What it is? Schulte's table is a table in the cells of which certain information (most often consecutive numbers) is placed in a chaotic manner. The most common type of interpretation of the Schulte table (or Shultz tables) is a square table with 5 columns and 5 rows, in which numbers from 1 to 25 are randomly placed. Such a table is shown in the picture below:

The essence of the work with Schulte tables is to quickly sequentially find all the numbers located in the table. Moreover, the emphasis is on the speed of finding, which can be increased by special methods of working with these tables.

The effect of the exercise. Schulte tables are used to develop the rate of perception of information, and constant work with Schulte tables helps to expand your peripheral vision. A wide field of view reduces the search time for informational parts of the text. Also, due to the work with such tables, the speed of visual search movements increases, which is an important component of the skill of fast reading.

Exercise technique

In order to effectively increase the reading speed, you need to search for numbers silently, that is, silently, in ascending order from 1 to 25. The numbers found are fixed only with a glance. However, this search has its own peculiarity. In order to correctly perform the exercise, and, therefore, find all the numbers faster, while training peripheral vision, you need to focus on the central cell of the table so that you can see the table in full.

The best training in visual skills when working with Schulte tables is achieved with the maximum absence of horizontal and vertical eye movements. To do this, you must maintain the correct distance from the eyes to the table. The further the table is, the more convenient it is to look at all its cells at once. The optimal distance to the table should correspond to a comfortable reading distance from the monitor. Usually it is 40-50 centimeters, but you do not need to look away too far, only if you find it difficult to see the entire table.

Improper exercise
with Schulte table

Correct exercise
with Schulte table

Achieving the desired effect. While working with Schulte tables, it is important to understand that you are training your visual skills. Therefore, the main thing is not a desire to finish each table as soon as possible, but the correct execution of the exercise, that is, adherence to the technique described above. At first, you may have some difficulties with the exercise, but with each subsequent table, you will find numbers faster and faster. Eventually you will find that you are now finding numbers much earlier than if you were just looking for them with your normal eye movement. This is the desired effect of the exercise methodology with Schulte tables.

Lesson mode. Good peripheral vision as well as visual search skills can be achieved not only with the correct search for numbers, but also with a constant systematic training program. Therefore, it is important to work with Schulte tables at least 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes for 2-3 weeks. If your eyes start to get tired during class, then it is better to take a short break or repeat the exercise the next day.

4. Technique "Black and red tables"


Study of the individual characteristics of switching attention.

Range of application

The described technique can be used to study the attention of schoolchildren (starting from adolescence) and adult subjects. When examining younger students, it is more expedient to use a simplified version of this technique with numbers from 1 to 13 in black and from 1 to 12 in red.


Stopwatch, pointer and Gorbov-Schulte table measuring 28x28 cm with numbers from 1 to 25 in black and from 1 to 24 in red. The height of the numbers is 2 cm, written with a pen, black and red ink.

Sample table

"." - shows red numbers

Experiment procedure

The experiment is carried out individually and includes three series. In the first series, the subject is asked to name and simultaneously show black numbers in ascending order from 1 to 25. In the second series, he must name the red numbers in descending order (from 24 to 1). In the third series, the subject alternately finds black numbers in ascending order and red numbers in descending order. For example, 1 black, 24 red, 2 black, 23 red, etc. The instructions indicate that the task must be completed quickly and without errors. The experimenter records in the protocol the time and errors of the subject of the following types: change of order - an error in which the subject, which he calls in ascending order, begins to name in descending order and vice versa; replacement of a digit - replacement of its serial number: instead of 23, calls 21; color replacement - instead of black, it names and shows a red number.

Sample protocol

Series no.

Lead time


t1 =

t2 =

t3 =

Processing of results


1. We calculate the time for switching attention according to the formula t3 - (t1 + t2).

2. In order to draw a conclusion about whether switching proceeds quickly, slowly or with an average speed in a given subject, it is necessary to compare his results with the average group for a given age.


t switching attention


7-8 (n = 95)

9-10 (n = 100)

11-12 (n = 75)

13-14 (n = 78)

15-16 (n = 77)

17-18 (n = 89)

> 18 (n = 69)

M - average value


In the conclusion, it is necessary to indicate the speed of switching attention of a given subject: approximately equal to, above or below the age norm.


When processing the results, the obtained data are initially translated into primary indicators of success. In this case, the following formulas are used:

t 1+ t 2

1. For the scope of attention t about = -----------, where

T about - the amount of attention,

T1 - time of work in the 1st series,

T2 - time of work in the 2nd series.

2. To distribute attention t р = t3, where

T p - distribution of attention,

T3 is the running time in the 3rd series.

3. To switch attention t n = t3 - (t1 + t2), where

T n - switching attention.

Evaluation of results

To assess the results obtained, use special scales (see table).

Errors are counted as an additional indicator. If the subject commits more than four mistakes, then his overall score is reduced by one point.


Score in points

1 point


2 points

below the average

3 points


4 points



5 points




61 and more




29 or less

Distribution of attention

321 and more




130 and less

Switching attention

201 and more




50 or less

Assessment of switching and distribution of attention. It can be used to examine children and adults.

Test description

The research is carried out using special forms with 25 red and 24 black numbers. The subject must first find black numbers in ascending order, then red numbers in descending order.

The third task is to alternately search for black numbers in ascending order and red numbers in descending order. The main indicator is the execution time.

The first two tasks are performed using one form, the third task on a different form.

Test instructions

For adults: “There are 25 red and 24 black numbers on your letterhead. You must find black numbers in ascending order (1 to 24), and then red numbers in descending order (25 to 1). Each time you find the required number, write down the letter corresponding to this number. "

The task execution time is fixed.

Second instruction: “Take the second form. Now you have to look for red numbers in descending order, and black numbers in ascending order at the same time, alternately. for example: red number 25, black number 1, red number 24, black number 2, and so on.

Letters corresponding to red numbers are written in one row (above), and corresponding to black ones - in another (below), thus two rows of letters are obtained. "

Children's option: “On this table, the red numbers from 1 to 24 and the black numbers from 1 to 25 are not in order. You must show and name black numbers in ascending order, and red numbers in descending order at the same time, in turn: 1 - black, 24 - red, 2 - black, 23 - red and so on. "

Test Material

Processing test results

The execution time of each series and errors are taken into account. The time for completing the third task is not equal to the sum of the times spent on completing the first and second, since part of the time is spent on switching attention and quickly holding the numbers just mentioned in the head. The difference between the two time indicators will be the time for switching attention from one row of numbers to another. The smaller the difference, the better. switching attention.

Types of errors: skipping a number, repeating the same number twice, and so on.

The children's version of the red and black table can be used after the subject has been offered Schulte tables, since this makes it possible to compare the results of the two methods with each other. ...

Data processing in children's version similar to the processing of the adult version. For comparison, the average time for completing tasks in Schulte method and fixed time of work with Gorbov table... The difference between the two times will be the time switching attention.

Sources of
  • Gorbov's technique "Red-black table"/ Almanac of psychological tests. M., 1995, S. 117-118.

To conduct the study, you will need Gorbov tables -Schulte size 49 x 49cm with numbers from 1 to 25 black and from 1 to24 red (Fig. 2), stopwatch and pointer. Be sure to prepare in advanceto create a protocol in order to register time and errors in it when looking for numbers.


























Figure 1.2. Black and red table Gorbov - Schulte

to study attention switching.

Note. Highlighted numbers are black.

Operating procedure. The lesson is conducted individually with eachsmoke to the test subjects. In front of him, vertically on the table is setblack and red table, a pointer is given and the instruction is given: “Ontable 25 black numbers from 1 to 25 and 24 red numbers from 1 to 24.It is necessary to show and name black numbers in ascending orderrow from 1 to 25, and red - in descending order from 24 to 1. It is necessary to keep score alternately: first call the black numberru, then red, then black again, and then red to thoseuntil the account is over. You need to complete the task quickly and without mistakes. " The experimenter in the protocol records the time fromseparately for each of the five stages (ten digits for eachstage) and errors of the subject of the following types: replacement of the order - an error in which the subject the numbers called by him at agein descending order, begins to call in descending order, and vice versa; digit replacement - changing its serial number: instead of23 calls 21; color replacement - names and displays instead of blackIt has a red number.

The time for completing the task is approximately 90 seconds.

Attention Switching Assessment Study Protocol

Time registration nor

by stages, from

Black numbers

Error logging

Red numbers

Error logging

t 1

t 2

t 3

t 4

t 5

Processing of results: An increase in the time and number of errors from 1 to 5 intervals indicates the exhaustion of nervous processes, and a slowdown in their mobility by the end of the task.

When processing the results, the total indicator is calculatedswitching attention, equal to the sum of indicators for five etamemory To calculate it, you need to determine the success of you completing the task "search for digits with switching" for each of thesepa separately. A single assessment criterion reflecting the indicator switching attention, is equal to the search time for digits, taking into account the mistakes made. It is calculated using the formula:

A = T - C, where

A is an indicator of switching attention,

T and C - point estimatestime and errors, respectively.

Time and error scoring for attention switchingare given in table. 3.4.

To compare intermodal attenuation characteristicsstick it is necessary to translate the individual indicatorswitching attention to scale assessments (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3

Scoring of attention switching

















less than 16

less than 29

less than 32

less than 28

less than 30







































































































more 196



more 117





more 151


more 122

It makes sense to analyze experimental datain several directions. First, it is necessary, as a resultcomparison of data, make a conclusion about the presence or absenceage differences in the surveyed groups as a whole. Secondly,from the question of the severity of individualdifferences, that is, to what extent the data obtainedwhen examining one subject, from the average group indicators. And finally, thirdly, if we have experimentaldata on the development of other characteristics of attention, you cancarry out interindividual analysis, correlatingthe magnitude of scale assessments for various properties of attention.

Table 1.4

Scoring of attention switching errors


the numbers


4 - 5

Objective: Study of switching and distribution visual attention via methodology "Finding numbers with switching using the Gorbov-Schulte table."

Equipment: 1) Gorbov-Schulte table 35x35 cm in size, which is divided into 49 cells-squares (7x7). In the cells in random order there are 25 black and 24 red numbers (Appendix No. 2), 2) a stopwatch and 3) a pointer.

It is necessary to prepare a protocol in advance in order to register the time and errors in the search for numbers in it (Table 2).

Operating procedure: The lesson is conducted individually with each subject. A black and red table is placed vertically on the table in front of the subject, a pointer is given and instructions are given. The task is carried out in three series.

Instructions for the subject for series I:“You will now be shown a table with black and red numbers. Our experience consists of three series. In the first series, you need to find in order all black numbers from 1 to 25. Moreover, it is imperative to show each number with a pointer and name it. "

Instructions for the test subject for series II:“In the second series, you need to find all the red numbers in reverse order from 24 to 1, show and name them. "

Instructions for the test subject for series III:“In the third episode you will need alternately search for black numbers in direct order - from 1 to 25, and red numbers in reverse order - from 24 to 1. In this case, you need to name the color of the found number and show it with a pointer. For example: one is black, 24 is red, 2 is black, 23 is red, etc. Try to work as quickly as possible and at the same time not make mistakes. "

Throughout the experiment, the experimenter monitors the work of the subject, and if the latter indicates the wrong number, the experimenter names the errors and demands to show them correctly, for example: “No! You showed 14 - red, but you need: 12 - red "or" You should now find not 15 - black, but 14 - black ".

The experimenter in the protocol records the time separately for each of the five stages (5 numbers of both colors for each stage). The errors of the subject of the following types are recorded separately: replacement of the order - an error in which the subject begins to name the numbers, which he calls in ascending order, in descending order, and vice versa; replacing a digit - changing its serial number (instead of 23, it calls 21); color replacement - instead of black, it names and shows a red number.

Processing of results:

1. Conducted a conversation between the experimenter and the subject after the end of the experiment. It is necessary to find out what difficulties the subject faced when performing the task (at the beginning, middle, end), what methods the subject used to cope with the difficulties caused by the need to switch attention from one row of numbers to another, how he assesses the quality of the task ... The data of the subject's subjective report are compared with the data of the protocol, and a meaningful characteristic of the level of development of attention switching of each subject is given.

2. Determine the number of correctly found numbers ( m) in series I, II, III of the assignment (in the third series, separately for black and red numbers).

3. The time is determined ( T 1) performing the procedure for finding black numbers in series I, the time for finding red numbers in series II ( T 2), the total time to complete the task in the III series ( T 3), as well as the execution time of the procedure for finding blacks ( T ′ 3) and red ( T ″ 3) numbers in the III series of the task, for which the total time ( T 3) is divided in half.

4. The time for switching attention is calculated (T n) by the following formula:

T n = T 3 - (T 1 + T 2),

Where T 1, T 2, T 3- time to complete the task in series I, II and III.

The less T n, the higher the speed of switching attention.

5. The number of errors is counted. The number and nature of errors are important for the correct and meaningful interpretation of the indicator. T n.

6. The conditional indicator of switching attention is calculated ( P), which reflects the ratio of indicators of the speed of selection in conditions of combined performance of actions ( S owls) and without it ( S bs).

7. The speed of selection in the I series is determined ( S ′ bs), in series II ( S ″ bs), in series III separately for black ( S ′ owls) and red ( S ″ owls) numbers according to the following formula:

Where m- the number of correctly named numbers, T- the time of the procedure.

8. The conditional indicator of attention switching is calculated ( P) according to the formula separately for black ( P') and red ( P") numbers:

9. Graphs of the dynamics of switching attention for each of the three series are built, for which five equal segments reflecting five stages are plotted on the abscissa axis (5 numbers of both colors for each stage - from 1 to 5, from 6 to 10, etc.) ), and the ordinate axis represents the time values ​​( t n), where n- stage number. Graphs of different series can be plotted on the same coordinate plane for greater clarity.

10. The dynamics of attention switching is estimated on the basis of a comparison of the schedules of the task in three series, as well as on the basis of the dynamics of each series. The principal stages are highlighted, the types of attention fluctuations and the nature of the response to external interference are assessed. The stability of attention is assessed by the nature of the charts and self-reports.

11. Individual data are analyzed, quantitative data obtained when calculating formal indicators are compared, and qualitative data obtained when analyzing graphs characterizing the dynamics of attention during the execution of the modified Gorbov-Schulte tables, as well as the results of self-reports before and after the assignment.

12. Conclusions are made about the nature of switching and distribution of attention of a given subject, about the nature of the dynamics, indicating the peculiarities of his working capacity, stability and fatigue.

Table 2. Protocol for registering the results of the black-and-red Gorbov-Schulte table

Time registration ( t n) in stages, with Black numbers Error logging, (+/-) Red numbers Error logging, (+/-)
t 1
t 2
t 3
t 4
t 5 -

Table 3. Summary table of the results of the Gorbov-Schulte method

Experience Series Stimulus Number of correct choices Time to select numbers ( T), from Number selection speed ( S) Conventional switching factor ( P)
general black red black red black red
I Black numbers m 1 T 1 T ′ 1 S "bs
II Red numbers m 2 T 2 T ″ 2 S "" bs
III Black + red numbers m 3 T 3 T ′ 3 T ″ 3 S "owls S "" owls P' P"

§ 3. Study of concentration and stability of visual attention using the method "Confused lines"

Purpose: determination of the degree of stability of attention during its concentration and the influence of long-term work on concentration of attention.

Equipment: 1) variants of forms with entangled lines according to the Riesz method (Appendix No. 3), 2) a stopwatch and 3) a key for verification.

Operating procedure: On the form, 25 entangled lines are drawn in the rectangle, which begin at its left side and end at its right. The lines are numbered from 1 to 25. The subject's task is to trace the course of each line and put the same number at its right end as at its left.

Instructions for the subject:“On the letterhead, you see a series of lines entangled with each other. Your task is to trace each line from left to right and put the number on which this line ends in the protocol. You need to start with the first line, then go to the second, and so on. Follow the lines only with your eyes; you can't help with your fingers, you can't use a pencil. Try to work quickly and not make mistakes. "

Processing of results:

1. The results of observation of the task fulfillment by the subjects are analyzed. When observing, it should be noted that prevails in the subject: setting for speed or accuracy; whether he is confident in his actions, whether he repeatedly checks himself; whether it is difficult to focus on tracing the lines, whether there is a desire to help yourself in some way (with a finger, a pencil), or does the task without difficulty.

2. The results of the self-report of the subject are interpreted. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in this task it was difficult for the subject; what is the reason for the low speed of the task (avoidance of errors, failures in tracing lines); how the subject assesses the presence of errors in him, and how he explains it.

3. When determining quantitative indicators, the time spent by the subject on finding the lines is taken into account (the total time spent by the subject on finding the lines ( T); time spent on finding from 1 to 5 lines, from 6 to 10, from 11 to 15, from 16 to 20, from 21 to 25 ( T i)).

4. The number of correctly traced lines is counted, as well as the number of errors and the number of lines left untraced.

5. A graph of the dynamics of concentration and stability of visual attention is plotted. The abscissa axis marks the stages of the technique ( i), and on the ordinate - the execution time of each stage ( T i). On the basis of the data obtained, it is necessary to draw a conclusion about the effect of fatigue and / or exercise on the performance of the task by the subjects.

6. The indicator of the success of the task is calculated ( Y).