In the event that when a new browser is running MicrosoftEdge in Windows 10, there are problems (the browser crashes, does not start, slows down, gives some errors, etc.) that interfere with the normal work of the user, you can try to reset his settings and current state. MS Edge in Windows 10 (like IE in previous versions of Windows) is part of the system and cannot be completely uninstalled or reinstalled. The main method of restoring its performance is cleaning and resetting its parameters and state.

There are two ways to reset the Edge browser: soft(resetting the current user settings made during his work) and hard reset(restore the browser to its original clean system state). Before proceeding with the reset, make sure that the problem is with the browser and not with one specific site.

Important! Both of the techniques below will completely erase all user data in Edge, including bookmarks, favorites, web form data, saved passwords, and more. So be sure to save important data first.

Microsoft Edge soft reset

If the browser is still launching, the first thing to try is to soft reset Microsoft Edge using the built-in tools.

Hard reset Edge using PowerShell

If the previous method didn't work, try the more radical method of resetting MS Edge.

To do this, first of all, you need to clear the contents of the C: \ Users \ directory % username% \ AppData \ Local \ Packages \ Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe, which stores the user's browser settings.

where% username% is your account name.

The cleanup can be done manually, or (preferably) from a PowerShell command prompt running with administrator privileges (Edge must be closed):

remove-item $ env: localappdata \ Packages \ Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe \ * -recurse -Force 2> $ null

This command recursively clears the contents of the localappdata \ Packages \ Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe \ directory in the current user profile.

Then install the default copy of the browser from local storage:

Get-AppXPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml" -Verbose)

Restart Windows 10 and check Edge is working.

This tip only applies to Windows 10.

You have launched a browser Edge , and it closed in about 3-5 seconds. Below, I will give a number of actions that should help you fix the problem in the browser. Edge ( I strongly recommend that you perform all the actions in the exact sequence as indicated below).

  • Checking the integrity of system files

To do this, run the command line on behalf of the Administrator, enter the command:

sfc / scannow

and press Enter. We are waiting for the completion of the scan and after the completion of the scan, if damaged files were found and corrected, we restart the computer. After rebooting, regardless of the result obtained, run another command:

Dism / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth

Now, we restart the computer and check the operation of the browser.

  • Removing the "Microsoft Edge" directory, which is responsible for the settings of the Edge program itself.
We go along the following path:

C: \ Users / Users \% User% \ AppData \ Local \ Packages

where is the "Users" folder (in the Russian version)/ "Users "(In the English version), is the user profile folder and is located on disk by default C. A instead of% User%, there will be the name of your system user. Now, in the Packages folder, we find the following folder:


We delete this folder completely. Sometimes, she doesn't want to leave. In this case, first open this folder and try to delete the contents of each folder separately, and then this folder itself. If it does not help, use the Unlocker utility or similar, which can delete data locked by the system.

Now, run PowerShell as administrator (just enter the words PowerShell in the search bar and on the found result, right-click and select "run as Administrator") and enter the following command:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose)

and press Enter. After completing the execution of this command (a corresponding warning will be displayed), restart the computer and check the operation of the browser Edge.

  • Disable and re-enable the Edge browser using a third-party application.

Download Edge Blocker from the official website and run it. Now, select "Block" so that Microsoft Edge is completely disabled in the system. After that, we reboot the system and re-run this utility and select the item “ Unblock ". We reboot the system and check the operation of the browser Edge.

Any new items in the world of digital technologies have some flaws, and if we are talking about such complex software as an operating system, then one cannot do without the difficulties that arise in it. The new Microsoft Windows 10 includes the Edge browser, which is also new in its segment. Microsoft has announced that Edge will replace Explorer. Indeed, the browser is very functional and fast, but users often have problems launching it.

Microsoft Edge will replace Internet Explorer

The main reason for instability is in youth. There are many errors in the browser code that interfere with normal operation, so sometimes Microsoft Edge does not start, because even old programs are not without flaws, sometimes certain errors in their performance come out. And Edge has just announced itself, and the creators of Windows 10 did not have the opportunity to prevent some deviations in its functioning.

However, the launch problem is quite solvable, and users can, on their own, without involving specialists, get the job done. Here are a few tricks to improve Edge's experience and make it launch faster. But our advice is primarily directed to advanced users. If you are new to working with programs, you do not start Microsoft Edge in Windows 10, but decided to fix the situation on your own, without contacting specialists, then create a restore point in advance so as not to lose all your data in Windows 10 and the browser completely.

Sometimes Microsoft Edge does not work in Windows 10 if a lot of garbage has accumulated in the process, which greatly delays the launch of the program. Garbage can be outdated information stored in different places:

  • log of visited pages;
  • cookie;
  • download history;
  • cache of pages loaded during the work on the Internet;
  • a list of web addresses you enter.

There are two ways to clean up debris.

Cleaning in the browser itself

Open Edge, click on the extreme button at the top right - "Advanced". Select "Options" there, a window will open in which you will find the inscription "Clear browser data" and below it a button that allows you to choose what exactly to clear on your computer. Check the box in front of all the cleaning items, except for "Form data" and "Passwords". Click on "Clear". After uninstalling, browser performance will return.

External cleaning

If the browser does not start, it is unstable, then you can clean it using the CCleaner utility. A software product from Piriform Ltd will help you remove debris. By activating the utility, you will immediately be taken to a window in which you can choose what exactly will be cleaned. Here you can clear other browsers you are using right away. If the browser still works intermittently, then you need to completely update it. How to do this - read below.

Creating a new account

If cleaning up the trash doesn't solve the loading problem, try another method that will restore your browser to full functionality. You need to create a new account, then Edge will remain the same, but its settings will be completely reset. You will get a completely clean browser, as it was when you first installed it with Windows 10. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions.

  • Go to "Options" (under the "Advanced" button in the upper right corner).
  • Find the link "Account settings" there and open the settings window through it.
  • Next, click on "Family and other users", then "Add user".
  • In order not to reinvent mail and phone number, click "I do not have the login details for this person."
  • Skip the suggestions for creating an online account.
  • Select "Add user without Microsoft account".
  • A window will open, enter the required information for the user there.

You have formed another user, the browser on his record will be absolutely updated, without all sorts of information that you have in your history and without settings. The performance of the browser will be accelerated, since nothing prevents it from loading.

PowerShell Console

The third way to get Edge to work is through the PowerShell console. For example, when creating an online account for a new user, the problem with the browser will be solved as effectively as in the method described above, but all system settings will remain on your first account, and to reinstall the browser, you just need a console from it.

  • To start the console in Windows 10 as an administrator, call the search engine by pressing WIN + Q.
  • Type in the data line to search.
  • Right-click on the result of the search, in the menu that appears after that, activate the launch as administrator.
  • In the console, enter the command "cd C: \ Users \ username".

When the command is typed, Edge will be reinstalled, therefore, it will start up quickly as it did when the system was booted.

Removing the settings directory

Another way to solve the problem when Microsoft Edge does not open is to reinstall it by deleting the directory responsible for program settings - "Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe". This directory is systematically protected from deletion, so you have to take the Unlocker utility, which can delete any directories from Windows 10.

  • Find the directory using Explorer following the address "C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Local \ Packages".
  • Call the utility by right-clicking on the directory to be deleted.
  • Reboot your PC.

The browser will be reinstalled and its performance will improve.

Using alternative browsers

You can also advise, if you have problems and Microsoft Edge crashes on startup, just use alternative browsers. It will take many years for Microsoft to fine-tune the browser and bring it to perfection. The popular today Google Chrome browser, developed on its own engine, supports the latest Internet technologies, works stably, is constantly updated, while flaws are corrected, various functions are added. The same can be said about the Mozilla Firefox browser. Both of these browsers have many extensions to increase their functionality.

Perhaps in the near future, Microsoft Edge will work stably, in the meantime, sometimes you have to reinstall or clean it to speed up its performance. Follow our recommendations and you will get your browser working or use alternative programs while Edge improves and stabilizes.

The microsoft edge browser can be called very hasty, although the majority will come to this opinion only in 2016.

It is then that additions should appear to it, which will significantly increase convenience - it has great potential.

Today, the edge browser, like windows 10 itself, is damp. Often does not work: does not start and freezes.

Why not answer unequivocally. Therefore, in most cases, an individual examination is required.

Much undoubtedly depends on the components of the computer or laptop, in particular on the video card.

Still, if your edge does not work fully functional, you can advise something. More on this below.

Why edge in windows 10 freezes

If it often freezes for you, then a system check can establish the cause. For this, we lead the team

Sfc / scannow DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / Restorehealth

The system will scan itself for integrity and if any problems are found, it will show you errors.

Not the fact that an ordinary user will understand this, but the route in which to move will receive.

What else can be done in windows 10 when edge does not work correctly

If edge does not open, for example, try performing a factory reset. To do this, we type the combination Win + R, enter the command - inetcpl.cpl and confirm by pressing enter.

You will then see a tabbed window. Go to "Advanced" and at the bottom click the "reset" option

When performing a reset, agree to the terms, otherwise it will not work. In essence, a reset will restore the original settings.

All of the above does not in any way guarantee the perfect operation of the browser in the future. To do this, Microsoft will take time to experiment on us, the users.

They deal with it and release updates, which we download, install and in this way fix the errors. Good luck.

Microsoft Edge is one of the newest web browsers from Microsoft. The developers claim that it can become a full-fledged replacement for Explorer.

It is really convenient to work in the browser; modern technologies were used in its creation. However, like all other web browsers, it is not without its drawbacks. The main reason is "youth".

Microsoft Edge can also crash and crash. When working with it, notifications about found errors may suddenly appear. For some, the user even noticed that the browser does not open at all.

And when trying to start, a message was displayed stating that "the browser is already working." Potential crashes and program errors are not a reason to stop using Microsoft Edge. You just need to be able to get rid of them.

When and why might Microsoft Edge crash?

Microsoft Edge may stop working, crash when a web browser user just launches a program, searches for some information by entering a request in the address bar, is active on any Internet resource, or simply opens a new subwindow.

In such cases, first of all, the user needs to analyze the browser, find out whether it is generally the cause of errors and problems. It is possible that Microsoft crashes not because of its bugs, but because of the various Internet sites that the user visits or where at the time of the error.

If the cause of the error is not your browser, but a website, then the fastest and most convenient way to solve the problem is to reset Microsoft Edge settings. Although it will be safer to completely reinstall the program.

What to do if Microsoft browser crashes?

In order for your browser to start working again, you need to open PowerShell. Next, insert the following query:

Get-ChildItem ‘HKCU: \ Software \ Classes \ Local Settings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ AppContainer \ Storage \ microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe \ Children’ | foreach (Remove-Item $ _. pspath -Recurse)

After the steps taken, Microsoft will start working properly.

Are Microsoft Edge developers aware of browser crashes?

Yes, the Microsoft platform has recently made changes to its system, so users may see errors in the browser.

There may even be errors that can cause Microsoft to stop working one hundred percent. And now this is found among many users.

Microsoft officially declares that it is aware of all the program bugs that are present, that Fast Ring often displays error notifications, and various other problems that occur during the operation of the browser. However, in case of errors, you can use a simple and quick way to solve them, indicated by the company itself (mentioned above).

At the moment, the fact that Microsoft Edge frequently crashes makes it difficult to work. But the developers promise to completely rid users of such bugs in the near future. So their presence is not a reason to delete the account in the browser.