The IMEI code is assigned to all mobile devices. It is used to identify devices, but it is most convenient for finding missing digital equipment. You can find out the IMEI of your phone in several ways. The code has 15 digits, their sequence and division into groups also has a certain meaning.

What is phone IMEI

The IMEI code is assigned to the device at the factory during production. The combination of numbers is recorded both on the device itself and in its memory, it appears in the manufacturer's company. As soon as the phone is turned on for the first time with a SIM card installed, the IMEI is registered in the operator's network to identify a specific device. At the same time, data about the owner or the SIM card is not saved, it is important to recognize the phone directly.

The code is assigned to a specific device forever. It is officially impossible to replace it, but some scammers change it programmatically. Therefore, IMEI is saved not only in the phone's memory, but also printed on the phone itself. In Russia and the CIS countries, counterfeiting or replacing the IMEI code is a criminal offense.

Why is it needed

The IMEI code is used in various cases:

  • Revealing complete information about the device upon purchase, especially if the phone is used;
  • Recognition of a stolen or lost phone, search for the owner;
  • Finding the location of the device;
  • Compulsory blocking of the phone through a mobile operator if it fell into the hands of thieves;
  • Confirmation of quality assurance from the manufacturer.

The IMEI code base is kept by government law enforcement agencies in most countries.

How to find out IMEI

Depending on the situation, you can find out the current IMEI code from a specific phone in different ways.

USSD command input

Since the code is stored in the memory of any phone, you can enter the USSD request * # 006 #, press the call button. In the response message, the IMEI is displayed on the device screen.

In phone settings

On modern smartphones, basic information is contained in the settings.


Enter the required section of settings on devices with an operating Android system as follows:

  1. Enter the "Settings" section;
  2. Go to the "About phone" menu;
  3. Item "Device indicators".

It displays general information about the smartphone, including the IMEI.


Algorithm for mobile Apple products following:

On the phone itself

On devices of different generations, the IMEI code is printed in different places:

Finding it is quite simple, the combination is marked with the name IMEI.

On the phone box

The code is located next to the barcode assigned to the device. When purchasing, you can check the combinations on the battery and the box for additional verification of the smartphone's authenticity.

On the warranty card

According to the established standards, in communication salons and licensed stores, IMEI fits into the warranty card.


The iTunes settings section, opened from the phone, contains information about the IMEI. If the login is made from a computer synchronized with a smartphone, the necessary information will be displayed in the program settings.

AT&T account

This company supplies blocked phones from the USA. They can also order the service of removing the block or find out the IMEI code.

IMEI number structure

The meaning of the digits of the code:

  • First 6 digits - coding according to the international standard;
  • The next 2 are the generally accepted code of the state where the device was manufactured;
  • Another 6 digits - a unique serial phone number;
  • The last digit is the control number of the device.

If the device implies the installation of 2 SIM cards, the device is assigned 2 codes.

How to check the authenticity of IMEI

The combination is authenticated using a check digit. Additionally, you can use one of the databases of IMEI numbers.

Information in databases

Databases with IMEI numbers provide free services search for registered device information. Unfortunately, the missing phone cannot be found this way. Among the popular bases in Russia it can be noted.

When discussing phones, smartphones or other mobile devices, a term such as IMEI often pops up. In many materials, the authors recommend checking or changing the IMEI, while explaining what it is. Now we will try to close this knowledge gap by telling you what IMEI is in a phone and what it is for.

IMEI is a unique number that is issued to any mobile equipment operating in such mobile networks as GSM, IDEN or. For example, mobile phones, satellite phones, smartphones, tablets and laptops with support for mobile internet, 3G modems and other similar devices. The number of received IMEI corresponds to the number of SIM cards with which it can work this device... For example, if the phone supports work with two SIM cards, then it receives two IMEIs.

The abbreviation IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity, which can be translated into Russian as the international identifier of mobile equipment. Manufacturers of phones and other mobile devices receive these identifiers from special international organizations that are authorized to issue them. For example, such identifiers are issued by BABT (British Approvals Board for Telecommunications). In the future, manufacturers distribute the received identifiers to specific phones that they release, thus achieving the uniqueness of each IMEI.

As for the structure of the IMEI, it consists of 14 or 16 digits (in this case, it is called IMEISV). The first 8 digits indicate the phone model and its origin, the rest of the digits include the manufacturer-supplied serial number and check number. In the case of IMEISV, which consists of 16 digits, the version is also indicated software.

What is the IMEI of the phone for?

As already mentioned, IMEI is a unique phone number, so it is convenient to use it to identify phones in a mobile operator's network. The mobile operator can use the IMEI to determine your phone model and the communication technologies that they support. It also allows mobile operators to blacklist the phone and not serve it again.

Due to its uniqueness, IMEI can be used to track the phone even if its owner changes SIM cards. In addition, IMEI can be used by customs officers to determine the legality of the phone.

It should be noted that IMEI is the identifier of the phone, and not of its subscriber. To identify a subscriber in mobile networks, another unique international number is used, which is called IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) and is recorded on the user's SIM card.

How to find out the IMEI of the phone

After assigning IMEI to the phone, it is recorded in several ways that duplicate each other. Any of these methods can be used to find out the IMEI of the phone.

First, the IMEI is written into the phone's firmware, that is, into its software. This information can be obtained at any time by means of a request *#06# to be typed on the device keyboard. The code *#06# works equally well as on push-button telephones and on modern touchscreen smartphones.

After entering this code, the IMEI immediately appears on the screen, which was assigned this phone... If several IMEIs have been assigned to the phone, then all will appear on the screen at once.

Secondly, IMEI is indicated on the phone itself, usually this is done on a special sticker located under the battery. And thirdly, IMEI is always indicated in warranty documents and on the phone box. Thus, the user always has several ways to view the IMEI of his phone.

Is it possible to change IMEI

In older phone models, the IMEI changed quite simply. In particular, this could be done using a terminal program and several commands. But, now everything is much more complicated, because manufacturers are increasingly writing IMEI into a special memory area that cannot be rewritten programmatically.

However, on some phones it is still possible to change the IMEI. For example, this is done through engineering menu apparatus or by obtaining ROOT rights(if this Android smartphone). If you need to change the IMEI on the phone, then you need to look for information on your specific device. There is simply no universal instruction for changing IMEI that would work on any device.

It should be noted that in some countries, changing the IMEI is prohibited and is a criminal offense. Therefore, before doing something like this, you need to clarify whether this will violate the laws of your country.

How to find out the phone model by IMEI

If you know the IMEI of the phone, then you can find out its model, specifications, date of manufacture, as well as the country of manufacture. To get this information, you just need to go to one of the sites that have a database and enter your IMEI there. For example, you can search for information on sites such as.

Like humans, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and modems that use the cellular network to access the Internet have their own unique “identity document” that distinguishes them from one another. A person can have an identity card, a license or a passport, but in the case of identifying mobile devices, this means the IMEI code.

IMEI (International Mobile Station Identity) is a unique digital code used to identify mobiles, tablet smartphones and some types of satellite phones.

It can be found in the following locations:

  • By entering numbers on one of the many websites dedicated to IMEI code... It is usually printed inside the battery compartment (next to the SIM tray).
  • If the device has a non-removable battery, numbers will be printed either on the removable SIM card or on the back cover of the device.
  • Alternatively, it can also be displayed on the display of the device, when using special codes or pressing system menus smartphone.

The IMEI is used by the GSM network to identify the "correct" phones, so if the device is stolen it can be blocked simply by using this number. In the case of stolen or lost mobile phones, just call your operator cellular communication and, having provided the number, ask to block the device. Then the code will be placed to the "black list" of blocked devices that can no longer be used.

How to check phone IMEI

Checking is simple: enter the numbers into one of the portals containing the list and check it.

The IMEI is tied to your phone and has no permanent or semi-permanent relationship with the user. However, the identification of the latter in the cellular network is entrusted to IMI (Internet identifier mobile subscriber) on the SIM card.

EMI structure

The identification number consists of a 15-digit combination, divided into three parts, and contains information about the origin, model and serial number of the device. First eight digits, called the type allocation code, refer to the model and country of origin of the device. The next six refer to the serial number of the device and are determined by the mobile device manufacturer. The last digit is the control number.

How to recognize him

Finding the universal code for your device is far from a difficult task. In fact, there are several methods more or less applicable to all types of mobile phones or mobile devices.

  1. Remove the back of the phone, lift the battery and find the 15 digits of the code in the label on the battery compartment.
  2. If the phone battery is not replaced, the code will be printed on a removable carriage (for example, for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4) or on the cover (as for iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPad, iPod touch and Nexus).
  3. Enter the code * # 06 #, the code will be displayed immediately on the phone display.
  4. In the sales package of the device, find the identification label (usually used as a seal on the packaging) and read the code under the “IMEI” text.
  5. If you have Android, just enter "Phone Settings", open the "Phone Information" section (usually the last menu item) and go to the state. Here, among the various information you find, you will also find the code you are looking for.
  6. If you have iOS, click Settings, go to General and click Info to view Serial Numbers, IMEI / MEID and ICCIDs.

Is it possible to change IMEI

As with the MAC address of your network devices, you can change the IMEI for one smartphone. To do this, you need to have the appropriate tools to reprogram devices via a serial or USB cable. In some cases (for example, for smartphones), you can reprogram the code using special software or with firmware or OS versions that are created ad hoc to change the device code.

However, you need to be very careful. Changing this data is equivalent to a change in the device identification code and is comparable to the use of a false or counterfeit identification card or document. It is also used in the event of theft or loss of a device to lock it and render it unusable: this cannot be done by modifying it. In most countries, it is forbidden to change IMEI, while in the Law on mobile phones England, owners of tools and devices have every right to change the data of any of their gadgets.


This video will show you how you can check iPhone by IMEI or serial number.

Do you know what the serial number of a smartphone is? We will describe below how to find out where it is and how to change it.

What is the IMEI of the phone: (from the English International Mobile Equipment Identity) - a unique international code that is assigned to all mobile gadgets. It is a 15-digit number. Have a mob. devices, as well as tablets and satellite devices.

The identifier is assigned to the gadget only by special organizations. Previously, it was discovered by pirate methods that the number can be changed using programs on a PC. However, in some regions, these manipulations are considered a criminal offense.

Now it is not considered possible to reprogram the number, it is securely sewn into the microcircuit at the manufacturing plant and it can be "opened" only with special equipment.

What is it for? The number is required to identify the mob. devices on the network. If the phone simultaneously operates with several SIM cards, then a number is assigned to each. Have it in case of theft of the gadget.

Knowing it, you can lock the device if it is lost. The device is now blacklisted by all network operators. And even if the SIM card is changed, attackers will not be able to use it.

It is also possible to locate its owner by Imei. So, you can easily find a lost device.

If we talk about the structure, then it consists of 14 digits, imei sv - of 16. Using the first numbers, you can determine the model of the device, as well as the country of origin. The remaining numeric values ​​display the serial number and check digit. Have SV indicates the version of the current software.

Where to find it

The numerical value can be found in different ways:

What can you find out by the IMEI of the phone

On certain sites, you can enter the number and find out the following data:

  • see if the device is under warranty service;
  • gadget model;
  • color;
  • the amount of internal memory;
  • whether the device is stolen / lost;
  • if the gadget is under warranty, the expiration date of the warranty period.

What is IMEI SV

Imei sv - add-on to the name-code used for accounting billing data. SV stands for Software version. Its main difference from having an additional 2 digits.

Components of IMEI8 SV:

  1. TAC is the type of location code. Its length is 8 numbers.
  2. SNR is the serial number. The length of the value is 6 numbers.
  3. SVN - software version number. 2 numbers.

The first part is used to characterize the gadget model and developer. The second determines the serial number of the device, the third is assigned by the developer for the ordering sequence.

SVN number = 99. When flashing a gadget, you need to change it. The first constituent parts of have svn must be equal to the imei number (the same numbers).

By default, imei sv 00. This means that the device is new. Further, when registering in the network, the code will change automatically.

Is it possible to change IMEI

Outdated models of devices were easy to change the number. This was done through a terminal program and by entering a couple of commands. Nowadays, manufacturers have begun to “hide” the number more carefully, so the procedure for changing it becomes more complicated.

The number sewn into the device itself cannot be changed using the program. However, there are still models of gadgets, where you can still change them. This can be done through "hacking" the device and obtaining super user rights, as well as through the developer menu.

The change process is different for each model of the device. There is no universal instruction. Before the direct procedure for changing imei, be sure to clarify how legal your actions are.

IMEI ( International Mobile Equipment Identity) Is the identifier of the radio module installed in the mobile device (phone, tablet, smart watch, etc.). Do not confuse not the phone, it just so happened that the radio modules are part of the phone. Now everyone thinks that IMEI is the identifier of the phone, no, it is not. But if you have a phone with two Sim cards ami, then by dialing the combination * # 06 # you will receive information about the two IMEI numbers of your phone. This is information about the assigned number of the radio module, since there are two of them, and the IMEI will be two numbers. Typically, two IMEI numbers do not differ much in one device. IMEI is assigned to standard radio modules GSM, WCDMA and IDEN... These are devices operating on networks 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE.

IMEI what is it for?

Despite the fact that there is a lot of information about IMEI on the Internet, it is not complete and it is difficult to understand why IMEI is used, we will try to tell it more simply.

Why IMEI was invented

With the advent of mobile devices, the question arose of how you can identify a subscriber who uses the network. There is a Sim card but it is removable. The police and other government agencies responsible for security were interested in resolving this issue. It was invented to assign to a device that uses mobile network individual number by which you can uniquely identify the device even when changing the sim card.

Why does my phone have two IMEI numbers

You will see two IMEI numbers if your phone has two radio modules, there are two SIM card slots. Since the IMEI is tied to the radio module, you will see IMEI1 and IMEI2.

Why mobile operators supported the introduction of IMEI

Mobile operators have willingly supported this initiative in some countries due to government requirements, in others themselves, as they also benefit from it.

Mobile operators benefit from using IMEI, on the one hand, in the event of any illegal actions, they cannot be accused of inactivity. On the other hand, operators can also block the device by IMEI upon the request of the owner of the phone in case of theft. Of course not all mobile operators in the world they support the exchange of information and if, for example, in the United States, the phone is blocked by IMEI, then in Mexico it will work. Also, if you bought a locked phone and can prove the legitimacy of the purchase, the operator can disable the lock, but for this service you have to pay from $ 10 (for example, in the USA)

How to decrypt IMEI

It is easy to decrypt the IMEI, but in most cases it is not necessary. But in some countries, by checking the IMEI, you can find out if the phone is blacklisted and blocked.

An example of decoding IMEI 869493026608130

86 - the code of the organization that, at the request of the manufacturer, entered information about the device in which the radio module is installed in the unified register. 86 - TAF China Registrar. Now we know who entered the device into the registry.

Country code in IMEI

Many people think that the first digits are the country code. This is an erroneous opinion of the first two digits of the IMEI code of the organization that entered the information into the register. Manufacturer mobile device can apply to any organization.

Codes of organizations registering IMEI

CodeRegistrar Organization IMEIOrigin
00 Test IMEINations with 2-digit CCs
01 PTCRBUnited States
02 — 09 Test IMEINations with 3-digit CCs
10 DECT devices
30 IridiumUnited States (satellite phones)
33 DGPTFrance
35 ComregIreland
44 BABTUnited Kingdom
45 NTADenmark
49 BZT / BAPTGermany
50 BZT ETSGermany
51 Cetecom ICTGermany
52 CetecomGermany
53 TÜVGermany
54 Phoenix Test LabGermany
86 TAFChina
91 MSAIIndia
98 BABTUnited Kingdom
99 GHAFor multi RAT 3GPP2 / 3GPP

Device code (phone model)

949302 - The next six digits are the device code. The manufacturer says it plans to produce, for example, the new iPhone 20 and asks for a code. These phones will be equipped with radio modules that contain information about IMEI. 949302 device code from it it will be clear that this is an iPhone20, in our example it is a Huawei phone. Depending on the number of phones produced, technical characteristics, one model can be assigned several codes.

As a rule, manufacturers enter all the information about the device in which the radio module is installed. This allows the device to be identified as accurately as possible. From our example IMEI, you can find out the following information about the phone. To check the IMEI, the site was used Model: Y6 PRO TIT-U02 (TIT-U02) Brand: HUAWEIIMEI: TAC: 869493 FAC: 02 SNR: 660813 CD: 0

Released:2015 r.
SIM card size:Micro sim
GSM:900 1800 1900
HSDPA:850 900 1900 2100 HSPA +
Dimensions (H / L / W):143.1 x 71.8 x 9.7 mm, vol. 99 cm³
Display:LCD IPS Color (16M) 720x1280px (5.0 ″) 294ppi
Touch screen:
Weight:160 g
Battery:Li-Po 4000 mAh
Built-in memory:16 GB
Memory card:MicroSD max. 128 GB
RAM Memory:2 GB
OS:Android 5.1 Lollipop
Chipset:MediaTek MT6735P
CPU # 1 freq .:1300.0 MHz (4-core)
GPU Type:ARM Mali-T720 MP2

You can also find out the detailed technical characteristics of the device, up to the resolution of the camera, the number of pixels that are installed, audio and video codecs and much other information.

86949302 - this combination is called TAC (Type Approval Code)... Registrar code + code assigned to the phone. Until 2004, this number was called TAC + FAC (869493 + 02). FAC was the identifier in which country the device was produced. But since 2004 it has not been used, although some manufacturers continue to provide information, but very often it is not correct.

660813 - serial number of the radio module, not the telephone. SNR (Serial Number Radio module)

Why the serial number in the IMEI does not match the serial number of the phone

You might be wondering why the IMEI serial number does not match the serial number of the phone. And everything is simple, the serial number of the radio module is entered in the IMEI. And the phone has its own serial number.

Checksum IMEI

0 Is the checksum IMEI numbers, FROM (control) the use of a checksum makes it possible to detect forgeries with greater reliability. Check sum calculated by the Moon algorithm.