 GB of SSD storage, the ability to create two sites, an unlimited number of databases and FTP accounts. When paying for a tariff for a long period (a year or two), a discount is calculated - from 20 to 30%.

If the resources of the Blog premium plan are not enough, at any time you can upgrade to a more powerful plan: Start, Noble or Great. They differ in their capabilities and cost by about two times. Even more resources are offered by VIP-tariffs Town, City and Mega, the cost of which starts from 820 rubles per month. All Beget virtual hosting plans include an unlimited number of domains and subdomains, quick installation of popular CMS and automatic backups.

If the project has grown to such a scale that it is cramped within the framework of shared hosting, Beget suggests switching to VPS. The cost of a virtual server starts at 11 rubles per day for 15 GB for SSD, 1 GB of memory and a single-core processor. The most powerful offer is the Heavy tariff for 66 rubles per day, which offers 80 GB of SSD, 6 GB of memory and a quad-core processor.

In addition, Beget offers services for the assembly of server systems of any complexity. There are two configurations available: Blade E3 for 9,800 rubles per month and Turbo for 48,000 rubles per month. Such a difference in cost is due to incomparable technical characteristics: if only 4 cores, 32 GB of RAM are available on the Blade E3, then on Turbo the publisher will already have 14 cores and 132 GB of RAM.


Beget is one of those hosting sites that webmasters recommend to each other. For relatively little money, it offers stable operation with high performance and no glitches. Someone is intimidated by the fact that the service has its own control panel, but it is implemented with such attention to usability that its development does not raise any questions.

Beget can be safely advised to novice webmasters who are looking for a simple control panel and prompt technical support with polite, competent specialists. For large projects, it is less suitable, although it offers VIP rates, as well as virtual and dedicated servers. But if you are not going to support the infrastructure of an online store of a federal scale or a social network with millions of users, then Beget is one of the best options for the price-quality ratio of the services provided.

How to create a website on
Let's try to do it together! Soon you will realize that everything is quite simple: go to your Beget account, press a few buttons, do a few simple actions and the site on the Beget hosting has been created.

As usual, let's start with a little theory. If it is not interesting to you, boring, then with the help of the content you can go straight to the practical part. We recommend using the "Up" arrow in the lower right corner of the screen to return to the content.

What you need to create a website on shared hosting Beget (Beget)

General considerations about creating sites on shared hosting

Let's immediately agree that the creation of a website on a hosting can be considered in two ways: in a narrow sense and in a broad sense. Let's explain what's what.

A simple technical option for creating a website

Site creation in the narrow sense consists of two stages, when you create a folder on the virtual server disk for your site, add to your account Domain name, then link (attach) it to the site folder.
At this stage, we can assume that the site is hosted by Beget. It will even open to the domain name, where Beget will announce that the site has been successfully created and ready to go.
However, on such a site you will not be able to post files, write articles, because the CMS (engine) has not yet been installed on it: WordPress, Joomla or any other.

Full site creation option

The site in a broad sense of understanding requires a little more action. To those already indicated above, we will add a CMS installation, for example, WordPress, with a link to a MySQL database. After that, you can really say that the site has been created.

This article discusses an easy option for creating sites, and we will study the installation of a CMS in the next.

In general, for the full creation of any site on any hosting, you need to complete four points.

For clarity, we will place them in a table, in the left column is a list of items, on the right - what we will do with them when creating a site on the Beget hosting

Table of creating a full-fledged site in relation to

Practical part of the article

You can start creating a website on the Beget hosting even from the Sites menu, even from the Domains menu, it doesn't matter.
We will not break the sequence of points in the table and go through them in order.

Create a site folder on the hosting server

1) We go to PUA Begeta under our nickname and login. Click on the "Sites" icon

2) Fill in the name of the site. Usually, this is a domain name, so it's easier not to get confused when there are many sites. But in fact, this is the name of the folder on the server in which the site files will be stored. Therefore, the name of the site can be given any.

By the way, the line below says that Beget has already created a test site for you on a third-level domain.

3) Click the "Create" button.

And then another line appeared at the bottom. The list of sites has been supplemented with our site.

So, we have just created a folder for the future site on the Beget hosting server.

Now let's execute the second point from the table. To simplify the article, we will assume that we already have a domain name for our site. It's in the Domains section.
Readers who want to understand the details.

And we just have to link the domain to the site folder.

How to link a domain to a site on Beget

Since we first created a site (site folder), and then registered the domain, now we need to link the domain to the site. To link is to link.

This is done in PUA Begeta, under the "Sites" icon.

1) Go to the "Sites" section and click the "Attach Domain" button in the line of our site.

2) Select the domain we need from the list, click "Attach"

3) And right there we see that the required domain is attached to our site folder.

By the way, you could already bind a domain to a site in the Domains menu when you bind your own domain. Then it should be visible in the list of domains.

Honestly, it takes much longer to describe the process than to put it into practice. Try it and you will succeed, plus the Beget hoster you can definitely write down the clarity of the interface, a lot of tips in the pictures and a voluminous section of questions and answers.
Now we have done half of the work on creating a site on the hosting, but, as already mentioned above, in a strictly technical sense, we can assume that the site on (Beget) has been created.

Hello everyone! With you Roman Matveev and in this article I want to talk about hosting Beget. Leave real feedback about all its functions and how about the service in general.

The hosting provider market is very large today, and it can be very difficult to choose something worthy. Even at the time when I was looking for a service that suits me, and this was 2013, there were quite a few analogues, but the reviews were very different, people's opinions differed.

An IT friend of mine recommended Beget hosting as the most stable and adequate provider. Yes, the prices are not the smallest, but everything is compensated by the high service level and the level of stability.

Since I am not a "megamind" in the field of programming, the convenience and support were important to me. Which is what I got. Now a little more detail.

  1. Fast technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    Before Beget, I had experience working with other providers, but the efficiency of the latter left much to be desired. Moreover, if you have questions of an oral nature, you can always call the technical support directly by toll free number 8800.
  2. Meticulousness of technical support answers.
    There are times when technically something does not work out or is simply not clear. In this case, you can create a ticket in the control panel and get a solution. I myself do so often, sometimes I am even ashamed of myself, but there is nowhere to go and the issue is resolved.
  3. Cheap domain registration and renewal.
    Registration and renewal costs range from 89 to 169 rubles for a Russian domain. The price depends on the number of already purchased domains, as well as on ongoing promotions. This is a very reasonable price, many providers overestimate the price, especially for renewal. If you see promotions from partners about registration for 49 rubles - expect ten times the cost of the renewal (and this is the minimum).
  4. Automatic installation content management systems.
    Beget has a one-click CMS installation function. All the most popular "engines" (wordpress, joomla, opencart, etc.) are installed in a matter of minutes with one keystroke. For advanced people, this may seem trivial, but for beginners, such a function will make life much easier.
  5. High UP-time of servers.
    For those who do not know what Up-time is, this is the time of uninterrupted operation of sites. Have you come across one that does not go to the site? Duck here ... this means that there are problems on the server and the site simply does not work. And this is extra nerves, lost profits, etc.
  6. Affiliate program.
    Recommend hosting to your friends. The company is ready to pay 40% of the rent. Pretty generous, isn't it?
  7. 30 days of free hosting from Beget
    You can always check the health of the servers. And it's free. A whole month of the test period is allocated.
  8. Mail from Beget
    For each domain, you can create a large number of unique mailers for your needs. Log in to Beget mail is done at a separate address for convenience.

Some disadvantages of Beget

There are not as many of them as it seemed to me. But they still exist.

  • Restriction by sites.
    Each tariff plan implies a certain number of sites on one account, and there are quite a few of them. If you want more - pay 100 rubles for each additional one or connect a more expensive tariff.
  • Load limits.
    If you have a rather large project with thousands of daily audience, then you should choose a dedicated server. Because hosting Beget won't give high throughput and will suspend the site. Or pay extra and increase the limits.

These are perhaps all the disadvantages that I have felt over the entire time of work. - my review

Using Beget since 2013, I have only positive emotions. It never happened that I wanted to switch to another provider. Who else can provide such a service, convenient access to your personal account, reactive technical support? Most likely there are no worthy analogues, or prices will be greatly overstated.

The website looks professional, user-friendly interface. Prices for shared hosting are slightly higher than those of other companies: from $ 2.90 / month to $ 21.50 / month. Although, on the other hand, these packages do not have a limited number of databases and domain names, as well as unlimited traffic. The company also offers a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate and domain, but these bonuses are available only on the Russian version of the site. For residents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, a free hosting package is provided for testing services.

VPS and dedicated servers look even better. VPS server prices range from $ 5 to $ 30 per month. Specifications very good and correspond to their price. Dedicated servers are of two types: standard and turbo (powerful servers). Accordingly, prices range from $ 15 to $ 1,300 per month. The technical characteristics can be found on the website, they are well described.

Test period

The company provides a trial period of 35 days for all shared hosting packages. Also, only for this type of hosting, a refund is possible. No refunds are provided for VPS and dedicated servers.

Billing cycle

Shared hosting can be purchased for a month or a year, VPS and dedicated servers - only for a month.

Control Panel

Beget have developed their own control panel. It is available for all virtual and VPS hosting packages, as well as managed dedicated servers. The panel looks much more user-friendly than cPanel. On an unmanaged server, you can install any control panel yourself.


Basically, the limits apply to shared hosting. Although the description of the plans states that the number of domains, mailboxes and databases are not limited, there are still some limitations. For example, the maximum number of mailboxes is 1000, and the number of domains is limited depending on the tariff plan.

It is also prohibited to use more than 10% of the server's resources. VPS and dedicated servers have standard limits on the number of processor cores, RAM and disk space.


All servers are protected from DDoS attacks. Further safety measures must be taken independently.


Ubuntu is installed on the shared hosting servers. You can install Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, OpenSuse, Fedora or Bitrix web environment on a VPS server for free. On dedicated servers of the managed type, Ubuntu is preinstalled, and on the rest of the servers, you can install any OS.

Technical support

The company provides round-the-clock support in tickets and chats (Telegram, Facebook messenger, Skype). Telephone support is available only for residents of Ukraine and Russia. They respond quickly, but very briefly and not to the point, there is not enough proactivity. The knowledge base is good, there are many different articles.


Overall, good and reliable hosting. Users have complete freedom to access VPS and dedicated servers and can independently perform any operations. And if there are any difficulties in setting up or managing them, technical support will be able to quickly and efficiently solve problems.

This hosting is best suited for residents of the CIS countries, since most of the bonuses and free buns are available only to them. However, considering that Beget has a good value for money, this hosting can be recommended to residents of other countries as well.

Choosing a good hosting is one of the main aspects of a website's success. After all, if the site is often inaccessible, and the hosting support is silent, what kind of earnings can we talk about? That is why it is worth choosing the best hosting Beget... In this article, we will tell you about the experience of many years of cooperation with this excellent hosting provider, talk about its advantages and give our feedback on Beget hosting.

Registration at Beget

First of all, let's start with registration. Procedure registration with Beget not difficult and will only take a couple of minutes. To register, you will need to have with you mobile phone... So, let's begin. To get started, follow this link: register with Beget.

By clicking on the link above, you will be taken directly to the registration page. On this page, the first thing you need to do is choose a tariff plan. If you have 1 or 2 sites, choose the "Blog" tariff. If you have more sites, choose a higher tier.

The tariffs differ only in the maximum allowable number of sites, the amount of space for storing site files, as well as bonuses (but more on that later). So if you choose the cheapest tariff for your site, then in terms of functionality or speed of work, it will in no way be inferior to more expensive tariffs.

The next step in registering with Beget is to fill out a small form. In it, you need to indicate your full name, mobile number, your personal e-mail (you do not need to use the e-mail from the picture), check the box agreeing to the rules and click on the "Register an account" button.

Then a small window will pop up, in which it will be written about the final stage of registration in Beget - confirmation mobile number... Click on the "Ready to receive the code" button.

After a couple of seconds, I received an SMS with a 6-digit code. If you do not receive SMS for a long time, check the correctness of the indicated number, and if the number is correct, order a second SMS. After receiving an SMS with a code, enter the code in the field and click on the "Complete registration" button.

That's it, registration with Beget is complete. Congratulations! On the final registration page, they will write your username and password, write them down, as they will be required to enter your personal account. If, by chance, you closed the page and did not have time to write down your login and password, it’s not scary, since you are on email will send a letter with all the data.

It is very simple. On the main page of the site, click on the "Login" button.

Next, a small window will appear in which you will need to enter your username and password that you received on e-mail after registering with Beget. You can tick the “remember me” box so that you don't have to enter your data the next time you log into your personal Beget account. If you are logging in from a computer other than your own, it is better not to do so. Then click on the "Login" button.

After that, you will be taken to your Beget personal account. You can now exercise full control over your account. In your personal account, you can: add sites, install CMS on them, register domains and create subdomains, there is a convenient file manager, with which you can upload your site to the server. Also, all financial transactions are carried out in your personal account, for example, payment for hosting and domain, we will do this in the next step.

Paying for hosting at Beget

Immediately after registration, Beget provides a trial free hosting period of 30 days. During this time, it is worth paying for hosting, since at the end of the trial period the hosted sites on the hosting will become unavailable. To pay for hosting at Beget, click on the icon with the corresponding name in your personal account.

By the way, robokassa offers a wider choice of payment for hosting in Beget. If none of the standard payment methods suits you, take a look at this paragraph. I am used to paying for hosting using electronic money, for example, WebMoney or Ya Ndeks Money.

On the next page, you need to indicate what period of Beget hosting we want to pay for. It is most profitable to pay for 1 or 2 years. In this case, we get a good discount, but we'll talk about that a little further.

Then click on the "Pay" button and complete the payment for hosting at Beget. As a rule, money is credited to the account in your personal account within an hour.

Free hosting from Beget

Another undoubted advantage of Beget hosting is the availability of completely free hosting. Moreover, unlike other free hosting, your site will not be completely covered with ads. Also for sites there are no design restrictions and the like.

Demon paid hosting by Beget- this is the same paid hosting, but with more limited potential:

  • You can have no more than 1 site.
  • The maximum disk space is 1 GB.
  • Maximum 1 FTP and 1 MySQL database.
  • The maximum number of files allowed on a site is 25,000.

Will this make life much harder for the site owner? Probably no. For the first time, for a young site, these restrictions will be invisible. So if you don't have a budget of 1500 rubles, free hosting from Beget is The best decision... With it, you can find out what a real good hosting is.

To register for free hosting with Beget, follow this link: Free Hosting Beget.

Enter your full name and mobile phone number, and then click on the "Register an account" button.

Of course, if you are going to deal with sites seriously, then it is better to choose paid plans, even the cheapest. But if you have any doubts, then free hosting is what you need. In addition, at any time from the free hosting Beget, you can switch to a paid plan with all data saved.

Bonuses from hosting Beget

This hosting provider provides many bonuses for its customers. We have already mentioned some of them in our article, and some have not yet. Anyway, let's consider all the benefits and bonuses from hosting Beget.

Why is Beget hosting the best?

Beget hosting is the best, we came to this conclusion over the many years of using his services. Ask, why is he the best?

  1. Stable work. Websites are always available. The server response speed is very fast.
  2. Flexible prices for hosting and domain registration. A lot of bonuses and regular promotions allow you to save well.
  3. Responsive technical support, always responds almost instantly and all issues are resolved almost online. Will help you sort out any issues, checked!
  4. Convenient and intuitive interface personal account... For each action, an instruction is written, and if anyway there are difficulties, you can contact technical support.
  5. Beget is a self-contained domain registrar. It is very convenient, you can pay for hosting and domain in one place.

Actually, this whole article is review for hosting Beget... So if you read it, you realized that Beget is a reliable, stable and budget hosting for websites. There are a variety of tariff plans, both for beginners and experienced webmasters.

We leave feedback on Beget hosting exclusively positive and recommend all our readers to use it. If this article was useful to you, subscribe to site updates to always be aware of new publications.