Live classics - a literary competition for children aged 10-16 years. The participant's task is to read an excerpt from a favorite piece, to convey its rhythm, sensuality and mood. Winning readers are awarded certificates for acting training, camp vouchers, international educational trips, and other valuable gifts. The main goal of the all-Russian project is to increase the popularity of classical literature among schoolchildren. The official website allows you to use your Live Classic account, registration in which is required to participate in the competition.

Why start a personal account?

In the personal account, not only future participants can register, but also their relatives or teachers. An authorized user gets the opportunity to:

Without entering your personal account, you can familiarize yourself with the news of the Live Classics competition, the conditions for its holding, and read useful articles. Videos of the winners of the online competition are freely available on the site.

Registration in your personal account

To register as a future participant in the Living Classics, the child goes to the appropriate section of the site. You will need to choose the type of competition - in Russia or international. In the field "you are registering as" the status "participant" is put. Next, the user specifies the email address where the letter comes with the login and password to enter the site. This completes the registration, but to apply for participation, you must fill in information about yourself:

  • surname, name, patronymic, gender;
  • how many full years;
  • school and class;
  • area of ​​residence;
  • mobile phone.

An adult starts a personal account in the same way, only in the field "You register as" he chooses the status of "curator" of a school or regional project.

Login to your personal account

To enter your personal account Living Classics, enter your username and password, which were sent to your email address during the registration process. The link to the authorization page is located on the left side of the main site.

If the user has forgotten the password, he clicks on the link "I forgot my password" (to the right of the "Login" button) and indicates his e-mail. An e-mail will receive a letter with instructions for further actions.

Due to the huge number of those wishing to take part in the competition this year and due to the huge number of questions about the work of the site, the organizers of the competition are extending registration until February 15, 2016!

Now you can see which schools in your area have registered and which are lagging behind! To do this, click on 2016 on the main page ( and select the region you need, divided into districts and schools. All registered schools will appear on the list. Schools not on the list should be reminded of URGENT registration.

We remind you: EVERYONE must register - both students and those responsible for the competition.

If the educational institution is not on the website:

1. You need to register.

Within 3 days from the moment of sending the letter, the technician will add your school to the list, and you will be able to indicate your educational institution in your profile (Section "Edit Profile").

"Living Classics" is an international reading competition among Russian-speaking children, pupils in grades 6-10. The goal of the "Living Classics" project is to popularize classical literature, revive the traditions of family reading, increase the level of literacy and aesthetic education of the younger generation. Within the framework of the competition, children recite excerpts from their favorite literary works, trying to fully reveal their artistic merits.

The ten most talented readers will advance to the Super Final, the winners of which will be determined by an independent jury. Superfinalists receive diplomas and gifts from the sponsors of the competition, as well as the right to compete in the finals on Red Square in Moscow. The three participants with the maximum number of points become the winners of the super final. The best readers are awarded with diplomas, gifts and vouchers to summer camps for children "Living Classics". You can take the first step towards victory and become a participant in the project after registering in your Personal Account on the Live Classics website.

Functionality of the Personal Account

Registration on the official website is a prerequisite for participating in the reading competition. The site provides two options for the Personal Account: for adults and children. Children are registered as participants in the competition, and adults - as curators of the school or district stage. After registration, project participants get access to information about the time and date of the school, municipal and regional stages of the competition. In addition, in your Personal Account you can find out about the winners of the previous stages, view photo reports of events and see a list of schools whose students are taking part in the project.

Registered users have the opportunity to apply for participation in the regular and online competition. The latter increases the chances of reaching the final of the All-Russian competition and receiving the main prize. The participant of the online competition uploads a video of his performance on YouTube channel and posts a link to the video in the Personal Account. Those who get the most likes win. Information about the winners of the online competition is published on the official website of the project.

Registration in the Personal Account "Live Classics"

The project website has sections "Registration of children" and "Registration of adults". Participants of the competition must select the "Registration of children" tab and fill out the form, indicating the following information:

  • address Email;
  • phone number in international format;
  • surname and first name;
  • class;
  • age;
  • Country of Residence;
  • region;
  • district;
  • locality;
  • school.

After clicking the "Register" button, an individual password is sent to the e-mail address indicated in the form, which must be entered in the appropriate field. Then the user receives a digital code on his phone number, indicates it in the required line and completes the registration.

The curators of the competition - school directors, teachers, librarians - go through a similar procedure. When registering, they must provide their position.

Authorization in the Personal Account "Live Classics"

For authorization in the Personal Account, you need a login - the email address specified during registration, and a personal password. If the user has saved his data in the browser, he can go to Personal Area after clicking the "Login" button on the main page. If the data has not been saved, you need to enter your e-mail in the "Login" field, get a new password and digital code to the phone number, and then go through authorization.

Client support of the Personal Account

In case of difficulties in the process of registration and authorization, the user can use the services technical support... On the official website of the "Living Classics" project there is an instruction for users, which is focused primarily on the curators of school and district stages. The instruction will help to "tie" district schools to the Personal Account, post reports on the intermediate stages of the competition, submit information about unregistered project participants.

How to disable your Personal Account

The shutdown function in the Personal Account is not provided, so the user has free access to his page at any time. In the Personal Account, you can always edit the profile if any data has changed: age, position, surname, region and city of residence, school number.

Security & Privacy Policy

When registering, the user agrees to the processing of personal data. In turn, the operator undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided and prevent its unauthorized distribution in accordance with Federal Law-152.

"Living Classics" is an international competition for young readers, established by the non-profit foundation of the same name in 2011 as a project aimed at increasing the popularity of literature among young readers. Over the years, among the members of the jury were famous artists, TV presenters, actors and writers, and the winners were awarded educational trips to other countries, certificates for children's international camps, valuable gifts, and teaching theatrical skills. You can register as a participant in the competition through your personal account Live Classics, available on the official website of the competition.

Personal account features

By registering a Live Classics personal account, future participants of the competition, as well as their parents and curators, have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in the Live Classics community.
  • Apply online to participate in the Young Reading Contest.
  • Vote for other members.
  • Use an extensive library, view media materials.
  • Participate in discussions.
  • Subscribe to webinars.
  • View the latest competition news and communities.

Registration and login to your personal account

To register a personal account, you must select the appropriate menu item on the left side of the main page of the site. Next, you should indicate which participant is registered: an adult, a curator or a student. Registration forms for them will be different.

For the actual future participants of the competition, you will need to fill out a form containing only the data of the full name, e-mail address and the desired password. After that, the entrance to the Live Classics personal account becomes available. However, to fill out an application for participation in the competition, you must fill out separately and send a special form by clicking the button in your personal account "Take part in ...".

You can recover your account password directly on the website by using the appropriate button on the Live Classic account login page. Further, in the field that appears, enter the email address specified during the registration of the account. Detailed instructions for restoring credentials will be sent to it. Proceeding as instructed, you should reset the old password and create a new login password.

“Dear municipal and regional curators of the" Live Classic-2020 "competition! We remind you that the regional stage of the All-Russian competition for young readers "Living Classics -2020" in the Nizhny Novgorod region will take place:

20.03. 2020 at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Vaneeva, 203, GBOU DPO "Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Education Development",beginning at 10.00 in the assembly hall.

IMPORTANT!!! Earnest request before 03/06/2020 inform the regional curator, Anna Mikhailovna Firsova, the address, date and time of the municipal / district stages of your municipalities of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

IMPORTANT!!! Do not forget to send correctly, indicating all the data of the participant, NGO, registration on the COMPETITION website, in the form attached to the order, completed applications for participation in the regional stage of the winners from your municipalities to the email address, [email protected] specified in the order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. "

“Dear curators of the competition!

We send you diplomas of all levels, as well as thanks. All diplomas and gratitude will be posted in the personal accounts of the curators of the corresponding levels.
We also attach an evaluation sheet (it is the same as in the Competition Regulations, just made a separate file for convenience), as well as the final protocol of the competition.
Please keep the completed final protocols of all levels of the competition until 01.06.2020 in case of disputable situations.

If you have questions and complaints about the site, please contact the federal curator of the Volga Federal District, Polina Sokolova. [email protected]... The response time is up to 4 days.

An additional competition for adults starts at the "Living Classics" - the All-Russian competition methodological developments aimed at developing students' reading competence. ()
Russian language and literature teachers and school librarians, teachers of additional education are allowed to participate in the competition.
The deadline for applications is February 1 - March 15, 2020.
Three winners of the competition have the opportunity to take part in the V International Pedagogical Forum "Living Classics" (St. Petersburg, September 2020). The Living Classic Foundation pays for travel and accommodation.
Also, ten participants in the competition have the opportunity to undergo distance learning under the professional development program within the framework of their profession, to receive a certificate of professional development.

Dear Colleagues!

On the eve of the start of the largest-scale competition of reciters “Living Classics”, together with the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”, we have prepared a line of webinars for you.

Each of them reveals an important question for preparing for the competition: how to work with speech, what to pay attention to in the text, what psychological techniques will help support the student before the performance, and many others.

Don't miss the master classes from the country's leading experts! They will show you how to prepare your students for the competition.

Experts go live in the VKontakte group “Pedagogical Forum“ Live Classics ”(, as well as on the website according to the following schedule:

The competition is like a holiday: a collective creative endeavor.

Date: January 19
The webinar starts at 4 p.m.
Speaker: Elena Nikolayevna Pristupa, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Family Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Psychological support for children participating in competitions.

Date: January 20
The webinar starts at 16:00
Speaker: Elena Leonidovna Sergienko, teacher - psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences at the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute, coach.

Date: January 22
The webinar starts at 16:00
Speaker: Vysokovskaya Sofya Mikhailovna, actress, Associate Professor of the Department of "Stage speech" of the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute.

Review of modern literature. What texts are better to read at the competition.

Date: January 24
The webinar starts at 16:00
Speaker: Moldavskaya Ksenia, children's literature reviewer, literary critic, teacher.

Date: January 26
The webinar starts at 16:00
Speaker: Poryadina Maria Evgenievna, senior researcher at the Research Institute of State Bibliography and Bibliology of the Russian Book Chamber, literary critic, member of the expert council of the All-Russian competition for the best work for children and adolescents "Kniguru".

Language analysis of the text as a means of choosing an emotional reading.

Date: January 27
The webinar starts at 16:00
Speaker: Oksana V. Gordienko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute for the Development of Digital Education at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Preparing students for expressive reading of literary text.

Date: January 29
The webinar starts at 16:00
Speaker: Anastasia Sokolova, Deputy Director of the Institute for the Development of Digital Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Date: January 31
The webinar starts at 16:00
Speaker: Radtsig Margarita Nikolaevna, leading actress of the Moscow Taganka Theater, senior lecturer of the Department of Stage Speech at the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute.

Get ready for the competition with us! Do not miss the opportunity to ask questions of interest and hear comments from experts. See you at the webinars!

ATTENTION!!! Dear curators of Live Classics-2020!
In the terms of the competition, changes were made to an excerpt from the order of the Ministry:
"To recommend to the heads of the bodies in charge of education of municipal districts and urban districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region: On amendments to the order dated 10.12.2019 No. 316-01-64-316" On holding the regional stage of the All-Russian competition for young readers "Living Classics" in 2020 year "2
- organize the school stage of the Competition from 3 to 28 February 2020;
- organize the holding of the municipal stage of the Competition from March 2 to March 19, 2020;
- send the winners of the municipal stage of the Competition to the regional stage of the Competition by March 20, 2019. "
Calendar of the Contest subject to changes in terms -.

We inform you that in 30 regions of the Russian Federation, which will be determined during the voting of users on the site, contestants from among the eleventh graders who received recommendations from the jury will be able to compete for the right to enter the Shchukin Theater Institute on preferential terms.

Voting will soon be launched on the website of the "Live Classics"
The voting results will be announced on January 15, 2020.

Participants who successfully passed the audition will be eligible to enter the second round of admission (bypassing the first) at the Shchukin Theater Institute.

To pass to the second round of admission, you must pass the USE in the following subjects: Russian - at least 56 points, literature - at least 45 points.
For listening, the contestant is recommended to prepare a reading of prose, poems, fables.

If the region wins the vote, the date of the teacher's visit will be discussed and agreed with you. It could be the day of the regional stage (it will probably be a parallel room audition), or it could be a separate day.
By timeline: end of March - beginning of April 2020. "

"Dear school, class and municipal curators, organizers of the competition for young reciters" Living Classics "!
We remind you that registration for the Contest began on 01.11.2019.
We sincerely thank you for participating in the project! Thank you for introducing children to reading books!
We send you presentation materials for demonstration to guests.


1) Poster layout, which you can print and place in your library. You can enter the time and place of the meeting by hand.
2) Presentation video - General video about the "Live Classics" competition.
3) To the participants of the competition of young readers - detailed instructions for the participants of the competition, advice and recommendations.
4) "Living Classics" - opportunities and projects - A video about what opportunities the project has, except for the competition for young readers.
5) Presentation of the project "All-Russian School Chronicle" (HSL) - Presentation of the publishing project of the Foundation "Living Classics".
6) The video "There are millions of us" - a video clip that was filmed at "Artek" in May 2019.