People encounter new words. The first two concepts that come to mind are usually “hosting” and “domain”. You will not be able to ignore them, since without hosting and a domain it is impossible to place a website on the Internet.

Place for the site

Hosting- this is a dedicated space on a server or a separate physical server on which your website is located. To draw a clear analogy, this is a rented plot of land on which you are building a house, that is, a site. Hosting cannot be owned: you can only rent space on the server and renew the hosting and support agreement every year.

A site, like a house, consists of many parts. On hosting, you collect all these parts into a single structure that can receive visitors. You can create a website on your computer, but then no one will get into it, so without choosing a good hosting to host the site on it, you will not receive visitors to the web resource - the people for whom everything was started.

What's in your name?

Domain name- this is the address of your website where users will find it on the Internet. To continue the analogy, you built a house on a plot of land and hung a sign on it with the address so that friends could come visit you.

Unfortunately, this sign with the address, that is, domain name, also have to be rented from special services. The lease term can vary in length and can vary from 1 month to 10 years. Before expiration, you must renew or cancel your domain. When you relinquish a domain, it goes back to free access, that is, anyone can buy it and link it to their website.

Using the example of an address, let's look at what a domain name consists of:

    HTTP (HTTPS, FTP, etc.)- These are different data transfer protocols. Protocol HTTPS means that data transmission from your site uses a secure connection.

    konstruktorysajtov- domain name of the site. You set it yourself, checking whether the name is already occupied by another web resource. It is this part of the address that is most important for ease of remembering.

    .COM- domain zone in which the site is located. Domain zones are different - territorial, corporate, thematic. Russian sites are usually registered in the zones .RU And .RF, but there are no strict restrictions.

Some time ago, a lot of sites added www. This prefix meant that the site was located on the World Wide Web. However, today in the instructions www there is no longer a need, so it is recommended to indicate the site address everywhere without this designation, that is, simply - website.

Almost everything beginner webmasters In their work they come across such concepts as “hosting” and “domain”. What are they and why are they needed and are they needed at all? These are the most important questions in website building that a webmaster needs to answer before starting to study CSS, HTML and website management engines.

What is hosting and why is it needed?

Hosting is hard drive space, which will store all the files of the created site. This space is provided either by a specialized company - a server, or on the hard drive on the webmaster's computer.

However, given that access to the site must be available around the clock and work stably all the time, it is not advisable to use home hosting. In addition, the site is located on such a home hosting search engines don't take you seriously, which means you don’t have to think about the TOP 10 search queries.

Such hosting can be used while the site is being developed, but not for its operation. To use hard drive as a server, must be installed on your computer special program eg Denwer.

In fact, it is not much different from the network one, except that it only works when the user starts it. You can connect a domain to it, but it is more convenient to simply rent hard disk space on the server, especially since some hosting providers provide it both for a fee and for free. It is better to use a paid one, since in this case the sites are ranked better.

To work on hosting, they use the installed MSQL database, in which all site files are stored, and to which the webmaster receives access after registering on the server. To communicate and transfer files and folders to the hosting, you must use a special FTP manager.

Hosting is needed so that site visitors can access it. any time of the day or night so that it loads quickly and works stably. There were no broken pages or scripts harmful to the guest’s computer.

The choice of storage type and the price for it depend on what tools the webmaster uses to create and manage the site. Typically, the server indicates which technologies are supported by a particular hosting. So the cheapest is considered to be one that works only with static sites made exclusively in the format HTML pages.

To use such CMS systems It is necessary to purchase hosting with PHP support, since all engines (Joomla, WordPress and others) are created using this programming language and all files have the PHP extension.

What is a domain, how to choose it

Domain is site address. It can be seen in. There are first, second and third level domains. Domains first level use official websites of government departments, large companies and online libraries.

They are expensive, and most of the existing first-level domains have long been taken.

Domains available second and third levels. Domains of the third level and below can be obtained for free. The difference between the second and third levels is the length of the domain name.

For example, a third-level domain looks like Second level domains: or

There seems to be little difference between them, but the latter rank better and are paid. The price of a domain depends on who owns it and the demand for it. They can cost from two or three dollars to several million.

Subdomains (third-level domains) if you have a purchased domain, you can create for yourself countless- for free.

The domain should be selected so that it matches the theme of the site being developed or already created. It should be easy to remember, not too long and at the same time unique. You can purchase a domain on special websites.

What is the connection between hosting and domain

Hosting and domain - integral components of the site A. The domain allows search engines to find the location of the pages of the website that is hosted. In this case, the domain must be linked to hosting.

This can be done in the content management system by specifying the domain in the appropriate field. There may be several of them on one site. Without them, the site will not work, because search engine it simply won't find them. Connecting a domain can be compared to assigning an actual address to a house or apartment.

Since they cannot work separately from each other, companies that provide hosting services often allow their clients to purchase first- and second-level domains from them.

In order for the site to start working on the Internet and other users can access it, it must be placed on hosting using FTP manager. Link a domain to the site and add it to the Google or Yandex index. After this, the site automatically gets into the search engine.

Hello reader) If you are looking for information about hosting, what is it? in simple words, then you are most likely on the way to creating your own website. Or maybe not your own, but for a friend or customer.

In this article I will tell you not just about hosting, how to choose and register it, but also about what the site consists of in order to understand the whole chain further actions to create your own resource.

Website hosting - what is it?

Virtual hosting is a place on the Internet where the files of your site are stored and from where they are downloaded in order to show the final picture, that is, the site as we see it.

That's it. That's what hosting means in simple words. Let's now look a little more closely.

To understand exactly how we see a site on the Internet, we still need to understand two terms: Domain, Site files, Database MySQL data .

Domain- this is the name of your site, with which it can be found on the Internet. For example, my site has this site

Site files- what it consists of. These are files with html, css, php, etc. resolution, also pictures and sometimes fonts.

MySQL Database— when the site is multi-page and with regularly updated content (blog, online store), then a database is added to the set, where all the text (articles, pages, product descriptions, etc.) is stored. Database not created for landing pages and small sites.

The formula is: hosting space + site files + domain name + mysql database = site that we see on the Internet.

Which hosting is better to choose for a website?

There are a lot of them on the Internet, but there are definitely large hosters that have already proven themselves to be the best and most reliable. I can recommend one of these to you - this is Timeweb hosting. I have been using it for over 5 years and it has never let me down.

A hoster is a company that provides hosting services and sometimes domain registration.

Many users make a serious mistake by choosing hosting at the lowest price, and then suffer with it. When you can pay a little extra and use the services of a quality hosting provider.

We conclude that first rule- do not buy cheap, low-quality hosting, but choose a reasonable price for good quality.

Rule 3 - zone

On at the moment There are a lot of domain zones that have been invented, there is plenty to choose from. But the most common ones so far are and country zone, for example for

There are no clear restrictions here either, choose which one suits you best and which one will be free.

Where to buy a domain and hosting for a website?

After choosing a hosting and domain, you need to register them. I'm a cap

I choose the same timeweb for these purposes, because it allows me to register everything in one place and I don’t need to waste time later transferring the domain, changing data, waiting. Brrr... it's a waste of time and why do unnecessary actions.

First we register hosting. Here's a video tutorial:

Then we pay for hosting or use test period 10 days. Here's a video tutorial:

Then we register the domain. Here's a video tutorial:

I hope I answered the question about hosting, but if you still have questions, be sure to ask them in the comments, I’ll tell you what I can

Good day, dear readers. This article is written for beginners who want to understand in detail a very important issue, but cannot find a specific article with information that does not use unclear terms and other techniques that “prove” how smart and enlightened the author is.

This publication is for beginners, in which I will simply talk about complex things.

In this article I will try to explain to you what hosting and a domain are in simple words using everyday examples from life. There are plenty of offers (in terms of hosting) from different companies, and without one of them you will not be able to get online. This means you have to choose, but how to do this when everything is so unclear.

Goals and objectives of hosting

Any site is a set different files: text documents, pictures, music, videos and so on. Even if you use the designer to create your portal, these files are still there, you just don’t see them.

If you wish, you can look, no one is hiding anything from you, but no one is going to force this information on you either. If you use simple method, then, in all likelihood, you have no desire to bother yourself with this nonsense, therefore, there is no need to shine this information on once again.

So here it is. You can create a set of these files on your computer yourself in notepad or to make your work easier. While the files are on your computer, other Internet users cannot see them, and therefore cannot see the electronic resource you created using a browser.

If you want people to be able to gain access, then this entire set needs to be placed on a server.

Hosting is a service like outsourcing, cleaning, leasing or manicure. You need to paint your nails and you go to the salon because you need a manicure. You want to post documents on the Internet and go to your partner, because .

So, to recap, you create a set of files (either yourself or using some additional tools), move them from your computer to a place where other people can get to them, and you're done.

This place where the documents are placed is the server. That is, the hosting partner owns the servers, which allows people to contact them if they need hosting.

If we draw an analogy. You live in a village and are writing a book. It sits in your desk drawer for a while, and then you decide to put this manuscript on the “shelf.” Yes, not an easy one, but one to which all residents have access, so that anyone can pick it up and read it at the very moment when they want it.

The “store” (the owner of this shelf) is called a hosting partner and it can provide you with the service of providing you with a “shelf” (space on the server).

Of course, if you really want to, you can buy your own “shelves,” but this is not a cheap pleasure, and it requires a lot of additional knowledge, we’ll talk about this a little later. Most often, the place is simply rented to avoid a number of problems.

Now, I hope you understand why they are needed. Without hosting, you will not be able to go out into the world and show any of your creations to people.

Main domain function

If the reader likes your “book”, then naturally he will need to know its name in order to read something old again or see something new. The set of files that make up the site should also be called something. You need to attach an address to it, otherwise no one will be able to find it. This address is called a domain.

About the importance of making the right choice

Based on what criteria do you usually choose a company?

Hosting isn't just about giving you space and doing what you want with it. This is done only by those partners whose cooperation does not cost you a penny. Free cheese, as they say, is fraught with stomach upsets.

The first thing that is important when choosing is the price. Of course, how much hosting costs should not be the deciding factor, but we are all adults and the financial issue is important for everyone. Here, as in a regular store, they don’t particularly trust Dutch cheese for 50 rubles/kilogram, but not everyone will pay 8,000 for the same weight.

The second obvious choice factor is how many sites and space the partner provides. Naturally, this quantity is compared with the cost.

To make it clear to everyone, I will again turn to simple examples. If many people want to access the same “book,” the service staff may be slow and create queues. As a result, the person will have to wait, which means he can leave. It's not very cool.

Some “pages,” as in ordinary life, periodically deteriorate. This is no one’s fault, this happens all the time, no one is immune from trouble. The hosting partner's staff should respond quickly to your questions and try to help resolve any problems that may arise due to the operation of their server.

Sometimes the “shelves” themselves break down, and sometimes “preventive work” is carried out on them, as they say, they are repaired in advance. Naturally, at this time no one can read your “books”. You are slowly and surely losing your audience.

This shouldn’t happen very often, but your partner is still obligated to check the operation of his equipment.

Some hosting partners give you a big gift, others present a domain, others give a big discount when registering and paying for the year. All this is also taken into account when choosing.

Personally, I use hosting Timeweb . 1,200 rubles per year plus a free domain for one website. The engine (a program that allows you to work with a set of files that make up the site) is very convenient and quick to install, large space, good response from technical support.

It could have been better, of course, but thanks for that. No matter how much I talked with my friends on this topic and discussed hosting companies, it turns out that I was still lucky.

If you are in doubt, you can use their services completely free for 10 days. I recommend that you do this right now. Go to their portal and register. Just look at what they offer, how to work with it, and so on. Try it in practice, find out from your own experience what hosting is.

Are you afraid that you won't understand anything? So what next, even if that’s the case. You will not pay a single penny for it and, at least, you will do things that are unusual for you. You will be able to see from the inside how everything works and what it is needed for, but what if it turns out that everything is actually very simple? What then? Think about the future.

Don't have any files to put on the server yet? This is also not a problem. You can create everything directly in your hosting partner’s personal account. In the "CMS Catalog" section. What's more, you have a free domain even if you don't pay anything! Of course, it’s no good, but what difference does it make what you learn from?

Try it and you will definitely like it. If you are interested in this article, subscribe to the newsletter and get more useful information about making money on the Internet. Everything is much simpler, I will show and tell you. You can verify this in practice. See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

Table of contents:

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about what it takes for your websites to be found on the Internet and learn what a domain and hosting are.

In short, in order for any user from anywhere in the world to visit your site, it must be located on special servers and given a unique name. The service of providing space on a server is called hosting, and the unique name is called the domain name of the site. Now let's talk about all these terms in more detail...

How the Internet works. Domains, IP addresses and DNS servers

So, how does an ordinary person work on the Internet? The user launches a special program for viewing web pages () on a computer connected to the network and types the address of the desired site in the address bar. If the site is accessible, the browser opens the required page.

The website address is usually indicated in the form URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - a uniform resource locator. Typically, the url or site address looks like this:


It can be divided into several parts:

  1. http://— the protocol through which data will be exchanged between the browser and the web server and special characters :// .
  2. website— site name or domain.
  3. /html_i_css/kak-sozdat-web-stranicu.html— path to the site page.

In turn, all sites available on the Internet are located on computers with a special software. Such a computer is called web server.

When specifying the address, the user does not even suspect that the symbolic name of the site or domain means nothing to web servers. Web servers navigate the network only by ip addresses. In general, each computer connected to the network has its own unique IP address, which is a sequence of four numbers separated by dots. Each number can be in the range from 0 to 255. Example IP address: Therefore, any computer or server on the network can only be found by its IP address.

How then does the browser find the desired site if the user enters only the name of the site and does not specify the IP address? It's very simple. To connect IP and domain names it is used domain name system or DNS (Domain Name System). DNS is a hierarchy of special servers that convert domain names to IP addresses and vice versa.

Therefore, when you access a specific site through a browser or any other program, using it url addresses, then your computer first contacts the nearest DNS server to find out the IP address of the web server on which the site is located. And after receiving the IP address, the request is sent to the desired web server.

By the way, you can find out the site’s IP address using a regular command command Windows strings, pinging him. To do this, call command line Using the Windows + R key combination and in the black window that opens, enter the command:

For example:

As a result, you will see the IP address of the server on which the site is located and the response time:

But still, the only complete and unique address of a site is its domain name, since one web server, and therefore an IP address, can host several sites. And the unique address of a site document is its url.

In addition to a unique address, a domain name serves the following purposes:

  1. It is much more convenient for a person to remember the text name of a site than a digital IP address.
  2. The ability to transfer a website from one web server to another with different IP addresses without changing the domain name. That is, you will be able to change hosting without pain (we will look at what hosting is below).

Since we are not particularly interested in IP addresses, then we will take a closer look at what domain addresses are and what they are like.

What is a domain name and domain levels

Domain name- a unique character sequence that denotes the name of the site and helps to identify your site among many others. The domain name may consist of Latin characters, numbers and the hyphen symbol “-”.

If you noticed, domain name records always contain a dot, or even two:

Dots divide the site name into domain name levels. Levels are counted from right to left. In the example above, ru is a first-level domain, webcodius is a second-level domain. Usually the number of levels is limited to two or three.

First level domains called domain zones and are divided into two groups:

  • Cctld (country code top-level domain) - national or geographic domains that determine whether a site belongs to a particular country or territory. For example, the domain ru belongs to Russia, by - to Belarus, kz - to Kazakhstan.
  • Gtld (generic top-level domain) - general domains. Such domains can determine whether a site belongs to a certain category or type of activity. For example, the edu domain is used for educational institutions, and travel for tourism.

Second level domain names are registered with registrar companies. In each country there are a number of registrar companies responsible for the distribution of second-level domains in national zones. You can find out which companies have the right to sell domains in Russia on the website of the coordination council Generic domains can be purchased from any registrar, not just the national one.

In turn, registrar companies usually have a whole network of partners - resellers, who sell domain names on their behalf. Moreover, prices for domain registration from resellers are usually several times lower than from registrars.

Rights to a second-level domain are purchased for a year. Each subsequent year, the right to own a domain must be renewed. If this does not happen, then in a month anyone will be able to purchase a domain name.

Check domain availability You can do it on the website of any registrar. For example, on the website directly at home page In the “Domain” field, enter the name of interest:

And by clicking the “Check” button, check the domain for occupancy in various zones:

This way, when purchasing a domain name, you will be able to find out in which zones it is available. Sometimes, even if the domain is taken, it is possible to make a pre-order. In this case, the registrar will charge you an advance payment and will notify you when the domain becomes available.

During the process of purchasing a domain, you will enter into an agreement with the company and on its website you will see personal account, where you can manage domain names purchased from him. For example, you can register a list of NS servers if you transfer your site to another hosting.

By the way, many hosting companies are also resellers of official registrars and you can purchase a domain from them. Some hosting companies may provide a domain as a gift. So, for example, with the hoster, when you pay for hosting immediately for a year, you receive a domain as a gift completely free of charge.

Currently, there are also many website builder platforms that allow you to create a website or create an online store for free with some restrictions, but the domain name and hosting are also provided for free.

What is hosting and how to choose it

Hosting is the provision of physical resources on a server to host your website files. That is, in order to place your website on the Internet, you contact a hosting provider, which provides space on the hard drive of its server.

The connection between the domain and hosting is carried out using special DNS servers, which are also provided by the hosting provider.

The physical resources that you rent to host your website usually have certain characteristics. When choosing hosting, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

1. Disk space size allocated for storing files for your websites. Typically measured in gigabytes. Usually this characteristic is not particularly important for me; one gigabyte is enough for me even for several sites. But if you have any photo-themed website with a lot of photos high quality or a lot of video information will be posted on the site, then this parameter is worth paying attention to.

2.Number of websites or domain names, which you can create. That is, you have several sites, for example five, then it is not necessary to buy a separate tariff for each, one with the ability to connect five sites will be enough.

3. Ability to access the site via FTP protocol. You will need FTP access to upload your website files to your hosting using a special program.

4. Support for specific languages ​​and databases. For example, for CMS (content management system) WordPress and Joomla it must be required support for PHP language and MySQL database. Often support for programming languages ​​such as Perl or Phyton may be needed.

5. A very important parameter is permissible load on the processor and on the database. This characteristic is especially relevant for highly visited projects. If you exceed the permissible load limit, the hoster may temporarily block your site. And if the blocking is repeated very often, then in the future site traffic may decrease sharply.

6. And the most important parameter is the presence of a responsive and prompt support service. Because in the event of any failures or malfunctions in the hosting operation, in most cases only she can help.

In conclusion, we can conclude that hosting must be reliable, fast, with a wide range of technical capabilities and responsive and prompt support service.

After a long search, I settled on hosting. In my opinion, this hosting is especially suitable for novice webmasters, as it has an intuitive interface, and if any problem arises, the technical support service will come to your aid almost instantly.

That's all, good luck and see you in the next articles!