Since the summer of 2012, all amounts transferred to military personnel are displayed in a special section of the official website of the Ministry of Defense. After entering in the address bar, the serviceman’s personal account becomes available. Next steps are individual.

Personal account of a military man: instructions

Access to your personal account is provided through the official portal of the Ministry of Defense; therefore, registration on the website itself is required. It is impossible to log in without the administrator’s knowledge for the first time; you need to request a password (in the future it is recommended to change it yourself), which will be sent to the specified mobile number. If you lose your login or password, you can always get it again or restore it through the administrator. After answering the secret question, your login information will be sent via SMS to your phone.

It is recommended to create your personal account after reading the information in the “Help” section. Next, a tab opens where, after filling out a special form, you can view your personal information. You can view a serviceman's pay slip without registration, but only for informational purposes.

It should be noted that the funds that the ERC transfers every month to all employees (from ordinary privates to generals) are called monetary allowance, and not wages military.

Government agencies recently launched special program for military personnel on the Internet, providing access to Personal account the military man gives access to payslips, which previously could only be obtained through the system closed channels. The program was launched in response to persistent complaints from the military regarding discrepancies in payroll, bonuses and other allowances. Providing the employee with information about accruals is mandatory.

The document must be issued along with the monetary allowance and contain the following information:

  • Components of the salary due to an employee for a certain period of time.
  • Other cash accruals, including vacation pay, sick leave, etc.
  • Total amount of charges.
  • Amounts withheld from
  • The total amount to be issued in person.

The personal account of a military personnel without registration or registered persons is available not only to the military, but also to other employees of the institution. Thanks to the functionality of the service, each employee can order the necessary statements and certificates online, without wasting time visiting departments. All requested documentation is provided free of charge and is available for printing.

The functionality of a serviceman’s personal account is very extensive, but the section for generating pay slips is especially popular. You can use this function and create a document for any period starting from 2012. On the main page of the Ministry of Defense website, you need to go to the appropriate section and indicate the period of interest to you. A sheet will be created automatically indicating all available information. The document can be saved in Excel, Word and PDF formats.

Login to a military personnel’s personal account without registration

It is not always necessary to enter a login to enter the site. Also, users of the Ministry of Defense website can log in using their personal number. This opportunity allows you to receive a serviceman’s pay slip without registration. To view personal information necessary:

  • Click on the “Login without registration” button.
  • In the window that appears, indicate your personal number and date of birth.
  • Enter the digital code.

After all the manipulations, the user will be able to enter the internal part of the portal and view the information of interest to him. The simplified system for logging into the site is completely safe, since manually entering the code, as well as specifying individual information, makes it impossible for an outsider to visit your account.

If a citizen is a government employee and not a military man, he will need to enter his mandatory pension insurance number and date of birth. It must be borne in mind that a pay slip for a military personnel without registration provides the user with only a limited amount of information. Registration is required for full access.

How to enter a military personnel's personal account

Any military member can use the Department of Defense portal to view payroll information. To ensure that this information is not available to unauthorized persons, the site user must go through a simple registration process. Having completed this action, the serviceman will create his own personal account, in which he can easily control his own allowance. In your personal account, it is possible to generate a military pay sheet in electronic form.

How does registration in a military personnel’s personal account take place? When visiting the site for the first time, there may be some difficulties, for example,

  • You will see a message stating that it is impossible to log into your personal account because the system is being tested or the certificate is invalid. This should not stop you, you need to agree with the system and continue moving to the next section.

  • To access the user's personal account, you must go to the registration section.

It is possible to enter a serviceman's personal account without registration. To do this, you need to indicate the military personnel number and date of birth in a special line.


For constant control over your monetary allowance, it is recommended to register on the site. This process is very simple. The soldier will need to provide some personal information:

  • The number assigned to him.
  • Date of birth on
  • Create a password for authorization. The access password should not be easy and simple; it is recommended to use a combination of Latin letters and numbers to create it. To verify and confirm, you will need to enter this set of letters and numbers again.
  • Enter your email. In addition to indicating personal information and creating a password, you must specify email address for further account activation and password recovery if lost.

After completing all formalities, the user can re-enter the serviceman’s personal account to check the correctness of all actions taken.

Personal account of a Russian military serviceman

When you have successfully logged into the system, you can try to create the first pay slip displaying complete information about the movement of military pay, details of accruals, deductions, bonuses and other things. To do this, you need to enter the year and month of interest in a special form.

For convenience and control of payments, all generated payslips can be saved on the desktop in separate folder. The system stores data for the entire current year. If errors and other dissatisfaction are identified on the part of a serviceman, he has the right to apply to the military unit in which he is serving for clarification. You can also figure out the problem with incorrectly specified user initials by telephone numbers « hotline» Central personnel regulation of the Ministry of Defense. For problems related to cash payments, you should contact the Unified Settlement Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense. A serviceman's pay slip is the main document confirming that his service is appreciated.

What actions can be carried out in your personal account?

On at the moment The personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense is completely ready for work. Then you can do the following:

  • Generate a payslip that will indicate all detailed information on accruals, receipts and other actions with military funds.
  • Save payslips electronically to personal computer, which will make it possible to view documents at any time.
  • Continuously monitor payments.

How to generate a payslip

It is possible to generate a pay slip for a military serviceman without registration; registered users can also do this. Process steps:

  • Go to the main page of the site or to the “Calculation Sheet” section.
  • Indicate the period of interest for which the report will be generated.
  • Click on the “Generate” button.
  • Next, a window will appear in which a report sheet for the specified period of time will be displayed.


Thus, it is clear that the personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense is presented in a fairly understandable and simple form for the user. He has the opportunity to log into his page at any time and check all the information.

Starting from mid-2012, the payslip, in other words, all money transferred to the serviceman is displayed in the corresponding section on the official website of the Ministry of Defense

Any military person has access to his personal account. Let's take a closer look at what a serviceman's pay slip is and how to enter your personal account without registration.

Registration of a personal account

To constantly monitor your own financial well-being, you need to register on the website. This is an extremely simple process. The serviceman is required to indicate the following personal data:

  • the identification number that was assigned to him;
  • date of his birth;
  • the password required to enter your page;
  • write the address email.

The password must not be simple; for this reason, to create it, it is recommended to use a combination of Latin letters and numbers. In order to check and confirm your login to the site, you will need to enter your password twice.
Also, in order to find out and calculate salaries, in addition to specifying personal data and creating a password, you must provide an email for subsequent account activation and, if the password is lost, to recover it.

To register in your personal account, follow the Registration link and enter all your data in the form.

Login without registration

Dear readers, recently viewing pay slips is available only to registered users of the “Personal Account” on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The information in the “Login without registration” section of the article is no longer relevant.

In order to log into a website and check your salary, you do not always need to enter a username and password. For military personnel using the services of the Ministry of Defense website, login using a personal number is provided. This provides the right to receive a payslip without undergoing the necessary registration. To view the necessary data, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the button "Login without registration". As a result, a form will open (see below and fill out), which indicates the serviceman’s personal number and date of birth.
  2. Enter the code from the picture.

After such actions, the user will be given the opportunity to enter the website and view the data he requires. The simplified login system is considered the most secure, since entering a numeric code and specifying personal data makes it possible to visit the account only by the owner himself; another person will not be able to do this.

If a citizen is considered a government employee, and not a military contract employee, he will need to dial his social security number and his own date of birth. It should be taken into account that a serviceman’s pay slip in a case where registration has not been carried out can provide the citizen with only part of the available data. If you need full information, then you need to register.

Personal account features

After completing all the steps described above, you can start working in your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website. The following is now available to the user:

  • you can generate a payslip that indicates all the detailed information about accrued, incoming funds and other actions with the serviceman’s finances;
  • save payslips in electronic form on a PC, which provides the right to view documents when necessary;
  • continuously monitor the amounts paid.

This list of actions allows a serviceman to have maximum control over his finances in a single register.

It should be noted that cash, transferred monthly by the Unified Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to all military personnel, regardless of their rank, are called monetary allowance, not salary.

The site provides the right to familiarize yourself with information on pay slips, which previously could only be found out through a system of special closed channels.

Online system data review was launched due to frequently received complaints from military personnel regarding inappropriate amounts of accrued salaries, bonuses and other allowances.

The military man is required to provide information about accruals on the pay slip. The document must be issued together with funds and it contains the following information:

  • components of wages that are due to a military man for a specific time period;
  • other financial benefits, including those provided during vacation,
  • being on sick leave, etc.;
  • total amount of accrued funds;
  • amounts that are withheld from wages;
  • the total amount that is supposed to be given to the military.

Thanks to the functionality of the portal, every military citizen has the right to order the required extracts and certificates online, without losing time for a personal visit to the relevant units.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the military account on the Ministry of Defense website is provided in a fairly clear and simple form. The user has the right to visit his own page at any time and check all the information of interest.

Due to the fact that military personnel receive many questions regarding the calculation of pay and how this is reflected in their pay slips, today we want to devote a video blog to this topic.

It is worth noting that the funds that the ERC transfers monthly to everyone from privates to generals in the RF Armed Forces, despite the fact that they are often referred to as “military salaries,” are more correctly called the term monetary allowance and nothing else.

In our today's issue, we will look at the basic concept of monetary allowance (hereinafter abbreviated as DD), and also consider what makes up the numbers that are reflected in the pay sheets and then go to the cards of military personnel. In subsequent issues we will look at the composition and structure of salary in more detail.

So let's begin. In accordance with its Art. 2. The monetary allowance of military personnel performing military service under a contract is the main means of their material support and stimulation of the performance of military service duties.

The fundamental guiding document for the DD is “On approval of the procedure for providing monetary allowances to military personnel of the Armed Forces Russian Federation", which regulates the procedure for providing monetary allowances to military personnel, and also regulates cases of payment of monthly and one-time additional payments.
Article 2 of the above order states that the monetary salary of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract consists of a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned military rank (hereinafter referred to as OVZ) and a monthly salary in accordance with the military position occupied (hereinafter referred to as OVD), which constitute the monthly monetary salary maintenance (hereinafter referred to as SDC) of military personnel, and from monthly and other additional payments (hereinafter referred to as additional payments). This definition can be expressed by the following formula:

DD = OVZ + OVD + monthly additional payments + other additional payments

It is worth noting here that OVZ + OVD is the base of monetary allowances; on the basis of these salaries, all other figures (allowances) are calculated when calculating DD.

Almost every military man, of course, can see the payments that have been accrued to him, withheld, and made. on the official website of the RF Ministry of Defense.

Let's look at an example of a calculation sheet:

In fact, to understand this document you do not need special knowledge, but nevertheless, military personnel periodically have questions, so let’s still look at its main components.

We see the title in the left column of the sheet 1 - Accrued , this column reflects all payments under order 2700, including your ATS and OVZ.

Next 2nd and 3rd column – show how the bonus is calculated, most often it is a percentage, and then a specific share is indicated as a percentage of the salary. Column 4 – Period , for which a premium is paid. When a recalculation arrives, the period for which it is made appears in this column.
Next is the main column - Sum , payments in rubles are reflected there. The result in this column naturally does not mean that the serviceman will receive this amount; the so-called personal income tax in the amount of 13% will also be withheld from the income.

In the second section "calculations" in the column Held – you will see the amount of tax withheld from the DD.

If you were not paid something extra and there is still a debt for the SRC, then below in the line "debt at the end of the month" you will see the amount owed by the employer i.e. Ministry of Defense. If you see the amount in the column "employee's duty", then here you will already be a debtor.

Everything seems to be clear, but military personnel still have questions; here are examples of frequently asked questions:

- If according to the order 2700 there is a payment for the database, but in the payment sheet opposite the line there is 0. What to do and why does this happen?
Here you just need to pay attention that in the r/l there is a general column OUS pr. 2700 and there is a total amount, that is, first look at the general line and if it is not empty, then payments are made, then you need to clarify for what exactly for the database or something else. And for this you can use, more on that a little later.

- Enough frequently asked question How is the 1010 bonus and payments for physical education reflected? on the payslip e.
The premium for 1010 is reflected in them as “additional mathematical stimulation”, physical bonus as payment "for special achievements pr 500".

Another common question from military personnel is: what to do if the DD does not arrive on the 10th, as usual.
Here we would like to especially emphasize that, according to Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 2700, payment of monetary allowances is made from the 10th to the 20th of each month for the past month, and for December of the calendar year - no later than the last working day of the month. Therefore, there should be no reason to panic until the 20th of the month.

There are usually no problems with the remaining lines. However, if you have any questions, we will be happy to answer.

Now let's talk about how to independently calculate your Cash Allowance.

Typically, such a need arises if a change in service, position or rank, or transfer is planned. Or simply other amounts began to arrive on the card and you suspect that “something is not being paid extra”

To check all these nuances you can independently in the section ServicesAllowance calculator.

This is what the initial fields of the calculator look like:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, each payment has a name, everything is filled out sequentially, it is enough to know the title, salary for the position held and your bonuses in percentage terms or what they are due for.

Then it’s simple - you need to select the required values ​​from the drop-down lists and move on to the next payment. Just in case, each payment has a question mark and under it there is a quote from PMO 2700 with an explanation, try hovering your mouse and the help will appear.

We hope that now you have become better oriented in monetary allowance in general and in the payslip in particular. You know where to look and how to check. This concludes this episode of the video blog. In the following, we will try to delve deeper into the theory and visualize what a monetary allowance may consist of.

If you have any questions about the topic of a military pay slip, please ask.

All of the above can be clearly seen in our video about a serviceman’s pay slip.

Especially for NachFin.ifo

military lawyer Marina Baidak

Pay slip The serviceman's certificate can be obtained either on paper or electronically. In the second case, you need to have a personal account on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

A serviceman's pay slip is a document in which you can see the amount of military pay and other accruals, as well as deductions and amounts payable “in hand.” The fact is that all employers are required to notify each employee in writing (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • O components wages due for the specified period;
  • on the amount of other amounts accrued to the employee, including compensation, vacation pay and other payments;
  • on the size and basis of deductions;
  • about the amount to be paid.

This is stated in Article 136 of the Labor Code.

What to include on a military personnel pay slip

Instead of salaries, military personnel receive cash allowances and other payments. You will find information about all these payments if you receive a military pay slip.

The structure of the document is as follows. At the beginning of the URC pay slip (single clearing center) shows all accruals:

  • salary according to military rank;
  • salary for military position (contract);
  • percentage bonus for length of service;
  • monthly bonus for special conditions of military service (contract);
  • monthly bonus for secrecy (contract);
  • monthly bonus for class qualifications (contract);
  • award for conscientious and effective performance job responsibilities;
  • financial assistance;
  • vacation pay;
  • sick leave;
  • other charges.

In addition to accruals, the payslip shows the amounts of personal income tax and other deductions. Also, the payslip of a contract or conscript soldier contains the amount to be paid minus deductions, which he will receive in person.

How to get a pay slip for a military serviceman

A military payslip can be obtained on paper at a military unit, or in electronic form on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the “Personal Account” section.

A contract serviceman's payslip can also be found on the Ministry of Defense website. The service for obtaining payslips is free. You can receive a military pay slip using your personal number if you register. The second option is that you have the right to look at the serviceman’s pay slip without registration.

How to get a pay slip for a serviceman under a contract without registration

Let's say you don't want to register, but you need to get a military pay slip. Login without registration is also possible. Click on the inscription “login without registration”. Then get the following picture on the screen (see picture below).

In the drop-down list from the top line, select “Military Person”. The fact is that the service can be used not only by the military, but also by civil servants.

Next, enter the serviceman's personal number. Let us remind you that the number format is one or two Russian letters, a dash, then six digits. After this, enter the serviceman’s date of birth in the format “DD.MM.YYYY”. All you have to do is enter the code from the picture and click on the “Login” button.

If all the data has been entered correctly, you will receive the serviceman’s pay slip using his personal number. If not, the system will display an error message (see figure below).

How to register in a military personnel’s personal account

To resolve the issue of how to find out a serviceman’s salary using his personal number, you can log into your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website using your registration number. But first you need to register.

The registration process consists of two parts: creating account and activation. First, select “Register.” A picture will appear on the screen (see picture below).

Enter your personal information to register. First, select the “Military Person” category, then dial the serviceman’s personal number and date of birth. Enter the password in two lines at once. Next, write down the email address and numbers from the picture. After that, click the “Register” button.

After this, you should receive a registration message with your login and password by email. Follow the link contained in the message and receive confirmation of registration. After this, the registration process is completed, and you can log in to your personal account with your username and password.

How to log into your personal account after registration

If you have already registered, it will be easier and faster to receive a military pay slip. In your personal account on the Ministry of Defense website, immediately enter your login and password, then click “Login”

If you entered your login and password correctly, the serviceman’s pay slip will appear on the screen.

If you have forgotten your password, you can recover it. Click “Recover Password”, then enter the serviceman’s personal number, date of birth and the code from the picture. You will receive an email with password recovery information.

Electronic mail (e-mail) for communication with the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense:

– Consulting department (Call – center);

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.- Secretary;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Legal department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Administrative and regulatory department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (accounting) of the Southern Military District, Western Military District;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (calculation) of Central Military District, Eastern Military District;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (analysis and control);

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– IT department;

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.– Management (bank settlements)

When making your request, do not forget to indicate:

1. Your personal number of a military person (SNILS - civilian).
2. Position (military).
3. Military rank - for military personnel.
4. Your last name, first name, patronymic (for alimony recipients additionally - last name, first name, patronymic of the alimony payer).
5. The essence of the appeal.
6. Telephone for communication.

IRC contact information (phone numbers and address)

Address of the unified settlement center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

105066, Moscow, Spartakovskaya street, building 2, fifth floor.

Phone number to order a pass 8-495-693-65-01.

The settlement center is located on the fifth floor.

At the fourth call center, there is a database where you can check information on payments to military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces.

Hotline of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

To know additional information about monetary allowances, check accruals and ask questions to employees of the unified settlement center of the Russian Ministry of Defense at the following contact numbers:

- URC hotline 8-800-200-22-06 (toll-free number).

Opening hours of the IRC hotline (Moscow time)
Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 20.00
Saturday - Sunday from 09.00 - 18.00

More hotline numbers: 8 495 951 18 01, 8 495 693 66 33
- Head Loschenova Olga Vasilievna 8 495 693 65 02
- You can also call: 8-495-693-65-09, 8-495-693-65-10, 8-495-693-65-11, 8-495-693-65-12, 8- 495-693-65-13, etc. up to 31 at the end of the number.

Other contact numbers of the RF Ministry of Defense: