The letter s always has one sound option: it is a somewhat hissing sound [∫], which is pronounced as intermediate between Russian s and sh. In order to pronounce this sound correctly and in Spanish, you need to practice for some time.

For example: silla, mesa, buenos días.

sé, sí, así, casi, es, eso, esto, mes, mesa, casa, cosa, piso, silla, sofá, profesor, estudiante, español, España, Rusia, espejo, bolso, ¿cómo estás? , adiós , sistema , sombreros , camisas , sobre la mesa , estante , París , frase , seis , así así , siesta , museo , más o menos , buenos días , nervioso está el oso .

This letter can be pronounced in two ways: as an interdental [θ] (as in English th anks) and like the normal sound [k].

1. Hard sound [k]

The letter c is pronounced [k] whenever there are no letters e or i after it.

For example: como, blanco, carta.

2. Interdental sound [θ]

The letter c is pronounced as an interdental sound [θ] when it is followed by the letters e or i.

For example: cinco, cine, cenicero.

In some words, two letters сc appear at once: acción (action), accidente (incident, accident). In these cases, the first c is read as [k] and the second as [θ].

Words that contain the combination sc, such as ascensor (elevator) require special attention. Here it may be difficult to switch from a hissing sound [∫] to an interdental [θ]. This sound needs to be worked out well.

Listen and read the speaker's words, paying attention to the correct pronunciation.

1. Hard sound [k]

Cama, CASA, Cuaderno, Camaarero, Cantante, Médico, Cuba, Cortina, Cuatro, Como, Cuídate, Plástico, Comer, Caliente, Copa, Carta, Cuando, Cuanto, Cámara CARMEN, CLARO, CLASE, un poco, loco, oscuro, Óscar, pescado, actor, nunca.

2. Interdental sound [θ]

cine, cena, César, cesta, oficina, cocina, cocinero, policía, Francia, francés, francesa, ciudad, cien, cinco, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince, gracias, muchas gracias, cerámica, centro, , encima , circo , lección , acción , diccionario , cebra , fácil , difícil .

3. In different positions

lápices, dieciséis, dieciséis lápices, diecisiete, tapices, narices, cocineros, franceses, ascensor, tres cestas, baloncesto, doscientos, trescientos, doscientos dieciséis, adolescente, césped, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

If we want to express sounds or, we need to write a word with the letter q: parque (park), quince (fifteen), que (what).

Remember: The letter q is always written with the letter u and occurs only in two combinations: qui and que. In Spanish there are never combinations such as quo or qua.

Never write: parce instead of parque; quatro instead of cuatro.

Listen and read the speaker's words, paying attention to the correct pronunciation.

que, quien, parque, quince, pequeño, peluquero, Quito, máquina, bosque, paquete, aquí, Enrique, chaqueta, quechua, te quiero, quilómetro, química, quinientos, quinto, quiosco, queso, , vaqueros , a la izquierda , tranquilo , asqueroso .

The letter z is always unambiguous in Spanish. It is always pronounced as an interdental sound [θ], that is, exactly the same as the letter c before e and i.

For example: taza, azul, feliz.

In the case of this letter, you need to remember one important rule: the letter Z should never appear before the letters e and i.


The rule is reminiscent of the Russian “zhi/shi write with the letter i.” It turns out that the letters z and c replace each other and complement each other. Never write: zine instead of cine.

Also, never pronounce the letter z like the Russian z. For example, the word zorro (fox) is read in Spanish as [θorro], and not as the usual [zorro].

There are cases when, when changing the form of a word that includes the letter z, we need to put a vowel i or e after it, then we will have to replace z with c.

For example: lápiz - lápices (pencil - pencils), empezar - empiece (start - begin).

Listen and read the speaker's words, paying attention to the correct pronunciation.

1. Letter z training

corazón, lápiz, feliz, tapiz, nariz, azul, taza, zapatos, zorro, pizarra, actriz, pez, vez, zona, cazadora, izquierda, cabeza, limpieza, cerveza, luz, plaza

The series of lessons continues and today you will find lesson No. 10. In my explanation of how to pronounce a sound correctly, I rely on pronunciation of a similar English sound rather than a similar Russian sound. Although quite often in textbooks for teaching reading, English sounds are replaced with Russian sounds. For example, English [s] is replaced with Russian “c”. But this is a fundamentally wrong approach.

In Lesson #10 you will learn:

  • what is the difference between English [s] and Russian “s”;
  • how the English consonant sounds [s] and [z] are read;
  • what letters represent the English sounds [s] and [z];
  • How the plural is formed for nouns in English.

How to pronounce the English sound [s] correctly?

  • English consonant sound [s] pronounced wrong, like Russian "s". To pronounce this sound correctly, you need to raise the tip of your tongue to the BURCLES behind the upper teeth (they are called alveoli) and forcefully exhale air into the gap formed.
  • The Russian “s” is pronounced differently: firstly, the tip of the tongue is lowered and a gap is formed between the front of the tongue and the teeth, and secondly, the Russian sound “s” is not so energetic and less long lasting.
  • Another reason for the Russian accent is the tendency to soften the sound [s] before, [i], [e], for example, in the words seat, sit, set.

How to pronounce the English sound [z] correctly?

  • The consonant sound [z] is a short, weak voiced sound; in contrast to the Russian sound “z”, the tip of the tongue is raised when pronouncing the English sound.
  • Between vowels, the sound [z] sounds voiced, and at the beginning and at the end of a word it may partially lose its “voice”, but is never completely deafened and does not turn into [s].
  • Also, the sound [z] is not softened before, [i], [e], for example, in the words zeal, zip, zed.

Remember that in English, consonants are not softened before vowels and are not deafened at the end of words.

Listen to how the sounds [s] and [z] are pronounced -

Let's start training. Exercises await site subscribers (with audio recording) to practice the consonant sound [s]

Phonetic exercises with audio recording (closed content No. 19)

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Title: Teaching reading in English. Subscription code 19

Description: Access to a course of lessons on teaching reading in English and pronunciation at the same time. Author T.V. Nabeeva

On the letter The sounds [s] and [z] are denoted by the English letters Ss and Zz. Moreover, the letter Ss denotes the sound [z] quite often, namely, when it stands:

  1. between vowels, as in a word busy[`bizi] or
  2. at the end of a word after a vowel and a voiced consonant, as in words seas , deeds

A little grammar
In the plural, English nouns end with the ending - S, For example, pig - pig, pigs - pigs. Please pay Please note that after voiced consonants and vowels ending – S read as [z], that is, pigs - pigs, peas - peas, etc.

Here are a few English phrases with sounds [s] and [z]. These sounds are very common in words and now that you know how to pronounce them correctly, it’s worth catching up. Start learning phrases! And to remember them better, come up with a short story on the topic “My visit to the doctor” and send it to mail@site. The best stories will be published on the website, and the winner will receive a prize - a free subscription to “Teaching Reading” lessons for 3 months. The competition is over.

Competition for English Language Learners

  1. be sick - to be sick
  2. sleep badly - sleep poorly (not getting enough sleep)
  3. sit still - sit still
  4. be upset - to be upset
  5. insist to see - insist on meeting [ɪnˈsɪst tuː siː ]
  6. see a doctor - see a doctor
  7. speak softly - speak calmly
  8. sick leave - sick leave
  9. spend money - spend money
  10. cost a lot - very expensive
  11. come back - return
  12. send a card - send a postcard

Rules for reading letters s, ss, ß

Letter s denotes two consonant sounds that are similar to Russian consonants s, s. At the end of a word or syllable and before consonants, a letter s reads as a voiceless consonant sound, similar to Russian With, but it is pronounced more intensely and with a stronger friction noise. Pronounce it: [s].


Doubled ss the sound [s] standing between two vowels is indicated if the previous vowel is short, nasse [‘nasə] wet. Between two vowels, if the previous vowel is long, the sound [s] is indicated by the letter combination ß (esset), for example: aßen [‘’a:sən].

Letter combination ß can also denote the sound [s] at the end of a word and before the consonant t, for example: aßt [‘a:st] ate, naß wet.

1. Pronounce s with a strong friction noise, don't forget about the hard attack before the vowels.

Before vowels and between two vowels a letter s reads like a voiced consonant [z], corresponding to the Russian consonant h, but, as you already know, it is pronounced weaker and less voiced (semi-voiced), especially after voiceless consonants.

2. Say the following words with the sound [z].

Rules for reading letters p, b, m

German letters p, b, m indicate consonant sounds similar to Russian p, b, m. German voiceless consonant [p] (written p or pp And b at the end of a word) more tense than Russian n and is pronounced aspirated, especially at the end of a word, before vowels and sonorant consonants. Consonant [b] (written b or bb), like all German voiced consonants, is pronounced weaker than Russian b and less voiced, especially after voiceless consonants, and at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants, as in the Russian language, it is completely deafened and pronounced as [p], for example: ab [‘ap] With.

Consonant [m] (written m or mm) is pronounced more intensely and more drawn out than the Russian sound m, especially after short vowels.

1. Say new sounds in combination several times.

2. Say the following words.

bat asked ab[‘ap]With
Bahn road Band ribbon
Saat sowing Mann man
Paß passport

3. Repeat the sounds you covered again. Don't forget that the vowel at the beginning of a word is pronounced with a hard attack. Read words that are familiar to you.

[‘a:s] bat Naht nah
aßt[‘a:st] saß Tat da
Ahn[‘a:n] Bahn Saat sah
ab[‘ap] satt Mann Paß
an[‘an] Band sann das
Ast[‘ast] Sand Dann naß

Many consonant sounds, depending on the participation of the vocal cords (with the same articulation), form pairs: voiceless consonant - media.

Compare: chalk-mel, horse-horse, weight-all.

In English final voiced For example: bad - bad, but: bat - bat, had - had, but: hat hat - hat.

Final voiceless consonants in English are pronounced much more energetically and clearly than in Russian. In addition, the vowels preceding them are noticeably shorter than those preceding the corresponding voiced consonants. Compare: bid-bit, sat-sad, hat-had.

for example: tell- miller - ["mılə], hill-.

The difference between voiceless and voiced consonants

Many consonants are opposed to each other by the functioning of the vocal cords, forming pairs: voiceless consonant - media. With the same articulation, a voiced consonant differs from the corresponding voiceless one only in that when it is pronounced, the vocal cords vibrate. Compare Russian: p-b, k-g, f-v, t-d, s-z; English:[p] - [b] , [k] - [g] , [θ] - [ð] , [ʃ] - [ʒ]

Firm pronunciation of English consonants

In Russian, most consonants have two pronunciations: soft and hard. This difference in the pronunciation of consonants is of a word-distinguishing nature. for example: mel-mel, horse-horse, weight-all. In English, consonants are not softened; they are always pronounced firmly.

English voiced consonants at the end of words

In Russian, voiced consonants at the end of a word are usually voiced, and this does not lead to a change in the meaning of the word. For example: club, ditch In English final voiced Consonants cannot be deafened, because this leads to a change in the meaning of the word. For example: bad - bad, but: bat - bat, had - had, but: hat - hat.

Reading English double consonants

Unlike the Russian language, where doubling a consonant is reflected in pronunciation by lengthening the corresponding consonant sound (namely, assent, double), in English double consonants indicate only one sound, For example: tell-, miller - ["mılə], hill-.

English consonants b, f, k, m, p, v, z

The English consonant letters b, f, k, m, p, v, z correspond to the Russian letters b, f, k, m, p, v, z, but are pronounced more energetically, which is achieved by some tension of the lips for [b], [m ] ,[f] ,[v] and language for [z] and [k] . English [p] and [k] are pronounced aspirated. For example: pip, bin, pen, kin, zip, fill, pep, kill, mill,

English consonants d, l, n, t

English consonants d, l, n, t correspond to Russian d, l, n, t, but when pronouncing English d, l, n, t, the tip of the tongue should be kept on the alveoli (tubercles above the upper teeth). English [t] and [d] are pronounced much more energetically than Russian ones, and are accompanied by aspiration. A closure occurs between the tip of the tongue and the alveoli, followed by a rapid explosion. English [l] is pronounced softer than in the word onion, but firmer than in words Luke, and does not soften to (l), as in the word stranded. For example: lift, ten, ted, lem, telt, tem, dim, dem, let, ted, tit, ned, net, tell, kid, end, bit, set

English consonant letter h

The English consonant letter h corresponds to the Russian letter x, but unlike it, it conveys only a light, almost silent exhalation. The tongue does not have a special structure and takes the position necessary to pronounce the next vowel. For example: hill, hit, hint, hen, hem, help, held, him, hell.

English consonant letter r

The English consonant letter r corresponds to the Russian letter r, but unlike it, it conveys a sound that does not vibrate. When pronouncing the English sound [r], the tip of the tongue is strongly bent back and motionless. Between the edges of the tip of the tongue and its lower side, partially facing the hard palate, a gap is formed through which an air stream passes. For example: rid, rest, dress, brisk, trip, risk, rib, grim, grip, red

English consonant letter s

The letter s conveys the sounds [s] and [z], corresponding to Russian [С], in words garden, hall Two sound meanings must be distinguished English letter s:

English letter s reflects

  1. voiceless consonant [s]:
    1. at the beginning of words - send
    2. at the end of words after voiceless sounds, s will be pronounced as a voiceless consonant, because the previous consonant deafens it. For example: lists ,sleeps,pits
    3. before a consonant - test ,best
  2. [z]
    1. at the end of words after vowels and voiced consonants
    2. between two vowels visit

  3. double s (ss) reflects the unvoiced sound [s].
[s] soft, sock, set, sets, beets, tips, tops, must
[z] begs, lads, yells, nose, feeds, deeds, lens, music ["mjʋ:zıkz]

English consonant letter w

There is no similar letter in the Russian language. At the beginning of a word, the letter w reflects the sound [w], a sonant (semi-vowel sound), which is absent in the Russian language. This is a labiolabial sound produced by the work of both lips when the vocal cords vibrate. Tense lips move forward, strongly round, then the corners of the mouth quickly and energetically move apart, approximately as is done when pronouncing the Russian [у] in the combination “ua”.

[ı:] we, weed, sweep, sweet
[e] wed, wet, west, well
[ı] wit, will, wind, swift

English consonant letter j

There is no similar letter in the Russian language. It denotes a double sound, reminiscent of the sound [j] in the words jumper, horseman. This letter occurs only before a vowel. For example: jam, jump, July gentle, object [ɒbdʒıkt], geology, Jane

jam, jump, July gentle, object [ɒbdʒıkt] , geology , Jane
[g] go, give, get, glee, clog, mug

Two sound meanings of the English letters c and g

      1. Before the letters e, i, y, the letters c and g reflect the sounds [s] and, respectively

        For example: place , face , ice , city ["sıtı] ,gin , page , gym

      2. in all other cases, the letters c and g reflect the sounds [k] and [g], respectively

        For example: cap, clean, game, bag

Note. Please note that in some words the letter g is pronounced [g], even if it comes before the letters e and i. For example: get , give , girl, finger, anger, bunger, tiger, target, geese, together

Sound meanings of an English letter X

    1. before consonants and at the end of words as a sound combination (pronounced dullly like the consonance [ks] in the words box, bill.)

      for example: text, six,fixes, vex, next

    2. the letter x is pronounced voiced when it is between two vowels before a stressed syllable. This sound resembles the sound of [gz] when pronouncing a phrase together step by step.

      for example: exist [ıg"zıst] , exact [ıg"zækt] , exam [ıg"zæm]

    3. in words of Greek origin, x at the beginning of the word is pronounced [z]. In Russian, these words begin with the sound [ks].

      for example: xenon ["zenan], xerox ["zıərɒks], xiphoid ["zıfɒıd], xylose ["zaıləʋs]

Sound meaning of English letter combinations ci (si, ti)

The letter combination ci (si, ti) reflects the sound [ʃ], for example: Asia ["eıʃə], specialist ["speʃəlıst]. This letter combination is often part of the noun suffix -ion, which forms abstract nouns. This suffix corresponds to the Russian suffixes -tsia, -siya, for example: mission ["mıʃn] - mission, nation ["neıʃn] - nation, demonstration - demonstration.

Note. If there is a vowel before -sion, then this combination conveys the sound [ʒən], for example: explosion [ıks"pləʋʒən], erosion [ı"rəʋʒən], conclusion, revision.

Digraph gh

  1. The English letter combination gh is found in words of Germanic origin. It should be remembered that in English the digraph gh in the middle of a word does not sound, and the vowel letter i in front of it is pronounced as a diphthong.
  2. For example: light , might , right , night
  3. in a few words, in final position the digraph gh reflects the sound [f].
  4. For example: laugh , enough [ı"nʌf] , rough
  5. the combination ought is pronounced [ɔ:t].
  6. For example: ought [ɔ:t], bought, fought, brought
  7. at the beginning of a word, gh reflects the sound [g].
  8. For example ghost, ghetto ["getɒʋ], ghastly ["gɑ:stlı].