Quick login to your VK page here:

What is "My Page"?

VKontakte: my page - where is it?

You need to enter the Contact (VK, also called "Contacts"), and your page will be there. To get to it, enter the VKontakte website (first you will see the news feed from your friends and groups) and click on the "My Page" link in the left column. You can enter through the "Login" start page, everything is ready for this.

Do not forget to make "Login" your start page, so that you can then go to your VKontakte page without problems! At the top left there is a button "Make homepage" - everything is very simple.

If you can't get to your VKontakte page, read this: Not included in Contact - what to do? from start to finish! If the page has been "blocked", then - VK has been blocked. What to do?

There is an interesting function: you can see how your page looks when other, strangers are viewing it. In the same place, on the “Privacy” tab, at the bottom there is a link “You can see how other users see your page”. Click on it and you will see immediately. And if you want to see what a particular person sees on it, then there will be a small window at the top where you can enter the name of a friend or a link to the page of any person, then you will see your page as if it was he who was looking at it.

Can I delete my page and how do I do it?

Yes, of course, the instruction is here: How to delete my VK page. But it's better not to rush. If you do not have access or forgot your password, you can restore the page.

Login start page

To enter your VKontakte (VK) page, use the "Login" right now!

See also on VKontakte

If you want, tell us about your VK page below in the comments. Be polite and friendly.

For the reliability of using various Internet resources, users are advised to come up with complex, and most importantly, different passwords for different sites. Sometimes this leads to the fact that they simply forget the original combination and do not know how to enter even their VKontakte page from someone else's computer. However, the developers created an opportunity to entersocial network " VKontakte "without a password.

VK login by login

The easiest way to enter the VK social network without a password is to go through the procedure for changing the code word. You can change the codeword even without authorization, although the procedure itself is not as simple as for most resources. But at each stage there are tips for filling, and you can always go back one step or to the initial stage.

Login is email and cell phone number.

Please note that the ability to restore access exists only for those who have linked their profile to a valid phone number.

For several years, registration on the VKontakte website has been available only if you have a phone, but there may be cases when the profile is not tied to a number. In this case, the restoration will be carried out according to a different scheme.

Login instruction:

  1. You must select the item " Forgot your password?", Which is located immediately below the authorization block.
  2. After that, a form will open for specifying the current login. For the VKontakte website, there are 2 logins at the same time, which are equivalent to each other, therefore, you can enter either an email address or a mobile phone number in an international format in the form.
    If you enter an e-mail address in the "Login" field, the password recovery scheme will not change. Access to a mobile phone should be available in any case. Restoring access by e-mail, as in most sites, does not work. After specifying the login, you need to click the Next button to go to the next stage.
  3. However, before the system creates an opportunity to restore access, it will need to verify the user for "reality". First, a form will appear where you will need to click the checkbox "".
  4. Then a block of images will appear, where you will need to select images with an appropriate description. In the block of 9 pictures, the marked picture will be replaced with a new one until all 9 pictures have no matching description. In VK, the block with pictures can be changed using the update icon - a circular arrow, and for people with poor eyesight, listening to the task description is available by clicking the headphones icon. After the completed task, you must click Confirm and proceed to a new stage.
  5. The next step will be nsearch and confirmation of the profile. This will require indicating the user's surname, therefore, before entering the recovery form, it is recommended to clarify the correct spelling of your data through friends on the social network. They must necessarily match the data that is written in the profile. The full name is not required, only the surname is needed. There are no additional hints with "peek" information.
  6. After entering the last name, the system will display the alleged account. In most cases, it is the same, so you need to select “ Yes, this is the right page". If the specified profile is not yours, you must click " come back". In this case, the system will return the user not one step, but to the very beginning to the block with entering the login and password, since, most likely, an error was made at this stage.
  7. If the profile is correct, the system will offer to send a code to the linked phone number. The phone number itself is not displayed in full - this is one of the security measures. After confirming the number, a column for entering the code will appear, where it will be necessary to enter the combination that came to the phone. Then a field for entering a new secret combination will open, and access to the account will be opened.

VK login through access restoration

Login without a password to "My page" "VKontakte" if you have a phone should not cause any difficulties. However, in some cases, the user not only does not remember his password, but also does not have access to the phone number. In this case, the procedure for restoring access may take several days. Since you will have to wait for the approval of the application by the administration of the social network. This method demonstrates how to log into your profile with a minimum of profile information.


Please note that this method of logging in without a username and password is not only lengthy, but not available to everyone. The surname and name of the VK user must be real, in addition, the profile must contain his real photos. Access to fakes is not restored.

VK login via Facebook account

The above authorization methods without a login and password are based on restoring access and changing the code word. However, you can go to your VK page without a password in another way. To do this, use your Facebook account, if you have one. Let's see how it works.

Login to "my page" on the VK social network using an account on "Facebook" is not displayed as additional methods on the main page. It is in the registration block at the very bottom.
However, this does not mean that only an unregistered user can use the button. There are conditions for its use - the email for both social networks must be the same. But the secret words can be different. After pressing the button Continue with Facebook an authorization window will open:

  1. If the "Facebook" page is already open on the computer, then the necessary data will already be entered in the required columns, all you have to do is click the Continue button and in a few seconds the user will be transferred to VK to the news page.
  2. If the account on "Facebook" is not authorized, then in the window that opens, you will need to enter the login and password from the profile of the foreign social network. Remembering VKontakte data is not required. Just log in with different information.

Previously, a similar function of integration with Instagram worked, but at the moment it is not active due to problems of interaction between social networks. However, in order to enter the VK page through Facebook, you will not need to confirm anything in your profile in addition. There is no button in the settings that would link these accounts in advance.


There are situations when you just need to get to your page on the VKontakte social network. But for some reason, the user has forgotten the password or does not have access to the phone number. Even in these cases, it is possible to enter there without a password. This article discusses several options for restoring access to your VK page. We hope this article will help you make your plans come true.

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"My page" VKontakte - this is how all users of this social network call their personal profile. On the personal page of VKontakte there is a person's personal information, which he himself entered when registering on the site, people upload their photos to this page () , your favorite music, clips, films and communicate with your friends and acquaintances.

Go to the official site VKontakte, to my page: VK.com

Despite the fact that such sites are constantly working to improve their security systems, do not underestimate the work and work of people involved in creating viruses and various grabers. According to statistics, more often than not, a person, consciously or not realizing it, himself transfers to the attacker all the information that interests him.

What is she like

By creating a profile for yourself on the VKontakte website, you fill in such personal information about yourself as: date of birth, place of birth, enter your place of work, look for and add acquaintances and friends. After creation begins the publication and evaluation of the content located in the social. networks, search and add music, videos, images and a host of other equally interesting features!

You need to go to your page ONLY through the official domain: VK.com. Upon entering the site you will be greeted: "Welcome to VKontakte!"

Few secrets

It is worth noting the fact that every person who is a registered user of VKontakte will be able to read your data, see a list with your friends, see the correspondence on the wall or comments on photos and much more. So, when filling out a profile, think about what to write there. Although it is called "My VKontakte page", many people have access to it, in particular, the site owners. And it doesn't matter whether you hide your face on your avatar behind a mask or not - you will be easily identified.

A little history about personal VKontakte pages

The VK.com website is currently considered the largest social network in the CIS. It was created in 2006 by Pavel Durov, who at that time graduated from the State University in St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Philology. The site was developed by Pavel's brother Nikolay and the development team.

Durov's first project was durov.com, which mainly contained educational materials. This site also had such a concept as “ Personal page" but not VKontakte. Already after the site vkontakte.ru (later - VK.com) appeared, the concept of "My VKontakte page" appeared, which is well known to all of us today.

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VKontakte my page "Welcome", 4.6 out of 5 based on 19 ratings

Having received an SMS message, you get the opportunity to activate your account. And now he is a happy moment - in VKontakte entrance: my page.

The filling of the page depends on your goals. The contact does not oblige its users to fill in all the fields, but keep in mind that the more detailed your profile is, the easier it is for you.

Plus, the VKontakte network system gives your page a higher rating if the percentage of its filling is high enough. For example:

  • 25% - photography,
  • 20% - an indication of the school in which you studied,
  • 20% - hobbies,
  • 10% - talk about your career,
  • 5% - data from a higher educational institution, etc.

My VKontakte page - filling

  • Name and surname. If you plan to communicate with old acquaintances, it is better to write real ones. If you want to remain "incognito" - use a pseudonym.
  • Status. An interesting field that everyone fills in to the best of their imagination - jokes, smart and not very statements, quotes to suit the mood.
  • Marital status, gender and birthday. Love congratulations - fill out!
  • Then you have the opportunity to create a family clan by listing relatives registered on VKontakte.
  • Your contacts follow. Don't get suspicious, but also be reckless. Perhaps it makes sense not to lay out your place of residence and phone for everyone to see, but to make it available only to trusted acquaintances.

And literally in a minute you will become the happy owner of the ability to enter the VKontakte page without a password and even without a login.

Unfortunately, there is still no service to log in without a password to my page in VKontakte from an ordinary stationary computer.

It happens that the mobile version of VKontakte opens, but you need to enter the full version (for a computer, regular, web version). How to do it?

You cannot go to the full version in the mobile application on the phone. It is best to use a browser on a computer, laptop, tablet. But it is also possible through the browser on the phone (Safari, Chrome), only it will be very shallow, and you will have to increase it. Here we cover all the ways to sign in to the full version, across all devices.

How to switch to the full version

If you are currently on mobile (m.vk.com), you can switch from mobile to full yourself:

How to open the full version of VK on a computer, tablet

Click "Version for a computer" in the left column of the menu, below (penultimate item):

How to open the full version of VK on the phone

Attention! This advice is not suitable for a mobile application (an application is a program installed on your phone with a "VK" icon). The full version can be opened in the mobile version site VK, which you access through a browser on your phone (for example, Chrome or Safari) at m.vk.com.

  1. Open the main menu in the mobile version ( button in the upper left corner in the form of three stripes).
  2. Scroll it down if you can't see all the items.
  3. Click "Version for a computer".

And you can also open the full version of VK simply by following the link (more on this later).

On the phone, the full version will look small, so you have to spread the image with your fingers to zoom in and get where you need to. But if there is no other device besides a smartphone at hand now, this is quite a working solution.

How to quickly open the full version of VKontakte

You can open the full version of VKontakte through the "Login" start page. Open it at website, find In contact with and click there. You can connect your page with a button "Entrance"(you will need to give permission to access) to always see if you have new messages and other events without going online. You can enter the full version of VK with one click on the rectangle "In contact with", and also quickly open messages, online friends, new comments, etc.

How to open the full version of VKontakte using the link

The full version of VKontakte can be opened directly at this link: Full version... The full version is also called "normal", "normal", "web version", "computer", "desktop".

How to make the link open the full version of VK, and not the mobile version?

It was https://m.vk.com/site
Has become https://vk.com/site

In exactly the same way, you can correct the address in the address bar of your browser to open the full version of the same page you are on. You need to click on the address bar, remove the letter m and the period at the beginning, and then press Enter on the keyboard (or the Go, Open in the browser itself).

Why do you need a full version of VK, why is it better than a mobile one?

Only in the full version are all the features of the site available that are not available in the mobile version and in applications for the phone. For example, making a request to support agents. In addition, in the full version there are no restrictions on restoring access to the page and, in general, there are much fewer problems with this - in particular, with attaching photos and entering a confirmation code. It also makes it easier to understand the reasons for blocking the page and unblock it. Therefore, for such cases, we recommend that you always use the full version of the VKontakte website.

Why is the mobile version opening?

This is usually due to the fact that someone posted a link like m.vk.com ...- this letter "m" at the beginning of the link leads you to the mobile version. It's just that that person was using his mobile phone and copied such a link from himself. When other people click on it, they go to their mobile. It's okay, because now you know how to enter the full version of VKontakte!

Why is something not working in the full version?

Most often, if you have problems in the full version of the VKontakte website, it means that you have problems with your browser. Clean up temporary files, reinstall it, update or install a different one.