Greetings to all! Once I wrote about the WinSetupFromUSB program, where the goal was to create a bootable USB flash drive with the Windows 7 operating system. This utility is very useful, and can create both a USB flash drive with one OS and a multiboot one with several images of different systems. The other day on the website of the developer of this amazing program, a fresh version -1-6-beta2 appeared, which is able to work more stably with the ISO image of Windows 10. Now you can create a bootable USB flash drive Windows 10 for subsequent installation on MBR and GPT disks.

If you create a bootable USB flash drive with several operating systems, including Windows 10, using this version, then problems should not arise, which cannot be said for previous releases of WinSetupFromUSB. However, today we will create a bootable USB flash drive with one Windows 10 operating system, which will work on computers with both MBR (BIOS) and GPT (UEFI). As a result, it will turn out, so to speak, a universal bootable USB flash drive.

Create a bootable Windows 10 USB stick

First, we need to download the program from the office. site

If you have 64 discharge system, then you need to run the file WinSetupFromUSB_1-6_x64.exe. I have already described.

This is what the program looks like,

When the program window has opened, we will make the following settings here:
- check the box on Auto format it with FBinst and select FAT32;
- now put a checkbox next to Vista / 7/8 / Server 2008/2012 based ISO and press the button next to it, after which you will need to specify the path to the Windows 10 OS image (if you don't know where to download Windows 10, read on).

Everyone knows that there is a possibility of reinstallation operating system or replacing it with another distribution. But many do not know how to do this. And this is done through a bootable USB flash drive. The article will talk about the WinSetupFromUSB program: how to use it, and what functions it has. It is this program that will help us create the very bootable USB flash drive, which subsequently needs to be used to install a new operating system.

Where to download the program

Before talking about WinSetupFromUSB and how to use it, it's worth talking about where to download this program. Indeed, with all the awareness of the correct downloading of applications from the Internet, the user often makes gross mistakes. Now let's figure out exactly how and where to download the program.

By entering a request to search for this program in search engine, you will be given a bunch of links to choose from where you can download it to your computer, but this does not mean that you need to do this from the first available resource. Firstly, most likely, on such a site you will be at a loss which Download button to press. Before you download WinSetupFromUSB, you can download a bunch of unnecessary programs... Secondly, the program itself may carry some kind of malicious software, and a bunch of useless ones will be installed along with it.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to download from the official website of the developers - For the moment, latest version- WinSetupFromUSB 1.6, dated 11/28/2015. This is what we will consider.

Installation and launch

Talking about WinSetupFromUSB (how to use the program), we also need to tell you how to install it. The fact is that this process is slightly different from the more usual one using the installer. Now let's figure it out in more detail.

After downloading the file from the official website, an archive containing the program files will be downloaded to your computer. After launching it, a window will appear in which you can select a folder for unpacking, start the process or cancel all actions. Everything is simple here. In the Extract to line, specify the path to upload the files. In order not to register it manually, you can use the "..." button located to the right.

Once you have selected a folder, you can safely click on the Extract button. The unpacking process will then begin. It does not last long. After that, going to the folder you specified, you should find a new one named WinSetupFromUSB-1-6. Enter it. WinSetupFromUSB is launched by opening one of the files attached to this folder. If you have a 64-bit system, then run the one with this number after the name, if you have 32-bit, then without marking.

Creating a bootable USB drive

We have already explained where to download the program and how to install it. Continuing the conversation about WinSetupFromUSB, instructions for creating a bootable USB drive will be provided right now.

To get started, you will need to have only two things with you - the flash card itself and the image of the downloaded operating system from the Internet. Make sure the extension is ISO. If you have it, then we can proceed.

  1. The first step is to plug the flash card into your computer. Select its name in the program window. In the event that the flash drive is not found, try to update the information by clicking the Refresh button.
  2. Now we need to determine the operating system that will be written to this flash drive. To do this, put a check mark next to the corresponding version of the distribution kit and by clicking the "..." button, specify the path to the downloaded ISO image.
  3. It remains to press only the GO button in order to start recording the WinSetupFromUSB bootable USB flash drive.

We figured out how to write a USB flash drive, now let's move on to the special function that this program provides.

Creating a multiboot flash drive

We continue to talk about WinSetupFromUSB. You already know how to use this program, but I would like to talk about some of its features and functions. We'll start by creating a multiboot flash drive. We will describe the process itself and tell you what it is.

As you may have already noticed, in the Add to USB disk column, there are several checkboxes that can be put, respectively, it is possible to select several images of operating systems at once. This function is quite functional and implies the creation of a multiboot flash drive. After recording it, when installing the OS, you will be presented with a choice with which OS you will work in the future.

Working with different distributions

I would also like to talk about the very choice of items in this menu. There are five options. Now let's talk about each one separately.

  1. Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 Setup. In WinSetupFromUSB Windows can be written starting from the 2000 version. To do this, you need to specify the folder in which the Windows distribution itself is located. But since most often on the Internet you can only find an ISO image of the system, you can use some trick. Using the program Daemon tools mount the image and specify its letter. Or use the archiver to extract all the files from the ISO image.
  2. Windows Vista / 7/8/10 / Server 2008/2012 based ISO. Everything is simple here. This item must be selected if you want to record one of the listed versions of Windows. To do this, you need to specify the path to the downloaded ISO image of one of the distributions.
  3. UBCD4Win / WinBuilder / Windows FLPC / Bart PE. This item is intended for bootable disks based on WinPE. In this case, you will need to specify the path to the folder where the folder named I386 is located.
  4. LinuxISO / Other Grub4dos compatible ISO. This item is needed if you want to install Linux distributions. In addition, by selecting it, you can burn a number of programs such as Kaspersky Rescue Disk, RBCD, Hiren "s Boot. To start recording, you need to specify the path to the ISO file.
  5. SysLinux bootsector / Linux distribution using SysLinux / IsoLinux. Also required for writing Linux distributions, but for those installed using the syslinux bootloader. To start recording, you need to specify the path to the folder in which the folder called SYSLINUX.

Having dealt with all the components of this category, you can safely choose distributions and start writing them to a USB flash drive.

Additional options

You may also have noticed three options that are just below: Advanced options, Test in QEMU and Show Log. Let's also talk about them in more detail.

  1. Advanced options. The most extensive option. Its essence is to make some adjustments to the process of writing to a flash drive. By checking the box next to it, a window will appear, in which you can mark a number of adjustments to be made. So, Custom menu names for Vista / 7/8 / Server Source will make all OS menu item names standard. And Prepare Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 to be installed on USB how to prepare the selected distributions for recording.
  2. Test in QEMU. Everything is simple here. Having checked this item, after the end of the recording of the flash drive, the program will check it for errors.
  3. Show Log. It's even easier here. A window will appear in which all your actions within the program will be summarized after opening it.

As you can see, these three options can be very useful, so don't hesitate to use them.

The process of formatting a USB flash drive to a USB Flash Drive

Now let's talk about how to format a USB flash drive in the WinSetupFromUSB program. The instruction is attached.

  1. In the program window, in the USB disk selection and format tools column, click on the FBinst Tool button.
  2. In the window that appears, click on the Boot tab in the top bar. In the menu, select the Format option.
  3. Now, in the window that appears, check the boxes next to zip and force. Then click the Format button.
  4. As you can see, a file named will appear. You need to enter the program folder in the explorer and go to the files folder. Find the grub4dos file there. Drag it to the program window where is located.
  5. Now on the top bar click on Fbinst Menu. You should see three lines: 1st - "default 0", 2nd "timeout 0" and 3rd - "menu F1 grldr" grldr "". If not, enter them manually.
  6. Press Ctrl + S to save your changes.

That's all, you now know how to format a USB flash drive using WinSetupFromUSB programs.

Format conversion process

Now we will figure out how the conversion of the flash drive format to MBR is carried out. This operation should be done when the flash drive is very old. The fact is that in this case its format will be GPT, which will cause conflicts when installing the OS.

So, to carry out the conversion, you will need to click on the Bootice button next to the FBinst Tool. After clicking, a window will open. In it you need to go to the Physical Disk tab. On it, you should see a series of buttons, among which there should be a Process MBR. By the way, if your flash drive already has this format, it will not be highlighted. As you might guess, in order to convert your USB flash drive to MBR, you need to press this very button.

In the window that appears, select what type of MBR you want and click the Current MBR Type button. That's it, your flash drive has now been transformed.

RMPrepUSB program

You may have found the RMPrep USB button next to the previous two buttons. If you are wondering why you need it, then you will find out below in the text. But the list of its functions is so long that it will take an immense amount of time to explain each of them, so we will not wake up to consider in detail.

By clicking on the button, a window will open in front of you. Note that of the entire program, only this is in Russian. If this is not the case, then you can change it in the upper right corner.

This program provides tools like this:

  • recovering deleted data from a flash drive;
  • changing or creating a new file system (you can select all known file systems that exist at the moment);
  • unzip files directly to a USB flash drive;
  • creation of ISO images;
  • testing;
  • cleaning a flash card;
  • copying system files.

And this is not the whole list of this utility, therefore, if you are an experienced user, then be sure to check it out.

Where to get the Russian version

We have considered almost all the functions of the program, now let's step aside a little and talk about the Russification of WinSetupFromUSB. There is no Russian version. This is worth pointing out right away, because it is. Of course, you can find pages on the Internet where they claim the opposite, but most likely this is a duck, and by downloading such a program, you will bring a virus to your computer. Moreover, at the very beginning of the article it was said that the program must be downloaded from the official site of the developer, and as you could see, this site is in English, and it cannot be switched to Russian. Accordingly, all versions of the programs will also be in English.

Registering in the search engine: WinSetupFromUSB RUS, do not believe the sites that offer you to download the program in Russian or use the Russifier. In general, this is not necessary. After all, this article described all the processes of this program. Just by being guided by them, you will be able to burn a bootable USB flash drive. And over time, you will hone your skills to such an extent that you don't even need instructions.

How to create a bootable USB flash drive - part 3 WinSetupFromUSB utility

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site, today I want to tell you that having laid out the first and second parts, I completely forgot to tell you about one more method create a multiboot flash drive, I decided to improve. In this post, you will learn how to create a bootable USB flash drive - part 3 of the WinSetupFromUSB utility. It's just as free as its predecessors and pretty easy to use.

Is a utility for creating a bootable USB flash drive / external USB drive, followed by installation (launching) on ​​a computer, various operating systems and LiveCDs, with the ability to select several options for loading them. To do this, you just need to specify in WinSetupFromUSB the path to the folder with the unpacked image, or to the virtual drive with the distribution kit, and the program will automate this whole process and create a bootable USB flash drive with any Windows distribution kit or with your set of different OS / LiveCD.

Now, having read what this utility is like, let's move on to using it, open the exe of the desired bitness, since I have 64 bit, then I run it.

The winsetupfromusb program, in principle, has a fairly simple and friendly interface

We expose the Auto format checkbox, the NTFS formatting method and, for example, we will install windows 8. Select the place where our ISO is located.

Select it and click open

Well, as you probably guess, we click in winsetupfromusb GO.

In the next warning, something similar, plus they will say that they will format in NTFS.

When finished, you will see JOB DONE and winsetupfromusb has prepared the USB stick.

The advantage of this utility is that you can immediately test the flash drive on the emulator for this, put the necessary daw and press GO.

The emulator will start loading.

Well, actually the choice itself 8

Using the WinSetupFromUSB program, and actually how to install the "seven" with it? I want to hear the answers on your site. The fact is that WinSetupFromUSB has been updated to the final version and now it can even create a bootable UEFI flash drive Windows 7, 8. In addition, WinSetupFromUSB has learned to create a multiboot flash drive containing two operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8, and nothing has been written about this yet!

Could you describe in detail:

1) How to create a bootable USB flash drive Windows 7 in the WinSetupFromUSB program.
2) How to create a multiboot USB flash drive containing two operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8 at once!

3) How to configure the UEFI BIOS to install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive to HDD GPT style as well as a simple MBR hard disk? After all, some of the users want to install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive on a simple computer or laptop with a regular BIOS, and someone on a computer with a UEFI BIOS and hard disk with GPT markup.

How to create a bootable USB flash drive Windows 7

Hi friends! There is already an article on our site using command line, as well as various programs: UNetBootin, UltraISO, Microsoft Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool. You can also create a bootable Windows 7 USB flash drive with the utility (a separate article is written).

But, quite recently, the final version of the WinSetupFromUSB program was released, with the help of it you can easily create a bootable UEFI USB flash drive for Windows 7 and Windows 8, the created USB flash drive can be used to install both on a GPT style hard disk with a UEFI BIOS, and on a simple MBR hard disk. And more importantly, WinSetupFromUSB can create a multiboot USB flash drive containing both Windows 7 and Windows 8 for installation.

Note: Who does not know what the UEFI BIOS and the GPT hard disk partition table format standard are, read our article, which is called that. Also do not forget that if your computer, laptop or netbook with USB 2.0 ports, as well as USB 3.0 and you decide to install Windows 7 on it from a bootable USB flash drive, then you need to know that you need to connect the USB flash drive to the USB 2.0 port, since Windows 7 does not support USB 3.0 (ports are usually blue).

In the recent past, a beta version was posted on the official website of the WinSetupFromUSB program, which I did not quite like and I used, but now the program has been updated and what the final version of the program can do cannot be compared with the beta version. Let's make sure of this and create a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7 and Windows 8 using the WinSetupFromUSB program, and at the same time consider the UEFI BIOS settings.

How to create a bootable Windows 7 USB stick with WinSetupFromUSB

We go to the official website of the WinSetupFromUSB program and select WinSetupFromUSB-1-3.exe (22 MB; 385673 downloads), the WinSetupFromUSB program is downloaded to our computer.

We extract the program files into a folder. If we are going to make a Windows 7 64-bit bootable USB flash drive, then we run the WinSetupFromUSB_1-3_x64.exe file.

Attention: Friends, if you need bootable UEFI flash drive with Windows 7, then you will have to format the USB flash drive in file system FAT32, it follows that the image of your Windows 7 should be less than 4 GB, since the FAT32 file system does not work with files larger than 4 GB. FROM just go to the very end of the article, there is detailed information for you.

Most users do not need a UEFI flash drive, but a regular bootable USB flash drive with the Windows 7 operating system, which means that the image of your Windows 7 may well be more than 4 GB, in which case the Windows 7 bootable USB flash drive we created will be in NTFS format!

In the main window of the WinSetupFromUSB program, you can see the name of our connected USB flash drive.

We put a tick on the item Auto format it with FBinst and mark the item NTFS

Check the box Vista / 7/8 / Server 2008/2012 based ISO and click on the button on the right that opens the explorer window,

If your flash drive is formatted in the FAT32 file system, then this warning will appear, click OK.

The explorer opens, we find the ISO image of Windows 7 64 bit, select it with the left mouse and click "Open".

Press GO,

a warning will open, click Yes,

Here, too, click Yes.

The process of creating our bootable USB drive begins, which ends successfully.

Click OK.

Bootable Windows 7 USB stick created!

Now the most important thing is friends. How to actually install Windows 7 from this flash drive.

If you are installing Windows 7 on a laptop or computer with a UEFI BIOS and you want to convert your hard drive to the GPT partition table format standard, then you need to configure the UEFI BIOS itself accordingly, read our article on how to do this.
If you install Windows 7 on a laptop or computer with a simple BIOS, you simply boot your device from the Windows 7 bootable USB flash drive we just created. Perhaps at this stage, some of the users will find our article useful.
If you correctly set the priority of booting the computer from the USB flash drive in BIOS, or simply selected your USB flash drive in the laptop boot menu,

then the first window will be the menu, in our case nothing needs to be selected in it and it will disappear within a few seconds.

Next, the GRUB4DOS bootloader window appears, which the WinSetupFromUSB program uses as a bootloader. We select the first option using the arrows on the keyboard 0 Windows NT6 (Vista / 7 and above) Setup,

what does it mean to install operating Windows systems Vista, Windows 7 and above. Press Enter. In the next window, select Windows 7 SP 1 x64

and the process of installing the operating system begins from our bootable USB flash drive Windows 7.


We accept the license agreement. Complete installation(Extra options).

WinSetupFromUSB program is professional software and allows you to write Windows versions 7, 8 (8.1) and 10 to USB sticks. Let's see how to use this utility.

  1. The most in a simple way creation boot disk is to perform the following actions:
  • We connect the USB flash drive and launch the application, taking into account the system's capacity.
  • We select the drive necessary for recording, taking into account data clearing.
  • Check the box next to AutoFormat (FB), which will automatically format the media.
  • To create a USB flash drive for UEFI, we use the FAT file system. If we create for Legacy, then we use NTFS.

2. We indicate what kind of information you need to add. You can host multiple distributions at the same time. Now we press the Go button. We agree with the warnings and wait. Do not rush to restart your computer, as the program will take a long time.

3. The program allows you to create Windows images custom versions, Server, WinBuilder, SysLinux, LinuxISO. For Windows 2000, XP and 2003 Setup, you will need to specify the folder with the i386 or AMD64 directories. If you want to create modern Windows versions, you need to define the path of the ISO image file.

Additional options

Video: Bootable USB flash drive Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 Vista and XP in WinSetupFromUSB