The last chords to mention are diminished and augmented.

Diminished chords are written either as "dim" or sometimes with a circle (Cdim or Co).

A dim chords are composed of the following notes:

1st, minor 3rd, reduced 5th, twice flat 7th (double flat - for those who understand)

(a double-flat 7th is the same note as a major 6th, but in music theory it is usually written as a double-flat 7th and don't ask why!)

Adim would then look like: A, C, Eb, Gb

Note that the intervals between consecutive notes in the ALL dim chord are minor thirds.

This means that if you dim a C chord, you will get the same notes as for Adim.

In other words, Adim = Cdim = Ebdim = Gbdim = A + C + Eb + Gb So when you play a dim chord, moving it up or down three frets will give you the same chord!

There is also a chord called a semi-diminished chord or a diminished 7. I usually write it like something like E7-5, which is another name for the same chord. It is very helpful to know different names for the same chord.

The difference between it and the "regular" dim chord is that the 7th in this chord is just flat, not twice flat (by the way, that's why it is called a semi-diminished chord).

It consists of the following steps: 1st, minor 3rd, small 5th, small 7th

The augmented chord is composed of the following notes:

1st, major 3rd, enlarged 5th

So A aug looks like this: A C # F
(intervals between adjacent notes are major thirds - i.e. 4 semitones)

They are usually written as "A aug" or "A +" or "A + 5".

For some time now, among the concepts of household electrical engineering, the word dimmer has been increasingly heard. What is this device? For what purposes is it intended? Maybe another whim? Or something really necessary in everyday life? There are a lot of questions, we will try to give detailed answers to all of them.


The word "dimmer" comes from the English "dim", which literally means "dim" in Russian. But the Russians themselves often call the dimmer a dimmer, because it is an electronic device with which you can change the electrical power (that is, adjust it up or down).

Most often, using such a device, the lighting load is controlled. The dimmer is designed to change the brightness of the light emitted by LED lamps, incandescent and halogen lamps.

The simplest example of a dimmer is a variable resistor (or rheostat). Back in the 19th century, the German physicist Johann Poggendorf invented this device so that it could be used to regulate the voltage and current in an electrical circuit by increasing or decreasing resistance. A rheostat is a resistance-adjustable device and a conductive element. The resistance can change stepwise and smoothly. To obtain a low brightness of the light, you must reduce the voltage. But the resistance and current strength will be large, which will lead to strong heating of the device. So such a regulator is completely unprofitable, it will work with low efficiency.

Autotransformers can also be used as a dimmer. Their use is due to their high efficiency; practically undistorted voltage with the required frequency of 50 Hz will be output throughout the entire adjustable range. But autotransformers are quite large, they weigh a lot, and considerable mechanical efforts are needed to control them. In addition, such a device is expensive.

Electronic dimmer - this option is the most profitable from an economic point of view. It is compact and has a slightly different operating principle. Let's talk about it in more detail.


What is a dimmer is more or less clear. Voltage is applied to the lamp, we change its level and thus adjust the brightness of the lamp. Now a few words about when and where this device is used.

Agree, quite often situations arise when a decrease in the brightness of the light is required:

  • often the flow of lighting must be reduced before going to bed in the bedroom;
  • some design rooms require a change in the light pattern;
  • sometimes the lighting in the premises is switched to the so-called standby mode in order to reduce energy consumption.

In industrial and domestic premises, LED lamps are tuned to different consumption modes. At the same time, optimal lighting is selected and due to this, decent energy savings are achieved.

As for design ideas, it has now become fashionable in large living rooms or hall rooms to use secondary highlighting of individual areas. Secondary lighting is thought out to the smallest detail, and with the help of dimmers, you can increase the lighting and focus on some interior details (a picture on the wall, a beautiful vase installed in a niche, etc.) first plan.

Dimmable LED lamps allow you to get a colorful effect during some kind of concert, advertising or special events.

The dimmer is very handy for home celebrations. When guests are seated at the table, bright lighting is required, and during dancing, you can dim it. It is especially convenient and beneficial to use such a device during a romantic dinner or a date, when it is not necessary for the lamp to burn at full power.

And these are just some of the general examples. Surely, everyone has their own way of using dimmers. So this thing is necessary, convenient and cost-effective, you can install it at home and advise your friends.

Device and principle of operation

And now, as they say, let's look at the dimmer from the inside. What kind of device is it, and what elements does it consist of? What is its principle of operation based on?

All modern electronic dimmers have a key (it can also be called a switch or switch) as the main element in their design, which is controlled by semiconductor transistor, triac or thyristor devices. Most devices do not give out a sinusoidal signal at the output, the electronic switch cuts off the sections of the sinusoid.

To make it clearer for you, a current flows in the electrical network, which has a sinusoidal shape. To change the brightness, a truncated sine wave must be fed to the lamp. The bi-directional thyristor cuts off the leading or trailing edge of the sine wave of the alternating current, due to which the voltage supplying the luminaire is reduced.

Depending on which front of the sine wave is cut off, the adjustable method differs:

  • leading edge adjustment;
  • trailing edge adjustment.

Both of these methods are used to control different lamps:

  1. Dimming of LED and halogen lamps is carried out using electronic transformers and trailing edge control is applied.
  2. Compact fluorescent and LED lamps with a voltage of 220 V, as well as low voltage lamps, are regulated using electromagnetic transformers and using the leading edge method.

Both of these methods are suitable for incandescent lamps.

The design of the dimmers also includes protection against short circuit and overheating.

Since dimmers are capable of generating electromagnetic interference, a choke or inductive-capacitive filters are connected in series to the circuit to reduce their level.

For more information on a typical dimmer circuit, see this video:

Advantages and disadvantages

The first dimmers were mechanically controlled and had only one function - to change the brightness of the lamp.

The modern regulator has a number of other functions:

  1. Automatically turn on and off.
  2. It can be controlled remotely via radio channel, voice command, acoustic change (noise or pop), infrared channel.
  3. The touch-sensitive dimmer allows you to smoothly turn on and off the lamp Due to this, it is possible to avoid sudden surges of current through the lamps, as a result of which the latter often burn out.
  4. Dimmers simulate presence. This is a particularly interesting feature that will help scare away "intruders" from your home when no one is home. Given special program, according to which the dimmer automatically turns on and off the light in different rooms. The illusion is created that the owners are at home.

Like any technical device, a dimmer cannot be one hundred percent universal, it has its drawbacks:

  • causes electromagnetic interference;
  • the output voltage has a non-linear dependence on the resistance value of the resistor in the electronic dimmer circuit;
  • fluorescent lamps cannot work from it, as well as lamps that light up through ballasts;
  • the output voltage of electronic dimmers has a non-sinusoidal shape, so it is not recommended to connect step-down transformers to it;
  • when working with incandescent lamps, low efficiency.

What dimmers are there?

According to the method of adjustment, there is a touch dimmer, mechanical, acoustic and remote.

Let's start with the simplest ones - mechanical ones. If we consider the type of performance, then the following types of dimmers can be distinguished:

  1. Modular. They regulate lighting in public places (stairwells, corridors, entrances). This type of device is mounted in a switchboard; direct adjustment is carried out by a push-button or one-button switch.
  2. Monoblock. It is installed to break the phase of the circuit, which goes to the lighting load, and acts as a switch.
  3. The block version is when the dimmer is mounted together with a switch (like a socket-switch unit).

Most often, monoblock dimmers are used in everyday life, which differ in the way of control:

  • Turning. This dimmer has a knob, it rotates. If you set it to the left extreme position, then the lighting is turned off. If you gradually turn the knob to the right, the brightness of the lamp will increase.
  • Key. This device is very similar in appearance to a conventional two-button switch. In this case, using one key, the lamp is turned on or off, and the second is used to adjust the lighting power (by holding the key).
  • Rotary-push. The principle of operation is the same as that of the rotary device, only to turn on the lighting, the handle is slightly recessed.

The touch-sensitive dimmer is very popular now, it has a beautiful appearance, looks harmoniously in any interior (especially in high-tech style). Adjustment is carried out by touching the touch buttons.

The most convenient are dimmers with remote control... This is well deserved, because using the remote control, you can adjust the brightness of the lighting device from anywhere in the room.

Acoustic dimmers are most often used when planning a "smart home", where lighting can be controlled by voice commands or hand claps.

Dimmers can be divided according to the type of lamps they regulate:

  1. The simplest devices are used for incandescent and halogen lamps, which operate on a voltage of 220 V. Everything is simple here - the voltage changes, and the glow power of the filament is regulated.
  2. The circuit for 12 V or 24 V halogen lamps must be with a step-down transformer. When this is not possible, then choose a regulator for the type of transformer used (they have a special marking - C for electronic, RL for winding).
  3. LED lamps require dimmers with pulse frequency modulation.

Energy saving and fluorescent lamps are difficult to regulate. Experts generally do not recommend doing this. If you really need to control such bulbs, then include an electronic starter in the dimmer circuit.

More about dimming different types lamps, see this video:

Well, we made an attempt to get acquainted with such a dimmer as a dimmer. We hope that now you more or less understand what it is and what the principle of operation is. As for the connection diagrams, dimmers are installed in the circuit either instead of the switch, or in series with it. By the way, if you are good friends with electronics from the first grade, then making a dimmer with your own hands will not be difficult for you.

Good afternoon, dear Beauties!

I am with you again, Oksana Zubkova :)

And today I want to tell you about the amazing power of not a miracle pill or an expensive procedure. And not about the overseas SUPEREDA. Today we will talk about ... simple cabbage :) But which is not simple in any way. And it exists in Nature for the total protection of the Woman's health and the natural balance of her hormones. We will talk about this STRONG cabbage today.

It has been proven that women are almost several times more susceptible to various autoimmune diseases than men. And the thing is that the level of estrogen hormones directly affects the strength or weakness of our immunity. Immune cells, as a rule, have estrogen receptors, and it is these hormones that stimulate them to produce antibodies in the event of a threat to the body's health.

If you observe yourself

- fluid retention
- premenstrual syndrome
- heavy or irregular periods
- breast enlargement or tenderness
- breast and ovarian cysts
- migraines and headaches
- hair loss, enlarged pores on the face
- bulging belly
- endometriosis, fibroids, problems with conception
- infertility
- difficulty losing weight
- Prostate problems, beer belly, breast growth, decreased libido in men ...

Then know that the reason 90% hormonal problems modern man are PSEUDOestrogens - substances made by human hands, which, getting into our body, are recognized by them as their own hormones estrogens.

PSEUDOestrogens, or "false" estrogens - these are synthetic hormones that contain birth control pills, heavy metals in the air and in food, dry cleaning of things, most commercial cosmetics, hair dye, plastic, antibacterial soap, coffee, commercial meat, as well as "harmless" thrush (candida ). They are capable of increasing the amount of estrogen at times even with minimal ingestion, thus disrupting the delicate balance of hormones and tens, hundreds of times increasing the chances of cancer.

"And what does cabbage have to do with it?" - you ask :) And despite the fact that Nature gives us a unique solution to all of the above problems - without synthetic hormones, medications, pills and the like. Just cabbage! And you can be sure that you will take control of your "bad" estrogen levels quickly and easily.

Not everyone will eat cabbage for breakfast, lunch and dinner ... Besides, cabbage does not exist in winter. What to do? The answer, as always, is simple. Extract the DIM substance from the cabbage, put it in a useful capsule and drink it with a glass of water.

DIM - di-indole methane
Is a cabbage extract that has the unique ability to remove PSEUDOestrogens from the body, thus being your insurance policy for Healthy hormones, cancer protection and a strong immune system.

DIM makes your body slim, reducing the percentage of body fat, and gives you bright and beautiful sex, because it improves the work of not only your hormones, but also regulates the health of the prostate in Men.

DIM - Hormonal pill from Nature!

DIM is found in cruciferous vegetables, including cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage, red cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, and other similar green vegetables.

Bioactive DIM in a supplement is the most natural way to improve your hormones and bring your weight back to normal.

But that's not all! Found in red-colored substances - sulforaphane - is an oncoprotector capable of suppressing cancer cells and even contributing to their self-destruction. Sulforaphane also activates the restoration of proteins in cells damaged by malignant neoplasms and helps to protect the body from the effects of carcinogens and free radicals. Numerous studies have proven its effectiveness in the treatment of breast cancer.

This is why DIM Bioactive Supplement- your best, 100% natural protection against cancer!

VBA Variables, Variable Declaration, Option Explicit, Naming Rules, VBA Data Types, Initial Variable Values

Variables- containers for storing variable data. Almost no program can do without them. For simplicity, a variable can be compared with a number in the wardrobe - you hand in some data to the "wardrobe", in response you are given a number. When you need these data again, you "show the number" and get them. An example of working with variables in VBA might look like this:

Dim nMyAge As Integer

nMyAge = nMyAge + 10

MsgBox nMyAge

Dim nMyAge As Integer

How to decode this line:

Dim is the scope of the variable. VBA provides 4 keywords to define the scope of variables:

  • Dim- used in most cases. If a variable is declared as Dim in the module's declaration area, it will be available in the entire module, if in a procedure - only for the duration of this procedure;
  • Private- when declaring variables in VBA, means the same as Dim;
  • Public- such a variable will be available to all procedures in all modules of this project if you declared it in the module declaration area. If you declare it inside a procedure, it will behave like Dim / Private;
  • Static- such variables can only be used inside a procedure. These variables are visible only inside the procedure in which they are declared, but they retain their value between different calls to this procedure. Usually used to accumulate values. For example:

Static nVar1 As Integer

nVar1 = nVar1 + 1

MsgBox nVar1

If there are no special requirements, then it makes sense to always choose the Dim scope.

The second word in our declaration (nMyAge) is the identifier (in other words, the name) of the variable. The rules for choosing names in VBA are the same for many elements (variables, constants, functions and procedures, etc.). Name:

  • must start with a letter;
  • should not contain spaces and punctuation symbols (the exception is the underscore character);
  • maximum length - 255 characters;
  • must be unique in the current scope (more details later);
  • reserved words (those that are highlighted in a different color in the code editor window) cannot be used.

When creating VBA programs, it is strongly recommended that you decide on the rules by which you will assign names to objects - the naming convention. The most commonly used is the so-called Hungarian agreement (in honor of one of the Microsoft programmers, Charles Simonyi, Hungarian by nationality):

  • the variable name must start with a prefix in lowercase letters. The prefix indicates what exactly will be stored in this variable:
    • str (or s) - String, character value;
    • fn (or f) - function;
    • c (or capitalize all letters) - constant;
    • b - Boolean, boolean value (true or false);
    • d - date;
    • obj (or o) - object reference;
    • n is a numeric value.
  • function names, method names, and each word in a compound word must begin with a capital letter:

MsgBox objMyDocument.Name

Sub CheckDateSub ()

  • in early versions of VB there was no word Const - all constants were defined as variables, and to distinguish them, they were written in capital letters, underscores were put between words:


Many programmers use this approach to denote constants even now (but using keyword Const is now required - we'll talk about that in the next section).

The third part of our announcement is As Integer is an indication of the data type of our variable. The data type determines what kind of data can be stored in our variable.

VBA provides the following data types:

  • numeric(byte is an integer from 0 to 255, integer is an integer from -32768 to 32767, long is a large integer, currency (a large decimal number with 19 positions, including 4 decimal places), decimal (an even larger decimal number with 29 positions), single and double - a floating point value (double is twice as large));

Attention! Attempting to declare a variable of type Decimal (for example, Dim n As Decimal) will result in a syntax error. To be able to work with the Decimal type, the variable must be initially declared as a Variant, or declared without a type at all (Dim n), since the Variant data type is used by default in VBA.

  • string(string of variable length (up to about 2 billion characters) and fixed length (up to about 65400 characters);
  • date and time(date - from 01.01.100 to 31.12.9999);
  • logical(boolean - can only store True and False values);
  • object(object - stores a reference to any object in memory);
  • Variant- a special data type that can store any other data types.

You can still use custom data types, but you must first define them using a Type expression. Typically, user-defined data types are used as an additional means of validating user-entered values ​​(the classic example is the zip code).

Some points related to the choice of data types for variables:

  • general principle- choose the smallest data type that can accommodate the values ​​you selected. If in any doubt, choose a larger data type to avoid errors;
  • if possible, it is best not to use floating point data types (single and double). Working with such data types is slower, in addition, there may be problems with comparisons due to rounding;
  • if possible, it is best not to use the Variant type. This type is still cast by VBA to one of the other types, but it requires more memory. In addition, errors can occur during such implicit education;
  • when defining variables, you can use the so-called type definition symbols (% - integer, $ - String, etc.). For example, in our example, you need to comment out the line Dim nVar 1 As Integer, and in the second line write:

nVar1% = nVar1% + 1

This approach is deprecated and deprecated.

When declaring variables, you do not need to specify its type. For example, our ad might look like this:

Dim nVar1

In this case, the variable will be automatically declared with the Variant type.

Basically, you can work in VBA without declaring variables. For example, a code like this

nVar1 = nVar1 + 1

MsgBox nVar1

will be quite workable. If we use a variable in the program without declaring it, then a new variable of the Variant type will be automatically created. However, you must declare variables! And at the same time, it is desirable to explicitly indicate the required data type. Why:

  • the number of errors is reduced: the program from the very beginning will refuse to accept a value of the wrong type into a variable (for example, string instead of numeric);
  • when working with objects, the hint on properties and methods is valid only when we initially declared an object variable with the required type. For example, in Excel, two variations of the code will work the same:

first option:

Dim oWbk As Workbook

Set oWbk = Workbooks.Add ()

second option:

Set oWbk = Workbooks.Add ()

But the hint on the properties and methods of the oWbk object will only work in the second case.

All experienced developers generally prohibit the use of variables without explicitly declaring them. To do this, you can use a special compiler command (it is placed only in the module declaration section)

Option Explicit

or you can insert this command into all modules when they are created automatically - by checking the box in the code editor window Require Variable Declarations(menu Tools -> Options, tab Editor).

To illustrate why they do this, you can use a simple example:

n = n + 1

MsgBox n

On the surface, the code should not cause any problems and just display one in the message window. In fact, it will display an empty message box. The reason is hidden very insidiously: in the third line n is not the English letter N at all, but the Russian letter P. It is very difficult to distinguish them as they appear in the code editor window. At the same time, the VBA compiler, upon encountering such code, will simply create a new variable with the Variant data type, which will have empty value... It may take some time to identify such an error.

A good rule of thumb is to declare variables ahead of time, not when they are needed. This makes the program more readable and well-planned.

You can declare several variables on one line, for example, like this:

Dim n1 As Integer, s1 As String

Assigning values ​​to variables looks like this:

nVar1 = 30

If you need to increase the already existing value of a variable, then the command may look like this:

nVar1 = nVar1 + 1

In both examples, the equal sign does not mean "equal", but rather to assign.

When assigning values ​​to variables, keep in mind the following:

  • string values ​​are always enclosed in double quotes:

sVar1 = "Hello";

  • date / time values ​​are enclosed in "hash" - pound symbols:

dVar1 = # 05/06/2004 #

Note that when assigning a date / time value in this "explicit way" we will have to use the US standards: 05 in this case is the month, 06 is the day. The display of this value (for example, in a message box) will depend on the regional settings on the user's computer.

If you need to transfer a hexadecimal value, then the characters & H are placed in front of it:

nVar1 = & HFF00

What is in the variables before they are assigned values?

  • In variables of all numeric data types - 0.
  • In variable-length strings - "" (zero-length string).
  • In string variables of a fixed length, a string of a given length with ASCII characters 0 (these characters are not displayed on the screen).
  • In Variant, empty.
  • In Object - nothing (there is no reference to any of the objects).

Hello dear readers. In today's article, we'll look at how to apply a diminished chord in harmony, as well as which chords you can replace with it.

We talked about the reduced chord in the article on the seventh chords - this is a seventh chord, that is, it consists of four sounds. Why is it just reduced? - read about this in the article. How to apply this chord in harmony was discussed in the article. In fact, there are a lot of uses - we also replaced, for example, the G7 dominant seventh chord with the help of diminished chords. You also know about the interesting features of these consonances, which significantly expand the scope of their application on the guitar neck from the article.

Today we will learn something else interesting, which can also be used.

Let's imagine that we have harmony and it contains, as usual, a tonic - a subdominant - a dominant. And one of the chords we have is majj (or a big major seventh chord) or even two, it doesn't matter. For example, pre-maj tonic, F-maj subdominant and G7 dominant. By the way, do you remember how to replace each of these chords using the features we described in the article?

Today we will consider the possibility to diversify the majed chord. Sometimes they use a combination of a diminished chord and a meydzh, D-maj alternating with a C-sharp diminished - it sounds interesting. Also, we can generally play C # dim instead of C-maj, that is, they are interchangeable.

This way we can change the sound of the harmony, as always. However, how did we come to the conclusion that these chords are interchangeable? What do they have in common? Here's the fun part. This is very similar to what we wrote in the article - where about the keys of the third degree of kinship. True, in that article we just talked about them, but did not consider how it turns out, now we will do it.

How can this be explained? In fact, you yourself can come to the conclusion that C-maj and C # dim are related chords and you can change them with each other. To do this, you need to make some manipulations - find the median Em at Cmaj.

fig. 4 one

Then turn Em into Em6 and change the bass note (tonic) to A (as we did in the article).

fig. 4 2

And then the note A in the resulting A7 is changed to A-sharp, getting C # dim (C-sharp-diminished).

fig. 4 3

It turned out that the Cmaj and C # dim chords are to some extent equal to each other and therefore can interact in harmony or even replace each other.

fig. 4 four

This is how not cleverly (in about three steps) we can find substitutions for major chords (not only for the major major, but also for the usual triad and dominant seventh chord) and use them successfully. In our case, it is good to take a diminished chord in the middle of the composition when you develop it, because it sounds tense and it is very good to move from it to chords with a softer and more stable sound.