7th grade. Test on the topic: "Information and information processes." Option 1.

    Which of the following statements most accurately reveals the meaning of the concept of "information" from an ordinary point of view?
    a) a sequence of characters of a certain alphabet
    b) information contained in scientific theories
    c) library book fund
    d) information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person directly or with the help of special devices

    A signal is called discrete:

    c) which can be decoded

    Information that is essential and important at the moment is called:
    a) objective b) reliable c) relevant d) useful

    It is known that a physically healthy person receives the largest amount of information with the help of:
    a) organs of touch b) taste receptors c) organs of vision d) organs of smell e) organs of hearing

    Indicate the "extra" object in terms of the type of writing:
    a) French b) Chinese c) Russian d) English

    According to the form of presentation, information can be conditionally divided into the following types:
    a) symbolic and figurative b) everyday, scientific, industrial, managerial
    c) visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory
    d) mathematical, biological, medical, psychological, etc.

    Give the most complete answer.

Binary coding uses an alphabet consisting of:
a) 0 and 1 b) any two characters c) signs + and - d) words YES and NO

    For five letters of the Latin alphabet, their binary codes are given (for some letters - from two bits, for some - from three bits). These codes are presented in the table:

Determine which set of letters is encoded by the binary string 0110100011000.

    In which line are the units of information in ascending order?
    a) gigabyte, megabyte, kilobyte, byte, bit b) bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
    c) bit, byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte d) byte, bit, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte

    Given a text of 600 characters. It is known that characters are taken from a 16x32 table. Determine the information volume of the text in bits.
    a) 1000 b) 5400 c) 3600 d) 2400

    Information processes are:
    a) the processes of construction of buildings and structures
    b) processes of chemical and mechanical water purification
    c) the processes of collecting, storing, processing, searching and transferring information
    d) electricity generation processes

    Which line correctly represents the information transfer scheme?
    a) source -> encoder -> decoder -> receiver
    b) source → encoder → communication channel → decoder → receiver
    c) source → encoder → interference → decoder → receiver
    d) source → decoder → communication channel → encoder → receiver

    The search engine is NOT:
    a) Yandex b) Rambler c) Google d) FireFox

7th grade. Test on the topic: "Information and information processes." Option 2.

    A signal is called continuous:

a) taking a finite number of certain values
b) carrying any information
c) which can be decoded
d) continuously changing in time

    Information that does not depend on personal opinion or judgment is called:
    a) useful b) objective c) understandable d) relevant

    According to the way a person perceives, the following types of information are distinguished:
    a) everyday, production, technical, managerial
    b) visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory
    c) scientific, social, political, economic, religious, etc.
    d) text, numerical, graphic, tabular, etc.

    Indicate the "extra" object from the point of view of the convention on the meaning of the signs used:
    a) letters b) music signs c) numbers d) road signs

    Formal languages ​​include:
    a) French b) Russian c) Latin d) Chinese

    Discretization of information is:
    a) the process of converting information from a discrete form to a continuous
    b) a physical process that changes over time
    c) quantitative characteristics of the signal
    d) the process of converting information from continuous form to discrete

    How many different sequences of plus and minus symbols are there, exactly six characters long?
    a) 20 b) 50 c) 64 d) 32

    The chessboard consists of 8 columns and 8 rows. What is the minimum number of bits required to encode the coordinates of one chess board?
    a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 4

    The message size is 11 KB. The message contains 11264 characters. What is the cardinality of the alphabet with which the message is written?
    a) 512 b) 256 c) 128 d) 64

    The two texts contain the same number of characters. The first text is composed of alphabetical characters with a power of 16, and the second text is composed of alphabet characters with a power of 256. How many times is the amount of information in the second text greater than in the first?
    a) 4 b) 24 c) 2 d) 12

    It is customary to mean by a carrier of information:
    a) communication line b) Internet network c) computer
    d) a material object on which information can be recorded in one way or another

    Hypertext is:
    a) text that uses a large font
    b) very large text
    c) text typed on a computer
    d) text in which links can be clicked

    Requests to the search engine are given. Which query will find the largest number of

corresponding pages?
a) content & swordsmen
b) content & swordtails & catfish
c) breeding & keeping & swordtails & catfish
d) (content & swordsmen) | catfish

Option 1.

Job No.

Possible answer

Option 2.

Job No.

Possible answer

1. The subject of computer science is:
A) programming language;
B) the device of the robot;
C) methods of accumulation, storage, processing, transmission of information;
D) public awareness.

2. With triplets of zeros and ones, you can encode ... different symbols.
A) 6;
B) 8;
C) 5;
D) 9.

3. The captain asks the sailor: "Is the lighthouse working?" The sailor replies: "It lights up, then goes out!" What is a beacon in this situation?
A) We receive information;
B) source of information;
C) communication channel;
D) a hindrance.

4. In what century did the first devices capable of performing arithmetic operations appear?
A) In the XVI century;
B) In the XVII century;
C) In the XVIII century;
D) In ​​the XIX century.

5. A mechanical device that allows you to add numbers, invented:
A) P. Norton;
B) B. Pascal;
C) G. Leibniz;
D) D. Neumann.

6. For what number system were the first seven-point abacus adapted?
A) For the septenary;
B) for binary;
C) for decimal;
D) for unary.

7. What device in Russia was named "Iron Felix"?
A) office accounts;
B) mechanical adding machine;
C) Kummer's numerator;
D) counting bars

8. In what years of the XX century did the first electronic calculating machine appear?
A) In the 20s;
B) in the 40s;
C) in the 50s;
D) in the 60s.

9. In what machine generation can data be entered using speech?
A) In the 2nd;
B) B) in the 3rd;
C) 4th;
D) in the 5th.

10. Computer architecture is:
A) A technical description of the details of computer devices;
B) description of devices for input-output of information;
C) a description of the software for the operation of the computer;
D) a description of the device and the principles of the computer, sufficient for the user's understanding.

11. What is a microprocessor?
A) An integrated microcircuit, which executes commands arriving at its input (for example, calculation) and controls the operation of the machine;
B) a device for storing the information that is often used in work;
C) a device for outputting text or graphic information;
D) a device for entering alphanumeric data.

12. Connection of individual peripheral devices of the computer to the backbone at the physical level is possible:
A) using the driver;
B) using a controller;
C) without additional device;
D) using the utility.

13. External memory is required for:
A) for storing frequently changing information in the process of solving a problem;
B) for long-term storage of information after turning off the computer;
C) to process current information;
D) for permanent storage of information about the operation of the computer.

14. To build complex drawings using a computer in computer-aided design systems use:
A) plotter;
B) graphic tablet (digitizer);
C) scanner;
D) joystick.
15. Information storage devices include:
A) printer;
B) B) processor;

16. Which of the following is not software?
A) System programming;
B) driver;
C) processor;
D) text and graphic editors.

17. The file is called:
A) a set of data for solving the problem;
B) a named area on a disk or other machine medium;
C) a program in a programming language for solving a problem;
D) there is no right answer.

18. What file can the drawing be stored in?

19. Can two 2nd level directories have the same name?
A) No;
B) yes;
C) yes, if they belong to different 1st level directories;
D) I find it difficult to answer.

20. The required component of the operating system is:
B) command processor;
C) central processing unit;
D) system configuration file.

21. What is a number system?
A) Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
B) rules of arithmetic operations;
C) a computer program for arithmetic calculations;
D) is a sign system in which numbers are written according to certain rules, using signs of a certain alphabet, called numbers.

22. What number systems are not used by specialists to communicate with computers?
A) Decimal;
B) ternary;
C) binary;
D) hexadecimal.
23. What is called the base of the number system? "
A) The number of digits used to write numbers;
B) the ratio of the values ​​of units of adjacent digits;
C) the arithmetic basis of the computer;
D) the sum of all digits in the number system.

24. All number systems are divided into two groups:
A) Roman and Arabic;
B) binary and decimal;
C) positional and non-positional;
D) whole and fractional.

25. Convert number 27 from decimal to binary.
A) 11011;
B) 1011;
C) 1101;
E) 11111.

26. Why is a binary number system used in computers?
A) Because the constituent technical devices can reliably store and recognize only two different states;
B) because 1 byte is taken as a unit of information measurement;
C) because the computer can only count up to two;
D) because it is easier for a person to communicate with a computer at the level of the binary number system.

27. The algorithm is:
A) some true statements that should be aimed at achieving the goal;
B) reflection of the objective world with the help of signs and signals, intended for a specific performer;
C) a clear and precise instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at solving the assigned task or goal;
D) safety instructions.

28. Algorithm property - discreteness - means:
A) that the teams must follow one another in sequence;
B) that each team should be described with a view to a specific performer;
C) splitting the algorithm into a finite number of simple steps;
D) strict movement both up and down.
29. What type of algorithm should be chosen when solving a quadratic equation?
A) Linear;
B) cyclic;
C) branching;
D) cyclic-branching.
30. A branching algorithm is:
A) the presence of at least one condition in the algorithm;
B) a set of commands that are executed sequentially; one after another;
C) repeated execution of the same actions;
D) other.

31. Which of the listed values ​​can only be an integer?
A) Average of three numbers;
B) the first space speed;
C) distance between cities;
D) the number of floors in the house.

32. What is a network protocol?
A) Agreement on the method of information exchange;
B) a file on the server;
C) a communication device in the network;
D) network program.

33. What is required to publish a Web site?
B) user's mailing address;
C) the user's email address;
D) username and password.

34. Fields with date type can be ordered:
A) alphabetically;
B) in chronological order;
C) ascending one of the components;
D) in any of the above ways.

35. If the field is of the date type, which record corresponds to this field?
A) November 10;
B) the tenth of November;
C) 10; eleven;
D) 10-11.

36. The database report is:
A) an object that allows you to bring the necessary data into the form;
B) an object for data entry;
C) an object for printing data;
D) table element.

37. When searching for information, the asterisk replaces:
A) a group of characters;
B) any one character;
C) any number;
D) date.
38. A spreadsheet is:
A) input device for graphic information;
B) the computer equivalent of an ordinary table;
C) a numeric input device;
D) a device for processing numerical information.

39. The main element of spreadsheets is:
A) cell;
B) column;
C) string;
D) the whole table.

40. A block of cells in a spreadsheet is specified:
A) line numbers of the first and last cells;
B) the names of the columns of the first and last cells;
C) indication of references to the first and last cells;
D) the area of ​​intersection of rows and columns.

Correct answers are highlighted in yellow !!


1. Informatics. Basic course. 2nd edition
2. Informatics: Textbook for universities - Textbook, Peter, 2011
3. Informatics: study guide - Publishing Center "Mart"; Phoenix, 2010
4. Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science

Verification test for the section "Information"

1. Information is ...
a) a sequence of characters of a certain alphabet
b) library book fund
c) information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person directly or with the help of special devices
d) information contained in scientific theories
2. Information that is essential and important at the moment is called:
a) useful
b) relevant
c) reliable
d) objective
3. It is known that a physically healthy person receives the largest amount of information with the help of:
a) hearing organs
b) organs of vision
c) organs of touch
d) organs of smell
e) taste buds
4. According to the form of presentation, the information can be conditionally divided into the following types:
a) mathematical, biological, medical, psychological, etc.
b) text, numerical, graphic, sound, combined
c) everyday, scientific, industrial, managerial
d) visual, sound, tactile, olfactory, gustatory

5. Give the most complete answer.Binary coding uses an alphabet consisting of:
a) 0 and 1
b) the words YES and NO
c) signs + and -
d) any two characters
6. In which line are the information units in ascending order?

c) byte, bit, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
d) bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
7. Information processes are:
a) the processes of construction of buildings and structures
b) processes of chemical and mechanical water purification
c) the processes of collecting, storing, processing, searching and transferring information
d) electricity generation processes
8. Information that does not depend on personal opinion or judgment is called:
a) understandable
b) relevant
c) objective
d) useful
9. According to the way a person perceives, the following types of information are distinguished:
a) text, numerical, graphic, tabular, etc.
b) scientific, social, political, economic, religious, etc.
c) everyday, production, technical, managerial
d) visual, sound, tactile, olfactory, gustatory
10. In which line are the units of information measured in descending order?
a) gigabyte, megabyte, kilobyte, byte, bit
b) bit, byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte
c) bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
d) byte, bit, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
11. Under the information carrier it is customary to mean:
a) communication line
b) the Internet
c) computer
d) a material object on which information can be recorded in one way or another
12. Information taken from a reliable source is called:
a) useful
b) relevant
c) reliable
d) objective

13. What is 1 byte?
a) 8 bits

b) 2 bits

c) 10 bits

d) 10 bits

14. According to the quality of manifestation, information can be

a) useful, useless, misinformation

b) useful, useless

c) visual, sound, tactile, olfactory, gustatory

d) text, numerical, graphic, sound, combined

15. The minimum unit of measurement of information

a) byte

b) bit

c) MB

d) KB


Test Information and information processes grade 8 consists of 26 questions and is designed to test the learning outcomes of computer science in grade 8 on the relevant topic.

1. Which of the following statements most accurately reveals the meaning of the concept of "information" from the everyday point of view?
a) a sequence of characters of a certain alphabet
b) library book fund
c) information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person directly or with the help of special devices
d) information contained in scientific theories

2. A signal is called continuous:

c) carrying text information

3. A signal is called discrete:
a) taking a finite number of certain values
b) continuously changing in time
c) which can be decoded
d) carrying any information

4. Information that does not depend on personal opinion or judgment is called:
a) understandable
b) relevant
c) objective
d) useful

5. Information that is essential and important at the moment is called:

a) useful
b) relevant
c) reliable
d) objective

6. According to the way a person perceives, the following types of information are distinguished:
a) text, numerical, graphic, tabular, etc.
b) scientific, social, political, economic, religious, etc.
c) everyday, production, technical, managerial

7. It is known that a physically healthy person receives the largest amount of information with the help of:
a) hearing organs
b) organs of vision
c) organs of touch
d) organs of smell
e) taste buds

8. Indicate the "extra" object from the point of view of the agreement on the meaning of the signs used:
a) letters
b) road signs
c) numbers
d) musical signs

9. Indicate the "extra" object in terms of the type of writing:
a) Russian
b) English
c) Chinese
d) French

10. Formal languages ​​include:
a) Russian
b) Latin
c) Chinese
d) French

11. According to the form of presentation, information can be conditionally divided into the following types:
a) mathematical, biological, medical, psychological, etc.
b) symbolic and figurative
c) everyday, scientific, industrial, managerial
d) visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory

12. Discretization of information is:
a) a physical process that changes over time
b) quantitative characteristic of the signal
c) the process of converting information from continuous form to discrete
d) the process of converting information from a discrete form to a continuous

13. Give the most complete answer.
Binary coding uses an alphabet consisting of:
a) 0 and 1
b) the words YES and NO
c) signs + and -
d) any two characters

14. How many different sequences of plus and minus symbols are there, exactly six characters long?
a) 64
b) 50
c) 32
d) 20

15. For five letters of the Latin alphabet, their binary codes are given (for some letters - from two bits, for some - from three bits). These codes are presented below:
A - 000, B - 01, C - 100, D - 10, E - 011
Determine which set of letters is encoded by a binary string 0110100011000 .

16. The chessboard consists of 8 columns and 8 rows. What is the minimum number of bits required to encode the coordinates of one chess board?
a) 4
b) 5
at 6
d) 7

17. In which line are the units of information in ascending order?
a) gigabyte, megabyte, kilobyte, byte, bit
b) bit, byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte
c) byte, bit, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte
d) bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte

18. The size of the message is 11 KB. The message contains 11,264 characters. What is the cardinality of the alphabet with which the message is written?
a) 64
b) 128
c) 256
d) 512

19. A text of 600 characters is given. It is known that characters are taken from a 16 x 32 table. Determine the information volume of the text in bits.
a) 1000
b) 2400
c) 3600
d) 5400

20. Two texts contain the same number of characters. The first text is composed of alphabetical characters with a power of 16, and the second text is composed of characters of the alphabet with a power of 256. How many times is the amount of information in the second text greater than in the first?
a) 12
b) 2
c) 24
d) 4

21. Information processes are:
a) the processes of construction of buildings and structures
b) processes of chemical and mechanical water purification
c) the processes of collecting, storing, processing, searching and transferring information
d) electricity generation processes

22. Under the information carrier it is customary to mean:
a) communication line
b) the Internet
c) computer
d) a material object on which information can be recorded in one way or another

23. Which line correctly represents the information transfer scheme?
a) source -> encoder -> decoder -> receiver
b) source → encoder → communication channel → decoder → receiver
c) source → encoder → interference → decoder → receiver
d) source → decoder → communication channel → encoder → receiver

24. Hypertext is:
a) very large text
b) text in which links can be clicked
c) text typed on a computer
d) text that uses a large font

25. Search engine NOT is an:
a) Google
b) FireFox
c) Rambler
d) Yandex

26. The table shows the queries to the search engine. Which query will find the largest number of matching pages?
a) breeding & keeping & swordtails & catfish
b) content & swordsmen
c) (content & swordsmen) | catfish
d) content & swordtails & catfish

Answers to the test Information and information processes grade 8:
1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-d, 7-b, 8-b, 9-c, 10-b, 11-b, 12-c, 13- d, 14-a, 15-c, 16-c, 17-g, 18-c, 19-g, 20-b, 21-c, 22-g, 23-b, 24-b, 25-b, 26-in

Option 1

1. Information in information theory is:

A) what enters our brain from many sources and in many forms and, interacting there, forms our structure of knowledge;

B) information that completely removes or reduces the uncertainty existing before they are received;

C) an integral attribute of matter;

D) reflected diversity;

E) information with novelty.

2. Information that does not depend on anyone's opinion or judgment is called:

3. A person receives the greatest amount of information with the help of:

A) touch; B) hearing; C) sense of smell; D) vision; D) taste buds.

4. An example of textual information is:

A) music screen saver; B) multiplication table; C) illustration in the book;

D) photography; E) a replica of an actor in the play.

5. Information, with the help of which it is possible to solve certain problems, is called:

A) reliable; B) relevant; B) objective; D) useful; E) understandable.

6. An example of numerical information is:

A) talking on the phone; B) illustration in the book; C) multiplication table;

D) symphony; D) greeting card.

7. Information according to the way it is perceived by a person is divided into:

A) text, numerical, graphic, musical, combined;

B) everyday, socio-political, aesthetic;

B) visual, sound, tactile, olfactory, gustatory;

D) social, technical, biological, genetic

8. For the perception of information, a person uses

A) channels of touch; B) hearing channels; C) all channels; D) channels of vision; E) channels of muscle receptors.

9. For the minimum unit of measurement of the amount of information is taken:

A) 1 baud; B) 1 pixel; B) 1 byte; D) 1 bit.

10. What is 1 byte?

A) 2³ bits; B) 10³ bits; B) 2 10 bits; D) 10 10 bits.

11.1 kB equals:

A) 1024 bytes; B) 16 bytes; B) 1 bit; D) 1024 GB.

12. A byte is ...

A) 1024 bits; B) 0 bit; B) 1 bit; D) 8 bit.

13.How many bytes are there in 4 MB?

A) 4000 2) 2 22 3) 2 12 4) 4 10

14. An information message with a volume of 12 288 bits corresponds to:

a) 1536 KB; b) 1.5 MB; c) 1,536 KB; d) 12 KB; e) 1.5 KB.

15. Set the correspondence:

    One of the properties of information:

a) reliability b) mass character

c) continuity d) subjectivity

17. Solve the problem:

The message is 3 pages of 25 lines. Each line contains 60 characters. How many characters are in the alphabet used if the entire message contains 1125 bytes.

Test on the topic: "Information and information processes" Option 2

1.What does computer science study?

A) Computer science studies the design of a computer, how to turn it on and off.

B) Informatics denotes a set of disciplines that study the properties of information, as well as ways of presenting, accumulating, processing and transmitting information using technical means.

C) Informatics studies a set of software tools used to work on a computer

D) Computer science studies all disciplines in order to use them for information processing.

2. Information reflecting the true state of affairs is called:

A) useful; B) complete; B) objective; D) reliable; D) understandable

3. A textbook on mathematics contains information of the following types:

A) graphic, textual and numerical;

B) graphic, sound and numerical;

C) graphic, text and sound;

D) only text information;

E) exclusively numerical information.

4. Information presented in a language accessible to the recipient is called:

A) reliable; B) relevant; B) objective; D) useful; E) understandable.

5. Visual information is carried by:

A) the smell of perfume; B) a picture; C) the sound of thunder; D) the taste of an apple; E) mosquito bite.

6. Information on the form of presentation is subdivided into:

A) everyday, aesthetic, socio-political;

B) social, technical, biological, genetic;

B) visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory;

D) scientific, industrial, technical, managerial;

E) text, numerical, graphic, musical, combined.

7. Information that is essential and important at the moment is called:

8. Information sufficient to solve certain problems is called:

A) reliable; B) relevant; C) complete; D) useful; E) understandable.

9. The doctor, palpating the abdominal cavity of the patient, receives information of the following type:

A) gustatory; B) visual; C) auditory; D) tactile; D) olfactory.

10. What subject cannot be considered as a carrier of textual information?

A) History textbook; B) a sign with the name of the store; C) magazine; D) a cassette with classical music; D) newspaper.

11. How many bits are there in 1 KB?

A) 1000 bits; B) 8 * 1024 bits; B) 1024 bits; D) 1010 bit.

12. The volume of 1 GB is equal to:

A) 1024 bytes; B) 1024 MB; C) 1024 GB; D) 1024 bit.

13. The beat is ...

A) logical element; B) the minimum unit of information;

C) constant of the programming language; D) an element of the algorithm.

14. An information message with a volume of 12 968 bits corresponds to:

a) 1621 bytes; b) 1.4 MB; c) 1.60KB; d) 13 KB;. e) 1,583 KB.

15. One of the properties of information:

a) completeness b) mass character c) continuity d) subjectivity

16. Set the correspondence:

17. Solve the problem:

A 64-character alphabet was used to record the message. Each page contains 30 lines. The entire message contains 8775 bytes of information and is 6 pages long. how many characters are there in a line?