Instructions for installing the AntiCaptcha plugin for Mozilla Firefox and Tor Browser with screenshots

Firefox users whose extension installation is broken
This problem is on Mozilla's side, they forgot to update the certificate. Installation will help new version Firefox, as well as using a special extension for your version of Firefox. More information from their blog: Add-ons disabled or failing to install in Firefox.

Dear users, our extension only supports versions of Firefox no less than 48. Starting with this version, Mozilla introduced support for the standard for writing WebExtensions extensions. Our plugin is written entirely in it and cannot be ported to the old format from Mozilla. Therefore, on older versions Firefox extension AntiCaptcha will either not start the installation at all, or will show an error that the extension is damaged.

For the same reason, the plugin will not work in browsers Pale Moon And Seamonkey. Simply put, they abandoned the new standard in favor of a wide selection of add-ons and various proprietary features. But on TorBrowser our extension works great and we test our releases on it.

If you see an error like this: "This add-on cannot be installed because it has not been verified" or "Firefox prevented this site from installing untested addition" or something similar. Then please go to the page about:config in Firefox, find the option xpinstall.signatures.required and change its values ​​to false.

Then confirm your consent to install from this site.

After the plugin code has been downloaded, confirm the installation again.

The plugin has been added to the browser, you can use it after configuring it. To do this, click on the plugin icon in the Firefox menu area (in the upper right corner), and a settings window will open.

In the window that appears, indicate your 32-digit alphanumeric number in the window next to the lock icon. And click the "Save" button to confirm.

At this point, the plugin will check that the entered key is correct. If everything is in order, your balance will be indicated in the plugin settings window and the plugin icon in the upper right corner of the browser will become colored.

If errors occur, you can report your problem using the feedback form. Please also send your suggestions and wishes using this form.

Find out how to access the TOR network in a browser Google Chrome. To do this, we will use a simple extension that allows you to switch to the TOR proxy server.

TOR allows you to browse websites anonymously. Tor works as an intermediary between the user and the website he is visiting. Moreover, Tor replaces the user's real IP address with a completely random one.

If you are visiting a site from Russia, you can safely use a proxy server from the USA (or any other country) so that no one notices your real location.

The TOR proxy server allows you to anonymously visit any website. But did you know that you can set up TOR in your favorite web Google browser Chrome? Yes, it is possible, and in this article we will tell you how you can do it.

How to use TOR in Google Chrome browser

The method is quite simple and convenient. Follow step by step to set up TOR in Google Chrome browser.

That's all! Now you can use Tor to anonymously visit sites on the Internet.

Let us remind you that the anonymous Tor network allows you to protect the user from hackers and espionage. Many leading companies, such as Google, track users' online activities. Thanks to Tor, you can visit any website anonymously.

You can also go to a prohibited or blocked site using Tor.

If you think that in order to surf the web anonymously you just need to download Tor and run it, you are very mistaken. Today I will show you how to properly configure Tor to ensure maximum anonymity. Also within the framework of this article I will give practical recommendations about how to use Thor correctly. How to behave correctly on the deep web, what you can do and what you can’t do.

You may be interested in the article “”, in which we talked about what other networks exist besides the well-known Web, and the article “”, in which we reviewed the best search engines on the deep web.

Let me remind you that using the search form on the site you can find a lot of information on the topic of anonymity on the Internet and about Tor in particular.

  • Where and how to download Tor correctly
  • How to install Tor
  • How to set up Tor
  • Setting up the NoScript extension
  • Configuring hidden browser options
  • How to use Tor

We are for freedom of speech, but against criminals and terrorists. I really hope that this article will be useful exclusively to the first category of people. In any case, we are not responsible for any illegal use of the Tor program by you.

How to download Tor

It seems that it can be difficult to download and that’s it, but not everything is so simple. You need to download only from the official website of the developers. Not the old versions from software portals and torrent trackers, but only latest version from the officials.

Why is it advisable to always install the latest version and update the installed version promptly? Because old version may have zero-day vulnerabilities that can be used by specialists to figure out your real IP address and even infect your system with malware.

You can download the Russian version of Tor using this direct link. The English version is downloaded by default. If you need the Russian version of Tor, then select “Russian” in the drop-down menu under the “Download Tor” button. There you can download the version of Tor for: Apple OS X, Linux and smartphones.

How to install Tor

After downloading the program, let's begin installing it. Double click the mouse to launch the downloaded file. The following window will appear:

Installing Tor

Select the location where you want to install Tor. If there is nothing to change, by default Tor will install itself in the folder where the installation file is located.

Installing Tor

Click “Finish”.

Click on the “Connect” button

Let's wait for the browser to load.

How to set up Tor

Now let's start setting up Tor. First of all, let's configure the NoScript extension correctly.

After reading your comments to the article, I realized that you did not understand me quite correctly. My friends, these hardcore settings are more applicable for the darknet, to ensure maximum anonymity and resist de-anonymization by law enforcement agencies and hackers. If you want to use Tor or just change the IP address, then you don’t need these settings! You can use Thor straight out of the box.

Setting up the NoScript extension

The Tor developers have equipped their software with a very important and useful NoScript plugin, which is installed by default, but unfortunately is not configured by default.

To configure NoScript, click on the add-on icon on the left side of the browser. In the menu that appears, select “Settings”.

On the “White List” tab, uncheck the “Global script permission...” box.

Go to the “Built-in objects” tab and check the required fields. Everything is exactly as shown in the screenshot below.

Configuring hidden browser options

Now let’s configure the Browser itself; to do this, you need to go to the hidden settings. Read more about hidden settings privacy Firefox browser we wrote in the article "" and in the article "".

So, in the address bar we write “about:config” and press enter. After this, a warning window will appear, in which we click on the blue “I promise that...” button and move on.

Browser Settings

Here we need to find and change some critical settings. First of all, we change the loading and processing of Javascript. This can be done by changing the “javascript.enable” parameter.

In the search bar, which is located under the address bar, write “javascript.enable” and press enter. Now right click click on the “Switch” item, which will change this parameter from "True" to "False".

Disabling Javascript

In the same way, we find the “network.http.sendRefererHeader” parameter and change it from the value “2” to the value “0”.

Disabling HTTP Referer

Find the “network.http.sendSecureXsiteReferrer” parameter and change its value to “False”.

Disabling SecureXsiteReferrer

Find the parameter “extensions.torbutton.saved.sendSecureXSiteReferrer” and change its value to “False”.

Disabling SecureXSiteReferrer

Find the parameter “network.cookie.cookieBehavior” and change its value from “1” to “2”.

After these changes, some sites may not work correctly in this browser. But you can always return the previous settings, which I certainly do not recommend doing.

How to use Tor

After you have made all the settings, I want to tell you how to use Tor correctly. Here is a list of rules that everyone who uses Tor must follow:

  • Do not install unnecessary and unverified extensions in the Browser.
  • There is no excuse not to disable the NoScript add-on.
  • Frequently update the node chain and reload the browser.
  • Do not open the Tor browser (Mozzila Firefox) in full screen.
  • Don't work with Tor browser with admin rights.
  • Never use your username and password to log into your main email or your real social network accounts that contain any information about you or that are somehow connected to your real accounts. The only exception is the authorization form for Onion sites and forums. And of course, for such sites it is advisable to use a separate mailbox, which is also not associated with your real mail.
  • Check all files downloaded from DeepWeb for viruses. We wrote about how to properly check downloaded files for viruses in the article “”. Run these files only on virtual system. We wrote about choosing a virtual machine in the article “” and how to install and configure virtual machine to scan files for viruses in the article "".
  • Update the Tor Browser promptly.

I also recommend using anonymous operating system or another anonymous OS. Use the search, on the site we once reviewed the best anonymous operating systems.

The anonymity of Tor depends only on you and your online behavior; not even the most anonymous Browser will protect your system and your information from the user’s crooked hands. Be careful, don't be fooled. If in doubt, it is better not to click, not to follow the link, and of course not to download.

The Deep Web is not always a friendly environment. There you can also get hurt by people in suits if you do something not very illegal. And from hackers or just scammed if you are a fluffy, naive dandelion user.

That's all, friends. I hope you were able to configure Tor correctly. Good luck to everyone and don't forget to follow us on social networks. This is not the last article on the topic of Tor anonymity and information security.

More and more users have become interested in the issue of maintaining anonymity on the Internet. Unfortunately, complete anonymity cannot be ensured in any way, however, using Tor for the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can limit the tracking of your traffic by third parties, as well as hide your real location above.

Tor is an anonymizer for Mozilla Firefox that allows you to hide personal data on the Internet by connecting to a proxy server. For example, using this decision you can hide your real location - useful opportunity, if you want to use web resources that have been blocked by your ISP or system administrator.

You've probably heard that Tor is a popular browser that allows you to maintain maximum anonymity on the Internet. The developers have made it possible to use Tor through Firefox, but to do this you will need to follow the following procedure:

1. Download Tor Browser and install it on your computer. In this case, we will not use the Tor browser, but Mozilla Firefox, but in order to provide Mozilla with anonymity, we will need Tor installed.

2. Launch Tor and minimize this browser. You can now launch Mozilla Firefox.

3. Now we need to configure a proxy in Mozilla Firefox. Click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner and in the window that appears, go to the section "Settings" .

Please note that if your browser has extensions installed that work on network settings, it is recommended to disable them, otherwise, after performing all the steps described below, the browser will not be able to work correctly through Tor.

4. In the left pane of the window, go to the tab "Additional" . At the top of the browser, open a subtab "Net" . In the block "Compound" click the button "Tune" .

5. In the window that opens, check the box “ Manual setting proxy service" and then make the changes as shown in the screenshot below:

6. Save the changes, close the settings window and restart the browser.

From now on Mozilla browser Firefox will work through Tor, making it easy to bypass any blocks and maintain anonymity, but without worrying that your data passing through a proxy server could be used with malicious intent.

It is equipped additional settings privacy and security that strongly protect users when using the program.

Considering that Tor Browser is often used in critical situations, such as anonymous denunciations, publication of provocative news or confidential correspondence, an emphasis on security and increased privacy is a necessity.

Mozilla recognizes these modifications and plans to integrate some of them natively into Firefox. In fact, the company has already started working on implementing some configuration options and plans to add others in the future.

Until now, Firefox users had to use third-party add-ons to protect against plugin listing and IP leaks via the webRTC protocol.

Tor privacy settings appear in Firefox

Tor Browser-specific settings have already appeared in Firefox 50. Firefox 50 is currently available on the Nightly channel, but looks like a pretty complete build. However, new improvements may be delayed.

The first patch blocks the enumeration of plugins and MIME types. Websites can extract information from the browser and use it to create fingerprinting. With this patch, Firefox does not return information to the site and effectively blocks requests.

The second patch works in a similar way. Firefox returns a null value for the screen.orientation.angle parameter and a "landscape-primary" value for the screen.orientation.type parameter when sites or applications request this information.

The third and last implemented on at the moment The patch removes the “Open with” option in the download dialog.

Tor-specific options are generally not suitable for the typical Firefox audience. Therefore, implemented patches in Firefox must be activated independently.

The main configuration option for Tor settings is called privacy.resistFingerprinting. Previously introduced in Firefox 41, it covers most related Tor settings in Firefox, although some options are available in other settings.

Enabling Tor settings in Firefox

The instructions are for Firefox 50 Nightly.

  1. Type about:config into the Firefox address bar
  2. Confirm that you will be careful
  3. The privacy.resistFingerprinting parameter is not initially displayed
  4. Right-click New > Boolean
  5. Enter a name privacy.resistFingerprinting
  6. Set value true to enable the option

To block the “Open with” option when downloading files, do the following:

  1. On the about:config page, search for the setting
  2. Select setting double click and set the value true