A modern telephone is not just a means of communication, it is a multimedia device that supports an unimaginable number of functions. For example, it is not uncommon when a smartphone is used as a navigator by installing the appropriate program. In it, you can pave a route to any point in the world. However, for the navigation program to work properly, you will need to first enable a special service. This article will tell you how to enable GPS on Android so that navigation applications can correctly display the user's location.

What is GPS and why is it needed

Before proceeding to the guide on how to turn on GPS on a mobile device, let's understand the concept itself. GPS is a Global Positioning System. It works at the expense of satellites in the Earth's orbit. The principle of its operation is quite simple: the user connects to the satellite and exchanges certain data. Due to the fact that the sent signal has a certain speed, you can already calculate the distance between them. However, to determine exact location, you will need a few more satellites, at least three. Thus, the calculation takes into account three distance values, and knowing the location of each satellite, you can calculate the point from where the signals are sent.

It is noteworthy that to perform all the above actions, an Internet connection is not required, the signal is sent due to a special GPS module, which is already in the smartphone. It should be noted that almost all new devices have it, but there are exceptions.

Navigation service basics

Earlier, we discussed the basic concept of GPS, which uses satellites. However, there are other ways to determine your location using your phone. It is noteworthy that the user does not need to know all the subtleties of the work and settings of the global positioning system.

So, as soon as you provide a certain program with access to geolocation, having previously enabled the corresponding service on your smartphone, the application will start using one of the three available methods to determine the location. The most common one is provided directly by the operator. cellular... At the same time, the principle of operation is not much different from the previously disassembled one. The device sends radio waves to the nearest communication towers. As mentioned before, at least three of them are needed. As a result of the received data, the system automatically calculates and determines the coordinates of the user.

As you might guess, in order to navigate via cellular communication, the phone must have a SIM card, but you can use GPS without it. The second method involves using a wireless WiFi networks... Here the situation is absolutely similar to the one discussed above. Signals are sent to base stations, returned to the device, and based on the time they were received, the speed, distance and exact location are calculated.

Well, the third way to determine your own coordinates in space is an autonomous GPS service, which was disassembled at the beginning of the article. Satellites are also used there, but connection to the Network is optional. It is worth noting that when using all three methods, location determination is many times more accurate. That is, if you have a SIM card inserted in your smartphone, you are connected to the Internet and you have turned on the offline GPS service, then your location on the map will be marked in accordance with the real one.

Quick start guide

Now, knowing all the intricacies of GPS on a smartphone, you can proceed directly to solving the problem - enabling the corresponding service on Android. Now a short guide for all users will be presented, all the points in it will be described superficially, but an experienced user who understands all the intricacies of the operating system will simply follow the instructions. If you encounter any problem, go to the sub-item "Universal inclusion methods", there everything is explained in more detail.

  1. Open your smartphone settings. To do this, click on the item of the same name in the menu or on the corresponding icon in the pull-out panel, which is commonly called the "shutter".
  2. Find the section "Personal" or "Personal data" and click on the item that includes the word "location".
  3. Set the switch to the active position. In doing so, you can use different services to determine your location.

Immediately after that, GPS navigation will be enabled on the device, respectively, any program using this module will correctly process your location data.

Universal inclusion methods

There are countless smartphones based on the Android operating system, which is why the previous instruction may not be suitable for everyone. Both the names of individual items and the menu interface itself may differ. To make it clear to everyone how to enable the navigation service on a smartphone, two methods will now be presented, in which the algorithm of operation is described in detail.

Method 1: through the quick access bar

The first method is perhaps the simplest of the two, and most importantly, the fastest. With its help, you can turn on the GPS-navigation of your smartphone in the shortest possible time, with just a few simple steps. So, to cope with the task, you need to do the following:

  1. Unlock your phone.
  2. Open the Quick Access Toolbar. To do this, just swipe down from the top of the screen.
  3. Depending on the phone model, you will see either the notification area or the settings menu.
  4. If there is no menu, then click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to open it.
  5. Look for the GPS icon in the list of suggested options. It can look different. Sometimes it is an icon with a marker, sometimes a satellite. In some cases, all points are signed, then you need to click on the "Location" or "Geodata" button.

As soon as you complete all the above steps, the corresponding icon will light up in the standard color for the system. This will mean that GPS is on and you can start using programs that use navigation functions.

It is also worth highlighting some of the disadvantages of this method. Unlike setting up geolocation in system menu smartphone, there is no way to choose how the module works in the quick access panel. Note, however, that this is not a problem for the average user.

Method 2: through the “Settings” of the smartphone

Now let's move on to the second method, which involves performing all the actions in the smartphone settings. Unlike the previous one, here the user can set the way GPS works, but first things first:

  1. Unlock your phone and open the main menu.
  2. Depending on how the items are displayed, find the Settings icon in the list or in the grid of icons.
  3. Now you need to find the section that includes the word "location". It is often located in the "Device", "Personal Data" or "Personal Data" group.
  4. A menu will open, in which all the parameters of the smartphone's geolocation are configured. To turn on GPS, just put the switch in the active position.

You can also select the so-called positioning mode. This is exactly the way the module works. "Via network and GPS sensor" uses not only the navigation module itself, but also WiFi, which gives an increase in the accuracy of location calculations, but energy consumption will increase. The same characteristics are possessed by the "Network only" mode. And if you want to reduce the energy consumption of the navigation service, then select the item "By GPS sensor".

Now you know all the ways to turn on the navigation module of your smartphone. To be fair, it's worth noting that its use is situational. Therefore, it is better to keep it always off. Moreover, when you enter a program that requires geolocation to work, a dialog box will appear on the screen, and you will not forget to quickly turn it on.

Today, all modern smartphones are equipped with a built-in GPS module that shows your location. You can use your smartphone as a navigator while playing sports or traveling by car, and also use it to get the latest news or weather information in your city. Now let's figure out how to check the operation of GPS on Android, that is, whether the location module is working on your device or not.

There are 2 options to resolve this issue, simple using the application, and a little more difficult using the standard capabilities of your smartphone ( engineering menu).

Checking and configuring GPS using the app

Based on all the applications that we tried, it turned out to be the simplest and most effective. This program can quickly help you find all the satellites in your area, pre-configure them and, possibly, use other functions.

Features of GPS Test for Android

  • Shows information about visible satellites;
  • Shows active satellites used in this moment;
  • Provides accurate data geolocation;
  • Shows exact coordinates;
  • Gives information about the time zone at the location;
  • Indicates the position of satellites in the sky;
  • Can serve as an electronic compass;
  • Provides a variety of data ranging from time and date to altitude;
  • Gives information about sunrise and sunset times where the device is located.

How to check the status of your GPS navigator using GPS Test

We open the application, and if we see in the upper left corner the inscription “ 3D Fix“This means that the navigator works correctly and performs all its functions without the slightest problem. Shows " No Fix"? Unfortunately, there is a problem with the device and its well-coordinated work is impossible.

Constant switching between the above modes may also be due to poor conditions for obtaining a GPS signal. This is caused not only by being in a closed room, but even unsuitable weather conditions, such as rain or strong wind, can affect it.

Shows " off "? Everything is simpler here. The receiver is simply disabled. To enable it, we do an easy procedure: open the “Settings”, go to the “Location” item. A new menu opens called Location Services. There are three modes in total:

  1. "By network coordinates"
  2. "GPS satellites"
  3. Ancillary data.

For the most accurate determination of the place, for example, in a car, we recommend activating all the points at once. Of course, Wi-Fi works best of the networks, but if the conditions do not allow it (being on the street, etc., as it usually happens), use the mobile Internet.

Using this program, you can learn a lot useful information about your phone, and about its additional features.

Setting up and adjusting GPS through the engineering menu

This method will help you check the quality of the established standards, which show how well GPS works on your phone.

  1. To do this, you need to move to the engineering menu. Enter the code (where we usually write the subscriber's number) *#*#3646633#*#*;
  2. Next, you need to find the YGPS item (or something similar);
  3. As a result, a map should appear on which there will be many yellow dots. They may not appear immediately.

These are the points and talk about the number of satellites that were found. If you measure the time from the start of the scan to the full download of all found satellites, the quality of the installed GPS will become known. Later, this data can be compared with other devices, for example, by taking it from a friend.

Video instruction

Poor performance of GPS satellites indoors

But do not forget that GPS may not pick up the signal well when you are standing indoors (especially in a high-rise building) or near electrical appliances. So it is better to use the location function in an open area (street) or, in the most extreme case, by the window.

It is worth remembering that it is better not to leave GPS on all the time, use it only when necessary. it will save battery power two or even three times longer. Using the widgets, you can put GPS on and off on the desktop.

Android GPS - what is it and how it works is a question that interests smartphone users. This is a special navigation module built into the gadget's functionality by default. Experienced phone owners know how to get the option up and running. If you have not yet encountered the need for its application, it is worth studying this article. Here you will find information on how to connect the function on the phone and on the tablet, and what benefits you can get if you use the built-in function.

This is a popular option that all devices are equipped with. It will work even in relatively budget devices. The navigation system allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Get directions;
  • Location check;
  • Reception of geodata on the photo;
  • Find the address of interest;
  • Find out the time spent on the road.

Not everyone understands how to properly configure the function on Android in Russian, how to improve performance so as not to overload the battery. Accordingly, it is worthwhile to carefully study this issue.

How to enable GPS on Android?

Answering the question, what is GPS in a smartphone and how to use it, it can be noted that this option does not start automatically. To enable, you will need to use the section with settings. The activation path differs depending on the phone model. It is worth studying the standard scheme of action, which can be used on most devices:

  1. The curtain with standard notifications moves down.
  2. The bar is pressed against the background of which the date, time and total charge level are displayed.
  3. You should click on the gear button, then you will go to the settings.
  4. Here you need to find the Personal Information tab.
  5. Clicked on Check location.

After performing a similar operation, a switch appears at the top that launches the navigator. It must be put into working position.

How to disable?

If you do not need a navigator, if you want to reduce the discharge rate of the phone and increase the level of device security, you can disable the option. For this, the following actions are performed:

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen;
  • Attention will be presented with a table or a list of options;
  • You need to find and click on the corresponding icon, which will turn off the navigator.

If you do not need to provide your own location, if you want to hide your location from authorities or corporations, simply turning off the function will not be enough.

You will need to remove the battery from the phone if you do not need to use the smartphone for a while. You can delete history in the section with Google maps. These steps should not be taken if the smartphone uses applications that cannot work without location tracking.

How to set up GPS on Android?

To improve the performance of the navigator, certain settings must be made. You can use GPS data, Wi-Fi, as well as Bluetooth and mobile networks. They will allow you to accurately determine the location. The accuracy of the issued address will reach 15 m. You can configure the GPS on the android through the engineering menu.

You should be aware that the listed functions significantly load the built-in smartphone battery. To save battery power, you can activate one of the most effective saving modes:

  1. By network coordinates.
  2. By special satellites.

The first option is suitable exclusively for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and information from mobile networks. Without holding network connection and determining the location of the phone, the address will be identified by a signal coming from base station... In the absence of access to the network, when the distance to the nearest radio tower is several tens of kilometers, it will be necessary to use the second option.

How to check the GPS module on an Android smartphone?

To test the navigation on the phone, you need to download the program in Google Play, the engineering menu is not required here. If necessary, special testing can be carried out using the GPS Test.

This utility is characterized by providing a large number of possibilities. After activating the application, you can get the following information through it:

  • Number of visible satellites;
  • Satellites used;
  • Positioning accuracy;
  • Location coordinates;
  • The time zone in the location where the user is located;
  • Position of satellites in the sky;
  • Operation and indications of an electronic compass.

The owner of the smartphone receives information such as travel speed, date, time, altitude, sunrise and sunset information.

GPS test for Android in Russian

You can download the GPS test application from the official source and from the application store. Using this information product allows you to receive geolocation data from sources such as GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, SBAS, Beidou and QZSS satellites.

The person who downloads the software gets not only the opportunity to conduct a GPS test for android, but many useful functionalities:

  1. A diagram that shows the signal strength from the satellite and the general condition of the GNSS network.
  2. Places where there are satellites in the sky.
  3. The address where the person is located. It is expressed as coordinates on an embedded map. The display screen can be used as a navigator.
  4. Data about sunset and sunrise in the place where the person is.

The test application offers a huge number of advantageous possibilities. But there is one drawback. We are talking about the lack of functionality in Russian. Despite this shortcoming, the product is easy to use. The interface is relatively easy to learn and use.

How to take a photo with GPS coordinates on Android?

To enable the display of the address where the survey was taken, you will need to follow several relatively simple steps. Initially, you need to activate the camera and check that the coordinate complement option is activated. If the user uploads the captured photos to the Internet, the coordinates will automatically become available to everyone who views the content.

If a similar result was not achieved, you need to go to Settings and select your personal Google account. It requires you to find Confidentiality and go there.
In this section, you need to find the tab for accessing the identified location. After activating this button, the user will allow the software to receive information about the location while simultaneously displaying the current coordinates.

At the same time, you will need to select one of the three options for displaying information:

  1. High accuracy rates. In such a situation, the OS uses the available information from devices such as GPS-module, standard mobile network and WLAN. This will allow you to get the exact coordinates.
  2. Battery saving. In such a case regular phone or the tablet will receive location information over a mobile network or WLAN.
  3. By device sensors. Here, the analysis of positioning information will be carried out from the GPS module.

Among the listed methods, the second is considered optimal. But it often does not work on tablets that are not designed to function on mobile networks.

How to improve GPS reception?

To achieve this goal, you should use an application from the developer Mediatek. It allows pre-calculating the orbits of installed navigation satellites. Despite the versatility of the product, there is a drawback in it - the EPO data are designed for Asia, and in the process of use in Europe it fails. To fix, customize and improve the work, you will need to perform manipulations according to the following instructions:

  • A menu with settings opens;
  • Goes to the Time tab;
  • The required time zone is set manually;
  • Go to the section of your own location and access to geodata is allowed;
  • Checkboxes are put in the items By network coordinates and By satellites;
  • With help file manager you need to go to the root directory and delete all files where the word GPS is spelled out.

After completing these steps, you need to go to the area where there are no high-rise buildings and update the data with coordinates. Loading new information is carried out in a matter of seconds.

If done correctly, the satellite modules will turn green. To be successful, it is important to ensure that your smartphone does not turn off. You must disable hibernation completely. As soon as the satellites change color, the phone needs to be turned on and rebooted. If the user has performed the actions correctly, the navigation on the smartphone will work smoothly and fairly accurately.

Summing up

Navigating to android phone will be useful for those device owners who like to spend time traveling, discover new locations. Once even in unfamiliar places, it is impossible to remain without support, you can always find the desired route and not lose the way to a predetermined goal. The main thing is to download required applications and set the settings recommended by android.

Sooner or later, each of us has to travel to unfamiliar places, be it another city or some place outside of it. To navigate in space, there are many tools, such as a compass or a map. As far as the city is concerned, people are usually guided by street names and house numbers. As a last resort, you can always ask passers-by for directions.

Nevertheless, these are too outdated methods of orientation, which are extremely inconvenient to use. Moreover, there are many modern technologies that can facilitate this task.

First of all, the so-called GPS navigators should be mentioned. This technology most reliably helps to navigate in space, and it is focused primarily on car drivers.

For pedestrians or cyclists, the most convenient tool is mobile devices with built-in GPS navigator.

The most common gadget, at the moment, can be considered a smartphone running on the Android operating system. Most devices on this system have complex specifications including many modules and sensors. Among others, almost every device has a built-in GPS module. In fact, any smartphone can be turned into a GPS Navigator, albeit not as high-quality as a full-fledged device.

When purchasing a new device, usually in the operating system, there is already a built-in application for navigation, however, most often it is Google Maps, which, although convenient to use, require a constant Internet connection from the user.

Operating room Android system, so the good thing is that you can install any software on it, at the discretion of the user.

First, you need to turn on the GPS module and, if possible. Internet access will help you connect to satellites faster and determine the approximate location.

Navigation is turned on in the system settings, namely, in the section " Location" or " Geolocation", May also occur" Geodata". To enable GPS navigation, you need to put the switch in the active position, after which you can see which applications have access to navigation services.

Another way to quickly turn on the navigation module is to open the shutter vertically from the top edge of the screen and click on the corresponding icon.

In the first section “ Mode”, Positioning accuracy and speed can be selected. Choosing the first item " GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks ", A person gets the fastest and most accurate connection to satellites, but at the same time, one should take into account the energy consumption and.

The slowest navigation is the determination of the user's location, only by GPS satellites.

Choosing and installing a third-party navigation app

As mentioned above, on any smartphone, be it iOS or Android, you can install third party application... For navigation in space, there are dozens of high-quality programs. Some applications are oriented to navigate the city and city roads, others to navigate intercity connections. There are also those who help specialists in complex, geodetic work.

American, Russian and Chinese satellites can be used as navigation satellites, however, most smartphones use American GPS technology. If the smartphone supports other navigation systems, it will not be difficult for any program to connect to one or another satellites.

One way or another, all navigation applications can be divided into two categories: those that work on a pre-compiled map and those that are positioned using satellite images. The most popular satellite imagery applications are Google Maps and Yandex Maps. Both applications meet all the requirements, and yet, Yandex Maps is more convenient application, which allows you to save the entire previously displayed route in memory.

As the main program for moving on the roads, it is worth stopping your attention on the paid Navitel application.

Like any other application, Navitel is downloaded from Play Store... After installing and running the program, a special directory is created in the device memory " NavitelContent". Inside this folder, there is another directory called "Maps". It is in this folder that new maps should be loaded.

Once launched, the application automatically starts searching for satellites. When the smartphone connects with at least one satellite, the application will display the person's approximate location on the map. The more satellites are involved, the more accurately the user's location will be determined. It should be reminded that Navitel is a paid app, but worth it.

Unlike the previous application, Yandex Maps is absolutely free. To get started, you just need to run the program and wait for the program to load the selected area.

Yandex Maps can work both in satellite mode and in the form of a map. For offline operation, you can download a map of your hometown. Unlike many other navigators, the maps of this application are absolutely free.

In the satellite imagery mode, a person can move not only along the roads, but also in other areas, such as a field, lake or forest.

On the right side, there are keys for scaling the map. You should be extremely careful, because the same area, but with a different scale, will reload the location. Thus, the phone memory will fill up pretty quickly.

Of course, it is best to use a phone with a permanent internet connection. In this case, the created cache must be cleaned regularly.

If a person wants to use a smartphone without access to the Internet, the cache of satellite images can be downloaded in advance, while setting the same scale.

Summing up, it should be noted that, if desired, Yandex Maps can be replaced Google Maps and Navitel, any other free alternative like 2Gis.

Thus, any smartphone can be turned into a powerful navigation device.

The era of portable navigators is gradually leaving. Thanks to the development of smartphones, the user can find out information about his location, without the need to use additional tools. We will tell you how to set up GPS on Android later in the material.

Why do you need a geolocation system on a smartphone?

Interaction with the GPS module has long gone beyond the ability to view your location alone. Programmers from different services have learned to interact with the received navigation data and use it in their products. Let's look at the main applications that use location data and, most importantly, why they do it:

There are also a huge number of local examples where information from GPS on a smartphone is used. Therefore, it is difficult to deny the importance of the included geolocation when working with programs and in everyday life.

How to enable GPS positioning on Android?

Consider how to find and configure a function locations on Android... We go into the system parameters. This can be done by clicking on the gear icon in the notification bar or, using the separate application "Settings".

In the list, select the section "Security and location". Go down to the "Privacy" section and click on "Location".

This window is responsible for setting up and keeping track of all geographic data used. To enable GPS functions, move the slider at the top. Unlike specialized devices, there will be no questions here: "How to set up a navigator on a tablet or phone forAndroid "... We just turn on Yandex or maps and plot the route.

Important: To speed up the connection to navigation satellites, you will need to connect a parameter that increases the accuracy of work. We select "Positioning" and give permission for a more precise definition. Now networks will be used for acceleration mobile internet and Wi-Fi.

Correct configuration of the GPS module on Android

Most of the cheap smartphones in the store come from China, with no minimal system setup. Subsequently, the store employees are engaged in this, changing the interface language and pre-installing other versions of the operating system. But the parameters for connecting to satellites are at a deeper level and require painstaking work. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly configure Jeepies on your Android smartphone.

Setting up GPS through the engineering menu

Editing the navigation module through the engineering menu is not needed in most devices. But the Chinese parts maker MediaTek had problems with their EPO technology when it first entered the big market. She used a preliminary calculation of the movement of satellites. Therefore, smartphones that arrived in other countries were tuned to the Asian satellite region.

To configure the GPS module, you need to download the MTK Engineer Menu application from Play Market... The product will allow you to change hardware settings directly from the Android shell


It is advisable to carry out the configuration in an open space and have an Internet connection. Go to Android Settings and select YGPS in the Location section. A window with a "conditional" map of connection to satellites will open. You need to alternately press the Hot, Warm, Cold and Full buttons. Click on the AGPS Restart button. Now the program will only take into account the actual data on connections.

What to do if GPS doesn't work?

Before that, we considered an option where navigation worked, but it took a long time to connect to satellites due to incorrectly set information. But, there is a case when the module does not work completely. The problem can be divided into two categories: a part or software problem.

Hardware - the module has physical damage resulting from falling or getting moisture inside the case. Power may not be supplied to it due to chip damage or the GPS was initially poor quality. The problem can be solved by contacting a specialized service center.

Software - when receiving a batch of cheap Chinese smartphones without an official license, stores are trying to reinstall on it operating system, before the "global" version. This allows you to turn on the Russian language and deliver services from Google.

Not all models have an official suitable firmware, so an amateur image with the most similar characteristics is used. Often, such systems are written by enthusiasts, which is why some modules do not work correctly, including GPS. If the firmware is installed on an unsuitable gadget, then a whole range of problems will appear. We recommend reinstalling it to a different version to fix the problem. Often, users install Paranoid Android or CyanogenMod.


GPS connection allows you to quickly navigate the area, find your phone in case of loss, and much more. When the location tracking function works, it uses almost no battery power, while providing a number of advantages to the user. Therefore, it is very important to know how to enable and configure it.