In fact, there are even more promising niches or topics for blogging. In this article, I described only those niches that I am potentially ready to develop.Of course, I sincerely hope that today's video and the material that has been prepared for you ... of you brag about your results in blogging and making money on your resource.

By the way, in, I wrote to you that very soon we will start recruit willing in the program for making money on blogs. The number of places in this program will be really very limited. Even if we consider the moment that there are only 33 promising topics for making money, then we will not recruit more than 2-3 people for each direction of development.

Each of these topics is capable of bringing the owner of resources at least 30,000 rubles a month, and it is not entirely advisable to create artificial competition in this market segment.

Moreover, another rather interesting phenomenon occurred, as soon as I announced that places would be strictly limited, and described in detail how many places there are for each direction, my social network was simply torn apart ... I did not even intend to create such an interest in the program.

First of all, I will take into the program only those who understand what will be discussed and are ready. In my opinion, these are the people who passed. They perfectly understand the technology, where it is worth moving and how you can earn more than $ 900,000 on a blog in just 18 months. Therefore, those who have passed the webinar will be admitted to the program in the first place, and on the most favorable terms.

In the first 4 hours, all those who want to earn from 40,000 rubles on their blog have already booked almost all places in this direction. Perhaps I will make another 1-2 places ... let's see, maybe we will just increase the price of the program. For now, just write how much you want to start earning from your blog, and how much you are ready for your training. See how much is left for today free places to get into the program:


  • Up to 10,000 rubles per month
  • Up to 20,000 rubles per month
  • Up to 30,000 rubles per month
  • Up to 40,000 rubles per month


  • 20 places; 12 seats
  • 15 places; 7 seats
  • 10 places; 3 seats
  • 5 places; 2 places

Well, let me tell you in detail how you can start today, so that tomorrow you can live comfortably and additionally receive from 10,000 rubles every month, at the initial stage. Of course, each strategy has its own directions of action and what you will do to get the first 10,000 rubles is very different from getting from your blog from 100,000 rubles every month.

Now, watch the video: 33 Promising Topics for Making Money Blogging.

Here is a list of those topics that I gave in the video:

  1. Business and Investment

  2. Work on yourself

  3. Proper nutrition

  4. Fashion & Style

  5. Foreign languages

  6. Teaching direction

  7. Children's blogs

  8. Journey

  9. Copywriting

  10. Self defense

  11. Pickup / Dating

  12. Psychology

  13. Family blog

  14. Sociability communication

  15. Construction and repair

  16. Design and interior

  17. Personal finance

    I hope you got excited and understood why you should start developing your blog / website on the Internet. Why, this topic is so promising today. Watch free video tutorials on how to create your blog on the Internet, which will bring you good money in the future.

    Sincerely, I hope that this article was useful to you and you finally take a look and then we will see you in the program for creating and making money on your blog on the Internet.

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    Leave a comment on this article below

Thanks to the correctly chosen theme, you will always have ideas for content, a desire to develop in the chosen direction and a loyal audience. These are all the main components of a successful platform. It is possible and necessary to analyze a blog not only at the initial stage, but also at certain intervals - a month, half a year, a year, 5 years. Let's get started!

STEP # 1. Why do you need a blog?

The first step is to define your goal.

In most cases, your main goal is to build a loyal audience that will read you. Even if you do not want to monetize your project, at least you want to receive feedback in the form of comments, likes and shares. Therefore, it is so important to personally define your goal.

To do this, answer a few questions:

- List your interests. What do you want to broadcast to the world?

- Who is your audience?

- What problem will readers solve by reading your blog? Will they learn something new? Enjoy reading / viewing the post?

- How much content do you plan to prepare?

- How do you plan to develop your blog?

STEP # 2. What will the blog be about?

You must understand that your content must be exclusive

There is absolutely no point in copying someone.

    When choosing a topic, you must be willing to continually share personal experiences and insights. Ask yourself a simple question: “What topic can I talk for hours? What am I really interested in? "

    Also, even if you chose the topic lifestyle, never write "everything." Always look for opportunities to show your personality. This can be the presentation of materials, manner of speech and personal characteristics.

    To understand if you have chosen the right topic, prepare a content plan for the month. Did you get carried away? Could you come up with 15 or more themes? Chances are, you are on the right track.

STEP # 3. What post formats should you choose?

Everything here depends entirely on the theme that you have chosen.

We focused on the ten most popular blog topics and talked about which Make sure to include post formats in your content plan.


    Always start with the question "Why?" If you don’t know what audience is in tune with the values ​​that you carry on the blog, it will be difficult for you to form loyal readers around you.

    Understand where you are going. Be sure to think about the development vector of your site. Do you want to develop yourself as an expert (eg model, photographer, coach, journalist, writer)? Do you want to monetize the project?

    Constantly develop in the chosen topic. It is important that you know absolutely everything about the chosen topic. And here the following rule will work: you can be considered an expert if you spend about 8,000 hours studying any topic.

    Diversify post formats. Here it is worth taking an example from modern media. Infographics, selections, interviews, author columns, personal experience, reportage, longread, podcast, videos of different formats - all this can be implemented on the pages of your own project.

    Analyze the results. Pay attention not only to statistics and comments, but also to personal interests. It is human nature to change, so it is better if you change the topic and vector of blog development than continue to create content on a topic that is no longer interesting to you.

Hello, Vladimir Manerov is in touch. And today in the article I have prepared 28 interesting blog ideas for you. If you are at the very beginning and are just thinking of starting your journey in, then carefully read the article. My thoughts and ideas will push you on the right path. :)

When choosing an idea for a blog, you need to be extremely careful and devote enough time to this process. So that in the future, interest and your creation does not disappear. The truth is, almost 90% of newbies quit their blog in the first six months. :(

When choosing an idea, remember the most important rule: the topic of the blog should be close to you, so that it would be pleasant to write new articles, and you will benefit from it.

If this rule is followed, then undoubtedly your blog will achieve high results.

Before choosing a blog topic, answer yourself a few key questions:

  1. Am I willing to love and cherish my creation like a child?
  2. Am I interested in this blog topic?
  3. Can I tell the readers something new?
  4. What can I teach?
  5. Who will be my future readers?
  6. Is this topic interesting to people?
  7. Is it possible to make money on this topic?

Below in the list I will give my thoughts that seem to me to be shot in the future. I'm not saying that they will 100% meet their expectations. Everything will depend only on the author of the blog. My task is to help nudge you, direct you in the right direction.

Read each point carefully and think if it suits you or not? And also write in the comments what you liked and what you think is not worth attention.

  1. About a novice athlete (football player, hockey player, no matter which one, the idea is that in the future he can achieve great results, and your blog will already exist).
  2. About one day in the life of celebrities.
  3. About health at the computer.
  4. Your pet's blog.
  5. About records and the Guinness Book of Records.
  6. About water (everything about water, its benefits, harm, where it is found, etc.).
  7. About babies (if you have a baby, create a blog about his life).
  8. About tricks and magicians.
  9. About Olympic records.
  10. About gifts (we are all looking for what to give for the holiday, why not give an answer to this question in the blog?).
  11. About the new series.
  12. About UFOs!
  13. Ideas of what to do with a large company.
  14. About the paranormal.
  15. Answers to questions from the Internet.
  16. About and facts.
  17. About the red book.
  18. About extinct species of animals.
  19. About the most unusual people.
  20. About unusual hobbies.
  21. About parables.
  22. About beautiful places in your city.
  23. About your young family.
  24. About the amazing.
  25. Mythbreaker style blog.
  26. About a new invention.
  27. About dreams.
  28. On the psychology of color.

Where to get inspiration from?

    We all love to watch an interesting exciting video. But look at this from the other side. An interesting blog idea can be taken from the video.

    I think this is the most correct decision. People can spend hours doing their hobby, their favorite business. This can be anything you like cooking delicious food, raising children, collecting, building, etc.

    Professional qualities (your job)

    You work as a lawyer, then why not create your own personal website and help people in need of legal assistance on it? Or maybe you are a chef, then create a blog about goodies. And if you're a salesperson, create a blog about new products or how to sell. I think you get the idea :)

    Life events

    The idea is to write a blog post about your life event. Give a solution. For example, you moved to live in America and write in a blog about how to move to America and how a Russian person can survive there.

    From the book store

    Just walk through the bookstore at your leisure and look at different books. Rate what people are interested in, what they like to read, how often they buy a particular book. Or maybe the idea for your blog will be some novel that has become a bestseller and shook the world. For example, like Harry Potter or today a Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones).

    From loved ones

    Just ask them to be interested. Or what do you understand in their opinion and what you do better than others. From the side it is always more visible.

Advice: we often search the Internet for information on a topic, and to find it we have to shovel the entire Internet and look through thousands of sites. Why not collect all this information in one place and tell it in understandable language? Think about it.

On my own behalf, I wish you to find the right path and bring your blog to huge traffic and profitability. But the main thing is to remember: your blog should be interesting to you and people should like it. ;)

Write in the comments your thoughts on this topic, write those items from the list that you liked and liked. And also subscribe to blog updates or join groups in social networks, so as not to miss interesting information.

I look forward to your comments on interesting blog ideas. ;)

Personal preferences and hobbies

In theory, you can take any topic and, with an effort, promote it. But there is one "but". If this topic is not close to you, you are not interested in it, then it is unlikely that you will be able to regularly write thematic articles and share your own experience.

If you are a young blonde beauty with an interest in fashion and design, but want to choose an unusual blog theme, for example - “ Build your home from scratch ", Not peculiar to you, then you cannot predict the success of this venture. Agree, no matter how exciting the topic is, without experience in this matter and not being interested in it every day, the article will not be alive and the blog will fail.

Therefore, friends, you must follow several rules:

  • Analyze your life and make a list of your interests;
  • What activities do you perform with special zeal every day?
  • What field of work do you do best?
  • Where do you have valuable experience?
  • What do you consider your talent?
  • What is your calling according to others?
  • What would you do if you were a millionaire?
  • What kind of work would you do, even for free, because you like the process itself?

Write down these answers and think about how you can become a blogging person. If you are interested in fishing, then share this experience with your readers; if you like cooking - create a culinary blog on WordPress with step-by-step recipes.

Do your friends consider you a creative artist? Why not share your work with others? Are you successful in growing flowers? Write about it, the world needs your valuable experience!

Not noticing the time

You haven't defined your true calling and theme yet, what will your site be about? Then I propose to think about this. Have you ever plunged headlong into any business? Was it in your life that you were so addicted to creating something that you forgot about sleep, food, and so on? This is the kind of work that will help you realize yourself.

There is a subscriber for every hobby, but nevertheless, there are more popular topics and less. The more popular the idea of ​​your web resource, the more visitors will be interested in it. If you do not strive for high income from blogging and want to create a website for yourself and your friends, you can do this by publishing any posts.

But what does a "useful" article mean? I'll tell you more about this:

  • Write in such a way that the visitor of the resource feels his significance and importance;
  • If you do not gather crowds of fans, then you should not talk too much about your beloved on the pages of your Internet project. I doubt that people will be so interested in the details of your life that they will subscribe to updates;
  • Talk about things that haven't been said yet. Or, if you have chosen a popular topic, write in other words, add "zest" to the text;
  • Have you decided to create a website dedicated to your city? Or do you want the resource to become a favorite of people of a certain profession? You can do this, but do not push the site into narrow frames, position it as an interesting source for almost any user;

  • If your blog is created with the aim of promoting a product, write not so much about services and goods as about the benefits of customers who will use them or purchase products. Help solve problems.

Prove by example

Have you started the fun process of losing weight and getting in shape and want to write about it? This idea is not 100% successful. Let's think about why.

When a person visits a site with a narrow focus, he hopes to find comprehensive information and answers to all his questions on it. Who can have this information? An experienced blogger who ate a "dog" on this arouses respect and trust. Therefore, if you have just started the process of losing weight and have not yet achieved any results, then it is difficult to say for sure that your web resource will be useful.

But if you are really interested in this topic, you want to achieve success in it and the blog will serve as a motivator, if you wish, you can submit it in an interesting way and find like-minded people. All in your hands!

Control check

Have you decided on the topic of the future Internet resource, but fears do not leave you? Do you think that the topic may not be in demand? Let's check it together on several points so that you can draw a final conclusion.

Here are a few steps of a proof test:

  • Determine if the topic of your future Internet masterpiece belongs to one of the categories: earnings, personal development, family and children, social networks, business, news and modern technology;
  • Analyze competitors, if they are not there is not the best sign;
  • The popularity of the topic. If a Yandex Wordstat in the topic you have chosen does not give impressions of more than 10,000 requests per month (base frequency), then it is unlikely that you will be able to create a serious business on its basis, since the demand will be small;

  • Will you be able to present your field of activity on the blog so that people who do not understand it are interested in it?
  • If articles on this topic are actively commented on, then it is really interesting;
  • If you yourself are not such a professional of the chosen topic, then you should not write about it on the blog pages, although you can promote your blog as a reality show;
  • Are you embarrassed to openly tell people that you are the author of a blog with a chosen topic? So this is not your topic.
  • No ideas for articles? This is also a signal about the wrong choice of topic.

Now answer yourself honestly to all the listed questions and come to the right decision.

Anyway, I recommend that you start. After all, any outcome in blogging will give you valuable experience and teach you a lot. Until then, subscribe to my blog site, invite friends and like-minded people. I am sure that together we will achieve success and succeed in the information business!

P / S

Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

(Last updated: 01.07.2016)

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! The beginning bloggers face a very difficult task, namely - what topic to choose for a website or blog so that the topic is popular and the visitors flooded. I'll tell you a little about myself, how I chose the topic for my first blog on free Blogger. To be honest, I already knew what topics for a blog would be the most win-win, of course - Politics. Especially if you criticize the current government, publish compromising evidence and so on.

People will always be interested in politics and of course there will be stable traffic to the blog. The main thing is that the articles are relevant in a year, three, and so on. In general, for the long term.

Then, when I mastered Blogger, I created several more blogs for beginners to master bloggingspot. Now I'm blogging about Blogger (on free hosting) almost abandoned them, I do not update, but there are always visitors anyway. Recently created, the theme is the same: Bloggera School - Everything for Blogger, for beginners from simple to complex. Next, here is the blog you are reading at this moment: WordPress mania - WordPress blog creation and monetization. I master it myself and I will help newcomers. There is still one idea, to create a new project, the topic is completely different, until I say what. Here is a brief about me.

Which theme to choose for a website or blog

And promoting a long-term successful blog takes time and effort. By following the five tips below for choosing a topic to work with, you will be on your way to achieving your goal of creating a sought-after and popular blog.

Tip 1: Choose a section (niche) that you are passionate about

A successful blog often, sometimes even several times a day, but on average three to seven times a week. If you want your blog to have a chance of success, you need to keep your content relevant and fresh. This means that you need to constantly work on new blog posts.

Therefore, make sure you choose one that excites you, interests you, and allows you to enjoy the knowledge and results obtained in it. Otherwise, the blog runs the risk of becoming a personal hard labor. You will quickly tire, be unable to stay motivated to blog about the topic, and give it up and waste your time.

Tip 2: choose theme for website creation that makes you want to talk a lot with other people

Successful blogs require a two-way conversation between you (the blogger) and your audience (your readers). When readers leave