
"WinRIK software package" is designed for automated production of estimate documentation. The program works with the regulatory frameworks EREP 1984, SNiR 1991, MTSN 81-98, GESN 2001, TER, FER. The RIK software package has a certificate of conformity No. ROSS RU.SP11.N00133.

1. RIK Light. Includes local estimate calculation (including Form 2 “interest”).

2. RIK Standard. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation. There is no release of forms in Excel.

3. RIK Contractor. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation, production plan, estimate examination.

4. RIC Design Institute. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation, specification, object estimate calculation, summary estimate calculation, estimate examination.

5. RIK Prof. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation, production plan, list of defects, specification, object estimate calculation, summary estimate calculation, estimate examination.

6. RIK Prof Network. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation, production plan, list of defects, specification, object estimate calculation, summary estimate calculation, estimate examination, multi-user work in a network archive.

Comparison table of WinRIK PC versions

RIC Standard

RIC Contractor

RIC Design Institute

Local estimate calculation

Resource estimate calculation

Production plan

List of defects


Object estimate calculation

Summary estimate

Examination of estimates

Release forms in Word

Release forms in Excel

Main features of the program:

Compatibility of the archive of construction projects and regulatory frameworks with the DOS version of the RIK program.
- Real-time visualization of calculation results:
- local estimates
- resource calculation
- object estimates
- summary estimates
- percent
- Automatic translation prices EREP 1984 in GESN 2001.
- Export output documents to Microsoft Word and Excel.
- Import resource prices from Microsoft Excel.
- Import of source data from ABC, BAGIRA, ARPS formats 1.10.
- Export of source data to ARPS format 1.10.
- Graphical presentation of data.
- Automatic download conversion factors.
- Automatic linking of overhead rates and estimated profits, local materials.

Release forms:
- Form 2, KS-2 (percentage)
- Form KS-3
- Form 4, 5
- Form according to MDS 81-25.2001
- Form for MTSN 81-98
- Form 1a for MTSN 81-98
- List of required resources
- Resource estimate calculation
- Form M-29
- Accumulation statements

To estimate the cost of construction, the following methods are implemented in the software package:
- Basic
- Basis-index
- Resource
- Resource index

The software package allows you to produce:
- Local, object and summary estimates.
- Specifications.
- Statements of requirements for material and labor resources, machines and mechanisms.
- Resource statements with calculation of unit prices.
- Resource estimates and resource estimates in mixed prices.
- Log of completed work.
- Reporting forms for write-off of materials.
- Certificates of completed work.
- List of defects, list of volumes.
- Calculation of transport and cost estimates.

For customer services:
- Control over the volume of work performed (accumulation sheets, distribution of volumes of work among performers).
- Examination of estimate documentation.

For regional pricing centers, a set of procedures for the formation of:
- Collections of territorial unit prices.
- Price lists for materials.
- Collections of prices for machines and mechanisms.
- Coefficients (indices) of conversion to current prices.

Tech. requirements: To operate the WinRIK software package you need: IBM compatible personal computer not lower than Intel PIII-600 (recommended Intel Core 2400); RAM at least 512 MB (recommended 2048 MB); screen resolution of at least 1024x768 (1280x1024 recommended); at least 1 GB of free disk space; operating system Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 (x32/x64). The protection system provides for the presence of an electronic key (USB or LPT), without which the program cannot be launched. Also, for the software package to work, you must have BDE (Borland Database Engine) version no lower than 5.01 (included in the delivery package). For normal operation of the software package, real-time archivers with files should not be running on the computer zip format. Therefore, if when working with the program the message<ВНИМАНИЕ! Для нормальной работы программы необходимо отключить архиватор ZipMagic или ему подобный>It is necessary to disable the corresponding archiver while the program is running.

In connection with the latest events in Crimea, the question arises of bringing construction estimates in line with the rules of pricing in construction in the Russian Federation. The Crimean government has no information yet. For Russian budget programs this is new market. The Russian government is ready to invest considerable funds in Crimea; the question of financial documentation will arise, but Crimea is not ready for this. Bad.

Budget organizations from Sevastopol and other cities of Crimea contact us: those who are Customers and Contractors. They ask for help in choosing budget programs, because... understand that there are many programs on the territory of the Russian Federation and in Moscow and it is very difficult to determine the correct choice. Now every developer is trying to offer Clients their own program, and they need to learn everything from scratch. Any of the programs. It gets to the point where some people think about having multiple programs available.

Due to the fact that we have been working for a long time with all the well-known estimate software systems for preparing estimates in Russia on the “one window” principle, we have our own opinion on this matter. As well as experience working with Clients in Ukraine who use Russian programs. That's what we'll talk about.

Some fellow estimators are already moving to determining the cost of construction according to Russian standards. Questions arise:

1. Is it possible to purchase an estimate program from us (Smeta.Ru, Grand Estimate, RIK, etc.)?

To the client at at the moment We are ready to recommend considering three programs: “Grand Estimate”, “” and possibly “RIK”. Why is this so? Because, in our opinion, it is the “Grand Estimate” that is most widespread in most regions of Russia, which means there will be no problems with the databases (specifically with their composition), plus everything about this program is the most methodological materials, video courses, and forums. We also have a lot of developments in each of the programs, but most of all, again, in “Grand”.

The territorial distribution can also be well said about "RIK", its additional advantage is that it is the developers of this program who have the right to create new TERs (which are just around the corner! The Ministry of Construction says to make TERs (based on the 2014 FERs) by July!).

The advantage of is that the program is still the undisputed leader in the Moscow market. And those who will work, incl. and it will be convenient with Moscow.
It’s probably worth choosing from these three players.

By the way, there is an opinion that it is in Sevastopol that they will count using the TSN-Moscow database. It’s not for nothing that Sobyanin and the head of Sevastopol Alexei Chaly signed an agreement on cooperation between the cities? ;-) In addition, Sevastopol is now a city of Federal significance.

There is also a version about the possible use of the TER-Krasnodar Territory base in Crimea.

As for the TER-Crimea base or something like that, it’s a matter of time. Wait and see.

By the way, the new FER-2014 database has been released, you can probably try to calculate using it while there are no necessary TERs. And most likely it will be so.

2. What regulatory documents are included in the complex - are there all the necessary standards for drawing up estimate documentation? How much does it cost to purchase estimate complex. I saw in the price list that in addition to the direct price of the complex, there are also other elements of the program. I'm interested in the price in general and what it consists of. I want to compare prices for "Grand Estimate" and, as well as "RIK"

Accordingly, you need to decide what databases are needed. Usually this is FER (6,000 rubles), in addition to approximately 21,000 rubles. (this is the average price of the estimate program) and TER (here you need to look at which ones with indices and price tags.

  • RUB 21,000, available now special version "Smeta.Crimea", its price is only 5000 (!) rubles. You can purchase the FER-2014 base for it (6,000 rubles)

  • Grand estimate: 23,000 rub.+ FER-2104 database (9000 rubles already with an annual update! This is not included in the cost of other estimate programs) = 11500 rubles! You can even get the FER base "loaded". Ask us how. ;-) Now with 50% discount!

  • WinRIK PROF (or RIK): 21500 rub. + FER-2014 base (6000 rub.) = 8800 rub. from May 22, a special price for the estimated program for Crimea.

  • Gosstroysmet Prof+FSNB 2014: 24000+9000 = 9,000 12,000 rub. on promotion for Crimea. from June 16.

  • SmetaWizard+FSNB 2014:9000 rub. on promotion for Crimea.

  • Hector: estimator-builder: 5100 + FER 2014 base (6000 RUB.)

TER (TSNB) Sevastopol - 9800 rub. in all estimate programs, TER R. Crimea - price to be determined...
By the way, a new FER database has been released, you can use it for now if TERs are not suitable.

3. Please explain to me: What other regulatory documents will I need for optimal work on drawing up documentation estimates? And is it possible to purchase them from you? I understand that territorial coefficients have not yet been established for Crimea, but I think that this is a matter of time. In the meantime, we want to purchase this PC and learn how to work on it.

Regarding the list of additional databases (this happens) or collections, it is better to communicate in person - we will ask questions and give recommendations. Actually, as well as support in the future.
For example, on drawing up estimates for design and construction work. What is the most rational thing to purchase in order to quickly adapt to the construction industry? Our Clients in Ukraine took almost all of the “Grand Estimates” (there, in addition to everything that is needed for drawing up estimates, there is the possibility of drawing up estimates entry level for PIR) - and/or “in addition” to the “PIR” program, it is “tailored” for drawing up estimates for PIR.

4. A serious question - is there an opportunity in Estimate Ru or any other to switch to another estimate program of the Russian Federation (such as the IMD information block in the Ukrainian AVK program) and what other programs can be switched to? Perhaps the management of the Developers will give us a discount on Sevastopol).

There is the possibility of a preferential transition from one program to another (both at the expense of the developer - this is rare, but it happens, and sometimes with a discount from us). You also sometimes have to buy the same bases for different programs. So: recently, there has been preferential licensing of estimate-normative bases or a discount when purchasing a base if it was purchased previously for another estimate program. Not everyone talks about this, because... There are nuances, sometimes it is possible to resolve this issue, saving a significant amount.

5. Pending the execution of a contract with you and the installation of the main version of the program, is it possible to get from you the opportunity to work for at least a month to familiarize yourself with full version programs?

Estimating programs have been our strong point for more than 11 years. We are the only company in Russia that deals with all costing programs in a comprehensive manner. ;-)
If there is a demo version of the program, we will be happy to provide it. But in our opinion, teaching materials (video courses, manuals) and a “live” program will help the best. In most cases it is paid. But we offer a money back guarantee? What's the problem? And you can also not buy the entire set of databases, but only the essentials, purchasing more later. What is your budgeting program? Call! Let's choose together.

Are you investing in construction?

You are not an expert in estimates?

You don’t have time to spend a long time and scrupulously collect data on the average cost of properties similar to yours?

Do you want to be sure that the methodology you have chosen for calculating the projected cost of construction is correct?

Do you need to know the cost of building a facility if you start construction today, in six months, in a year and, of course, taking into account the official forecast deflator indices?

Then you need PC RIC NCS!

Just a few simple operations in the program will allow you to achieve your desired goal!

PC RIC NCS uses:

  1. “Methodological recommendations for the application of state estimate standards - integrated construction price standards various types capital construction projects for non-production purposes and engineering infrastructure" by order of the Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation from "04" October 2011 No. 481
  2. Indicators of the forecast of price indices and inflation until 2030 (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 23, 2011 No. 20713-AK/D03)
  3. Integrated construction price standards for 2011 (it is expected that the PC RIC NCS will be replenished with standards for 2012).

Calculating the cost of an object planned for construction includes several stages:

  1. At the first stage, it is recommended to collect initial data on the object. Thus, its functional purpose, capacity characteristics (total area, number of seats, length, etc.), start and end dates of work, and construction region are determined. When applying standards, regional-economic, regional-climatic, engineering-geological and other construction conditions are taken into account.
  2. Next, in the RIC NCS program, the appropriate standards and necessary coefficients are selected, and the start of construction is determined. Size cash, associated with the performance of work and covering costs not taken into account in the standards, it is recommended to determine on the basis of separate calculations. The duration of construction of objects is set automatically based on regulatory data. The duration of construction can be adjusted using coefficients, or simply changed by the user at his discretion. Changing the start and duration of construction affects the calculation of the deflator index and, therefore, the estimated cost.
  3. The cost of construction is calculated taking into account the deflator index and the output document is printed - an estimate.

Software package RIC NCS is intended for the preparation of regulatory documentation used to evaluate investments in construction. The program includes the calculation of forecast prices using a deflator index until 2030. PC RIC NCS comes with the regulatory frameworks of 2011 and 2012, which include 16 collections of consolidated standards:

  • Residential buildings
  • Administrative buildings
  • Objects of public education
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Sports buildings and facilities
  • Cultural objects
  • Railways
  • Highways
  • Bridges and overpasses
  • External communication networks
  • External electrical networks
  • External heating networks
  • Water supply and sewerage networks
  • Gas supply networks
  • Small architectural forms
  • landscaping

The cost of the PC RIC NCS with the regulatory frameworks of 2011 and 2012 is 9,500 rubles (including VAT).

Main program window:

Window "NCS Document":

To install PC RIC NCS: Purchase a hardware (electronic) protection key and user license files (for the program and for the corresponding regulatory frameworks) from your dealer;

  • Copy the received license files to the License folder located in the root folder of the program (for example, C:\Program Files\RikNCS\Licence);

  • Insert the received hardware security key into the USB port;

  • Launch PC RIC NCS.

  • Download the PC RIC NCS distribution kit version 1.0.130522 with the regulatory frameworks of 2011 and 2012.

    Download the training video PC RIC NCS.

    Download the regulatory framework of the NCS 2014.

    Software package RIC designed for automated release of estimate documentation. The program works with the regulatory frameworks EREP 1984, SNiR 1991, MTSN 81-98, GESN 2001, TER, FER, TSN, FSNB, new TSNB TER-2001.

    Description of the RIK software package

    Main features of the RIC program
    • Real-time visualization of endings:
      • local estimates;
      • resource estimate calculation;
      • object estimate calculation;
      • summary estimate;
      • production plan.
    • Export output documents to Microsoft Word.
    • Export output documents to Microsoft Excel.
    • Importing resource prices from Microsoft Excel.
    • Graphical representation of data.
    • Possibility of multi-user work.
    Delivery options for the RIK software package

    The RIC software package is supplied in five versions:

    1. RICK Light. Includes local estimate calculation (including Form 2 “interest”).
    2. RIC Standard. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation. There is no release of forms in Excel.
    3. RIK Contractor. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation, production plan, estimate examination.
    4. RIC Design Institute. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation, specification, object estimate calculation, summary estimate calculation, estimate examination.
    5. RIK Prof. Includes local estimate calculation (including form 2 “percentage”), resource estimate calculation, production plan, list of defects, specification, object estimate calculation, summary estimate calculation, estimate examination.

    RIC Standard

    RIC Contractor

    RIC Design Institute

    Local estimate calculation

    Resource estimate calculation

    Production plan

    List of defects


    Object estimate calculation

    Summary estimate

    Examination of estimates

    Release forms in Word

    Release forms in Excel

    Technical requirements

    To operate the WinRIK software package you need:

    • IBM compatible personal computer at least Intel PIII-600 (Intel Core 2400 recommended);
    • RAM of at least 512 MB (2048 MB recommended);
    • screen resolution of at least 1024x768 (1280x1024 recommended);
    • at least 1 GB of free disk space;
    • operating room Windows system 2000, XP, Vista, 7 (x32/x64).

    The protection system provides for the presence of an electronic key (USB or LPT), without which the program cannot be launched.

    Also, for the software package to work, you must have BDE (Borland Database Engine) version no lower than 5.01 (included in the delivery package).

    For normal operation of the software package, real-time archivers with zip files should not be running on the computer. Therefore, if a message appears when working with a program, you must disable the corresponding archiver while the program is running.


    Are you investing in construction?
    Are you not an expert in estimating?
    You don’t have time to spend a long time and scrupulously collect data on the average cost of properties similar to yours?
    Do you want to be sure that the methodology you have chosen for calculating the projected cost of construction is correct?
    Do you need to know the cost of building a facility if you start construction today, in six months, in a year and, of course, taking into account the official forecast deflator indices?

    Then you need PC RIC NCS!

    Just a few simple operations in the program will allow you to achieve your desired goal!

    PC RIC NCS uses:

    1. “Methodological recommendations for the application of state estimate standards - enlarged standards for the price of construction of various types of capital construction projects for non-production purposes and engineering infrastructure” by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated October 4, 2011 No. 481
    2. Indicators of the forecast of price indices and inflation until 2030 (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 23, 2011 No. 20713-AK/D03)
    3. Integrated construction price standards for 2011 (the PC RIC NCS is expected to be replenished with standards for 2012).

    Calculating the cost of an object planned for construction includes several stages:

    1. At the first stage, it is recommended to collect initial data on the object. Thus, its functional purpose, capacity characteristics (total area, number of seats, length, etc.), start and end dates of work, and construction region are determined. When applying standards, regional-economic, regional-climatic, engineering-geological and other construction conditions are taken into account.
    2. Next, in the RIC NCS program, the appropriate standards and necessary coefficients are selected, and the start of construction is determined. It is recommended to determine the amount of funds associated with performing work and covering costs not taken into account in the standards on the basis of separate calculations. The duration of construction of objects is set automatically based on regulatory data. The duration of construction can be adjusted using coefficients, or simply changed by the user at his discretion. Changing the start and duration of construction affects the calculation of the deflator index and, therefore, the estimated cost.
    3. The cost of construction is calculated taking into account the deflator index and the output document is printed - an estimate.

    Software package RIC NCS is intended for the preparation of regulatory documentation used to evaluate investments in construction. The program includes the calculation of forecast prices using a deflator index until 2030. PC RIC NCS comes with the regulatory frameworks of 2011 and 2012, which include 16 collections of consolidated standards:

    • Residential buildings
    • Administrative buildings
    • Objects of public education
    • Healthcare facilities
    • Sports buildings and facilities
    • Cultural objects
    • Railways
    • Highways
    • Bridges and overpasses
    • External communication networks
    • External electrical networks
    • External heating networks
    • Water supply and sewerage networks
    • Gas supply networks
    • Small architectural forms
    • landscaping

    The cost of the PC RIC NCS with the regulatory frameworks of 2011 and 2012 is 8,260 rubles (including VAT).

    Main program window:

    Window "NCS Document":

    Licenses and certificates

    The estimate program “RIK” (“WinRIK”, Estimate-Rik) allows you to automate the process of drawing up all the necessary estimate documentation, which has proven itself to be the best among users.

    The latest version of the RIC program brought users cool competitive advantages and interesting improvements, the most important of which are:

    1. In the Replace Resource dialog box (for new base GESN), with the “TC File” checkbox enabled, a “Search” button has been added, with which you can search for resources in the current prices file by naming context.
    2. When using the “Cancel resource dependence on price” command, the resource began to retain complete formula volume.
    3. In the parameters for calculating local estimates, in the “Initial and joint venture” tab, for the mode “Enlarged indicators of individual expenditure and joint venture”, the checkbox “Do not apply to aggregated prices, transportation and loading and unloading operations” has been added.
    4. Toolkit for calculating current estimated costs of resources based on the FSIS CS methodology (calculation of transport costs).
    5. The “RIK Route” program is designed to calculate distances from the supplier to the construction site.
    6. Three-dimensional modeling program for construction projects "RIK 3D".
    7. IN local estimate, in the “Estimate” menu, in the “Export (Upload)” submenu, the command “In xml format for Grand Estimate” has been added.
    8. In the local estimate, in the “New Forms” submenu, the form “Form 1 Mon (commissioning)” has been added.
    9. In the local estimate, in the resource estimate calculation, in windows with regulatory bases, the “Translate” command has been added. The command allows you to translate the name of the standard into any of the selected languages. In the local estimate, the translated name from Russian to English language or from English into Russian, you can replace it in the body of the estimate with the “Replace in document” button
    10. In the resource estimate calculation, the header of the table with resources began to be displayed in two versions: for a regular RSR and for the FSIS CA mode (depending on the selected calculation mode) and much more...