Apk format (file name.apk) have all the installation files of applications for the Android OS. There are several installation methods: using a computer and directly from a mobile device. Remember that all applications that you download on the Internet do not pass antivirus check, for this you need to check them on your computer or have an antivirus on your device.

Ways to install a game or application on an Android device

  1. Manual installation of apk-files downloaded on PC
  2. Installing apps not downloaded from the market on Android
  3. Automatic installation of .apk from computer

Install the application using the previous method. Then all you need is to go into the program, and it will automatically start searching for the available .ark files on your android device. When the search is over, you just need to click on the file or select several and click "install".

The application will launch the installation files on its own, you only need to agree (or not) with the access rights. Even if you close the program, the next time you start it, you can easily highlight all uninstalled applications.

AirDroid features

  • Installation takes place automatically
  • Full work with contacts, messages with the ability to create backups
  • Updating installed programs and installation files
  • Gives access to the management of folders and files on the device
  • Shows all installed programs
  • Access to editing and downloading pictures, music, videos from the Internet

Not so long ago, Apple opened access to all versions of applications that were hosted in App Store... It is worth noting that users will have to struggle to gain access to older versions of iOS programs. However, thanks to third-party developers, this process can become much easier. At least for those who dare to jailbreak.

A few days ago, a utility appeared in the unofficial Cydia store called App Admin... It allows you to downgrade any iPhone or iPad application. In this case, users only need a jailbreak device.

Once downloaded and installed, App Admin connects to the App Store and downloads a list of all available app versions. You can find out the current version number by opening the iTunesMetadata.plist file using the iFile manager, which is stored in the folder located at:

/ private / var / mobile / Containers / Bundle / Application /

The "softwareVersionExternalIdentifier" parameter

Then you can start installing the earlier version of the application.

1. Find in the App Store desired application and press the standard download or update button.

2. In the case of App Admin installed, a window will appear in front of us with the option of downgrading or simply downloading the latest version.

3. Select the version of interest and use it.

It should be noted that on this moment App Admin is still in beta testing. In the future, the developers plan to add a blocking function to the utility. automatic updates, as well as simplify the process of finding the desired version of the program. However, even though the utility is still incomplete, users can still use it.

Recall that earlier we wrote about something else, more difficult way Installing outdated versions of applications. It does not require a jailbreak.

Good time! Frankly, I thought for a long time where to start this article and came to the conclusion that it is most logical to do this with a definition (after all, you need to know what we will download, right?) So, the App Store is a store that contains various programs, games for iPhone phones, iPad tablets, iPods and allows you to purchase them for money or get them for free.

Today we will see if it is possible to download the App Store on a computer and, if so, how to do it for free and preferably in Russian. We will also touch upon alternative stores (yes, yes, there are some!), Which can also be used to get the desired toy on your gadget (which is important - without paying money).

Let's get started!

How to download and use the official App Store

Let's start with the official store of games and programs from the "apple" company. Here we are immediately waiting for a small "trick". Since it is literally impossible to download this App Store to your computer. How so? The fact is that it contains over 1.2 million applications. Just think about this figure, there are just a lot of them :).

Of course, no hard disk not enough to store all this information. But we don't need it. After all, you can always access these applications and games using your phone (tablet, player) or computer! Now we will figure out how to do this.

But first, let's evaluate the positive and negative aspects of using the official client.

  • All programs are tested, functional, ready for installation.
  • No problem with new products.
  • A new version of the game has been released? Updating is not difficult.

Access to the App Store on iPhone or iPad

So, we have a phone or tablet from Apple. This is fine, of course, but something else is needed, namely, an Internet connection (Wi-Fi is preferable, of course, but 3G will do as well). We take the device and find a shortcut on the desktop - App Store. It is in absolutely any operating system IOS, does not depend on the firmware, it cannot be removed.

By clicking on it, we see exactly what we were looking for. Everything is sorted by category, there is a search, collections and much more. When you try to download and install any program, you will be asked for Apple ID (how?).

Important! Files larger than 100 megabytes are not downloaded (yet they are downloaded -) using 3G. Wi-Fi only.

How to use the app store on a computer

To download programs from the App Store to your computer, you need iTunes. First, you need to get it on your PC (about this in detail), if the program is installed - in order to avoid errors it is better to do it.

After launching, click on the iTunes Store icon and proceed to study, download and install applications. As you can see, absolutely everything is in Russian - so there will be no problems with the choice.

Updated! Few expected, but Apple has removed the App Store from newer versions of iTunes. Fortunately, there is still

Unofficial App Store

There is also the so-called "Chinese App Store", why are they called that? As you might guess, they were created in China (by the way, on the iPhone and iPad). They, as a rule, contain all the same applications and games as in the original, only absolutely free.

Here are the most popular unofficial App Store:

  1. PP25.
  2. Tongbu.
  3. vShare ().
  4. HiPStore ().
  5. vShare for computer ().

These "alternative App Store", in contrast to the official store, will need to be downloaded to a computer or phone before use. The nice thing is that they are free by themselves, do not require jailbreak and sometimes even work :). The Russian language is in complete trouble (though not for everyone!) - all menus are in hieroglyphs ( iOS systems will not help). In this connection, the user-friendliness is far from being up to par and is far inferior to Apple's app store.

  • Lots of free apps and games.
  • Everything happens without jailbreak.
  • Frequent unavailability of servers and stores.
  • How the application will behave after installation is unknown. It may work, or it may refuse to load.
  • Slow download and install speed.
  • It is not easy to figure out how to use them.
  • "New items" appear late.

As you can see, there are clearly more disadvantages. But they are more than interrupted by the "fattest" plus - complete free downloadable content!

Finally, a question for you, dear readers. Are you ready, in spite of all the disadvantages, to use the "Chinese App Store" on your PC or phone, just to get a game or application absolutely free?

P.S. Like it if you want to know more about the unofficial App Store - there are so many unusual and interesting things there!

P.S.S. Do you have anything to ask, advise or tell? Be sure to write in the comments - I will be happy to hear your opinion and, if necessary, I will answer all your questions!

Sometimes App Store moderators block apps for some reason. This often happens due to the requirements of copyright holders or supervisory agencies, requiring the removal of the application for residents of a particular country in connection with a violation of local laws. Nevertheless, it is not worth giving up on your favorite program because of its inaccessibility - if it is popular, you can easily install it on your iPhone without the App Store. In this article, we will tell you how to do this in three ways - all methods are official and do not require jailbreak / login and password in third-party services.

Method number 1: if you have previously installed an unavailable application from the App Store

If you previously installed an application unavailable due to blocking on your iPhone or iPad, then you can download it again from the shopping list. To do this, follow these steps:
  • Launch the App Store and click on your profile icon.

  • Select "Shopping" and find the app you want to download again. If necessary, use the search by name.
  • This method works if the application is not removed from the entire App Store, but only from the store of a specific region.

    Method number 2: install an unavailable application using the ipa file and iTunes

    If you want to download an unavailable application for the first time, or if the above method has stopped working, you can use this method:
    1. Find the installation file of the .ipa format the required program... If a well-known service is not available in the App Store only for a specific country, then finding its installation file on the network will not be difficult. It may even be on the Treshbox - use the search on our site by entering the following query: "[Program name] for iPhone."
    2. Download and install iTunes version 12.6.3 (if a newer version of the utility is installed, uninstall it). It is this version of the program that is required (not older or newer), since it retains the ability to download applications to a mobile device. You can download the required version of iTunes on the official page or follow the direct links below:

  • Launch iTunes, connect to iPhone computer or iPad, double-click the mobile device icon and open the Applications tab.

  • Find in the standard file managerWindows Explorer»Or Finder) the downloaded ipa-file of the required program and double-click on it, or drag it to the list of programs in iTunes. If everything is done correctly, the program you added will appear in the list of applications.

  • Click on the "Install" button, then sync iPhone with iTunes (this process may take some time) and click on "Finish". The app you downloaded will appear on the home screen of your mobile device, but you cannot use it yet.

  • Follow these steps on mobile device: go to Settings → General → Device Management. An item with the name of the developer company will appear in this section - open it and click on "Trust".
  • Note: iTunes installs only signed ipa files of corporate applications. Thus, this method of installing applications bypassing the App Store does not work with paid games, programs and applications, the developers of which did not provide for manual loading of their utilities on users' devices.

    Method number 3: installing beta versions of an unavailable application

    Some popular services (and games) are openly tested before being released to app stores. In our case, we came across just such an application - its beta version can be downloaded from the Internet bypassing the App Store. Check - perhaps the program you need is also available for testing. In our case, the steps for installing a specific program are as follows:

  • Type the following query into Google search engine: "[Program Name] Beta iPhone HockeyApp". If this service, designed for testing beta versions of applications, has the program you need, open the link from the Google search distribution on your smartphone.

  • Click on the Install button, and then select "Install". After these actions, the icon of the loading application will appear on the main screen. Wait for the installation to complete.

  • Go to Settings → General → Device Management. An item with the name of the developer company will appear in this section - open it and click on "Trust".
  • Note: According to the experience of our editors, this method works in half the cases - sometimes the installation hangs at the start. We were unable to trace the causes of this failure. Perhaps we ended up on overloaded servers.

    The network also has alternative ways installation of ipa files: through unofficial computer programs that imitate iTunes, or by manually hacking the device (getting a jailbreak). All of the above methods are unsafe, so we strongly discourage using them.

    Another effective and "official" way to install apps from the App Store that are not available in a specific country is to change the region account Apple ID. However, in our opinion, it causes the most inconvenience. However, if you want to use this method, the instructions are at

    We are often asked how to install this or that application, bypassing the App Store. iOS 9, along with version 7.0, were finally able to answer this question, and with the official permission of Apple itself.

    Having at its disposal latest version Xcode and iPhone or iPad, you can install many applications without (called sideload). It is better, of course, to download programs only from trusted developers, otherwise you risk entrusting all your personal data to scammers. You do not need a jailbreak for this, but you perform all actions at your own peril and risk. It is worth remembering this.

    First you need to create a developer account. You can do this on this page, and log in either with your own Apple ID, or create a new one specifically for tests.

    The second stage is downloading and installing Xcode 7. Download it from this link, install and go to Preferences - Accounts. Here you need to add your Apple ID that you created in the first step.

    After that, we need to find an open source application to install. The easiest way to do this is on GitHub. Find the program, open its page and copy the link from the HTTPS clone URL column.

    Then open Xcode 7, then the Control Source section and Check Out. Paste the link from GitHub here and wait for the application to be imported into Xcode.

    We connect the iPhone or iPad to the computer and select your device in the pop-up window of the project name. Be careful - it may take several minutes for your gadget to be detected.

    Click Play, after which the installation of the application on the device will begin. Once the installation is complete, go to Settings - General - Profiles, select your Apple ID and click Trust.

    This way you can install a wide variety of applications, but if you are not sure of yourself,