Today, many different types of storage media are widely used (various hard drives, external HDDs, solid-state drives, etc.). Among the huge variety of ways to store information, more precisely, types hard drives(Railway) there are also quite rare, such as hybrid. The article below will focus on the so-called hybrid hard drives - SSHD. Hybrid HDD - what it is and what are its advantages, this is what the article below is devoted to.

Hybrid SSHD what is it

A hybrid drive is a combination of a classic hard disk drive with a small SSD cache. In the market (both domestic and foreign), they are rather poorly distributed, for this reason, few can boast of experience in working with them. First, it is also the main reason for their weak popularity - their higher cost in comparison with their counterparts.

So, for example, even if we take into account that in the past few years their prices have dropped quite strongly, and they have dropped significantly, on average, 1 gigabyte of solid-state (hybrid) disk costs about $ 0.5-0.6, while 1 GB of ordinary (mechanical) costs an average of $ 0.06. Almost 12 times more expensive, i.e. solid state HDD 256 GB costs the same as the classic hard (mechanical) 2-3 Terabytes. Agree, the difference is also quite tangible.

This difference in price also leaves its mark on the nature of its use. So, for example, the most common option is to use both drives at once (solid-state with mechanical). Indeed, despite their higher cost, they have several very important advantages, and first of all, the speed of working with data, they have it much higher.

It is thanks to this (and the difference in price) that the so-called "hybrids" appeared, ie. a combination of classic hard disk drives (for storing information) and solid-state (for storing "cache", and the most frequently used files by OS). In fact, we are talking about connecting two drives into one, to maximize the benefits of mechanical and solid state drives. An example is the ST500LM000 railway. A fairly common "hybrid" on the market. The volume of the solid state HDD is 8 GB, the mechanical one is 500 GB.

Thanks to this decision, it became possible to reach a kind of compromise. On the one hand, increase the speed of loading OS data and loading "heavy" applications. On the other hand, the price of "hybrids" does not differ much from classic drives (by no more than 40%), in contrast to fully solid-state drives, which cost 10-12 times more. That allows you to get HDD capacity at a reasonable price with the speed of SDD.

Benefits of a hybrid HDD

A "hybrid" consists of a magnetic disk and a small solid state drive.
Compared to mechanical HDDs (which are much slower, but have much higher capacity), the so-called "hybrid" have a higher speed (reading and writing information), but their high price does not allow them to be used as the main source of data storage. For this reason, it is quite common to use two disks at the same time, i.e. hybrid use (both solid-state and mechanical). Solid state is used for programs and files that need high speed, standard HDD is used to store files.
Thus, we observe a kind of separation of functions, i.e. a faster disk is used for operating OS elements, and a slower one is used exclusively for storing files. This can increase the overall performance of the system.

It is rather difficult to meet a completely solid-state HDD in its pure form, so-called "hybrids" are often produced, ie. part of the disk has semiconductor memory (usually the smallest), the other part has ordinary mechanical memory. For example, the most common option is a hybrid, where the solid-state memory is only 8 GB, and 1 Terabyte is a mechanical storage. In this case, 8 gigabytes of solid-state disk is used not for storing information, but for operating the OS and its programs (for swapping "cache" files).

Thanks to this, "hybrids" (ie a combination of a classic HDD with a solid-state drive) are much cheaper. It is the only physical carrier of information and this is its main advantage.

A certain part of the SSHD serves as a storage location for frequently used files by the OS ("cache"). He, i.e. the cache is saved (survives) loading / rebooting of the system, thereby significantly speeding up it, conventional mechanical HDDs do not have this function.

Principle of operation

How SSHD works is based on its ability to "cache" the most frequently accessed OS data. During the first boot of the OS, the files needed to boot the OS are placed in the "hybrid", or rather, in its SHD zone, in order to speed it up later.

For your information, "hybrids" shows almost the same results in terms of file transfer speed in comparison with classic hard drives. However, these devices use different ways of working (functioning), and if you compare Access Time (time of access to files), the difference becomes more than obvious. So, for example, if we compare the Seagate ST500 disk with a volume of 500 GB and the access time to files from a similar model, for example, the ST500 "hybrid", then the file access speed will be 24.2 ms versus 0.3 ms.

The maximum interface speed of the hybrid is also higher, by about 15%. If we compare the same models, then for the classic hard drive it is 101 mb / s, for the SSHD - 115 mb / s.


As elsewhere, SHDD has its drawbacks. First of all, it is necessary to point out that the price of the hybrid is higher in comparison with the model of the same volume. For example, comparing all the same models as before, the Seagate ST500, with a volume of 500 GB costs an average of $ 50, the price of a hybrid of the same volume ST500LM000 starts at $ 75.

Are not devoid of "hybrids" and technical shortcomings. We are talking about the inability to fit all critical errors on one SHDD. Those. 8 GB SSD is not enough to accommodate all errors, so 32 GB SSD drives are quite common, however, such SHDDs are more expensive.


As a kind of result, it can be noted that the use of "hybrids" to increase the boot speed and increase the performance of the OS for a laptop, where it is possible to install (connect) only one external hard disk- a fairly optimal option. But if you are not burdened with the need to save money, and you have the opportunity to install an unlimited number of hard drives, then it is better to use not "hybrids", but separately the classic (mechanical) and solid-state HDD.

Hybrids can be quite confidently called a good solution for those who want to take advantage of SDD (fast OS boot and run large programs) and use a quite voluminous hard disk drive. This is the most optimal solution (and the most popular) for upgrading your laptop and other mobile devices.

A person does not know what a hybrid hard drive is. The fashion for combining several fundamentally different technologies in a single device is not new.

For example, cars that selectively use a traditional combustion engine or electric drive for movement have become commonplace. This solution makes it possible to get by with "little blood" in the gradual transfer of technology to a new alternative. Hybrid hard drives fully comply with this rule... Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Retired ... or more alive than all the living?

Currently, in the field of computer technology, the main device for long-term storage of information is a hard disk or hard drive (HDD). Its design and operating principle are quite simple: in a small metal case several disks made of non-conductive material are placed. On all sides, the surface of each of them is covered with a sprayed magnetic layer. The discs are strung on a common spindle axis rotated by an electric motor at a constant speed (in some models it can change stepwise, depending on the intensity of use). A special mechanism moves the frame with the read / write heads over each side.

When writing, parts of the surface are magnetized, and when reading, the opposite process occurs - a current is induced by a magnetic field and converted by the controller into a data stream. Over the decades, the technology has been tested, "childhood diseases" have been eliminated.

A dark horse

However, with the creation of solid-state memory, alternative solutions have appeared on the market in which there are no rotating parts, and the recording is carried out by changing the position of the floating gate in the transistor. Such drives are called SSDs (from the English. Many believe that on the basis of solid-state memory cells, the performance of which is significantly higher than the work of HDDs, they will gradually replace classic hard drives. It is too early to talk about a global transition (despite the fact that there are hybrid HDDs). And here's why :

The cost of one gigabyte of disk space for an SSD is several times higher than that for an HDD (the coefficient can be obtained by dividing the price by capacity);

Reliability is not so simple. Each solid-state drive is characterized by a permissible number of read / write cycles;

The technology is too new, it is constantly being improved, so yesterday the device purchased today may be hopelessly outdated (take at least the support of the TRIM team).

Hybrid hard drive

Realizing that it is too early to talk about a complete change of technologies, manufacturers have proposed a compromise option that combines HDD and SDD. The design of such a device is based on magnetic disks (a hard drive with its low cost and ... not too impressive performance). The peculiarity is that the hybrid hard drive also contains chips and an SSD controller. Of course, there is no need to talk about hundreds of gigabytes, usually the volume is limited to ten. That is, the main volume falls on magnetic disks (for example, 750 GB), the capacity of the SSD is 8 GB, and, of course, the cache (32-64 MB). During operation, hybrid copies the most requested data into fast solid-state memory, then working with it. In other words, the SSD in this solution is a L2 cache.

A few years ago, the choice was obvious ... because there was no choice. On the shelves were only classic hard disks (HDD), differing only in rotation speed.

Manufacturers are currently competing to provide more modern, efficient and smarter solutions designed to not only provide faster transfers, but also set the bar high for data security.

In the past few years, with the advent of SSD (Solid-State Drive), the technology has improved markedly, but it has two major drawbacks: price and capacity.

The idea of ​​combining the two technologies created a hybrid, that is, a mixture in which the system is installed on an SSD partition and the data is stored on a standard hard drive.

Classic hard drives - HDD

Since time immemorial, hard drives have been used to store data. Currently, HDDs can have more than a terabyte of space, although the standard ones are mostly 500 gigabytes.

Not only the power has changed, but the technology itself. The hard drive sped up, offering a steady 7200 rpm in most cases.

That is, the plates rotate evenly and more efficiently than at 5400 rpm.

Either way, HDD is the best option for anyone looking for inexpensive gigabytes. They are significantly different from SSDs, but sufficient for the average user.

High speed SSD drives

Expensive and fast - Solid-State Drive is the most expensive data storage disk. One thing you should know: even the cheapest SSD will be faster than the most expensive HDD.

In computers, the connection is made via SATA or PCI Express. Data is transferred in the same way as other drives.

How are SSDs different from classic HDDs? Construction. There are no rotating plates in Solid-State Drive.

Instead, NAND flash memory is installed, which is not only faster, but also more resistant to mechanical damage.

Nowadays, you can find this type of media in most ultrabooks, only the more power, the more money you have to spend.

SSD offers more than 2.5x high speed data transmission than older technology. The second thing is reliability and long service life, even with vibration or shock.

Only it has a fairly high price, but also great resistance to various temperatures - SSDs in extreme situations always cope better than HDDs.

Intermediate option - hybrid drives

Hybrid solutions - in theory, the idea is simple. Their control system is designed to read NAND flash, which will result in less time.

It works relatively cheaply ... and of course it is convenient. If you choose them, you get a medium shelf - a little more expensive than an HDD, a little cheaper than an SSD.

What could be wrong? There may be minor interruptions or configuration issues.

A lot depends on the cache, if you can't handle it - patience will be essential, you may need to tweak something manually. It takes some time for their algorithm to adapt to the new environment.

If you can afford the expense, go for the largest SSD. If you want to keep costs to a minimum, look for the most suitable HDD. Good luck.

SSHD is a new marketing term coined by Seagate to describe the drives in the market known as hybrid hard drives, which are a combination of the traditional hard disk drive (HDD) and new technologies.

Today we will talk about the pros and cons of this type of drives and whether they are worth your attention and, importantly, money.

What is the advantage of SSHD?

Seagate's advertising headlines read “SSD Performance. The capacity of the hard drive. Affordable price". Basically, what they are trying to say is that SSHD combines the benefits of the two technologies at no significant cost. But, if this is true, why then hasn't hybrid hard drive technology revolutionized the storage market yet? Let's talk about this later, but for now let's try to consider these "hybrids" more closely.

SSHD, in fact, are ordinary HDDs, but only with a compact solid-state drive not large capacity added to the disk controller and acts as a kind of cache for frequently used files. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the SSHD's memory capacity is not inferior to classic hard drives.


In terms of cost, hybrid hard drives cost about 10-20% more than traditional HDDs, as a result of the addition of additional cache memory and firmware to manage that cache. On the other hand, they are much cheaper than solid state drives, much cheaper.

Everything sounds pretty cool and optimistic, but ...

Is SSHD performance the same as SSD?

The issue of performance of hybrid hard drives directly depends on how the user uses the system, and the limiting factor of that very performance is the small amount of cache memory (now it is about 8 GB), which is simply not enough to perform more or less serious tasks.

If a user "uses" his PC to a minimum, well, let's say, surf the Internet, sits on social networks, reads email, plays solitaire games and plays chess, then such a user will have the greatest benefit from using hybrid hard drives, because in this scenario, the cache memory is quite enough for full processing of all data at a speed corresponding to an SSD.

But, if we take into account another user who, for example, plays a variety of "heavy" computer games, then we can safely say that this user will not notice any difference in performance if he changes the HDD to SSHD. Why? Because the size of the cache is quite small and the files of that same computer game in it will be constantly updated and cannot be reused (from the cache), since they will be deleted and replaced with new files. And if the files are not reused, then there will be no real benefit from the SSD cache.

The same goes for copying data. If you copy, suppose, a folder of files and want to transfer it from one place to another, and it occupies more than 8 GB, then, accordingly, not the SSHD cache will be used, but its usual memory on a magnetic hard disk, and the copying speed will be the same just like a classic HDD.

But, as a "sweetener", it is worth noting that the system boot up when the computer is turned on will take about 10 seconds, which practically corresponds to the speed of an SSD.

So who needs an SSHD?

The primary market for solid state hybrid drives is laptops. The fact is that the limited space of the case does not allow installing more than one disk in these systems. Installing only one SSD can provide better performance, but limit the amount of data that can be stored on it. On the other hand, installing a single HDD will provide a lot of space, but the hard drive will not perform as well as the solid state drive.

SSHD, in turn, can offer a simple and affordable way to provide higher performance, for the same volumes. internal memory Is a great compromise. Plus, since most laptops are used for work rather than play, the benefits of SSHD are even more compelling.

For desktop systems, nevertheless, I do not yet recommend installing hybrid hard drives, since a personal computer case allows you to freely install multiple drives, namely SSD (for system operation) and HDD (for data storage), which will give excellent performance and great amount of disk space.

The exception is mini-desktops, which have internal space for only one drive.

A hard disk or hard drive is one of the main elements of any modern computer, which is responsible for storing information. The device consists of magnetic disks - aluminum or glass round plates and a read / write head. The main qualitative characteristics of a hard disk are capacity, speed of reading and reading data, rotation speed, sector seek time, noise level and shock resistance during operation (for HDD). In addition, for many users, when buying a hard drive, it is very important characteristic is the reliability and durability of the device.

Best HDD hard drives for a desktop computer for 1-2 TB

HDD (Hard Drive Disk) is the most popular type of storage for a personal computer. Such hard drives have been on the market for a very long time and are still in high demand due to their large capacity, affordable price and relatively long lifespan. The main disadvantage of HDDs is their low resistance to mechanical damage. In particular, such devices are afraid of shock and shock during operation. Therefore, when choosing a reliable HDD, it is important to look at parameters such as shock resistance during operation and storage.

The most popular manufacturers of HDD hard drives for desktop computer are Toshiba (Japan), Western digital(USA) and Seagate (USA).

3 Western Digital WD10EZRZ

Best 1TB HDD in terms of value for money
Country: USA
Average price: 3 449 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.6

Inexpensive model Western Digital WD10EZRZ takes the third place in the rating of HDD hard drives for personal computers... The drive has a volume of 1 TB, having a reasonable price, which makes it quite popular in the market. Thanks to support for 4K sectors, the disk uses its usable space as efficiently as possible. The read and write speeds are the same and are 150 Mbps.

Among the advantages in the reviews, buyers indicate fast operation, low noise level and low operating temperature. The device consumes a little, only 3.3 W, so there will be no need to replace the power supply when installing a disk. An important parameter of the drive is the jump time between different tracks, which here is 0.4 seconds, which ensures a high speed of work. The disadvantages include only some difficulties with the setup.

2 Seagate ST1000DM010

Low price
Country: USA
Average price: 3 040 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.7

A very affordable model from Seagate becomes the silver winner of the rating. In terms of its characteristics, it is very close to the WD representative, but at a slightly lower cost it offers higher performance. Volume - 1 TB - the best option for most home users. The stated read and write speeds are 156 Mbps, but user reviews speak of even higher figures - up to 200 Mbps for sequential reads.

Also, the advantages include a relatively low noise level and minimal heating: under load, the disc heats up to 41 degrees, although the maximum allowable is almost a third higher. The only complaint about Seagate is its overly strict energy management controls. Yes, the hard drive consumes 5.3 W, but because of the factory settings, the disk goes to sleep very quickly, which is why, when switching music tracks, for example, there is a noticeable delay.

Today there are three main types of hard drives: HDD (Hard Drive Disk), SSD (Solid State Drive) and Hybrid (HDD + SSD). Which type of hard drive is best? There is no definite answer, since each has both its own advantages and disadvantages:

Hard disk type



HDD (Hard Drive Disk)

Large capacity

Low price

Popularity (availability on store shelves)

Good reliability

Not resistant to mechanical damage and shaking

Slow reading speed

Vibration during operation

Low access speed

SSD (Solid State Drive)

Absolute noiselessness

Low power consumption

Resistance to mechanical damage

Compact dimensions

Higher data transfer rate

High price

Limited storage space (typically up to 1 TB)

Sensitivity to power surges

Hybrid (HDD +SSD)

High performance

Low power consumption

Reliability, resistance to damage and shock

Limited memory

Poor assortment

1 Toshiba HDWD120UZSVA

Largest volume (2 TB)
Average price: 4 554 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.8

Leadership in this category will be given to the most capacious hard drive. A Toshiba model with a capacity of 2 terabytes might have seemed redundant and expensive a few years ago, but today, due to the increasing volume of information and the technology's cheapening, it becomes quite relevant.

The device is made in a 3.5 'form factor. The rotation speed of the disk is 7200 rpm, which provides an acceptable speed of 150 MB / s for writing and reading. The manufacturer claims that the drive produces only 28 dB of noise during operation, which is confirmed by users in the reviews. Among the disadvantages is high heating. Temperatures easily reach 50 degrees, with a critical level of 65 C. Among the pleasant features, we note the self-diagnostic function of the disk, which is designed to extend the service life and maintain the operating speed at the initial level.

The manufacturer offers only a two-year warranty, but users talk about trouble-free operation for 4-5 years, and therefore there is no doubt about the reliability.

Best Desktop Hard Drives Over 2TB

For most users, 1-2 terabytes of memory is enough for personal use. You can store all your files, music, and even your favorite movie collection. But sometimes significantly more memory is required. Videographers, editors and other professionals working with very large files need 3-4 or even 10 TB of memory. For such people, we have selected the four most capacious hard drives.

4 Western Digital WD Blue Desktop 4 TB (WD40EZRZ)

The best option for home archives
Average price: 8 200 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.6

Let's open the category with a fairly modest hard drive from the well-known Western Digital. The official capacity of the disk is 4 TB, in reality, users complain about the availability of only 3.63 TB. On the other hand, the average cost allows for many disadvantages to be forgiven.

The disk rotation speed is 5400 rpm, the cache size is only 64 MB. Because of this, the overall performance is low - with sequential write / read, the speed is kept at the level of 149-155 MB / s. But such modesty allowed to make WD Blue Desktop 4 Tb as quiet and cold as possible. During operation, the noise level does not exceed 28 dB, vibrations are almost completely absent, and the temperature, even at maximum load, does not exceed 40 degrees. This allows you to assemble very quiet, reliable computers with several disks at once - you have assembled a couple of such HDDs in RAID 1 and you do not have to worry about data safety.

3 Seagate ST3000DM007

Affordable price
Average price: 6 690 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.7

The top three HDDs for desktop computers include the BarraCuda model from Seagate. The price per terabyte is higher than that of the previous participant, but most ordinary users will probably be more interested in the bronze medalist. Capacity 3.5 'disk 3 TB. This is more than enough to store a personal archive of photos, music and TV shows.

The rotation speed of the disks is again only 5400 rpm, but due to the larger cache - 256 MB - slightly higher read / write speeds are provided - about 180-185 MB / s. Also, users will be pleased with the low noise level: 27 dB during operation and only 22 dB in idle time - it will not even interfere with sleep! Heating is also extremely insignificant - users talk about 26-28 C under load. Finally, it consumes only 3.7 watts of the disk while running.

There is practically no information about the reliability of information from users. Officially declared service life 1800 days (5 years), 720 days warranty.

2 Western Digital WD Black 6 TB (WD6003FZBX)

Highest speed of work
Country: USA (produced in China, Malaysia)
Average price: 19 480 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.8

If Western Digital's “Blue” range is for home use, then “WD Black” is positioned as a tool for professionals. The capacity of the model is 6TB. Such volumes will be useful, for example, for operators and editors who have to deal with "sources" of several tens or even hundreds of gigabytes.

The disk spins at 7200 rpm, which, in combination with a 256 MB buffer, provides write and read speeds of 225-230 MB / s - a record in the class. In this case, you have to put up with a fairly high noise level: during operation, the disk gives out 36 dB, in idle - 29 dB. Also, the user will have to provide good ventilation in the PC case, because the operating temperature range is small (from 5 to 55 degrees), and the heating level is high due to the high operating speed. Power consumption - 9.1 watts.

In addition to high speed, the manufacturer guarantees maximum storage reliability. Official guarantee of 1800 days. What are the disadvantages? High price. 1 TB of memory on this disk costs one and a half times more than competitors (~ 3250 rubles)

Top hard drive manufacturers

As in any other field, there are clear leaders among the manufacturers of drives. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • WesternDigital... Founded in 1970, this American company began producing its own hard drives back in 1988. Vast experience allows the company to always be on the crest of the wave, to produce the most technically advanced devices. WD was the first to release 10,000 rpm HDDs, the first to create 10TB drives, and much more. Also, the company's products are famous for their very high reliability.
  • Seagate... Another company is from the USA. The company released its first "screw" in 1980. In 2009, Seagate's reputation was tarnished by low-quality Barracuda11 drives, but in recent years, judging by reports from large companies and user reviews, product quality has improved significantly. The company's products are distinguished by the best operating speed on the market. Also Seagate - largest manufacturer hybrid HDD + SSD hard drives.
  • HGST (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies). Previously independent, and since 2012 a subsidiary of Western Digital. The products are also highly reliable, but the assortment is significantly different. HGST specializes in the production of 2.5 'hard drives for notebooks or all-in-ones.

1 Toshiba HDWR11AUZSVA

Best price for 1 TB
Country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 20 228 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.8

In contrast to the previous participant, we offer a model with a minimum memory cost. For 10 TB, you will have to pay only 17-18 thousand rubles. The scope of the model is still the same - storage and processing of video materials. High Quality... Of course, you can also look at larger models - other manufacturers offer hard drives up to 14 TB for home use - but the cost of one terabyte of memory in this case will be much higher.

In addition, our leader can boast not only quantitative but also qualitative indicators. The disk spins at 7200 rpm, the cache size is 256 MB - read and write speeds are kept at 200 MB / s. The model undoubtedly belongs to the noisy - even at idle, the noise level reaches 34 dB. Unfortunately, due to the novelty of the HDD, there are no reviews about its reliability, but the manufacturer provides a 730-day warranty and claims 600,000 MTBF - an excellent result.

Best HDD + SSD Hybrid Hard Drives

A hybrid hard drive is considered a superior storage device because it combines the positives of HDD and SSD drives. A hybrid drive first saves data to flash memory and then transfers it to a magnetic drive. This increases the speed of information transfer, increases the lifespan of the media and reduces energy costs. The only one significant disadvantage"Hybrid" is a high price tag.

2 Seagate ST2000DX002

The most capacious hybrid hard drive
Country: USA (produced in Thailand)
Average price: 7 300 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.7

Need a classic HDD capacity with SSD speed? Miracles do not happen, it is impossible to combine these qualities in one device, but the model that opens the category is as close as possible to this. The capacity of the "hard" part is 2 TB, which should be enough for even the most demanding users. 8 GB flash memory is designed to provide high-speed performance.

The benchmark results are not surprising: the sequential read speed is about 180 MB / s, the write speed is 220 MB / s. Top classic HDDs can boast of similar results. But ST2000DX002 has an important feature - the effect of its work will become visible over time. The disk analyzes which files are most frequently used (as a rule, these are system files and the most frequently used programs), and transfers them to flash memory in order to speed up their launch in the future.

Separately, it is worth noting the excellent acoustic comfort - the disc is almost inaudible during operation - and the traditional 720-day warranty for hard drives (5-year service life).

1 Seagate ST1000LX015

Best 2.5 '' Hybrid Disc
Country: USA
Average price: 4 333 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.8

The leader of the rating is another representative of the Seagate hybrid drive line. The main difference from the previous participant is the 2.5 'form factor. This is suitable for installation not only in a desktop, but also in a laptop. The volume of the hard disk is 1 TB, another 8 GB carries a flash drive. The rotational speed of the disks is only 5400 rpm, which can hardly be called a high result. Sequential read and write speeds of 140 and 110 MB / s, respectively.

The acoustic comfort, judging by the manufacturer's statement, is simply excellent - only 22 dB during operation. However, some users report slight noise when positioning the head. Although in everyday use, you are unlikely to pay attention to it.

Best laptop hard drives

3 Western Digital WD5000LPLX

Profitable price. Popular HDD disk for laptop
Country: USA (produced in China, Malaysia)
Average price: 3 350 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Western Digital WD5000LPLX model opens the top three laptop hard drives of 2019. Thanks to the popular 2.5 ”form factor, it will fit in the vast majority of laptop computers. The storage capacity is 500 GB, which is quite enough for storing a large amount of documentation. HDD technology extends the service life of the media and allows it to be used for several years without having to replace it.

Buyers refer to the advantages of this model in reviews as a good data exchange rate, a 5-year warranty and an acceptable cache size. The external data transfer rate is about 600 Mbit / s, which allows you to quickly display the requested documents on the screen. Among the weak points of this device are heating during intensive work and a fairly high level of noise when reading from a drive.

2 Seagate ST1000LM048

Excellent price / capacity ratio. The quietest model
Country: USA (produced in Thailand)
Average price: 3 590 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.7

Let's give the silver medal to the Seagate model. Winchester is roughly in the middle between the competitors in terms of both cost and performance. The 2.5 'disk capacity is 1 TB - the optimal solution for most users. The spindle rotation speed is 5400 rpm. Together with a 128 MB cache, this provides a sequential read speed of 125 MB / s, writes - 88 MB / s.

Special attention is paid to those important for mobile computers temperature and noise indicators. If you believe the reviews, the disc heats up to a maximum of 27-28 degrees. It should be borne in mind that this indicator can vary greatly depending on the laptop model, namely, on its ventilation. With the noise, everything is just fine. During operation, the volume does not exceed 22 dB - you will only hear in the quietest room. Finally, shock resistance during operation - ST1000LM048 can withstand overloads up to 400G!

1 HGST HTS721010A9E630

The best speed among laptop drives
Country: USA
Average price: 3 830 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.7

The leader in the ranking is the model from HGST, which is a subsidiary of Western Digital. The format is, as befits a laptop model, 2.5-inch. Storage capacity is the usual 1000 GB, which is the golden mean for most users. The operating speed is not surprising - due to the high rotational speed (7200 rpm), the read speed is about 115-120 MB / s. It is worth noting the high speed of Track to track access - only 1 ms. Average latency 4.2ms.

Other features include a fairly low power consumption - 1.8 W, which is especially valuable for a laptop, and a small shock resistance - the hard drive will transfer overloads up to 400 G during operation without consequences for the stored information.

Best external hard drives

3 Toshiba Canvio Ready 1TB

Favorable cost
Country: Japan
Average price: 3 980 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.5

The third place in the ranking of the best external hard drives is taken by the Toshiba Canvio Ready 1TB. This model has the lowest cost among competitors in the TOP, however, in terms of characteristics, it is in no way inferior to them. As a drive, a 1 TB HDD is used, which does an excellent job of storing large files. Thanks to the USB 3.0 interface, a good data exchange rate is achieved - up to 500 Mbps. The practical plastic case perfectly withstands mechanical stress and reliably stores the contents.

The advantages of this model in the reviews, users refer to the small size, light weight and high reliability. In addition, the drive has sufficient shock and drop protection. Competent software allows you to pair the media with a variety of multimedia devices. Among the shortcomings are a short cord and a non-standard connector for connecting it from the side of the hard drive.

2 Western Digital WDBUZG0010BBK-EESN

Popular 1TB external drive
Country: USA
Average price: 4 201 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.6

In second place in the ranking of the best external hard drives in 2019 is the Western Digital WDBUZG0010BBK-EESN. The USB 3.0 data transfer port provides high-speed data transfer between the storage medium and a third-party device. The volume of the drive is 1 TB, which allows you to store on it not only text files and photos, but also movies. 1 HDD disk with 2.5 ”form factor is installed as the main carrier.

In numerous positive reviews, buyers talk about small size, good reliability and quiet operation. Among all the models presented in the TOP, this one has the smallest weight - only 130 grams. The package, in addition to the drive itself, includes a data cable. Among the weak points of this model are the fragile plastic case and problems with the drivers.

1 ADATA DashDrive Durable HD650 1TB

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: China
Average price: 4 369 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.8

The first place in the ranking of the best external hard drives of 2019 is taken by the ADATA DashDrive Durable HD650 1TB. This 1TB drive is one of the most popular on the market today. With a USB 3.0 connection, transfer rates up to 500 Mbps are supported. The standard 2.5 ”form factor makes the drive quite compact (weighing only 201 grams). The storage device has 1 HDD.

Among the strengths of this model in the reviews, users highlight the pleasant appearance, good working speed and shockproof housing. Engineers paid special attention to the durability of the device, since external drives are often subject to physical stress. The disc is compatible with most modern devices, from laptops and smartphones to TVs. The disadvantages include a short cord and poor build quality.

Best server hard drives

Server hard drives are characterized by increased reliability and speed (rotation speed up to 15,000 rpm). To connect the server disk, parallel (SCSI) and serial (SATA, SAS) interfaces are used. The uptime of such devices, as a rule, exceeds 1 million hours. The most common width (form factor) of server hard drives is 3.5 ", but 2.5" devices have become increasingly popular. It is known that the smaller the width, the more economical the hard disk is.

3 Seagate ST1000VX000

Favorable price for a high-quality 1 TB HDD
Country: USA
Average price: 4 011 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.4

Seagate ST1000VX000 closes the top three in the ranking of the best hard drives for a server in 2019. This device has the lowest cost relative to competitors, however, it is in no way inferior to them in terms of characteristics. This hard drive is specially designed for installation in video surveillance systems, which makes it able to function around the clock for a long time. The high read speed of 210 Mbit / s will allow you to quickly access the stored information.

Among the advantages of the device in the reviews, users highlight the volume (here it is 1 TB), low cost and low noise level during operation. Thanks to the two writing heads, a maximum write speed of 156 Mbps is achieved. NCQ support enables multitasking. TO weaknesses This HDD is attributed to the low speed of instant exchange and the complexity of the firmware.

2 Seagate ST1000NM0033

Best performance (128 MB buffer)
Country: USA
Average price: 6 830 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.5

The second place in the ranking of the best hard drives for a server is taken by the Seagate ST1000NM0033. The volume of the drive is 1 TB, which allows storing a large amount of data in permanent memory, which is important for a server. The buffer size is equal to 128 MB - twice as much as that of competitors. This indicator provides a high speed of work and resource, declared by the manufacturer, up to 1,400,000 hours.

Buyers in the reviews refer to the strengths of the device as excellent data transfer speed, high reliability and the presence of a humidity sensor. By the totality of characteristics, this is one of best models for a server, however, the power consumption is quite large and amounts to 8.1 watts. The disc has good system protect and save data when impacting with a load of up to 300G. Among the minuses - heating during operation and a fairly high noise level during recording.

1 Western Digital WD20EFRX

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: USA
Average price: 6 861 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.5

The leader in the rating of the best hard drives for a server is the Western Digital WD20EFRX model. The drive has a capacity of 2 TB and thanks to the SATA 6GB / s interface, it provides a maximum data transfer rate of up to 600 Mbps. The uptime declared by the manufacturer is 1,000,000 hours, which indicates the high reliability of the device. Good engineering solutions allow the disc to be stored at temperatures ranging from -40 ° C to 70 ° C.

In numerous reviews, users talk about quiet operation, increased warranty and no vibration as the strengths of this model. Thanks to the unique NCQ technology, the disk can process several commands at once, which has a positive effect on its performance. Compared to its neighbors in the TOP, it is the most economical - consumption is only 4.4 watts. The disadvantages of this device include the overestimated cost and rather stringent requirements for the ambient temperature during operation.

How to choose best tough disk

The hard drive, at first glance, is not the most important part of the computer. Yes, your PC will still work with the “wrong” model. But in order to choose a quality drive, take a look at our tips.

  • Drive type. First, decide which type of drive is right for you: HDD, SSD or HDD + SSD. detailed information about them in the pivot table above.
  • Manufacturer. Information is the main value of the modern world. To keep your data for years to come, choose products from trusted manufacturers. For example, those we have listed above.
  • Capacity. For OS and programs, 250 GB is enough. Store a lot of photos and music - 1 TB is your choice. You don't raise your hand to delete your favorite TV shows and movies - look at "screws" from 2 TB and above. The larger the volume, the higher the price.
  • Form Factor. Laptops are equipped with 2.5 'hard drives, desktop PCs - 3.5'. Be sure to check which format is supported by your device.
  • Spindle speed. It happens from 5400 to 10000 rpm. The higher the indicator, the better the speed of work. The best option are models with a speed of 7200 rpm.
  • Noise. Many users build the quietest cooling systems possible. This can make the crackling sound of the hard disk drive audible. It will not be possible to check this in advance - just know that such a situation takes place.