Over a hundred federal and regional banks offer Russians the opportunity to take out a loan of 400,000 rubles secured or guaranteed by Russians. But for clients who have nothing to offer the lender as collateral, it is quite difficult to get a large loan in debt, especially if they do not have an official income statement. Below we will consider where take out a loan of 400,000 without certificates and guarantors, as well as the size of the monthly loan payment on the example of Sberbank.

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Where to get a loan of 400,000 rubles without income certificate

Large consumer loans without documentary confirmation of the client's solvency are issued by financial institutions at 15-45% per annum. The opportunity to borrow 400,000 rubles without income certificates for 3 years (with credit to the card) is offered by Tinkoff Internet Bank. Loans for up to 5 years are provided by Post Bank, Sarovbiznesbank, Sovcombank, Vostochny Commercial Bank, Renaissance Credit, Promtransbank and Home Credit.

Apply for a consumer loan of 400,000 rubles. for a period of 10 years without collateral and surety is offered only by MKB, which finances residents of the capital region.

How to take out a loan of 400,000 rubles on favorable terms

On the most favorable terms, money is lent out by Vostochny Bank, which offers its retail customers a seasonal loan. Loans in this financial institution are provided from 25 thousand to 500 thousand rubles at 15% per annum.

You can borrow 400,000 rubles on favorable terms for a period of 1 to 3 years. The financial institution works with citizens of the Russian Federation over 21 years old, whose age at the time of debt repayment will not exceed 76 years.

The Bank reserves the right to request additional documents or collateral from the client if the borrower's solvency raises doubts.

Any sane borrower will ask before taking out a loan of 400 thousand rubles for 5 years, how much he will have to pay per month. The amount of the monthly payment on the loan depends on the interest rate on the loan, as well as the method of its repayment - annuity or differentiated payments.

About how they differ different ways debt repayment, as well as about the formulas and programs with which you can calculate the size of the loan, read in the publications "Calculating a consumer loan" and "Calculating a loan with a loan calculator".

Loan 400 thousand rubles for 5 years: minimum payment

Since without knowing the interest rate to answer the question: "If you take out a loan of 400,000 for 5 years, how much to pay per month?" - it is impossible, we will carry out calculations taking into account the minimum possible interest under the program of Vostochny Bank.

Provided that a loan is attracted at 15% per annum and the loan is repaid in equal payments, the borrower will have to transfer 9.5 thousand rubles to the bank every month, overpaying 171 thousand rubles in total.

When the loan is repaid in differentiated payments, the amount of the monthly payment as the debt decreases will decrease from 11,678 rubles. up to 6,752 rubles.

Quite a few people are wondering how to make a million rubles. Moreover, in a short time. In fact, this question is quite difficult. But if you try, you can find some pretty interesting answers. Some of them will really help you get rich. True, not very fast. It is worth immediately taking into account the fact that for each person there are a lot of individual solutions to the problem with earning money. Let's quickly figure out how to make a million rubles from scratch using different approaches.

Regular work

The first scenario is extremely banal. To make money you just have to ... work. And nothing more. In other words, sooner or later any working citizen will earn his first million. True, this will take a lot of time. Especially if you are the most ordinary sales manager.

In reality, this method, of course, does not satisfy everyone. People often think about how to make a million rubles in a month sitting on the couch at home (or, for example, in a year). And in this case, regular work will not work. If the average earnings of an employee is 15 thousand rubles, then it will take more than 6 years to earn his first million. Not very fast, right? Therefore, let's think further, what can help us cope with the task at hand.


Honestly, if you are thinking how to make a million rubles, then you will have to try pretty hard. Moreover, you will definitely have to have certain skills and abilities to apply them in practice. Programmers are making good money now. This should not be confused with regular work. After all, here in most cases you independently control your earnings. If you succeed, but you don't have to think about how to quickly make 1 million rubles.

For example, you can always get a job in some prestigious company (best of all in an international one), and then just carry out your tasks. Programmers all over the world are now being paid very well. Especially those who cooperate with large well-known companies. So you can answer the question of how to make a million rubles in a short time. A good programmer in a worthy place is able to earn from 200 thousand rubles. Compared to the same clerk or office "plankton", the difference is visible to the naked eye. True, 6 months in this case you will have to work hard and earn your first million. Maybe a little more or a little less. But this is still not such a short period as we would like. We'll have to look for other options for the development of events.


The next way to get what you want is against the law. But it has a place to be. Very often, those who are thinking about how to make a million rubles in one day cannot think of anything better than stealing. That is, you just have to steal the money. As a rule, banks and collectors are "attacked".

For this option, you will have to try pretty hard. Work out a plan of action (you need to think it over to the smallest detail), choose the right and convenient time, and then “go for it”. Only now it is worth considering the fact that you will definitely be caught. And the fact that you can't do that. Better to look for other options than to earn yourself a prison term with a million. But sometimes people are pushed to steal by different circumstances. For example, a serious illness of relatives. However, this does not excuse the thieves. Anyway, they will be caught and punished according to the law.


How to quickly make a million rubles? To be honest, you can just get it. To do this, you will have to apply to the bank for ... a loan. It is he who will be able to give you a certain amount of money. But over time it will have to be given away. And with interest. Plus, not everyone is given loans.

You will have to carefully select a bank, study the annual rates, and prepare documents (without fail - a passport and income statement). If you are recognized as an insolvent borrower, you can leave the idea of ​​obtaining a loan. Otherwise, you no longer have to think about how to quickly make a million rubles.

But again - this "earnings" will need to be paid for some time with interest. Sometimes they add up to a huge amount. And you need a good reason to issue a loan. Banks don't give money just like that. For example, to buy an apartment / summer house / car. These requests are usually met very quickly. The serious illness of relatives, need (current expenses with proof of large expenses) and so on are also taken into account. If you "just want" a lot of money, then no one will issue a loan.

A little advice: do not contact credit organizations from the series "Fast money only with a passport". There you will be deceived and given money at huge interest rates. And for late payments they will threaten and damage your property. Do you need it? Of course no. So, let's think further on how to earn 1 million rubles in a year or another rather short period of time.


For example, every modern person can turn out to be a real genius in the field of computers. And it will help him make big money. However, one should not confuse "computerization" with programming. These are slightly different concepts.

For example, you can process photos, graphics files and videos. Both for hire (privately) and in some prestigious firms. but it's better to do it yourself. "Private traders" are paid more. You can also choose design, 3d graphics, music processing and so on. Anything that can only be done on a computer can generate a very good income. And then you won't have to think about how to make a million rubles in a year.

A bit of math. 1 million is approximately 83.5 thousand per month. With this earnings in exactly 12 months you will receive the required amount. A professional photo and multimedia editor earns from 30,000, and a designer (including 3D graphics) - about 40-50 thousand. In principle, if you combine several professions or find yourself wealthy customers (better - combination), then you can quite quickly earn the required amount. And often this happens without undue stress. You will be able to be at home on the couch in front of a laptop or computer and still earn income. But usually this option is well suited for those who are interested in computers by themselves. After all, such people usually complete special courses that confirm their skills. And this is a worthy increase in salary.

So if you are at odds with computers, you will have to look again for some other approaches to solving the issue of making a million quick. Fortunately, there are quite a few alternatives in the modern world. Which ones?


For example, there is another far from the most honest and legal way to make a profit. But he is not punished so harshly and not so often. After all, we are talking about deceiving people who trust you. With this approach, you don't have to think about how to make a million rubles in one year without special skills. All that is required of you is imagination (and it starts to work when you understand how much you will receive per month), as well as an idea for deceiving people. In reality, everything is not so complicated as it might seem at first glance.

For example, quite often people prefer fraudulent schemes on the World Wide Web. Then you don't have to think about how to make a million rubles on the Internet. Everything will turn out by itself. It's just important to come up with a good plan. Which one?

It is believed that there are several very interesting schemes for deceiving people. And the funny thing is, humanity understands that they are being deceived, but they are still being led to a different "scam". For example, you might post an ad "Requires a PC operator" (typist), and then say in a virtual interview that you have to pay an insurance premium before starting work. Usually it is 250-450 rubles. Also mention that it will be given with the first salary. That's all. From one person you will receive the indicated amount. And now many people are looking for work at home. And the majority will definitely pay attention to this deception. But he will consider it a reality. After receiving the money, simply do not reply to the messages of the deceived person.

Many have already complained about this scheme. Only now no one punished anyone - you were not forced to send money to the specified wallet, right? You might as well abandon this process. Therefore, you have lost money through your own negligence. In principle, there are many fraudulent schemes. But it is better to use honest methods that will help you figure out how to make a million rubles in a short time.


In the modern world, there is such a thing as "freelance". To be honest, in simple words, this process characterizes hired work. Regular or not - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that in most cases it turns out to be virtual. That is, you can work without leaving your home.

Depending on your direction, you will receive a different salary. Sometimes your client can give about 20,000 rubles per month or for 1 order, sometime the amount rises or falls. But on average, a good freelancer is able to earn about 100 thousand rubles a month. And often without undue stress. Just doing my usual job. Particular success awaits those who combine their hobby with this job.

How to quickly make a million rubles on freelancing? You can sell your photos, knit or wicker items, provide one-time services (for example, work as a plumber or accountant), and so on. In general, everything that you can imagine. Handicraft is very popular. It can be made to order or simply put up for sale via the Internet. Some things will help you make a huge income. And then you won't have to think about how to make a million rubles over the weekend. After all, you will receive a good salary anyway.


There is another rather interesting and already widespread technique. Usually it is used by those who do not really like working for an uncle. After all, we are talking about starting your own business. And here everyone can independently take care of their own earnings. It can be a million a year, two, three or even 10,000,000 in 12 months. It all depends only on your success.

Are you wondering how to make a million rubles? Do you have a lot of ambitions, ideas and good imagination? Then try to open your own business. With an idea thriving, a million a year is a very small figure. You will receive much more.

What can you do? For example, it is now very popular and fashionable to open specialized centers. computer assistance... It is especially good if you provide services on your own somewhere. Or try opening your own store (clothing, footwear, cosmetics). It's also a pretty lucrative business. The main thing is to make your company competitive and popular. If it doesn't work out, look for more mundane options for earning money. But we never know if a business is right for us or not until we try. Don't be afraid. The main thing is to think carefully about your idea. This approach will be extremely beneficial for your business in the future. Especially if you can open a company that will be beyond any competition. Or if there are few opponents in the current market. There are few such ideas now, but you can come up with something worthwhile.

Computer Club

How to make a million rubles in a short time? For example, you can open your own computer club or internet cafe. And just wait until the money itself floats into your hands. Why? Let's understand this difficult issue.

First, you shouldn't confuse the creation of a computer club with a business. In the labor market, now everything that relates to computers is usually singled out in a separate category. But more "serious matters" such as shops and the provision of certain services are more attributed to real business.

Secondly, computers are now something without which modern man cannot be imagined. Thus, creating a cozy place where a person can enjoy the time behind this car is a great way to earn extra money. Especially if there are a lot of teenagers and young people in the city.

A rather popular technique among those who are thinking about earning their first million is the "built-in" cafe. So people not only use computers, but also eat without interrupting their business. It is very convenient for visitors and profitable for the director of the establishment. Recently, even special computer booths have begun to be created in Europe. You can live there for a while. A very interesting technique that allows students to live separately from their parents without detriment to themselves and their studies. Yes, this is not a full-fledged apartment, but still sometimes it is better than listening to the tantrums of relatives every day. So why not create something similar in Russia? This technique will surely save you from the question of how to make a million rubles.


For those who want to work from home and earn good money at the same time, we can advise you to try your hand at copywriting, rewriting and translation. In truth, this is a very popular way to make a profit. And he is often referred to as freelancing. Only this is not entirely true. After all, any copywriter is an individual entrepreneur. This means that there can be no question of any freelance.

What will you need to do? Translate texts and write them to order. This is especially a popular activity for mothers on maternity leave. What is worth writing about? About everything. You can start with simple recipes and end with complex computer programs. The most popular topics: cooking, education, education, computers, hobbies (embroidery, sewing, weaving, and so on).

How much does a copywriter get? On average, the starting price for 1,000 characters is 30 rubles. But especially good workers are capable of receiving 100-200 rubles per "thousand". With all this, a good copywriter earns 40,000 per month from one customer. And, as a rule, there are a lot of clients. So, this is a good approach that will help you figure out how to make a million rubles. Just do not hope that you will be able to implement your idea very quickly. After all, first you have to practice, as well as build yourself a client base. This is perhaps the most difficult thing you can imagine. If you are good at copywriting and rewriting, then consider yourself lucky.

The majority of the population simply cannot stand the work of copywriters. After all, this is backbreaking work. Every day you will have to write a variety of texts and translations all the time, as well as edit them. Purposefulness and perseverance are very much appreciated here. After all, your earnings will depend only on you. You can get 100 thousand a month, or you can get 5. The main thing is to practice and have good motivation. And the rest will turn out over time.


However, there is one more very popular technique. This is writing. It is this case that helps to answer how to earn a million rubles in a short time. Especially if you have a good "tongue", and also you know how to write.

Here you should take into account the fact that you will not receive the required amount very quickly (in 2-3 days). After all, first you have to become famous for your "writings". And only then rake in a heap of royalties from your bestsellers. To be honest, writing a book is half the battle. But proving that it is really interesting is exactly what causes enormous difficulties.

Nevertheless, writers make good money. Especially abroad. There, such personnel are highly valued. If you can translate your book yourself into foreign language- generally great. Then you can hope that you will receive most of the profits from overseas sales.

When writing books, it is important to know what is interesting to the public. Now fiction, novels (especially erotic ones), as well as stories based on the film are very popular. For example, the same "Resident Evil", which was "licked" from the film of the same name (and a separate series of Resident Evil books, taken from the game). There is science fiction, zombies (which now, by the way, are also very popular), action and very sharp, unpredictable plot twists. Just what the modern reader needs.

It will also be quite difficult to find a publisher that will take you under their wing. After all, there are many novice writers. And you will have to prove for a long time that you are the most worthy candidate who can become famous and glorify the publishing house. If you try, everything will work out. When your book starts selling, you can just sit back and wait for a profit. This means that it will not work to answer how to make a million rubles in one day.


Now it's time to summarize some of the results of our conversation today. The point is that it is very difficult to make a million in our time, and even in a short time, as practice shows. Especially if you don't have any connections anywhere.

What to do if you really need money, and even a lot? For example, to buy an apartment. The most popular of these are:

  • copywriting;
  • writing;
  • business;
  • routine work.

Moreover, all these options are usually combined. That is, a person initially goes to a regular job. At the same time, he opens his own business, and on weekends he writes articles to order and composes a book. To be honest, this move is really worthy of respect. Is it just worth it?

People just get obsessed. And they get tired quickly. After that, they no longer get the elementary things that are needed for work. It is important to understand that it is worth finding a middle ground in everything. So if you really want to make a million quickly, then you should think about creating your own business. It is this technique that is most appreciated. It will not work - just get settled on Good work with a salary, and then try yourself in freelancing and copywriting. The main thing is to have a desire. And the rest is nonsense. How to make 1 million rubles per month? Just work and earn. Find your calling that will generate income.

Remember that everyone needs to rest. There is no need to make yourself a "draft horse" who hunches for money. Indeed, often in such situations, all earnings are spent not on the initial idea (car, apartment, renovation, vacation, and so on), but on the treatment of oneself. In the pursuit of profit, allow yourself to systematically rest and go on vacation. And then you will succeed.

Trading is the surest way to make good profits. The organization of an online store does not require large investments. You can trade at home. The easiest and most profitable way is to resell goods from Asia. These are clothes, jewelry, gadgets, etc.

With bulk purchases, you will significantly reduce the cost of things so that the wrap on them is from 100-200%. In parallel with the store, it is worth developing and promoting communities in social networks to sell products through multiple channels.

After six months of active work, it is realistic to reach a net income of one hundred thousand. Among the best shopping sites: alibaba.com, aliexpress.com, milanoo.com, made-in-china.com.

2. Profitable specialty or position

Such salaries are received by middle and top managers: heads of departments (advertising, trade, production, etc.), top managers, directors. To get such a position, you need a lot of work experience and deep knowledge in the chosen field. At the same time, young and ambitious people should not be afraid to offer their candidacy and prove that they are suitable for this vacancy.

There are many profitable and in-demand professions that a person without education can master. High-paying jobs include iOS and Android programmers and app developers, web developers and web designers, good advertisers and salespeople, interior designers, engineers, cooks, real estate agents, and blue-collar workers (like skilled builders or welders).

Options are suitable for girls with training for a master of manicure, hairdresser, make-up artist, cosmetologist. For example, the cost of wedding or evening make-up starts at $ 40, and it is possible to receive about 4-5 clients per day.

3. Franchise business

One of the easiest options where to earn 100,000 rubles a month is to purchase a ready-made business. This eliminates the need to independently plan the organization of the business, plus you acquire an already promoted brand.

It can be a fast food cafe, a clothing store, a toy store, a fitness center, etc. The amount required for a purchase is from $ 4500. The acquisition of a large enterprise will allow you to earn a lot from the first month.

4. Own business

The best business ideas that will allow you to receive 100 thousand rubles. per month: grocery store, construction and repair company, beauty salon, private Kindergarten, a gym, a cafe and a canteen, a tattoo parlor, a manufacturing enterprise (timber, crumb rubber, fuel briquettes, etc.) After a payback, the business will be able to bring good money.

5. Work in the event field

Current specializations in this niche:

  • Photographer and videographer (weddings, corporate events, video shooting);
  • Host of events;
  • Decorator;
  • Light and sound equipment rental.

For example, a presenter is able to start earning with little or no investment. You need relevant skills, good advertising and useful contacts in the event industry. The popular presenter's fee ranges from $ 350 per evening. For photographers and videographers - from $ 400 for a full day. And it is possible to carry out from five orders per month.

Light and sound equipment requires a lot of investment, but it pays for itself in less than six months with constant employment. Such services are in demand at weddings, corporate and city events.

6. Transportation

This includes freight and passenger transport. Having only one car (cargo or minibus) in your fleet, you can make a good profit.

Services of a truck or minibus for a trip start at $ 20-25 and depend on the declared time or mileage. It is profitable to rent a car for a wedding convoy or a limousine. Profit - $ 12-60 per hour.

7. Video blog

A way for creative and able to stand out personalities. The income of popular video bloggers freely exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month due to direct advertising (various brands, other channels, films, etc.) and due to the number of video views (for example, through AdSense) and clicks to the advertiser's page.

Popular Topics: travel, reviews of films, gadgets, games (as well as passing games - letsplay), beauty blogs, various experiments and educational channels.

8. Your site

A website on the Internet allows you to earn thousands of dollars a month with the right approach. The main investments are intellectual. It is necessary to select relevant topics, fill the portal with interesting and "catchy" content, work on SEO promotion.

"Top", but also the most competitive topics: business and work, beauty and health, psychology and relationships, cooking, real estate, cars, apps and games.

Bulletin boards are very profitable, but you have to work hard to break through in a highly competitive environment.

Ways to generate income from the site:

  1. From direct advertisers on your topic (shops, agencies and other firms);
  2. Contextual, teaser, banner advertising.

In the first six months or a year, you will need to work on attendance, only then can you count on large incomes. The number of unique visitors should be at least 5-10 thousand people per day for good advertising revenue.

9. Forex and Binary Options

Exchanges are the place, 100,000 rubles a month, if you have trading savvy, analytical skills and a fair amount of composure. The initial amount for trading is $ 5-10, with a successful outcome, the deposit can be multiplied several times. Therefore, to receive one hundred thousand rubles, you will need to invest more than ten dollars.

Choose reliable brokers with a good reputation and high rates of return. For Forex trading, they usually choose Alpari, Alfa Forex, Forex4you, for making money on binary options - GT Options, OptionFair, IQ Option.

If you do not know how to trade and do not want to risk your money, invest in PAMM accounts and mutual funds. Professionals will be able to manage investments and increase your capital. Dividing investments into several funds, form a portfolio of securities, stocks, currencies. This minimizes risks, and the total income can reach one hundred thousand.

10. Watch

Those who want to decently not on the Internet can find vacancies for work on a rotational basis. Not every specialty will be paid so highly, “in the price” drivers-forwarders, engineers, electromechanics, surveyors, welders, etc. Try to get a job in oil and gold mining companies. It is hard work, but it pays high.

Also, in elite Moscow mansions, staff with accommodation are often required. They can count on a salary of 100 thousand home cook, nanny, nurse.

11. Daily rent of an apartment, house, office

If you have your own apartment, house or commercial real estate, then they can be profitably rented out daily or even hourly (office). The rental price depends on the city. If you make good repairs and bring the object into the status of elite apartments, then you really have 100,000 rubles a month.

12. Sale of training courses

Quickly get out on large sums will allow the sale of their own knowledge (sewing and cutting, dancing, skills in using computer programs, etc.) You can sell video courses and electronic manuals on the Web or do tutoring at home.

These are the main ways, 100 thousand rubles per month. In any case, you need to invest in your own training, starting a business or investing funds to increase them.

Use this calculator to calculate monthly payments, effective interest rate which all banks are now required to indicate and overpayment amounts on a loan. After completing the calculation, you will find out how much of the money goes to pay off the principal debt on the loan, and how much to pay interest.

There are two types of calculators. This calculator allows you to make calculations of both types:

  • Annuity payment - equal monthly payments, including the amount of interest plus the amount of the principal. This method calculation is the most popular;
  • Differentiated payment - payments that decrease by the end of the term. Includes a fixed portion of the principal plus interest on the remainder of the loan.

On our website, you can use a loan calculator to evaluate a variety of loan programs as well as get a schedule of monthly payments without contacting a bank.

The loan calculator presented to you is extremely simple compared to other similar services. Some of them may offer calculation in Excell by downloading a file, which in our time may seem an anachronism. This calculator takes into account the size of the loan, the term, the interest on the loan for the program selected by the borrower.

Business & Finance

Earn an apartment by any lazy means. A leisurely goal.

The previous attempt was unsuccessful, so I decided to start the goal from scratch.

The goal is not urgent, so it can take several years. The main thing is the fact of lazy earnings.

So, the goal: to earn 2,000,000 lazy rubles by any means.

The main difference between this goal and the previous one is that I will only invest in very reliable sources, be it bank accounts or buying land for sale.

The beginning has already been given:

50,000 rubles were invested for 3 months at 17% per annum. On the this moment the money has already been received together with a profit of 4.25% ≈ 2100 rubles. The main deposit of 50,000 rubles was transferred to another account at about 15% per annum for a period of ≈ 1.5 months. 40,000 rubles were invested for 3 months at 13.5% per annum. You need to make a profit tomorrow. This is 3.35% ≈ 1300 rubles. The fixed capital of 40,000 rubles is transferred to point 3. The fixed capital of 40,000 rubles + the profit made in the amount of 3,400 rubles, I plan to place in a mutual fund from Sberbank. I haven't chosen which ones yet. For the largest distribution of funds, I want to invest in 3 different mutual funds, provided that the minimum purchase amount for a PIF is 15,000 rubles, I will need at least 45,000 rubles. Not enough, but nothing, I will add. 40,000 rubles were invested for 3 months at 15% per annum until mid-summer. The account is replenished, so I transferred 50,000 rubles from point 1 here. The expected profit is about 2,000 rubles by the middle of the summer. I am looking at the purchase of land for a cottage village. The price is 25,000 rubles per hundred square meters. The minimum plot is 8 acres, that is, you need 200,000 rubles. Communications are carried out, from the city center 10 minutes drive. True, the city is not big, only 73,000 people. If you buy it now and hold it for several years, you can raise some money.

Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Earn 2,000,000 rubles

Personal resources

Initial capital + monthly salary interest