Sometimes mobile communications or Internet Yota(Iota) do not work - today the operator cannot boast of impeccable work. However, the subscriber can cope with some of the problems on his own if he approaches the problem carefully.

Why Yota doesn't work: connection problems

If the subscriber is in the operator’s coverage area, communication difficulties do occur, although infrequently, regular user can try to influence this:

  • It is worth studying the coverage map in your region. Sometimes coverage within one city is fragmented; communication may not work well when traveling out of town or into sparsely populated areas. In such situations, it is better to consider an additional type of communication.
  • Zero balance– this problem can be easily fixed; after replenishing the account, the connection will start working again.
  • Poor quality phone. Unfortunately, today there are many low-quality devices on the market at bargain prices; interruptions in operation on such devices occur constantly, regardless of the operator.

Internet is not working today

Today, subscribers are increasingly asking why Iota began to work poorly; as a rule, dissatisfaction is caused by the quality of the Internet. There are many reasons for low data transfer speeds, uneven performance, or no Internet at all.

Reasons that the subscriber cannot influence:

  • Lack of Internet coverage (base station) at your location.
  • Failure at the base station.
  • Technical work.
  • Network congestion (too many subscribers using one station at the same time).
  • Weather and natural phenomena. Snowfall, thunderstorms and solar activity affect the radio signal.

Situations in which a subscriber can turn on the Internet or increase speed:

  • Settings failed. This happens often, especially with smartphones. The recommendations in this case are simple: you need to try turning off and then turning on data transfer. If it doesn’t help, then the subscriber should go to network settings and fill in the window with the access point.

  • Software problems on PC. These could be outdated drivers, a reinstalled OS, or viruses. If the user is poorly versed in networking and system settings– It’s better to contact support consultants.

  • Weak signal. This is the most common problem, and today there is no universal solution. The first tip is to try moving the device (smartphone, tablet or modem) indoors and look for a signal. May help external antenna, which you can purchase or make yourself.

What to do if the Internet or communication does not work today

  • The first step is universal for all types of problems - you need to restart the device (phone, computer or tablet), and for modems and routers - also check the wires and connections.
  • If the problem persists, it is best to contact support; they are available via chat, social networks, you can call 8 800 550 00 07 or write an SMS to 0999. Instead of angry statements: “What’s wrong with Yota”, “Yota is slow” - it’s worth Describe your problem in detail. The consultant will tell you how and what is best to do in this situation.

  • If it is not possible to contact support, you must independently determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action, if possible.

Yota does not work. From failure to solving major problems

Iota does not work and we often have to figure out this problem. We have to look for the reasons for the failure of the Internet and devices. In 2019, the reasons for inoperability are quite varied. Let's break them down.

  1. Lost signal
  2. Invoice not paid
  3. Ran out of money
  4. Yota network failure
  5. Weather influence

In this article we will try to identify the most important Yota failure options. Inability of devices to fully function and operate in the specified mode.

Sim card iota does not work

Thus, the correct operation of your device is strict compliance with the purchased SIM card. This is the selected tariff plan and the equipment in which it is located:

  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Modems or routers (with built-in modems)

The first step is to determine and find the cause of the failure in the SIM card operating mode. For our mobile operator, this is a mandatory test for the ability to actively work in the network.

No network

In order to identify this reason, it is enough to determine the presence of a Yota signal on your device. On a device, be it a modem, tablet or router, you just need to look at the top of the screen and determine the signal level of the receiving antenna. It is also important to launch a proprietary application where all the necessary signal parameters are indicated and displayed in more detail.


Move the device to acceptable signal parameters of the operator's base station. If the device is located permanently, consider adjusting or redirecting the iota antenna until acceptable performance appears.

The money in your Yota account has run out

This is the most common and easiest to solve Internet connection failure problem. Many mobile Internet subscribers do not carefully monitor their account balance. They forget to pay for traffic on time for the next month. We have described the problem in detail and are carefully monitoring it.


To enable Yota mobile internet, you must pay the amount according to the previously selected tariff plan. You can easily do this using a program or proprietary application for mobile devices. After launching the application you need to enter the number bank card and amount. Traffic for using payment through a mobile Internet provider is not taken into account.

Yota is broken and doesn't work

The main reasons for malfunction may be

  • output of the subscriber device (smartphone, modem, router)
  • as well as malfunctions due to the fault of the provider (technical work or an accident at the base station or in the network).

Problems often happen at the most inopportune times. We advise you to take your time to understand this situation and, if necessary, get advice from technical specialists.


Repair or replace damaged subscriber devices, wait for repairs or change (if possible) the base station. Here we strongly recommend contacting the Yota support chat.

Rain, snow, wind, thunderstorm and no signal

It often happens that Yota does not work due to weather conditions. You should be fully aware that wireless connections and data transfer have their big advantages but also some disadvantages. This is a glitch that you will have to sacrifice your convenience.


It will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem of the influence of weather on the continuity of the Yota signal. There are some steps that will help you use a good Internet signal in bad weather, and we will try to describe them.

A very useful step in a situation where bad weather affects the signal is to install an additional antenna and signal amplifiers from (to) the base station.

Attention is important

When using an outdoor antenna installation, use all precautions and protection measures. Trust the installation to specialists and monitor the installed lightning protection for your Yota outdoor antenna.

The smartphone, router, tablet or PC has rebooted (updated) and Yota does not work

When the subscriber device performed a software update (installation) that probably caused some drivers to malfunction.

Solution #1

The first step is to check for the presence of fresh firmware or programs. If the software is old, re-install the necessary software to work with a modem or Sim card Yota.

Solution No. 2

Sometimes it happens after reinstallation the network is not working. There may be a conflict between some programs and the drivers of our telecom operator. Try to delete one by one installed programs until the network is restored mobile transmission data.

The next reason that can be easily solved may be the banal obsolescence of the Yota firmware or drivers.

Solution No. 3

It is very important to check and, if possible, install new drivers, firmware, and programs for your device. By installing the latest drivers, you can easily continue to enjoy all the delights of the wireless Internet, protecting yourself from failures and viruses.

They always occur and for many users. Recently, some consumers have been complaining that Yota does not work for them. Why is this happening? What to do in this situation? And anyway, what is this new Internet provider with the strange name Yota? All this will be discussed right now.


Before you think about why Yota doesn’t work, you should get to know this provider. It appeared on the Russian market not so long ago, but is already attracting the attention of many consumers.

What does this company do? She provides wireless internet to computers and phones throughout Russia. As you can see, nothing special. True, it is Yota that claims that it is capable of providing its customers with 4G communications. It's no secret that it is considered the fastest and highest quality. It is probably for this reason that buyers willingly sweep Yota products off store shelves, but soon become disappointed in the connection. After all, very often Yota also has modems. Let's try to understand why this happens.

Network failure

Perhaps there was a simple network failure. Such cases regularly occur with almost all Internet providers and mobile operators. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but no one is immune from this.

If you suspect that the Yota modem is not working precisely because of some kind of system failure, then it is better to call the support service and find out what happened. You will be informed about any incidents on the line. What to do next? Just wait. After some time, the source of the failure will be eliminated and the connection will be restored.

Bad weather

Also, if you notice that Yota is not working for you, look out the window and find out the weather forecast. During bad weather conditions, as a rule, many providers suffer from damaged transmission lines. As a result, network subscribers lose their Internet connection.

In this case, too, nothing can be done. It is enough to be patient and wait out the bad weather. As soon as the weather improves, the Internet will return. By the way, it won’t hurt to call your provider and find out about the events taking place at the station. This way they will let you know exactly what’s going on, is it your fault that you will have to fix it yourself, or should you just wait for the connection to be restored? In principle, there are no longer any obvious reasons why the Yota modem does not work. Let's try to figure out what else can happen to the network and how to deal with it.


Often, users say that Yota does not work (Internet on the phone), and the equipment is in good condition, there is no bad weather, there are no accidents or failures on the line. What could have happened?

For example, you haven’t paid for network access services and your phone is blocked. These are very common cases and not only with Iota. Pay for services and also top up your mobile balance. After this, try connecting again. If the Internet refuses to work only on the computer, it is enough to pay the bills.

Still having problems mobile internet Yota? Please note that a negative balance on your mobile phone also does not allow you to access the network, even with paid services. Therefore, it is recommended to top up your SIM card balance to a positive one. And all problems will disappear by themselves.

No signal

Among other things, if you are wondering why Yota is not working, you should check the signal level. It may happen that it is simply not there, or it is very weak, which interferes with comfortable and fast work on mobile phone or computer.

Remember that Yota is a new operator and its station system is not yet very well developed. Near them, of course, there will be Internet, but in distant points it will either disappear completely or work very slowly.

In addition, do not be surprised that the Yota signal disappears in some forest or basement. This kind of phenomenon can be observed in almost all providers and mobile operators. Resume attempting to connect to the network when you are in a suitable location. Everything is fine? Great, you can use the services of the provider. Still find any glitches or problems? Then let's further understand the problem.

Equipment breakdown

Have you noticed that Yota is not working? No internet connection? It is worth checking the integrity of the connection equipment, and also make sure that all wires are in good condition. Quite often, it is precisely this kind of problem that causes the lack of Internet.

In principle, no one is immune from equipment breakdown; it is advisable to take it for repair at the first suspicion. IN service center will quickly help clarify the situation. they break, as practice shows, almost at every opportunity. It is enough to not follow the operating rules of the equipment even a little, and it will fail.

Drivers for Yota

Internet not working? Occasionally, the cause may be outdated drivers on the computer. It’s probably not worth even saying what to do in this case. All that is required from the user is to download the drivers and install them, preferably latest versions. And don't forget about

In addition, reinstall the Yota program on your computer. During installation, it also searches for and loads the necessary drivers. Thus, they will be updated. Now you can restart your computer and then look at the result. According to many subscribers, this step helps eliminate most Internet-related problems. As you can see, there is nothing complicated or supernatural. It’s a completely normal process that every user will encounter sooner or later.


Even after all the steps taken, Yota does not work? As practice shows, very often in this case the user is prevented from connecting to the Internet by the most common viruses.

What to do in this case? There are probably several solutions. You can take your computer and Yota router for repair. Specialists will help diagnose the equipment and, most likely, indicate the cause of the incident. They will fix everything for a reasonable fee, but this is not the best solution.

Therefore, users prefer the second option. We are talking about self-treatment operating system. To do this, you need to scan your computer with an antivirus, cure what is not amenable to the process, simply delete it. Next, clean the registry (manually or CCleaner will come to the rescue), restart your computer. It is also recommended to reinstall the program with drivers from Yota. That's it, try connecting again. Now there should be no problems with the Internet.

General impressions

So we figured out why Yota doesn’t work. True, despite all the reasons listed, subscribers say that the main point that should be taken into account is the dishonest work of the Internet provider. In other words, the connection initially provided was far from being the most best quality, so you have to constantly deal with network connection problems.

There is only one way to avoid all this - do not connect to Yota. Then you won’t have to think about why the Internet from this provider regularly disappears. Nevertheless final decision remains with each user. Maybe very soon Yota will improve the quality, provide new transmission lines, and all the problems will disappear.

I have repeatedly encountered the following problem: the Yota Many modem router freezes. Smartphones “see” the network, but there is no Internet. The problem is solved in two minutes.

First, you need to visit this page in your browser with the modem turned on. There, in the status line, search will be written. Next, go to the page and at the bottom click on “Return to factory settings”. The modem will reboot and the devices will “see” it under the name YOTA. Connect to this network, open your browser to any page and you will see a page called “Mobile router settings”.

Enter a name for your network, select the security type (typically WPA2 Secure) and come up with wifi password. If the network name and password are the same, then smartphones and laptops will automatically find the network; if they are new, they will have to reconnect by entering the password.

Note: Make sure that the modem does not provide Internet in the usual places where Internet was previously available. If the modem does not provide Internet in a new location, this may be due to the lack of 4G network coverage from Yota.

P.S. from 03/02/16
The following problem has arisen. The laptop connects well to Wi-Fi, which is distributed by the router in password-protected mode, and mobile devices not connecting (authentication error). In this case, mobile devices connect normally in passwordless mode.
The problem was solved by changing the password. In this case, the network previously saved in the phone must be deleted.

Since personal account Yota has a rather strange one, for example, correspondence with a technical support representative is not saved in the chat, but they change, there is convenient way communication: via Twitter @yota_help via private messages. They respond sensibly and quickly, and all correspondence is saved. Naturally, one must have account on Twitter.

To save time, immediately send a screenshot from the address In this case, the screenshot indicates that everything is fine with the modem, and the problems are on the side of the Yota base station (no signal).

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You have become the proud owner of an Iota SIM card. We can congratulate you on this. But Yota is a young operator, and sometimes some difficulties may arise with communication. But don't be disappointed right away. A number of problems can be solved and now we will look at how to do this.

So, you have discovered that the connection is extremely changeable, unstable and regularly absent. First you need to find out what the reason is.

No network

If your phone notifies you that there is no network, first you need to make sure that you are in the Yota coverage area. This operator mobile communications young enough and base stations are not yet as densely distributed across the territory of the Russian Federation as among leading figures such as Beeline, Megafon and MTS. Therefore, it is likely that you are right in the place where the network does not catch.

Basically, this situation can happen on a trip when you find yourself in a sparsely populated area, lowlands, or remote areas. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently, since in such cases little depends on the subscriber. Here is the best one the way out is to have a different type of connection.

Poor signal reception

If there is a signal, but it is of poor quality, the phone does not pick it up well, you cannot make a call the first time and it may be difficult to reach you, then the reason is most likely that you are on the outskirts of the coverage area, or there is a failure in the network. Also, the walls of the room can shield, that is, reflect the signal, this can cause problems with reception.

In this case, you should try to find out by writing to the chat on the site. If there is no failure, then you can try to move to a place with better reception, for example to a window, and try to make the call again.

The screen displays the message “Emergency calls only 112”