Historically, the process of installing packages differs significantly across different distributions. And the installation packages themselves have different formats. This article will be useful to users Fedora distribution(Source).

In older versions of Linux (based on Red Hat), there were only two ways to install programs. This is a build from source code and installation from RPM packages. Let's look at each method in more detail.

Source codes are downloaded from the program website. In general, to install you need to unpack and run 3 commands: configure make And make install. The first command has a lot of parameters (you can list them by running configure -help), such as the program installation path, paths to various libraries and many others. After successful completion of the first stage, you need to run the command make. She will compile source codes into binary files. If the compilation was successful, then the last command will copy the compiled files to their directories. The advantage of this installation method is, firstly, that 99% of all open source programs are distributed in source code, and the RPM package has the desired program may not be (now, however, the RPM format has become very widespread and almost all developers are trying to create packages in this format). Secondly, you can always edit the source code of the installed program, correcting the error or making the necessary changes. There is only one minus - to use this method you need to know the c/c++ programming language and OS architecture. Therefore, not everyone can use this method, especially if any errors occur.

Installation from an RPM package is done like this: you need to download the RPM package and run just one command: rpm -Uvh ./packet_name.rpm(Where packet_name– package file name). This method is not only much simpler, but also faster, since the program is already compiled in the package (compiling the program can take quite a lot of time, depending on the power of your computer). However, the method is also not ideal, since it often happens that for its installation a program requires that some other packages also be installed (for example, with the necessary libraries) - so-called dependencies appear. If a program requires one library, that’s okay, but the program may require 10 or more libraries, each of which, in turn, may also require the installation of libraries. Therefore, the installation time of the program may take a long time.

However, in recent versions of Fedora, with the advent of a console utility like yum, installing programs is very pleasant. To do this, you just need to type the command in the console: yum install name(Where name– name of the program to install). Not only that yum She will download the required package from the Internet and install the program; she will also download and install all the programs required for this. If you don't like using the console, in KDE, for example, run the program from the menu System / Installation / Uninstallation programs and install the program using the graphical interface.

Linux Fedora is one of the most popular distributions today Linux to test new technologies. Product Linux Fedora deservedly gained the trust of users thanks to the combination current programs and overall job stability. The distribution is focused on building a holistic operating system from free software.

Project Linux Fedora is a test base for a commercial distribution Red Hat Enterprise Linux: before including new features in RHEL they definitely appear in Fedora. Changes intended for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, First they are tested in this distribution.

Solution Linux Fedora designed for those who prefer to work with advanced versions of programs. In the new issue Linux Fedora 13, many improvements have been introduced, affecting such areas as setting up peripherals, localization into Russian and other languages, working with user accounts, and installing a distribution kit via the Internet.

New in Linux Fedora 13

  • Full integration with PackageKit. Brasero can now automatically install missing codecs GStreamer, if they are needed for recording audio CD. File-roller installs programs necessary for processing various archive formats;
  • Use as a photo manager Shotwell instead of Gthumb And F-Spot. Shotwell- easy to use free software photo management for desktop environment GNOME;
  • Working with Simple Scan. This program Scan is designed to connect a scanner and scan an image or document in a suitable format;
  • Automatic installation of print drivers. When connecting parallel or USB Printer PackageKit searches for and installs the driver that matches the manufacturer and model.

Software included with Linux Fedora 13:

  • Configurator - a number of graphical utilities for configuring the system;
  • Graphical environments - KDE 4.4.2 default is used GNOME 2.30.0;
  • Internet applications - Firefox 3.6.3, Thunderbird 3.0.4, Nautilus 2.30.1;
  • Office applications - OpenOffice.org 3.2.0, Gimp 2.6.8;
  • Core Linux -;
  • Programs for developers - Gcc 4.4.4, Glibc 2.12, GTK+ 2.20.1, Perl 5.10.1, PHP 5.3.1, Python 2.6.4, Qt-x11 4.6.2, NetBeans 6.8.;
  • Basic server programs - Mysql 5.1.45, Postgresql 8.4.3, Postfix 2.7.0, Sendmail 8.14.4, Samba 3.5.2;
  • Programs to run Windows applications - Wine.

What to do after installing Fedora 21 - setup guide

Operating system download and installation process Fedora 21 does not cause difficulties for the majority of interested users and IT specialists, however, it will be described in a separate article for the “smallest” and beginners.

It is worth noting that in this OS family Linux used large number changes and updated applications. A freshly installed system does notperfect fit for daily use. Now let's set up Fedora 21, namely the most basic and basic operations to get a more polished desktop.

System update

The very first thing you need to do before setting up the operating system and installing programs is to update the system; I recommend performing this operation from command line(terminal):

Adding the RPM Fusion Repository

Enabling additional RPM Fusion repositories is necessary to install various applications, codecs, etc., i.e. that software that is not available from official sources due to licensing agreements. At the same time, packages and programs are stable and of high quality. To add new repositories to the system, run the command:

su -c 'yum localinstall —nogpgcheck http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/ nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm'

Installing plugins and basic programs

  • Plugins for playing media files:

sudo yum install gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-base gstreamer1-plugsins-base-tools gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins- bad-free-extra gstreamer1-libav

  • Installing the unrar archiver:

yum install unrar p7zip p7zip-plugins

sudo rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm

Import the key:

sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

We install the plugin:

sudo yum install flash-plugin


  • Installing VLC Media Player:
  • Installing the Audacious music player:

sudo yum install audacious

  • Installing the Audacity music editor:

sudo yum install audacity

  • Installing Gnome Music Player:

sudo yum install gnome-music


Taste and color - all browsers are different, I will present to your attention the installation process of the most popular browsers in the Fedora 21 OS. By default, Mozilla Firefox is used.

  • Installation latest version Google Chrome consists of several stages, first we install the repositories (the source for obtaining packages and programs):

sudo gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo

Next in enter the following text in the text editor, which will be opened after entering the specified command:


Now let's do it Google installation Chrome:

sudo yum install google-chrome-stable

  • Installing Lightweight Midori Browser:

sudo yum install midori


  • Inkscape

sudo yum install inkscape

  • Blender

sudo yum install blender

  • Gwibbe

sudo yum install gwibber

  • Pidgin

sudo yum install pidgin

  • Installing the qbittorren torrent client

sudo yum install qbittorrent

  • Installing an alternative torrent client:

sudo yum install deluge

  • For all other downloads, it is recommended to use the DownloadThemAll browser plugin.
  • Dropbox installation:

sudo gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/dropbox.repo

name=Dropbox Repository

Performing the installation operation:

sudo yum install nautilus-dropbox

The first part of the guide to setting up the Fedora 21 operating system is complete. Subscribe to site updates to receive news and continuation of article series:

Application solution "1C: Retail 8" automates the registration of the following operations:

  • arrival of goods from the counterparty to the store’s warehouses;
  • sale of goods and services to the counterparty;
  • movement of goods between stores, internal warehouses of stores, stores and warehouses of a trading enterprise;
  • trade in sets of goods created both at the time of sale of the goods and with pre-sale preparation of the set;
  • returns of goods from customers, including returns after the checkout shift is closed;
  • inventory of commodity stocks;
  • registration of incoming and outgoing cash orders directly in stores;
  • issuing sales receipts, and at the end of the shift, a summary report on the cash register, taking into account the returned goods per shift;
  • moving cash between stores, internal cash registers of stores, shops and cash registers of a commercial enterprise;
  • working with acquiring systems, accounting for payments for goods using payment cards, accounting for acquiring agreements and conditions for the return/non-return of a trade concession by the acquirer when returning goods; work with bank loans.
  • the use of percentage discounts on discount cards (fixed and cumulative discounts), discounts divided by store, discounts to counterparties, discounts on the amount of the receipt, discounts by validity period, by quantity of goods, by type of payment.
  • support for commercial equipment: fiscal registrars, data collection terminals, barcode scanners, electronic scales, buyer displays, acquiring systems, magnetic card readers.

The application solution "1C: Retail 8" can work with geographically distributed information databases (RIB). At the same time, a clear division of document flow between stores is ensured, and information on all stores in the network is consolidated in the central hub of the RIB. Using the central node, you can quickly create a peripheral RIB node.

Application solution "1C: Retail 8" can automatically exchange information with management information system(back-office). The Trade Management application solution can be used as a control system for the 1C: Retail 8 application solution. Using the control system, you can create an unlimited number of nodes in the 1C: Retail 8 application solution, which, in turn, can be the central nodes of a distributed information base.

Mechanisms are provided for administering information base users of remote RIB nodes from the main node of the application solution. For example, in the main RIB node, the system administrator can register a user of the remote node's infobase and configure his access rights.

Along with multi-store accounting, multi-company accounting has been implemented, where each warehouse (sales floor) can be assigned to a specific organization (company).

The application solution "1C: Retail 8" can use order schemes for the movement, sale and receipt of goods at store warehouses. The order scheme provides for the preliminary registration of a list of goods required for acceptance or shipment from the warehouse, while the actual transaction with goods in the warehouse is registered with the documents “Outgoing order for goods” or “Receiving order for goods”.

The accounting of inventory in store warehouses and the accounting of cash in store cash registers are automated.

The application solution allows you to regulate retail prices for each store from a central node. At the same time, you can give the store the right to adjust retail prices depending on its location and the presence of competition.

The program implements mechanisms for generating price tags and labels.

Mechanisms implemented automatic detection VAT rates at the time of sale of goods from store warehouses. The taxation system is established for each warehouse separately. At the time of sale of a product, the sales floor (or warehouse) from which it is necessary to sell the product is determined by the cash register for the sale of the product and the product group to which it (the product) belongs. This makes it possible to correctly enter documents in stores that use a mixed taxation system.

The application solution "1C: Retail 8" implements schemes for the automated distribution of goods among warehouses, when upon receipt of goods the operator can distribute the supply among warehouses (sales floors) of the store depending on the product group.

After the installation of Fedora 24 Workstation has been successfully completed, it is not yet ready for full operation. Despite the fact that the distribution developers have already configured many programs for working with documents, media and file system, there are still a few things left that are not in the distribution out of the box.

In this article, we will look at the most important steps after installing Fedora 24. Only after completing all these steps will your system be completely ready for use. This list can be continued indefinitely, but we will consider only the most important.

1. Complete system update

You may think it doesn't matter. But since the system was released, some problems may have already been discovered and fixes have been developed for them. New versions of programs could also be released. Therefore, we update the system to the latest version:

2. Setting up the computer name

In order to configure the computer name that will be displayed in the terminal and other programs, we will use the hostnamectl utility. It can set hostnames different types. To view the current hostname, type:

You can change the hostname with the following command:

hostnamectl set-hostname "losst"

3. Setting up a static IP address

Servers very often use static IP addresses. One of the first things you need to do after installing fedora is to set up your network. If this is your option, open and edit the eth0 or enp2s0 configuration file in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ folder:

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3

Here are the settings you need to add:

  • BOOTPROTO- protocol for obtaining an address, we need static
  • ONBOOT- automatic connection
  • IPADDR- the IP address you need
  • NETMASK- your network mask
  • GATEWAY- the gateway through which the computer will access the Internet
  • DNS1- DNS, with which you need to resolve domain names.

For example, it could be this configuration:


To apply the changes, restart network services:

systemctl restart network.service

To view the changes you can use the command:

4. Add RPMFusion repository

Setting up fedora after installation should include setting up additional repositories. Some packages are not in the official RHEL and Fedora repositories. But you can install these packages from the RPMFusion repository. There are both proprietary and free packages here. To add a repository, run the command:

sudo rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-24.noarch.rpm

5. Install Gnome Tweak

By default, the Gnome desktop environment may not look the way we would like it to. The GNOME Tweak utility will help you configure many settings appearance Fedora 24, panel, desktop space and more.

You can install it by opening the Application Center, searching for Gnome Tweak and clicking the Install button:

6. Connect online accounts

Fedora 24 allows you to access online accounts directly from the system. You can configure them during installation. But if you haven’t done this, you can always do this in the settings, on the Personal tab, online accounts:

7. Installing Gnome extensions

Gnome Shell allows you to install extensions to make your system easier to set up and manage.

Then install with the command:

rpm install teamviewer.rpm


This is far from all the actions that need to be done after installing Fedora 24, but the main thing is collected here. If anything was missed, write in the comments.