Every day technology and various modern technologies become more and more firmly integrated into our lives, and today we can no longer imagine a single day without them. Various devices and technological innovations- from computers, e-books, tablets and smartphones, to social networks and computer games - all this has not only changed our lives, but also our habits, which both help us in life and complicate it, forming addictions and changing our character.

When we talk about the negative impact of technology on our lives, we usually remember first of all the impact of sources of electromagnetic radiation, for example, a computer. Indeed, sources of weak electromagnetic radiation operating over a long period of time are dangerous. Such sources, in addition to the computer, also include audio and video equipment, mobile phones, televisions and household appliances. The nervous, immune, reproductive and endocrine systems of the body are affected by electromagnetic radiation.

This is what many of us know about the influence of modern technology and technology, at least superficially. However, that's not all. Let's talk about another, no less important, side of this influence. Earlier in the article “” it was already mentioned that 85% of people experience attacks of rage, hysteria, severe stress leading to a nervous breakdown, and other nervous disorders from... problems arising in the operation of technological devices.

Thus, the “hourglass syndrome” - which develops from the mere expectation of working at a computer when the cursor on the screen is frozen in the shape of an hourglass - can cause despair, a feeling of powerlessness and panic.

At the same time, such an irreplaceable thing as the Internet also has its downside. Japanese and English doctors studied in detail the question of how. The reason for such studies was the increasing number of patient complaints about memory problems.

The results of a study conducted in a Japanese hospital among patients aged 20 to 35 years surprised not only scientists. It turned out that the new generation, accustomed to devices “ external memory", loses basic memory functions. People remember new information worse and worse and become unable to identify what is necessary from a large amount of information.

Modern technology, the Internet is always at hand, and there is no longer a need to keep something in memory; it is much easier to find the necessary information on the Internet.

As for social networks and similar modern means of communication, the situation here is also not optimistic. Social media, used by many to expand their social circle, make new contacts, etc., only increase the feeling of loneliness.

If we talk about Ukrainians, then, according to experts, they spend up to 27 hours a month, or just under one hour a day, communicating on social networks.

To be continued…

Negative consequences implementation information technology

Along with the “digital divide” and the “virtual barrier”, changes in information technologies of work performed can often have a negative impact on people (information noise, etc.) participating in these processes, causing them various negative reactions (information, psychological barriers, etc. .).

Information noise means that in the total volume of received useful data there are extraneous signals (noise). In the IPS, it indicates that as a result of searching for a query, the user received information that did not correspond to his request (irrelevant).

Information barrier- one of the factors preventing obtaining necessary information, making it difficult to use documents as sources of information. It is largely caused by the laws of development of information flows: the constant increase in the number of publications, their dispersion in various publications, the aging of publications and, on the contrary, their actualization. The information barrier affects both the stratification of information and society. Its appearance and deepening are facilitated by such phenomena as information noise, psychological barriers, etc.

Psychological barrier usually arises as a person’s defensive reaction to attempts to change the established sequence of his actions. It is associated with the extreme importance of carrying out new complex species works, with overloads that appear when searching for data, selecting them from a large array of information obtained and studying selected materials, sometimes amounting to several hundred and even thousands of documents.


Remember the main thing - information is a multifaceted concept. It includes data, information, messages and knowledge; characterized by its sources, consumers, distribution environment and means of delivery. In this case, for example, not all knowledge, information and data become information.

Information has various properties, for systematization of which different options for its classification are used.

The science of “Informatics” studies the types and properties of information and information processes. Abroad, it is usually called computational science. It distinguishes two basic directions: theoretical and applied computer science. The latter serves as the basis for the formation of “industry informatics”.

Methods and ways of working based on the use of information processes to complete certain tasks, create information resources, services and products, etc. called information technology. Information technologies have existed since time immemorial - since the formation of human mental and physical activity. Their evolution is usually considered from the moment of the invention of printing in Germany, that is, from the middle of the 15th century. Experts associate the current (6th) stage of information technology development with the use of information technology in the 21st century. nanotechnology and supercomputers capable of performing various information processes with the help of their combined computing power, located in any place on our planet and interconnected via telecommunications (Internet). The properties of information technologies determine the properties of information.

Information technology tools (tools) refer to the information technology base or platform. Οʜᴎ include hardware, devices and complexes (computers and peripheral devices for them, office equipment), telecommunications, software products and software. “Platform” is an important component information technology structures– internal organization of information technology, representing the relationship of its components. It includes hardware and software, databases and user interface.

Information and communication technologies play an important, if not decisive, role in the economic, political, social, and cultural development of modern societies. Information technology is a strategically important industry that influences all aspects of life in any modern society. They create ample opportunities for economic growth and social development of individuals and societies as a whole.

Information technologies have a life cycle. In general, it is characteristic of most living and nonliving objects, for example, humans, animals or plants. The life cycle of information technology means the period of life and effective use of technical means, computer programs, site or portal, communication line connecting, for example, an Internet service provider and its user.

The development of information technology is also associated with the emergence of problems, barriers and risks that create inequality among people (“digital divide” and “virtual barrier”). Changes in the technologies of work performed sometimes have a negative impact on the people involved in these processes, causing them negative reactions, for example, rejection and rejection, fatigue, etc., generating information noise, as well as information and psychological barriers.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is information?

2. What is the relationship between the concepts: “information”, “data”, “information”, “messages” and “knowledge”?

3. List the properties of information that you know.

4. What sources and what consumer information do you know?

5. Give definitions and characteristics of types of information.

6. Name the types of scientific and technical information.

7. Information technology, technological operation and process. Give these concepts definitions and brief descriptions.

8. What does the term “IT Platform” mean?

9. The role of information technology in the development of the economy and society.

10. Explain the concepts of “Information Life Cycle” and “Information Sphere”.

11. Name the negative consequences of the introduction of information technology that you know.

12. List the reasons for the negative consequences of the introduction of information technologies.

Negative consequences of the introduction of information technologies - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Negative consequences of the introduction of information technologies” 2017, 2018.

The use of information and communication technologies opens up broad opportunities for economic growth and social development of states, but at the same time creates problems and risks, and gives rise to deepening interstate and intrastate inequality. In particular, we are talking about unequal opportunities for people to create and use existing electronic information resources, especially on the Internet.

Unless access to the use of these technologies is expanded, large portions of the population in developing countries will not benefit from them. The enormous potential of information and communication technologies is underutilized. This led to the emergence “digital divide” (“digital divide”, “digital divide”), “virtual barrier” on the way of trade. Such a barrier can isolate manufacturers, organizations and states that do not have access to new technologies from markets.

Along with the “digital divide” and the “virtual barrier”, changes in information technologies of work performed can often have a negative impact on people (information noise, etc.) participating in these processes, causing them various negative reactions (information, psychological barriers, etc. .).

Information noise means that in the total volume of received useful data there are extraneous signals (noise). In the IRS, it indicates that as a result of searching for a query, the user received information that did not correspond to his request (irrelevant).

Information barrier– one of the factors that impedes obtaining the necessary information, making it difficult to use documents as sources of information. It is largely caused by the laws of development of information flows: the constant increase in the number of publications, their dispersion in various publications, the aging of publications and, conversely, their actualization. The information barrier affects both the stratification of information and society. Its appearance and deepening are facilitated by such phenomena as information noise, psychological barriers, etc.

Psychological barrier usually arises as a person’s defensive reaction to attempts to change the established sequence of his actions. It is associated with the need to perform new complex types of work, with overloads that appear when searching for data, selecting them from a large array of information received and studying selected materials, sometimes amounting to several hundred or even thousands of documents.

Information technologies contribute to children and adolescents’ escapism from reality and it is believed that children who are interested in computer technology may experience a “narrowing of interests due to attention only to the latest information technologies and following fashion in this area.”

However, this is not the only option there are quite a lot of such negative effects of computerization - there are quite a lot of such consequences of informatization. Examples of such negative personality changes can be: hobbies computer games, Internet, programming and information technology in general (so-called hacking).

The development of information technology is also associated with the emergence of problems, barriers and risks that create inequality among people (“digital divide” and “virtual barrier”). Changes in the technology of work performed sometimes have a negative impact on the people involved in these processes, causing them negative reactions, for example, rejection and rejection, fatigue, etc., generating information noise, as well as information and psychological barriers.

Collection output:


Khakhaleva Olga Alexandrovna

English teacher,

Department of Business Foreign Language,

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University,


Since the 70s of the 20th century, the pace of development of world civilization has been determined by a significant increase in information in the life of society. The main reason is the development computer equipment And computer technology, which allowed us to radically change production.

The main sign of the new revolution is changes in telecommunications. Electronic computers, integrated into global computer networks, are revolutionizing the way information is converted. The essence of the global problem, which is relevant for all people, is that the speed of changes occurring in various areas of human activity is so great that people do not have time to assimilate and comprehend them. People have strived to exchange news or information at all times, even in prehistoric times. New information technologies open the next page in the development of science and the life of scientific society as a whole. E-mail and computer conferences provide the opportunity for close contact between scientists and intensive discussion of problems of interest.

Informatization of scientific research is the implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring complete and timely acquisition of reliable knowledge about research objects.

Informatization of education is a key condition for training specialists who are able to navigate the world around them. In the sphere of this activity, the basic tasks of education undergo semantic content. Informatization of education is a process in which political, socio-economic, technological and legal mechanisms are closely connected based on the widespread use of computers, tools, and systems of collective and personal communication. The goal of informatization is the development of intellectual activity that ensures free access individual to all types, forms and levels educational knowledge.

Computer simulation is an effective teaching tool. A computer can also be a useful tool when studying topics that require assimilation of a large amount of digital and other specific information. Computers provide new opportunities for storing the progress and results of solving a variety of problems, including those allowed typical mistakes. In addition to the development of individual forms of learning, new forms of joint learning will appear.

Computers are a means of communication between people. Most universal remedy computer communication is e-mail, which allows you to forward messages from almost any machine to any machine. Conferences are held using computers, the largest - USENET - brings together hundreds of thousands of machines around the world.

INTERNET is a global computer network covering the whole world, providing communication between various information networks.

The media allows you to create a process of disseminating information to numerically large audiences. This is a means of ideological, political, economic and other influence on the psyche and mass consciousness. The phenomenon of mass culture and the creation of psychotropic weapons are new problems caused by the means of communications. With the advent of television, a new “television generation” of children emerged. At the same time, the means of influence are different - from persuasion and suggestion to information. At the same time, the information environment has expanded. Communication means allow you to expand your circle of communication, go far beyond the immediate environment, serve as an integration tool, they can serve both the development of the individual and its destruction.

Informatization has led to the creation of a worldwide computer network and related problems, the lag of the technical base from the flow of information. At the same time, almost any information he needs is available to everyone. This, on the one hand, should lead to an increase in creative possibilities, but at the same time problems arise in human communication, family problems, new computer-related crimes: dating a criminal target, deception, maniacs who find victims via the Internet. The balance of the parties is becoming more and more unstable, new ethical values ​​of the individual are being formed, and at the same time there is a change in the professional structure of society due to an increase in the share of those employed in the field of communications. The question of storing information also arises. When workplace at home, there is no need to build buildings to control the process, the need for vehicles is reduced, a person gradually withdraws into the virtual world, a person becomes detached from real life. It became possible to store dossiers on members of society and control them.

Due to the influence of technocratism on the development of society, changes and revaluation of values ​​occur. A person who is able to process a large flow of information and has information and communication skills receives general recognition. There is a transition to new forms of employment (in the field of IT technologies and programming, personnel management/programmer-analyst, system administrator, customer service control specialist, etc.). The process of forming new labor resources is underway (design, installation and maintenance of various software, creation and programming of Web sites, consulting and technical support users) due to an increase in the number of people employed in information industry. Of interest are free relationships in a team, network types of organization, self-government, partnership, profitable contacts, self-affirmation.

Science and technology, scientific and technological progress, being the greatest achievements of our time, are the most concrete expression of the human mind, and along with it they are tested.

Just half a century ago, science functioned with processes that developed in the sphere of production without affecting the social foundations of people's life. Despite some brilliant achievements in natural science, scientific research in the eyes of many remained an activity whose importance could be appreciated, but which could not be included on a large scale in the sphere of business interests. Accordingly, the activities of scientists continued to be perceived traditionally - only as the work of loners, incomprehensible to a wide circle, engaged in contemplating natural phenomena. The situation changed after the first bombing at Los Alamo nuclear device. It became obvious that even the most abstract sections of science have a close connection with socio-economic life and politics.

However, the direct influence of science on human affairs is revealed not only in the fact that its military application opened the question of life or death for humanity; Her voice is heard by the public not only through atomic explosions. The direct nature of this influence makes itself felt in the sphere of creation, in the everyday life of the population. What consequences will this have for man himself and the society in which we live, and what are the real, urgent social and human problems arising from this today? If we try to briefly answer the questions posed and thereby determine the main social problem, then the answer may sound like this: the higher the level of production technology and all human activity, the higher should be the degree of development of society, of man himself in their interaction with nature.

A similar conclusion was made a long time ago: a deep relationship was revealed between the development of science and technology and social transformations, as well as the development of man and his culture, including his attitude towards nature. A new type of development of science and technology aggravates the problems that have arisen to the limit, requiring precisely high contact: new technology with society, man, nature, and this becomes not only a vital necessity, but also an indispensable condition for both the effective use of this technology and existence itself society, man, nature. This problem has wide implications in modern conditions, since the construction of a strategy for scientific and technological progress as a force that can either threaten or contribute to the development of man and civilization depends on how it is solved. And the ideals of technocratism stand in the way of realizing the humanistic orientation of science.

Intensive technical and scientific development opens up the possibility of evolution towards the creation of a so-called “scientific society” for humanity. The entire future fate of a person depends on the way in which he subjugates the consequences scientific and technological development. It all depends on what a person makes of it, what it serves, and in what conditions he places it. Technology does not depend on what can be achieved by it; it is only a toy in the hands of man. And its use creates a fundamentally new situation in the sphere of production, everyday life, recreation, and changes the worldview and psychology of people.

Humanity is inevitably entering the information age. One of the criteria for the transition of society to the post-industrial stage of development can be the percentage of the population employed in the service sector:

  • if in a society more than 50% of the population is employed in the service sector, the post-industrial phase of its development has begun;
  • If in a society more than 50% of the population is employed in the field of information services, the society has become informational.

According to scientists, from the beginning of our era it took 1750 years for knowledge to double, the second doubling occurred in 1900, and the third by 1950, i.e. already in 50 years, with the volume of information growing 8-10 times over these half-century. Moreover, this trend is increasingly intensifying, since the volume of knowledge in the world will double by the end of the twentieth century, and the volume of information will increase more than 30 times. This phenomenon, called the “information explosion,” is listed among the symptoms that signal the beginning of the information age and include:

  • rapid reduction in the time it takes to double the volume of accumulated scientific knowledge;
  • excess material costs for storage, transmission and processing of information compared to similar energy costs;
  • the opportunity for the first time to actually observe humanity from space (the levels of radio emission from the Sun and Earth in certain parts of the radio range have become closer).

The most complete view seems to be on informatization as “a systemic and activity-based process of mastering information as a resource for management and development using computer science tools with the aim of creating an information society and, on this basis, further continuing the progress of civilization.”

  • mediatization - from lat. mediatus - acting as an intermediary - the process of improving the means of collecting, storing and distributing information;
  • computerization - the process of improving means of searching and processing information;
  • intellectualization is the process of developing the ability to perceive and generate information, i.e. increasing the intellectual potential of society, including the use of artificial intelligence.

Social informatization is often understood as the development of information and communication processes in society on the basis of the latest computer and telecommunications technology. Informatization of society should be interpreted as development, qualitative improvement, radical strengthening with the help of modern information and technological means, cognitive (from the Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition) social structures and processes. Informatization must be “merged” with the processes of social intellectualization, which significantly increases the creative potential of the individual and his information environment.

When discussed in the late 80s. In the concept of informatization of the country, scientists and specialists highlighted the main idea about the concept of development of society, all its structures, that informatization is a companion to democratization and is impossible without it.

The ongoing process of formation and development of the information society throughout the world is objective in nature and cannot but affect our country “from the outside,” but the weak success of democratization of our society leads to the absence of a serious social order “from within” to improve the information environment.

From all of the above, we can conclude that at this stage of development, society faces the problem of informatization more than ever. The contradictory process of universal computerization and informatization threatens with severe social consequences. The diversity of ideas disappears, the creative approach to work disappears, and the quality of education decreases. Unlike traditional society, now the most valuable product of human activity is information and associated intellectual property, which embodies huge costs of money, time and labor. Significant changes are taking place in the social structure of society: the mobility of an economy based on high technology has led to an increase in social mobility in society, since now an individual who has received the necessary education and has access to the latest information has an advantage in moving up the social hierarchy. A particularly important circumstance is that in connection with this, a person’s psychology changes, where feelings “dull” and go deep inside him. Constantly living in virtual space and communicating on a first-name basis with a machine, a person, especially a young person, drowns out the emotional side of the psyche and at the same time develops indifference to the world of human feelings. All this leads to an ever greater impoverishment of spiritual life. There is a general value and normative crisis among young people. Loss of orientation in the value-normative system causes young people either a feeling of confusion and loss of meaning-forming guidelines, or a desire to achieve success and material well-being in life at any cost, relying not on the state or government, but solely on themselves and their family.

However, it is also necessary to recognize the enormous positive impact of computerization and informatization on society. Our society is becoming informational, and it follows that it is becoming more civilized, more developed; any individual can gain access to almost unlimited amounts of information. Our society is becoming more and more educated.


  1. Vasiliev R.F. Hunting for information. M., 1973. - 20 p.
  2. Vovkanych S.I., Parfentseva N.A. “Social intelligence”: metaphor or scientific concept? // Socis, 1993. No. 8. 153 p.
  3. Gromov G.R. Essays on information technology. M., 1993. 19-20 p.
  4. Law on information, informatization and information protection // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, February 22, 1995.

5. Kogan V.Z. Theory of information influence. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Publishing House. state University, 1991.

  1. Rakitov A.I. Philosophy of the computer revolution. M., 1991.- 217 p.
  2. Ursul A.D. Informatization of society and the transition to sustainable development of civilization // Bulletin of ROIVT, 1993. No. 1-3. 35-45 s.

In our time, productive forces have reached planetary levels. The earth seemed to shrink in size. New transport systems, communications, space technology, and the Internet have entered the daily life. On television we see what is happening on the other side of the planet. The material conditions of society became different. At the same time, a number of negative side effects occur in society. The way of life, the internal state of society, and the person himself have also radically changed. These changes are universal and objective. Along with the global environmental crisis, we can talk about a global social crisis. But unlike the external environment, relatively little attention has been paid to the internal state of society, although the potential danger is no less significant. Even a general approach was not formulated, the processes of internal degradation of society were not described. But, as in the environment, in the social environment (society) a whole set of negative side effects arises.

The development of civilization and radical changes in the surrounding world have led to an internal crisis of man himself, his discord with the really existing world. There has been a separation of the consciousness of people and their biological basis, formed during the long evolution, from the modern pace of life and the level of technology. An increasing number of people can no longer cope with the stresses dictated by life and cannot adapt to the world around them. Sustained fatigue occurs due to stress on the human body. The number of crimes, mental illnesses, the number of marginalized people, criminals, alcoholics, and drug addicts is growing. And this process is continuously accelerating. The problem is that a person’s ability to adapt to changing conditions is not unlimited. As in ecology, where maximum permissible concentrations of various substances and their lethal (lethal) doses are determined, there are also critical parameters here.

The true reason why the difficulties experienced by humanity have now acquired such enormous, truly terrifying proportions is precisely that none of us has yet fully adapted, either psychologically or functionally, to the changed world and the new position of man in it. And this, in essence, applies even more to representatives of the intelligentsia, scientists, politicians and, in general, all kinds of leaders - industrial, trade union, religious - than to ordinary representatives of all strata of society in both developed and developing countries. The essence of the problem lies precisely in the discrepancy between the reality created by man and the way he perceives it and how he takes it into account in his behavior. The reality that is changing uncontrollably before our eyes, which we do not have time to keep track of, torments and frightens us. After all, our entire perception of the world, all the incentives for our behavior, all values, the entire system of institutions and institutions and our entire way of life, in essence, remained to us as a legacy from previous centuries. And, feeling clearly out of place, we timidly and unsuccessfully try to adapt to new conditions, no longer able to live in the old, natural world, but also not yet ready to fully acclimatize to a new, highly unnatural environment, which we ourselves created. Our psyche and health suffer deeply from all this, the ability to make sound assessments and judgments weakens, and, depressed and confused by this entire avalanche of changes, we cannot develop a correct and consistent line of behavior. The operation of many complex systems is at the limit of human capabilities. As a result, accidents and disasters occur, which are inevitable companions of scientific and technological progress.

Modern problems are primarily related to the fact that we live in a time of change communication technologies. The time of stationary letters was replaced by the time of moving pictures. The book was replaced by a TV and a computer. This led to colossal consequences, the impact of which on us we cannot fully understand, because we are “inside” the process. Indeed, it is the activity of practical reason, the most important component of which is the technological application of science, that leads to many manifestations of the crisis of modern civilization. Technology in the broad sense of the word can be understood as the objective world subjected to rationalization. Together with technology, the form of rationality that previously existed in the scientific mind is introduced into the world. Today, understanding technology, its connections with science and culture, and relationships with people constitute the main focus of modern philosophical problems.

Humanity was and continues to be engulfed in the process of the emergence of a mass society, a process that would have been impossible without the development of technology: this is mass unemployment, closely related to technological progress, accompanied by the destruction of crafts and the disintegration of traditional social ties, this is mass culture disseminated by the media, both printed and electronic. In the latter case, a person loses his individuality.

Technology is, to some extent, the impetus for many social phenomena. Consider, for example, popular culture. At first glance, its penetration into everyday consciousness is noticeable everywhere, from villages to capitals. Democracy and accessibility of schooling, universal literacy, colossal circulations of newspapers and magazines flowing out of high-speed printing machines, cheap and well-made color reproductions of paintings and high-quality recordings of musical works - all this can undoubtedly be considered a positive result of the achievements of the information technology world . But upon closer examination, we pay attention to the other side, to the negative consequences of the introduction of new information technology into this area, such as television and the Internet, which is capable of so profoundly changing mass consciousness that we can talk about the transition of universal literacy to its opposite and Personal insensitivity to the written word is also a result of human existence in the modern information technology world.

The media have long gone beyond the capabilities of ordinary journalism, radio and cinema. Now modern television and the Internet are coming to the fore, which, thanks to communication satellites, have acquired a worldwide audience as an object of obsessive manipulation. In this case, information and technological advances are used to transmit all kinds of trifles, gossip, intimate details of private life and conflict situations, turning the world into a “global village”. society education spiritual knowledge

Nowadays, no one doubts the benefits that intellectual development provides. In contrast to the specialized division of labor in industrial production, modern scientific specialization is not aimed at replacing skilled labor with unskilled labor; rather, on the contrary, more specialized and qualified scientific work displaces less specialized and less qualified scientific work. For technical specialists, the internal need for a holistic view of technical and social problems, for a humanistic and versatile education, disappears. This entails dangers for traditional cultural institutions, for political and public democracy. These dangers become all the more ominous the more narrowly technical mastery of all planetary resources becomes possible.

Thus, scientific and information technology innovations, successful or unsuccessful, really achievable or only imagined, act as a factor that undermines the established level of cultural life and public consciousness.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • 1. scientific and technological progress challenges the power, strength, significance and even the very existence of traditional religious and aesthetic experiences in all their forms;
  • 2. it strengthens the symbolic fetish of science and technology in people’s minds, or, in other words, it turns science into anti-science, the rational into the irrational;
  • 3. it transforms everyday relationships between people, changing social relations of production, consumption and communication;
  • 4. it transforms social ideas about what constitutes pleasure in the fulfillment of desires, while weakening the effect of cultural traditions, depriving the individual of reliance on them, placing him at the mercy of irrational and unceremonious, tenacious manipulations;
  • 5. the technique of elite social planning is alienated from a person, perceived by him as a disjointed chaos of momentary, one-sided decisions that have no connection with the real life aspirations of people, turning them into a faceless mass;
  • 6. The universal nature of global problems, combined with unbridled technical optimism, comes into conflict with the life experience of a particular person.

So, does the development of science bring good or evil to people? The product of intellectual work belongs to everyone and therefore it is not easy to control for what purposes it will be used. It is clear that a surgical scalpel can save a person’s life, but it can also kill him. Effective medicine, taken in a large dose, turns into a terrible poison. As a result of the development of gas chemistry, chemical weapons arose; the study of the properties of electricity made it possible to construct the electric chair. Dynamite and TNT, which appeared in the laboratory, are used by builders laying tracks in the mountains, and by revolutionaries seeking to “spur history.”