The social network Odnoklassniki is popular in Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. Like other similar Internet resources, Odnoklassniki is equipped with a feed showing various updates of friends and communities. Sometimes it can happen that you don't want to watch the news of a friend on your own page and there is a desire to clear the feed of other users' news. This text is dedicated to exactly this task and will help any user to clear his page of unwanted posts and entries.

How to hide?

You need to log in to Odnoklassniki, after logging in, the main page opens, where you can see a feed below, displaying updates to groups and friends. You can also click on a section, the button is located under the name.

You should hover over the upper right corner of the post of a group or friend whose updates you do not want to see on your page. When you hover the cursor, an inscription appears showing the date of posting and a cross, the inscription "Remove event from the feed" will appear, you must click on it.

After clicking, the event becomes hidden from view. If you want to completely delete all community events, you need to check the box next to the words: "Hide all events." A window will appear confirming the action, as a result, the news will not appear, but you will still be subscribed to the group.

If desired, it is possible to write a complaint to the Odnoklassniki administration if there are compelling reasons, for example, the community posted messages with profanity. The procedure for deleting posts of users is exactly the same, only in this case you hide the updates of friends. Hover the cursor over the record and click on the cross, and then check the box so that updates for this user are no longer shown. There is a way to get rid of unwanted updates easier and faster - just remove a person from friends or unsubscribe from a group, in which case the news will also not appear on its own page.

Returning from the hidden

To, on the contrary, return the records of a person or a group, you need to go to the settings section, for this, in the line under the name, select the "More" tab, click on it, then select the settings section from the options offered.

Will open new page with settings, on the left side there is a column with other sections, after the settings there is a section "hidden from the feed", in this case the community was hidden, so the appropriate tab is selected, you need to click on it.

A section with groups will open, hidden communities are shown there, the one requiring return is selected. It is necessary to hover the cursor, a small window will appear, offering to remove it from the hidden ones. After clicking the events, the groups will reappear on the page. The same should be done if new records of people are to be returned.

After reading the article, anyone will know how to clear the tape in classmates. This procedure is done quickly and easily, any user can handle it.


Friends activity stream in social network Odnoklassniki is a convenient service: after all, without visiting a friend, you can know almost all of his actions on the site, with the exception of correspondence with friends. It does not matter whether the user liked the statement, status or image, whether he commented on someone’s statement, put “Cool!”, Started new game, made friends with new people or received a gift from someone - all his friends will instantly know about all this. But if you are not interested in any of your acquaintances and you do not want to know about what is happening in his life on the site, just remove him from the activity stream.

Removing from the feed is easy

To get started, go to your page on the social network and, under the status, find the activity stream, which displays all the information about the actions of your friends on the site. Pick a friend. Move the cursor to one of its events in your feed and next to the time of its publication, click on the cross icon, next to which the inscription "Remove event from the Feed" will immediately appear in the drop-down window. Click on this sign and in the new window "Ribbon settings" that opens, confirm your desire. To do this, you need to check the box next to the item "Disable all notifications about events ..." (in a group or with a friend). To complete the settings, click the "Remove" button. If you change your mind not to track your friend's events, use the "Cancel" button.

There is also another way to exclude a friend from the news feed. To do this go to mobile version site, select the "Feed" section and mark the friend you are going to remove from the feed. Go to his main page and at the bottom of the list of options, find and click the "Feed" button, after which you will be taken to the activity page of a particular person. To exclude his list of notifications, just click the "Unsubscribe" button located almost at the very top of the page. And then, to confirm the decision, repeat the request by clicking the "Exclude" button.

There is also a more radical option for removing a user from the activity stream. For him, you need to end the friendship by excluding the person from your list of friends.

Return to feed

If at some point you decide to restore a person deleted from the feed, click the "More" link under your personal photo, then select "Change settings" in the drop-down window. On the next page, find the "Ribbon Settings" section. Click on this link, and a list of users and groups excluded from the feed will open in a new window. To show their actions again on your wall, hover the cursor over the user and in the drop-down window select "Show in the feed", after which you will need to confirm the decision. To do this, click the "Enable" button.

How to remove a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki? If it is necessary to remove records from individual people, then this task is easy to cope with. You will need to follow a series of simple steps.

  1. Many functions can be accessed.
  2. Comfortable conditions for communication have been created.
  3. Provides the ability to view information from communities.
  4. There is a music section for listening to your favorite songs.
  5. The portal has basic social networking capabilities.

There is a ribbon in OK. This section displays all the current activities of friends. Manages to quickly and comfortably collect information about user events. But sometimes you need to clean up the tape and get individuals out of it.

Why is this necessary?

  • The page owner wants to optimize the feed.
  • Delete events that are not interesting to him.
  • One of my friends posts too often and clogs up the feed.
  • You want to follow specific people.

But how to remove a person from the tape? It is not difficult to cope with this task, you will need to study the algorithms of actions and offer a solution for users.

How to remove a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki

How to exclude a person? The easiest way is to use a special tool on the site. Required:

  1. Go to the feed.
  2. Find posts from a user.
  3. Click on the cross in the corner of the entry.
  4. Point out that you are not interested in events from this person.
  5. It disappears completely from the tape.

How to return event notifications in the future?

  • Go to the section with page settings.
  • Find the item "Hidden from the tape".
  • Click on the "People" tab.
  • Hover over a person's avatar.
  • Remove it from hidden.

The user's activities will reappear in the feed. This way of managing event notifications is considered the most appropriate and convenient at the moment.

How to remove a person from the tape in Odnoklassniki

Another way to exclude a friend from the Odnoklassniki feed is to make a request on his page. Need to:

  1. Go to the user on the page.
  2. In the left menu with items, click on the three dots.
  3. Click on "Hide from Ribbon".
  4. Human events will no longer appear in the feed.

It is more convenient to remove users directly from the feed. Then you do not have to carry out additional actions, you can immediately delete all the person's activities from the feed and clear it.

Other options

You can remove a person from friends. First option:

  • Go to the user page.
  • Click on the menu with three dots.
  • Select the last item to be deleted.
  • Confirm the action.
  • The person is excluded from the contact list.

Second way:

  1. Go to the section with friends.
  2. Select a person from the list.
  3. Hover over it.
  4. In the menu that opens, click on the last item "End friendship."
  5. It will be deleted after confirmation.

If a person is spamming with posts, then you can complain about him. It is necessary:

  • Go to the feed.
  • Find a spam post or post that is against the law.
  • Click on the cross.
  • Select "Complain".
  • State the reason.
  • Send a request.

The appeal will be reviewed by the OK moderators. If the user distributes illegal materials or spam, then a block is imposed on him. You can immediately remove from friends, or hide posts so that such posts no longer appear in the feed.

How to hide in the application?

OK has a dedicated mobile app. The program is suitable for people who often use sites outside their home. How to start working with software?

  1. Go to the official store.
  2. Enter the name of the social network in the search bar.
  3. The official app will be offered on the first line.
  4. Download it and install it.
  5. Enter the program.
  6. Please authorize.
  7. You can start using the program.
  8. There is a special section "Ribbon".

What are the advantages of the program?

  • It is easy to use.
  • Received a beautiful design.
  • A set of useful functions is provided.
  • You will appreciate all the features of the application.
  • Fast message notifications arrive.
  • The program is highly stable.
  • There is no difficulty in using it.

How do I hide events from the feed? Required:

  1. In the application, open the "Ribbon" section.
  2. Find the person's record in it.
  3. Click on the small menu next to the post.
  4. Click on the item "Hide event".
  5. You will be prompted to unsubscribe from all activities.
  6. Check the new box and confirm the action.

In the app, you can easily unsubscribe from human updates. Users are invited to choose any method among the presented ones.

Today we will talk about how to exclude a friend from the tape in Odnoklassniki. However, to begin with, let's say a few words about the project itself. Odnoklassniki is a social network that was originally created to give people the opportunity to find their school friends, classmates and colleagues. But at the moment, all social networks are often used with a variety of products, services and resources. What if you don't want to see this kind of information in your news feed? At the same time, it is not possible to remove from friends the person who gives this advertisement. The answer is simple - exclude friend's events from your feed. This is not as harsh as adding to the blacklist, however, you will get rid of unwanted news.


Maybe you are interested in the question of how to exclude a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki, since there are acquaintances who constantly share photos and videos that you are not interested in, or contain obscene language? Perhaps for some other reason, you do not want to see the news of these people. If you have a large list of friends on Odnoklassniki, then your feed is full of events. If you do not want to see some user's news in it, you can exclude him. In this article we will analyze in detail how to exclude a friend from the feed in Odnoklassniki.

Algorithm of actions

There is nothing super complicated in the task at hand. To achieve the goal, you need to go to your personal page on the Odnoklassniki social network using your username and password. Then, in the feed, select the event that was published by the person whose news you want to hide. You will see a small cross on the right above the photo, video or note. Click on it. An inscription will appear, marked with a check mark in a green circle: “The event is hidden”. There will be another message below. This is about the recommendation to hide all events and discussions of the friend you have chosen. There is a box next to this inscription, in which you must put a checkmark so that in the future the events of this friend are not displayed in your feed. There is also the possibility to complain below. If a photo, video or note contains obscene expressions or something else bad, you can tick the appropriate box. After you have made the necessary mark, the button "Confirm" will appear below, you need to click it if you really made a firm decision to remove the events of this friend from your feed.

Checking the effectiveness of actions

In order to check which people and groups are excluded from your feed, you can go to the options menu on the Odnoklassniki website. To do this, under your photo, you must click "Change settings". And further in the menu on the left you will see the inscription "Hidden", and under it: "People", "Groups", "Games". The "Black List" is also displayed there. By clicking on the "People" label, you will see users whose news is excluded from your feed. Likewise, by clicking on "Groups", you will receive a list of communities with events hidden by you. You can do the same with games, as well as check which people are on your blacklist and edit it.

Happy outcome

That's all. Now you know how to exclude a friend from the Odnoklassniki feed and not see more photos, videos and notes of those users who seem too intrusive to you in your news. By the way, if the user wishes, you can return it at any time. To do this, click on the "More" button and turn to the settings. We exclude a friend from the "hidden" list. For this, a corresponding paragraph is provided. It will appear if you hover over the user's photo.