Certified Training Centers (CTC) of the 1C company have been created throughout Russia and neighboring countries to conduct training courses on "1C:Enterprise 8" for users of the "1C:Enterprise 8" programs. Certified courses in all CSCs are conducted according to a uniform methodology and program with guaranteed quality. CSO "1C: First Bit, Moscow - m. Semenovskaya" has been a Certified Training Center for 1C in Moscow since 2007.

Certified Training Centers are:

Certified courses on "1C:Enterprise 8"

  • CSO "1C: First Bit, Moscow - m. Semenovskaya" conducts the following certified training courses:
  • Each student of certified courses is given a teaching manual developed by 1C

Certified teachers for each course

  • TsSO teachers who teach certified courses undergo mandatory training at 1C for each course and pass an exam for the right to teach it. Each CSC teacher has a personalized CSC teacher certificate for each course that he has the right to teach.

Certificates of 1C company

After training, each student receives a personalized certificate of a single type.

CSO courses are intended for the following categories of students:

  • Accountants, managers, heads of enterprises conducting accounting and management in 1C: Enterprise 8;
  • Employees of IT departments of enterprises;
  • Practical implementers of franchisee companies.

CSOs save your money and time, which you could spend on traveling to study in Moscow.

1C Company recommends studying at
Certified Training Centers!

When choosing a training center, check whether it has the status “Certified Training Center” according to the list on the 1C company website.
After completing training at the training center "1C: First Bit, Moscow - m. Semenovskaya" you can also:

  • Test your knowledge using the free
  • At the center "1C: First Bit, Moscow - m. Semenovskaya" take the "1C: Professional" test according to the course you took and receive official confirmation from the 1C company about your qualifications as an experienced user of the 1C program. You can read more about the 1C:Professional certification at.

The first BIT will tell you why it is profitable for companies to use the 1C:ERP program

International IT integrator "First BIT" will take part in the fifth business forum "1C:ERP 2018". The event will take place on October 26 in Moscow.

Business forum "1C:ERP 2018" is a large-scale event. Every year it brings together more than 1,000 partners and clients of the 1C company.

Forum participants exchange experience in implementing 1C systems and review them functionality. They will also learn about new products from 1C. For example, this year at the business forum 1C will present the functional architecture of the 1C:ERP program. Holding", which the company plans to release in the future.

The event will also host an awards ceremony international competition corporate automation "1C: Project of the Year". Three First BIT projects won in two categories:

  1. “The best project in the subject area.”
  2. "Best regional project"

The winners in the first category were projects for OJSC Valuysky Distillery and the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov. In the second - a project for JSC Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant.

We have been making our client’s business stronger for more than 20 years and are one of the largest partners of 1C. According to CNews and TAdviser ratings, First BIT is the first in the implementation of ERP-class systems. We have 1000 completed ERP-class projects.

Among our clients: MasterCard, VTB, Russian Railways, Heineken, Mail.ru Group, Tommy Hilfiger, PwC, Subway, PIK group of companies, Tatneft-Neftekhimsnab. Atol, Rossvyaz, Russian State University for the Humanities and many others.

First BIT has a wide portfolio of solutions, its own team of specialists in any region of the country who work using the new Agile and Scrum methodologies. Practical implementation experience in various fields makes First BIT a reliable partner in automating business processes at all levels.

Therefore, at the First BIT stand there is a lot waiting for you useful information. In particular, our experts will talk about the advantages of working in “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” (“1C:ERP”) and demonstrate its functionality. They will also explain to whom, why and how it is necessary to change from “1C:UPP” to “”.

Your questions about business automation will also not go unanswered. Our experts will advise you and help you choose the optimal software product.

It won't be complete without a gift. At 16:30 at our stand there will be a drawing for a survey of the company’s business processes worth 250,000 rubles. The winner will receive a pre-project survey free of charge.

Any exhibition visitor who leaves a business card at our stand during the day can take part in the drawing. We are waiting for you at our stand!

Certified 1C training center "First Bit" is one of the largest specialized training centers in Moscow

Training Center First BIT Moscow invites you to take 1C training courses! This community contains announcements of our special events, course descriptions, and interesting materials. Join, be interested, share your impressions. We are always in touch;)

We remind you that there is less than a week left until our webinar! Register, free seats there is very little left in the webinar room

‼July 15 at 11:00 Free webinar
Experts from First Bit will tell you all about the innovations in legislation in the field of VAT accounting and practical examples will sort out all the important and controversial points.

Available after registration: https://www.1cbit.ru/school/events/375316/

#1cbit #first beat

📅 July 11 - 17 (14:00-18:00 Day) 🔥 20% discount

Course "1C: Accounting 8". Education practical use configurations
📅 July 13 - 21 (10:00-18:00 Weekend) 🔥 20% discount

📅 July 14 (10:00-17:00 Weekend) 🔥 10% discount

Course Theory and practice of calculation wages in "1C: Salaries and personnel management 8"
📅 July 15 - August 8 (18:00-22:00 Evening) 🔥 15% discount

Course Data Composition System (DCS) – reporting in the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
📅 July 16 - 23 (10:00-17:00 Intensive) 🔥 20% discount

Friends! We invite you to a free webinar for users of the 1C: Salary and HR Management 3.1 program. In anticipation of submitting the 6th personal income tax reporting, our teacher and consultant Alina Petrosyan will cover all the complex issues of filling out the report in 2019.

The number of seats in the webinar room is limited, register using the link – www.1cbit.ru/school/events/376393/

Tip: How to update 1C 8.3 - automatic and independent update of 1C through the configurator

The 1C program can be updated as in automatic mode, or manually through the configurator. We talk about both methods in our new material.

Updating the 1C program manually and using the configurator

Financial literacy teacher for schoolchildren Mila Khodykina writes a blog in which she talks about basic concepts from the world of finance in simple and understandable language. In the third lesson, Mila talked about virtual and international cards (and even talked a little about wooden money!) – ed1c.ru/virtual_card_lesson3

Friends! Sign up for last-minute 1C courses with a big discount - last places in groups are on sale:

Course "1C: Accounting 8". Practical mastery of accounting from the very beginning
📅 June 29 - July 21 (10:00-18:00 Weekend) 🔥 20% discount

Course Accounting when applying the simplified taxation system in "1C:Enterprise 8"
📅 June 28 - July 3 (10:00-16:00 Mon, Wed, Fri) 🔥 20% discount

📅 June 29 - 30 (10:00-19:00 Weekend) 🔥 35% discount!

Course "1C: Salaries and personnel management 8". Using configuration and payroll calculation
📅 July 2 - 10 (18:30-21:30 Evening) 🔥 15% discount

Course Tools for integration and data exchange in the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
📅 July 4 - 8 (10:00-16:00 Intensive) 🔥 20% discount

Sign up for courses at a discount on our website – www.1cbit.ru/school/education/

2019 brought many innovations in VAT accounting - accounting rules for the provision of services abroad have changed, rules regarding the return of goods have changed, the list of raw materials for export has been reduced, and much more. As a result, preparing VAT reports can raise many questions.

We will consider all important innovations at the webinar on July 15 - sign up on our website, the number of seats in the webinar room is limited: www.1cbit.ru/school/events/375316/

The amounts of calculated and withheld tax in report 6 personal income tax in 1C: ZUP 3.1 do not agree? We explain why this happens - www.1cbit.ru/company/news/372869/

Friends! Follow us on Instagram! There we publish exclusive photographs from the Training Center - our students, classes, teachers, and staff. Subscribe – instagram.com/1bit.uc

A frequent question on the First Bit consultation line is how to calculate and pay dividends in 1C Accounting 8 (Rev. 3.0)? We asked our expert to prepare step by step instructions– www.1cbit.ru/company/news/373057/

Financial literacy teacher for schoolchildren Mila Khodykina writes a blog in which she talks about basic concepts from the world of finance in simple and understandable language. In the second lesson, Mila talked about credit and prepaid cards – ed1c.ru/credit_card_lesson2

Friends! Sign up for last-minute 1C courses with a big discount - last places in groups are on sale:

Course Personnel Accounting in "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 3.1"
📅 June 16 - 23 (10:00-18:00 Weekend) 🔥 20% discount

Course Regulated accounting in "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2"
📅 June 17 - 24 (18:30-21:30 Evening) 🔥 30% discount!

Course "1C: Accounting 8". Training in practical use of the configuration. Edition 3.0
📅 June 17 - 26 (09:30-13:30 Morning) 🔥 20% discount

Express course Errors in accounting - find and neutralize!
📅 June 7 (10:00-17:00 Intensive) 🔥 15% discount

Course "1C: Document flow 8". Application solution capabilities and organization of electronic document management
📅 June 18 - 20 (14:00-18:00 day) 🔥 20% discount

Sign up for courses at a discount on our website -

Friends! Congratulations on the day of our great country - Russia Day!

A universal report allows you to visually display the information of interest, with the ability flexible settings her ideas. How to set up a Universal report in 1C: Accounting 8 to display information about goods and services sold by buyer?

We provide accounting courses in dozens of different areas. Some of the courses have become real bestsellers and attract full classes of students every week. We have compiled a rating of the five best courses for both beginners and experienced users of the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

Course "Practical mastery of accounting from the very beginning"
A fundamental course that combines accounting theory and practice in 1C: Accounting 8. The course is designed specifically for students starting from scratch and with no experience in real accounting. Graduates are full-fledged accountants who are ready to lead an organization on OSNO.
Average listener rating – 4.9

Course "1C: Accounting 8". Training in practical use of the configuration"
100% practical course for experienced students who want to fully learn the functionality latest version programs 1C: Accounting 3.0.
Average rating – 4.8

Course "Account keeping when applying the simplified taxation system (STS) in 1C:Enterprise 8"
Accounting under the simplified tax system, despite being less labor intensive compared to OSNO, has many features and pitfalls. This course is recommended for accountants and owners of small companies.
Average rating – 4.7

Course "VAT Accounting in 1C: Accounting 8"
The VAT section always raises many difficulties and questions for our listeners. Therefore, a specialized course was developed that answers all questions and covers all bottlenecks.
Average rating – 4.8

Express course "Accounting errors - find and neutralize"
A powerful and effective express workshop where students learn to use built-in mechanisms and program processing to find, correct and prevent errors in accounting.
Average rating – 4.7

Check out the schedule of accounting courses on our website - www.1cbit.ru/school/education/1s-buhgalterija/

Friends! We are launching a warm summer promotion for training - a discount of as much as 50% when enrolling two people in one group. This is a good opportunity to share the cost of courses with a friend and spend quality time together!

The promotion applies to the most popular training programs:

🎓 Course "1C: Accounting 8". Training in practical use of the configuration
🎓 Course "1C: Salaries and personnel management 8". Using configuration and payroll calculation
🎓 Course "1C: Trade Management 8". Training in practical use of the configuration

Financial literacy teacher for schoolchildren Mila Khodykina launches her blog, in which she talks about basic concepts from the world of finance in an accessible and understandable language. In the first lesson, Mila spoke in detail about debit bank cards and cards with overdraft – ed1c.ru/debet_card_lesson1