Finally, the long-awaited release took place new version Fedora 26. This version has several useful innovations, the main ones include the expansion of the installer's capabilities, the ability to operate LVM Cache, RAID, Btrfs, etc. was added, new multimedia codecs were added, driver support was improved, and many packages were updated.

Anyone currently running Fedora 25 or earlier is recommended to upgrade to Fedora 26 to make the system more secure and get all the new features. In this article, we will look at how to upgrade from Fedora 25 to 26 using the terminal and GUI.

A few days after the release, a notification will appear indicating that an update is available. You can click on it to launch Gnome Software, or launch this program from the main menu:

Go to the tab "Updates" and press the button "Download" to start the installation process new system. If you do not see anything on this tab, then you need to click the button "Update" in the upper left corner of the screen. Some time after the release, the update will be available for all systems.

While the update is downloading you can continue to work with your system, then in the same window click the button "Reboot" to start installing the update. The process may take quite a long time, depending on the power of your computer and network speed.

Updating Fedora via Terminal

Upgrading Fedora 25 to 26 using command line not much different from a regular update. We have to perform all the same operations, only everything needs to be done in the terminal and you will get much more information about the update process.

Step 1: Updating packages

Before we move on to updating the system, we need to update the packages to the latest versions to avoid possible problems. To do this, you can use Gnome Software or run the command:

Step 2. Install the DNF plugin

To update the distribution version you need a separate plugin for DNF:

sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

Step 3: Run the update

When the system is updated and you are finished creating backup copy, you can proceed to use installed plugin for update. To do this, run the command:

sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=26

This command will download all the required packages and prepare them before upgrading. If you encounter any errors about conflicts, locks, or dependencies while running this, add the --allowerasing option, which allows dnf to remove conflicting packages.

Step 4: Reboot and Update

When all packages are downloaded, you need to reboot the system. The update will be performed during reboot:

sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

Now the system will reboot and the update will begin. Previously, the upgrade tool would create a new entry in the Grub menu, but this is no longer necessary, you just need to boot with the current kernel. The update will take time.

Step 5: Troubleshooting

Sometimes problems may arise during the update, this can happen if you have third-party repositories installed. If so, then it is advisable to remove them. If the package database has been corrupted, you can restore it with the command:

sudo rpm --rebuilddb

The distro-sync method is used to update the system. If the update was unexpectedly interrupted and some packages were not updated, you can manually continue the update with the command:

sudo dnf distro-sync

A more reliable option is to allow removal of conflicting and problematic packages:

sudo dnf distro-sync --allowerasing

In some cases you may encounter access problems due to invalid SELinux labels, to update them run:

sudo touch /.autorelabel

Then restart your computer, the system will check all the tags and set them correctly.


In this article, we looked at how to upgrade to Fedora 26 using the terminal and GUI. These instructions are suitable for both home workstations and servers. Have you already updated your system? Will you update? Write in the comments!

Development of Fedora 26 Linux started in early 2017. In April, the alpha build was already available, and on June 13, the beta version was ready. The edition is based on the GNOME 3.24 desktop shell, and other editions received updated versions appropriate work environments.

The developers' official statement states:

We've implemented thousands of improvements to integrated software products, including new development tools such as GCC 7, Golang 1.8 and Python 3.6. In addition, we have added a new partition tool for Anaconda (Fedora installer). It will be useful not only for inexperienced users, but also for enthusiasts and system administrators who want to create their own storage system.

What's new in Fedora 26

Among the changes to the Fedora 26 operating system are the GNOME 3.24.2 desktop environment ( Fedora Workstation), new Linux kernel 4.11.8, using DNF 2.0 as default package manager, using GCC 7 as default compiler, systemd-coredump, fast SSSD cache for local users, pkgconf as default system implementation of pkg-config and 48-bit virtual addresses on AArch64 (ARM64) architectures.

Fedora 26 is the first distribution to ditch the xorg-x11-drv-synaptics driver and introduce a new Fedora Labs Spin called Python Classroom Lab, which is aimed at Python teachers. Fedora 26 also comes with updated components including, but not limited to, Python 3.6, OpenSSL 1.1.0, Boost 1.63, Ruby 2.4, GHC 8.0, and Golang 1.8.

Fedora 26 was the last version of the project's distribution for which an alpha version was available. Starting with Fedora 27, only beta releases will be published. On the official project page you can download the following versions of the system: Fedora 26 Workstation, Fedora 26 KDE, Fedora 26 Xfce, Fedora 26 LXDE, Fedora 26 MATE, Fedora 26 Security, Fedora 26 Server, Fedora 26 SoaS, Fedora 26 Robotics, Fedora 26 Design Suite and Fedora 26 Games.

Today we will take a detailed look at the distribution installation process. Linux Fedora to your computer, you will learn how to markup hard drive, how to set up hourly search and system language, and we will also look at initial setup Fedora distribution after installation.

Linux Fedora

Fedora is a free distribution of the Linux operating system. The main sponsor of the Fedora project is Red Hat ( Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution developer). The Fedora distribution has a peculiarity: developers include the latest versions of programs and new technologies in it, as a result, programs and technologies that have proven themselves are included in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution. In other words, Fedora is the foundation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, so Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses only proven, Fedora-tested programs and features.

Fedora is a convenient and powerful operating system, it includes everything you need to work software: LibreOffice office suite, browser Mozilla Firefox and other necessary applications.

Linux Fedora System Requirements

Even though Fedora uses the GNOME environment, the minimum system requirements the distribution kit has low ones, they are as follows:

  • 1 GHz processor ( Higher recommended);
  • RAM 1 gigabyte ( more recommended);
  • 10 gigabytes free space on disk ( of course, more is better).

On my computer with characteristics slightly above the minimum, the system worked quite well, even, in my opinion, better than other distributions with the GNOME environment. I can’t say that Fedora worked very quickly for me, so I still recommend using the Fedora distribution on modern computers, i.e. It is better not to use Fedora on weak hardware. By the way, if you are interested in the question of which distribution to use on weak equipment or which distribution to use for a beginner, then in the material “Linux distributions – which one to choose? » I tried to answer these, as well as other questions.

Step-by-step installation of Linux Fedora 29 on a computer

We will consider installing the Linux Fedora distribution using the example of the current, at the time of writing, version of Linux Fedora 29 with the GNOME desktop environment, i.e. Below we will walk you through the installation of the standard edition step by step - Linux Fedora 29 Workstation GNOME.

Step 1 – Download Linux Fedora and Create Installation Media

Unlike others Linux distributions, the creators of Fedora developed special programFedora Media Writer, with which you can create a bootable installation media with Linux Fedora. At the same time download ISO image is not required separately, i.e. the program will do everything itself. Although it is possible to separately download an ISO image from Linux Fedora, for example, it can be written to media with other popular programs, such as Rufus or Etcher. It is also possible to write a previously downloaded ISO image from Linux Fedora to a flash drive using the Fedora Media Writer program.

Detailed installation and example of creating installation media with Linux Fedora ( including ISO recording image on USB flash drive ) we looked at in the material - “Fedora Media Writer - how to create a bootable USB flash drive with Linux Fedora? ».

If you don't want to use Fedora program Media Writer for creation bootable media, then you can download the ISO image from Linux Fedora from the following official pages:

Section "Other downloads"

Select the desired assembly and click “Download Now”

All supported versions and builds of Linux Fedora are available

Step 2 – Boot from installation media

After the installation media is prepared, you need to boot from it. To do this, in the BIOS you need to set this media to first place in the boot order of devices. We talked about this in more detail in the material - “How to boot from a flash drive? Changing the boot order of devices in the BIOS ».

When you boot from the media, you will be taken to the menu, select the item "Start Fedora-Workstation-Live 29".

Step 3 – Run the installer

  • Try Fedora– try Linux Fedora in Live mode;
  • Install to Hard Drive– installation on hard drive computer.

We need to choose "Install to Hard Drive".

Step 4 – Select Language

The Linux Fedora installation program will start, first select the language of the installation program, and the system will be installed with this language, click "Continue".

Step 5 – Hard Drive Partitioning

Next, we need to configure a few installation options. First, let's partition the hard drive.

Click on the item "Installation location".

My test hard drive is clean and has no partitions, so I need to create a full partition table.

If you have several physical disks connected, you must first select the disk for partitioning in the section « Local disks» , and then move on to its configuration, i.e. markings.

The installation program offers several modes for hard disk partitioning, these are:

  • Automatically– involves the creation of sections in automatic mode. If your hard drive is clean and you don’t want to bother with manual partitioning, you can choose this option. In this case, the installation program will create several partitions for you, including the root partition and the partition for SWAP;
  • In my own way– in this case, we can already independently create the sections we need;
  • Additionally "Blivet-GUI"- in this case, we can also partition the hard drive manually, but we will use an additional graphical utility as a tool.

I will do the hard drive partitioning manually standard means, so I select the item "In my own way" and press "Ready".

As a result, functionality will open with which you can create markup. For example, I'll create "Standard" marking scheme, for this in the appropriate section I select the item "Standard section".

Note! You can also choose the LVM (Logical Volume Manager) scheme - this is a data volume management system.

First, let's create a separate partition for the bootloader.

Enter the following data:

  • Mount point - “/boot”;
  • Required volume - i.e. partition size, let us have 1 gigabyte.

Note! To correctly display the size of partitions, we start from the fact that one gigabyte contains 1024 megabytes.

After entering the data, click .

The entered settings, i.e. the created section will be displayed in the program interface.

In order to create another section, click on the plus sign in the same way.

Now let's create a root partition for the system.

For the root partition, enter:

  • Mount point - “/”;
  • Required volume - the size of the root partition must be at least 15 gigabytes, but it is better to specify more, for example, 50 gigabytes, since my disk is small, I specify 15 gigabytes.

Click "Add mount point".

Then we also add a partition for swapping SWAP with a plus sign, enter:

  • Mount point - “swap”;
  • Required volume - for the swap partition I will indicate a volume equal to the size of the RAM, I have 2 gigabytes of RAM, so I indicate 2 gigabytes. Although there are many recommendations regarding the size of the swap partition, in most cases 2-4 gigabytes will be enough.

Click "Add mount point".

All we have to do is create a section for user data, i.e. home section. In this case, enter the following data:

  • Mount point - “/home”;
  • The required volume is the maximum possible, in other words, you can indicate all the remaining space.

Click "Add mount point".

After this, the hard drive partitioning in Linux Fedora will be completed. If necessary, you can change some of the section parameters, for example, if you are not satisfied file system, suggested by default (Ext4). To do this, you just need to select the section, then change the desired parameter on the right side of the program and click the button "Apply".

If you are satisfied with everything, click "Ready".

The installation program will ask for confirmation, click "Accept changes".

Step 6 – Select a time zone

In order to set the date and time, we need to go to the settings of the same name "Date and time".

Then, in order to select the time zone, indicate the region and city ( you can just click the mouse in the right place). If necessary, you can set the date and time manually ( "Network time" switch).

When the settings are complete, click "Ready".

Step 7 – Start the installation

When all the settings have been entered, press the button "Start installation".

After this it will begin Linux installation Fedora.

Step 8 – Completing Installation

When the message appears "Ready!", installation will be completed. Press the button "Exit" and restart the computer.

Setting up Linux Fedora after installation

When you start Linux Fedora for the first time, a wizard will launch, with which we need to perform the initial system setup.

Privacy settings

First, we will be shown privacy settings, where we are asked to configure: location services and automatic problem reporting.

For example, I will disable location services. You can configure these parameters at your own discretion, by the way, if necessary, these parameters can be changed at any time using the system component "Options".

Connecting online accounts

Here you can configure accounts to log into services such as Google, Microsoft or Facebook. At the moment I don't want to do this, so I click "Skip".

Setting up a user to login

Then enter the password and confirm it. The password should preferably be complex, contain large and small letters, numbers and special characters, but this is up to you. Click "Next".

Starting the system

All settings are done, in order to launch Linux Fedora, press the button "Get Started with Fedora".

When you log in for the first time, you will see the initial screen; you can simply close it using the cross.

Screenshots of Linux Fedora 29


Application launch menu

System parameters

File manager

Installation and Linux setup We have completed Fedora 29, I hope the material was interesting and useful to you, bye!

Updated 11/14/2019: Updated instructions for installing a new version of Vmware Workstation on Fedora. Installation supported latest version Vmware Workstation 15.5.1.

Removing unnecessary programs

Fedora Spin with KDE desktop environment comes with plenty various programs. In my opinion, not all of them are needed. I suggest removing unnecessary programs:

Sudo dnf remove -y krdc kmail kgpg kmouth krusader kruler calligra-core k3b krfb falkon ktorrent kget akregator konqueror konversation kontact kpat kmahjongg kmines dragon korganizer kaddressbook

Removing unnecessary packages will reduce consumption RAM systems. In my case, the memory consumption after installing the system was about 800 MB. After removing the packages it dropped to 600 MB.

The community also created a script and described the settings for installing the minimum KDE package from the Fedora Everything installation image. Link: Fedora-KDE-Minimal-Install-Guide.

Setting up the environment

To use the latest version of KDE, you can install the mkyral/plasma-unstable repository. Although there are reports of possible KDE instability from this repository, there are many reports of correctness and stability in the Fedora community.

Instead of remote ktorrent, install qbittorrent:

Sudo dnf install qbittorrent

To regulate the operation of the processor, install the CPUFreq Manager Widget:

Git clone cd plasma-pstate sudo ./

After this, the widget will appear in the general list of widgets.

Laptop owners who use the KDE desktop environment may want to avoid typing WI-FI password after each system startup. To disable this check, you need to run the KWalletManager application, with right side select the Change password option, then enter a blank password and agree to the changes.

Setting up the Gnome environment of the Fedora distribution much like setting up Gnome from Ubuntu. Therefore, it is worth using the information from the article: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver after installation

Problem with displaying the Cyrillic alphabet in the Gedit editor everything is still solved by the command:

Gnome Tweak Tool installed with the command:

Sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool

The chrome-gnome-shell package is pre-installed, so all you need to do is install the extension for each browser: Opera, Chrome, Firefox and go to to install add-ons. I recommend paying attention to such add-ons as Dash to Dock, Tray Icons.

Viber installation

The Linux version of Viber has problems with installation dependencies. Therefore, it was decided to immediately install from the Flatpack and Snap packages. The version from Snap did not launch for me, but the version from Flatpack launched and worked correctly. For this reason, I will describe the installation of Viber specifically for the version from Flatpack.

Installing and enabling Flatpack on Fedora:

Sudo dnf install flatpak sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub wget sudo flatpak remote-add --gpg-import=gnome-sdk.gpg --if-not-exists gnome-apps

Installing the Viber package:

Sudo flatpak install flathub viber

After the system restarts, the program will be displayed and available in the Application Menu

Viber removal:

Sudo flatpak uninstall viber

Installing Skype

sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/skype-stable.repo sudo dnf install skypeforlinux

Installing Virtualbox

Virtualbox will be installed from the RPM Fusion repository

Sudo dnf upgrade --refresh sudo dnf install gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers akmod-VirtualBox VirtualBox

Add a user to the group vboxusers and vboxsf

Sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $(whoami) sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf $(whoami)

Installing Vmware Workstation 15.5.1 on Fedora

For VMware installations Workstation Pro needs to open a terminal in the folder with installation files extensions.bundle and run the following commands:

Chmod +x title.bundle sudo ./title.bundle

When starting Vmware, a window will appear asking you to compile the kernel; it will end with an error and will not be executed. To solve this problem you need to install patches.
Installing patches:

Sudo dnf install kernel-devel wget unzip cd vmware-host-modules-workstation-15.5 .1 tar -cf vmmon.tar vmmon-only tar -cf vmnet.tar vmnet-only sudo cp -v vmmon.tar vmnet.tar /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/ sudo vmware-modconfig --console -- install-all

The next time you start Vmware Workstation, a window will open again asking you to compile the kernel, we agree. Now it will work correctly.

After installation virtual system you may encounter VMware Tools download error. The solution is the following:

Sudo dnf install ncurses-compat-libs sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

In the Vmware settings, in the CD/DVD option, specify the image (for Windows installations this will be the windows.iso image, and for Linux - linux.iso) from the /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/ directory

After that in file manager The Vmware Tools image will be mounted and the add-on can be installed.

Installing Vmware Workstation and installing patches is suitable for any GNU/Linux distribution. For Ubuntu and similar distributions, you may need to install a package linux-headers:

sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Installing WPS Office

WPS OFFICE on Fedora requires the mesa-libGLU package. Before installation office suite I recommend first checking for the presence of the mesa-libGLU package:

Rpm -qa | grep mesa-libGLU

If the package is displayed, then proceed to installation. If the package is not installed, install it with the following command:

Wget sudo rpm -i mesa-libGLU-9.0.0-17.fc30.x86_64.rpm sudo rm mesa-libGLU-9.0.0-17.fc30.x86_64.rpm

In order to use the WPS OFFICE installation script, you just need to first execute the first command, and copy the rest, starting with #!/bin/bash, with one command and paste it into the terminal.

Sudo -i #!/bin/bash echo "Installing wps office 64" sudo dnf install git -y wget sudo rpm -i wps-office* .rpm sudo rm wps-office*.rpm cd /tmp wget unzip sudo cp -r mui/ru_RU /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/mui/ sudo cp -r dicts/ru_RU /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/dicts/ sudo cp -r dicts/ru_RU /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/dicts/spellcheck/ sudo rm cd /tmp git clone https: // cd ttf-wps-fonts sudo bash rm -rf /tmp/ttf-wps-fonts

Uninstalling pre-installed LibreOffice

Sudo dnf remove libreoffice*


It turned out to be a rather lengthy article and the user may get the impression that the distribution is complex. This is wrong. In fact, some of the problems described are also relevant for other distributions. For example, Vmware has to be patched in any distribution that uses fresh kernels. Problems with Cyrillic in Gedit are a problem of the working environment, not the distribution. Problem with Viber and playback Opera browser- the problem of the applications themselves, since it manifests itself in all distributions. Among the mandatory Fedora settings, you need to install the Russian language, enable the RPM Fusion repository, install codecs, and users Nvidia video cards also install the driver. There are not many actions at all and they are performed very quickly.

About operating system I had pleasant, positive impressions of Fedora Workstation. Despite the use the latest packages, the system works stably.

With night light support, a new recipe app, notification area improvements, and expanded support for self-contained Flatpak packages;

  • Blivet-gui has been added to the Anaconda installer with implementations of an alternative interface for partitioning with support for LVM (including LVM cache, LVM RAID, Thin LVM), Btrfs (including Btrfs RAID, subpartitions and snapshots), MD RAID, drive encryption using LUKS;
  • Added support for the AC-3 (Dolby Digital) multi-channel audio codec, whose patents have expired and can now be used royalty-free. AC-3 is used in standards digital television(ATSC, DVB), on DVD and Blu-ray discs, in Internet streaming systems with support for 5.1 surround sound.
  • A preliminary version of the modular server edition of the distribution is being developed, in which the final applications are delivered in the form of separately updated modules, the life cycle of which is not tied to other applications and the main content of the distribution;
  • The first release of Base Runtime has been generated, a module with a base operating system that can act as a base for a build and as a dependency for modules with applications. Base Runtime is the basis of the modular release of Fedora 26 Server. To assemble modules in the infrastructure, the Module Build Service has been launched;
  • The DNF package manager has been updated to version 2.0, which includes the Repoquery plugin for searching packages in external repositories (analogous to "rpm -q" for a remote repository). Added the "dnf check" command to check the integrity of the local packagedb database and display information about possible problems. Added the "dnf upgrade-minimal" command, which allows you to update each package to the latest version with improvements or bug fixes and vulnerabilities;
  • The release of the GCC 7 compiler set is used to build packages. The default set of compilation flags for C/C+ has been updated and the use of the "-mtune=atom" flag has been discontinued. The previously planned flags "-Werror=implicit-function-declaration" and "-Werror=implicit-int" are left inactive for now;
  • The pkgconf package is used as an implementation of pkg-config, which provides improved tools for processing .pc files and a stable library ABI/API for integration with applications;
  • To save and process core dumps, the systemd-coredump service is enabled by default. To display a list of core dumps and extract them from the Journal database, the coredumpctl utility is proposed;
  • Python has been updated to version 3.6.0. Included is the Python Classroom Lab learning environment;
  • New releases included Glibc 2.25, PHP 7.1, Go 1.8, Ruby 2.4, GHC (Haskell) 8.0, LDC (D language) 1.1.0, Boost 1.63.0, Zend Framework 3, BIND 9.11;
  • The driver for touchpads xorg-x11-drv-synaptics has been removed from the distribution, instead of which xorg-x11-drv-libinput should be used;
  • On AARCH64 systems, support for 48-bit virtual address space is enabled;
  • In the Fedora Media Writer interface, the ability to write system images for ARM architecture to SD cards has been added;
  • A spin build has been prepared with the LXQt desktop (Qt Lightweight Desktop Environment), developed by a joint team of developers of the LXDE and Razor-qt projects;
  • A new minimalistic image has been prepared for creating isolated containers, containing the minimum possible set of components, but at the same time, unlike Atom, including a full-fledged dnf package manager and the ability to install arbitrary packages from standard repositories;
  • OpenSSL has been updated to version 1.1.0 with support for scrypt, X25519 (RFC 7748), Certificate Transparency, ChaCha20 stream cipher, and Poly1305 message authentication algorithm (MAC). Support for legacy technologies has been discontinued, including the removal of components that support SSLv2, Kerberos, and 40- and 56-bit ciphers. The RC4 and 3DES algorithms are excluded from the default cipher suite;
  • Enabled detection of parameters for all users through the NSS module SSSD (System Security Services Daemon), which provides higher performance by caching the contents of local databases in memory;
  • The OpenSC package was used as an implementation of PKCS#11 instead of Coolkey, which made it possible to expand the range of smart cards supported by the distribution;
  • The repository includes the snapd package with tools for managing self-contained packages in the snap format. To get started with Snap packages, Fedora Linux users can now simply run "sudo dnf install snapd" and then use the snap utility. When you first install snap, the core snap package with a set of basic libraries for the functioning of snap packages will be installed on the system. Since snap uses the AppArmor mechanism for isolation, which is not supported in Fedora, packages are launched without applying isolation, i.e. You need to be careful not to install unverified applications.
  • At the same time, “free” and “nonfree” repositories of the RPM Fusion project were launched for Fedora 26, in which packages with additional multimedia applications (MPlayer, VLC, Xine), video/audio codecs, DVD support, proprietary AMD drivers and NVIDIA gaming programs, emulators.