Lecture Cloud technologies

Cloud computing (computing) is a distributed data processing technology in which computer resources and capacities are provided to the user as an Internet service.

The main types of cloud technologies include:

    " Infrastructureasservice" ("Infrastructure as a Service" or "IaaS")

    " Platformasservice" ("Platform as a Service", " PaaS")

    "Software as a Service"("Software as a Service" or "SaaS").

Let's consider each of these technologies in more detail.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS is the provision of computing infrastructure as a service based on the concept of cloud computing.

IaaS has three main components:

    Hardware (servers, storage systems, client systems, networking equipment)

    Operating systems and system software (virtualization, automation, basic resource management)

    Middleware (e.g. for systems management)

IaaS is based on virtualization technology that allows the user to divide the equipment into pieces that meet the current needs of the business, thereby increasing the efficiency of using the available computing power. The user (company or software developer) will have to pay only for the server time, disk space, network throughput and other resources. In addition, IaaS provides the customer with a complete set of management functions in one integrated platform.

IaaS eliminates the need for enterprises to maintain complex data center, customer and network infrastructures, while also reducing the associated capital and operating costs. In addition, additional savings can be realized by providing the service as part of a shared infrastructure.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS is the provision of an integrated platform for developing, testing, deploying and supporting web applications as a service.

To deploy web applications, a developer does not need to purchase hardware and software, and there is no need to organize their support. Client access can be arranged on a rental basis.

This approach has the following advantages:


    fault tolerance;



Scalability PaaS assumes automatic allocation and release of necessary resources depending on the number of users served by the application.

PaaS as an integrated platform for developing, testing, deploying and supporting web applications, it will allow the entire list of operations for developing, testing and deploying web applications in one integrated environment, thereby eliminating the cost of maintaining separate environments for separate stages.

Ability to create source and sharing it within the development team significantly improves the productivity of building applications based on PaaS.

Software as a Service (SaaS).

SaaS- an application deployment model, which implies the provision of an application to the end user as an on demand service. Such an application is accessed over the network, and most often through an Internet browser. In this case, the main advantage of the SaaS model for the customer is that there are no costs associated with installing, updating and maintaining equipment health and software working on it. The target audience- end consumers.

In the SaaS model:

    the application is adapted for remote use;

    one application can be used by several clients;

    payment for the service is charged either as a monthly subscription fee, or based on the total volume of transactions;

    application support is already included in the payment;

    application upgrades can be done by service personnel smoothly and transparently for customers.

From the point of view of software developers, the SaaS model allows you to effectively fight against unlicensed use of software, due to the fact that the client cannot store, copy and install the software.

In fact, SaaS software can be viewed as a more convenient and cost-effective alternative to internal information systems.

An evolution of the SaaS logic is the concept WaaS (Workplace as a Service - Workplace as a Service). That is, the client receives at his disposal a virtual workplace fully equipped with everything necessary for the operation of the software.

    Communications (VoIP)

    Antispam and antivirus

    Project management

    Distance learning

    Data storage and backup

All three types of cloud services are interconnected and represent a nested structure.

In addition to various methods of providing services, there are several options for deploying cloud systems:

Private cloud- is used to provide services within one company, which is both a customer and a service provider. This is a variant of implementation of the "cloud concept", when the company creates it for itself, within the organization. First of all, implementation private cloud removes one of the important questions that customers certainly have when familiarizing themselves with this concept - the question of data protection from the point of view of information security. Since the "cloud" is limited by the framework of the company itself, this issue is solved by standard existing methods. For private cloud reduction in the cost of equipment is characteristic due to the use of idle or inefficiently used resources. And also, reducing the cost of purchasing equipment by reducing logistics (we do not think about which servers to buy, in what configurations, what productive capacities, how much space to reserve each time, etc.)

In fact, the capacity increases in proportion to the overall load growing, not depending on each arising task - but, so to speak, on average. And it becomes easier to plan and buy and sell - to launch new tasks into production.

Public cloud- used by cloud providers to provide services to external customers.

Mixed (hybrid) cloud- joint use of the above two deployment models

The Internet has become entrenched in our lives. Many users can no longer imagine their life without a computer. Naturally, technologists are improving every year. And for active users of the global network, such a useful technology as a cloud server has appeared. What it is? What is it for?

Cloud technology is ...

Today, it is very common to hear about such a function as cloud computing. The name of such servers comes from the graphic image that is used to denote technologies.

Cloud technology is the ability to access data without installing special applications on the device. Everything necessary security users are provided with servers. But whether or not you have to pay for this remote access to data directly depends on the requests.

How are cloud technologies different from conventional ones?

To more clearly explain the difference between conventional technologies and cloud storage, you can take for example email... The case when an email client, such as Outlook, is already installed on the user's computer, and all data received by email is saved on HDD is considered a common IT technology. That is, the user himself can dispose of the received files and decide what to do with them. And the mail client will work exactly as long as the computer is running.

But e-mail, which is opened using a browser, is already a cloud technology. That is, the user, without installing anything on the device, can access his email address. At the same time, if something happens to the server that stores all the data, then access to e-mail will be lost.

What do you have to pay for when using the cloud?

Cloud server is not completely free technology. There are times when a user will have to pay to provide a cloud storage service. All servers are divided into three types, which charge fees for different functions.

  • IaaS is a cloud model that requires a fee to provide remote storage access. That is, the user only pays for access to the server.
  • When using the PaaS cloud, you will have to pay not only for available resources, but also for access to special software for processing data.
  • SaaS is a storage that provides access to a whole range of software, for which, of course, you will have to pay a considerable monthly fee.

Positive sides

The use of cloud technologies has a number of advantages, which are quite significant.

It is very beneficial for young businesses to use cloud servers. They will not have to worry about buying their own server equipment, spending money on building a local network, or hiring sysadmins. All you have to do is choose one of the cloud servers that is ideal in terms of memory size, number of clients and other characteristics, and pay a monthly subscription fee.

Cloud technologies are the ability to access the necessary information using a regular browser from anywhere in the world. Operability will no longer concern the client, since it is monitored by those who are paid by the user for the cloud storage. Such systems are in demand among corporate users who need to establish document flow in the enterprise network.

For ordinary users who simply do not want to clog their computer with unnecessary information, there are free cloud servers, which will be quite enough.

Negative moments

Of course new cloud technologies have a number of disadvantages.

First, confidential data that is transmitted using cloud storage can be intercepted by hackers. The quality of the internet connection must be very high. If there is an interruption to the Internet, access to data on the "clouds" will be impossible. At the same time, large enterprises still need System Administrator to establish data transmission.

If the client wants to save money and gives preference to a cheaper server, then he will have to face performance problems. Low-cost cloud storage has a poor hardware infrastructure, which regularly breaks down and takes a long time to fix.

If the use of cloud technologies is planned for the long term, then this can be much more expensive than setting up your own local server. Especially if a cloud technology with a wide range of possibilities is chosen for work, such as SaaS.

Cloud storage overview

Cloud technologies are storage facilities that can be divided into three types of service:

  • Creation of infrastructure.
  • Platform services.
  • Software services.

This unit will help with choosing a cloud storage server.

Windows Live SkyDrive is perfect for those who need a lot of data. It allows you to store information up to 25 GB. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the file format. However, there are a number of advantages for some types. So, for example, when storing Office documents the ability to edit them directly in the browser is provided.

Dropbox is more widespread than Windows Live SkyDrive, although it has much less information at just 2GB. It is enough to install one application per device to have remote access.

There is even a dedicated server for storing music. This is Grooveshark, which is considered one of the most popular cloud storage for music files.

What is hidden behind the same type of abbreviations like XaaS?

Browsing the news of cloud technologies, readers are confronted with different definitions and designations, the meaning of which may not be immediately clear. Not to mention the same type of abbreviations for cloud services, in which even IT specialists are sometimes confused. Therefore, we decided to collect in one place basic definitions, the knowledge of which will help to read materials on the topic of cloud technologies and understand them without being distracted by search engines or Wikipedia.

For convenience, we have divided the terms into several categories, briefly describing the most important in each of them. Of course, not all definitions are given in our article, but even this list will be enough to navigate the world of cloud technologies relatively freely.

Clouds. General terms

Cloud computing if we speak simple language is a scenario in which the user is given access to computing resources such as servers, networks, storage systems, applications and services over a network, most often over the Internet.

Public cloud infrastructure that provides the ability to use cloud computing for a wide range of users. Usually owned by a commercial organization.

Private (private) cloud as the name suggests, it is an infrastructure owned by one organization that allows cloud computing to be used solely for its own purposes.

Hybrid cloud combines the features of a private and public cloud. With this approach, part of the infrastructure belongs to the client, and part is leased. The connection between the two structures is provided using data transmission technologies.

Hardware part

Data processing center (DPC) a specialized free-standing building to accommodate various server and network equipment, which is accessed via the Internet. In addition to providing redundant power and communication channels, such a building necessarily employs qualified personnel to ensure constant monitoring and maintenance of all systems.

Server a specialized computer used to run applications and services that support the IT infrastructure.

Cluster several servers connected by communication channels and presented to the user as one hardware resource.

Data storage systems (DSS) hardware and software solution that allows you to consolidate all disk space within one system. In addition to general fault tolerance and constant monitoring of their own state, storage systems support many useful functions, such as, for example, data replication at the array level.

Replication the process of copying data in order to synchronize it to one or more objects. Allows you to secure information from loss in the event of equipment failure.

Network switch ( Switch) a device that allows you to connect several nodes of a computer network. Works at the L2 level of the OSI model.

Network router ( Router) a device that has multiple network interfaces and allows data to be transferred between different network segments. The rules on the basis of which the packet transmission will be carried out are configured by the administrator. Works at the L3 level, OSI model.


Virtualization a technology that allows you to provide computing resources that are abstracted from the hardware and at the same time logically isolated from each other. That is, on one physical server, you can create many virtual ones that will work independently.

Hypervisor program that allows you to implement virtualization technology. The hypervisor manages and configures virtual machines, as well as networks, soft switches and routers.

Virtual machine analog of a physical computer, implemented in a virtual environment. The concepts " virtual machine"And" virtual server "have differences only in the final purpose, but in fact they are one and the same.

Cloud services

Separately, it is worth describing the main services provided on the basis of virtual technologies. A large group of such services are united under the abbreviation XaaS, which stands for "anything as a service." All these services are based on the main three: PaaS, SaaS, IaaS.

PaaS ( Platform as a Service - platform as a service) this kind of cloud computing, which is provided to the customer in the form of a ready-made software platform, which includes various tools, and allows you to customize them. Basically, this platform can be anything: a testing environment, a database management system, or a management process automation. Moreover, such a platform is managed and maintained by a service provider.

SaaS ( Software as a Service - software as a service) this is probably the most common type of cloud-based service. It consists in providing the customer for use of any programs that are located in the cloud of the service provider. A good example would be a Google email inbox or, for example, Microsoft package Office 365.

IaaS (InfrastructureasaService - infrastructure as a service) a type of cloud service that involves a customer leasing a pool of computing resources from a service provider as a virtual infrastructure. These can be virtual servers, storage systems, various network elements, or any combination of these components.

But besides the basic ones, there are many other cloud services. Let's take a closer look at them:

DRaaS (DisasterRecoveryasaService - disaster recovery as a service) a service to provide the customer with the ability to restore the performance of their own virtual structure in the cloud of a service provider in the event of an accident or disaster. Services of this type help to eliminate the impact of serious disruptions on the business, which means that they are most in demand by companies for which the operation of applications and services is a critical parameter.

BaaS (BackupasaService - backup as a service) service of providing the customer with a platform and tools for organizing the procedure Reserve copy data to the cloud. The implementation of this service depends on many factors, such as the amount of data to be backed up, the bandwidth of communication channels, as well as the backup scheme and the depth of the archive. This is convenient for companies that have a large volume of critical data, but organizing their own reliable backup system is not cost-effective.

BaaS (BackendasaService - backend as a service)- a set of ready-made server functionality that allows you to simplify and speed up application development. In other words, it is a full-fledged development environment hosted in the cloud, which means that it allows you to use all the advantages of the technology, such as, for example, unlimited scalability.

MaaS ( Monitoring as a Service - monitoring as a service) a relatively new type of cloud service, which consists in organizing monitoring of its own infrastructure using software located in the cloud of a service provider. As in many other cases, this solution allows you to use the most advanced software tools without buying them or organizing administration.

DBaaS ( Data Base as a Service - database as a service) a service that allows clients to connect to a database located in the cloud. In this case, the cost of the solution is calculated based on the volume of the database and the number of client connections. The main advantages of such a solution, of course, will be scaling and the absence of the need to ensure data security.

HaaS ( Hardware as a Service - equipment as a service) - a service for the provision of computing power from the cloud. In fact, instead of buying an iron server, the client can rent it, while it will be located at the service provider's site, which will provide power redundancy and timely maintenance.

NaaS ( Network as a Service - network as a service) - a service for the provision of network infrastructure as an alternative to your own network. NaaS capabilities allow you to use routing tools, as well as increase or decrease the bandwidth of the channel.

STaaS ( Storage as a Service - storage as a service) it is a service for providing disk space in the cloud. For the user, such a solution looks like an additional logical drive or just a network folder. The advantage of STaaS is the availability of redundancy as a prerequisite for any service provider.

DaaS (DesktopasaService - desktop as a service)- a service that provides the user with a remote desktop. Unlike local, remote desktop can have really powerful technical characteristics, this allows you to use applications of different levels without being tied to the capabilities of your desktop PC.

CaaS ( Communications as a Service - communication as a service) - a service for the provision of communication tools in the cloud. In other words, this service allows you to organize telephony, instant messaging, or, for example, the ability to conduct video conferencing by a service provider.

CaaS ( Container as a Service - container as a service) - a type of service that has recently become more and more popular. It consists in providing the client with the ability to organize, start or stop the container using the web interface or API tools.


In this article, we reviewed the basic concepts that allow you to better navigate the world of cloud technologies, and also disassembled most of the services provided on their basis. We hope that this information will be helpful.

An introduction to cloud fundamentals

Imagine that you are an executive in a large corporation. Your responsibilities include providing employees with all the hardware and software they need. To ensure the work of employees, you need to buy not only computers, but also software or licenses for it. With each new employee, you have to buy new software if you cannot add a new user to an already purchased license. All of this is so hard that you cannot fall asleep in your dear exclusive bed.

Soon, this problem of managers can be solved. Instead of installing a series of programs on each computer, you only need to download one application. With the help of this application, employees will have access to a server on the Internet, which stores all the programs necessary for a particular job. All programs, from email clients and text editors before data analysis programs will be launched from remote computers owned by another company. This technology, called "cloud", has the potential to revolutionize the entire computing industry.

When using cloud technologies, the load is redistributed in computer systems. Field computers will not be overwhelmed by numerous applications. This load will be taken on by computer network forming a cloud. The hardware and software requirements for employees will be reduced: their computers will only have to load the cloud interface. This interface is comparable to a web browser in its simplicity.

It is possible that you have already used some form of cloud technology, such as email servers (Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, or Gmail). Instead of running an email client on your computer, you log into your Internet account. Your Account not stored on your computer - it resides on a cloud server.

Cloud computing framework

In order to understand the structure of the cloud technology system, it is convenient to divide it into two sections: front and back. The two sites are connected to each other via a network, most often the Internet. The front section is used by an employee (client). The back section is the cloudy part of the system.

The front end includes the client's computer (or network of computers) and the application required to access the cloud system.
Different cloud systems have different user interfaces. Mail servers use existing web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. Other systems have their own applications for network access.

The back section includes various computers, servers and data storage systems that create the "cloud". In principle, using the cloud system, you can use any computer program from data processing to video games. Usually each application has its own server.

The central server ensures the operation of the cloud: it manages the system, records traffic and client requests. For the server, there are a number of operating rules called protocols and special middleware. Through middleware, computers can communicate information to one another. Most of the time, the servers are not fully loaded - there is unused capacity left. You can "trick" a physical server and make several virtual ones out of it, each with its own operating system. This technology is called virtualization. Virtualization improves server efficiency, which in turn reduces hardware requirements.

If a cloud computing company has many clients, it will need large amounts of memory. Some companies have hundreds of digital storage devices. A cloud-based system requires twice as many storage devices as the volume of customer information. This is due to the fact that devices can break. All customer information must be copied and stored across multiple devices. Thus, the central server can always download data from backup devices.

Cloud computing applications

There are almost endless cloud computing applications out there. If everything is in order with the middleware, then the cloud system will download programs at the same speed as if they were loaded on a regular computer. In principle, any program, from word editors to programs specially created for any company, can be loaded through the cloud.

Why load programs using another computer system and store data in it? There are several reasons:
Customers have access to their applications anytime, anywhere. They can connect to the cloud system using any computer with Internet access. All data is not stored on one computer hard drive or on the company's internal network.

Equipment costs will decrease. Users will not need more powerful hardware with the highest performance or more memory - the entire load will fall on the cloud system. An inexpensive computer with a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and processor that meets the requirements of the middleware will suffice. No need for a large hard drive - all information is stored on a remote computer.

Corporations in which computing plays an important role must have the right software to operate successfully. With the help of the cloud system, these companies will have access to computer applications. You won't need to buy software or licenses for every employee. Instead, the company will pay a certain amount to the cloud organization.

Servers and digital storage devices take up space. Companies sometimes have to rent storage space for servers and databases. Thanks to cloud technology, data will be stored on another company's equipment and there will be no need to find storage space.

Companies will be able to save money on IT support. Well-established equipment can be more efficient than a network various devices and operating systems.

If the back end of the cloud is a networked computing system, the customer can use the power of the entire network. Often, scientists and researchers are involved in such complex calculations that personal computer it would take years to complete them. On a networked computer system, the client can send the calculations for processing in the cloud. The cloud system can harness the power of all available back-end computers and thus significantly speed up calculations.

Cloud technology challenges

Perhaps the most a big problem cloud computing - security. Many people will be concerned if they have to transfer sensitive data to another company. Business leaders will have doubts about the reliability of cloud systems, since another organization will store the company's information.

The argument in favor of cloud companies is that their existence is directly dependent on their reputation. It is beneficial for them to have a reliable security system. Otherwise, the firm will lose all clients. It is in their best interest to use the best technology to protect customer data.
Another issue is confidentiality. If a customer has access to their data anytime, anywhere, confidentiality can easily be breached. Cloud companies must find a way to protect customer privacy. One of the methods is identification technologies using logins and passwords. Another method is related to the authorization format - each user has access only to those data and programs that are relevant to his job duties.

Among the problems associated with cloud technologies, there are more philosophical ones. Who owns the data: the cloud company or the organization that stores the data? Can a cloud company deny a customer access to their data? These and other questions about the nature of cloud computing are the subject of discussions between companies, law firms and universities.
What impact will cloud technology have on other industries? The IT environment is already asking the question: how will the emergence of cloud technologies affect the maintenance and repair of computers? If companies migrate to modernized computer systems, their IT support needs will decrease. According to some industry experts, the demand for IT services will shift to the back end of the cloud.

Another computer science research subject is autonomous work computers. An autonomous computer system monitors itself and takes action to prevent or correct problems. On the this moment the autonomous operation of computers remains a theory. But, if one day this becomes a reality, the demand for IT support services will significantly decrease.

The Internet has become an integral part of people's lives, and new opportunities are regularly emerging that can facilitate the accomplishment of various tasks. A novelty is cloud technologies that can be used in various fields: education, medicine, logistics, and so on.

What is cloud technology?

Let's start with the definition, as cloud technologies imply the ability of the user to access data without installing applications on his device, since all the software is provided by the servers. It is important to know that such services can be either free or paid, and it all depends on the requests. To understand what the application of cloud technologies is, you need to disassemble their difference from ordinary conditions.

  1. Let's take e-mail as an example, when the mail client is installed on the computer and all data is saved on the hard disk. In this case, the user decides for himself what to do with the files.
  2. If we talk about mail, which a person uses through a browser, then this is already a cloud technology. It is clear here that if there are problems with the server, then access to mail will be lost.

Benefits of cloud services

To begin with, let's dwell on the existing advantages, which include:

  1. To store information, you do not need to buy expensive computers and components, because everything will be stored on the "cloud".
  2. The performance of the PC is increased, because cloud technologies in office work and other areas run programs remotely, so there is a lot of free space on the computer.
  3. Maintenance problems decrease every year, as the number of physical servers is constantly decreasing, and the software is constantly being updated.
  4. The cost of purchasing software is reduced, since you only need to buy the program for the "cloud" once and that's it, and sometimes you can even order its rental.
  5. Cloud technologies have no restrictions on the amount of stored data. In most cases, the volume of such services is estimated at millions of gigabytes.
  6. Programs are updated automatically, so there is no need to keep track of this, as is the case with downloaded applications.
  7. "Cloud" can be used on any operating system because the programs are accessed through web browsers.
  8. New cloud technologies make it possible to always and anywhere have access to documents, because the main thing is the presence of the Internet.
  9. Good security and protection against loss of information, since the sent data is automatically saved and copies are thrown off to spare servers.

Disadvantages of cloud technologies

Has a "cloud" and a number of disadvantages that you should know and take into account:

  1. Access is impossible in the absence of the Internet, and if there is no Internet, then it will be possible to work only with documents downloaded to the computer. It is worth noting that the Internet must be fast and of high quality.
  2. The cloud service may work slowly when transferring a large amount of information than in the case of the installed program.
  3. Rarely is security at a poor level, but in most cases, the Cloud does backups so there is no need to worry.
  4. Many are embarrassed that they need to pay for the provision of a number of services, but this is a business project on which people should earn money.

Application of cloud technologies

There is a certain classification of cloud services, so the following categories of "clouds" are distinguished:

  1. Public... It is an IT infrastructure that can be used by a large number of companies and services at once. Any company and individual can be a subscriber. Users of public cloud technologies do not have the ability to manage and maintain the "cloud", since only the owner of the service deals with this.
  2. Private... Describing the types of cloud technologies, you should focus on this secure IT infrastructure, controlled and operated in the interests of only one organization. It can be located at the customer's premises or with an external operator.
  3. Hybrid... This type has the main advantages of both of the previous options. Such a "cloud" in most cases is used by organizations that have seasonal periods of activity, that is, when there is not enough internal IT infrastructure, then part of the capacity goes to cloud technologies.

Cloud technologies in education

Computers and the Internet have made their way into the education system, thanks to which it is possible to improve and facilitate the process of performing a number of tasks. Cloud technologies in the educational process can be used for the following purposes:

  1. Organize employees to work together on important documents, such as an annual plan or program. Everyone is responsible for their part of the document, and if necessary, all users will have the opportunity to leave comments and supplement information.
  2. Shared project work, so the teacher can transfer assignments to students, share responsibilities and check reports by giving comments.
  3. Cloud technology can be used to create an electronic diary and transfer any written assignments. This is a great option for children who are homeschooled or skip classes for whatever reason.

Cloud technologies in medicine

Recently, the "cloud" has been actively introduced into medicine, which raises it to a new level. New technologies provide a huge potential for revolutionary changes, because it becomes much easier to maintain and organize medical records. The use of cloud technology in medicine is important because it helps to quickly determine the diagnosis and reach the conclusion. At the moment, such a service is just beginning to be implemented, since there are no regulatory mechanisms for preserving medical confidentiality so far.

Cloud technologies in logistics

The cloud has excellent potential in transport and warehouse logistics. With the help of cloud technologies, it is possible to ensure full interaction of all participants in the chain, that is, the sender, operators, transport company and recipient. All of them can communicate in real time, regardless of location. The use of cloud technologies provides the following advantages:

  • hold open tenders for contractors;
  • determine the most successful routes;
  • control delivery;
  • to process and store all data on transportation;
  • improve the quality of order fulfillment.

Cloud technologies in banking

Competition among banks is enormous and not everyone is able to withstand a crisis. These financial institutions are beginning to use innovative technologies to cut costs. Cloud storage services are aimed at automating financial processes. As a result, there is an increase in the efficiency of the work of credit institutions by reducing the cost of reporting. It is important to note that because there is a threat of intruders into cloud storage, they do not store customer information.

Cloud technologies for business

Business people use the "cloud" for the following purposes:

  1. A virtual server is rented, so that the manager can fully control all hosted services, regardless of the provider.
  2. It is easy to create a virtual contact center in the network, so you can save on renting premises and organizing workplaces. Work can begin in two days from the date of submission of the application to the provider.
  3. Cloud services for business are used to create a virtual office, that is, the workplace will not be tied to a specific computer. The "cloud" reproduces the company's internal network, that is, includes disks, folders and programs for planning.

Cloud gaming

In the 2000s, cloud streaming services began to appear, thanks to which users can play "heavy" games over the Internet without downloading or loading their computer. In America and China, this direction already has good development... Microsoft recently made an official announcement that it will develop the DeLorean system, thanks to which a person will play through the cloud service, and the system will predict his actions before he presses the keys.